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Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84

Historical developments and new trends in tribological and solid lubricant

C. Donneta,*, A. Erdemirb
Universite´ Jean Monnet, Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Instrumentation UMR 5516, Bat. F, 10 rue Barroin, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France
Argonne National Laboratory, Energy Technology Division, Argonne, IL, USA


In recent years, several new solid lubricant and modern lubrication concepts have been developed to achieve better lubricity
and longer wear life in demanding tribological applications. Most of the traditional solid lubricants were prepared in the form of
metal, ceramic and polymer-matrix composites. They have been used successfully in various engineering applications. Recent
progress in thin-film deposition technologies has led to the synthesis of new generations of adaptative, self-lubricating coatings
with composite or multilayered architectures, by using duplexymultiplex surface treatments. These modern self-lubricating coatings
progressively make their way into the commercial marketplace and meet the ever-increasing performance demands of more severe
applications. The present paper reviews our recent understanding of the lubrication mechanisms of both traditional and new solid
lubricants, with particular emphasis on solid lubricant methods and practices.
䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solid lubricants; Tribological coatings; Friction; Wear

1. Introduction wear resistance to extend the lifetime of the components.

In other applications, a strong reduction of the friction
When service conditions in tribological applications in the 10y2 range is paramount to save energy. In spite
become severe, solid lubricants may be the only choice of considerable research developments, through more
for controlling friction and wear. According to Holmberg than 2000 published papers from the past 25 years, there
et al. w1x, a general design appraisal of the tribological exists no single solid lubricant that can provide both
requirements on a coated-surface contact can be formu- low friction and wear over broad use conditions, tem-
lated as follows: peratures and environments. Solid lubricants exhibit the
● The initial coefficient of friction (CF), the steady- following major shortcomings. Except for soft metals,
state CF, and the friction instability must not exceed most solid lubricants are poor thermal conductors, hence
certain design values. they cannot carry away heat from sliding interfaces.
● The wear of the contacting surfaces, including the Depending on the test environment and contact condi-
coated one, must not exceed certain design values. tions, their friction coefficients may be high or fluctuate
● The lifetime of the system must, with a specified significantly. There wear lives are finite and their replen-
probability, be longer than the required lifetime. The ishment is more difficult than that of liquid lubricants.
lifetime limit of the system may be defined as the Oxidation and aging-related degradation may occur over
time when even one of the earlier requirements is not time and present some problems, for example, with
maintained. transition-metal dichalcogenides. Upon exposure to high
temperatures or oxidative environments, they may
The concomitant decrease of both friction and wear undergo irreversible structural-chemistry changes that in
is not systematically required. In some applications, turn lead to loss of lubricity and the generation of some
such as coated tools, the challenge is to increase the abrasive, non-lubricious by-products. The deposition
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-4-77-91-58-02; fax: q22-3-77-
procedure may be complex.
91-57-81. Recently, Erdemir presented an up-to-date review on
E-mail address: (C. Donnet). solid lubricants and self-lubricating films w2x, including

0257-8972/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84 77

Fig. 1. Historical development of tribological coatings and solid lubricant films.

