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Annals of Arid Zone 36(3): 255-266, 1997

Improving Yields in Rainfed Environments Through Physiological

Plant Breeding

RA. Richards1,2, G.J. Rebetzke2, A.F. van Henvaarden ,
B.t. Duggan2 and A.G. Condon1,2
J CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600. Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
2Plant Science CRC, GPO Box 1600, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

Abstract: Breeding programs for yield in water-limited envirolUnents are plagued

by large seasonal variation, low heritabilities and high genotype x envirolUllent
interactions. A physiological breeding program is described that a~empts to identify
the principal factors limiting the yield of wheat in Australia. It is notable that
the lim.iting factors identified have more to do with maximizing water use and
water use efficiency than with survival under drought. For the characteristics identified,
there is substantial genetic variation available in wheat, each having a high heritability
so they can be easily screened. TIley are therefore appropriate for selection in
a backcrossing program aimed at retaining the desirable quality and disease resistance
characteristics already present in wheal') grown in the target region. Identitication
of highly heritable traits linliting yield and of gennplasm containing the desirable
expression of the traits also provide valuable parental material and a broader genetic
base for empirical breeding progranls.
Key words: Wheat, drought, rainfed, breeding, water-use etTiciency.

There is a belief that genetic variation Further, grain yield increases in dry re-
for tlrought tolerance is substantial and that gions will come from the adoption of good
this variation can be used in plant breeding management practices by famlers and on
programs to overcome some of the dev- creative approaches to the development of
astating effects of drought in our important new crop varieties by plant breeders. The
crop species. This notion has probably arisen greatest and fastest gains in productivity
from the array of adaptations to drought are generally achieved by adopting man-
exhibited by many perennial species. How- agement practices that result in: (i) an in-
ever, the reality is that it will never be crease in soil water available for use by
possible to overcome the effects of drought, the crop, and (ii) greater crop extraction
and that any progress to improve yield of soil-water. Increases in soil-water avail-
under drought is likely to be slow and ability can be achieved by adopting practices
gains wiI! be small and gradual. Past efforts that increase soil water storage and reduce
to improve drought resistance and yield water loss from the root profile such as
through plant breeding is evidence for this. reducing evaporation from the soil surface,
256 RICHARDS et al.

surface run-off, or water loss below the factors presumed to be limiting wheat yields
rooting zone. Increases in water e:\.1raction and then selecting for them. We have
by the crop can be achieved by reducing adopted a physiological/morphological ap-
the effect of soil-borne pathogens through proach to wheat improvement as numerous
the use of break crops and then managing breeding programs in Australia already se-
fertilizer supply to match the crops re- lect primarily for grain yield and we believe
quirements (Angus et aI., 1991; Kirkegaard our program should complement and build
et 0/., 1994). Plant breeding, on the other on these.
hand, can maximize seasonal water use
We take the view that any improvement
and rerjuce water loss by better tailoring
in yield must have a physiological basis
varieties to regions and cropping practices,
and if we were able to identify the factors
and by improving water use efficiency.
limiting yield then we would be able to
Breeding can also increase a crop's tolerance
effectively target them. That is, target parent
to root pathogens or nutrient imbalances
lines that have the most desirable expression
which should result in increased water use
of the characteristic, devise effective se-
and yield in regions nomlally affected by
lection procedures for the trait, and ifhighly
these constraint;s to growth. The purpose
heritable, incorporate the trait into the best
of this paper is to discuss how breeding
cultivars that also have desirable grain qual-
may contribute to improved adaptation in
ity and are resistant to diseases. Empirical
dry regions by targeti~g specific traits to
approaches to yield improvement in dry
overcome limiting factors.
environments are often limited by a lack
Regional breeding progranls have the of suitable genetic variation, and poor cor-
responsibility to increase or at least maintain relation of genotype perfoml<UlCe when as-
grain yields. This is usually achieved by sessed across other environments (Rosielle
selecting for increased yield and for re- and Hamblin, 1981) .. Our physiological
sistance to pests and diseases. These em- framework aims to identify characteristics
pirical approaches to yield improvement associated with yield but which do not
are very effective and will remain the most suffer the penalties of low heritability or
wide-spread method of plant improvement a negative cost to yield when e:\.1ended
in dry regions. It is expected that progress to target envirorunents other than the se-
will continue using current approaches pro- lection environment. FurthemlOre, because
viding new genetic variation is incorporated many of the characteristics we believe are
into breeding programs and large numbers important are genetically unlinked they can
. of lines are evaluated precisely. It is not be readily combined to broaden adaptation
our intention to describe the various methods and genotypic stability. There is also the
used by breeding programs in dry areas. benefit of the availability of new genes
Instead we shall give an overview of our from which to broaden the genetic base
wheat improvement program. The principal frQlll which selection can be made. Hence,
objective of our progranl is to increase pro~ress from selection across all envi-
yield in dry regions of Australia through rorunents may be greater than for empirical
understanding the underlying physiological approaches targeting specific 'stress' en-

