"The Memo" Outline

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Understanding Clinton Rigs Primary / Hires Perkins Law Firm To Start

Opposition Research On Trump

The FISA Pre-Election Phase 2016

FBI: Head of CounterIntelligence Peter Stzrok starts love
affair with Agent Lisa Page. Exchange thousands of
texts on importance of not allowing a Trump victory.

Memo Trump Campaign makes minor missteps such as

entertaining meetings with "Russian Lawyer"
(Papadopoulos is told there may be "dirt" on Clinton)

Democrats through Perkins Law Firm secure FusionGPS

On February 2, 2018 the much to pay $12 million to former MI6 Spy Christopher Steele
to create fake "Dossier" which is really just false
anticipated and previously classified opposition research. None of it confirmed accurate.
memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes of The fake dossier was injected into the Intelligence
Late 2016 (July-Nov) Community via senior DOJ Official, Bob Ohr's wife,
the House Intelligence Committee
Nellie Ohr. At the same time, Steele meets with multiple
was declassified and released to the media outlets and creates news stories to self-validate
the "Dossier." Yahoo runs the story.
general public. There was much
Once the "Dossier" is given some credibility via news
anticipation surrounding reporting, it's then weaponized by the FBI as
"INTELLIGENCE" and used to secure a FISA Warrant to
#ReleaseTheMemo and many on wiretap the Trump Campaign.
social media are not grasping why this
memo was released. Not the least of
which, is the protection of all (Testimony of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe before
House Intelligence Committee 12/2016)
American's Civil Rights against
The FISA Warrant continued to be renewed every 90 days 3
unlawful searches and seizures as more times, signed by James Comey 3x, McCabe once, and
by Acting Attorneys Generals Yates, Boente and Rod
afforded by the 4th Amendment to the
US Constitution ("Bill of Rights").
To this day, the fake Dossier, was the only item used
to secure the most covert and damaging warrant, a
ScottAnthonyArchives.com FISA Warrant, to spy on an American, on American
soil for the purpose of political gain.

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