Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled

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Republic of the Philippines other benefits, prescribe their duties and establish such methods and procedures as may

establish such methods and procedures as may be necessary

Congress of the Philippines to insure the efficient, honest and economical administration of the provisions and purposes of this
Metro Manila Act: Provided, however, That the personnel of the SSS below the rank of Vice-President shall be
Tenth Congress appointed by the SSS President: Provided, further, That the personnel appointed by the SSS President,
except those below the rank of assistant manager, shall be subject to the confirmation by the
Commission: Provided, further, That the personnel of the SSS shall be selected only from civil
Republic Act No. 8282 May 01, 1997 service eligibles and be subject to civil service rules and regulations: Provided, finally, That the
AN ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM THEREBY AMENDING SSS shall be exempt from the provisions of Republic Act No. 6758 and Republic Act No. 7430.
FOR THIS PURPOSE, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1161, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "SEC. 4. Powers and Duties of the Commission and SSS. - (a) The Commission. - For the
SOCIAL SECURITY LAW attainment of its main objectives as set forth in Section 2 hereof, the Commission shall have the
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: following powers and duties:
Section 1. Republic Act No. 1161, as amended, otherwise known as the "Social Security Law", is "(1) To adopt, amend and rescind, subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines, such
hereby furtheramended to read as follows: rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Act;
"SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the "AN ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING THE "(2) To establish a provident fund for the members which will consist of voluntary contributions of
SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM THEREBY AMENDING FOR THIS PURPOSE, REPUBLIC ACT NO. employers and/or employees, self-employed and voluntary members and their earnings, for the
1161, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE SOCIAL SECURITY LAW." payment of benefits to such members or their beneficiaries, subject to such rules and regulations as it
"SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the Republic of the Philippines to establish, develop, may promulgate and approved by the President of the Philippines;
promote and perfect a sound and viable tax-exempt social security service suitable to the needs of the "(3) To maintain a provident fund which consists of contributions made by both the SSS and its officials
people throughout the Philippines which shall promote social justice and provide meaningful protection and employees and their earnings, for the payment of benefits to such officials and employees or their
to members and their beneficiaries against the hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old age, heirs under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe;
death, and other contingencies resulting in loss of income or financial burden. Towards this end, the "(4) To approve restructuring proposals for the payment of due but unremitted contributions and
State shall endeavor to extend social security protection to workers and their beneficiaries. unpaid loan amortizations under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe;
"SEC. 3. Social Security System. – "(5) To authorize cooperatives registered with the cooperative development authority or associations
(a) To carry out the purposes of this Act, the Social Security System, hereinafter referred to as 'SSS', a registered with the appropriate government agency to act as collecting agents of the SSS with respect
corporate body, with principal place of business in Metro Manila, Philippines is hereby created. The SSS to their members: Provided, That the SSS shall accredit the cooperative or
shall be directed and controlled by a Social Security Commission, hereinafter referred to as association: Provided, further, That the persons authorized to collect are bonded;
'Commission', "(6) To compromise or release, in whole or in part, any interest, penalty or any civil liability to SSS in
composed of connection with the investments authorized under Section 26 hereof, under such terms and conditions
a. the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly designated undersecretary, as it may prescribe and approved by the President of the Philippines; and
b. the SSS president and "(7) To approve, confirm, pass upon or review any and all actions of the SSS in the proper and
c. seven (7) appointive members, necessary exercise of its powers and duties hereinafter enumerated.
a. three (3) of whom shall represent the workers' group, at least one of whom "(b) The Social Security System. - Subject to the provision of Section four (4), paragraph seven (7)
shall be a woman; hereof, the SSS shall have the following powers and duties:
b. three (3), the employers' group, at least one (1) of whom shall be a "(1) To submit annually not later than April 30, a public report to the President of the Philippines and to
woman; the Congress of the Philippines covering its activities in the administration and enforcement of this Act
c. and one (1), the general public whose representative shall have adequate during the preceding year including information and recommendations on broad policies for the
knowledge and experience regarding social security, to be appointed by the development and perfection of the program of the SSS;
President of the Philippines. "(2) To require the actuary to submit a valuation report on the SSS benefit program every four (4)
The six (6) members representing workers and employers shall be chosen from among the nominees years, or more frequently as may be necessary, to undertake the necessary actuarial studies and
of workers' and employers' organizations, respectively. The Chairman of the Commission shall be calculations concerning increases in benefits taking into account inflation and the financial stability of
designated by the President of the Philippines from among its members. the SSS, and to provide for feasible increases in benefits every four (4) years, including the addition of
The term of the appointive members shall be three (3) years: Provided, That the terms of the new ones, under such rules and regulations as the Commission may adopt, subject to the approval of
first six (6) appointive members shall be one (1), two (2) and three (3) years for every two members, the President of the Philippines: Provided, That the actuarial soundness of the reserve fund shall be
respectively: Provided, further, That they shall continue to hold office until their successors shall have guaranteed: Provided, further, That such increases in benefits shall not require any increase in the rate
been appointed and duly qualified. All vacancies, prior to the expiration of the term, shall be filled for of contribution;
the unexpired term only. The appointive members of the Commission shall receive at least two "(3) To establish offices of the SSS to cover as many provinces, cities and congressional districts,
thousand five hundred pesos (P2,500.00) per diem for each meeting actually attended by them but not whenever and wherever it may be expedient, necessary and feasible, and to inspect or cause to be
to exceed Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) a month:: Provided, That members of the Commission inspected periodically such offices;
shall also receive a per diem of at least Two thousand five hundred pesos (P2,500.00) but not to "(4) To enter into agreements or contracts for such service and aid, as may be needed for the proper,
exceed Fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) a month: Provided , further, That said members of the efficient and stable administration of the SSS;
Commission shall also receive reasonable transportation and representation allowances as may be fixed "(5) To adopt, from time to time, a budget of expenditures including salaries of personnel, against all
by the Commission, but not to exceed Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) a month. funds available to the SSS under this Act;
"(b) The general conduct of the operations and management functions of the SSS shall be vested in the "(6) To set up its accounting system and provide the necessary personnel therefor;
SSS President who shall serve as the chief executive officer immediately responsible for "(7) To require reports, compilations and analyses of statistical and economic data and to make
carrying out the program of the SSS and the policies of the Commission. The SSS President investigation as may be needed for the proper administration and development of the SSS;
shall be a person who has had previous experience in the technical and administrative fields related to "(8) To acquire and dispose of property, real or personal, which may be necessary or expedient for the
the purposes of this Act. He shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines and shall receive attainment of the purposes of this Act;
salary to be fixed by the Commission with the approval of the President of the Philippines, payable from "(9) To acquire, receive, or hold, by way of purchase, expropriation or otherwise, public or private
the funds of the SSS. property for the purpose of undertaking housing projects preferably for the benefit of low-income
"(c) The Commission, upon the recommendation of the SSS President, shall appoint an actuary, and members and for the maintenance of hospitals and institutions for the sick, aged and disabled, as well
such other personnel as may be deemed necessary, fix their reasonable compensation, allowances and as schools for the members and their immediate families;
"(10) To sue and be sued in court; and "(e) Dependents - The dependents shall be the following:
"(11) To perform such other corporate acts as it may deem appropriate for the proper enforcement of "(1) The legal spouse entitled by law to receive support from the member;
this Act. "(2) The legitimate,
"SEC. 5. Settlement of Disputes. - (a) Any dispute arising under this Act with respect to coverage, legitimated or
benefits, contributions and penalties thereon or any other matter related thereto, shall be legally adopted,
cognizable by the Commission, and any case filed with respect thereto shall be heard by the and illegitimate child
Commission, or any of its members, or by hearing officers duly authorized by the Commission and who is unmarried, not gainfully employed, and has not reached twenty-one (21) years of
decided within twenty (20) days after the submission of the evidence. The filing, determination and age, or if over twenty-one (21) years of age, he is congenitally or while still a minor has been
settlement of disputes shall be governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission. permanently incapacitated and incapable of self-support, physically or mentally; and
"(b) Appeal to Courts. - Any decision of the Commission, in the absence of an appeal therefrom as "(3) The parent who is receiving regular support from the member.
herein Provided, shall become final and executory fifteen (15) days after the date of notification, and "(f) Compensation - All actual remuneration for employment, including the mandated cost-of-living
judicial review thereof shall be permitted only after any party claiming to be aggrieved thereby has allowance, as well as the cash value of any remuneration paid in any medium other than cash except
exhausted his remedies before the Commission. The Commission shall be deemed to be a party to any that part of the remuneration in excess of the maximum salary credit as Provided under Section
judicial action involving any such decision, and may be represented by an attorney employed by the Eighteen of this Act.
Commission, or when requested by the Commission, by the Solicitor General or any public prosecutors. "(g) Monthly salary credit - The compensation base for contributions and benefits as indicated in the
"(c) Court Review. - The decision of the Commission upon any disputed matter may be reviewed both schedule in Section Eighteen of this Act.
upon the law and the facts by the Court of Appeals. For the purpose of such review, the procedure "(h) Monthly - The period from one end of the last payroll period of the preceding month to the end of
concerning appeals from the Regional Trial Court shall be followed as far as practicable and consistent the last payroll period of the current month if compensation is on hourly, daily or weekly basis; if on
with the purposes of this Act. Appeal from a decision of the Commission must be taken within fifteen any other basis, 'monthly' shall mean a period of one (1) month.
(15) days from notification of such decision. If the decision of the Commission involves only "(i) Contribution - The amount paid to the SSS by and on behalf of the members in accordance with
questions of law, the same shall be reviewed by the Supreme Court. No appeal bond shall be Section Eighteen of this Act.
required. The case shall be heard in a summary manner, and shall take precedence over all cases, "(j) Employment - Any service performed by an employee for his employer except:
except that in the Supreme Court, criminal cases wherein life imprisonment or death has been imposed "(1) Employment purely casual and not for the purpose of occupation or business of the
by the trial court shall take precedence. No appeal shall act as a supersedeas or a stay of the order of employer;
the Commission unless the Commission itself, or the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, shall so "(2) Service performed on or in connection with an alien vessel by an employee if he is
order. employed when such vessel is outside the Philippines;
"(d) Execution of Decisions. - The Commission may, motu proprio or on motion of any interested party, "(3) Service performed in the employ of the Philippine Government or instrumentality or
issue a writ of execution to enforce any of its decisions or awards, after it has become final and agency thereof;
executory, in the same manner as the decision of the Regional Trial Court by directing the city or "(4) Service performed in the employ of a foreign government or international organization,
provincial sheriff or the sheriff whom it may appoint to enforce such final decision or execute such writ; or their wholly-owned instrumentality: Provided, however, That this exemption
and any person who shall fail or refuse to comply with such decision, award or writ, after being notwithstanding, any foreign government, international organization or their wholly-owned
required to do so shall, upon application by the Commission pursuant to Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, instrumentality employing workers in the Philippines or employing Filipinos outside of the
be punished for contempt. Philippines, may enter into an agreement with the Philippine Government for the inclusion of
"SEC. 6. Auditor and Counsel. - (a) The Chairman of the Commission on Audit shall be the ex-officio such employees in the SSS except those already covered by their respective civil service
Auditor of the SSS. He or his representative shall check and audit all the accounts, funds and retirement systems: Provided, further, That the terms of such agreement shall conform with
properties of the SSS in the same manner and as frequently as the accounts, funds and properties of the provisions of this Act on coverage and amount of payment of contributions and
the government are checked and audited under existing laws, and he shall have, as far as practicable, benefits: Provided, finally, That the provisions of this Act shall be supplementary to any such
the same powers and duties as he has with respect to the checking and auditing of public accounts, agreement; and
funds and properties in general. "(5) Such other services performed by temporary and other employees which may be
"(b) The Secretary of Justice shall be the ex-officio counsel of the SSS. He or his representative shall excluded by regulation of the Commission. Employees of bona fide independent contractors
act as legal adviser and counsel thereof. shall not be deemed employees of the employer engaging the service of said contractors.
"SEC. 7. Oaths, Witnesses, and Production of Records. - When authorized by the Commission, an "(k) Beneficiaries –
official or employee thereof shall have the power to administer oath and affirmation, take depositions, The dependent spouse until he or she remarries, the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally
certify to official acts, and issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to compel the attendance of adopted, and illegitimate children, who shall be the primary beneficiaries of the member: Provided,
witnesses and the production of books, papers, correspondence and other records deemed necessary That the dependent illegitimate children shall be entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the share of the
as evidence in connection with any question arising under this Act. Any case of contumacy shall be legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted children: Provided, further, That in the absence of the
dealt with by the Commission in accordance with law. dependent legitimate, legitimated children of the member, his/her dependent illegitimate children shall
"SEC. 8. Terms Defined. - For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall, unless the context be entitled to one hundred percent (100%) of the benefits.
indicates otherwise, have the following meanings:
"(a) SSS - The Social Security System created by this Act. In their absence, the dependent parents who shall be the secondary beneficiaries of the member.
"(b) Commission - The Social Security Commission as herein created.
"(c) Employer- Any person, natural or juridical, domestic or foreign, who carries on in the Philippines In the absence of all the foregoing, any other person designated by the member as his/her
any trade, business, industry, undertaking, or activity of any kind and uses the services of another secondary beneficiary.
person who is under his orders as regards the employment, except the Government and any of its "(l) Contingency - The retirement, death, disability, injury or sickness and maternity of the member.
political subdivisions, branches or instrumentalities, including corporations owned or controlled by the "(m) Average monthly salary credit - The result obtained by dividing the sum of the last sixty (60)
Government: Provided, That a self-employed person shall be both employee and employer at the same monthly salary credits immediately preceding the semester of contingency by sixty (60), or the result
time. obtained by dividing the sum of all the monthly salary credits paid prior to the semester of contingency
"(d) Employee - Any person who performs services for an employer in which either or both mental or by the number of monthly contributions paid in the same period, whichever is greater: Provided, That
physical efforts are used and who receives compensation for such services, where there is an the injury or sickness which caused the disability shall be deemed as the permanent disability for the
employer-employee relationship: Provided, That a self-employed person shall be both employee and purpose of computing the average monthly salary credit.
employer at the same time.
"(n) Average daily salary credit- The result obtained by dividing the sum of the six (6) highest monthly "SEC. 11. Effect of Separation from Employment. - When an employee under compulsory coverage
salary credits in the twelve-month period immediately preceding the semester of contingency by one is separated from employment, his employer's contribution on his account and his obligation to pay
hundred eighty (180). contributions arising from that employment shall cease at the end of the month of separation, but said
"(o) Semester - A period of two (2) consecutive quarters ending in the quarter of contingency. employee shall be credited with all contributions paid on his behalf and entitled to benefits according to
"(p) Quarter - A period of three (3) consecutive calendar months ending on the last day of March, June, the provisions of this Act. He may, however, continue to pay the total contributions to maintain his
September and December. right to full benefit.
"(q) Credited years of service - For a member covered prior to January nineteen hundred and eighty "SEC. 11-A. Effect of Interruption of Business or Professional Income. - If the self-employed
five (1985) minus the calendar year of coverage plus the number of calendar years in which six (6) or realizes no income in any given month, he shall not be required to pay contributions for that month. He
more contributions have been paid from January nineteen hundred and eighty five (1985) up to the may, however, be allowed to continue paying contributions under the same rules and regulations
calendar year containing the semester prior to the contingency. For a member covered in or after applicable to a separated employee member: Provided, That no retroactive payment of contributions
January nineteen hundred and eighty five (1985), the number of calendar years in which six (6) or shall be allowed other than as prescribed under Section Twenty-two-A hereof.
more contributions have been paid from the year of coverage up to the calendar year containing the "SEC. 12. Monthly Pension. - (a) The monthly pension shall be the highest of the following amounts:
semester prior to the contingency: Provided, That the Commission may provide for a different number "(1) The sum of the following:
of contributions in a calendar year for it to be considered as a credited year of service. "(i) Three hundred pesos (P300.00; plus
"(r) Member - The worker who is covered under Section Nine and Section Nine-A of this Act. "(ii) Twenty percent (20%) of the average monthly salary credit; plus
"(s) Self-employed - Any person whose income is not derived from employment, as defined under "(iii) Two percent (2%) of the average monthly salary credit for each credited year of service
this Act, as well as those workers enumerated in Section Nine-A hereof. in excess of ten (10) years; or
"(t) Net earnings - Net income before income taxes plus non-cash charges such as depreciation and "(2) Forthy percent (40%) of the average monthly salary credit; or
depletion appearing in the regular financial statement of the issuing or assuming institution. "(3) One thousand pesos (P1,000.00): Provided, That the monthly pension shall in no case be paid for
"(u) Fixed charges - Recurring expense such as amortization of debt discount or rentals for leased an aggregate amount of less than sixty (60) months.
properties, including interest on funded and unfunded debt. "(b) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the minimum pension shall be One thousand two
"SEC. 9. Coverage. – hundred pesos (P1,200.00) for members with at least ten (10) credited years of service and Two
(a) Coverage in the SSS shall be compulsory upon all employees not over sixty (60) years of age and thousand four hundred pesos (P2,400.00) for those with twenty (20) credited years of service.
their employers: Provided, That in the case of domestic helpers, their monthly income shall not be less "SEC. 12-A. Dependents' Pension. –
than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) a month: Provided, further, That any benefit already earned by Where monthly pension is payable on
the employees under private benefit plans existing at the time of the approval of this Act shall not be account of death,
discontinued, reduced or otherwise impaired: Provided, further, That private plans which are permanent total disability or
existing and in force at the time of compulsory coverage shall be integrated with the plan of the SSS in retirement,
such a way where the employer's contribution to his private plan is more than that required of him in  dependents' pension equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the monthly pension or Two
this Act, he shall pay to the SSS only the contribution required of him and he shall continue his hundred fifty pesos (P250.00), whichever is higher, shall also be paid for each dependent
contribution to such private plan less his contribution to the SSS so that the employer's total child conceived on or before the date of the contingency but not exceeding five (5),
contribution to his benefit plan and to the SSS shall be the same as his contribution to his private beginning with the youngest and without substitution: Provided, That where there are
benefit plan before the compulsory coverage: Provided, further, That any changes, adjustments, legitimate or illegitimate children, the former shall be preferred.
modifications, eliminations or improvements in the benefits to be available under the remaining private SEC. 12-B. Retirement Benefits. –
plan, which may be necessary to adopt by reason of the reduced contributions thereto as a result of (a) A member who has paid at least one hundred twenty (120) monthly contributions prior to
the integration, shall be subject to agreements between the employers and employees the semester of retirement and who:
concerned: Provided, further, That the private benefit plan which the employer shall continue for his (1) has reached the age of sixty (60) years and is already separated from employment or has ceased
employees shall remain under the employer's management and control unless there is an existing to be self-employed; or
agreement to the contrary: Provided, finally, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as a limitation (2) has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years, shall be entitled for as long as he lives to the monthly
on the right of employers and employees to agree on and adopt benefits which are over and above pension: Provided, That he shall have the option to receive his first eighteen (18) monthly pensions in
those Provided under this Act. lump sum discounted at a preferential rate of interest to be determined by the SSS.
"(b) Spouses who devote full time to managing the household and family affairs, unless they
are also engaged in other vocation or employment which is subject to mandatory coverage, may be "(b) A covered member who is sixty (60) years old at retirement and who does not qualify for pension
covered by the SSS on a voluntary basis. benefits under paragraph (a) above, shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equal to the total
"(c) Filipinos recruited by foreign-based employers for employment abroad may be covered by contributions paid by him and on his behalf: Provided, That he is separated from employment and is
the SSS on a voluntary basis. not continuing payment of contributions to the SSS on his own.
"SEC. 9-A. Compulsory Coverage of the Self-Employed. - Coverage in the SSS shall also be
compulsory upon such self-employed persons as may be determined by the Commission under such "(c) The monthly pension shall be suspended upon the reemployment or resumption of self-
rules and regulations as it may prescribe, including but not limited to the following: employment of a retired member who is less than sixty-five (65) years old. He shall again be subject to
"1. All self-employed professionals; Section Eighteen and his employer to Section Nineteen of this Act.
"2. Partners and single proprietors of businesses;
"3. Actors and actresses, directors, scriptwriters and news correspondents who do not fall "(d) Upon the death of the retired member, his primary beneficiaries as of the date of his retirement
within the definition of the term "employee" in Section 8 (d) of this Act; shall be entitled to receive the monthly pension: Provided, That if he has no primary beneficiaries and
"4. Professional athletes, coaches, trainers and jockeys; and he dies within sixty (60) months from the start of his monthly pension, his secondary beneficiaries shall
"5. Individual farmers and fishermen. be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the total monthly pensions corresponding to
"Unless otherwise specified herein, all provisions of this Act applicable to covered employees the balance of the five-year guaranteed period, excluding the dependents' pension.
shall also be applicable to the covered self-employed persons.
"SEC. 10. Effective Date of Coverage. - Compulsory coverage of the employer shall take effect on "(e) The monthly pension of a member who retires after reaching age sixty (60) shall be the higher of
the first day of his operation and that of the employee on the day of his employment: Provided, That either: (1) the monthly pension computed at the earliest time he could have retired had he been
the compulsory coverage of the self-employed person shall take effect upon his registration with the separated from employment or ceased to be self-employed plus all adjustments thereto; or (2) the
SSS. monthly pension computed at the time when he actually retires.
"SEC. 13. Death Benefits. - Upon the death of a member who has paid at least thirty-six (36) One hand 39
monthly contributions prior to the semester of death, his primary beneficiaries shall be entitled to the
monthly pension: One arm 50
Provided, That if he has no primary beneficiaries, his secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to a
lump sum benefit equivalent to thirty-six (36) times the monthly pension. One foot 31

