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Radio Network Controller

Routine Maintenance

Version: V3.12.10

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2013-03-07 First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20121213161606-019

Publishing Date: 2013-03-07(R1.0)

SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance and Preparations ............ 1-1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Reference Documents ........................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 Tools ................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.4 Prerequisites...................................................................................................... 1-2

Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities............................................... 2-1

2.1 Routine Maintenance Cycle ................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Period Maintenance ........................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Daily Maintenance.................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Weekly Maintenance ................................................................................ 2-6
2.2.3 Monthly Maintenance ............................................................................... 2-9
2.3 Site Maintenance ............................................................................................. 2-10
2.3.1 Checking the Power Supply System ........................................................ 2-10
2.3.2 Checking NE Devices ..............................................................................2-11
2.3.3 Checking the Equipment Room Environment ........................................... 2-12
2.3.4 Cleaning ................................................................................................ 2-16
2.3.5 Check of GPS Site ................................................................................. 2-18
2.3.6 Operations Before Leaving a Site ............................................................ 2-19

Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V

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About This Manual
The manual introduces the tasks and methods of routine maintenance for ZXWR RNC
Radio Network Controller.

Intended Audience
l System Engineer
l Maintenance Engineer

What Is in This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Overview of Routine Maintenance and Describes the purpose, reference documents,
Preparations tools and conditions of the routine maintenance

Chapter 2, Routine Maintenance Activities Describes the maintenance interval, remote

maintenance, and site maintenance for ZXWR
RNC Radio Network Controller.

Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual:
l Personal Health and Safety Information
l System Security Information
l ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Hardware Description
l ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Hardware Installation
l ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Parts Replacement Guide
l NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Maintenance
Management Operation Guide

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:


Note: provides additional information about a certain topic.

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Chapter 1
Overview of Routine
Maintenance and
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................1-1
Reference Documents................................................................................................1-1
Tools ..........................................................................................................................1-1
Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................1-2

1.1 Overview
Routine maintenance activities are performed regularly, which helps to detect hidden
problems of equipment and take quick response against accidents. The maintenance
activities includes periodical check and problem handling.

1.2 Reference Documents

Before the routine maintenance, make sure that the following manuals have been read:
l Personal Health and Safety Information
l System Security Information
l ZXWR RNC (V3.09.30) Radio Network Controller Hardware Description
l ZXWR RNC (V3.09.30) Radio Network Controller Configuration Tool Operation Guide
l ZXWR RNC (V3.09.30) Radio Network Controller Hardware Installation Guide
l ZXWR RNC (V3.09.30) Radio Network Controller Hardware Replacement Guide

The following reference documents are from the device manufacturers or suppliers:
l Documents about power and battery checks
l Documents about air conditioning system check

1.3 Tools
Before the routine maintenance, make sure the following applications are available:
l Network management client

The following tools are needed:


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

l Electrostatic discharge cloth for cleaning

l Insulation tape
l Multimeter
l Screw driver (straight and crossover)
l AC power for maintenance

1.4 Prerequisites
Before the routine maintenance, make sure the following conditions are met:
l At least one electrostatic discharge wrist strap is available.
l The access permission and the entrance control key are obtained.
l The routine maintenance request is received.


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Chapter 2
Routine Maintenance
Table of Contents
Routine Maintenance Cycle........................................................................................2-1
Period Maintenance ...................................................................................................2-2
Site Maintenance .....................................................................................................2-10

2.1 Routine Maintenance Cycle

The routine maintenance cycles for the maintenance items are shown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Routine Maintenance Cycle

Maintenance Item Maintenance Cycle

Check of the board statuses At least once every day

Check of the NE-EMS communication link At least once every day

Check of the RNC active alarms, history alarms,

and history notifications At least once every day

Check of the key performance indices of RNC At least once every day

Check of active/standby status of boards At least once every day

Query of operation log of RNC At least once every day

Check of alarm box At least once every day

Check of RNC clock status As required or at least once a week

Check of ROMP/RCP As required or at least once a week

Analysis of history alarms in the last one week As required or at least once a week

Analysis of performance indices As required or at least once a week

Configuration data backup System upgrade or once a week

Check of board software version As required or at least once a month

Check of clock synchronization As required or at least once a month

Follow the instructions from the manufacturers or

Check of the power supply suppliers, or once half year

Check of grounding Site deployment or at least once half year


SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

Maintenance Item Maintenance Cycle

Check of the electrostatic discharge (ESD) Wrist

Strap Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the cable connections Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the dustproof cap of board optical port Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the running status of fan subrack Site deployment or at least once half year

