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AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviewer Dare Spa S08 & Roma Patek Re ‘CHAPTER 2 DERNITION AND ATTA 1 coporaton isan arte bsg costed by spemton of tm having he right of succession and ‘ho powora, stoves and popes expready sumone by nv or nedont bs oto. 1. Aticiatbee: 2 Crete ty operation a: 3. Rig of sucesso; and 4. Poon, strouls and poporoccircealy suerte by nor edert sence. 's compravon may cam tr moral camages under An. 7219 (7) o te Git Gove cases ot Sere eer ena seaman. Papas Bato Mame go Mesa rd ‘Acharage of coporie fam of busines: ‘opacity oat aa sing uni Lmtes sharers meaty Contin in strc: Feast of grater uderaking Transteraly of shes; Standarized nemod olorgarzston, management ar inercs Disschantge cl comocato form ol bushes 1. Tong rd atincycopmit nt ral pce cm te enti 2 Thebusinss rarsattns o corporation miei he Site o is iraoperaton and may nt acta such cxrprabon in oher jusdcton ness fas obiarec a hens oF ‘Eitony ron before at 3. The sharhaldrs ined lb terest init he creda to te comeraon as a cpaai egal ent A. By mevery nature olahares of aos whieh persona prperia tansorable ata by ‘eonnes hace! vansirs of shave may rout to uibrg ncempatble and Sonehng ‘The minty shareelders have pacity no aay the cont of comport af 6. lage sede enters, stcinodes'voing aight may became merely fetous and ‘Rosrtca caus of esmoresl n menggomer, wo sede owesh anc naccesioe pace ot moetng 7. Desbletaxaion maybe imposed on coperat incre. 8. Saportan me ae gn egdaors apni acl tag AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviewor Dar Spa Sena Roma Patek Re ‘OHAPTES 3: CLASSFICATIONOF CORPORATIONS 7 DisSecons bavaana coporatonandaparneshp fe Geatedtyioverapeaicn cy) Tr Oreaed by nee agesmet of Re beat . 2 Geary thee mst be a Teset 8) 7 lay be Tomed by 2 or more ates Gar otcse oni sich pss ad | Can ao anving by soroned ot Fe nctons expresey granted’ ty lw | pais povded ony bat not ‘0 those Secestay or noden! | tontaryio law, mora, goed esos, erste pumse pasty ard pase ree 7 Uness. sald Geegaisd eipassy or] 1 absence o ayeerien w Re oH, fnpsedy, ut araect fe Dusteas | "ary on of fi perkore may vol Sed ‘Soap tne bosrdof arene Sepensras fomgpees tat # contnost to'mat | tuch at the oat moxpacty, Goapte he deh wihdrawal weanacty | sohenes. Gil ierdeson “or mete reat terion ote soothagers or | wingraval of eneparmir waud rest in snemnters Vsseokson Try soci car ocinany wane, | & A‘pemer camo! tarde his ght or telorasain ms ero stock we | nisert ne pennwnp soa 0 mse ‘ne consentat te er seaoaies fe tarteee «parte POU te ‘nontora ie ined fo the oend of |” Serpropary andar hopannac Ser sibsergron or ew omsed | preset hay boon cxhaused. for a orton. Datars its E Tem of exsience Enid oniyo 50] May cust an eden pored youu snes enendca SO = T Consent ofthe Suk Sneconay Bris | 5. Painwamay dsmhe a wil 1. Sto 1 Roqusnes ibe eassedas a sock coporaon: 1 Thatthey havea cat stock chide nto stares: and 2 Tht hy oo autora dart iors or some a spin pt He “+ Nor-sock copontions —no pan of Rer nceme is dtrbuaie as dndends © ts menbers, trustees or ofteare sued Heprevisors ot assouton. (Se), ‘Thelin ard erdnay meaning of «busines is eick i acivo o ars whore pts to punese or ivateod ne maine, and fe wen bushes when used who auasfeaton oud Ee Persie i ts par and orcnay mean resbeted © scvtes fr pol or Featoos (CR {S.cue Pape, ne) “+ The test in determining whether a govenmant owned or conaled corporat i sbi the (ui ‘Senice Law ig he mame of caalen such it goverment