vironments but with a view to broader ad- As this identity always holds true, and
aptation. because W, WUE and HI are likely to
be somewhat independent of each other,
Physiological Factors Limiting Yield in then an improvement in anyone of them
Dry Regions should result in increased yield. Using this
. model it is then possible to assess whether
The identification of critical traits lim- a candidate trait for selection is likely to
iting yield is the most important yet most increase anyone of the components, thereby
difficult aspect to improving productivity increasing yield under drought.
under drought. To some extent it can be.
viewed as a lottery. The literature on drought To further refine trait identification for
resistance has ample examples of traits that use in a breeding program, there are several
. are clearly important in protecting plants other principles that are important. Firstly,
from the devastating effects of drought. the time scale over which the trait is effective
However, few, if any of these traits are will determine its importance for overall
useful to crops as they are often more crop growth and yield. Secondly, the level
important for protection against drought than of organization (molecule, cell, organ, plant,
for increasing productivity. crop) where the trait is expressed determines
its likely influence on crop growth and
Passioura (1977) proposed an .identity yield. Thus, a change at the molecular level
based on resource utilization and efficiency is less likely to influence yield than a change
rather than drought protection and this has at the crop level. Thirdly, an understanding
been responsible for changing the way we of the target environment is critical. For
think about agricultural plants grown under example, if crops already extract all the
water-limited conditions. Passioura pro- available water from the soil profile, there
posed that when water is limited, the pro- is little point in breeding for deeper roots.
duction .of biomass is a function of the Similarly, there is little point in developing
anlOun{ of water used by the crop (W) cultivars with deeper roots if soil water
and how efficiently the crop uses this water, is not being used because of the presence
i.e., the water use efficiency (WUE, of root pathogens or mineral toxicities. In-
biomass/water use), where: stead, greater progress. will be achieved
by breeding for greater tolerance to these
Biomass = W x WUE ..... (1)
factors. A fuller description of the above
Water use can be further partitioned considerations is provided by Richards
into its components E (water lost through (1996).
evaporation from the soil surface), and T
In the rest ofthis paper, we shall discuss
(water transpired by the crop). If grain
the traits that we consider are most likely
is the economic product, then biomass is
to increase wheat yield in different water-
partitioned into grain as the proportion of
limited regions of Australia. Wheat growing
biomass, i.e., the harvest index (HI), such
regions in Australia differ markedly in both
the anlOunt and timing of rainfall. Rainfall
Grain yield W x WUE x HI ...(2) varies from regions which are more summer-
258 RICHARDS et al.

dominant to others which are winter-domi- too late and experience drought and high
nant, while other regions experience a more temperatures, on the other, is now mini-
evenly distributed rainfall pattern through- mized. Whereas it is unlikely there will
out the year. Wheat is typically planted be further changes in the time of flowering,
in early winter and harvested early sum- it is likely that an earlier sowing date will
mer. The predominant wheat varieties are be more widely adopted by famlers and
spring types which are relatively insensitive that varieties will need to be developed
to both verbalization and photoperiod. Thus that are better suited to an earlier sowing
the crop is sown under conditions where and these will require a longer duration
water is typically plentiful and vapour-pres- to flower. Changes in sowing date are being
sure deficit low, and then matures into made possible by improved herbicides, al-
a terminal drought when vapour pressure tered cropping practices, new machinery,
deficit is high. Although the physiological and by the awareness of the benefits of
traits have been targeted to overcome limi-
sowing before the onset' of winter. It is
tations to yield in Australia, most will have
likely that with the genetic variation avail-
application elsewhere. The reasons for their
able in wheat to manipulate phenology,
choice are also described and these will
significant yield increases will continue to
provide an overview of factors we suggest
be made with a changed phenology.
must be considered in developing a physi-
ologically-based breeding program targeting
The ideal sowing time is one that will
greater yields in drier environments.
ensure ma'(imum crop growth and water
use occurs at a time when water is most
likely to be available to the crop and that
the water is used as economically as pos-
Like most water-limited environments,
sible. Sowing wheat as early as possible
changes in phenology, or flowering time,
in autumn, or at the break of the season
have resulted in the most significant yield
in Mediterranean environments, has been
increases in crops in Australia. That the
found to result in the highest potential yields
manipulation of time offlowering continues
in water-limited environments. Earlier sow-
to result in yield increases in: wheat is
ing results in a longer crop duration. It
somewhat surprising considering flowering
ensures that early growth is' faster because
time has been altered over the past. 150
soil temperatures are warmer. The longer
years by selection and breeding (Siddique duration can also result in deeper root growth
ef al., 1989). Most of the changes in Aus-
and increased water use from deep in the
tralia have been towards earlier flowering soil profile. Crop water use is also more
(Kirby ef aI., 1989; Richards, 1991) and economical. Firstly, because an early sowing
to the avoidance of drought. It is now results in more water use by the crop and
likely that an optimum flowering time has less evaporation from a bare soil surface
been achieved for a given sowing date and secondly, because transpiration effi-
in most of Australia such that the risk ciency is inversely proportional to vapour
of flowering too early and be damaged pressure deficit. A higher crop biomass
by frost, on the one hand, and flowering and yield should result.

