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Name: Samantha Whitehead

Grade Level: 9th
Content Area: Biology
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Office 365 Forms
Standards Addressed: (Example: MCCK.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens
SB5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the interdependence of all organisms
on one another and their environment.
a. Plan and carry out investigations and analyze data to support explanations about factors affecting
biodiversity and populations in ecosystems.
Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: This quiz would be a quick review method to assess
what was learned in the classroom. It would be proceeded by activities performed to teach the
material to the students. The quiz is online, on Office 365 Forms, which will record and evaluate the
responses submitted by students.

Once the students complete the online quiz, have them create their own 5 question quiz with
challenging questions. The students will then submit their quizzes to their teacher, who will compile
them for a future review game.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This assessment is a LOTI Level 2, as it provides
students to create questions to form a better understanding.

Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *:

The quiz can be accessed by the following link:

Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: This program also
allows teachers to change and edit students’ grades. You can create several different question types,
including multiple choice and free response.

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