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“The Dover-Eyota Schoo! system, in partnership with its community, will foster a sofe, caring and respectful environment to develop well-rounded, high achieving citizens who demonstrate character and Integrity in an ever-changing world.” 2017-2020 Strategic Plan DOVER-EYOTA @ Dover-Eyota will establish systems, structures and supports that foster | learning and leadership to prepare our | students tobe successful and productive citizens. aim 1: College & Career Ready KEY INITIATIVES - We will + Support and expand career and college planning ‘opportunities throughout the highschool ‘Integrate the 4C'sinto the content areas ~ Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Cal Thinking + Investigate STEM / STEAM concepts that can be Integrated into our school curriculum. + Study new and innovative schedule and calendar designs at the elementary and secondary level + Expand grades 6-12 Indlvidual computer access by Implementing a Bring Your Own Devie option, MEASURE OF SUCCESS - We will see: + Students maintain college/career portfolios, and Increase job shadow program and college visit ‘opportunities planned bythe high schoo + Instructional Rounds and/or principals’ walk ‘throughs document evidence of practices that promote the 4s and crss-cueular STEM, + Options for calendar and schedules will be researched and any decisions wil include stakeholder np. + Allstudentsin grades 6-12 willbe in the Bring Your Own Device program by the end ofthe 2020-2021 school ye. AIM 2: Safe and Supportive Schools Leal ‘We will create supportive, innovative and Inviting campus environments that inspire success forall. KEY INITIATIVES - We will + Recognize the achievements and successes demonstrated by individual students and staff + Proactively update emergency plans to effectively respond to crises + Expand our academic support for struggling, advanced, and ather students with identified | needs. + Encourage students to report incidents of bullying, harassment, and confit by streamlining the reporting system, + Train staf to recognize bling behaviors, Intervention strategies, and apply restorative practices. relationships and personal accountability MEASURE OF SUCCESS — We will see: + Our story told through proactive communication systems such a5 eral, socal media, and newsletters. + Ourbuulding and csrict emergency and safety teams meet to review, update, and communicate processes/ procedures quarterly and as needed, + Establshed or refined Mult-Tered System (MISS) of suppor that strengthen ll learners at allgrade levels. + That bullying, harassment, and conflict reports are investigated, resolved and documented. + Restorative practices utilized tat focus on (Fey ms: Student, Staff and Communities’ Engagement ‘Together we will strengthen the relationships, communication, and involvement among students, staf, and ‘community to support student success. 7] Ai a: H High Academic ‘Achievement Students and staf will engage in learning ‘communities, purposeful professional ‘development, and reflective practices that inspire inereased achievement. KEY INITIATIVES - We will: + Increase opportunities for students, parents, and staf to partipate in dst planning. + Implement assessment, feedback, and reporting practices that promote student mastery + Provide competitive salary, benefits, nd supports to attract and maintain a high-quality workforce. + Provide opportunities for teachers to obtain reading censure or advanced credits to teach College in the Schools lasses. + Prioritize and effectively communicate our district long:term fiscal and facity needs, KEY INITIATIVES - We will + Support a collaborative culture 1 investigate new schedule configurations and new course offerings PreK-12. «Adopt a new PreX6 Literacy cursculum that meets our core literacy belies «+ Review English compostion across the scope and sequence of al PreK-12 content areas. «+ Structure the staff development process to further align it with disrctbullding goals + Personalize learning by teaching students to set Individual learning goals and to monitor ther own progress + Colaboratively research and identify an effective riddle school schedule that better meets the needs of our students MEASURE OF SUCCESS — We will see: Increased communication among district tmployees to recognize department, bulling, tnd district efforts and accomplishments. Increased parent representation on committees. Teachers using grading practices that are consistent with mastery. Staff surveys wil reflect a high level of ‘employment satisfaction. More college devel courses offered atthe high School, and willhave a core group of Iteracy specialists on stat ‘Our budgeting practices will demonstrate that ‘we ae fiscally responsible and respond tothe heeds of our stakeholders. MEASURE OF SUCCESS — We will see: |We have developed processes and systems to tse data to inform instruction and share knowledge. Increased college credit and Career and ‘Technical Education opportunities at the high school Staffs empowered to make decisions about their own profesional learning thats aligned with schoo achievement goal ‘decrease inthe achievement gap among, subgroups Growth in eading and writing wil increase across all grade eves ‘ur Middle School Minnesota Comprehensive ‘Assessment scores increase

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