One leg 46
If he has not paid the required thirty-six (36) monthly contributions, his primary or secondary
beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the monthly pension times the One ear 10
number of monthly contributions paid to the SSS or twelve (12) times the monthly pension, whichever
is higher. Both ears 20

Hearing of one ear 10

"SEC. 13-A. Permanent Disability Benefits. –
(a) Upon the permanent total disability of a member who has paid at least thirty-six (36) monthly Hearing of both ears 50
contributions prior to the semester of disability, he shall be entitled to the monthly pension:
Sight of one eye 25
Provided, That if he has not paid the required thirty-six (36) monthly contributions, he shall be entitled "(g) The percentage degree of disability which is equivalent to the ratio that the designated number of
to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the monthly pension times the number of monthly contributions months of compensability bears to seventy-five (75), rounded to the next higher integer, shall not be
paid to the SSS or twelve (12) times the monthly pension, whichever is higher. A member who (1) has additive for distinct, separate and unrelated permanent partial disabilities, but shall be additive for
received a lump sum benefit; and (2) is reemployed or has resumed self-employment not earlier than deteriorating and related permanent partial disabilities to a maximum of one hundred percent (100%),
one (1) year from the date of his disability shall again be subject to compulsory coverage and shall be in which case, the member shall be deemed as permanently totally disabled.
considered a new member. "(h) In case of permanent partial disability, the monthly pension benefit shall be given in lump sum if it
is payable for less than twelve (12) months.
"(b) The monthly pension and dependents' pension shall be suspended upon the "(i) For the purpose of adjudicating retirement, death and permanent total disability pension benefits,
 reemployment or contributions shall be deemed paid for the months during which the member received partial disability
 resumption of self-employment or pension: Provided, That such contributions shall be based on his last contribution prior to his disability.
 the recovery of the disabled member from his permanent total disability or "(j) Should a member who is on partial disability pension retire or die, his disability pension shall cease
 his failure to present himself for examination at least once a year upon notice by the SSS. upon his retirement or death.
"SEC. 13-B. Funeral Benefit. - A funeral grant equivalent to Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00)
"(c) Upon the death of the permanent total disability pensioner, his primary beneficiaries as of the date shall be paid, in cash or in kind, to help defray the cost of funeral expenses upon the death of a
of disability shall be entitled to receive the monthly pension: Provided, That if he has no primary member, including permanently totally disabled member or retiree.
beneficiaries and he dies within sixty (60) months from the start of his monthly pension, his secondary
beneficiaries shall be entitled to a lump sum benefit equivalent to the total monthly pensions "SEC. 14. Sickness Benefit. –
corresponding to the balance of the five-year guaranteed period excluding the dependents' pension. (a) A member who has paid at least three (3) monthly contributions in the twelve-month period
immediately preceding the semester of sickness or injury and is confined therefor for more than three
"(d) The following disabilities shall be deemed permanent total: (3) days in a hospital or elsewhere with the approval of the SSS, shall, for each day of compensable
"1. Complete loss of sight of both eyes; confinement or a fraction thereof, be paid by his employer, or the SSS, if such person is unemployed or
"2. Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists; self-employed, a daily sickness benefit equivalent to ninety percent (90%) of his average daily salary
"3. Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs; credit, subject to the following conditions:
"4. Brain injury resulting to incurable imbecility or insanity; and "(1) In no case shall the daily sickness benefit be paid longer than one hundred twenty (120)
"5. Such cases as determined and approved by the SSS. days in one (1) calendar year, nor shall any unused portion of the one hundred twenty (120)
"(e) If the disability is permanent partial, and such disability occurs before thirty-six (36) monthly days of sickness benefit granted under this section be carried forward and added to the total
contributions have been paid prior to the semester of disability, the benefit shall be such percentage of number of compensable days allowable in the subsequent year;
the lump sum benefit described in the preceding paragraph with due regard to the degree of disability "(2) The daily sickness benefit shall not be paid for more than two hundred forty (240) days
as the Commission may determine. on account of the same confinement; and
"(f) If the disability is permanent total and such disability occurs after thirty-six (36) monthly "(3) The employee member shall notify his employer of the fact of his sickness or injury
contributions have been paid prior to the semester of disability, the benefit shall be the monthly within five (5) calendar days after the start of his confinement unless such confinement is in
pension for permanent total disability payable not longer than the period designated in the following a hospital or the employee became sick or was injured while working or within the premises
schedule: of the employer in which case, notification to the employer is necessary: Provided, That if the
Complete and permanent loss of use of Number of Months member is unemployed or self-employed, he shall directly notify the SSS of his
confinement within five (5) calendar days after the start thereof unless such confinement is
One thumb 10 in a hospital in which case notification is also not necessary: Provided, further, That in cases
where notification is necessary, the confinement shall be deemed to have started not earlier
One index finger 8
than the fifth day immediately preceding the date of notification.
One middle finger 6
"(b) The compensable confinement shall begin on the first day of sickness, and the payment of such
One right finger 5 allowances shall be promptly made by the employer every regular payday or on the fifteenth
and last day of each month, and similarly in the case of direct payment by the SSS, for as
One little finger 3
long as such allowances are due and payable: Provided, That such allowance shall begin only after
One big toe 6 all sick leaves of absence with full pay to the credit of the employee member shall have been
"(c) One hundred percent (100%) of the daily benefits Provided in the preceding paragraph shall be recipient is a minor or a person incapable of administering his own affairs, the Commission shall
reimbursed by the SSS to said employer upon receipt of satisfactory proof of such payment and legality appoint a representative under such terms and conditions as it may deem proper: Provided, further,
thereof: Provided, That the employer has notified the SSS of the confinement within five (5) calendar That such appointment shall not be necessary in case the recipient is under the custody of or living
days after receipt of the notification from the employee member: Provided, further, That if the with the parents or spouse of the member in which case the benefits shall be paid to such parents or
notification to the SSS is made by the employer beyond five (5) calendar days after receipt of the spouse, as representative payee of the recipient. Such benefits are not transferable and no power of
notification from the employee member, said employer shall be reimbursed only for each day of attorney or other document executed by those entitled thereto in favor of any agent, attorney or any
confinement starting from the tenth calendar day immediately preceding the date of notification to the other person for the collection thereof on their behalf shall be recognized, except when they are
SSS: Provided, finally, That the SSS shall reimburse the employer or pay the unemployed member only physically unable to collect personally such benefits: Provided, further, That in case of death benefits, if
for confinement within the one-year period immediately preceding the date the claim for benefit or no beneficiary qualifies under this Act, said benefits shall be paid to the legal heirs in accordance with
reimbursement is received by the SSS, except confinement in a hospital in which case the claim for the law of succession.
benefit or reimbursement must be filed within one (1) year from the last day of confinement.
"SEC. 16. Exemption from Tax, Legal Process and Lien. -- All laws to the contrary notwithstanding, the
"(d) Where the employee member has given the required notification but the employer fails to SSS and all its assets and properties, all contributions collected and all accruals thereto and income or
notify the SSS of the confinement or to file the claim for reimbursement within the period investment earnings therefrom as well as all supplies, equipment, papers or documents shall be
prescribed in this section resulting in the reduction of the benefit or denial of the claim, such employer exempt from any tax, assessment, fee, charge, or customs or import duty; and all benefit payments
shall have no right to recover the corresponding daily allowance he advanced to the employee member made by the SSS shall likewise be exempt from all kinds of taxes, fees or charges, and shall not liable
as required in this section. to attachments, garnishments, levy or seizure by or under any legal or equitable process whatsoever,
either before or after receipt by the person or persons entitled thereto, except to pay any debt of the
"(e)The claim of reimbursement shall be adjudicated by the SSS within a period of two (2) months member to the SSS. No tax measure of whatever nature enacted shall apply to the SSS, unless it
from receipt thereof: Provided, That should no payment be received by the employer within one (1) expressly revokes the declared policy of the State in Section 2 hereof granting tax-exemption to the
month after the period prescribed herein for adjudication, the reimbursement shall thereafter earn SSS. Any tax assessment imposed against the SSS shall be null and void. (As amended by Sec. 9, P.D.
simple interest of one percent (1%) per month until paid. No. 24, S. 1972; and Sec. 14, P. D. No. 735, S. 1975).

"(f) The provisions regarding the notification required of the member and the employer as well as the "SEC. 17. Fee of Agents, Attorneys, Etc. - No agent, attorney or other person in charge of the
period within which the claim for benefit or reimbursement may be filed shall apply to all claims filed preparation, filing or pursuing any claim for benefit under this Act shall demand or charge for his
with the SSS. services any fee, and any stipulation to the contrary shall be null and void. The retention or deduction
of any amount from any benefit granted under this Act for the payment of fees for such services is
"SEC. 14-A. Maternity Leave Benefit. - A female member who has paid at least three (3) prohibited: Provided, however, That any member of the Philippine Bar who appears as counsel in any
monthly contributions in the twelve-month period immediately preceding the semester of case heard by the Commission shall be entitled to attorneys' fees not exceeding ten percent (10%) of
her childbirth or miscarriage shall be paid a daily maternity benefit equivalent to one hundred the benefits awarded by the Commission, which fees shall not be payable before the actual payment of
percent (100%) of her average daily salary credit for sixty (60) days or seventy-eight (78) days in case the benefits, and any stipulation to the contrary shall be null and void.
of caesarian delivery, subject to the following conditions: "Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred
"(a) That the employee shall have notified her employer of her pregnancy and the probable date of pesos (P500.00) nor more than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), or imprisonment for not less than six
her childbirth, which notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the rules and (6) months nor more than one (1) year, or both, at the discretion of the court.
regulations it may provide;
"(b) The full payment shall be advanced by the employer within thirty (30) days from the filing of the "SEC. 18. Employee's Contributions. - (a) Beginning as of the last day of the calendar month when an
maternity leave application; employee's compulsory coverage takes effect and every month thereafter during his employment, the
"(c) That payment of daily maternity benefits shall be a bar to the recovery of sickness employer shall deduct and withhold from such employee's monthly salary, wage, compensation or
benefits Provided by this Act for the same period for which daily maternity benefits have been earnings, the employee's contribution in an amount corresponding to his salary, wage, compensation or
received; earnings during the month in accordance with the following schedule:
"(d) That the maternity benefits Provided under this section shall be paid only for the first four (4) SALARY BRACKET RANGE OF COMPENSATION MONTHLY SALARY MO
deliveries or miscarriages; CREDIT
"(e) That the SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one hundred percent (100%) of the EM
amount of maternity benefits advanced to the employee by the employer upon receipt of satisfactory I 1,000.00 - 1,249.99 1000 50.
proof of such payment and legality thereof; and
"(f) That if an employee member should give birth or suffer miscarriage II 1,250.00 - 1,749.99 1500 76.
 without the required contributions having been remitted for her by her employer to the SSS, III 1,750.00 - 2,249.99 2000 101
IV 2,250.00 - 2,749.99 2500 126
 without the latter having been previously notified by the employer of the time of the
pregnancy, the employer shall pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits which said V 2,750.00 - 3,249.99 3000 152
employee member would otherwise have been entitled to.
VI 3,250.00 - 3,749.99 3500 177
"SEC. 15. Non-Transferability of Benefits. - The SSS shall promptly pay the benefits Provided in VII 3,750.00 - 4,249.99 4000 202
this Act to such persons as may be entitled thereto in accordance with the provisions of this
VIII 4,250.00 - 4,749.99 4500 228
Act: Provided, That the SSS shall pay the retirement benefits on the day of contingency to qualified
members who have submitted the necessary documents at least six (6) months IX 4,750.00 - 5,249.99 5000 253
before: Provided, further, That the beneficiary who is a national of a foreign country which does not
X 5,250.00 - 5,749.99 5500 278
extend benefits to a Filipino beneficiary residing in the Philippines, or which is not recognized by the
Philippines, shall not be entitled to receive any benefit under this Act: Provided, further, That XI 5,750.00 - 6,249.99 6000 304
notwithstanding the foregoing, where the best interest of the SSS will be served, the Commission may XII 6,250.00 - 6,749.99 6500 329
direct payments without regard to nationality or country of residence: Provided, further, That if the
XIII 6,750.00 - 7,249.99 7000 "The right to institute the 233.30
354.70 necessary action against the 588.00
employer may be commenced within twenty
(20) years from the time the delinquency is known or the assessment is made by the SSS, or from the
XIV 7,250.00 - 7,749.99 7500 380.00
time the benefit accrues, as250.00
the case may be. 630.00
XV 7,750.00 - 8.249.99 8000 "(c) Should any person, natural
403.30 266.70or juridical, default in any payment of contributions, the Commission
may also collect the same in either of the following ways:
XVI 8,250.00 - 8,749.99 8500 430.70 283.30 714.00
"1. By an action in court, which shall hear and dispose of the case in preference to any other civil
XVII 8,750.00 - OVER 9000 action; or
456.00 300.00 756.00
"The foregoing schedule of contribution shall also apply to self-employed and voluntary members. "2. By issuing a warrant to the Sheriff of any province or city commanding him to levy upon and sell
"The maximum monthly salary credit shall be Nine thousand pesos (P9,000.00) effective January any real and personal property of the debtor. The Sheriff's sale by virtue of said warrant shall be
Nineteen hundred and ninety six (1996); Provided, That it shall be increased by One thousand pesos governed by the same procedure prescribed for executions against property upon judgments by a court
(P1,000.00) every year thereafter until it shall have reached Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00) by of record.
Nineteen hundred and ninety nine (1999): Provided, further, That the minimum and maximum monthly "(d) The last complete record of monthly contributions paid by the employer or the average of the
salary credits as well as the rate of contributions may be fixed from time to time by the Commission monthly contributions paid during the past three (3) years as of the date of filing of the action for
through rules and regulations taking into consideration actuarial calculations and rate of benefits, collection shall be presumed to be the monthly contributions payable by and due from the employer to
subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines. the SSS for each of the unpaid month, unless contradicted and overcome by other evidence: Provided,
That the SSS shall not be barred from determining and collecting the true and correct contributions due
"SEC. 19. Employer's Contributions. - (a) Beginning as of the last day of the month when an the SSS even after full payment pursuant to this paragraph, nor shall the employer be relieved of his
employee's compulsory coverage takes effect and every month thereafter during his employment, his liability under Section Twenty-eight of this Act.
employer shall pay, with respect to such covered employee, the employer's contribution in accordance "SEC. 22-A. Remittance of Contributions of Self-Employed Member. - Self-employed members shall
with the schedule indicated in Section Eighteen of this Act. Notwithstanding any contract to the remit their monthly contributions quarterly on such dates and schedules as the Commission may
contrary, an employer shall not deduct, directly or indirectly, from the compensation of his employees specify through rules and regulations: Provided, That no retroactive payment of contributions shall be
covered by the SSS or otherwise recover from them the employer's contributions with respect to such allowed, except as Provided in this Section.
"(b) The remittance of such contributions by the employer shall be supported by a quarterly collection "SEC. 23. Method of Collection and Payment. - The SSS shall require a complete and proper
list to be submitted to the SSS at the end of each calendar quarter indicating the correct ID number of collection and payment of contributions and proper identification of the employer and the employee.
the employer, the correct names and the SSS numbers of the employees and the total contributions Payment may be made in cash, checks, stamps, coupons, tickets, or other reasonable devices that the
paid for their account during the quarter. Commission may adopt.