Follow the instructions from the manufacturers

Check of the air conditioning system or suppliers

Check of the environmental alarms of the

equipment room Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the temperature in the equipment room Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the humidity in the equipment room Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the burglar net, doors, and windows of

the equipment room. Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the cabinet doors Site deployment or at least once half year

Cleanness of the equipment room Site deployment or at least once half year

Cleaning of the equipment Site deployment or at least once half year

Cleaning of the dust screen Site deployment or at least once half year

Check of the GPS site Site deployment or at least once half year

The maintenance cycles mentioned above are for reference. They are adjusted based on
the actual operating environment of the equipment room.

2.2 Period Maintenance

2.2.1 Daily Maintenance Checking Board Statuses

On the rack diagram of EMS status management, check the statuses and indicators of
RNC boards. A board runs normally when:
1. The active and standby boards are proper and the resources are normal.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities

2. The "RUN" indicator flashes at 1 Hz;

3. The "ALM" indicator is always off; and
4. The "ACT" indicator is on or off if the board is in 1+1 backup mode. If the indicator is
on, the board is active; if the indicator is off, the board is standby.

Reference Standards
For information about board statuses, refer to the legend of the rack diagram.
For information about board indicators, refer to ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller
Hardware Description.

1. Open the fault management interface at the EMS client to check the alarm.
2. Check whether the board is configured with correct data and version, and if the NE
configuration is consistent with that on the EMS.
3. Extract and insert the board to make sure that it is in good contact. If the problem still
exists, replace the board.


Please connect to the ZTE related staffs, if the alarm still exists after doing as above. Checking NE-EMS Communication Link

1. Use the configuration management tool on the EMS client to query link status on
the configuration resource tree and check if the NE-EMS communication link is
successfully established. The icon indicates that the link is established successfully,
while the icon indicates that the link establishment fails.

Reference Standards
The NE-EMS communication link is established successfully.


This processing operation is risky in some cases. Do not perform it without careful


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

1. If the link establishment fails, verify that the connections between the EMS server and
the NE are normal and the cables are not damaged. Check if the HUB or switch has
power failure, or if they are in normal condition. Check if the ROMP data and version
configurations are correct and consistent between the NE and the EMS.
2. Change over the active and standby ROMP boards.
3. Reset the ROMP board (Resetting the ROMP will interrupt services, so it should be
done at night, when the traffic is minimal).
4. Extract and insert the ROMB to make sure that it is in good contact. If the problem still
exists, replace the board.
5. Check the indicators on the ROMP panel whether the ROMP on the NE operates
normally. If the RUN indicator flashes at 1 Hz and the alarm indicator is off, the ROMP
runs normally. If the RUN indicator is always on or off, or the red alarm indicator is on,
the ROMP runs abnormally. Replace the board. Querying Active and History Alarms and Notifications of RNC

Query the active alarms, history alarms in the last 24 hours, and history notifications in the
last 24 hours of the RNC.
For information about how to query alarms and notifications, refer to Chapter 3
Alarm Query in the NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Fault
Management Operation Guide.

Contact the troubleshooter to handle and acknowledge those alarms that have not
been removed yet. Analyze and acknowledge those alarms that have been removed
automatically. Refer to the handling suggestions given on the Maintenance Suggestion
tab of the Details interface. Querying Key Performance Indices of RNC

Query the KPI indices of RNC. For details, refer to Chapter 8 “Performance Data Query” in
the NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Performance Management
Operation Guide.

You can set some indices as frequently-used indices and set the performance
management preferences to display only frequently-used indices. For details, refer to
Section 3.3.9 “Setting an Index as a Frequently-Used Index” in the NetNumen U31 R18
Unified Element Management System Performance Management Operation Guide.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities

Reference Standards
You can customize KPI indices according to your network and assessment standard.

Analyze critical performance data. If it is beyond the limits, check the network. Checking Active/Standby Status of Boards

In the status management window, open the rack diagram of the boards to be checked,
and view the active/standby status.

Reference Standards
A means that the corresponding boards are active boards. S means that the corresponding
boards are standby boards.