copevators crested by {pecs chars are subject fo poisons wise hows coped andor Canara Corporston {Uae not witins coverage. PNOC-EDC vs. NLRC) AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Durer Slpsp Sen Roms Patek Re OS 7 Ofer daices lenaatons 18 Pubic comoratone — those coated, fomed or organized for poites or goverment puposes wih ponies powers 10 D9 exetesed “oF PUpeSS ornate pai gout fe achuigretonct ot gover bra Pra conoratons these fomed tr some priate supose, bent, an or ond crloincal (ois sition rcopparaon sob) and Lay llsomonnary or si. 1 Eales! o rious copiatne — hove compos aichane ot Sime Isonoa, Thy a father saz as regs aces or onporahon Lay ceporaton -toee etishid orthe purses otter than apn. They fe futer clasiiow ap Goomcayany or eve Beemcsyay coxportos a ‘ete fv chamatle and Denewotn puposes. Gvicoperators se ofarled Satter the purpose cpus cht br ts benelt pecateryorenwan, ogrogae ana Soe, 12 Agwonate onponatins~ thote composed ol anumbe of indicus vested wih compere powers. 1. Soipratons mle these thet cmt of ane paron or eu ent ad who ste madh ut besos coporsto ard pelle in one te gro fom como lol apacty and advantage which, as rata persons. hay cara have ‘tse ad Open, 12 Close compraions ~ tose whaee shart of stock am held by Ent numb of posers © Sponserpaton— tse med ep asp etre ae ainon Domest an Foreign. ‘2 Domgsiccerperaion - tose that ar organized o creat under ey vee of S2"Biigone awe Note ues of meacopoas nsure 9 gaened Sy Prager on 'b._Foxein oporton - those fomed.ergaried 01 easing ure ay ws cher ‘han ove of fe Phapoince ard whose lava. alow Fapro ctor ard Compatine iodo buses nis oun county cr ate ‘2 Hoideg copomtens —copocions that conte fer actises 10 owning sock Invand siperssing management oir companies, i. Stbsidaycomoratons — tose which avether coperaton ows. at east @ ‘ajo th shares, and us have consol. = Afton _ oto coorations ich am eupea to common contol and operat aspatolasyien ous pase 12 Quasipubic corpnations - pate coperaion: which have acroped tom the Ste ihe git of 8 anche or sbrvaaimohmg ine peromance O° pase Autos (ple sorice corsratons AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Dare Spa Sen Roms Patek Re Oued coporions ‘Onl conan — ps Goes onl Gvkon wien ‘Gini ountoa, eves etic, rad or highway deve whch, though et vec th ‘he general powers of coporatns. are ognized by sblses o”inmem ‘sige. a patons or angeqne crperaions wh pecee dae which maybe Shloce andprvioges wack may bo mataved, By Sus! 12 De jure copwatons ~ jurseal enites ciated or oganzed in srt or sunganal conplares win the saucy feqisensrts of meeporaon an ‘toe oe cco susan ye a 10. Detacto sorpoctins. [a De fad coperatns— those which en! by vite fan trguary Fest n ‘he omanzatan or conten e fom soma her amason fo com ath he Condiore precedes by which compra de fae are cre ba thre was Colvasiecomplance wih herequrenerts of fe an under wich hey matte ‘Sel sceporaoe fo the pupesse and powers eaumad, ait ar Of he ‘git famed ‘be contre 11, Comoratos by extonpe. = Sop ty eet tm wh eso dct mda ft ‘Reason sty mo ttore who samneteony tes corm suece Gs fo Noe Somenent admason conti +The mere ta that he goverment happen to bea my stecthokr does ro mak is pb + quaateatrs: 1. Directors must oun at eas! on (1) share ofthe capil tock of he corpraton. Toss snostte manta 2. Amati of re crete or tatoos mut be reins of he Phipps. + Disquttcatons 1. Gowieton by final jucmant of an tlnse punchabie by imoisorment for @ pod xcoeden 5% 65) Yeats, ora voaton of his Cele commited wine (Yous eB rode a