a classification of traditional and emerging solid lubri- include oxides, carbides, nitrides, borides, and some
cants. In this paper, major emphasis is placed on the carbon-based compositions (diamond, low hydrogenated
various historical approaches that have been used to diamond-like carbon wDLCx). Soft coatings include pol-
optimize solid lubricant films, and, more generally, ymers, soft metals, halides and sulfates of alkaline earth
tribological coatings. This historical description, though metals, some carbon-based compositions (highly hydro-
not exhaustive, will include the research of specific genated DLC) and the well-known lamellar solids,
material compositions (Part 2), the development of the including transition-metal dichalcogenides and graphite.
deposition processes (Part 3) and the development of Most of these basic materials have been extensively
successive generations of films (Part 4). Fig. 1 presents studied and some of them present properties that are
a general view of the impressive research production attractive when the materials are used under specific
over the past 25 years on this subject. Each part will conditions (see excellent reviews in w2,4–6x). For exam-
summarize the major results and practices, on the basis ple, most oxides become highly lubricious and can
of few selected examples from published works. The provide fairly low friction at elevated temperatures;
objective is to propose a guideline to identify the major Erdemir proposed a crystal–chemical model to classify
milestones in the development of tribological and solid lubricious oxides on the basis of lubrication performance
lubricant coatings, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. and operational limits w7x. Efforts to optimize new basic
compositions and structures are still in progress. Recent-
2. Specific material compositions for solid lubricants ly, Cs-based oxides were reported to be very promising
for lubricating Si-based ceramic components at high
2.1. Basic materials temperatures. At 600 8C, 0.02–0.1 friction coefficients
have been reported for Cs2O-lubricated Si3N4 ceramics
Historically, the important development in the for- w8x. During sliding at high temperature, a mixed oxide
mulation and use of solid lubricants is first due to the layer consisting of Cs2O and SiO2 was found and
natural ability of various materials to exhibit rather low believed to be responsible for low friction.
friction and low wear under specific conditions. Basic
solid lubricants are generally classified in two categories, 2.2. Modern practice
i.e. soft and hard coatings, depending on whether the
hardness value is lower or higher than f10 GPa w1,3x. As described in the Part 4, the combination of basic
This classification, even though arbitrary, for hard coat- solid lubricants to build various film structures (nano-
ings is the result of their rather higher wear resistance composites, superlattice, gradient, etc.) has been the
when compared with softer ones; for thin soft coatings, subject of intense research for the past decade. However,
wear and lifetime are particularly critical. Hard coatings these developments did not prevent the emergence of
78 C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84

new ‘single’ structures or original concepts in solid chemical stoichiometry, amorphous CNx films produced
lubrication. Let us focus on three emerging directions. by various research groups exhibit large variations in
mechanical properties and tribological performance (see
2.2.1. Research of new ternary and quaternary (or Ref. w20x for a summary on CNx films). Reported
more) phases friction values range from 0.05 to )0.5 in air, and
The versatility of most vacuum deposition techniques friction tends to increase as the film’s nitrogen content
such as plasma vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor is increased. In a dry environment or vacuum, much
deposition (CVD), and ion-beam-assisted deposition higher friction coefficients were observed. Such a large
(IBAD) allows the producion of rather complex com- scatter in friction has been attributed to the difference
positions, generally consisting in multicomponent phas- in N content, C–N bondings, carbon hybridization ratios,
es. The objective is to improve the wear resistance under and deposition methods and conditions. Noteworthy,
severe conditions, rather than decreasing friction. The however, is the extreme surface smoothing of the coating
pioneers are probably Knotek et al. w9x with the optim- that takes place during sliding wear with root mean