1. Check whether the status of the active/standby indicators on the boards is consistent
with that shown on the EMS client interface.
2. If all boards are in an unknown active/standby status, check the communication link
between the NE and the EMS.
3. If the status of only a few boards is unknown, open the fault management interface on
the EMS client to check the corresponding alarms. Querying Operation Log of RNC

Background Information
RNC operation logs record the operations performed by the maintainers to RNC devices
and are usually used for troubleshooting. Looking through and saving operation logs every
day can help you discover problems during system running and check whether there is any
illegal operation.

1. Query the operation logs. For details, refer to Chapter 2 ”Log Management
Operations” in the NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Log
Management Operation Guide.
2. Export the logs to an Excel file.

Reference Standards
There are no records of unknown data configurations or resettings in the operation log.
The log information is normal.


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

If there is any record of data configuration in the operation log, check to see who made it
and if the operation is correct.
If there is any record of board resetting, board changover, link blocking, SS7 link
deactivation, signaling point/subsystem disabling, or port loopback, find out why. Checking Alarm Box

1. Select Setting > Alarm Box Setting on the main menu of fault management interface
whether the alarm box and the server are linked correctly.
2. Check whether there are alarm box alarms in the history alarms in the past 24 hours.
3. Check whether the critical alarms that should be reported to the alarm box can produce
sounds and can be displayed on the alarm box.

Reference Standards
1. The RUN indicator on the alarm box flashes regularly.
2. All levels of alarms indicated by the alarm indicator are consistent with those displayed
in the fault management window.
3. Shielded alarms are not reported to the alarm box.

1. If there are alarm box alarms, open the fault management interface to check these
2. Check whether the connections between the alarm box and the EMS server are
correct. Check whether the HUB or switch is power off, or if they are in normal
3. Check whether the alarm box is configured correctly.

2.2.2 Weekly Maintenance Checking Clock Status of RNC

1. Open the fault management interface at the EMS client whether there are clock alarms.
2. On the toolbar of the status management interface, click the NTP time operation icon
and select NTP time query in the pop-up dialog box. Check whether the controller
time is consistent with the NM clock data.

Reference Standards
There is no clock alarm. The NE and NM clock data is consistent.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities

1. Check whether the indicator on the ICMB shows the tracing status; that is, the TRACE
indicator is on.
2. Check whether the external clock cable on the rear board of the ICMB is in normal
Check whether the clock input interface of the RCKG1 is connected correctly, if it is
consistent with the configuration data, and if the connection is in good condition.
3. Conduct an active/standby changeover to the ICMB.
4. Replace the board. Checking ROMP/RCP

1. On the EMS status management interface, select Physical Resource > Physics
CPU. Check the CPU use ratio in the right pane.
2. On the EMS fault management interface, check whether there are ROMP/RCP
abnormal alarms.
3. Check the files Exc_Omp.txt and Exc_pp.txt whether there is any update.
Access the failure records saved in the left and right ROMPs through ftp.
ftp (to log onto the left ROMP through ftp from the console)
cd /DOC0 (to go to the DOC0 directory)

lcd d:\ROMP_Left(to set d: as the local path to save the data obtained)
bin(to set the binary mode)
prompt(to disable the interactive mode)
get Exc_pp.txt (to get failure records of all peripheral boards)
get Exc_Omp.txt(to obtain the record of ROMP failures)
bye (to exit)

ftp (to log onto the right ROMP. Repeat those operations performed to the
left ROMP)

l Do not overwrite the failure record files obtained from the left ROMP.
l The network segment address, 128, is for demonstration only in this context. Select a
proper network address in an actual operation according to the actual configuration.


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

Reference Standards
There is no failure alarm. The CPU occupation rate is not more than 80%. There is no
information about new abnormal resettings in the files Exc_Omp.txt and Exc_pp.txt.

1. If the CPU occupation rate is too high, check whether it is at peak hours.
2. Open the fault management interface at the EMS client to check the alarm.
3. Change over the active/standby ROMP or RCP boards (It is recommended to do this
at night, when the traffic is minimal.)
4. Reset the ROMP or RCP board (Resetting the ROMP or RCP will interrupt services,
so it should be done at night, when the traffic is minimal).
5. Extract and insert the board to make sure that it is in good contact. If the problem still
exists, replace the board. Analyzing History Alarms in the Last One Week

For details, refer to Section 4.4.2 “Customizing the Basic Statistics of History Alarms” in the
NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Fault Management Operation

Analyze history alarms as required. Analyzing Performance Indices

Query the RNC performance indices in the last one week. For details, refer to Chapter
8 “Performance Data Query” in the NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management
System Performance Management Operation Guide.