eosion« appenment 2. Otter daantatons ier apes special ows + A tyazus may val pronto tnt mo pesson may be secs 6s arector une ne owns a Spsitedrunborol shes vedi te relate quer “+ ttmay mew’se disjay a stckbder rom beng seid ito ofice ite has asubstintal nest 'n aconpatorcrperatonioavrdary posable ave’ feds of cnt ives ot a ecto + renter abe sighle ata dracter, shalt mati ie to lng Stoo, nct beet eto ‘he stock as appesing en the bots othe copaaton (se vs. CA) + ro seston i come o no quasied candies dead, We neunoed areca sha colin ag assur ghatlu Cannot dedin s handaaninc mae “+ Aumonzed canal te matimam amount fed inthe atisna io be siserted and aan ‘Sccuted io be pay be sascrbos + Suknoind cpl sok he tl mambo shes and ea wn fr wich hrs + Paap capt seck- ne acti! amour value whicn tas been acu conrDURao aa 12 ‘he coporaioninconscaraicn de suaseipsons made heron “+ Stoks shall no be issued or a consceaon less han the par orissed price Pere AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Durer Slpsp Sena Romas Pabek Rle O 7 onsen bre asuance fake ray bo any or aconbnatonolany wow nae dite E 2 Propet, ingble or irtagble, actualy reed by Be coporaton ard necesiary or coment Os une anda ppoans sar raion oq fo Fe par owed 3. Labor potomed er snices acta rendred othe compra; ‘5, AmounisYanslerad kon unreacted reid samings to seca a {6 Outstanding shares in exchar or sec in avant cf elasticnon or conveion + sta stan be sued excage o prenssary noes laure sences Shares of stock end tek clesstcaton + Shes of aeck designate ho inernt Sg which fe stektolder has i the managamert of ie Sy ba how ay pl aarp tat aps ay oh Saha a “+ Praeneasteck- a soc natgnes ne rtoe & pe krence oer Re hacer ot common sos win ‘eepect ee payne ol avidends andor van expect b dtu eal an kqadaton + Limitations en pretredstock: 2. The peerences must be sald in te arises of rcorpaaton ard in he cecal ot ‘Soot corse, carn shave shale, n/a spect, equal io emer) OE sha “+ The qutanite prsorene as dvcords does ot crete 2 lation of cebior ard creer otwaen ine ceporaton and tooheldoa of such so The boat as fe scion SoreITe Whatherernat cece Svea “+ Prelened shares ae presumed tobe ronpaticoting + Paniopatng peered shares ~ ie belies ie! areata ghen te dg 0 panchate win ne Common sbartoken indents Cojo bead pobre AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Durer Spa S08 & Roma Patek Re otng and non-voung sres ‘Cana prelered sare jose faerie he ener seo payment no only faut Ariderds but so back Gvdords net rerousy pad whether ot wo dung the pat Years, (iwdends were cerizedor pa. In soserc ct envesssipulaton poked chaes ae presumed to benor-oumilve Nor-cunaane peleted sres - tose which gat te holes ef such shares oxy 10 He payrentol earert dvskns bine back ddan, wlenend 4 deicends we ped, to ine stent [oieee Upon butom any stertcclacisee m0 patho same, “Types ot nor-cumuaine peed shaes: 1 Diacratonary vider pe — ones the hoe of such has fe Fh havedidends aid thereon in @ pact year denendeg on he phonon or roto of he Ena of recor 2 andotory# eaed ype impose s poate ty on acer te deci dhidends eeyy os unen pote sr tena ‘3. Earned cumulste ct avidend creat — ghes me toi: Meret ihe og 1 areas Gvtad tibet wee pros ead ay te revo yous ba ends wee Ma Unless te righ to vee i early witha, aprelened siecle asthe ight vote Planes spn lqution mutt to slanly wena tenes thay shal be placd on ex ‘boing wiht shares Pacvaloe sates - those whose ale a fad n te aries of ncorperaton. Parvalee shares camotbe asved vr sold y the someratanat ae tan pa No pa va