ization of (Ti, Al, V) C, N compositions, which allowed square surface roughness of -0.5 nm, and this has a
significant improvement in the wear life of tools. This large impact on applications that involve gliding and
was probably the beginning of numerous attempts to sliding contacts. Normally, most hard materials are very
deposit complex multicomponent compositions, as brittle, but CNx films are very elastic, which seems to
recently reviewed by Jehn w10x. From the initial binary be a contradiction. In a recent paper w21x, Hultman et
hard materials, titanium and chromium nitride and car- al. presents evidence that CNx may exhibit a fullerene-
bide have been improved by alloying these binary like structure, which would give this material an elastic
structures with metal andyor metalloid components. The behavior consistent with a resilient character. The
nature and amount of alloying elements strongly influ- observed structure consists of sp2-coordinated basal
ence friction and wear behavior. Such investigations planes that are buckled by the incorporation of pentagons
were extended to a large number of elements, including and cross-linked at sp3-hybridized C sites, both of which
Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Cr, Mo, W, Al and Si, with various are caused by structural incorporation of nitrogen. Car-
chemical combinations. For example, it has been shown bon nitride, thus, deforms elastically due to bending of
that the lattice structure of binary nitrides remains the structural units.
unchanged and can contain large amounts of ‘third’
elements, like Al in Ti–Al–N or AlN dispersed in the 2.2.3. Solid lubricants dispersed in oils
fcc CrN w11x. In contrast to this behavior, two- or How the use of coatings affects the friction and wear
multiphase coatings, such as nc-TiNya-Si3 N4 in Ti–Si– behavior of an oil-lubricated contact is neither simple
N films w12,13x, can be found. In many other cases, nor obvious. Published results on the benefit of coatings
ternary coatings can show amorphous phases, e.g. the in a lubricated contact have been controversial w22,23x,
(W, Si, N) system w14x. The other well-investigated consistent with the complexity of such systems due to
systems are Ti–B–N w15x, Cr–B–N w16x, and Ti–Al– the several tribological mechanisms that are simultane-
B–N w17x, on which an excellent up-to-date review has ously involved. Certain solids (such as HBN and boric
been recently published w17x. From this complex chem- acid) have been mixed with oils and greases in powder
ical research, it is now possible to tailor various struc- form to achieve improved lubrication under extreme
tures, including multilayered, gradient, superlattice, pressure and temperature conditions w24,25x. In bound-
nanostructured and adaptative coatings with extreme ary-lubricated steel contacts, a boundary film is contin-
tribological properties, as depicted in Part 4. uously formed by tribochemical reactions that occur
among the steel surface and sulfur- or phosphorus-based
2.2.2. Research on new compositions: the example of additives dispersed in the oil. Some of these additives
CNx coatings contribute to a reduction of friction, particularly when
It is not usual for a material to find large scale they contain Mo (in dithiomolybdate), with evidence of
applications only a few years after its discovery. But the formation of nanocrystalline MoS2 inside the contact
this has been the case for carbon nitride films, which during friction, as shown by Martin et al. w26x. The
are already used as protective coatings on hard disks demonstration of such complex mechanisms indicates
and recorder heads w18x. The wear rates of carbon that some basic solid lubricant mechanisms may be
nitride coated disks can be 10 times lower than those of activated by tribochemistry in liquid-lubricated contacts.
disks coated with a commercial DLC film of the same Recently, Rapoport et al. w27x demonstrated how inor-
thickness w19x. A flurry of attempts to produce the ganic fullerenelike supramolecules of metal dichalcogen-
elusive C3N4 material that is theoretically harder than ide MX2 (MsMo, W and XsS, Se), which form
diamond has been reported. Most of the films deposited nanoparticles in the 10–100-nm range and are used as
are, in fact, amorphous CNx, with x f0.1–0.3. Primarily additives in oil, provided substantial friction and wear
because of a large variation in their microstructure and reduction when compared with additives like platelets
C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84 79