"SEC. 19-A. Contributions of the Self-Employed Member. - The contributions to the SSS of the "SEC. 24. Employment Records and Reports. - (a) Each employer shall immediately report to the SSS
self-employed member shall be determined in accordance with Section Eighteen of this Act: Provided, the names, ages, civil status, occupations, salaries and dependents of all his employees who are
That the monthly earnings declared by the self-employed member at the time of his registration with subject to compulsory coverage: Provided, That if an employee subject to compulsory coverage should
the SSS shall be considered as his monthly compensation and he shall pay both the employer and the die or become sick or disabled or reach the age of sixty (60) without the SSS having previously
employee contributions: Provided, further, That the contributions of self-employed persons earning One received any report or written communication about him from his employer, the said employer shall
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) monthly or below may be reduced by the Commission. pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits to which said employee member would have been
"The monthly earnings declared by the self-employed member at the time of his registration shall entitled had his name been reported on time by the employer to the SSS, except that in case of
remain the basis of his monthly salary credit, unless he makes another declaration of his monthly pension benefits, the employer shall be liable to pay the SSS damages equivalent to the accumulated
earnings, in which case such latest declaration becomes the new basis of his monthly salary credit. pension due as of the date of settlement of the claim or to the five (5) years' pension, including
"SEC. 20. Government Contribution. - As the contribution of the Government to the operation of the dependents' pension: Provided, further, That if the contingency occurs within thirty (30) days from the
SSS, Congress shall annually appropriate out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise date of employment, the employer shall be relieved of his liability for damages: Provided, further, That
appropriated, the necessary sum or sums to meet the estimated expenses of the SSS for each ensuing any person or entity engaging the services of an independent contractor shall be subsidiarily liable with
year. In addition to this contribution, Congress shall appropriate from time to time such sum or sums such contractor for any civil liability incurred by the latter under this Act: Provided, finally, That the
as may be needed to assure the maintenance of an adequate working balance of the funds of the SSS same person or entity engaging the services of an independent contractor shall require such contractor
as disclosed by suitable periodic actuarial studies to be made of the operations of the SSS. to post a surety bond to guarantee the payment of the worker's benefits.
"SEC. 21. Government Guarantee. -- The benefits prescribed in this Act shall not be diminished and to "(b) Should the employer misrepresent the true date of employment of the employee member or remit
guarantee said benefits the Government of the Republic of the Philippines accepts general responsibility to the SSS contributions which are less than those required in this Act or fail to remit any contribution
for the solvency of the SSS. due prior to the date of contingency, resulting in a reduction of benefits, the employer shall pay to the
"SEC. 22. Remittance of Contributions. -- (a) The contributions imposed in the preceding Section shall SSS damages equivalent to the difference between the amount of benefit to which the employee
be remitted to the SSS within the first ten (10) days of each calendar month following the month for member or his beneficiary is entitled had the proper contributions been remitted to the SSS and the
which they are applicable or within such time as the Commission may prescribe. Every employer amount payable on the basis of contributions actually remitted: Provided, That if the employee member
required to deduct and to remit such contributions shall be liable for their payment and if any or his beneficiary is entitled to pension benefits, damages shall be equivalent to the accumulated
contribution is not paid to the SSS as herein prescribed, he shall pay besides the contribution a penalty pension due as of the date of settlement of the claim or to the five (5) years' pension, whichever is
thereon of three percent (3%) per month from the date the contribution falls due until paid. If deemed higher, including dependents' pension.
expedient and advisable by the Commission, the collection and remittance of contributions shall be "In addition to the liability mentioned in the preceding paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof, the employer
made quarterly or semi-annually in advance, the contributions payable by the employees to be shall also be liable for the corresponding unremitted contributions and penalties thereon.
advanced by their respective employers: Provided, That upon separation of an employee, any "(c) The records and reports duly accomplished and submitted to the SSS by the employer or the
contribution so paid in advance but not due shall be credited or refunded to his employer. member, as the case may be, shall be kept confidential by the SSS except in compliance with a
"(b) The contributions payable under this Act in cases where an employer refuses or neglects to pay subpoena duces tecum issued by the Court, shall not be divulged without the consent of the SSS
the same shall be collected by the SSS in the same manner as taxes are made collectible under the President or any official of the SSS duly authorized by him, shall be presumed correct as to the data
National Internal Revenue Code, as amended. Failure or refusal of the employer to pay or remit the and other matters stated therein, unless the necessary corrections to such records and reports have
contributions herein prescribed shall not prejudice the right of the covered employee to the benefits of been properly made by the parties concerned before the right to the benefit being claimed accrues, and
the coverage. shall be made the basis for the adjudication of the claim. If as a result of such adjudication the SSS in
good faith pays a monthly pension to a beneficiary who is inferior in right to another beneficiary or with projects: Provided, finally, That such investments shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the
whom another beneficiary is entitled to share, such payments shall discharge the SSS from liability Investment Reserve Fund;
unless and until such other beneficiary notifies the SSS of his claim prior to the payments. "(c) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of government financial
"(d) Every employer shall keep true and accurate work records for such period and containing such institutions or government corporations with acceptable credit or guarantee: Provided, That such
information as the Commission may prescribe, in addition to an "Annual Register of New and Separated investments shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Investment Reserve Fund;
Employees" which shall be secured from the SSS wherein the employer shall enter on the first day of "(d) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of any bank doing
employment or on the effective date of separation, the names of the persons employed or separated business in the Philippines and in good standing with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to finance loans to
from employment, their SSS numbers, and such other data that the Commission may require and said private corporations doing business in the Philippines, including schools, hospitals, small-and-medium
annual register shall be submitted to the SSS in the month of January of each year. Such records shall scale industries, cooperatives and non-governmental organizations, in which case the collaterals or
be open for inspection by the SSS or its authorized representatives quarterly or as often as the SSS securities shall be assigned to the SSS under such terms and conditions as the Commission may
may require. prescribe: Provided, That in the case of bank deposits, they shall not exceed at any time the
"The SSS may also require each employer to submit, with respect to the persons in his employ, reports unimpaired capital and surplus or total private deposits of the depository bank, whichever is
needed for the effective administration of this Act. smaller: Provided, further, That said bank shall first have been designated as a depository for this
"(e) Each employer shall require, as a condition to employment, the presentation of a registration purpose by the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas: Provided, finally, That such
number secured by the prospective employee from the SSS in accordance with such procedure as the investments shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the Investment Reserve Fund;
SSS may adopt: Provided, That in case of employees who have been assigned registration numbers by "(e) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of shelter agencies of the
virtue of a previous employment, such numbers originally assigned to them should be used for National Government or financial intermediaries to finance housing loans of members; and in long-term
purposes of this Section: Provided, further, That the issuance of such registration numbers by the SSS direct individual or group housing loans giving priority to the low-income groups, up to a maximum of
shall not exempt the employer from complying with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Section. ninety percent (90%) of the appraised value of the properties to be mortgaged by the borrowers; and
"(f) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, microfilm, or non-erasable optical disk and other similar "In short and medium term loans to members such as salary, educational, livelihood, marital, calamity
archival media copies of original SSS records and reports, duly certified by the official custodian and emergency loans: Provided, That not more than thirty five percent (35%) of the Investment
thereof, shall have the same evidentiary value as the originals and be admissible as evidence in all Reserve Fund at any time shall be invested for housing purposes: Provided, further, That not more
legal proceedings. than ten percent (10%) of the Investment Reserve Fund shall be invested in short and medium term
"(g) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, local government units shall, prior to issuing any annual loans;
business license or permit, require submission of certificate of SSS coverage and compliance with the "(f) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of educational or medical
provisions of this Act: Provided, That the certification or clearance shall be issued by the SSS within institutions to finance the construction, improvement and maintenance of schools and hospitals and
five (5) working days from receipt of the request. their equipment and facilities: Provided, That such investments shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of
the Investment Reserve Fund;
"SEC. 24-A. Report and Registration of the Self-Employed Member. - Each covered self-employed "(g) In real estate property, including shares of stocks involving real estate property, and investment
person shall, within thirty (30) days from the first day he started the practice of his profession or secured by first mortgages on real estate or other collaterals acceptable to the SSS: Provided, That
business operations register and report to the SSS his name, age, civil status, and occupation, average such projects and investments shall, in the determination of the Commission, redound to the benefit of
monthly net income and his dependents. the SSS, its members, as well as the general public: Provided, further, That investment in real estate
property, including shares of stocks involving real estate property shall not exceed five percent (5%) of
"SEC. 25. Deposits and Disbursements. - All money paid to or collected by the SSS every year under the Investment Reserve Fund: Provided, finally, That investments in other income earning projects and
this Act, and all accruals thereto shall be deposited, administered and disbursed in the same manner investments secured by first mortgages or other collaterals shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%)
and under the same conditions and requirements as Provided by law for other public special of the Investment Reserve Fund;
funds: Provided, That not more than twelve percent (12%) of the total yearly contributions plus three "(h) In bonds, debentures, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of any prime
percent (3%) of other revenues shall be disbursed for operational expenses such as salaries and corporation or multilateral institutions to finance domestic projects: Provided, That the issuing or
wages, supplies and materials, depreciation and the maintenance of offices of the assuming entity or its predecessors shall not have defaulted in the payment of interest on any of its
SSS: Provided, further, That if the expenses in any year are less than the maximum amount securities and that during each of any three (3) including the last two (2) of the five (5) fiscal years
permissible, the difference shall not be availed of as additional expenses in the following years. next preceding the date of acquisition by the SSS of such bonds, debentures or other evidence of
indebtedness, the net earnings of the issuing or assuming institution available for its fixed charges, as
"SEC. 26. Investment of Reserve Funds. - All revenues of the SSS that are not needed to meet the defined in this Act, shall have been not less than one and one-quarter times the total of its fixed
current administrative and operational expenses incidental to the carrying out of this Act shall be charges for such year: Provided, further, That such investments shall not exceed thirty percent (30%)
accumulated in a fund to be known as the "Reserve Fund." Such portions of the Reserve Fund as are of the Investment Reserve Fund;
not needed to meet the current benefit obligations thereof shall be known as the "Investment Reserve "(i) In preferred or common shares of stocks listed or about to be listed in the stock exchange or
Fund" which the Commission shall manage and invest with the skill, care, prudence and diligence options or warrants to such stocks or, subject to prior approval of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, such
necessary under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acting in like capacity and other risk management instruments of any prime or solvent corporation or financial institution created
familiar with such matters would exercise in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with or existing under the laws of the Philippines with proven track record of profitability over the last three
similar aims. Pursuant thereto, and in line with the basic principles of safety, good yield and liquidity, (3) years and payment of dividends at least once over the same period: Provided, That such
the Commission shall invest the funds to earn an annual income not less than the average rates of investments shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Investment Reserve Fund;
treasury bills or any other acceptable market yield indicator in any or in all of the following: "(j) In domestic or foreign mutual funds in existence for at least three (3) years; Provided, That such
"(a) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the investments shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the Investment Reserve Fund: Provided, further,
Philippines, or in bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness to which the full That investments in foreign mutual funds shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the Investment Reserve
faith, credit and unconditional guarantee of the Government of the Philippines is pledged; Fund in the first year which shall be increased by one percent (1%) for each succeeding year, but in no
"(b) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the case shall it exceed seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the Investment Reserve Fund;
Philippines, or any agencies or instrumentalities to finance domestic infrastructure projects such as "(k) In foreign currency deposits or triple "A" foreign currency denominated debts, prime and non-
roads, bridges, ports, telecommunications, and other similar projects: Provided, That the instruments speculative equities, and other Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas approved financial instruments or other
issued by an agency or instrumentality of the government shall be guaranteed by the Government of assets issued in accordance with the existing laws of the countries where such financial instruments are
the Philippines or any government financial institution or acceptable multilateral issued: Provided, That these instruments or assets are listed in bourses of the respective countries
agency: Provided, further, That the SSS shall have priority over the revenues of the where these instruments or assets are issued: Provided, further, That the issuing company has proven
track of record of profitability over the last three (3) years and a record of regular dividend pay-out newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines a synopsis of the annual report, showing in
over the same period: Provided, finally, That such investments shall not exceed one percent (1%) of particular the status of the finances of the SSS and the benefits administered.
the Investment Reserve Fund in the first year which shall be increased by one percent (1%) for each
succeeding year, but in no case shall it exceed seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the Investment "SEC. 28. Penal Clause. - (a) Whoever, for the purpose of causing any payment to be made under this
Reserve Fund; Act, or under an agreement thereunder, where none is authorized to be paid, shall make or cause to be
"(l) In loans secured by such collaterals like cash, government securities or guarantees of multilateral made false statement or representation as to any compensation paid or received or whoever makes or
institutions: Provided, That such investments shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Investment causes to be made any false statement of a material fact in any claim for any benefit payable under
Reserve Fund; and this Act, or application for loan with the SSS, or whoever makes or causes to be made any false
"(m) In other Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas approved investment instruments with the same intrinsic statement, representation, affidavit or document in connection with such claim or loan, shall suffer the
quality as those enumerated in paragraphs (a) to (l) hereof, subject to the policies and guidelines penalties Provided for in Article One hundred seventy-two of the Revised Penal Code.
which the Commission may formulate.
"No portion of the Investment Reserve Fund or income thereof shall accrue to the general fund of the "(b) Whoever shall obtain or receive any money or check under this Act or any agreement thereunder,
National Government or to any of its agencies or instrumentalities, including government-owned or without being entitled thereto with intent to defraud any member, employer or the SSS, shall be fined
controlled corporations, except as may be allowed under this Act: Provided, That no portion of the not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00)
Investment Reserve Fund shall be invested for any purpose or in any instrument, institution or industry and imprisoned for not less than six (6) years and one (1) day nor more than twelve (12) years.
over and above the prescribed cumulative ceilings as follows: "(c) Whoever buys, sells, offers for sale, uses, transfers or takes or gives in exchange, or pledges or
40% in private securities gives in pledge, except as authorized in this Act or in regulations made pursuant thereto, any stamp,
35% in housing coupon, ticket, book or other device, prescribed pursuant to Section Twenty-three hereof by the
30% in real estate related investments Commission for the collection or payment of contributions required herein, shall be fined not less than
10% in short and medium-term member loans Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or imprisoned
30% in government financial institutions and corporations for not less than six (6) years and one (1) day nor more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the
30% in infrastructure projects discretion of the court.
15% in any particular industry "(d) Whoever, with intent to defraud, alters, forges, makes or counterfeits any stamp, coupon, ticket,
7.5% in foreign-currency denominated investments book or other device prescribed by the Commission for the collection or payment of any contribution
required herein, or uses, sells, lends, or has in his possession any such altered, forged or counterfeited
"SEC. 26-A. Fund Managers. - As part of its investment operations, the SSS may appoint local or, in materials, or makes, uses, sells or has in his possession any such altered, forged, material in imitation
the absence thereof, foreign fund managers to manage the Investment Reserve Fund, as it may deem of the material used in the manufacture of such stamp, coupon, ticket, book or other device, shall be
appropriate. fined not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) non more than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00) or imprisoned for not less than six years (6) and one (1) day nor more than twelve (12)
"SEC. 26-B. Mortgagor Insurance Account. - (a) As part of its investment operations, the SSS shall act years, or both, at the discretion of the court.
as insurer of all or part of its interest on SSS properties mortgaged to the SSS, or lives of mortgagors "(e) Whoever fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this Act or with the rules and regulations
whose properties are mortgaged to the SSS. For this purpose, the SSS shall establish a separate promulgated by the Commission, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos
account to be known as the "Mortgagors' Insurance Account." All amounts received by the SSS in (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or imprisonment for not less than six
connection with the aforesaid insurance operations shall be placed in the Mortgagors' Insurance (6) years and one (1) day nor more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the discretion of the
Account. The assets and liabilities of the Mortgagors' Insurance Account shall at all times be clearly court: Provided, That where the violation consists in failure or refusal to register employees or himself,
identifiable and distinguishable from the assets and liabilities in all other accounts of the SSS. in case of the covered self-employed or to deduct contributions from the employees' compensation and
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the assets held in the Mortgagors' Insurance remit the same to the SSS, the penalty shall be a fine of not less Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor
Account shall not be chargeable with the liabilities arising out of any other business the SSS may more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) and imprisonment for not less than six (6) years and
conduct but shall be held and applied exclusively for the benefit of the owners or beneficiaries of the one (1) day nor more than twelve (12) years.
insurance contracts issued by the SSS under this paragraph. "(f) If the act or omission penalized by this Act be committed by an association, partnership,
"(b) The SSS may insure any of its interest or part thereof with any private company or reinsurer. The corporation or any other institution, its managing head, directors or partners shall be liable for the
Insurance Commission or its authorized representatives shall make an examination into the financial penalties Provided in this Act for the offense.
condition and methods of transacting business of the SSS at least once in two (2) years, but such "(g) Any employee of the SSS who receives or keeps funds or property belonging, payable or
examination shall be limited to the insurance operation of the SSS as authorized under this paragraph deliverable to the SSS and who shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate, or shall
and shall not embrace the other operations of the SSS; and the report of said examination shall be consent, or through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such property
submitted to the Commission and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Office of the President of the or funds, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of misappropriation of such funds or property,
Philippines within a reasonable time after the close of the examination: Provided, That for each shall suffer the penalties Provided in Article Two hundred seventeen of the Revised Penal Code.
examination, the SSS shall pay to the Insurance Commission an amount equal to the actual expense of "(h) Any employer who, after deducting the monthly contributions or loan amortizations from his
the Insurance Commission in the conduct of examination, including the salaries of the examiners and of employee's compensation, fails to remit the said deduction to the SSS within thirty (30) days from the
the actuary of the Insurance Commission who have been assigned to make such examination for the date they became due, shall be presumed to have misappropriated such contributions or loan
actual time spent in said examination: Provided, further, That the general law on insurance and the amortizations and shall suffer the penalties Provided in Article Three hundred fifteen of the Revised
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder shall have suppletory application insofar as it is not in Penal Code.
conflict with this Act and its rules and regulations. "(i) Criminal action arising from a violation of the provisions of this Act may be commenced by the SSS
"SEC. 27. Records and Reports. - The SSS President shall keep and cause to keep records of operations or the employee concerned either under this Act or in appropriate cases under the Revised Penal
of the funds of the SSS and of disbursements thereof and all accounts of payments made out of said Code: Provided, That such criminal action may be filed by the SSS in the city or municipality where the
funds. During the month of January of each year, the SSS President shall prepare for submission to the SSS office is located, if the violation was committed within its territorial jurisdiction or in Metro Manila,
President of the Philippines and to Congress of the Philippines a report of operations of the SSS during at the option of the SSS.
the preceding year, including statistical data on the number of persons covered and benefited, their "SEC. 29. Government Aid. - The establishment of the SSS shall not disqualify the members and
occupations and employment status, the duration and amount of benefits paid, the finances of the SSS employers from receiving such government assistance, financial or otherwise, as may be Provided.
at the close of the said year, and recommendations. He shall also cause to be published in two (2) "SEC. 30. Transitory Clause. - Any employer who is delinquent or has not remitted all contributions due
and payable to the SSS may, within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, remit said
contributions or submit a proposal to pay the same in installment within a period of not more than
twelve (12) months from the effectivity of this Act without incurring the prescribed penalty, subject to “(h) Secondary beneficiaries — The dependent parents and, subject to the restrictions on dependent
the implementing rules and regulations which the Commission may prescribe: Provided, That the children, the legitimate descendants;
employer submits the corresponding collection lists together with the remittance or proposal to pay in
installments: Provided, further, That in case the employer fails to remit contributions within the six- “(i) Compensation — The basic pay or salary received by an employee, pursuant to his
month grace period or defaults in the payment of any amortization Provided the approved proposal, the election/appointment, excluding per diems, bonuses, overtime pay, honoraria, allowances and any
prescribed penalty shall be imposed from the time the contributions first became due as Provided in other emoluments received in addition to the basic pay which are not integrated into the basic pay
Section 22 (a) hereof." under existing laws;
Section 2. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this Act is declared invalid, the other provisions
not affected thereby shall remain valid. “(j) Contribution — The amount payable to the GSIS by the member and the employer in accordance
Section 3. Repealing Clause. - All laws, proclamations, executive orders, rules and regulations or with Section 5 of this Act;
parts thereof inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed, modified or amended
accordingly: Provided, That no person shall be deemed to be vested with any property or other right by “(k) Current Daily Compensation — The actual daily compensation or the actual monthly compensation
virtue of the enactment or operation of this Act. divided by the number of working days in the month of contingency but not to exceed twenty-two (22)
Section 4. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete days;
publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) national newspapers of general circulation
whichever comes earlier. “(l) Average Monthly Compensation (AMC) — The quotient arrived at after dividing the aggregate
Approved: May 01, 1997 compensation received by the member during his last thirty-six (36) months of service preceding his
separation/retirement/disability/death by thirty-six (36), or by the number of months he received such
May 30, 1997 compensation if he has less than thirty-six (36) months of service: Provided, That the average monthly
compensation shall in no case exceed the amount and rate as may be respectively set by the Board
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8291 under the rules and regulations implementing this Act as determined by the actuary of the GSIS:
Provided, further, That initially the average monthly compensation shall not exceed Ten thousand
AN ACT AMENDING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1146, AS AMENDED, EXPANDING AND pesos (P10,000.00), and premium shall be nine percent (9%) and twelve percent (12%) for employee
INCREASING THE COVERAGE AND BENEFITS OF THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE and employer covering the AMC limit and below; and two percent (2%) and twelve percent (12%) for
SYSTEM, INSTITUTING REFORMS THEREIN AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES employee and employer covering the compensation above the AMC limit;

SECTION 1. Presidential Decree No. 1146, as amended, otherwise known as the “Revised Government “(m) Revalued average monthly compensation — An amount equal to one hundred seventy percent
Service Insurance Act of 1977”, is hereby further amended to read as follows: (170%) of the first One thousand pesos (P1,000) of the average monthly compensation plus one
hundred percent (100%) of the average monthly compensation in excess of One thousand pesos
“SECTION 1. Title. — The short title of this Act shall be: ‘The Government Service Insurance (P1,000);
System Act of 1997.’
“(n) Lump sum — The basic monthly pension multiplied by sixty (60);
“(o) Pensioner — Any person receiving old-age or permanent total disability pension or any person who
“SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. — Unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall has received the lump sum excluding one receiving survivorship pension benefits as defined in Section
mean: 20 of this Act;

“(a) GSIS — The Government Service Insurance System created by Commonwealth Act No. 186; “(p) Gainful Occupation — Any productive activity that provided the member with income at least equal
to the minimum compensation of government employees;
“(b) Board — The Board of Trustees of the Government Service Insurance System;
“(q) Disability — Any loss or impairment of the normal functions of the physical and/or mental faculty
“(c) Employer — The national government, its political subdivisions, branches, agencies or of a member which reduces or eliminates his/her capacity to continue with his/her current gainful
instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations, and financial institutions occupation or engage in any other gainful occupation;
with original charters, the constitutional commissions and the judiciary;
“(r) Total Disability — Complete incapacity to continue with his present employment or engage in any
“(d) Employee or Member — Any person, receiving compensation while in the service of an employer as gainful occupation due to the loss or impairment of the normal functions of the physical and/or mental
defined herein, whether by election or appointment, irrespective of status of appointment, including faculties of the member;
barangay and sanggunian officials;
“(s) Permanent Total Disability — Accrues or arises when recovery from the impairment mentioned in
“(e) Active Member — A member who is not separated from the service; Section 2(Q) is medically remote;

“(f) Dependents — Dependents shall be the following: (a) the legitimate spouse dependent for support “(t) Temporary Total Disability — Accrues or arises when the impaired physical and/or mental faculties
upon the member or pensioner; (b) the legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted child, including the can be rehabilitated and/or restored to their normal functions;
illegitimate child, who is unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over the age of majority, or is over the
age of majority but incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical defect “(u) Permanent Partial Disability — Accrues or arises upon the irrevocable loss or impairment of certain
acquired prior to age of majority; and (c) the parents dependent upon the member for support; portion/s of the physical faculties, despite which the member is able to pursue a gainful occupation.