shares - hose whose ssued pice a nots i he coticate fsck bu whch ‘ay be Tked tte sick oftcrpoaten, by boat oldeecbrs when se autre De eu eres ow bye byl ovr sbmcnce tert by the sociales het Limtators cna paral shares: are deomec uty pid mah, son aezoesbie 3. The onthe consioraton fri issuance consis capt, ence, not avalible fr ‘iusend decarsten 4. They cannot be ovued as probed atk; ‘5 Thay came be isued by barks, rust compasis, nsuance compares, pubic vio: _abuiang andiean associa. ‘Adsartans heissuace of rapa vaio shaves 2. Evasion the dare of abatyapon watered stock and 2 Disapoarance of personal Esnlty on fe pat of the hokor there! fr unpaid subscrpion Yor stares - gies the holder herol fo rah» vote are paricpato inthe management o! te coporan fuough the exrese of sic ng, erat he ekctonol he beard dreds, of Snymanner requrng he soaede’s apmeva onaning shares — da nt grt the holder feel the ight ove exec undo the pantie parsraps of See 6 (ny pretreat redeoraisshrea may be dere he ri ovate “There st aways be acess or svesot shares which tave complete ving igh AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Durer Spa S08 a Roms Patek Re OS Nor ingaharesaha neverheles: be eniaeo vos on fe folonng mates 2. Adoption ad amendment ol yas: 3. Salo. eae. exchange. moran. sledge o other dspesion ofl or sbsantaly a of ‘hecopesie pore beeen ordacresse olcapts sock mesma of cant ass atte carpeaton orburestm ones wan ns 8. Dissutono! re corpoatin. + Except as provide inthe peutimats pargraph of Sec. 6 he vole necestany © approve & passat sop ast a proved nse Cade Sabo deomacte rob onyfo stele wah weing fone + Sec.7. Founders shares. - Fourdes' shares cassie as such i the ails ofinconontion may be gan cota ughts and prvleges not enjoyed by fe onners of oer stocks, pode that Whe the ered ge te volo bs ved rine ecton ct Srectrs nies, ¢ must Oo tora tea pared nolo extend Ine 5) Yeats SUDKCT To Me aBpOLG of fe Securacs ana Exchange Commason. The fweyou potod shat conte tem Ihe daw cf fe aba [roe by he Seeutars nd Exchange Oommen. Redeemable shares 1 Radoomsbiashaces may bs ienuniny he corer whan igre s9 prodadin he artes of “+ They nay tp puchasid a uakon up by We copoaton yp the epraton ot a teed peted gids de ociewe of umestat iced carga n haba oe cao {hecondtion mst alse be Sed the cerfenteofstck representing shares ‘Trensury shares 1 Tretaury shares are shares of stock which nave been sued and pid fox, but adsasoenty ‘marque by fe surg toparaton by pactase, fedompton, donaion or Broa some ane [Swd mears, Such shares may agan be dsposed er arensonabe pice lady fe Esa of + Trensuy shares may amin be sued or 2 pice es than par. > Teste age rst en te Sich we o t eoanendeg ‘CAPITAL REQUIREMENT + Sec. 12 Mrimum capil sock requd of stock coperators. - Sock comoratons incomonsted uncer fis Code shal rot be requ have any mamum adhorzed capital Sek except 35 these speotcaly proved fv by apsoa! land avpact © he provsions ofthe foloNeNg [bast wertyine percent (25%) of the auttenzed expr stck a ated in tho aris of, ‘Renporaton us be aise tthe ie cf ecoperaton ac atest ian Wve (25%) pet onto’ fei sibseipten must be pad Upon stbszrpien, ihe blarce tobe payaie ona dae rates Sued th coral of subscepton wind wood cal, orn fe absence oa xed dab fr eates, pon cal to payment ty Reboud oldiacbre Powed, howver Tat nno case Sha ‘he asd capt be eu a ve Thowsand (95.00.09 pasos AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Darr tps S08 & Roms Patek Rae "RESTRICTIONS AND PREFERENCES ON TRANSFER OF SHARES + Covers le: Coporina may