of pure dichalcogenide. Recently, carbon and WS2 were can be used as a load-supporting layer for hard coatings
prepared in the form of hollow nanotubes and were w33,34x. Because many wear-resistant hard coatings are
shown to provide high mechanical strength and very relatively brittle, they can be successfully applied only
low friction coefficients under certain sliding conditions to hard and stiff substrate materials such as hardened
w28,29x. Research and development on coupling solid steel, cemented carbide or structural ceramics. On softer
lubrication concepts and tools with additive knowledge substrates, it is necessary to include the concept of
merits much greater research for next-generation pretreating the substrate surface to produce a hardened
lubricants. outer layer, which can then support the coating more
effectively for load accommodation w35,36x. The concept
3. Vacuum technology for the deposition of solid of duplex treatment is achieved when, for example,
lubricants nitriding and PVD coating are performed in sequence
within one coating system. Such developments are still
3.1. Basic considerations in progress.

Solid lubricants can be applied to a tribological 3.2.2. Low-temperature processes

surface in various forms. The oldest and simplest method The deposition of tribological coatings and solid
is to sprinkle, rub, or burnish the fine powders of solid lubricants may require deposition temperatures that
lubricant on surfaces to be lubricated. Fine powders of range from room temperature to more than 1000 8C.
certain solid lubricants were also used to lubricate The heat resistance of the substrate materials may
sliding bearing surfaces with great success w30x. Certain strongly limit the number of possible coatingysubstrate
solid lubricants have been blended in an aerosol carrier combinations. For some methods, including CVD, high
and sprayed directly onto the surfaces to be lubricated. deposition temperatures can cause undesired phase tran-
Powders of solid lubricants can be strongly bonded to a sitions, softening or shape changes. This is the case for
surface by appropriate adhesives and epoxy resins to Al, Cu and Mg alloys with deposition temperatures in
provide longer wear life w31x. They can also be dispersed the first 100 8C, for most steels, with deposition tem-
or impregnated into a composite structure. However, in peratures of 100–500 8C, whereas ceramic materials
most modern applications, thin films of solid lubricants usually support higher temperatures, typically up to 1000
are preferred over powders or bonded forms. They are 8C. PVD and CVD processes may induce significant
typically deposited on surfaces by advanced vacuum temperature increase during deposition, ranging between
deposition processes, such as sputtering, ion plating, f100 and 1000 8C (CVD). Thus, all types of PVD and
IBAD or plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition CVD coatings can be applied to most ceramic materials
(PECVD), to achieve strong bonding, dense microstruc- and cemented carbides. Some heat-resistant steels, such
ture, uniform thickness and long wear life. In the context as high-speed steel (HSS), can be treated by all types
of the present paper, it is not possible to review the of PVD and some low-temperature CVD processes.
impressive scientific production related to the vacuum Progress in PVD or CVD coating of low-alloy steel,
deposition process. Basic considerations can be found copper-based, light-metal-based alloys remains very lim-
in Ref. w1x. For further information, it is useful to refer ited. Electrochemical plating, chemical (electroless)
to the relevant journals and up-to-date conference pro- plating and, in a certain way, thermal spraying allow
ceedings. However, in spite of the refinements in depo- film deposition at much lower temperatures, but the
sition procedures, lifetimes of most solid lubricants are versatility of the latter techniques is lower than that of
still limited because of the finite lubricant film thickness. vacuum techniques. However, the emerging need to
To increase their durability, a self-replenishment or deposit solid lubricant films on temperature-sensitive
resupply mechanism is needed but very difficult. materials, such as polymers, is strongly restrained by
using vacuum technology. The development of less
3.2. Modern developments conventional processes, such as sol–gel techniques, is
3.2.1. Multiplex and hybrid processes
One-way to extend the composition and architecture 3.2.3. Large-scale manufacturing
of tribological coatings is to combine various deposition Most of the published work related to tribological
processes to achieve specific properties unachievable by coatings has been performed by using deposition pro-
using one process only. Such approaches have been cesses at laboratory scale, that is, with treated plane
termed hybrid, duplex or multiplex coatings, as widely surfaces in the 1–10 cm2 range. The transfer of such a
illustrated by Matthews et al. (see Ref. w32x). This technology toward higher dimensions andyor more com-
concept can be achieved with just two differing layers: plex shapes remains one of the most difficult technolog-
for example, an electroless coating that improves abra- ical and economical challenges. This is particularly true
sive wear performance and enhances corrosive resistance for industrial manufacturing of complex structures that
80 C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84

