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Rules of Zeta Rho Chapter

Area XVII • Chi State

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
(Revised 9/1/2016)
I. Chapter Name
STANDING RULES * The name of this chapter shall be Zeta Rho Chapter, Area
Zeta Rho Chapter XVII, California State, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
(Revised and approved by chapter vote 1/13/2014) International, chartered on October 14, 1963.

Zeta Rho Chapter abides by the Delta Kappa Gamma II. Purposes
International constitution and by-laws; California State by-laws and * The purposes of Zeta Rho Chapter shall be the seven
standing rules. Purposes of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Zeta Rho Chapter will follow the membership calendar and and those of Chi State Organization.
guidelines as established in the current by-laws or as needed for the In addition, the chapter will abide by the additional standing
spring Coordinating Council joint chapters initiation.
rules of the chapter adopted Jan. 13, 2014
Sponsors of new members are responsible for calling initiates
during their first year of membership to insure participation and
involvement in Zeta Rho activities, California State and Area III. Membership
functions. Sponsors should continue to assist new members to * Membership is in accordance with the Constitution, Article
become acquainted during the second year of membership. III, and the International Standing Rules, 3.
An active member requesting reserve status should send her The chapter has full authority for the administration of
written request to the membership chairperson. The membership membership.
committee will review all requests and make a recommendation to * Recommendation for Membership (Form 11) shall be
the chapter membership. Reserve status shall be granted by a available at each regular chapter meeting.
majority vote of the chapter in accordance with the Delta Kappa * Recommendation for Membership (Form 11) shall be
Gamma Constitution, Article III, Section B.2 which reads in part,
completed by the sponsor and returned to the membership
“Reserve member status shall be granted only to a member who is
chairman for the April Initiation with the Coordinating
unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of
physical disability or other reasons acceptable to the chapter.” Council
Community educational gifts are traditionally brought to a * The Membership Committee shall review
chapter meeting for donation to a charitable organization. Other Recommendations for Membership (Form 11) and prepare to
projects i.e. Books for Babes and World Fellowship may continue present the candidates’ names to the chapter membership.
throughout the year. * Voting for prospective members will occur at a chapter
Committee assignments are made by the Vice President or meeting prior to initiation.
acting program chairman according to interest surveys taken at a * The general membership shall vote by means approved by
chapter meeting; otherwise each active member is randomly the chapter executive board and by a 2/3 majority of those
assigned to a Society committee. Each committee will be voting to elect the candidate to membership.
responsible for hosting one meeting per year in addition to its
regular committee responsibilities.
* Invitations to membership shall be in writing and delivered IV. Finances
in person, if possible, within 10 days following election to * Financial matters are in accordance with the Constitution,
membership. International Standing Rules and California State
* Orientation of members-elect shall be held prior to Organization by-laws.
initiation. * The Finance Committee shall make recommendations for
* The orientation program shall be the responsibility of the changes in dues no later than the May meeting. All members
Membership Chairman. shall be notified prior to the first meeting of the fiscal year.
* Members-elect will indicate their acceptance to membership * Chapter dues shall be determined annually by chapter vote
prior to initiation. no later than the first meeting of the fiscal year.
* Initiation will be held in April with the other chapters of the * Annual chapter, state organization and international dues
Delta Sierra Council. Special arrangements may also be and fees shall be collected by the chapter treasurer prior to
made for initiation. The Chapter shall pay for initiation Fees. October 1st and forwarded to the California State
Member pins shall be paid for by the Chapter and presented Organization treasurer by October 31 st.
to new members at their initiation. * The Finance Committee shall develop an annual budget and
* Honorary members shall have given or currently be giving present it to the membership for approval no later than the
distinguished service to education and/women that is of first business meeting of the fiscal year.
significance to the chapter area. * See additional chapter Rules for other matters of finance.
* The recording secretary shall record in the chapter or
executive board meeting minutes the name of any member V. Organization
whose membership is terminated. The record shall include * Zeta Rho Chapter shall govern the conduct of its business in
the reason and date of termination. a manner consistent with the Constitution, the International
* Special recognition of a member’s death shall be financed Standing Rules, the California State Organization By-Laws,
by the chapter assessment/dues. the California State Organization Standing Rules and the Zeta
* The executive board shall decide on the disposition of Rho Chapter Standing Rules.
Society jewelry that has been returned o the chapter. * Zeta Rho Chapter retains membership in the Delta Sierra
Membership pins commemorating the 5th, 10th, 15th, etc. year Coordinating Council.
of membership shall be paid for by the Chapter and presented VI. Officers and Related Personnel
to members at the first Chapter meeting of each year. It is * Zeta Rho Chapter officers may be president, vice
suggested these pins be returned to the Chapter and be president(s) (or co- presidents overseeing program) and
presented to other members just earning them. This will help membership, secretary, (all elected), and a treasurer selected
cover the cost of the pins as well as make the pins have by the executive board. Additional officers may be elected or
special meaning for those receiving them. appointed.
* See additional Chapter Rules for other matters of * A slate of officers, with one nominee per office, shall be
membership. prepared by the Nominations Committee and presented to the
membership prior to the spring meeting, with election taking
place at the spring meeting.