of may cot prove for ‘eoicion and prolerencessguring he anata, ca oranelpeert cishawe' neartiee d eopaution Wa deomney, + Escepmor: Gote corperaters ae requred to supect ter shares © spect resections a ‘eqatedh Sec 96 + Govoral ne: Fesricins or preerencss must be conned inthe aides al nceporatonardin ‘stock con estes fob seundby ne corporat. * Beppo hone crete schreaton and rrr mt to be obosd in he + No tango ol sock or interes which walreduce the ovnerp at Fain citzens oes than te ‘mgured poveriage of Re capa soa ss powded oy ocstrg wes Sal be lowes or pemited {be fecrand nthe bois of Ihe caporabon ard fs res¥chon shal be ected i ao Pe ‘Hook cerstes abe exusaay ne corpesbon ‘GROUNDS FOR DISAPPROVAL + Oni aubetantis and not ta + Graunisiordenpprow!: 1 The atc of neorortion or any amendant frat ic nt sueantnly a aecordance it he frm presotes 2 Tepupae a pupises oe poston ae pow wicesistor ege nmos 3. The Tessuer’s Afidavtcencersing the aneurt of cept sock sutscebed endo pad 4. The porworiage of onnesshp of the captal stick tp be owed by citzens of te ign has ol bsoncompled was roqured oy exstng as ttn Contin, 15. The adie of neomomtin of sopontons atic! goverment supenision ar nit ‘Seorpauedby ron scomtondnton ina te sper gaerrten aera, + tre gouds ap ret xcusve CCOMNENCEMENT OF CORPORATE ENSTENCE + Nigonly fom the ime de Rewer ofthe crate of incoperaton fa a emprain aces indo! poaoraty and iegnl ost + Por incorperaton, a coreaton has no judcal pesonaly ib ener inb contac. (Capayan Figung Doveopmentve. Sara) DEFACTO CORPORATION + De lctocomszaton - ane tats 20 dlectnely creat ay rat Be # de fre operate bat owmnetses suns, for al races! puposna ts chporte body, by vein of Ha bona Foo kongt scopes wder ousting atubry satel. sped wth Wo Sear of Srpose + Recusnes 1 Theres a vad lw under which the comeration coud have been crated as de jue corporate, 2. An tion, in gend ath, form 2 copes scconing to he requirements ot aw (coorabecomptncs) 3. Aer otcoporat pavers ana 4, Good in cing tobe ard ding business as corporat, lone vei AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Durer Spa S08 a Roms Patek Re OS 7 fuses on clara and deer aluck again corporate eisercs 1. The ceparie ettace ofa de ue ceporaton carol be dee stacked ether ety or tater, evan by Bo Stas. 12 The coporte exstence of & ce ‘ac! copomton can te arecky atackad on qua waren rooeeag, 3. Thecuporae existence oa defacto comesaton is rotstbed alto ata by ary ary. + A municipal coperaton eesti by an uscenetsioral aw cant bo cannot et a3 do foto operate unas there some cite ald ew guing porate Way fo ws exganaton A ‘oti av cet rah. (Mop of Melabarg vs. Bort) hotciam goed Isints bea sopoaton (hauve. Pens) CORPORATION BY ESTOPPEL “+ Sec 21, Comeraton by estoppel. Al perons who assume io ac as corporation honing # be \witou aatonty 1 o So shal bs late as gonorl parr alles, lubes and damanes IRoured or arang ae a resul fereot Provded, however That when ary ave) osenebis ‘poration sued onary Yansactonertaredby tas scaperaton or on any br commited byt {Sto erat notor idvec to um nen lnc corgrste pesca, + The doctne of comoraon by esteprl may apiy 1 he lbged copocton or a find rary trarsostng wf he ere * Th al ftom! crt eee ne ole sean wo a mene of recon) + Te pope of esuppel apse wen pains ssi ty om & cxgrain a ou ‘poker tected spel ie corel ties ety smrora Rene eetiana ty lene ooyomten: oie {hereon matte notneon ropnared, nove = no coponten by expel (ssmnov. Do Lesser) + One wiohas induced wee toa upon fa wil mirepresertan hal ¢ coporation was hy Sipe