“(g) Primary beneficiaries — The legal dependent spouse until he/she “B. MEMBERSHIP IN THE GSIS

remarries and the dependent children;

“SECTION 3. Compulsory Membership. — Membership in the GSIS shall be compulsory for all “(b) Each employer shall remit directly to the GSIS the employees’ and employers’ contributions within
employees receiving compensation who have not reached the compulsory retirement age, irrespective the first ten (10) days of the calendar month following the month to which the contributions apply. The
of employment status, except remittance by the employer of the contributions to the GSIS shall take priority over and above the
 members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and payment of any and all obligations, except salaries and wages of its employees.
 the Philippine National Police, subject to the condition that
they must settle first their financial obligation with the GSIS, “SECTION 7. Interests on Delayed Remittances. — Agencies which delay the remittance of any
and contractuals who have no employer and employee and all monies due the GSIS shall be charged interests as may be prescribed by the Board but not less
relationship with the agencies they serve. than two percent (2%) simple interest per month. Such interest shall be paid by the employers
 members of the judiciary and concerned.
 constitutional commissions who shall have life insurance only,
all members of the GSIS shall have life insurance, retirement, “SECTION 8. Government Guarantee. — The government of the Republic of the Philippines hereby
and all other social security protection such as disability, guarantees the fulfillment of the obligations of the GSIS to its members as and when they fall due.
survivorship, separation, and unemployment benefits.
“SECTION 4. Effect of Separation from the Service. — A member separated from the service shall
continue to be a member, and shall be entitled to whatever benefits he has qualified to in the event of “SECTION 9. Computation of the Basic Monthly Pension. —
any contingency compensable under this Act. (a) the basic monthly pension is equal to:

“C. SOURCES OF FUNDS “1) thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%) of the revalued average monthly compensation; plus

“SECTION 5. Contributions. — (a) It shall be mandatory for the member and the employer to pay “2) two and one-half percent (2.5%) of said revalued average monthly compensation for each year of
the monthly contributions specified in the following schedule: service in excess of fifteen (15) years: Provided, That the basic monthly pension shall not exceed
ninety percent (90%) of the average monthly compensation.
“Monthly Compensation Percentage of Monthly
Compensation Payable by “(b) The basic monthly pension may be adjusted upon the recommendation of the President and
Member Employer General Manager of the GSIS and approved by the President of the Philippines in accordance with the
I. Maximum Average rules and regulations prescribed by the GSIS: Provided, however, That the basic monthly pension shall
Monthly Compensation not be less than One thousand and three hundred pesos (P1,300.00): Provided, further, That the basic
(AMC) Limit and Below 9.0% 12.0% monthly pension for those who have rendered at least twenty (20) years of service after the effectivity
II. Over the Maximum AMC Limit of this Act shall not be less than Two thousand four hundred pesos (P2,400.00) a month.
III.— Up to the Maximum AMC Limit 9.0% 12.0%
— In Excess of the AMC Limit 2.0% 12.0% “SECTION 10. Computation of Service. — (a) The computation of service for the purpose of
determining the amount of benefits payable under this Act shall be from the date of original
“Members of the judiciary and constitutional commissioners shall pay three percent (3%) of their appointment/election, including periods of service at different times under one or more
monthly compensation as personal share, and their employers a corresponding three percent (3%) employers, those performed overseas under the authority of the Republic of the Philippines,
share for their life insurance coverage. and those that may be prescribed by the GSIS in coordination with the Civil Service
“(b) The employer shall include in its annual appropriation the necessary amounts for its share of the
contributions indicated above, plus any additional premiums that may be required on account of the “(b) All service credited for retirement, resignation or separation for which corresponding benefits have
hazards or risks of its employees’ occupation. been awarded under this Act or other laws shall be excluded in the computation of service in case of
reinstatement in the service of an employer and subsequent retirement or separation which is
“(c) It shall be mandatory and compulsory for all employers to include the payment of contributions in compensable under this Act.
their annual appropriations. Penal sanctions shall be imposed upon employers who fail to include the
payment of contributions in their annual appropriations or otherwise fail to remit the accurate/exact “For the purpose of this section the term service shall include full time service with compensation:
amount of contributions on time, or delay the remittance of premium contributions to the GSIS. The Provided, That part time and other services with compensation may be included under such rules and
heads of offices and agencies shall be administratively liable for non-remittance or delayed remittance regulations as may be prescribed by the GSIS.
of premium contributions to the GSIS.
“SECTION 6. Collection and Remittance of Contributions. —
(a) The employer shall report to the GSIS “SECTION 11. Separation Benefits. — The separation benefit shall consist of:
 the names of all its employees, (a) a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his average monthly compensation
 their corresponding employment status, for each year of service he paid contributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000)
 positions, payable upon reaching sixty (60) years of age or upon separation, whichever comes later: Provided,
 salaries and That the member resigns or separates from the service after he has rendered at least three (3) years
 such other pertinent information, including subsequent changes therein, if any, as may of service but less than fifteen (15) years; or
be required by the GSIS; the employer shall deduct each month from the monthly
salary or compensation of each employee the contribution payable by him in “(b) A cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his basic monthly pension payable at the time
accordance with the schedule prescribed in the rules and regulations implementing this of resignation or separation, plus an old-age pension benefit equal to the basic monthly pension
Act. payable monthly for life upon reaching the age of sixty (60): Provided, That the member resigns or
separates from the service after he has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of service and is below
sixty (60) years of age at the time of resignation or separation.
“SECTION 12. Unemployment or Involuntary Separation Benefits. — Unemployment benefits in
the form of monthly cash payments equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the average monthly “SECTION 15. General Conditions for Entitlement. — A member who suffers permanent disability
compensation shall be paid to a permanent employee who is involuntarily separated from the service for reasons not due
due to the abolition of his office or position usually resulting from reorganization: Provided, That he has  to his grave misconduct,
been paying integrated contributions for at least one (1) year prior to separation. Unemployment  notorious negligence,
benefits shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:  habitual intoxication, or
 willful intention to kill himself or another, shall be entitled to the benefits provided
“Contributions Made Benefit Duration for under Sections 16 and 17 immediately following, subject to the corresponding
conditions therefor.
1 year but less than 3 years 2 months
“SECTION 16. Permanent Total Disability Benefits. —
3 or more years but less than 6 years 3 months (a) If the permanent disability is total, he shall receive a monthly income benefit for life equal to the
basic monthly pension effective from the date of disability: Provided, That:
6 or more years but less than 9 years 4 months
(1) he is in the service at the time of disability; or
9 or more years but less than 11 years 5 months
(2) if separated from the service, he has paid at least thirty-six (36) monthly
11 or more years but less than 15 years 6 months contributions within the five (5) year period immediately preceding his disability, or has paid
a total of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions, prior to his disability:
“The first payment shall be equivalent to two (2) monthly benefits. A seven-day (7) waiting period shall
be imposed on succeeding monthly payments. Provided, further, That if at the time of disability, he was in the service and has paid a total
of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions, in addition to the monthly
“All accumulated unemployment benefits paid to the employee during his entire membership with the income benefit, he shall receive a cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his basic
GSIS shall be deducted from voluntary separation benefits. monthly pension: Provided, finally, That a member cannot enjoy the monthly income
benefit for permanent disability and the old-age retirement simultaneously.
“The GSIS shall prescribe the detailed guidelines in the operationalization of this section in the rules
and regulations implementing this Act. “(b) If a member who suffers permanent total disability does not satisfy conditions (1) and (2) in
paragraph (a) of this section but has rendered at least three (3) years service at the time of his
“RETIREMENT BENEFITS disability, he shall be advanced the cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his
average monthly compensation for each year of service he paid contributions, but not less than Twelve
“SECTION 13. Retirement Benefits. — (a) Retirement benefit shall be: Thousand pesos (P12,000) which should have been his separation benefit.

“(1) the lump sum payment as defined in this Act payable at the time of retirement plus an old-age “(c) Unless the member has reached the minimum retirement age, disability benefit shall be
pension benefit equal to the basic monthly pension payable monthly for life, starting upon expiration of suspended when:
the five-year (5) guaranteed period covered by the lump sum; or  “(1) he is reemployed or
 “(2) he recovers from disability as determined by the GSIS, whose decision shall be final and
“(2) cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months of his basic monthly pension plus monthly binding; or
pension for life payable immediately with no five-year (5) guarantee.  “(3) he fails to present himself for medical examination when required by the GSIS.

“(b) Unless the service is extended by appropriate authorities, retirement shall be compulsory for an “(d) The following disabilities shall be deemed total and permanent:
employee at sixty-five (65) years of age with at least fifteen (15) years of service: Provided, That if he
has less than fifteen (15) years of service, he may be allowed to continue in the service in accordance  “(1) complete loss of sight of both eyes;
with existing civil service rules and regulations.  “(2) loss of two (2) limbs at or above the ankle or wrist;
 “(3) permanent complete paralysis of two(2) limbs;
“SECTION 13-A. Conditions for Entitlement. — A member who retires from the service shall be  “(4) brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity; and
entitled to the retirement benefits in paragraph (a) of Section 13 hereof: Provided, That:  “(5) such other cases as may be determined by the GSIS.

(1) he has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of service; “SECTION 17. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits. —
(a) If the disability is partial, he shall receive a cash payment in accordance with a schedule of
(2) he is at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of retirement; and disabilities to be prescribed by the GSIS: Provided, That he satisfies either conditions (1) or (2) of
Section 16(a);
(3) he is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from permanent total disability.
“(b) The following disabilities shall be deemed permanent and partial:
“SECTION 14. Periodic Pension Adjustment. — The monthly pension of all pensioners including all
those receiving survivorship pension benefits shall be periodically adjusted as may be recommended by “(1) complete and permanent loss of the use of:
the GSIS’ actuary and approved by the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed (i) any finger
by the GSIS.’ (ii) any toe
(iii) one arm
(iv) one hand
(v) one foot
(vi) one leg (3) a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his average monthly compensation
(vii) one or both ears for each year of service he paid contributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000.00):
(viii) hearing of one or both ears Provided, That the deceased has rendered at least three (3) years of service prior to his death but
(ix) sight of one eye does not qualify for the benefits under the item (1) or (2) of this paragraph.

“(2) such other cases as may be determined by the GSIS. (b) The survivorship pension shall be paid as follows:

“TEMPORARY DISABILITY BENEFITS o when the dependent spouse is the only survivor, he/she shall receive the
basic survivorship pension for life or until he/she remarries;
“SECTION 18. Temporary Total Disability Benefit. — (a) A member who suffers temporary total
disability for reasons not due to any of the conditions enumerated in Section 15 hereof shall be entitled o when only dependent children are the survivors, they shall be entitled to the basic
to seventy-five percent (75%) of his current daily compensation for each day or fraction thereof of survivorship pension for as long as they are qualified, plus the dependent
temporary disability benefit not exceeding one hundred twenty (120) days in one calendar year after children’s pension equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the basic monthly
exhausting all his sick leave credits and collective bargaining agreement sick leave benefits, pension for every dependent child not exceeding five (5), counted from
if any, but not earlier than the fourth day of his temporary total disability: the youngest and without substitution;
Provided, That:
“(1) he is in the service at the time of his disability; or o when the survivors are the dependent spouse and the dependent children, the
“(2) if separated, he has rendered at least three (3) years of service and has paid at least six (6) dependent spouse shall receive the basic survivorship pension for life or
monthly contributions in the twelve-month period immediately preceding his disability. until he/she remarries, and the dependent children shall receive the
dependent children’s pension mentioned in the immediately preceding
Provided, however, That a member cannot enjoy the temporary total disability benefit and sick leave paragraph (2) hereof.
pay simultaneously: Provided, further, That if the disability requires more extensive treatment that
lasts beyond one hundred twenty (120) days, the payment of the temporary total disability benefit may (c) In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to:
be extended by the GSIS but not to exceed a total of two hundred forty (240) days.
o the cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his average
“(b) The temporary total disability benefit shall in no case be less than Seventy pesos (P70.00) a day. monthly compensation for each year of service he paid contributions, but not less
than Twelve thousand pesos (P12,000): Provided, That the member is in the
“(c) The notices required of the member and the employer, the mode of payment, and the other service at the time of his death and has at least three (3) years of service; or
requirements for entitlement to temporary total disability benefits shall be provided in the rules and
regulations to be prescribed by the GSIS. o in the absence of secondary beneficiaries, the benefits under this paragraph shall
be paid to his legal heirs.
“SECTION 19. Non-scheduled Disability. — For injuries or illnesses resulting in a disability not
listed in the schedule of partial/total disability, as provided herein, the GSIS shall determine the nature o For purposes of the survivorship benefits, legitimate children shall include
of the disability and the corresponding benefits therefor. legally adopted and legitimate children.

“SURVIVORSHIP BENEFITS “SECTION 22. Death of a Pensioner. —

Upon the death of an old-age pensioner or a member receiving the monthly income benefit for
“SECTION 20. Survivorship Benefits. — When a member or pensioner dies, the beneficiaries shall permanent disability,
be entitled to survivorship benefits provided in Sections 21 and 22 hereunder subject to the conditions  the qualified beneficiaries shall be entitled to the survivorship pension defined in Section 20
therein provided for. The survivorship pension shall consist of: of this Act, subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 21 hereof. When the
pensioner dies within the period covered by the lump sum, the survivorship pension shall be
o the basic survivorship pension which is fifty percent (50%) of the basic monthly paid only after the expiration of the said period.
pension; and
o the dependent children’s pension not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the basic “FUNERAL BENEFITS
monthly pension.
“SECTION 23. Funeral Benefit. — The amount of funeral benefit shall be determined and specified
by the GSIS in the rules and regulations but shall not be less than Twelve thousand pesos
“SECTION 21. Death of a Member. — (a) Upon the death of a member, the primary beneficiaries (P12,000.00): Provided, That it shall be increased to at least Eighteen thousand pesos (P18,000.00)
shall be entitled to: after five (5) years and shall be paid upon the death of:
(1) survivorship pension: Provided, That the deceased:
 an active member as defined under Section 2(e) of this Act; or
 was in the service at the time of his death; or  a member who has been separated from the service, but who may be entitled to future
 if separated from the service, has at least three (3) years of service at the time of his death benefit pursuant to Section 4 of this Act; or
and has paid thirty-six (36) monthly contributions within the five-year period immediately  a pensioner, as defined in Section 2(o) of this Act; or
preceding his death; or has paid a total of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly  a retiree who at the time of his retirement was of pensionable age under this Act but who
contributions prior to his death; or opted to retire under Republic Act No. 1616.

(2) the survivorship pension plus a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of “LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS
his average monthly compensation for every year of service: Provided, That the deceased was in
the service at the time of his death with at least three (3) years of service; or “SECTION 24. Compulsory Life Insurance. — All employees except for Members of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall, under such terms and
conditions as may be promulgated by the GSIS, be compulsorily covered with life insurance, which
shall automatically take effect as follows: “SECTION 32. Execution of Decision. — When no appeal is perfected and there is no order to stay by
the Board, by the Court of Appeals or by the Supreme Court, any decision or award of the Board shall
(1) for those employed after the effectivity of this Act, their insurance shall take effect on the be enforced and executed in the same manner as decisions of the Regional Trial Court. For this
date of their employment; purpose, the Board shall have the power to issue to the city or provincial sheriff or its appointed sheriff
such writs of execution as may be necessary for the enforcement of such decision or award, and any
(2) for those whose insurance will mature after the effectivity of this Act, their insurance person who shall fail or refuse to comply with such decision, award, writ or process after being required
shall be deemed renewed on the day following the maturity or expiry date of their insurance; to do so, shall, upon application by the GSIS, be punished for contempt.

(3) for those without any life insurance as of the effectivity of this Act, their insurance shall “SECTION 33. Oaths, Witnesses, and Production of Records. — When authorized by the Board, an
take effect following said effectivity. official or employee of the GSIS shall have the power to administer oath and affirmation, take
depositions, certify to official acts, and issue subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to
“SECTION 25. Dividends. — An annual dividend may be granted to all members of the GSIS whose compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, correspondences, and other
life insurance is in force for at least one (1) year in accordance with a dividend allocation formula to be records deemed necessary as evidence in connection with any question arising under this Act. Any case
determined by the GSIS. of contumacy shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Section 580 of the Revised
Administrative Code.
“SECTION 26. Optional Insurance. — Subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the GSIS, a
member may apply for insurance and/or pre-need coverage embracing life, health, hospitalization, “F. FUNDS OF THE GSIS
education, memorial plans, and such other plans as may be designed by the GSIS, for himself and/or
his dependents. Any employer may likewise apply for group insurance coverage for its employees. The “SECTION 34. Funds. — All contributions payable under Section 5 of this Act together with the earnings
payment of the premiums/installments for optional insurance and pre-need products may be made by and accruals thereon shall constitute the GSIS Social Insurance Fund. The said Fund shall be used to
the insured or his employer and/or any person acceptable to the GSIS. finance the benefits administered by the GSIS under this Act. In addition, the GSIS shall administer the
optional insurance fund for the insurance coverage described in Section 26 hereof, the employees’
“SECTION 27. Reinsurance. — The GSIS may reinsure any of its interests or part thereof with any Compensation Insurance Fund created under P.D. 626, as amended, the General Insurance Fund
private company or reinsurer whether domestic or foreign: Provided, That the GSIS shall submit an created under Act No. 656, as amended, and such other special funds existing or that may be created
annual report on its reinsurance operations to the Insurance Commission. for special groups or persons rendering services to the government. The GSIS shall maintain the
required reserves to guarantee the fulfillment of its obligations under this Act.
“The funds of the GSIS shall not be used for purposes other than what are provided for under this Act.
“SECTION 28. Prescription. — Claims for benefits under this Act except for life and retirement shall Moreover, no portion of the funds of the GSIS or income thereof shall accrue to the General Fund of the
prescribe after four (4) years from the date of contingency. national government and its political subdivisions, instrumentalities and other agencies including
government-owned and controlled corporations except as may be allowed under this Act.
“SECTION 29. Facility of Payment. — The GSIS shall prescribe rules and regulations to facilitate
payment of benefit, proceeds, and claims under this Act and any other laws administered by the GSIS. “SECTION 35. Deposits and Disbursements. — All revenues collected and all accruals thereto shall be
Payments made by the GSIS prior to its receipt of an adverse claim, to a beneficiary or claimant deposited, administered and disbursed in accordance with the law. A maximum expense loading of
subsequently found not entitled thereto, shall not bar the legal and eligible recipient to his right to twelve percent (12%) of the yearly revenues from all sources may be disbursed for administrative and
demand the payment of benefits, proceeds, and claims from the GSIS, who shall, however, have a operational expenses except as may be otherwise approved by the President of the Philippines on the
right to institute the appropriate action in a court of law against the ineligible recipient. basis of actuarial and management studies.

“SECTION 30. Settlement of Disputes. — The GSIS shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to “SECTION 36. Investment of Funds. — The funds of the GSIS which are not needed to meet the current
settle any dispute arising under this Act and any other laws administered by the GSIS. obligations may be invested under such terms and conditions and rules and regulations as may be
prescribed by the Board: Provided, That investments shall satisfy the requirements of liquidity,
The Board may designate any member of the Board, or official of the GSIS who is a lawyer, to act as safety/security and yield in order to ensure the actuarial solvency of the funds of the GSIS: Provided,
hearing officer to receive evidence, make findings of fact and submit recommendations thereon. The further, That the GSIS shall submit an annual report on all investments made to both Houses of
hearing officer shall submit his findings and recommendations, together with all the documentary and Congress of the Philippines, to wit:
testimonial evidence to the Board within thirty (30) working days from the time the parties have closed
their respective evidence and filed their last pleading. The Board shall decide the case within thirty (30) (a) in interest-bearing bonds or securities or other evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the
days from the receipt of the hearing officer’s findings and recommendations. The cases heard directly Philippines;
by the Board shall be decided within thirty (30) working days from the time they are submitted by the
parties for decision. (b) In interest-bearing deposits or securities in any domestic bank doing business in the Philippines:
Provided, That in the case of such deposits, these shall not exceed at any time the unimpaired capital
“SECTION 31. Appeals. — Appeals from any decision or award of the Board shall be governed by Rules and surplus or total private deposits of the depository bank, whichever is smaller: Provided, further,
43 and 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure adopted by the Supreme Court on April 8, 1997 which That said bank has prior designation as a depository for the purpose by the Monetary Board of the
will take effect on July 1, 1997: Provided, That pending cases and those filed prior to July 1, 1997 shall Central Monetary Authority;
be governed by the applicable rules of procedure: Provided, further, That the appeal shall take
precedence over all other cases except criminal cases when the penalty of life imprisonment or death (c) in direct housing loans to members and group housing projects secured by first mortgage, giving
or reclusion perpetua is imposable. priority to the low income groups and in short-and-medium-term loans to members such as salary,
policy, educational, emergency, stock purchase plan and other similar loans: Provided, That no less
The appeal shall not stay the execution of the order or award unless ordered by the Board, by the than forty percent (40%) of the investable fund of the GSIS Social Insurance Fund shall be invested for
Court of Appeals or by the Supreme Court and the appeal shall be without prejudice to the special civil these purposes;
action of certiorari when proper.
(d) in bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of educational or medical official functions or duties, or incurred relative to or in connection with his position or work except
institutions to finance the construction, improvement and maintenance of schools and hospitals; when his monetary liability, contractual or otherwise, is in favor of the GSIS.

(e) in real estate property including shares of stocks involving real estate property and investments “G. ADMINISTRATION
secured by first mortgages on real estate or other collaterals acceptable to the GSIS: Provided, That
such investments shall, in the determination of the Board, redound to the benefit of the GSIS, its “SECTION 40. Implementing Body. — The Government Service Insurance System as created under
members, as well as the general public; Commonwealth Act No. 186 shall implement the provisions of this Act.