Reference Standards
1. KPI data can be reported to the background normally.
2. Performance measurement data can be reported correctly.
3. The performance statistics is displayed in the form of report, in which all indices are

Check whether the data configuration is reasonable.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities Backing Up Configuration Data

For details, refer to the ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Configuration Tool Operation

2.2.3 Monthly Maintenance Checking the Board Software Version

To view the version information of the RNC, refer to chapter 3 ”Version Management
Operation” in the ZXUR 9000 UMTS Radio Network Controller Software Management
Operation Guide.

If the version of the software running on the RNC is inconsistent with that configured, or if
the version of software running on the base station is inconsistent with that configured for
the database, it is required to update the software. Checking Clock Synchronization

1. On the EMS configuration management interface, select Equipment > Sub System
> Unit in the NE tree. Check whether UIM Clock Check is Yes[0] in the right pane.
2. On the toolbar of the status management interface, click the LED Status Query icon
to query the LED status.

Reference Standards
The TRACE indicator on the active CLKG/ICM/ICMG/ICMB board is green.

1. Check the indicator on the CLKG/ICM/ICMG/ICMB board to confirm the running status
of these boards. If the FREE indicator is green, it means that the clock board is in free
2. Conduct an active/standby changeover to the CLKG/ICM/ICMG/ICMB to check the
working status of these boards.


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

2.3 Site Maintenance

2.3.1 Checking the Power Supply System Checking Power Supply

1. Check the power supply and battery according to documents provided by the
manufacturers and suppliers.
2. Check the -48 V power supply of the rack.
3. Check the power cables and connection points inside the rack.

1. The power supply of the RNC rack is operating properly.
2. There is no sign of aging with the power cable.
3. There is no corrosion at the connecting points. Checking the Grounding

1. Verify that the grounding lines (PGND, -48 VGND), grounding bar connections, and
the DDF grounding cables are safe and reliable.
2. Use a grounding resistance tester to measure the grounding resistance and keep a

1. All connecting points are safe, reliable, and free of corrosion.
2. There is no sign of aging with the grounding cables.
3. The grounding bars are free of corrosion and proper anti-corrosion measures are
4. The joint grounding resistance is below 1 Ω.

1. Check the grounding bar and ensure it is operating properly.
2. Check the grounding cables and replace the aged grounding cable.
3. If there is slight corrosion at the connectors, remove the corroded sections. If there is
heavy corrosion, replace the corroded components.
4. Make sure that the joint grounding resistance is below 1 Ω.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities

2.3.2 Checking NE Devices Checking the ESD Wrist Strap

Background Information
In a dry environment, the electrostatic carried by the human body can generate
high-voltage static electricity. When an operator carrying static electricity touches an
electronic device, a discharge will occur and will cause damage to the device. Electrostatic
Discharging (ESD) wrist straps can release the electrostatic charges from the human
body, avoiding damage to devices. Therefore, it is required to wear an ESD wrist strap
before touching devices, boards, PCBs and IC chips, a wrist strap should be grounded

Verify that each rack is equipped with a well-connected ESD wrist strap. Checking Cable Connections

Background Information
The cable types used in ZXWR RNC are shown in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Cable Types of ZXWR RNC

Location Cable Type

Internal RNC cables Clock cable

Control-panel interconnection cable

User-plane interconnection fiber

PD485 cable and fan monitoring cable

Power cable

Grounding cable

External RNC cables Monitoring cable

Transmission cable

Power cable

Grounding cable

NM Ethernet cable

For the cable connections, refer to ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Hardware
Description and ZXWR RNC Radio Network Controller Hardware Installation Guide.


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

1. Verify that all cables (power cables, grounding cables, transmission cables, jumpers,
etc.) are laid in good order, and the labels on these cables are firmly attached.
2. Verify that the cables are connected properly.

If any label peels off, paste a new one. Make sure that equipment name (code) and detailed
interface locations are indicated on all labels in the format of "rack No. - frame No. - slot
No. – interface No." or "equipment name (code) - interface No." Checking Dust Caps on Optical Interfaces

Verify that the unused optical interfaces on the boards are covered with dust caps.