end onsing ender the lv; canna, refi et wp agonal ta vctn fe pepe Scpenten by esogse, Such ponora sosonoe nab fr he conaca srr ey funk ‘alenobie corporation (tive Unversy Pabtning Co. he) +A parton wno nes contacts or ast win an astocatan in sun @ nay a6 0 recognize = deen, ceoeeas bate ebaed on eeteate sie ie teen et ten ecerine seiner te sei mere nt bearabe wow nanpain ‘+ Penons wn nave cantruousy and fr along pero mrepreserted henseves 283 corporaten sgpremeeton teey sas peony oe canal (Siery she Sa + nthe dbsenceof rau a person wo has contac or deat with an associaton in sich aay a ‘9 eeognae and eect ast range eesence aa crore boa) @ hey exepped 0 Gary opera exstere i an acion ang ot ot oF vow such corral dairy, ess Po costorce's stacked fer cotser ach hte aon she rahing fe erie or eer dea (phe ona an souppel (Ass Barbing Copp ve Sando Predurts Oa, ho + Thedoctine of esioppe apie oa thc pat only ahen be ies o escape Eabity on 2 conact ‘tom whieh he has Dense does ot spp wien Pe thd partys the one claiming fom tre Conca nratonal Byes Travels Tous Serve, ie. C8) +The cectin of edoppel spies to oeon as wel as domestic corporations. Fregncopeatons dong busnsss n Pe Prippinas may so wn Poippne cou sifougn ne auPorzed te Soaneas ere agent the Prigoine cfasnro had ntagad wa 2nd 0sen Donets y 580) operate. (Geog Grojam GMM Ca esr) AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Dur Spa S08 a Roms Pack Re OS 7 Wa caperaton by edtopal erat and eres nb & coiWad or Farware baines wih ai ary, later has hoe remedies roars: 2 He may te te cme deahy apart Me esis pesoaly ho td ot te 2 Agsinet both tense corporaton and persons firming jn and severely. + As reparda the tab of to cosine of fhe slogod corporation, only oto who sctiely pariopaedinfoldng ot heasiacaion ss acoporaion sioadbe had pasoraly ED. + Sec. 22 less on monuse ol euparate heer andcontruass nepoatio ol 2 coprston.- Ifa coparaion dose nt lomaly ergance ard conmerce fe tanacon oi buaness OF De orsncton of ts rks ver two @) yews tom ne dae ets Bcoperaion M3 Canale Powe ense and ne sonorston anas be Sesmeda moved. However, corprston ras commences Setanetoof onus gasanoy oon cnn pene Wa aa ‘ns proven svat rot appyy me tue 1 oganze, commence Ine vandacton ots busnesees athe contusion ots wars, or coniMunulydpetae S Guo chess Bayon De ‘ontalol he corporation an ray e lemon by the Secarow and Exchage Oras + Organzaton the ecton of oices providing fhe suscipion and payment of capt stock {ho acon olby ava, and such cha sles a5 are necessary lo endow aga erty wit ho capanty varsavt elgirat busress br which twas cone * Fate of te coneraion to organize wan the prescibed pesos woud rest in ts aubmate (lacs, risa tur bd 20 9ake 9 caesenbajond fs contr, + Substantalconptansols aint + Sugnagne inparion mire & nd penn mcion ot oxo tae ‘CHAPTER &: THE CORPORATE CHARTER ANDITS AMENOUENTS “+ Goposte cater an instrument or aunty fom fhe sovergn pover, besovng Sghs ard pore + Thecoporae chara isatee-okdcenract 2 Setneon the compotion and the sbskhlder or members inclar a8 ¢ governs fee ‘espacvengis sedobigaions ard ‘3. Betmeon ard aneng the soathades o members themselves as fe 5 he rlafonshin ‘war one anther coneames ‘Rtngpraton and fo Coposton Coie tokane of he bylaws cpted howd ard erinnt prevors clay site governg ham +The chara of copmatons cele by spect ams consis of te speck kw creatng ne se {nu ny anal la uss aed requir lecing o applcabeto fen. “+ Franchise the eho prope isl io be andac asa copacaton ro doa cersinact AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Dare