(f) In debt instruments and other securities traded in the secondary markets; “SECTION 41. Powers and Functions of the GSIS. — The GSIS shall exercise the following powers and
(g) In loans to, or in bonds, debentures, promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness of any
solvent corporation created or existing under the laws of the Philippines; (a) to formulate, adopt, amend and/or rescind such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions and purposes of this Act, as well as the effective exercise of the powers and
(h) In common and preferred stocks of any solvent corporation or financial institution created or functions, and the discharge of duties and responsibilities of the GSIS, its officers and employees;
existing under the laws of the Philippines listed in the stock exchange with proven track record or
profitability over the last three (3) years and payment of dividends at least once over the same period; (b) to adopt or approve the annual and supplemental budget of receipts and expenditures including
salaries and allowances of the GSIS personnel; to authorize such capital and operating expenditures
(i) In domestic mutual funds including investments related to the operations of mutual funds; and and disbursements of the GSIS as may be necessary and proper for the effective management and
operation of the GSIS;
(j) In foreign mutual funds and in foreign currency deposits or foreign currency-denominated debts,
non-speculative equities and other financial instruments or other assets issued in accordance with (c) to invest the funds of the GSIS, directly or indirectly, in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
existing laws of the countries where such financial instruments are issued: Provided, That these
instruments or assets are listed in bourses of the respective countries where these instruments or (d) to acquire, utilize or dispose of, in any manner recognized by law, real or personal property in the
assets are issued: Provided, further, That the issuing company has proven track record of profitability Philippines or elsewhere necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act;
over the last three (3) years and payment of dividends at least once over the same period.
(e) to conduct continuing actuarial and statistical studies and valuations to determine the financial
“SECTION 37. Records and Reports. — The GSIS shall keep and cause to keep such records as may be condition of the GSIS and taking into consideration such studies and valuations and the limitations
necessary for the purpose of making actuarial studies, calculations and valuations of the funds of the herein provided, re-adjust the benefits, contributions, premium rates, interest rates or the allocation or
GSIS including such data needed in the computation of rates of disability, mortality, morbidity, re-allocation of the funds to the contingencies covered;
separation and retirement among the members and any other information useful for the adjustment of
the benefits of the members. The GSIS shall maintain appropriate books of accounts to record its (f) to have the power of succession;
assets, liabilities, income, expenses, receipts and disbursements of funds and other financial
transactions and operations. (g) to sue and be sued;

“SECTION 38. Examination and Valuation of the Funds. — The GSIS shall make a periodic actuarial (h) to enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of every kind and description with any person,
examination and valuation of its funds in accordance with accepted actuarial principles. firm or association or corporation, domestic or foreign;

“SECTION 39. Exemption from Tax, Legal Process and Lien. — It is hereby declared to be the policy of (i) to carry on any other lawful business whatsoever in pursuance of, or in connection with the
the State that the actuarial solvency of the funds of the GSIS shall be preserved and maintained at all provisions of this Act;
times and that contribution rates necessary to sustain the benefits under this Act shall be kept as low
as possible in order not to burden the members of the GSIS and their employers. Taxes imposed on (j) to have one or more offices in and outside of the Philippines, and to conduct its business and
the GSIS tend to impair the actuarial solvency of its funds and increase the contribution rate necessary exercise its powers throughout and in any part of the Republic of the Philippines and/or in any or all
to sustain the benefits of this Act. Accordingly, notwithstanding any laws to the contrary, the GSIS, its foreign countries, states and territories: Provided, That the GSIS shall maintain a branch office in every
assets, revenues including all accruals thereto, and benefits paid, shall be exempt from all taxes, province where there exists a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) membership;
assessments, fees, charges or duties of all kinds. These exemptions shall continue unless expressly and
specifically revoked and any assessment against the GSIS as of the approval of this Act are hereby (k) to borrow funds from any source, private or government, foreign or domestic, only as an incident in
considered paid. Consequently, all laws, ordinances, regulations, issuances, opinions or jurisprudence the securitization of housing mortgages of the GSIS and on account of its receivables from any
contrary to or in derogation of this provision are hereby deemed repealed, superseded and rendered government or private entity;
ineffective and without legal force and effect.
(l) to invest, own or otherwise participate in equity in any establishment, firm or entity;
“Moreover, these exemptions shall not be affected by subsequent laws to the contrary unless this
section is expressly, specifically and categorically revoked or repealed by law and a provision is enacted (m) to approve appointments in the GSIS except appointments to positions which are policy
to substitute or replace the exemption referred to herein as an essential factor to maintain or protect determining, primarily confidential or highly technical in nature according to the Civil Service rules and
the solvency of the fund, notwithstanding and independently of the guaranty of the national regulations: Provided, That all positions in the GSIS shall be governed by a compensation and position
government to secure such solvency or liability. classification system and qualifications standards approved by the GSIS Board of Trustees based on a
comprehensive job analysis and audit of actual duties and responsibilities: Provided, further, That the
“The funds and/or the properties referred to herein as well as the benefits, sums or monies compensation plan shall be comparable with the prevailing compensation plans in the private sector
corresponding to the benefits under this Act shall be exempt from attachment, garnishment, execution, and shall be subject to the periodic review by the Board no more than once every four (4) years
levy or other processes issued by the courts, quasi-judicial agencies or administrative bodies including without prejudice to yearly merit reviews or increases based on productivity and profitability;
Commission on Audit (COA) disallowances and from all financial obligations of the members, including
his pecuniary accountability arising from or caused or occasioned by his exercise or performance of his
(n) to design and adopt an Early Retirement Incentive Plan (ERIP) and/or financial assistance for the
purpose of retirement for its own personnel; The Trustees, except the President and General Manager who shall cease as trustee upon his
separation, shall hold office for six (6) years without reappointment, or until their successors are duly
(o) to fix and periodically review and adjust the rates of interest and other terms and conditions for appointed and qualified. Vacancy, other than through the expiration of the term, shall be filled for the
loans and credits extended to members or other persons, whether natural or juridical; unexpired term only. The members of the Board shall be entitled to a per diem of Two thousand five
hundred pesos (P2,500) for each board meeting actually attended by them, but not to exceed Ten
(p) to enter into agreement with the Social Security System or any other entity, enterprise, corporation thousand pesos (P10,000) a month and reasonable transportation and representation allowances as
or partnership for the benefit of members transferring from one system to another subject to the may be fixed by the Board.
provision of Republic Act No. 7699, otherwise known as the Portability Law;
“SECTION 43. Powers and Functions of the Board of Trustees. — The Board of Trustees shall have the
(q) to be able to float proper instrument to liquefy long-term maturity by pooling funds for short-term following powers and functions:
secondary market;
“(a) to formulate the policies, guidelines and programs to effectively carry out the purposes of this Act;
(r) to submit annually, not later than June 30, a public report to the President of the Philippines and
the Congress of the Philippines regarding its activities in the administration and enforcement of this Act “(b) to promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary or proper for the effective exercise
during the preceding year including information and recommendations on broad policies for the of the powers and functions as well as the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the GSIS, its
development and perfection of the programs of the GSIS; officers and employees;

(s) to maintain a provident fund, which consists of contributions made by both the GSIS and its officials “(c) upon the recommendation of the President and General Manager, to approve the annual and
and employees and their earnings, for the payment of benefits to such officials and employees or their supplemental budget of receipts and expenditures of the GSIS, and to authorize such operating and
heirs under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe; capital expenditures and disbursements of the GSIS as may be necessary or proper for the effective
management, operation and administration of the GSIS;
(t) to approve and adopt guidelines affecting investments, insurance coverage of government
properties, settlement of claims, disposition of acquired assets, privatization or expansion of “(d) upon the recommendation of the President and General Manager, to approve the GSIS’
subsidiaries, development of housing projects, increased benefit and loan packages to members, and organizational and administrative structures and staffing pattern, and to establish, fix, review, revise
the enforcement of the provisions of this Act; and adjust the appropriate compensation package for the officers and employees of the GSIS with
reasonable allowances, incentives, bonuses, privileges and other benefits as may be necessary or
(u) any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, to authorize the payment of extra proper for the effective management, operation and administration of the GSIS, which shall be exempt
remuneration to the officials and employees directly involved in the collection and/or remittance of from Republic Act No. 6758, otherwise known as the Salary Standardization Law and Republic Act No.
contributions, loan repayments, and other monies due to the GSIS at such rates and under such 7430, otherwise known as the Attrition Law;
conditions as it may adopt. Provided, That the best interest of the GSIS shall be observed thereby;
“(e) to fix and periodically review and adjust the rates of interest and other terms and conditions for
(v) to determine, fix and impose interest upon unpaid premiums due from employers and employees; loans and credits extended to its members or other persons, whether natural or juridical;

(w) to ensure the collection or recovery of all indebtedness, liabilities and/or accountabilities, including “(f) the provision of any law to the contrary notwithstanding, to compromise or release, in whole or in
unpaid premiums or contributions in favor of the GSIS arising from any cause or source whatsoever, part, any claim or settle liability to the GSIS, regardless of the amount involved, under such terms and
due from all obligors, whether public or private. The Board shall demand payment or settlement of the conditions as it may impose for the best interest of the GSIS;
obligations referred to herein within thirty (30) days from the date the obligation becomes due, and in
the event of failure or refusal of the obligor or debtor to comply with the demand, to initiate or institute “(g) to approve and adopt guidelines affecting investments, insurance coverage of government
the necessary or proper actions or suits, criminal, civil or administrative or otherwise, before the properties, settlement of claims, disposition of acquired assets, development of housing projects,
courts, tribunals, commissions, boards, or bodies of proper jurisdiction within thirty (30) days reckoned increased benefit and loan packages to members, and the enforcement of the provisions of this Act;
from the expiry date of the period fixed in the demand within which to pay or settle the account;
“(h) to determine, fix and impose interest upon unpaid or unremitted premiums and/or contributions;
(x) to design and implement programs that will promote and mobilize savings and provide additional and
resources for social security expansion and at the same time afford individual members appropriate
returns on their savings/investments. The programs shall be so designed as to spur socio-economic “(i) to do and perform any and all acts necessary, proper or incidental to the attainment of the
take-off and maintain continued growth; and purposes and objectives of this Act.

(y) to exercise such powers and perform such other acts as may be necessary, useful, incidental or “SECTION 44. Appointment, Qualifications, and Compensation of the President and General Manager
auxiliary to carry out the provisions of this Act, or to attain the purposes and objectives of this Act. and of Other Personnel. — The President and General Manager of the GSIS shall be its Chief Executive
Officer and shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines. He shall be a person with
“SECTION 42. The Board of Trustees; Its Composition; Tenure and Compensation. — The corporate management and investments expertise necessary for the effective performance of his duties and
powers and functions of the GSIS shall be vested in and exercised by the Board of Trustees composed functions under this Act.
of the President and General Manager of the GSIS and eight (8) other members to be appointed by the
President of the Philippines, one (1) of whom shall be either the President of the Philippine Public “The GSIS President and General Manager shall be assisted by one or more executive vice-presidents,
School Teachers Association (PPSTA) or the President of the Philippine Association of School senior vice-presidents, vice-presidents and managers in addition to the usual supervisory and rank and
Superintendents (PASS), another two (2) shall represent the leading organizations or associations of file positions who shall be appointed and removed by the President and General Manager with the
government employees/retirees, another four (4) from the banking, finance, investment, and insurance approval of the Board, in accordance with the existing Civil Service rules and regulations.
sectors, and one (1) recognized member of the legal profession who at the time of appointment is also
a member of the GSIS. The Trustees shall elect from among themselves a Chairman while the “SECTION 45. Powers and Duties of the President and General Manager. — The President and General
President and General Manager of the GSIS shall automatically be the vice-chairman. Manager of the GSIS shall among others, execute and administer the policies and resolutions approved
by the board and direct and supervise the administration and operations of the GSIS. The President “SECTION 51. Government Assistance to the GSIS. — The GSIS may call upon any employer for such
and General Manager, subject to the approval of the Board, shall appoint the personnel of the GSIS, assistance as may be necessary in the discharge of its duties and functions.
remove, suspend or otherwise discipline them for cause, in accordance with existing Civil Service rules
and regulations, and prescribe their duties and qualifications to the end that only competent persons “L. PENAL PROVISIONS
may be employed.
“SECTION 52. Penalty. — (a) Any person found to have participated directly or indirectly in the
“SECTION 46. Auditor. — (a) The Chairman of the Commission on Audit shall be the ex officio auditor commission of fraud, collusion, falsification, or misrepresentation in any transaction with the GSIS
of the GSIS. For this purpose, he may appoint a representative who shall be the Auditor of the GSIS, whether for him or for some other persons, shall suffer the penalties provided for in Article 172 of the
and the necessary personnel to assist said representative in the performance of his duties. Revised Penal Code.

“(b) The Chairman of the Commission on Audit or his authorized representative, shall submit to the “(b) Whoever shall obtain or receive any money or check invoking any provision of this Act or any
Board soon after the close of each calendar year, an audited statement showing the financial condition agreement thereunder, without being entitled thereto with the intent to defraud any member, any
and progress of the GSIS for the calendar year just ended. employer, the GSIS, or any third party, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five thousand
pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or by imprisonment of not less
“SECTION 47. Legal Counsel. — The Government Corporate Counsel shall be the legal adviser and than six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years, or both, at the discretion of the court.
consultant of the GSIS, but the GSIS may assign to the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel
(OGCC) cases for legal action or trial, issues for legal opinions, preparation and review of “(c) Whoever fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this Act or with the rules and regulations
contracts/agreements and others, as the GSIS may decide or determine from time to time: Provided, adopted by the GSIS shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor
however, That the present legal services group in the GSIS shall serve as its in-house legal counsel. more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or by imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and
one (1) day to twelve (12) years, or both, at the discretion of the court.
“The GSIS may, subject to approval by the proper court, deputize any personnel of the legal service
group to act as special sheriff in the enforcement of writs and processes issued by the court, quasi- “(d) The treasurer, finance officer, cashier, disbursing officer, budget officer or other official or
judicial agencies or administrative bodies in cases involving the GSIS. employee who fails to include in the annual budget the amount corresponding to the employer and
employee contributions, or who fails or refuses or delays by more than thirty (30) days from the time
“SECTION 48. Powers of the Insurance Commission. — The Insurance Commissioner or his authorized such amount becomes due and demandable, or to deduct the monthly contributions of the employee
representatives shall make an examination of the financial condition and methods of transacting shall, upon conviction by final judgment, suffer the penalties of imprisonment from six (6) months and
business of the GSIS at least once every three (3) years and the report of said examination shall be one (1) day to six (6) years, and a fine of not less than Three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) but not
submitted to the Board of Trustees and copies thereof be furnished the Office of the President of the more than Six thousand pesos (P6,000.00), and in addition shall suffer absolute perpetual
Philippines and the two Houses of the Congress of the Philippines within five (5) days after the close of disqualification from holding public office and from practicing any profession or calling licensed by the
examination: Provided, however, That for each examination the GSIS shall pay the office of the government.
Insurance Commissioner an amount equal to the actual expenses incurred by the said office in the
conduct of the examination, including the salaries of the examiners and of the actuary of such “(e) Any employee or member who receives or keeps fund or property belonging, payable or
examination for the actual time spent. deliverable to the GSIS and appropriates the same, or takes or misappropriates or uses the same to
any purpose other than that authorized by this Act, or permits another person to take, misappropriate
“H. GENERAL PROVISIONS or use said fund or property by expressly consenting thereto, or through abandonment or negligence,
or is otherwise guilty of the misappropriation of said fund or property, in whole or in part, shall suffer
“SECTION 49. Dispensation of Social Insurance Benefits. — (a) The GSIS shall pay the retirement the penalties provided in Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code, and in addition shall suffer absolute
benefits to the employee on his last day of service in the government: Provided, That all requirements perpetual disqualification from holding public office and from practicing any profession or calling
are submitted to the GSIS within a reasonable period prior to the effective date of the retirement; licensed by the government.

“(b) The GSIS shall discontinue the processing and adjudication of retirement claims under R.A. No. “(f) Any employee, who after deducting the monthly contribution or loan amortization from a member’s
1616 except refund of retirement premium and R.A. No. 910. Instead, all agencies concerned shall compensation, fails to remit the same to the GSIS within thirty (30) days from the date they should
process and pay the gratuities of their employees. The Board shall adopt the proper rules and have been remitted under Section 6(a) shall be presumed to have misappropriated such contribution or
procedures for the implementation of this provision. loan amortization and shall suffer the penalties provided in Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code, and
in addition shall suffer absolute perpetual disqualification from holding public office and from practicing
“SECTION 50. Development and disposition of Acquired Assets. — The GSIS shall have the right to any profession or calling licensed by the government.
develop and dispose of its acquired assets obtained in the ordinary course of its business. To add value
to, improve profitability on, and/or enhance the marketability of an acquired asset, the GSIS may “(g) The heads of the offices of the national government, its political subdivisions, branches, agencies
further develop/renovate the same either with its own capital or through a joint venture arrangement and instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations and government financial
with private companies or individuals. institutions, and the personnel of such offices who are involved in the collection of premium
contributions, loan amortization and other accounts due the GSIS who shall fail, refuse or delay the
“The GSIS may sell its acquired assets in accordance with existing Commission on Audit (COA) rules payment, turnover, remittance or delivery of such accounts to the GSIS within thirty (30) days from
and regulations for an amount not lower than the current market value of the property. For this the time that the same shall have been due and demandable shall, upon conviction by final judgment,
purpose, the GSIS shall conduct an annual appraisal of its property or acquired assets to determine its suffer the penalties of imprisonment of not less than one (1) year nor more than five (5) years and a
current market value. All notices of sale shall be published in newspapers of general circulation. fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos
(P20,000.00), and in addition shall suffer absolute perpetual disqualification from holding public office
“No injunction or restraining order issued by any court, commission, tribunal or office shall bar, impede and from practicing any profession or calling licensed by the government.
or delay the sale and disposition by the GSIS of its acquired assets except on questions of ownership
and national or public interest. “(h) The officers and/or personnel referred to in paragraph (g) of this section shall be liable not only
criminally but also civilly to the GSIS or to the employee or member concerned in the form of damages,
including surcharges and interests.
SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995."
“(i) For the charges or complaints referred to in paragraph (g) of this Section, the liabilities therein set
forth shall be construed as waiver of the State of its immunity from suit, hence, the above-mentioned SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State shall
officials and/or personnel may not invoke the defense of non-suability of the State.  value the dignity of every individual,
 enhance the development of its human resources,
“(j) Failure of the Members of the GSIS Board, including the chairman and the vice-chairman, to  guarantee full respect for human rights,
comply with the provisions of paragraph (w) of Section 41 hereof, shall subject them to imprisonment  and uphold the dignity of workers, employees, applicants for employment, students or those
of not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year or a fine of not less than Five thousand undergoing training, instruction or education. Towards this end, all forms of sexual
pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) without prejudice to any civil or harassment in the employment, education or training environment are hereby declared
administrative liability which may also arise therefrom. unlawful.

“Criminal actions arising from violations of the provisions of this Act may be commenced by the GSIS SECTION 3. Work, Education or Training -Related, Sexual Harassment Defined. - Work, education
or by the aggrieved member, either under this Act or, in appropriate cases, under the Revised Penal or training-related sexual harassment is committed
Code.  by an employer,
 employee,
“SECTION 53. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — The implementing rules and regulations to carry  manager,
out the provisions of this Act shall be adopted and promulgated by the GSIS not later than ninety (90)  supervisor,
days after the approval of this Act.  agent of the employer,
 teacher,
“SECTION 54. Non-impairment of Benefits, Powers, Jurisdiction, Rights, Privileges, Functions and  instructor,
Activities. — Nothing in this Act shall be construed to repeal, amend or limit any provision of existing  professor,
laws. Presidential Decrees and Letters of Instructions, not otherwise specifically inconsistent with the  coach,
provisions of this Act. trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a
work or training or education environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual
“SECTION 55. Exclusiveness of Benefits. — Whenever other laws provide similar benefits for the same favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for submission is
contingencies covered by this Act, the member who qualifies to the benefits shall have the option to accepted by the object of said Act.
choose which benefits will be paid to him. However, if the benefits provided by the law chosen are less
than the benefits provided under this Act, the GSIS shall pay only the difference. (a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual harassment is committed when:
(1) The sexual favor is made as a
“SECTION 56. Appropriations. — The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be  condition in the hiring or in the employment,
included in the respective budgets of the agencies in the national government obligation program of the  re-employment or continued employment of said individual, or
year following its enactment into law and thereafter.”  in granting said individual favorable compensation, terms of conditions,
promotions, or privileges;
SECTION 2. Separability Clause. — Should any provision of this Act or any part thereof be declared  or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or
invalid, the other provisions, so far as they are separable from the invalid ones, shall remain in force classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive
and effect. ordiminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect said
SECTION 3. Repealing Clause. — All laws and any other law or parts of law specifically inconsistent
herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly: Provided, That the rights under existing laws,
rules and regulations vested upon or acquired by an employee who is already in the service as of the (2) The above acts would impair the employee's rights or privileges under existing labor
effectivity of this Act shall remain in force and effect: Provided, further, That subsequent to the laws; or
effectivity of this Act, a new employee or an employee who has previously retired or separated and is
reemployed in the service shall be covered by the provisions of this Act. (3) The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the
SECTION 4. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official (b) In an education or training environment, sexual harassment is committed:
Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. (1) Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of the offender;
(2) Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the
Approved: May 30, 1997 offender
(3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a
Published in Malaya, The Philippine Star, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and the Manila Bulletin on June 9,  passing grade, or
1997. July 28, 1997.  the granting of honors and scholarships, or
 the payment of a stipend,
Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 93 No. 29 page 4360 on July 21, 1997.  allowance or other benefits, privileges, or consideration;
(4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment
for the student, trainee or apprentice.
Republic Act 7877 Any person who directs or induces another to commit any act of sexual harassment as herein
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 defined, or who cooperates in the commission thereof by another without which it would not have
AN ACT DECLARING SEXUAL HARASSMENT UNLAWFUL IN THE EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION OR been committed, shall also be held liable under this Act.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SEECTION 4. Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a Work-related, Education or Republic of the Philippines
Training Environment. - It shall be the duty of the employer or the head of the work-related, Congress of the Philippines
educational or training environment or institution, to prevent or deter the commission of acts of Metro Manila
sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts Twelfth Congress
of sexual harassment. Towards this end, the employer or head of office shall: Third Regular Session