Incorporation of genes that delay floral competition between stems and ears. We
initiation in wheats have provided oppor- are also incorporating the tiller inhibitor
tunities for earlier planting in Australia and (tin) gene into winter wheats to reduce
so greater yields (Anderson and Smith, the production of excessive tillers (Richards,
1990; Gomez-Macpherson and Richards, 1988).
1995; Penrose, 1993; Woodruff and Tonks,
1983). The· longer crop duration may, in Increased Early Vigor
turn, require further genetic modification
to the crop. For example, Gomez-Macpher-
son and Richards (1995) have shown that The early growth and vigor of wheat
winter wheats sown in mid-April produce is very conservative compared to other ce-
double the biomass of spring wheats sown reals (Lspez-Castaqedaand Richards, 1994).
in mid-May but with only marginally greater Whereas this is not a disadvantage in en-
grain yields. Furthern10re, only .small dif- vironments where there is adequate water
ferences in yield were reported between for growth (e.g. where there is irrigation
winter wheats sown early and spring wheats and high fertility), the conservative growth
sown .at their optimal time in over 200 of current wheat cultivars may limit yield
trials conducted in southern New South in many drier regions around the world.
Wales (Penrose, 1993). This may partly Yield penalties from poor early growth arise
be explained by greater pre-antl1esis water where crops are largely reliant on current
use with less remaining for use during grain rainfall such as exists with Mediterranean-
filling (Fischer, 1979; Passioura, 1977). like environments. In these environments
However, our evidence suggests that two the topsoil is maintained wet by frequent
other factors also contribute to the lower rainfall events of 5-10 mm. If the soil
yields of winter wheats sown in April. cover provided by the crop is inadequate
Firstly, the lo·nger vegetative period results then a considerable proportion of the rain
in the production of more leaves and there- that falls may be evaporated from the soil
fore more internodes and longer stems. This
surface. This loss of water can be as much
excessive stem growth occurs at the expense
as 60% of the season's rainfall in Medi-
of water soluble carbohydrate storage and
terranean climates (Cooper et 01., 1987),
ear growth, thereby limiting yield potential.
and so represents a potentially substantial
Secondly, the longer vegetative period re-
yield loss in environments where rainfall
sults in an excessive number of tillers, most
is a major determinant of yield. A more
of which abort without producing grain.
vigorous wheat stand should reduce water
Dry matter wasted in the production of
these tillers could otherwise have been loss from the soil surface resulting in greater
stored as water-soluble carbohydrates or transpiration as a proportion of total water
used for ear growth. use (n. Transpiration efficiency (biomass
per unit of water transpired) is also enhanced
Several sources of dwarfing genes are in a vigorous crop because of a more fa-
now being introduced into winter wheats vorable exchange of water vapour for carbon
to reduce their plant height and therefore dioxide early in the season when the air.
260 RICHARDS el al.