Mount the dust caps on the unused optical interfaces on the boards. Checking the Running Status of Fan Subrack

Background Information
The subrack has monitoring and automatic speed-adjust functions, and forms a closed
bottom-to-top air duct in the cabinet, providing air cooling for the equipment.

1. Verify that there is no alarms concerning fan subrack failure.
2. Verify that all the fans are operating properly, and that there is no abnormal noise.
3. Clean the fans regularly.

There is no alarm concerning the fan suubrack, and all the fan units are operating properly.

If a fan unit is not operating properly, replace it.

2.3.3 Checking the Equipment Room Environment Check the Air-Conditioning System
Check the air-conditioning system according to the documents provided by the
manufacturers or suppliers.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities Checking Environmental Alarms of the Equipment Room

The ZXWR RNC environmental alarm system is installed in the equipment room and the
system operates properly.

Background Information
The ZXWR RNC environmental alarm system consists of a power distribution subrack, a
smoke alarming device, an infrared sensor, a temperature/humidity sensor, and an access
control sensor.
As an important component of the ZXWR RNC alarm system, the power distribution
subrack is equipped with the power distribution board (PWRD) and the power distributor
backplane (PWRDB) to provide power indication, environment monitoring, and internal
fan subrack monitoring.
Being located at the back of the power distribution subrack, the PWRDB provides the
monitoring cable H-MON-009, through which the external sensor is connected with the
power distribution subrack to receive system monitoring signals. The PWRD processes
alarm signals. The corresponding indicators on the panel of the power distribution
subrack will give alarms when: 1) the -48V power supply is in overvoltage, undervoltage,
or power-off status; 2) the fan fails; 3) the smoke signal or the illegal invasion signal
occurs; and 4) the temperature/humidity is beyond limits.

Check the alarm indicators on the panel of the power distribution subrack to see if there are
environmental alarms about the equipment room, including power supply system alarm,
fire alarm, and smoke alarm.

The front panel of the power distribution subrack is shown in Figure 2-1. There are eight
indicators on the panel. See Table 2-3 for details.

Figure 2-1 Front Panel of Power Distribution Subrack


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

Table 2-3 Description of Panel Indicators of Power Distribution Subrack

Indicator Color Meaning Description

RUN Green Running indicator Flashing at 1 HZ:

Off: abnormal

-48 V (I) Red 48 V 1 alarm indicator On: -48 V 1

undervoltage or
overvoltage alarm
Off: no alarm

-48 V (II) Red 48 V 2 alarm indicator On: -48 V 2

undervoltage or
overvoltage alarm
Off: no alarm

FAN Red Fan alarm indicator On: abnormal

Off: no alarm

HOT Red Temperature alarm On: abnormal

indicator Off: no alarm

SMOKE Red Smoke alarm indicator On: abnormal

Off: no alarm

DOOR Red Access control On: abnormal

indicator Off: no alarm

ARRESTER Red Arrester alarm indicator On: abnormal

Off: no alarm

Handle different alarms in different ways.

1. If the undervoltage or overvoltage alarm occurs to the power supply system, use
multimeter to check the -48 V power supply. If the undervoltage or overvoltage exists,
report it to the power supply operator for solution.
2. If the fire or smoke alarm occurs, check the environment in the equipment room

a. Check to see if there is fire or smoke. If not, the alarm may be caused by the
excessive amount of particles suspended in the air. In this case, take proper
measures to purify the air, or shield the alarm.

b. Check to see if the air conditioning system is in good condition.

c. Check to see if the sensor fails.

d. Check to see if the alarm box fails. If there is any hardware failure in the alarm
box, replace the alarm box.


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Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities Checking Temperature in the Equipment Room

Record the temperature indicated by the thermometer in the equipment room.

The ZXWR RNC requires the following range of temperatures during operation:
1. Range of temperatures for long-term operation: 0 ℃ - 40 ℃
2. Range of temperatures for short-term operation: -5 ℃ - 45 ℃

The operating temperature/humidity refers to the value measured at 1.5 m above the floor
and 0.4 m in front of the cabinet when the cabinet has no front or rear protection panel.
The short-term operation refers to operating not more than 48 successive hours, or 15
cumulative days per year. It is recommended to keep a temperature of 15 ℃ – 30 ℃ in
the equipment room.

If the temperature in the equipment room is not proper, check the air conditioning system
and the temperature setting. Checking Humidity in the Equipment Room

Record the humidity indicated by the hydrometer in the equipment room.