(3) (4)
* A Treasurer shall be selected by the executive board at the VIII. Executive Board
spring meeting for the biennium. * The members of Zeta Rho Chapter Executive Board shall be
* The ballot shall include the slate of officers and nominees the elected officers and the immediate past president. The
for the Nominations Committee. treasurer is ex-officio “with vote” and the parliamentarian is
* Officers shall perform duties as specified in the ex-officio “without vote.”
Constitution, VI, the California State Organization By-Laws, * The Zeta Rho Chapter Executive Board shall function
and as authorized in the Zeta Rho Chapter Rules. according to the Constitution, VII C.
* In addition:
The president(s) or appointee(s) shall serve as delegate(s) IX. Committees
to the Coordinating Council. * Standing committees shall be: Awards & Nominations,
The vice president or other designee shall serve as Books for Babes, Executive/Budget and Finance,
chairman of the Program Committee. Communication, Membership, Program, and Legislation.
The vice president or other designee shall serve as * Standing committees shall fulfill responsibilities as outlined
chairman of the Membership Committee. in the Constitution and as detailed in this Handbook.
The secretary shall be a member of the Standing Rules * In addition:
Committee. The secretary shall be responsible for The Books for Babes Committee arranges
updating chapter standing rules as policies are for our Books for Babes Project and its funding and
changed during business meetings. distribution.
The secretary shall update and prepare the information The Nominations and Awards Committee oversees
for the chapter yearbooks and state organization member
directory. and community recognition, scholarships, World
The treasurer shall submit for annual audit-financial Fellowship and grants and serves as the chapter
review nominations committee.
the account of the organization and order the
president’s X. Activities
pin at the chapter’s expense and make it available to * Zeta Rho chapter publishes the Zeta Rho Newsletter
the Electronically and/or in print Quarterly or more frequently as
Nomination Chairman before installation of officers. appropriate.
* Books for Babes has been created by the executive board
VII. Meetings and approved by the chapter membership. The Books for
* Zeta Rho Chapter shall have at least 4 business meetings Babes monies are earmarked to finance the Books for Babes
per year during the months of August through May. project. The Zella Bullock Fund originally assisted the
* A quorum shall consist of 5 members, including 2 officers. Chapter with this project and was designated for use during
* See additional chapter Standing Rules for other matters of February in her memory.

(5) (6)
XI. Dissolution
* Before a chapter is dissolved, the approval of the California ZETA RHO
State Organization must be obtained.
* Careful consideration shall be given to the manner in which CHAPTER GOALS
those desiring to maintain membership transfer to other
chapters. International procedures must be followed. 2016-2018
* Any remaining funds in the chapter account shall be sent to
the California State Organization treasurer for state or 1. Sing the Delta Kappa Gamma song at Chapter
international projects. meetings
* The chapter’s paraphernalia, the Society publications, and 2. Increase chapter membership
the chapter records shall be retained in the California State 3. Nurture early career educators
Organization archives and made available for use. 4. Complete/update member profiles
* The charter must be returned to the California State 5. Foster personal relationships within the chapter
Organization to be forwarded to the International 6. Build recognition as a professional organization
Headquarters. 7. Open meetings with an inspiration given by
XII. Parliamentary Authority 8. Actively seek funding for Books for Babes
* Roberts Rules of Order (current edition - see Addendum) is 9. Frequently invite guests to meetings and functions
designated for the governance of the chapter in all instances
in which the authority is not consistent with the Constitution
or other adopted Society rules.

XIII. Amendments
* The executive board shall review the standing rules at least
once during the biennium.
* Individual rules may be considered at any regular business

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