Table 1. Comparison of high vigor selection, VigollrI8, with Indian and Chinese parents, and loll' vigor
control lines (cvs Amel)' and HCl/10g) for early vigor characteristics measllred on plants at
the 4 leaf stage. Vailles represent the mean of fOllr replications.
Trait Hi&h vigor lines __ C.::...c0ntrols
Vigor 18 Indian parent Chinese parent Amery Hartog
Breadth of I st leaf (111m) 6.3 5.4 6.0 3.9 4.7
Length ofallleaves (nun) 650.0 603.0 608.0 .495.0 524.0
Plant leaf area (mm) 54.0 39.0 46.0 27.0 33.0

is cooler and vapour pressure deficit lower from China, India and Canada and lines
(Tanner and Sinclair, 1983). from a composite cross population have
been identified which have high expression
There are several other penalties as- of the above characteristics (Table 1). Some
sociated with the low vigor of current of these characteristics have been pyramided
wheats. One is their inability to effectively together into parent lines to use as donors
compete with weeds (Lemerle et al., 1996). in a backcrossing program with low vigor
This results in reduced yields, greater her- Australian cultivars. The donor parent, Vig-
bicide use and faster emergence of herbicide our 18, combines the large specific leaf area
resistance in weeds. Another penalty as- and embryo size of its Chinese and Indian
sociated with the poor vigor of wheat is parents to produce a 100% greater leaf
its lower yield when planted late. A more area than the low vigor Australian cultivar,
rapid development of the leaf canopy would Amery (Table 1).
lead to greater light interception and sub-
sequently higher crop growth rates. Greater Genetic studies have been initiated to
biomass at anthesis should, in turn, increase understand the e:-..1entto which gain from
grain yield relative to crops with smaller selection can be made for early vigor. Par-
crop growth rates and less biomass. ent-offspring estimates of narrow-sense
heritability show that seedling leaf area
Investigations into the underlying factors and biomass are under complex genetic
that contribute to fast early growth and control, and are of low narrow-sense heri-
vigor of wheat has revealed the importance tability (h2 = 0.30 - 0.40*). On the other
of five characteristics: a large embryo, high hand, leaf breadth and total leaf length
specific leaf area, fast seedling emergence, are more highly heritable (h2 = 0.60 -
a high frequency of large coleoptile tillers 0.80**), their higher heritability indicating
and the absence of major gibberellic-acid- greater progress from selection when screen-
insensitive dwarfing genes (Lspez-Cas- ing segregating wheat populations for these
taqeda et aI., 1996; Liang and Richards, characters. Given that leaf breadth has a
1994; Richards, 1992). We have been unable strong and positive genetic correlation with
to find sufficiently useful genetic variation leaf area (rg = 0.76 - 0.82**), selection
for embryo size, specific leaf area, or large of plants with larger leaf breadths should
coleoptile tillers among Australian or CIM- produce greater leaf area than selection
MYT-bred wheats. However, germplasms for leaf area itself. Selection for leaf breadth

Tab/e 2. Co/eopti/e length for cli/til'ars containing different plant height reducing genes. Co/eopti/e length
for each clI/tivar is prese/lted as the mean of six l"-eplicates grown at each of three temperatllres
(11°. 15° and 19°C)

Height gene Cultivar Coleoptile length (nun)

Rhtl (GA-insensitive) Janz 77
Rht2 (GA-insensitive) Stiletto 83n.s.
Rht8 (GA-insensitive) Mara 93*
Rht8 (GA-sensitive) Chuan-Mai 18 108 * *
rhtl rht2 (GA-sensitive) Ghurka 119*
rhtl rht2 (GA-sensitive) Stockade 126"
n.s. Not statistically different from Janz at P = 0.05 using a DUlUlett's test.
*, "Statistically different from Janz at P = 0.05 or P = 0.0 I using a DUlUlett's test.

over leaf area is advantageous for other Combining the desirable features of both
reasons including it is non-destructive and reduced plant height and better estab-
much quicker to screen segregating popu- lishment and vigor should result in greater
lations. Plants can also be screened much wheat yields in water-limited environments.
earlier in the season. Small gains may be made by selection
for longer coleoptiles in wheats with dwarf-
Poor Emergence ing genes but substantially greater progress
is possible using alternative sources of genes
for reduced plant height. We have identified
The adoption of semidwarf spring wheats a number of genetically unrelated germ-
around the world has been rapid with most plasm stocks containing major and minor
wheat cultivars now having either of the
GA-sensitive genes for reduced plant height
gibberellic acid (GA) insensitive genes,
and increased coleoptile length (Table 2).
Rhtl or Rht2. These dwarfing genes reduce
Unlike the GA-insensitive genes derived
plant height to reduce lodging and increase
partitioning of dry matter to the ears of originally from Norin-l0, these wheats re-
current varieties. However, these genes also duce plant height whilst maintaining sen-
reduce cell size (Keyes et al., 1989) and sitivity to GA atthe seedling stage. Increased
result in short coleoptiles (Table 2) that cell elongation and expansion in response
lead to reduced emergence and poor seedling to endogenous GA produces longer coleop-
vigor when compared to older, taller wheats tiles and greater seedling leaf area. Field
(Allan et al., 1962; Richards, 1992). This observations indicate that wheat seedlings
reduced emergence is accentuated when containing GA-sensitive genes for reduced
seed is sown deep in order to seek moisture. plant height are far more vigorous than
Seedling emergence of current cultivars is current wheats containing GA-insensitive
particularly impaired where conservation genes. Our preliminary studies have shown
farming is practiced as seedlings must
that the major GA-sensitive genes for re-
emerge through stubble and/or from hard
duced plant height (e.g. Rht8) may provide
seed beds.
262 RICHARDS el al.