(a) Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in consultation with and joint1y approved by the
employees or students or trainees, through their duly designated representatives, prescribing the Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-second day of July, two thousand three.
procedure for the investigation of sexual harassment cases and the administrative sanctions therefor. Republic Act No. 9262 March 08, 2004
Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to prosecution in the proper courts for unlawful acts of PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR VICTIMS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFORE, AND FOR
sexual harassment. OTHER PURPOSES
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
The said rules and regulations issued pursuant to this subsection (a) shall include, among others, SECTION 1. Short Title.- This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
guidelines on proper decorum in the workplace and educational or training institutions. Children Act of 2004".
(b) Create a committee on decorum and investigation of cases on sexual harassment. The SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy.- It is hereby declared that the State values the dignity of women
committee shall conduct meetings, as the case may be, with officers and employees, teachers, and children and guarantees full respect for human rights. The State also recognizes the need to
instructors, professors, coaches, trainors, and students or trainees to increase understanding and protect the family and its members particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their
prevent incidents of sexual harassment. It shall also conduct the investigation of alleged cases personal safety and security.
constituting sexual harassment. Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence committed against women and
children in keeping with the fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and the
In the case of a work-related environment, the committee shall be composed of at least one (1) Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the convention on the Elimination of all forms
representative each from the management, the union, if any, the employees from the supervisory of discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human
rank, and from the rank and file employees. rights instruments of which the Philippines is a party.
In the case of the educational or training institution, the committee shall be composed of at least
one (1) representative from the administration, the trainors, instructors, professors or coaches and SECTION 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act,
students or trainees, as the case may be. (a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any
person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or
The employer or head of office, educational or training institution shall disseminate or post a copy had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her child whether
of this Act for the information of all concerned. legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts,
SECTION 5. Liability of the Employer, Head of Office, Educational or Training Institution. battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited
- The employer or head of office, educational or training institution shall be solidarily liable for to, the following acts:
damages arising from the acts of sexual harassment committed in the employment, education or A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm;
training environment if the employer or head of office, educational or training institution is informed of B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed against a woman or her
such acts by the offended party and no immediate action is taken. child. It includes, but is not limited to:
a) rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or her child as a sex object,
SECTION 6. Independent Action for Damages. - Nothing in this Act shall preclude the victim of making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks, physically attacking the sexual parts of the
work, education or training-related sexual harassment from instituting a separate and independent victim's body, forcing her/him to watch obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman
action for damages and other affirmative relief. or her child to do indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and mistress/lover to live in
the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room with the abuser;
SECTION 7. Penalties. - Any person who violates the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, b) acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual activity by force, threat of
be penalized by imprisonment of not less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or a fine force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm or coercion;
of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), c) Prostituting the woman or child.
or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional
suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage to
Any action arising from the violation of the provisions of this Act shall prescribe in three (3) years. property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and mental infidelity. It includes causing
or allowing the victim to witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family
SECTION 8. Separability Clause. - If any portion or provision of this Act is declared void or to which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography in any form or to witness abusive injury to pets
unconstitutional, the remaining portions or provisions hereof shall not be affected by such declaration. or to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation of common children.
D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent which
SECTION 9. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations, other issuances, or includes, but is not limited to the following:
parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. 1. withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in any legitimate profession,
occupation, business or activity, except in cases wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid,
SECTION 10. Effectivity Clause.- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete serious and moral grounds as defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of general circulation. 2. deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to the use and enjoyment of
the conjugal, community or property owned in common;
3. destroying household property;
4. controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling the conjugal money or
(b) "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or her child resulting to the (2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence of the
physical and psychological or emotional distress. woman or her child;
(c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and (3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of the
behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse. woman or her child against her/his will;
(d) "Stalking" refers to an intentional act committed by a person who, knowingly and without lawful (4) Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting harm to
justification follows the woman or her child or places the woman or her child under surveillance directly animals or pets of the woman or her child; and
or indirectly or a combination thereof. (5) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence;
(e) "Dating relationship" refers to a situation wherein the parties live as husband and wife without the (i) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to
benefit of marriage or are romantically involved over time and on a continuing basis during the course the woman or her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal
of the relationship. A casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two individuals in a and emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of minor
business or social context is not a dating relationship. children of access to the woman's child/children.
(f) "Sexual relations" refers to a single sexual act which may or may not result in the bearing of a
common child. SECTION 6. Penalties.- The crime of violence against women and their children, under Section 5
(g) "Safe place or shelter" refers to any home or institution maintained or managed by the Department hereof shall be punished according to the following rules:
of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or by any other agency or voluntary organization (a) Acts falling under Section 5(a) constituting attempted, frustrated or consummated parricide or
accredited by the DSWD for the purposes of this Act or any other suitable place the resident of which is murder or homicide shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Revised Penal Code.
willing temporarily to receive the victim. If these acts resulted in mutilation, it shall be punishable in accordance with the Revised Penal Code;
(h) "Children" refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but are incapable of taking care those constituting serious physical injuries shall have the penalty of prison mayor; those constituting
of themselves as defined under Republic Act No. 7610. As used in this Act, it includes the biological less serious physical injuries shall be punished by prision correccional; and those constituting slight
children of the victim and other children under her care. physical injuries shall be punished by arresto mayor.
Acts falling under Section 5(b) shall be punished by imprisonment of two degrees lower than the
SECTION 4. Construction.- This Act shall be liberally construed to promote the protection and safety of prescribed penalty for the consummated crime as specified in the preceding paragraph but shall in no
victims of violence against women and their children. case be lower than arresto mayor.
(b) Acts falling under Section 5(c) and 5(d) shall be punished by arresto mayor;
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children.- The crime of violence against (c) Acts falling under Section 5(e) shall be punished by prision correccional;
women and their children is committed through any of the following acts: (d) Acts falling under Section 5(f) shall be punished by arresto mayor;
(a) Causing physical harm to the woman or her child; (e) Acts falling under Section 5(g) shall be punished by prision mayor;
(b) Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm; (f) Acts falling under Section 5(h) and Section 5(i) shall be punished by prision mayor.
(c) Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm; If the acts are committed while the woman or child is pregnant or committed in the presence of her
(d) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm; child, the penalty to be applied shall be the maximum period of penalty prescribed in the section.
(e) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to engage in conduct which In addition to imprisonment, the perpetrator shall (a) pay a fine in the amount of not less than One
the woman or her child has the right to desist from or desist from conduct which the woman hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than three hundred thousand pesos
or her child has the right to engage in, or attempting to restrict or restricting the woman's or (300,000.00); (b) undergo mandatory psychological counseling or psychiatric treatment and shall
her child's freedom of movement or conduct by force or threat of force, physical or other report compliance to the court.
harm or threat of physical or other harm, or intimidation directed against the woman or
child. SECTION 7. Venue.- The Regional Trial Court designated as a Family Court shall have original and
This shall include, but not limited to, the following acts committed with the purpose or effect exclusive jurisdiction over cases of violence against women and their children under this law. In the
of controlling or restricting the woman's or her child's movement or conduct: absence of such court in the place where the offense was committed, the case shall be filed in the
(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman or her child Regional Trial Court where the crime or any of its elements was committed at the option of the
of custody to her/his family; compliant.
(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of
financial support legally due her or her family, or deliberately providing SECTION 8. Protection Orders.-
the woman's children insufficient financial support; A protection order is an order issued under this act for the purpose of preventing further acts of
(3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a legal violence against a woman or her child specified in Section 5 of this Act and granting other necessary
right; relief. The relief granted under a protection order serve the purpose of safeguarding the victim from
(4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession, further harm, minimizing any disruption in the victim's daily life, and facilitating the opportunity and
occupation, business or activity or controlling the victim's own mon4ey ability of the victim to independently regain control over her life. The provisions of the protection order
or properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or shall be enforced by law enforcement agencies. The protection orders that may be issued under this
properties; Act are the barangay protection order (BPO), temporary protection order (TPO) and permanent
(f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the protection order (PPO). The protection orders that may be issued under this Act shall include any, some
purpose of controlling her actions or decisions; or all of the following reliefs:
(g) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in (a) Prohibition of the respondent from threatening to commit or committing, personally or
any sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of through another, any of the acts mentioned in Section 5 of this Act;
force, physical harm, or through intimidation directed against the woman (b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing, annoying, telephoning, contacting or
or her child or her/his immediate family; otherwise communicating with the petitioner, directly or indirectly;
(h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct, personally or (c) Removal and exclusion of the respondent from the residence of the petitioner, regardless
through another, that alarms or causes substantial emotional or of ownership of the residence, either temporarily for the purpose of protecting the petitioner,
psychological distress to the woman or her child. This shall include, but or permanently where no property rights are violated, and if respondent must remove
not be limited to, the following acts: personal effects from the residence, the court shall direct a law enforcement agent to
(1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private accompany the respondent has gathered his things and escort respondent from the
places; residence;
(d) Directing the respondent to stay away from petitioner and designated family or (d) description of the reliefs requested by petitioner as specified in Section 8 herein;
household member at a distance specified by the court, and to stay away from the residence, (e) request for counsel and reasons for such;
school, place of employment, or any specified place frequented by the petitioner and any (f) request for waiver of application fees until hearing; and
designated family or household member; (g) an attestation that there is no pending application for a protection order in another court.
(e) Directing lawful possession and use by petitioner of an automobile and other essential If the applicants is not the victim, the application must be accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant
personal effects, regardless of ownership, and directing the appropriate law enforcement attesting to (a) the circumstances of the abuse suffered by the victim and (b) the circumstances of
officer to accompany the petitioner to the residence of the parties to ensure that the consent given by the victim for the filling of the application. When disclosure of the address of the
petitioner is safely restored to the possession of the automobile and other essential personal victim will pose danger to her life, it shall be so stated in the application. In such a case, the applicant
effects, or to supervise the petitioner's or respondent's removal of personal belongings; shall attest that the victim is residing in the municipality or city over which court has territorial
(f) Granting a temporary or permanent custody of a child/children to the petitioner; jurisdiction, and shall provide a mailing address for purpose of service processing.
(g) Directing the respondent to provide support to the woman and/or her child if entitled to An application for protection order filed with a court shall be considered an application for both a TPO
legal support. Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary, the court shall order an and PPO.
appropriate percentage of the income or salary of the respondent to be withheld regularly by Barangay officials and court personnel shall assist applicants in the preparation of the application. Law
the respondent's employer for the same to be automatically remitted directly to the woman. enforcement agents shall also extend assistance in the application for protection orders in cases
Failure to remit and/or withhold or any delay in the remittance of support to the woman brought to their attention.
and/or her child without justifiable cause shall render the respondent or his employer liable SECTION 12. Enforceability of Protection Orders. – All TPOs and PPOs issued under this Act shall be
for indirect contempt of court; enforceable anywhere in the Philippines and a violation thereof shall be punishable with a fine ranging
(h) Prohibition of the respondent from any use or possession of any firearm or deadly from Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) and/or imprisonment of
weapon and order him to surrender the same to the court for appropriate disposition by the six (6) months.
court, including revocation of license and disqualification to apply for any license to use or SECTION 13. Legal Representation of Petitioners for Protection Order. – If the woman or her child
possess a firearm. If the offender is a law enforcement agent, the court shall order the requests in the applications for a protection order for the appointment of counsel because of lack of
offender to surrender his firearm and shall direct the appropriate authority to investigate on economic means to hire a counsel de parte, the court shall immediately direct the Public Attorney's
the offender and take appropriate action on matter; Office (PAO) to represent the petitioner in the hearing on the application. If the PAO determines that
(i) Restitution for actual damages caused by the violence inflicted, including, but not limited the applicant can afford to hire the services of a counsel de parte, it shall facilitate the legal
to, property damage, medical expenses, childcare expenses and loss of income; representation of the petitioner by a counsel de parte. The lack of access to family or conjugal
(j) Directing the DSWD or any appropriate agency to provide petitioner may need; and resources by the applicant, such as when the same are controlled by the perpetrator, shall qualify the
(k) Provision of such other forms of relief as the court deems necessary to protect and petitioner to legal representation by the PAO.
provide for the safety of the petitioner and any designated family or household member, However, a private counsel offering free legal service is not barred from representing the petitioner.
provided petitioner and any designated family or household member consents to such relief. SECTION 14. Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs); Who May Issue and How. - Barangay Protection
Any of the reliefs provided under this section shall be granted even in the absence of a Orders (BPOs) refer to the protection order issued by the Punong Barangay ordering the perpetrator to
decree of legal separation or annulment or declaration of absolute nullity of marriage. desist from committing acts under Section 5 (a) and (b) of this Act. A Punong Barangay who receives
The issuance of a BPO or the pendency of an application for BPO shall not preclude a applications for a BPO shall issue the protection order to the applicant on the date of filing after ex
petitioner from applying for, or the court from granting a TPO or PPO. parte determination of the basis of the application. If the Punong Barangay is unavailable to act on the
SECTION 9. Who may file Petition for Protection Orders. – A petition for protection order may be application for a BPO, the application shall be acted upon by any available Barangay Kagawad. If the
filed by any of the following: BPO is issued by a Barangay Kagawad the order must be accompanied by an attestation by
(a) the offended party; the Barangay Kagawad that the Punong Barangay was unavailable at the time for the issuance of the
(b) parents or guardians of the offended party; BPO. BPOs shall be effective for fifteen (15) days. Immediately after the issuance of an ex parte BPO,
(c) ascendants, descendants or collateral relatives within the fourth civil degree of the Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad shall personally serve a copy of the same on the
consanguinity or affinity; respondent, or direct any barangay official to effect is personal service.
(d) officers or social workers of the DSWD or social workers of local government units (LGUs); The parties may be accompanied by a non-lawyer advocate in any proceeding before the Punong
(e) police officers, preferably those in charge of women and children's desks; Barangay.
(f) Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad; SECTION 15. Temporary Protection Orders. – Temporary Protection Orders (TPOs) refers to the
(g) lawyer, counselor, therapist or healthcare provider of the petitioner; protection order issued by the court on the date of filing of the application after ex parte determination
(h) At least two (2) concerned responsible citizens of the city or municipality where the that such order should be issued. A court may grant in a TPO any, some or all of the reliefs mentioned
violence against women and their children occurred and who has personal knowledge of the in this Act and shall be effective for thirty (30) days. The court shall schedule a hearing on the issuance
offense committed. of a PPO prior to or on the date of the expiration of the TPO. The court shall order the immediate
SECTION 10. Where to Apply for a Protection Order. – Applications for BPOs shall follow the rules on personal service of the TPO on the respondent by the court sheriff who may obtain the assistance of
venue under Section 409 of the Local Government Code of 1991 and its implementing rules and law enforcement agents for the service. The TPO shall include notice of the date of the hearing on the
regulations. An application for a TPO or PPO may be filed in the regional trial court, metropolitan trial merits of the issuance of a PPO.
court, municipal trial court, municipal circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction over the place of SECTION 16. Permanent Protection Orders. – Permanent Protection Order (PPO) refers to protection
residence of the petitioner: Provided, however, That if a family court exists in the place of residence of order issued by the court after notice and hearing.
the petitioner, the application shall be filed with that court. Respondents non-appearance despite proper notice, or his lack of a lawyer, or the non-availability of
SECTION 11. How to Apply for a Protection Order. – The application for a protection order must be in his lawyer shall not be a ground for rescheduling or postponing the hearing on the merits of the
writing, signed and verified under oath by the applicant. It may be filed as an independent action or as issuance of a PPO. If the respondents appears without counsel on the date of the hearing on the PPO,
incidental relief in any civil or criminal case the subject matter or issues thereof partakes of a violence the court shall appoint a lawyer for the respondent and immediately proceed with the hearing. In case
as described in this Act. A standard protection order application form, written in English with translation the respondent fails to appear despite proper notice, the court shall allow ex parte presentation of the
to the major local languages, shall be made available to facilitate applications for protections order, and evidence by the applicant and render judgment on the basis of the evidence presented. The court shall
shall contain, among other, the following information: allow the introduction of any history of abusive conduct of a respondent even if the same was not
(a) names and addresses of petitioner and respondent; directed against the applicant or the person for whom the applicant is made.
(b) description of relationships between petitioner and respondent; The court shall, to the extent possible, conduct the hearing on the merits of the issuance of a PPO in
(c) a statement of the circumstances of the abuse; one (1) day. Where the court is unable to conduct the hearing within one (1) day and the TPO issued is
due to expire, the court shall continuously extend or renew the TPO for a period of thirty (30) days at SECTION 27. Prohibited Defense. – Being under the influence of alcohol, any illicit drug, or any other
each particular time until final judgment is issued. The extended or renewed TPO may be modified by mind-altering substance shall not be a defense under this Act.
the court as may be necessary or applicable to address the needs of the applicant. SECTION 28. Custody of children. – The woman victim of violence shall be entitled to the custody and
The court may grant any, some or all of the reliefs specified in Section 8 hereof in a PPO. A PPO shall support of her child/children. Children below seven (7) years old older but with mental or physical
be effective until revoked by a court upon application of the person in whose favor the order was disabilities shall automatically be given to the mother, with right to support, unless the court finds
issued. The court shall ensure immediate personal service of the PPO on respondent. compelling reasons to order otherwise.
The court shall not deny the issuance of protection order on the basis of the lapse of time between the A victim who is suffering from battered woman syndrome shall not be disqualified from having custody
act of violence and the filing of the application. of her children. In no case shall custody of minor children be given to the perpetrator of a woman who
Regardless of the conviction or acquittal of the respondent, the Court must determine whether or not is suffering from Battered woman syndrome.
the PPO shall become final. Even in a dismissal, a PPO shall be granted as long as there is no clear SECTION 29. Duties of Prosecutors/Court Personnel. – Prosecutors and court personnel should
showing that the act from which the order might arise did not exist. observe the following duties when dealing with victims under this Act:
SECTION 17. Notice of Sanction in Protection Orders. – The following statement must be printed in a) communicate with the victim in a language understood by the woman or her child; and
bold-faced type or in capital letters on the protection order issued by the Punong Barangay or court: b) inform the victim of her/his rights including legal remedies available and procedure, and privileges
SECTION 18. Mandatory Period For Acting on Applications For Protection Orders – Failure to act on an SECTION 30. Duties of Barangay Officials and Law Enforcers. – Barangay officials and law enforcers
application for a protection order within the reglementary period specified in the previous section shall have the following duties:
without justifiable cause shall render the official or judge administratively liable. (a) respond immediately to a call for help or request for assistance or protection of the victim by
SECTION 19. Legal Separation Cases. – In cases of legal separation, where violence as specified in entering the necessary whether or not a protection order has been issued and ensure the safety of the
this Act is alleged, Article 58 of the Family Code shall not apply. The court shall proceed on the main victim/s;
case and other incidents of the case as soon as possible. The hearing on any application for a (b) confiscate any deadly weapon in the possession of the perpetrator or within plain view;
protection order filed by the petitioner must be conducted within the mandatory period specified in this (c) transport or escort the victim/s to a safe place of their choice or to a clinic or hospital;
Act. (d) assist the victim in removing personal belongs from the house;
SECTION 20. Priority of Application for a Protection Order. – Ex parte and adversarial hearings to (e) assist the barangay officials and other government officers and employees who respond to a call for
determine the basis of applications for a protection order under this Act shall have priority over all help;
other proceedings. Barangay officials and the courts shall schedule and conduct hearings on (f) ensure the enforcement of the Protection Orders issued by the Punong Barangy or the courts;
applications for a protection order under this Act above all other business and, if necessary, suspend (g) arrest the suspected perpetrator wiithout a warrant when any of the acts of violence defined by this
other proceedings in order to hear applications for a protection order. Act is occurring, or when he/she has personal knowledge that any act of abuse has just been
SECTION 21. Violation of Protection Orders. – A complaint for a violation of a BPO issued under this committed, and there is imminent danger to the life or limb of the victim as defined in this Act; and
Act must be filed directly with any municipal trial court, metropolitan trial court, or municipal circuit (h) immediately report the call for assessment or assistance of the DSWD, social Welfare Department
trial court that has territorial jurisdiction over the barangay that issued the BPO. Violation of a BPO of LGUs or accredited non-government organizations (NGOs).
shall be punishable by imprisonment of thirty (30) days without prejudice to any other criminal or civil Any barangay official or law enforcer who fails to report the incident shall be liable for a fine not
action that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed. exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or whenever applicable criminal, civil or administrative
A judgement of violation of a BPO ma be appealed according to the Rules of Court. During trial and liability.
upon judgment, the trial court may motu proprio issue a protection order as it deems necessary SECTION 31. Healthcare Provider Response to Abuse – Any healthcare provider, including, but not
