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Special Education Planning 2018-2019 Intermediate School District #917 Information Utilized for Decision Making > Enrollment history » Waiting lists » Projections ° Site based programs ° Itinerant services » Staff/student ratios 1/15/2018 » History + 2008-2009 * 2009-2010 © 2010-2011 2011-2012 © 2012-2013, * 2013-2014 * 2014-2015, 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 » Planned + 2018-2019 Program Growth IDEA 14 classrooms 13 classrooms 13 classrooms 12 classrooms 12 classrooms 9 classrooms 8 classrooms 7 classrooms 6 classrooms 7 dlassrooms (2/2017) 7 classrooms » History + 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 » Planned + 2018-2019 Program Growth SUN 8 classrooms 9 classrooms 11 classrooms 11 classrooms 14 classrooms 15 classrooms 16 classrooms 19 classrooms 20 classrooms" 20 classrooms * ‘No growth due to lack of space 25 classrooms 1/15/2018 Site Reconfiguration » Cedar School ° Current + 10 SUN classrooms ° 2018-2019 + 9 SUN classrooms “Addresses overcrowding Site Reconfiguration » Lebanon Education Center © Current + 8 TEA classrooms + IDEA classroom ° 2018-2019 + 9 SUN classrooms 1/15/2018 Sale or Lease Sale/Lease Sale/Lease Lease Only sale sale Sale/Lease Sale/Lease sale PROPERTIES REVIEWED Address 9100 Bloomington Freeway 1020 Discovery Road, Eagan 3501 West County Road 42, Burnsville 9725 South Robert Trail, IGH 161 Concord Exchange North, SSP 1315 Mendota Heights Road (four stores) 986 Discovery Road 9015 Broderick Boulevard, IGH Square Feet 44,000 sq, feet 40,000 sq. feet 52,218 sq. feet 54,494 sq. feet 70,660 sq. feet 70,000 sq, feet 46,660 sq. feet 56,202 sq, feet 5.77 acres Year Built 1970 1995 1997/2004 addition 1971 2005 1998/2007 addition 2000 Intermediate School District 917 Estimated Lease Expenditures for FY19 estimate of | ae on CONTRACT EXPIRATION |SQFOOTAGE | BASE RENT PER |FT EXCLUDING 2 (BASE RENT TOTAL ANNUAL laooness [pare loccure> —_|sarr Irae rraxpensart [AND Tax) __ [costs cedar 50 191 ep072022 nea] $9608 4758 =| 07.3840 |§ 31037635 sans 7aa5 $207,500.00 ounded down rasan A New Space For |Street Apple | Tea vay, Mn /1/2030 rsono|s _siso|s __243/§ 340 § 342,70000|$ 407,790.00, adaiional bse c2-700810-00 over 20 rs only 12 370-000 lent [improvements |§ 348 $2000.00 | § _ 20,040.00 $a22.50.00 | $87,830.00 Rounded down New Space Iver Groves yleaae Samia] S$ wos |$__—a78 |S a7 |S camara so |S Waa SIAG estimate | ‘$688,000.00 I [ } iv “$4318,10000 $1,586,72021 bs § (2748585) ISD 191 portion of ese FY 19 Proposed : ‘Operating Levy |Proposed Total Total Levy [Amounts 2018 Levy Amounts lamounts _|%change from |s change fr pron Dsvict# payable 2019 Payabie 2019, lpayable2018 _[orioryenr ———_|vear as 65a9129[5 3 10551622 Ss 6780607 SEa|S 3770805 91] $140,605.88 | $ ‘$215,959.73 ‘$124,574.80, 73.36%] $ 91,384.93 1s2|$__158868.73 [5 523450057 3 asa35 35 SLS6x/$ 80.1878 152) $249.16639 [5 $ 33801216 $20025766 caren $ 137,75450 95/$1024770[8 1406378 [$4311.48 S$ 591358 s056%| = 539790 i57/$ 44284951 333955 /$ 155 188.70 $0971.05 sare] $ 7426765 199] §301,38748/ § 357249¢/ § 14031247 9142687 53258) 4868555. ans eoasaa TS 3570194 $216 121.08 [sass aaa s506%] 5 —s020857] aril s 260,789 1S 93.2130] § 35350149 5 75c038 sai5%|§i38,16801 ‘Saas0.614a5 [5 22,700.00] $813314.15] ‘SHA19.490.77] 64.96%, § 693,823.38 | FY19 Proposed Levy Amount s 12008145 FY20 Proposed AEC Building Levy s 522,700.00 Estimated Total Annual Levy Amount s 191331415 Based on four Variables ‘Total Net Tax Capacty (NTC) Proposed Proposed AEC Operating Building Levy Proposed Total Remaining Unused] District ABU's AS OF 2:48-17 ($65.00 per APU's) Levy Amounts Amount 25 yrs) __Lewy Amounts Lewy Amounts. 3967-50 5 ‘257,887 50]$ 8889719] $ B6o2295 TS 105.51813[$ 16237337 3777-46 $ 532,286.20_| $740,605.88 | $ 75,355.85 | $215,955.73 $ #16 396.47 7387-20 3 478.218.00 | $158,858.73 [$7,634.24 | § pa s02.97 | $249. 71805 1995.20 = 779,688.00 | $249,166.39 | $_"s8.045.77 | $338,012.16 | § aan 7S BF 732.60 s 47,619.00 § 10247701 $ 4063.78) $4311.49 | § 33,307.51 3313.00 3 345,387.00 3 Bassas] ‘$750,208.29 4223.20 3 27 508.00 S__sa72a94[ § ‘$—134395.58 2783.80. 3 310 947 00 S85 70134, 5 ‘$94,825.92 7189088 s 753.405.90, S—a3.ai300 TS 'S—gas,st4a7 59601.64 8 ‘3e7295660 Si200614.15 $ 62270000 § S Rosseazar] “invergrove Heights New Site Distribution of Levy by menber district using FY18 variables based on CEDAR location since no history yet on student count 688,000.00 Independent Schoo! istrict No. $17, Rosemount, Minnesota 2018 Lease, Adtional Space Inver Grove Heights (198) 7.00% sear 0.06% 38 387 499

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