include gradient, superlattice and nanostructured films already patterned substrates (indirect processing), or by
(Part 4). In large-scale manufacturing, the distribution direct laser processing of deposited DLC films has been
and deposition rate must be very well defined, so the studied w43x. Pore depths that yield to positive tribolog-
thickness and property variation tolerance should be ical improvements ()10 mm) are larger than film
minimized. Most of the properties evaluated at the thickness (-5 mm). The authors indicate that debris
laboratory scale may diverge when the deposition scale particles were trapped in the surface pore obtained by
is larger. Moreover, in many cases, complicated instal- indirect laser processing, thus preventing the breakdown
lations, including shielding and shuttering, are not appli- of the tribological system. According to Voevodin et al.
cable. Finally, the coating supplier must be watchful of w44x, the three-dimensional design considerably
the reproducibility of the process vs. time. Some papers improved the tribological characteristics of hard coatings
present deposition runs performed on industrial vacuum by permitting solid lubricant replenishment inside the
devices. A combined cathodic arcyunbalanced magne- friction contacts. Such patterning may also have a
tron deposition system with four vertical targets is positive effect both by carrying away heat from sliding
detailed in Ref. w37x. These linear cathodes, in combi- interfaces and by trapping abrasive wear debris. In Ref.
nation with up to three-fold substrate rotation, must be w44x, a functionally-gradient Ti–TiC–TiCyDLC coatings
used to achieve homogeneous rate distribution over the with an upper layer of tough nanocrystallineyamorphous
whole height of the vacuum chamber, with a distance composite was used for load support, crack prevention
of 1 m between two opposing targets and an outer and stress equalization. This coating was processed by
diameter of the rotating substrate table of 750 mm. The laser irradiation to form grooved tracks along wear
magnets and the polarization of the electromagnetic paths, which were then filled with MoS2 to provide a
coils are arranged in a close magnetic field configuration solid lubricant reservoir in the lateral dimension of the
to achieve high plasma density and the possibility to coating. The three-dimensional coating was tested in
control the temperature at as low as 200 8C under long-duration sliding tests at fixed and cycling humidity.
specific conditions. Evidence of industrial production of The coating exhibited environmental adaptation, with
nanolayered TiAlCrNyTiAlYN coatings is shown and friction coefficients of 0.15 in humid air and 0.02 in
the process has been proved stable and reproducible. dry nitrogen. The wear life was increased by at least
Deposition of gradient TiyTiC(H)ya-C:H films that one order of magnitude when compared with that for a
exhibit friction in the 10y2 range with high wear hard-gradient coating with a top layer of MoS2 without
resistance under high-vacuum conditions has been per- three-dimensional laser processing. Coating patterning
formed in an industrial duplex reactor that combines probably will be a major axis of development in coatings
magnetron sputtering for Ti deposition and PECVD for technology in the next decade.
deposition of hydrogenated DLC w38x. Due to confiden-
tial requirements, less work in that field is published 4. Structure of tribological and solid lubricant
and most data are kept within companies for their own coatings
4.1. Generation I: single-component coatings
3.2.4. Combination of deposition with surface
structuring In spite of the enormous efforts to develop new
Precise patterning of coatings is a rather new concept coatings and coating systems, only a few and mostly
that will probably progress in the near future. Plasma, ‘simple-structured’ films prevailed on the market and
chemical or laser techniques as widely performed by continue to be favorites. Most commercial PVD and
the microelectronic industry for many years, can be used CVD coatings consist of one single layer, often contain-
to achieve a specific geometrical design on a surface. ing one (or two) single phase(s). Probably, in many
Laser treatment has advantages related to its versatility cases, the needed storage dump and higher tool produc-
and fast adaptability. Excimer lasers have been used to tion costs if complex systems are applied explains the
induce patterns on DLC films w39x, but emerging fem- persistence of this first generation of tribological coat-
tosecond laser facilities will probably introduce new ings in many industrial operations. The commercially
perspectives in that field. Indeed, the ultrashort laser successful coatings include TiC, TiN, CrN, CrC, Al2O3,
pulses (in the 100-fs range, with power density as high TiAlN, TiCN, DLC, W2C, WCyC, MoS2, diamond, soft
as 1013 W cmy2) can ablate all kinds of materials metals and some polymers. To fulfill the functional
without any collateral effects (negligible thermal affect- demands, an adhesion interlayer may be necessary. In
ed zone), contrary to nanosecond pulses w40x. Lifetime the previous section (Part 2), the development of hard
increases upto a factor of 10 have been achieved by coatings has been particularly highlighted. Let us briefly
patterning of TiN w41x and TiCN w42x films with a focus on the particularities of some of the other coatings.
femtosecond laser. Recently, laser patterning of wear- Well-known solid lubricants (graphite, HBN and tran-
resistant DLC with two configurations, either by coating sition-metal dichalcogenides) owe their lubricity to a
C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84 81