without need of an application. limited to, an attending physician, nurse, clinician, barangay health worker, therapist or counselor who
Violation of any provision of a TPO or PPO issued under this Act shall constitute contempt of court suspects abuse or has been informed by the victim of violence shall:
punishable under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, without prejudice to any other criminal or civil action (a) properly document any of the victim's physical, emotional or psychological injuries;
that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed. (b) properly record any of victim's suspicions, observations and circumstances of the examination or
SECTION 22. Applicability of Protection Orders to Criminal Cases. – The foregoing provisions on visit;
protection orders shall be applicable in impliedly instituted with the criminal actions involving violence (c) automatically provide the victim free of charge a medical certificate concerning the examination or
against women and their children. visit;
SECTION 23. Bond to Keep the Peace. – The Court may order any person against whom a protection (d) safeguard the records and make them available to the victim upon request at actual cost; and
order is issued to give a bond to keep the peace, to present two sufficient sureties who shall undertake (e) provide the victim immediate and adequate notice of rights and remedies provided under this Act,
that such person will not commit the violence sought to be prevented. and services available to them.
Should the respondent fail to give the bond as required, he shall be detained for a period which shall in SECTION 32. Duties of Other Government Agencies and LGUs – Other government agencies and LGUs
no case exceed six (6) months, if he shall have been prosecuted for acts punishable under Section 5(a) shall establish programs such as, but not limited to, education and information campaign and seminars
to 5(f) and not exceeding thirty (30) days, if for acts punishable under Section 5(g) to 5(I). or symposia on the nature, causes, incidence and consequences of such violence particularly towards
The protection orders referred to in this section are the TPOs and the PPOs issued only by the courts. educating the public on its social impacts.
SECTION 24. Prescriptive Period. – Acts falling under Sections 5(a) to 5(f) shall prescribe in twenty It shall be the duty of the concerned government agencies and LGU's to ensure the sustained education
(20) years. Acts falling under Sections 5(g) to 5(I) shall prescribe in ten (10) years. and training of their officers and personnel on the prevention of violence against women and their
SECTION 25. Public Crime. – Violence against women and their children shall be considered a public children under the Act.
offense which may be prosecuted upon the filing of a complaint by any citizen having personal SECTION 33. Prohibited Acts. – A Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawad or the court hearing an
knowledge of the circumstances involving the commission of the crime. application for a protection order shall not order, direct, force or in any way unduly influence he
SECTION 26. Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense. – Victim-survivors who are found by the applicant for a protection order to compromise or abandon any of the reliefs sought in the application
courts to be suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur any criminal and civil liability for protection under this Act. Section 7 of the Family Courts Act of 1997 and Sections 410, 411, 412
notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for justifying circumstances of self-defense under and 413 of the Local Government Code of 1991 shall not apply in proceedings where relief is sought
the Revised Penal Code. under this Act.
In the determination of the state of mind of the woman who was suffering from battered woman Failure to comply with this Section shall render the official or judge administratively liable.
syndrome at the time of the commission of the crime, the courts shall be assisted by expert SECTION 34. Persons Intervening Exempt from Liability. – In every case of violence against women
psychiatrists/ psychologists. and their children as herein defined, any person, private individual or police authority or barangay
official who, acting in accordance with law, responds or intervenes without using violence or restraint
greater than necessary to ensure the safety of the victim, shall not be liable for any criminal, civil or The PNP, in coordination with LGU's shall establish an education and training program for police officers
administrative liability resulting therefrom. and barangay officials to enable them to properly handle cases of violence against women and their
SECTION 35. Rights of Victims. – In addition to their rights under existing laws, victims of violence children.
against women and their children shall have the following rights: SECTION 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be entitled to take a paid leave of
(a) to be treated with respect and dignity; absence up to ten (10) days in addition to other paid leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service
(b) to avail of legal assistance form the PAO of the Department of Justice (DOJ) or any public legal Rules and Regulations, extendible when the necessity arises as specified in the protection order.
assistance office; Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this section shall be penalized in
(c) To be entitled to support services form the DSWD and LGUs' accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an
(d) To be entitled to all legal remedies and support as provided for under the Family Code; and employer who shall prejudice any person for assisting a co-employee who is a victim under this Act
(e) To be informed of their rights and the services available to them including their right to apply for a shall likewise be liable for discrimination.
protection order. SECTION 44. Confidentiality. – All records pertaining to cases of violence against women and their
SECTION 36. Damages. – Any victim of violence under this Act shall be entitled to actual, children including those in the barangay shall be confidential and all public officers and employees and
compensatory, moral and exemplary damages. public or private clinics to hospitals shall respect the right to privacy of the victim. Whoever publishes
SECTION 37. Hold Departure Order. – The court shall expedite the process of issuance of a hold or causes to be published, in any format, the name, address, telephone number, school, business
departure order in cases prosecuted under this Act. address, employer, or other identifying information of a victim or an immediate family member,
SECTION 38. Exemption from Payment of Docket Fee and Other Expenses. – If the victim is an without the latter's consent, shall be liable to the contempt power of the court.
indigent or there is an immediate necessity due to imminent danger or threat of danger to act on an Any person who violates this provision shall suffer the penalty of one (1) year imprisonment and a fine
application for a protection order, the court shall accept the application without payment of the filing of not more than Five Hundred Thousand pesos (P500,000.00).
fee and other fees and of transcript of stenographic notes. SECTION 45. Funding – The amount necessary to implement the provisions of this Act shall be
SECTION 39. Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and Their Children (IAC-VAWC). In included in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA).
pursuance of the abovementioned policy, there is hereby established an Inter-Agency Council on The Gender and Development (GAD) Budget of the mandated agencies and LGU's shall be used to
Violence Against Women and their children, hereinafter known as the Council, which shall be composed implement services for victim of violence against women and their children.
of the following agencies: SECTION 46. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within six (6) months from the approval of this
(a) Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); Act, the DOJ, the NCRFW, the DSWD, the DILG, the DOH, and the PNP, and three (3) representatives
(b) National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW); from NGOs to be identified by the NCRFW, shall promulgate the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(c) Civil Service Commission (CSC); (IRR) of this Act.
(d) Commission on Human rights (CHR) SECTION 47. Suppletory Application – For purposes of this Act, the Revised Penal Code and other
(e) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC); applicable laws, shall have suppletory application.
(f) Department of Justice (DOJ); SECTION 48. Separability Clause. – If any section or provision of this Act is held unconstitutional or
(g) Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG); invalid, the other sections or provisions shall not be affected.
(h) Philippine National Police (PNP); SECTION 49. Repealing Clause – All laws, Presidential decrees, executive orders and rules and
(i) Department of Health (DOH); regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
(j) Department of Education (DepEd); modified accordingly.
(k) Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); and SECTION 50. Effectivity – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the date of its complete
(l) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
These agencies are tasked to formulate programs and projects to eliminate VAW based on their Every employee in the Philippines is entitled to leave of absence. There are different types of paid
mandates as well as develop capability programs for their employees to become more sensitive to the leaves in the country and they can be quite confusing. Especially for hopeful fresh graduates who just
needs of their clients. The Council will also serve as the monitoring body as regards to VAW initiatives. got their first job.
The Council members may designate their duly authorized representative who shall have a rank not When I was job hunting, one of the factors I looked into when choosing an employer was the benefits I
lower than an assistant secretary or its equivalent. These representatives shall attend Council meetings am entitled to. It is important that my potential boss values work-life balance. Sure, I can be
in their behalf, and shall receive emoluments as may be determined by the Council in accordance with workaholic at times, but I still want to be able to enjoy life and spend time with my family. I believe
existing budget and accounting rules and regulations. that taking time off from work every once in a while is healthy.
SECTION 40. Mandatory Programs and Services for Victims. – The DSWD, and LGU's shall provide the Different Types of Paid Leaves
victims temporary shelters, provide counseling, psycho-social services and /or, recovery, rehabilitation Employers granting employees annual leaves and sick leaves are not mandatory under Philippine Law.
programs and livelihood assistance. But Paternal and Maternal leaves, Service Incentive Leave, and Special Leave for Women, to name a
The DOH shall provide medical assistance to victims. few, are.
SECTION 41. Counseling and Treatment of Offenders. – The DSWD shall provide rehabilitative 1. Sick Leave (SL)
counseling and treatment to perpetrators towards learning constructive ways of coping with anger and Employees who can’t report to work due to sickness or disability can apply for sick leave. Employees
emotional outbursts and reforming their ways. When necessary, the offender shall be ordered by the can also avail SL if they have family members who are ill and needs taking care of. Usually this is
Court to submit to psychiatric treatment or confinement. equivalent to 15 days and can be converted to cash by the end of the year.
SECTION 42. Training of Persons Involved in Responding to Violence Against Women and their Sick leave can be filed on the day the employee returns to work. If an employee exceeds three days or
Children Cases. – All agencies involved in responding to violence against women and their children filed in advance, the filed SL must be accompanied with a medical certificate.
cases shall be required to undergo education and training to acquaint them with: 2. Vacation Leave (VL)
a. the nature, extend and causes of violence against women and their children; As mentioned earlier, employers are not mandated by law to grant vacation leaves to their employees.
b. the legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of violence against women and their children; So it’s a good thing that workplaces have now understood that we all have lives outside our jobs and
c. the services and facilities available to victims or survivors; how important family and self time is. Employees can avail vacation leaves for whatever personal
d. the legal duties imposed on police officers to make arrest and to offer protection and assistance; and reasons. This is, however, under the condition that the supervisor or manager approves it.
e. techniques for handling incidents of violence against women and their children that minimize the 3. Service Incentive Leave (SIL)
likelihood of injury to the officer and promote the safety of the victim or survivor. The SIL is the alternative option for employers who don’t grant their employees sick or vacation leaves.
By law, companies are required to grant their staff, who have worked for them for a year, SIL
equivalent to five days. These five days can be used either as sick or vacation leave. If not used during "SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. – For the purpose of this Act, the following terms shall be defined as
the year, employers can pay it’s money equivalent when the year ends. follows:
4. Maternity Leave (ML) "x x x
It takes time to recover from giving birth, plus mothers have to spend some time with their newborn "(f) Dependent – The legal dependents of a member are:
after. Women who’ve worked in the government sector for at least two years are eligible to avail 60 "x x x
days of paid maternity leave on top of their vacation and sick leaves. "(4) the parents who are sixty (60) years old or above whose monthly income is below an amount to
Female members of SSS who have made three monthly contributions, at least twelve months before be determined by the Corporation in accordance with the guiding principles set forth in Article I of this
giving birth, are also eligible for maternity leave. Normal delivery allows 60 days of fully paid leave, Act; and
while 78 days for caesarian delivery. "(5) parents with permanent disability that render them totally dependent on the member for
5. Paternity Leave subsistence.
Fathers can also take some time off after their wife has given birth. The law requires employers to give "x x x
seven days of paternity leave, with full pay, for male employees. Take note that this can only be "(l) Fee-for-service – A fee pre-determined by the Corporation for each service delivered by a health
availed for the first four deliveries of the legitimate spouse. It is also non-convertible to cash and non- care provider based on the bill. The payment system shall be based on a pre-negotiated schedule
cumulative. promulgated by the Corporation.
6. Parental Leave "x x x
It’s hard to take care of children, especially if you’re a single parent. In case you didn’t know, single "(q) Indigent – A person who has no visible means of income, or whose income is insufficient for the
parents are eligible for seven days of parental leave. That is, as long as they have rendered at least a subsistence of his family, as identified by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
year of service to the company and that they have the sole custody and responsibility of the kids. based on specific criteria set for this purpose in accordance with the guiding principles set forth in
Employees must submit a Solo Parent Identification Card or documentation from DSWD to the HR Article I of this Act.
Department if they wish to avail parental leave. "x x x
7. Rehabilitation Leave "(s) Member – Any person whose premiums have been regularly paid to the National Health Insurance
Employees who have sustained injury and disability whilst on duty can avail rehabilitation leave. Program who may be a paying member, a sponsored member, or a lifetime member.
However, the frequency and duration will be dependent on a medical authority’s recommendation. "x x x
The rehabilitation leave should not exceed six months. Also note that any absences of employees "(ff) Retiree – A member of the Program who has reached the age of retirement as provided for by law
availing this leave are not deducted from their vacation and sick leave credits. or who was retired on account of permanent disability as certified by the employer and the Corporation.
8. Study Leave "x x x
Study leave is also offered by employers to qualified staff who are about to take their bar or board "(mm) Abandoned Children – Children who have no known family willing and capable to take care of
exams. With study leave, employees can get up to six months off work, fully paid, to prepare for their them and are under the care of the DSWD, orphanages, churches and other institutions.
exams. "(nn) Case-based Payment – Hospital payment method that reimburses to hospitals a predetermined
Why Paid Leaves Are Important To Know fixed rate for each treated case or disease; also called per case payment.
Getting time off from work every now and then is a good way of reestablishing work-life balance. As an "(oo) Health Technology Assessment – A field of science that investigates the value of a health
employee, you deserve a vacation after working so hard for your company. For employers, providing technology such as procedure, process, products, or devices, specifically on their quality, relative cost-
such benefits to their staff is a good way of keeping them for years to come. effectiveness and safety. It usually involves the science of epidemiology and economics. It has
If you are a new HR employee, this article will be helpful to understand the different types of paid implications on policy, decision to adopt and invest in these technologies, or in health benefit coverage.
leaves stated above. Give it enough time and you can assist the employees if they have questions "(pp) Informal Sector – Units engaged in the production of goods and services with the primary
which leaves they’re entitled to. objective of generating employment and income for the persons concerned. It consists of households,
unincorporated enterprises that are market and nonmarket producers of goods, as well as market
Republic of the Philippines producers of services.
CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES "These enterprises are operated by own-account workers, which may employ unpaid family workers as
Metro Manila well as occasional, seasonally hired workers.
Fifteenth Congress "To this sector belong, among others, street hawkers, market vendors, pedicab and tricycle drivers,
Third Regular Session small construction workers and home-based industries and services.
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve. "(qq) Other Self-earning Individuals – Individuals who render services or sell goods as a means of
REPUBLIC ACT No. 10606 livelihood outside of an employer-employee relationship, or as a career, but do not belong to the
AN ACT AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7875, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "NATIONAL informal sector. These include businessmen, entrepreneurs, actors, actresses and other performers,
HEALTH INSURANCE ACT OF 1995″, AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES news correspondents, professional athletes, coaches, trainers, and other individuals as recognized by
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and/or the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
Section 1. Section 1 of Republic Act No. 7875, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(rr) Out-patient Services – Health services such as diagnostic consultation, examination, treatment,
"SECTION 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the ‘National Health Insurance Act of 2013′." surgery and rehabilitation on an out-patient basis.
Section 2. Section 2 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "(ss) Professional Practitioners – Include doctors, lawyers, certified public accountants, and other
"SEC. 2. Declaration of Principles and Policies. – It is hereby declared the policy of the State to adopt practitioners required to pass government licensure examinations in order to practice their professions.
an integrated and comprehensive approach to health development which shall endeavor to make "(tt) Traditional and Alternative Health Care – The application of traditional knowledge, skills and
essential goods, health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost and to practice of alternative health care or healing methods which include reflexology, acupuncture,
provide free medical care to paupers. Towards this end, the State shall provide comprehensive health massage, accupressure, chiropractics, nutritional therapy and other similar methods in accordance with
care services to all Filipinos through a socialized health insurance program that will prioritize the health the accreditation guidelines set forth by the Corporation and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
care needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly, persons with disabilities (PWDs), women and children "(uu) Lifetime Member – A former member who has reached the age of retirement under the law and
and provide free health care services to indigents. has paid at least one hundred twenty (120) monthly premium contributions.
"Pursuant to this policy, the State shall adopt the following principles: "(vv) Members in the Formal Economy – Workers with formal contracts and fixed terms of employment
"x x x." including workers in the government and private sector, whose premium contribution payments are
Section 3. Section 4 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows: equally shared by the employee and the employer.
"(ww) Members in the Informal Economy – Workers who are not covered by formal contracts or "These services and packages shall be reviewed annually to determine their financial sustainability and
agreements and whose premium contributions are self-paid or subsidized by another individual through relevance to health innovations, with the end in view of quality assurance, increased benefits and
a defined criteria set by the Corporation. reduced out-of-pocket expenditure."
"(xx) Migrant Workers – Documented or undocumented Filipinos who are engaged in a remunerated Section 8. Section 11 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
activity in another country of which they are not citizens. "SEC. 11. Excluded Personal Health Services. – The Corporation shall not cover expenses for health
"(yy) Sponsored Member – A member whose contribution is being paid by another individual, services which the Corporation and the DOH consider cost-ineffective through health technology
government agency, or private entity according to the rules as may be prescribed by the Corporation." assessment.
Section 4. Section 6 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "The Corporation may institute additional exclusions and limitations as it may deem reasonable in
"SEC. 6. Mandatory Coverage. – All citizens of the Philippines shall be covered by the National Health keeping with its protection objectives and financial sustainability."
Insurance Program. In accordance with the principles of universality and compulsory coverage Section 9. Section 12 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
enunciated in Section 2(b) and 2(l) hereof, implementation of the Program shall ensure sustainability of "SEC. 12. Entitlement to Benefits. – A member whose premium contributions for at least three (3)
coverage and continuous enhancement of the quality of service: Provided, That the Program shall be months have been paid within six (6) months prior to the first day of availment, including those of the
compulsory in all provinces, cities and municipalities nationwide, notwithstanding the existence of LGU- dependents, shall be entitled to the benefits of the Program: Provided, That such member can show
based health insurance programs: Provided, further, That the Corporation, Department of Health that contributions have been made with sufficient regularity: Provided, further, That the member is not
(DOH), local government units (LGUs), and other agencies including nongovernmental organizations currently subject to legal penalties as provided for in Section 44 of this Act.
(NGOs) and other national government agencies (NGAs) shall ensure that members in such localities "The following need not pay the monthly contributions to be entitled to the Program’s benefits:
shall have access to quality and cost-effective health care services." "(a) Retirees and pensioners of the SSS and GSIS prior to the effectivity of this Act; and
Section 5. Section 7 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "(b) Lifetime members."
"SEC. 7. Enrollment. – The Corporation shall enroll beneficiaries in order for them to avail of benefits Section 10. Section 16 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
under this Act with the assistance of the financial arrangements provided by the Corporation under the "SEC. 16. Powers and Functions. – The Corporation shall have the following powers and functions:
following categories: "x x x
"(a) Members in the formal economy; "(c) To supervise the provision of health benefits and to set standards, rules, and regulations necessary
"(b) Members in the informal economy; to ensure quality of care, appropriate utilization of services, fund viability, member satisfaction, and
"(c) Indigents; overall accomplishment of Program objectives;
"(d) Sponsored members; and "x x x
"(e) Lifetime members. "(j) To negotiate and enter into contracts with health care institutions, professionals, and other
"The process of enrollment shall include the identification of beneficiaries, issuance of appropriate persons, juridical or natural, regarding the pricing, payment mechanisms, design and implementation
documentation specifying eligibility to benefits, and indicating how membership was obtained or is of administrative and operating systems and procedures, financing, and delivery of health services in
being maintained." behalf of its members;
Section 6. Section 8 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "x x x
"SEC. 8. Health Insurance Identification (ID) Card and ID Number. – In conjunction with the enrollment "(m) To visit, enter and inspect facilities of health care providers and employers during office hours,
provided above, the Corporation through its local office shall issue a health insurance ID with a unless there is reason to believe that inspection has to be done beyond office hours, and where
corresponding ID number which shall be used for purposes of identification, eligibility verification, and applicable, secure copies of their medical, financial, and other records and data pertinent to the claims,
utilization recording. The issuance of this ID card shall be accompanied by a clear explanation to the accreditation, premium contribution, and that of their patients or employees, who are members of the
enrollee of his rights, privileges and obligations as a member. A list of health care providers accredited Program;
by the Local Health Insurance Office shall likewise be provided to the member together with the ID "x x x
card. "(p) To keep records of the operations of the Corporation and investments of the National Health
"The absence of the ID card shall not prejudice the right of any member to avail of benefits or medical Insurance Fund;
services under the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP). "(q) To establish and maintain an electronic database of all its members and ensure its security to
"This health insurance ID card with a corresponding ID number shall be recognized as a valid facilitate efficient and effective services;
government identification and shall be presented and honored in transactions requiring the verification "(r) To invest in the acceleration of the Corporation’s information technology systems;
of a person’s identity." "(s) To conduct an information campaign on the principles of the NHIP to the public and to accredited
Section 7. Section 10 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: health care providers. This campaign must include the current benefit packages provided by the
"SEC. 10. Benefit Package. – Corporation, the mechanisms to avail of the current benefit packages, the list of accredited and
"Members and their dependents are entitled to the following minimum services, subject to the disaccredited health care providers, arid the list of offices/branches where members can pay or check
limitations specified in this Act and as may be determined by the Corporation: the status of paid health premiums;
"(a) Inpatient hospital care: "(t) To conduct post-audit on the quality of services rendered by health care providers;
"(1) room and board; "(u) To establish an office, or where it is not feasible, designate a focal person in every Philippine
"(2) services of health care professionals; Consular Office in all countries where there are Filipino citizens. The office or the focal person shall,
"(3) diagnostic, laboratory, and other medical examination services; among others, process, review and pay the claims of the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs);
"(4) use of surgical or medical equipment and facilities; "(v) Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, to impose interest and/or surcharges of
"(5) prescription drugs and biologicals, subject to the limitations stated in Section 37 of this Act; and not exceeding three percent (3%) per month, as may be fixed by the Corporation, in case of any delay
"(6) inpatient education packages; in the remittance of contributions which are due within the prescribed period by an employer, whether
"(b) Outpatient care: public or private. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, the Corporation may also
"(1) services of health care professionals; compromise, waive or release, in whole or in part, such interest or surcharges imposed upon employers
"(2) diagnostic, laboratory, and other medical examination services; regardless of the amount involved under such valid terms and conditions it may prescribe;
"(3) personal preventive services; and "(w) To endeavor to support the use of technology in the delivery of health care services especially in
"(4) prescription drugs and biologicals, subject to the limitations described in Section 37 of this Act; farflung areas such as, but not limited to, telemedicine, electronic health record, and the establishment
"(c) Emergency and transfer services; and of a comprehensive health database;