Spa S08 & Roms Patek Re OS 7 Kinds ot Faroese 1. Panay tarchse the rigor pralegs of beng corporation wich the stn cones Gponttaappiane te Boat 22 Seconda ranchse ~ me powers an pages vesed in, and tobe exec by the copotte body as ssh ‘CORPORATE ENTITY THEORY “+ exporaton sa dst ga enty 10 be consider as separate and apart ron ne inva Stour er marbes to compose ty ana eel slid ty tne porona spt, eigaiors Sng tmndore cfs aocsoshre ormanvor. Conerary a orpocton hs no cea ine ‘Rdecial popu of te teclnotoe urese Pincerodio he cuperaion, aan aoe os ome ‘a corporation (Song Sayan he te roger ane In) +A tons tae caporion spo alone be lan for copra Sok 88 oly aATOruEG By (ects ae ote. (Cams. CA) “+ The president and manager cl a coperaion who eriered nt and sgped a conrad in hs ofl (apsuiy,camet be mace iabe herder a ndrical snpacty ne ateenceo iston'o {hat ene ave tothe pesonatiy the corporation beng Sepak nd asin Fon he person conposrgit (Rusan Pup and Paper as, fe ve. AC) +A comoraion rasa personaly dsc! and separate tom is indvida socthdes or members ‘The more lc thal one ig prenert ola coperaion doa ha ondor fe propery be ers re oserces the propel athe copovion save iepresder, as an dd, ard he cporaion resopaatecmaes (Guzve Daisy + Mow onnershio by 2 noe soca o: by anchercoroain cf aor rat al of he canta stock ofa enporaion & 1h of eal suid ground br dtegarang the tparale corpora peroraky (Play res. Glve) + hnasghtotscton agin he comeraton th afcrs may nab ld parton Sale bg they stwitin he scope thar autor Soanovs. CA) + Placing the velo fe cororste ton rear o ony cass whee the coptratonis used er beng usad fo delest pubic convernce, stl wrong, pois! Faud, defend crme, conse lsgtsrate issues, orto crcunvent the law O perpetuate deception, oran aber ego, adjnc ot anne cnoa Oe soe beat oa shoe c+ gow of snowader @ encher ‘+ Testindetemining te epescabity of hedostine pacing the vel oleaparaon ftor: 1 Cone, aot mar mary o¢ comple sac cont ta cama orinstion, aatonty Sconces of pon and busnes prac in espa of varsacan stack! so thst ‘he coporae arty a to ths vareacton had athe Ane ne sepwaie Tu, Wl Ct ‘helane oft on 2 Such sosel must have been used by fhe defendant ® sommt fad or wong, 12 persona hewanton ota autor or thr poate legs eyo uharod nt {Ein convention d asidis gal chi: are 3. The bres corr and reach of ty mt pocnatny cause he jy wrt ons conplsnad ot (nsrumentaty se, Concop Bnaor, Inv MLA) \WHEN PIERCING THE CORPORATE FICTIONIS NOT JUSTIFIED | Comaie Seton canmot be degued in the absanse of intet f detail 9 comers ‘rasostions (Pen JR 20) + For the spurte jal personaly ofa corporation tobe daragarde, the wrongdoing mut be (Seon ord comrbeagh esabiched (BeiRenarove, NAG) AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviewor Dar Spa S08 & Roms Patek Re 7 Mee cipoaisomastin of al fe sicko nctercopeaior wil Fljualy her bong read ascing ony. (PNE vs. ‘he rcteamneston fe fetonofsepamte and sina comers enter cannot ba rapa sd brahed eave. [eve NLA) + Stop tobe oloador an atecivenmerdnant othe arise sof ncrgorston 1 ovohton ty atlese! amet a ho Souda deesraar rato 2 ole or weten assent of he sbckholdersrepreserieg at last 23 ofthe oasarding copia sochor 23 ote mene nese d orrack operon 3. Submision and fing o he anexdnests wih the SES a fotos: Taaeed by lov tobe sett bo ition of tenon’ Suen Sen ‘mendes, shal be ince ty undersoung the Giage o cranges made DL A copy mete, ay certied under smn by te anpuaie seoeury ard a ‘opty ote dentrs tenia fe fa ht uch arenas Nee {© Favorabierecorerdston he