Table 3. Grain yield (t Ira' I) for low and Iriglr near-isogenic groups evaluated at Condobolin and Wagga
Wagga in 1996

Condobolin Wagga Wagga Mean

Low 3.39* 5.31 4.35*
High 3.17 5.14 4.16
Location 3.27 5.22
*Low and high means statistically difTerent at P = 0.05.
the greatest genetic gains for .increased across environments representing high and
coleoptile length and vigor owing to their low grain yield potentials but each with
high repeatability of expression across en- a terminal drought (Table 3). Indeed some
vironments and large gene action. low ~ lines yielded 20% more than the
recurrent, widely-grown, commercial parent
Greater transpiration e..tficiency when averaged over both field sites.

More growth and yield per unit of rainfall Reduced Tillering

is one of the most important yet elusive
Conserving soil moisture for grain filling
goals in agriculture. All plants discriminate
against the rarer BC in the air relative IS essential for maximizing grain yields
to 12C in the fixation of carbon dioxide in dry environments. This is particularly
during photosynthesi.s. The amount of this the case where crops are grown on stored
discrimination is inversely proportional to soil moisture. Some of the water used by
the transpiration efficiency of crops with a crop is wasted in the pre-anthesis pro-
the C3 photosynthetic pathway (Farquhar duction of tillers that later abort. A genetic
and Richards, 1984). Plants that have low reduction in the number of sterile tillers
discrimination against BC have a high tran- produced by a wheat plant does not sig-
spiration efficiency and therefore use less nificantly compromise leaf area develop-
water to produce dl)' matter. This is a ment in the vegetative period but after the
distinct advantage to all crops when it is
commencement of stem elongation leaf area
dl)'. However, in more favorable environ-
is less, thereby resulting in less transpiration
ments high discrimination is related to high
prior to flowering and more water available
yield (Condon et aI., 1987). Thus Be dis-
crimination can be important in both fa- for grain filling. Reduced tillering can be
vorable and unfavorable environments. We achieved by planting current cultivars later
have been actively selecting for low Be in the season, or by sowing into low fertility
discrimination (~ in backcross populations soils, neither of which is desirable for ma\:i·
developed from crosses between high and mizing yield. Incorporation of a gene that
low (~ wheat parents to improve grain inhibits tiller formation (tin) enables tiller
yields in dry environments. Preliminary number to be reduced under favorable con-
studies using near-isogenic wheat popula- ditions, allowing plants to concentrate .re-
tions showed that low (~ to be associated sources into productive tillers (Richards,
with between a 3 and 7% yield increase 1988). The tin gene has been incorporated

Table 4. Effict of fertilizer nitrogen on the biomass. water soluble carbohydrate (1VSC) mill grain yield
of wheat in two contrasting environments
Fertilizer N Anthesis __ Maturity
(kg ha-l) Biomass WSC Biomass WSC Groin yield
(t ha-l) (t ha·l) (t ha-l) (t ha-!) (t 1m:!)
0 10 2.4 14 0.03 6.1
200 II 1.8 17 0.02 7.9
Wagga Wagga
0 10 2.1 II 0.02 3.7
200 11 1.2 II 0.02 2.8