unique layered structure, but the detailed mechanisms protheses w55x. Other solid lubricants include boron-
are not exactly the same from one lamellar solid to containing materials: hexagonal boron nitride and boric
another; water vapor is necessary to lower the friction acid, which can be formed in situ by reaction between
of graphite but rapidly inhibits the lubricating properties B2O3 and water during friction, as reviewed in Ref. w2x.
of MoS2. The latter one is widely used in vacuum (Oxy-)thiomolybdates of Cs or Zn and a few other
lubrication and considerable data have been accumulat- alkali metals, certain complex oxides and oxide-fluorides
ed, leading to deep knowledge of its lubricating mech- w2,7x and sulfate-based coatings (CaSO4, BaSO4 and
anisms w20,45x, including the evidence of superlow SrSO4) w56x were shown to be rather lubricious at
friction in the solid state w46,47x. Soft metallic lubricants elevated temperatures (300–600 8C). Under those con-
have crystal structures with multiple slip planes and do ditions, the candidates that achieve low friction and high
not work-harden appreciably during sliding contact. wear resistance are rather limited and this is consistent
Dislocations and point defects generated during shear with the use of ‘simple’ coating structures, because more
deformation are rapidly nullified by the frictional heat complex ones (such as multilayer, superlattice) may be
produced during sliding contact. Reported friction coef- altered by the combination of friction and high temper-
ficients of soft metals range from 0.1 to 0.4, depending ature during operation.
on the metal and test conditions w2x. Film-to-substrate
adhesion is extremely critical for achieving long wear 4.2. Generation II: multiplayer and multicomponent
life or durability, especially on the surfaces of ceramic
Multicomponent coatings are made up of two or more
tribomaterials w48x. Considerable works have been
constituents in the form of grains, particles or fibers.
devoted to carbonaceous materials, including DLC films.
Multilayered coatings are composed of a periodically
These amorphous structures, which contain both sp2 and
repeated structure of lamellae of two or more materials,
sp3 hybridizations, have hydrogen content that ranges
with thicknesses up to a few tens of a micrometer (if
between -1 and f50 at.%, from which most of the
the thickness of each lamellae is in the nanometer range,
structure’s properties are derived w49x. Among solid
these films are generally classified as superlattice, as
lubricants, they probably exhibit the widest range of
reviewed in Part 4.3). Generally, multilayered coatings
friction and wear behavior. The reader can refer to
are distinguished from sandwich layers, which include
specific references related to the tribological behavior
several superimposed films that achieve complementary
of DLC films w20,50x. Diamond films are extremely
properties. This second generation of tribological coat-
hard and offer several outstanding properties, such as
ings is generally constituted by a combination of basic
high mechanical strength, chemical inertness and very
materials described in the previous section (Part 4.1).
attractive friction properties. At present, several CVD
Details on the diversity of structure available can be
techniques are available to produce high-quality dia-
found in Ref. w1,57x. The advantage of combining
mond films with micro- and nanocrystalline structures
several structures and compositions within one coating
on various substrates. The high-quality diamond coatings
include achievement of various individual physical prop-
produced by CVD exhibit most of the desired mechan-
erties (i.e. diffusion barrierqlow friction), reduction of
ical and tribological properties of natural diamond w20x.
the mismatch in mechanical and chemical properties
Recently, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films with a
between the substrate and the coating (mainly to
very smooth surface finish have also been deposited by
enhance adhesion), control of the residual strain and
microwave CVD in the near absence of hydrogen w51x.
therefore the stress within the coatings, the ability to
When polished or NCD coatings are used in sliding-
stop cracks during operation under severe conditions,
contact experiments, very low friction coefficients are
and enhancement of hardness andyor toughness by
attained w52x. Polymers in various forms are used widely
allowing layers or phases to slide over each other when
in tribology. They are light-weight, relatively inexpen-
they deflect under load. The versatility of vacuum
sive, and easy to fabricate. They can easily be blended
technology (as depicted in Part 3) and the emergence
with other solids to make self-lubricating composite
of multiplexyhybrid processes has led to considerable
structures. Certain polymers (polytetrafluoroethylene
wPTFEx, polyimide, nylon, ultra-high-molecular-weight developments of this generation of coatings, which has
been recently found as major industrial applications. A
polyethylene wUHMWPEx, etc.) are self-lubricating
large up-to-date overview that presents various examples
when used in both bulk and thin-film form, or as binders
and applications of multilayered and multicomponent
for other solid lubricants w53x. Except when they contain
coatings is presented in w10x.
self-lubricating inorganic filler w54x, they generally can-
not be used at temperatures higher than 250 8C. One of 4.3. Generation III: gradient, superlattice and nano-
the most popular polymers is probably UHMWPE, structured coatings
which is used widely in total joint replacements, even
if improvement of its wear resistance against harder Control of the structure and composition of coatings
counterfaces is required to enhance the wear life of at the nanoscale is an exciting scientific subject com-
82 C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84

