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Comparative analysis of various market

players of lower price range, in water
purifiers industry within the central
Water purifier has been proved as a very essential invention in the health care field.
Where so ever human health is concerned, deaths due to contaminated water every
year is far more than deaths caused by any natural calamity, any epidemic, any
disease or even any war. Ti has been published in a report by W.H.O. that 80% of
the diseases are caused due to the use of contaminated water. Thus the need of
such an important innovative product is very much justified. This rising need
created demand among the common people. The demand was not only created by
the rich and educated people but the demand was also obtained from a large part
of poor people who lives in unhygienic conditions and to whom the threat of
suffering from water born diseases is maximum.

At the same time the water purification system was so costly because of the use of
very high technologies like reverse osmosis (RO) and ultra violate radiation for
elimination of microbes. Both of the technologies were very costly and unaffordable
to a middle class family. Thus the innovation of

There are various market players in the water purification industry since last many
Aqua Sure
Product capacity options 20 liters
Price Rs. 2495
Margin to retailers Rs. 100
Maintenance cost (periodic) Rs. 400
Purification capacity 4000 liters
Per liter purification cost 10 paisa

Used technology UF membrane

Purifier type Drip type
Manufacturer Eureka Forbes
Brand name Aqua guard
Product name Aqua sure
Launched on 16 may 2008
Used technology UF membrane
Purifier type Drip type
Manufacturer Kent water purifiers
Brand name Kent
Product name Kent Gold UF Storage Water Purifier
Launched on 17 Jun 2009
Kent Gold


Kent gold is gravity based water purification system that uses ultra filtration
membrane (generally known as UF Membrane) that filters the water in a slow and
study manner. The membrane is capable of removing bacteria and the cysts. The
purification is done in four stages in which the water is purified by removing the
physical particles, dissolved salts and the harmful bacteria and the cysts.

Kent gold is a 3 step water purifier which removes impurities from the water
including bacteria and cysts. It uses a sediment filter to remove physical impurities,
Nano Silver carbon filter to remove suspended particles and UF membrane to
remove micro organisms in the water.

The product is a very good alternate for simple purification and the per liter
purification cost is very low. Kent gold is a good offering from the company and is
very cost effective in terms of the maintenance.


 NO chemicals like chlorine, bromine or iodine is used to kill microbes.

 Removes bacteria and cysts.
 Body is made up of very hard plastic material.
 Removes organic chemicals and bed smell
 Improves test of the water
 No running water required
 No electricity required


 Unable to remove viruses.

 Reduces various salts that are important for human body.
 Does not work in hard water condition.
 Does not remove TDS.

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