into several Australiap commercial wheat Results from this group confirmed pre-
backgrounds and these are currently being vious studies (Barley and Naidu, 1964; Fis-
assessed.sofor yield in drier regions of the cher and Kohn, 1966) showing haying-off
Australian wheat belt We suggest that plants to be associated with reduced post-anthesis
that produce 2 to 4 fertile tiJIers only at assimilation in response to a lack of soil
a plant density of about 150 plants m,2 wa~er. However, the reduction in soil water
would be sufficient to ma"imize yield III available for post-anthesis use does not
most environments. explain why grain yields can decrease in
response to high soil nitrogen rather than
plateau. We found that the absolute amount
Increased Storage of Water Soluble Car- of water soluble carb.ohydrates (WSC) pre-
bohydrates sent in high-nitrogen crops at anthesis was
less than in low-nitrogen crops, despite a
Due to low rainfall and high evaporation greater biomass (Table 4).
in most of Australia's wheatbelt, wheat
crops usually experience drought during
grain filling which substantially reduces The lack of this form of assimilate,
yield. The dry land cultivation of high-pro- available for transfer to the grain, was the
tein wheats currently carries with it the greatest single contributor to the yield re-
risk of overfertilisation, which can lead duction of crops of high nitrogen status.
to haying-off, resulting in substantial eco- This reduction in WSC with increased
nomic losses. Haying-off is a worldwide biomass is most likely due to assimilates
disorder of cereal crops leading to incom- being used to a greater extent for the pro-
plete grain filling under conditions of post- duction of structural materials (e.g., Sclmy-
anthesis drought. It normally follows der, 1993) and increased respiration rates
vigorous vegetative growth stimulated by of leaves at higher nitrogen concentration
high soil nitrogen, resulting in a low harvest (Amthor, 1989; Winzeler et al., 1989),
index, and shriveled grain of high protein thereby reducing the net carbon gain in
concentration (van Herwaarden et al., 1997). dense canopies at high nitrogen (van Her-
264 RICHARDS et al.

waarden et al., 1996). Provided there is leaves. This improved canopy efficiency
little or no water stress (e.g., Ginninderra, and/or reduced production of structural ma-
Table 4), a high nitrogen crop can fill terial should result in higher storage of
grain from current photosynthesis and re- WSC and lead to improved yield over cur-
o mobilise WSC reserves during periods of rent cultivars. These changes to crop ar-
peak assimilate demand. However, in the chitecture are only expected to be an ad-
event of water deficit, and therefore reduced vantage at high nitrogen status.
current photosynthesis, the lack of WSC
reserves results in haying-off (e.g., Wagga Conclusions
Wagga, Table 4). A low nitrogen crop does
not face the same degree of water stress A feature of all the aforementioned traits
as a high nitrogen crop because lower an- is that selection for each is very efficient
thesis biomass results in reduced pre-an- and straight-forward. From a detailed physi-
thesis water use. Higher yields at low ological understanding of each trait, we
nitrogen are achieved through greater cur- have developed selection techniques that
rent photosynthesis and greater reserves of are very precise and target the trait rather
pre-anthesis WSc. than a linked marker. All traits can be
measured non-destructively before anthesis,
The proposed model also accounts for whi<;h means that selected plants can be
high levels of WSC in crops with a low used in hybridization, an important con-
spike density. We speculate that the repu- sideration where the trait is beil1g back-
tation of tall or winter varieties for increased crossed into an adapted genetic background.
haying-off is eXplained by low pre-anthesis There are a number of other advantages
reserves of WSC due to greater assimilate associated with selection for each trait. Large
demand by larger stems. It also leads to numbers of plants can be processed, plants
speculation that while haying-off is a prob- can be screened out of season and several
lem in closed-canopies, it 'is likely to be generations can be grown in a year. Fur-
less of a problem in regions where leaf themlOre, all traits have a high heritability
area index is low due to low photothermal and backcrossing can be used to incorporate
quotient or nutrient deficiency, as these thetraits into current cultivars. Identification
crops are more likely to contain higher of new characters to improve adaptation
levels of pre-anthesis stored WSC. also provide longer-term benefits in the
availability of new genes and a subsequent
It is proposed that the incidence of hay- broadening of the genetic base from which
ing-off could be reduced by increasing stor- selection will be made.
age of WSC in the crop. This may be
achieved by increasing light infiltration into So far we have not found evidence of
the canopy of a crop through the use of undesirable pleiotropic or linkage effects
reduced-lillering cultivars, progressively re- associated with any of the traits. However,
ducing leaf size after the commencement we are conscious of possible associations
of stem elongation (as in barley cultivars), between embryo size and milling yield,
and/or increasing the erectness of flag and between greater vigor and earlier flo\\'-

ering. The latter association may, in fact, Gomez-Macpherson, H. and Richards, RA 1995.
Effect of sowing tinle on yield and agronomic
be a desirable one. characteristics of wheat in south-eastern Aus-
tralia. Alistralian JOIln/al of Agricllltliral Re-
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