The ZXWR RNC requires the following range of humidities during operation:

1. Range of relative humidity for long-term operation: 20% - 90%

2. Range of relative humidity for short-term operation: 5% - 95%

If water drops are found, take measures to adjust the humidity. It is recommended to keep
a humidity of 40% - 65% in the equipment room.


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ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

If the relative humidity in the equipment room is not proper, check the air conditioning
system and the humidity setting. Checking Burglar Meshes, Doors, and Windows of the Equipment Room

Verify that the burglar meshes, doors, and windows of the equipment room are in good

If there is any damage to the burglar meshes, doors, and windows, replace the damaged
items immediately. Checking the Cabinet Doors

Verify that the front door and the rear door of the cabinet are closed.

If the front door or rear door of the cabinet is open, close it.

2.3.4 Cleaning Checking Cleanness of the Equipment Room

Verify that the floor, computer, maintenance workbench and the surroundings of the
equipment are neat, clean and free of dust.

Clean up the equipment room immediately.

l When using the vacuum cleaner, cover the motor with an electrostatic discharge cloth.
l Use a converting connector for isolation to prevent the noise of motor from getting
through the power supply system.
l The pipe mouth of the vacuum cleaner should be made of insulation materials.


SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities Cleaning the Equipment

Verify that there is no spider web or obvious dust signs on the surface of or inside the

The interior part of the equipment is neat and clean, with no obvious dust signs.

Clean the equipment in time, especially the dust-proof subrack.
Before extracting a component, make sure it is not active. For the component extraction
and insertion, refer to ZXWR RNC (V3.09.30) Radio Network Controller Hardware
Replacement Guide. The extraction operation may cause alarms.

When using the vacuum cleaner, cover the motor with an electrostatic discharge cloth.
Meanwhile, use an converting connector for isolation to prevent the noise of motor from
getting through the power supply system. The pipe mouth of the vacuum cleaner should
be made of insulation materials. Cleaning Dust Screen

Background Information
The dust screen should be cleaned regularly.
1. The dust screen is mounted at the air inlet at the bottom of the rack. The dust screen
has an ABS plastic frame, which is integrated with a nylon net. It is easy to remove
the flexible dust screen.
2. The dust screen on the door panel has a metal frame filled with polyurethane foams.


These two types of dust screens can be reused after cleaning, and are easy to be removed
and replaced.


SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

1. Remove the fastening screws that fix the dust-proof subrack onto the rack, and then
pull the subrack out of the rack, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Pulling Dust-proof Subrack from Rack

2. Disassemble the dust-proof subrack and remove the dust screen.

3. Clean the dust screen with warm water (below 40℃), and then dry it.
4. Put the dust screen in the dust-proof subrack. The process to mount the dust screen
is contrary to the process to remove it.
5. Put the dust-proof subrack into the rack. The process to install the dust-proof subrack
is contrary to the process to remove it.
6. The process to clean the dust screen on the door is similar to the process to clean the
dust screen in the dust-proof subrack.

Do not install the dust screen into the dust-proof subrack until it is dried after cleaning.

2.3.5 Check of GPS Site

To check the GPS site, perform the following steps:
1. Check the GPS antenna to ensure it operates properly with no damaged cables.
2. Check that the GPS antenna is at a proper location and that there is no barrier
3. Check that the GPS antenna is connected properly with the GPS transceiver.

1. Replace the antenna or the antenna cable.
2. Move the GPS antenna to a proper location and remove the barrier obstacles.


SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 Routine Maintenance Activities

3. Replace the cables and connectors between the GPS antenna and GPS transceiver.

2.3.6 Operations Before Leaving a Site

Before leaving the site, perform the following operations:
1. Close the RNC cabinet door.
2. Close the site entrance.
After leaving the site, perform the following operations:
1. Turn in the door entrance key if required.


SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXWR RNC Routine Maintenance

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Figure 2-1 Front Panel of Power Distribution Subrack ............................................. 2-13
Figure 2-2 Pulling Dust-proof Subrack from Rack.................................................... 2-18

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Table 2-1 Routine Maintenance Cycle....................................................................... 2-1
Table 2-2 Cable Types of ZXWR RNC .................................................................... 2-11
Table 2-3 Description of Panel Indicators of Power Distribution Subrack ................. 2-14


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SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Global Positioning System
- Radio Network Controller

SJ-20121213161606-019|2013-03-07(R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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