sppropnte goveramantagerey concemedn ‘ne caie wre Me coporaien i undef Supewan. + Time when eamendmants hal tate oct 2. From fe date of fing wth the SEC sot acedupon win § monte om he dt of Sing GS ue ot Sbuabe fo he eopanton, [tie et appease D Seca Speci amendent: 1. Exentiono shorting of ampere tm (S26: 37) 2 eestor decrease otcapal sock (Se. 3) 3. reurng cretng orineresing bord indebtedness (See. 38) + Mator which area accompli a wt subet in change + A-change inthe name of te copomton does no aie the Heniy ofthe epoaton notin ary 2) EE fo hin paragon ar culgntons povnay aurea ov neunesby (Begone et irswance Co. ws. Herigan) + Procedure anend ine compra fr: Deproralbys mapcy ote ofthe beardordeoco or musts 2. Wetennotie of fe prooces action andthe ine and pace o masing habe served 2 301 seecosder of member elerb) mal eB perahal Snvce, 8. Ratfeaten by he siocthadosreeserng a ast 23 lhe ovbtandna casi sock or d1Sol temembar case tron sock coporans. 4. incase cfevtaaian of saponte tem the exten tout te Sr prods nt siceding 2 reine an ange Set snd powtea aircon abe mas Cus Sah ‘edsons bran saber enraen ss nay bs stominedby the SES. * iseeg ghetese ot copes tem sane state may eae AQUILA LEGIS FRATERNITY Corporation Law Reviowor Darr Spa S084 Roms Patek Re OS 7” Baenson maybe made ony boo the bm prouGedn Be copoae carer oie. Ahanba (gard Cgarete ule Co, be. SEQ) “Sec, 28. The boat of decors nt tutes. . Unless obese evita in te Code, the coporate powers of ab exporaion lomed inder ths, Code shal be exorcised, al buses Condated a al propery 0 such copuators contol ard had by he board ol recon oF +The autor ofthe boa of recs dos rotated oe fonder changes inthe coperato chad + Theboard maydelegte he oxonise corporate power. *+ A corporation bound by th acs oft corporate offces F they ac win te scope of the 5 (asstenors d poversofcaparte aor’ 1. Theseeuressy coneredor hese granted by he arises nexporaion ecomarae byeaus erby Beil act the bowel ecto. 2, Thott ae inva fee at artsy donnie wich ae Those nat ae arent or acts tat gown te otic. 4. Those al are arpsert or os ats which sthough no achy orate, the ein [noweai lows orpemits ite bedore “+ Whore copotation secks i evade ably on a conrad en the grerd fick of auhoity on the Dar ols pcan uno snauedto ai rt swndeterae snout beepers pleaded Faure Bae ash an tosch aunony extn ay gestions egwang tart. eat + The faa hat fe power make copasie corradsis tus vesedin he boa dl dreds coos sot aged thata brmal la of he baat must avays bo len betore contac lay canbe ‘ed upon scorprsion, fre bosre can este niy sce vines By oe massa Nan byalomatepeaincl wt anwer v CrenasstGo) + The power to make como contacs rsces pimary inthe companys board ot rectors: but tho tewe may ally an naahorzed cntad made by anoffe! of he copraion,Ralfcaton {hs case held have sonared when te bond, ven knowedge het fhe sonra Ned een ‘ae, copie a recouton recaghaig Ne exslece ene conact ae orig at stps Be {aker io erate he corporation ua hs nels, (aruez we Oretaht Co + Whare a comeraia contract has Bean etectad in the spare! ofthe board of decor, 3 ‘moolsion apes ata nestng of dockocee rekiong io rsognse he sonra o spuasing ‘Svemour atic. (Hamer Oraniaast CO) * Contacts between acocpurton ad tir prsore must be mado by o under the thre ts Doadol drertes and not lis sloethades (Baratovs La rowsora) 1 Qusiteators 1 Directors must oun ates! one (1) share of the canta tock of Re corsraton Trees snostbe mente 2. Amat of fhe ees tateus mat be reer ofthe Pippin

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