bined with an industrial challenge. This control can be of the operating conditions during their solicitation,
achieved mainly through three structural configurations. generally under severe conditions, and being able to
The first configuration is the functionally graded coat- change during the lifetime. Smart coatings imply a deep
ings, which are regarded as the logical progression from knowledge of the film structure and composition
multilayered coatings. Grading the composition by a dependence vs. temperature, contact pressure and envi-
drastic control of the deposition process has been ronment. The most recently developed cutting-tool coat-
achieved to combine a relatively hard TiAlN phase with ings, based, for example, on TiAlN with the addition of
a softer MoS2 phase with an increase in the latter phase yttrium or chromium, may produce a stable oxide during
toward the top surface w58x. One other benefit of grading cutting at high temperature and enhance the wear resis-
the composition is that it improves adhesion of DLC- tance w58x. Another example of such behavior, recently
based coatings that contain metal additions. Such published by Voevodin et al. w66,67x and related to a
improvements have been obtained by Ti and TiC(H) composite coating produced within the W–C–S system,
graded underlayers to increase the wear resistance of consisted of 1–2-nm WC and 5–10-nm WS2 grains
DLC films w38,59x. Second, nanostructured coatings embedded in an amorphous DLC matrix. The WCy
include nanocrystallized films (with grain sizes in the DLDyWS2 nanocomposite exhibited self-adaptation to
nanometer range) and nanocomposite films, as a logical operations that occur in aerospace systems. This adap-
progression of multicomponent films toward the nano- tation was found in crystallization and reorientation of
scale. Nanocomposites include structures that combine initially nanocrystalline and randomly oriented WS2
amorphous phases with crystallized ones, as widely grains, graphitization of the initially amorphous DLC
emphasized by Veprek w61x. Third, superlattice corre- matrix, reversible regulation of the composition of the
sponds to the multilayer concept extrapolated to a transfer film between WS2 and graphite with environ-
thickness of individual layers in the 5–50-nm range. mental cycling from dry to humid air and possible
The major function of these structures is to significantly DLCyWS2 synergistic effect, providing friction reduc-
enhance hardness, fracture toughness and adhesion of tion in oxidizing environments. Friction lower than 0.05
the coatings, and thus to improve their wear resistance. was recorded during a space simulation test of 2 million
In recent years, the literature and the theoretical under- cycle, and recovery of low friction in tests that simulate
standing of this new generation of films have been ambientyspace environmental cycling was demonstrated.
grown, in particular with regard to compositionally Another challenge for smart solid lubricants is achieve-
modulated superlattice films w60x, and nanocrystallized ment of lubrication in the widest range of temperature.
w61x and nanocomposite w62x coatings. On the macro- No single material is known to be lubricious from
scopic scale, the concept associated with this generation ambient temperature to 800 8C. Thus, the way to produce
of coatings is maximization of hardness (H) while a lubricant coating that can operate over a broad tem-
ensuring an adequately low elastic modulus (E), to perature range is to combine low- and high-temperature
provide an appropriate ‘elastic stain to failure,’ as lubricants into a composite or layered structure, such as
determined by the HyE ratio w63x. On the nanometer CaF2 and WS2, which interact during friction to form
scale, the mechanism corresponds to a higher resistance CaSO4 w68x. A similar concept has been demonstrated
to dislocation movement by precluding the formation of by combining transition metal dichalcogenide (MoS2 or
stable ones. This is achieved by decreasing the grain WS2) with oxides (ZnO or PbO) to form PbMO2 or
size, in accordance with the well-known Hall–Petch ZnWO4, which are lubricious at high temperature
relationship, or by controlling the presence of interfaces w69,70x. The future challenge of smart coatings is prob-
between nanocrystallized (nc) metal nitrideymetal w64x, ably to achieve the design lubricative properties with
or between amorphous and nanocrystallized phases as reversibility under multiple cycles of temperature or
with nc-MnNya-Si3N4 (where M is Ti, W, V or other environmental variation.
transition metal) w61x. The most recent developments to
extend the use of nanometer-scale coatings are probably 5. Conclusion and future trends
devoted to their stability at high temperature, to avoid
phase transformation, grain growth and diffusion pro- In recent years, there have been numerous exciting
cesses. This seems to be possible if the layer materials developments in the fields of tribological and solid
are thermodynamically stable with respect to each other lubricant coatings. These novel coatings have much to
and are stable to form low-energy coherent interfaces offer for increasingly stringent application conditions of
w65x. future tribosystems. Each and every one of these coat-
ings is rather unique and designed or formulated to
4.4. Generation IV: smart (adaptative or chameleon)
work under certain application conditions. Regardless of
the type, unfortunately there exists no such coating that
This recent innovation corresponds to coatings being can work under any type of application conditions.
able to change their properties to meet the requirements Depending on the test environment, temperature and
C. Donnet, A. Erdemir / Surface and Coatings Technology 180 – 181 (2004) 76–84 83

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