"(d) Such other health care services that the Corporation and the DOH shall determine to be "(x) To monitor compliance by the regulatory agencies with the requirements of this Act and to carry
appropriate and cost-effective. out necessary actions to enforce compliance;
"(y) To mandate the national agencies and LGUs to require proof of PhilHealth membership before Section 13. Section 19 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
doing business with a private individual or group; "SEC. 19. The President of the Corporation. –
"(z) To accredit independent pharmacies and retail drug outlets; and "(a) Appointment and Tenure. – The President of the Philippines shall appoint the President and CEO of
"(aa) To perform such other acts as it may deem appropriate for the attainment of the objectives of the the Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the President, upon the recommendation of the Board. The
Corporation and for the proper enforcement of the provisions of this Act." President shall have a tenure of one (1) year in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No.
Section 11. Section 17 of the same Act, is hereby amended to read as follows: 10149.
"SEC. 17. Quasi-Judicial Powers. – The Corporation, to carry out its tasks more effectively, shall be "x x x."
vested with the following powers: Section 14. Section 20 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"(a) Subject to the respondent’s right to due process, to conduct investigations for the determination of "SEC. 20. Health Finance Policy Research. – Among the staff departments that will be established by
a question, controversy, complaint, or unresolved grievance brought to its attention, and render the Corporation shall be the Health Finance Policy Research Department, which shall have the following
decisions, orders, or resolutions thereon. It shall proceed to hear and determine the case even in the duties and functions:
absence of any party who has been properly served with notice to appear. It shall conduct its "x x x
proceedings or any part thereof in public or in executive session; adjourn its hearings to any time and "(f) submission for consideration of program of quality assurance, utilization review, and technology
place; refer technical matters or accounts to an expert and to accept his reports as evidence; direct assessment;
parties to be joined in or excluded from the proceedings; and give all such directions as it may deem "(g) submission of recommendations on policy and operational issues that will help the Corporation
necessary or expedient in the determination of the dispute before it; meet the objectives of this Act; and
"x x x "(h) conduct of client-satisfaction surveys and research in order to assess outcomes of service rendered
"(c) Subject to the respondent’s right to due process, to suspend temporarily, revoke permanently, or by health care providers."
restore the accreditation of a health care provider or the right to benefits of a member and/or impose Section 15. Section 24 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
fines. The decision shall immediately be executory, even pending appeal, when the public interest so "SEC. 24. Creation of the National Health Insurance Fund. – There is hereby created a National Health
requires and as may be provided for in the implementing rules and regulations. Suspension of Insurance Fund, hereinafter referred to as the Fund, that shall consist of:
accreditation shall not exceed six (6) months. Suspension of the rights of members shall not exceed six "(a) Contribution from Program members;
(6) months. "(b) Other appropriations earmarked by the national and local governments purposely for the
"The revocation of a health care provider’s accreditation shall operate to disqualify him from obtaining implementation of the Program;
another accreditation in his own name, under a different name, or through another person, whether "(c) Subsequent appropriations provided for under Sections 46 and 47 of this Act;
natural or juridical. "(d) Donations and grants-in-aid; and
"The Corporation shall not be bound by the technical rules of evidence." "(e) All accruals thereof."
Section 12. Section 18 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows: Section 16. Section 26 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 18. The Board of Directors. – "SEC. 26. Financial Management. – The use, disposition, investment, disbursement, administration and
"(a) Composition. – The Corporation shall be governed by a Board of Directors hereinafter referred to management of the National Health Insurance Fund, including any subsidy, grant or donation received
as the Board, composed of the following members: for program operations shall be governed by applicable laws and in the absence thereof, existing
"The Secretary of Health; resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, subject to the following limitations:
"The Secretary of Labor and Employment or a permanent representative; "(a) All funds under the management and control of the Corporation shall be subject to all rules and
"The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government or a permanent representative; regulations applicable to public funds.
"The Secretary of Social Welfare and Development or a permanent representative; "(b) The Corporation is authorized to charge to the various funds under its control the costs of
"The Secretary of the Department of Finance (DOF) or a permanent representative; administering the Program. Such costs may include administration, monitoring, marketing and
"The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Corporation; promotion, research and development, audit and evaluation, information services, and other necessary
"The SSS Administrator or a permanent representative; activities for the effective management of the Program. The total annual costs for these shall not
"The GSIS General Manager or a permanent representative; exceed the sum total of the following:
"The Vice Chairperson for the basic sector of the National Anti-Poverty Commission or a permanent "(1) Four percent (4%) of the total premium contributions collected during the immediately preceding
representative; year;
"The Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) or a permanent representative; "(2) Four percent (4%) of the total reimbursements or total cost of health services paid by the
"A permanent representative of Filipino migrant workers; Corporation in the immediately preceding year; and
"A permanent representative of the members in the informal economy; "(3) Five percent (5%) of the investment earnings generated during the immediately preceding year.
"A permanent representative of the members in the formal economy; "The period for implementation of the cost ceiling provided under this section shall not be later than
"A representative of employers; five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act during which period, the total annual cost shall not exceed
"A representative of health care providers to be endorsed by their national associations of health care the sum total of the following:
institutions and medical health professionals; "(i) Five percent (5%) of the total contributions;
"A permanent representative of the elected local chief executives to be endorsed by the League of "(ii) Five percent (5%) of the total reimbursements; and
Provinces, League of Cities and League of Municipalities; and "(iii) Five percent (5%) of the investment earnings generated during the immediately preceding year."
"An independent director to be appointed by the Monetary Board. Section 17. Section 27 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"The Secretary of Health shall be the ex officio Chairperson while the President and CEO of the "SEC. 27. Reserve Fund. – The Corporation shall set aside a portion of its accumulated revenues not
Corporation shall be the Vice Chairperson of the Board. needed to meet the cost of the current year’s expenditures as reserve funds: Provided, That the total
"(b) Appointment and Tenure. – Except for ex officio members, the other members of the Board shall amount of reserves shall not exceed a ceiling equivalent to the amount actuarially estimated for two
be appointed by the President of the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. (2) years’ projected Program expenditures: Provided, further, That whenever actual reserves exceed
10149, otherwise known as the ‘GOCC Governance Act of 2011′: Provided, That sectoral board the required ceiling at the end of the Corporation’s fiscal year, the excess of the Corporation’s reserve
members shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the fund shall be used to increase the Program’s benefits, decrease the member’s contributions, and
Chairperson and after due consultations with the sectors concerned. augment the health facilities enhancement program of the DOH.
"The term of office of the appointive members of the Board shall be in accordance with Republic Act No. "The remaining portion of the reserve fund that are not needed to meet the current expenditure
10149. obligations or used for the abovementioned programs shall be placed in investments to earn an
"x x x."
average annual income at prevailing rates of interest and shall be known as the ‘Investment Reserve "SEC. 28. Contributions. – All members who can afford to pay shall contribute to the Fund, in
Fund’ which shall be invested in any or all of the following: accordance with a reasonable, equitable and progressive contribution schedule to be determined by the
"(a) In interest-bearing bonds, securities or other evidences of indebtedness of the Government of the Corporation on the basis of applicable actuarial studies and in accordance with the following guidelines:
Philippines, or in bonds, securities, promissory notes and other evidences of indebtedness to which full "(a) Members in the formal economy and their employers shall continue paying the same monthly
faith and credit and unconditional guarantee of the Republic of the Philippines is pledged; contributions as provided for by law until such time that the Corporation shall have determined a new
"(b) In debt securities and corporate bonds issuances: Provided, That such securities and bonds are contribution schedule: Provided, That their monthly contributions shall not exceed five percent (5%) of
rated triple ‘A’ by authorized accredited domestic rating agencies: Provided, further, That the issuing or their respective monthly salaries.
assuming entity or its predecessor shall not have defaulted in the payment of interest on any of its "It shall be mandatory for all government agencies to include the payment of premium contribution in
securities and that during each of any three (3) including last two (2) of the five (5) fiscal years next their respective annual appropriations: Provided, further, That any increase in the premium
preceding the date of acquisition by the Corporation of such bonds, securities or other evidences of contribution of the national government as employer shall only become effective upon inclusion of said
indebtedness, the net earnings of the issuing or assuming institution available for its recurring amount in the annual General Appropriations Act.
expenses, such as amortization of debt discount and rentals for leased properties, including interest on "(b) Contributions from members in the informal economy shall be based primarily on household
funded and unfunded debt, shall have been not less than one and one quarter (1 ¼) times the total of earnings and assets. Those from the lowest income segment who do not qualify for full subsidy under
the recurring expenses for such year: Provided, further, That such investment shall not exceed fifteen the means test rule of the DSWD shall be entirely subsidized by the LGUs or through cost sharing
percent (15%) of the investment reserve fund; mechanisms between/among LGUs and/or legislative sponsors and/or other sponsors and/or the
"(c) In interest-bearing deposits and loans to or securities in any domestic bank doing business in the member, including the national government: Provided, That the identification of beneficiaries who shall
Philippines: Provided, That in the case of such deposits, this shall not exceed at any time the receive subsidy from LGUs shall be based on a list to be provided by the DSWD through the same
unimpaired capital and surplus or total private deposits of the depository bank, whichever is means test rule or any other appropriate statistical method that may be adopted for said purpose.
smaller: Provided, further, That said bank shall first have been designated as a depository for this "(c) Contributions made in behalf of indigent members shall not exceed the minimum contributions for
purpose by the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; employed members.
"(d) In preferred stocks of any solvent corporation or institution created or existing under the laws of "(d) The required number of monthly premium contributions to qualify as a lifetime member may be
the Philippines: Provided, That the issuing, assuming, or guaranteeing entity or its predecessor has increased by the Corporation to sustain the financial viability of the Program: Provided, That the
paid regular dividends upon its preferred or guaranteed stocks for a period of at least three (3) years increase shall be based on actuarial estimate and study."
immediately preceding the date of investment in such preferred or guaranteed stocks: Provided, Section 19. Section 29 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
further, That if the stocks are guaranteed the amount of stocks so guaranteed is not in excess of fifty "SEC. 29. Payment for Indigent Contributions. – Premium contributions for indigent members as
percent (50%) of the amount of the preferred common stocks as the case may be of the issuing identified by the DSWD through a means test or any other appropriate statistical method shall be fully
corporation: Provided, furthermore, That if the corporation or institution has not paid dividends upon its subsidized by the national government. The amount necessary shall be included in the appropriations
preferred stocks, the corporation or institution has sufficient retained earnings to declare dividends for for the DOH under the annual General Appropriations Act."
at least two (2) years on such preferred stocks and in common stocks of any solvent corporation or Section 20. A new Section 29-A shall be added to read as follows:
institution created or existing under the laws of the Philippines in the stock exchange with proven track "SEC. 29-A. Payment for Sponsored Members’ Contributions. –
record of profitability and payment of dividends over the last three (3) years; and "(a) The premium contributions of orphans, abandoned and abused minors, out-of-school youths,
"(e) In bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidences of indebtedness of accredited and street children, PWDs, senior citizens and battered women under the care of the DSWD, or any of its
financially sound medical institutions exclusively to finance the construction, improvement and accredited institutions run by NGOs or any nonprofit private organizations, shall be paid by the DSWD
maintenance of hospitals and other medical facilities: Provided, That such securities and instruments and the funds necessary for their inclusion in the Program shall be included in the annual budget of the
are backed up by the guarantee of the Republic of the Philippines or the issuing medical institution and DSWD.
the issued securities and bonds are both rated triple ‘A’ by authorized accredited domestic rating "(b) The needed premium contributions of all barangay health workers, nutrition scholars and other
agencies: Provided, further, That said investments shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total barangay workers and volunteers shall be fully borne by the LGUs concerned.
investment reserve fund. "(c) The annual premium contributions of househelpers shall be fully paid by their employers, in
"As part of its investments operations, the Corporation may hire institutions with valid trust licenses as accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10361 or the ‘Kasambahay Law’."
its external local fund managers to manage the investment reserve fund, as it may deem appropriate, Section 21. A new Section 29-B shall be added to read as follows:
through public bidding. The fund managers shall submit annual reports on investment performance to "SEC. 29-B. Coverage of Women About to Give Birth. – The annual required premium for the coverage
the Corporation. of unenrolled women who are about to give birth shall be fully borne by the national government
"The Corporation shall set up the following funds: and/or LGUs and/or legislative sponsor which shall be determined through the means testing protocol
"(1) A fund to secure benefit payouts to members prior to their becoming lifetime members; recognized by the DSWD."
"(2) A fund to secure payouts to lifetime members; and Section 22. Section 32 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"(3) A fund for any optional supplemental benefits that are subject to additional contributions. "SEC. 32. Accreditation Eligibility. – All health care providers, as enumerated in Section 4(o) hereof and
"A portion of each of the above funds shall be identified as current and kept in liquid instruments. In no operating for at least three (3) years may apply for accreditation: Provided, That a health care provider
case shall said portion be considered part of invested assets. which has not operated for at least three (3) years may likewise apply and qualify for accreditation if it
"Another portion of the said funds shall be allocated for lifetime members within six (6) months after complies with all the other accreditation requirements of and further meets any of the following
the effectivity of this Act. Said amount shall be determined by an actuary or pre-calculated based on conditions:
the most recent valuation of liabilities. "(a) Its managing health care professional has had a working experience in another accredited health
"The Corporation shall allocate a portion of all contributions to the fund for lifetime members based on care institution for at least three (3) years;
an allocation to be determined by the PHIC actuary based on a pre-determined percentage using the "(b) It operates as a tertiary facility or its equivalent;
current average age of members and the current life expectancy and morbidity curve of Filipinos. "(c) It operates in a LGU where the accredited health care provider cannot adequately or fully service
"The Corporation shall manage the supplemental benefits and the lifetime members’ fund in an its population; and
actuarially sound manner. "(d) Other conditions as may be determined by the Corporation.
"The Corporation shall manage the supplemental benefits fund to the minimum required to ensure that "A health care provider found guilty of any violation of this Act shall not be eligible to apply for the
the supplemental benefit payments are secure." renewal of accreditation."
Section 18. Section 28 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 23. Section 34 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 34. Provider Payment Mechanisms. – The following mechanisms for public and private providers
shall he allowed in the Program:
"(a) Fee-for-service payments – payments made by the Corporation for professional fees or hospital "The Committee shall have as one of its members a representative of any of the accredited health care
charges, or both, based on arrangements with health care providers. This fee shall be based on a providers as endorsed by the DOH."
schedule to be established by the Board which shall be reviewed periodically but hot less than every Section 29. Section 44 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
three (3) years; "SEC. 44. Penal Provisions. – Any violation of the provisions of this Act, after due notice and hearing,
"(b) Capitation of health care professionals and facilities, or networks of the same including HMOs, shall suffer the following penalties:
medical cooperatives, and other legally formed health service groups; "(a) Violation by an Accredited Health Care Provider – Any accredited health care provider who
"(c) Case-based payment; commits a violation, abuse, unethical practice or fraudulent act which tends to undermine or defeat the
"(d) Global budget; and objectives of the Program shall be punished with a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
"(e) Such other provider payment mechanisms that may be determined and adopted by the (P50,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or suspension of
Corporation. accreditation from three (3) months to the whole term of accreditation, or both, at the discretion of the
"Subject to the approval of the Board, the Corporation may adopt other payment mechanism that are Corporation: Provided, That recidivists may no longer be accredited as a participant of the Program;
most beneficial to the members and the Corporation. "(b) Violations of a Member – Any member who commits any violation of this Act independently or in
"Each PhilHealth local office shall recommend the appropriate payment mechanism within its connivance with the health care provider for purposes of wrongfully claiming NHIP benefits or
jurisdiction for approval by the Corporation. Special consideration shall be given to payment for entitlement shall be punished with a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or
services rendered by public and private health care providers serving remote or medically underserved suspension from availment of NHIP benefits for not less than three (3) months but not more than six
areas." (6) months, or both, at the discretion of the Corporation.
Section 24. A new Section 34-A shall be added to read as follows: "(c) Violations of an Employer –
"SEC. 34-A. Other Provider Payment Guidelines. – No other fee or expense shall be charged to the "(1) Failure/Refusal to Register/Deduct/Remit the Contributions – Any employer who fails or refuses to
indigent patient, subject to the guidelines issued by the Corporation. register employees, regardless of their employment status, or to deduct contributions from the
"All payments for professional services rendered by salaried public providers shall be allowed to be employee’s compensation or remit the same to the Corporation shall be punished with a fine of not less
retained by the health facility in which services are rendered and be pooled and distributed among than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) multiplied by the total number of employees of the firm.
health personnel. Charges paid to public facilities shall be retained by the individual facility in which "Any employer or any officer authorized to collect contributions under this Act who, after collecting or
services were rendered and for which payment was made. Such revenues shall be used to primarily deducting the monthly contributions from his employee’s compensation, fails to remit the said
defray operating costs other than salaries, to maintain or upgrade equipment, plant or facility, and to contributions to the Corporation within thirty (30) days from the date they become due shall be
maintain or improve the quality of service in the public sector." presumed to have misappropriated such contributions.
Section 25. Section 35 of the same Act is hereby deleted and replaced with a new section to read as "(2) Unlawful Deductions – Any employer or officer who shall deduct directly or indirectly from the
follows: compensation of the covered employees or otherwise recover from them his own contribution on behalf
"SEC. 35. Reimbursement and Period to File Claims. – All claims for reimbursement or payment for of such employees shall be punished with a fine of Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) multiplied by the
services rendered shall be filed within a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date of discharge of total number of affected employees.
the patient from the health care provider. "If the act or omission penalized by this Act be committed by an association, partnership, corporation
"The period to file the claim may be extended for such reasonable causes determined by the or any other institution, its managing directors or partners or president or general manager, or other
Corporation." persons responsible for the commission of the said act shall be liable for the penalties provided for in
Section 26. Section 36 of the same Act is hereby deleted and replaced with a new section to read as this Act.
follows: "(3) Misappropriation of Funds by Employees of the Corporation – Any employee of the Corporation
"SEC. 36. Role of Local Government Units (LGUs). – Consistent with the mandates for each political who receives or keeps funds or property belonging, payable or deliverable to the Corporation, and who
subdivision under Republic Act No. 7160 or ‘The Local Government Code of 1991′, LGUs shall provide shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, or through abandonment
basic health care services. or negligence shall permit any other person to take such property or funds wholly or partially, shall
"To augment their funds, LGUs shall invest the capitation payments given to them by the Corporation likewise be liable for misappropriation of funds or property and shall be punished with a fine not less
on health infrastructures or equipment, professional fees, drugs and supplies, or information than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00). Any
technology and database: Provided, That basic health care services, as defined by the DOH and the shortage of the funds or loss of the property upon audit shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the
Corporation, shall be ensured especially with the end in view of improving maternal, infant and child offense.
health: "(d) Other Violations – Other violations of the provisions of this Act or of the rules and regulations
Provided, further, That the capitation payments shall be segregated and placed into a special trust fund promulgated by the Corporation shall be punished with a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos
created by LGUs and be accessed for the use of such mandated purpose." (P5,000.00) but not more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00).
Section 27. Section 41 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "All other violations involving funds of the Corporation shall be governed by the applicable provisions of
"SEC. 41. Grievance and Appeal Procedures. – A member, a dependent, or a health care provider may the Revised Penal Code or other laws, taking into consideration the rules on collection, remittances,
file a complaint for grievance based on any of the above grounds, in accordance with the following and investment of funds as may be promulgated by the Corporation.
procedures: "The Corporation may enumerate circumstances that will mitigate or aggravate the liability of the
"(a) A complaint for grievance must be filed with the Corporation which shall refer such complaint to offender or erring health care provider, member or employer.
the Grievance and Appeal Review Committee. The Grievance and Appeal Review Committee shall rule "Despite the cessation of operation by a health care provider or termination of practice of an
on the complaint through a notice of resolution within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt thereof. independent health care professional while the complaint is being heard, the proceeding against them
"(b) Appeals from the decision of the Grievance and Appeal Review Committee must be filed with the shall continue until the resolution of the case.1avvphi1
Board within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the notice of resolution. "The dispositive part of the decision requiring payment of fines, reimbursement of paid claim or denial
"x x x." of payment shall be immediately executory."
Section 28. Section 42 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 30. A new Section 56 is hereby added to read as follows and the numbering of the succeeding
"SEC. 42. Grievance and Appeal Review Committee. – The Board shall create a Grievance and Appeal sections are adjusted accordingly:
Review Committee, composed of five (5) members, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, which, "SEC. 56. Requisites for Issuance or Renewal of License or Permits. – Notwithstanding any law to the
subject to the procedures enumerated above, shall receive and recommend appropriate action on contrary, all government agencies issuing professional or business license or permit, shall require all
complaints from members and health care providers relative to this Act and its implementing rules and applicants to submit certificate or proof of payment of PhilHealth premium contributions, prior to the
regulations. issuance or renewal of such license or permit."
Section 31. Section 54 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 54. Oversight Provision. – There is hereby created a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee to
conduct a regular review of the NHIP which shall entail a systematic evaluation of the Program’s
performance, impact or accomplishments with respect to its objectives or goals. The Oversight
Committee shall be composed of five (5) members from the Senate and five (5) members from the
House of Representatives to be appointed by the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, respectively. The Oversight Committee shall be jointly chaired by the Chairpersons of
the Senate Committee on Health and Demography and the House of Representatives Committee on
"The National Economic and Development Authority, in coordination with the National Statistics Office
and the National Institutes of Health of the University of the Philippines shall undertake studies to
validate the accomplishments of the Program. Such validation studies shall include an assessment of
the enrollees’ satisfaction of the benefit package and services provided by the Corporation. These
validation studies, as well as an annual report, on the performance of the Corporation shall be
submitted to the Congressional Oversight Committee.
The Corporation shall annually transfer 0.001% of its income in the previous year for the purpose of
conducting these studies.
Section 32. Section 49 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 49. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act,
the Corporation, in coordination with the DOH, shall issue the necessary rules and regulations for its
effective implementation."
Section 33. Separability Clause. – If any part or provision of this Act shall be held unconstitutional or
invalid, other provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
Section 34. Repealing Clause. – All laws, issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with this Act are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 35. Effectivity. – This Act shah sake effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official
Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

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