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Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

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Hub location problems: A review of models, classification, solution

techniques, and applications
Reza Zanjirani Farahani a, Masoud Hekmatfar d,⇑, Alireza Boloori Arabani b, Ehsan Nikbakhsh c
Department of Informatics and Operations Management, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, Kingston Hill, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7LB, UK
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hub location problem (HLP) is a relatively new extension of classical facility location problems. Hubs are
Received 18 July 2012 facilities that work as consolidation, connecting, and switching points for flows between stipulated ori-
Received in revised form 22 January 2013 gins and destinations. While there are few review papers on hub location problems, the most recent one
Accepted 25 January 2013
(Alumur and Kara, 2008. Network hub location problems: The state of the art. European Journal of
Available online 9 February 2013
Operational Research, 190, 1–21) considers solely studies on network-type hub location models prior to
early 2007. Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing the most recent advances in HLP from 2007 up
to now. In this paper, a review of all variants of HLPs (i.e., network, continuous, and discrete HLPs) is pro-
Facility location
Hub network
vided. In particular, mathematical models, solution methods, main specifications, and applications of
Mathematical formulation HLPs are discussed. Furthermore, some case studies illustrating real-world applications of HLPs are
Survey briefly introduced. At the end, future research directions and trends will be presented.
Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction It seems that the telecommunication industry is originally one of

the oldest users of hub network concept. However, in logistical sys-
Hub location problem (HLP) is one of the novel and thriving re- tems, airline industry and postal companies are one of the main
search areas in location theory. In order to satisfy a demand, HLP users of this concept. Today, there are many other areas that can take
involves the movement of people, commodities, or information be- advantage of hub concept like maritime industry, freight transporta-
tween required origin–destination pairs. Hubs are applied to de- tion companies, public transit, and message delivery networks.
crease the number of transportation links between origin and Originally, Hakimi (1964) published the first paper in the area of
destination nodes. For example, a fully connected network with k node optimality which was motivated by similar concepts to HLP.
nodes and with no hub node has k(k  1) origin–destination links. Later, Toh and Higgins (1985) discussed application of the hub loca-
However, if a hub node is selected to connect all other nodes (non- tion networks for airlines and aviation industry as the first pertinent
hub nodes, also known as spokes) with each other, there will be research. The first papers in the HLP field, presenting the first math-
only 2(k  1) connections to serve all origin–destination pairs. This ematical formulation and solution method, were due to efforts of
idea can be extended to a network with more than a hub node, O’Kelly (1986a, 1986b). Since then, many papers have been pub-
called a multiple-hub network. Thus, by using fewer resources, de- lished over recent years with a significant increasing trend. Regard-
mand pairs can be served more efficiently with a hub network than ing this trend, the focus of papers was on modeling in the late 1980s,
with a fully connected structure. on optimizing and modeling in the 1990s and, eventually, on ad-
Costs of a hub network depend on its structure. The total dis- vanced models and solution methods in recent years.
tance of arcs connecting the whole network might be less in a Concerning the most important preliminary studies in the area
hub network, but the total travel distance may be greater since of HLPs, O’Kelly had a key position to develop the first quadratic
there is no guarantee that the number of people, merchandise, or mathematical formulation for HLP (O’Kelly, 1987, 1992). Later,
information moving on the hub-to-hub connections be greater than Campbell proposed multiple mathematical formulations for HLP
those moving between hub and spokes. Therefore, it will be very to consider similar objective functions as several classical facility
complicated to determine location of hub facilities as well as alloca- location problems (Campbell, 1994b, 1996). Moreover, Aykin and
tion scheme of clients to them (Campbell, Lowe, & Zhang, 2007). Klincewicz had also important roles in advancing the field (Aykin,
1994, 1995a, 1995b; Klincewicz, 1991, 1992). Recently, Campbell
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 8752 4022; fax: +98 21 8851 2596. and O’Kelly (2012) have recently discussed the origins and motiva-
E-mail address: (M. Hekmatfar). tions of HLP as well as some of the shortcomings in this field.

0360-8352/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109 1097

The first surveys of HLP were offered by Campbell (1994a), is defined exogenously and is equal to one, there is no cost for
O’Kelly and Miller (1994). In addition, Klincewicz (1998) and Bryan establishing the hub facility, the hub facility to locate has unlimited
and O’Kelly (1999) reviewed applications of HLP for the telecom- capacity, and the problem is a single allocation as only one hub is
munication and air transportation industries, respectively. More to be located.
recently, Alumur and Kara (2008) surveyed and classified papers The inputs of the problem are as follows: hij is the amount of
on HLPs published until 2007. In addition to these reviews, one flow between nodes i and j, Cij is the unit cost of transferring from
can refer to Campbell, Ernst, and Krishnamoorthy (2002) and non-hub node i to hub node j. Furthermore, the outputs of the
Farahani and Hekmatfar (2009) for fundamental definitions, classi- model are binary, in which Yij is equal to 1 if node i is allocated
fication, mathematical models, and solution methods of HLPs. Even to a hub located at node j (and 0, otherwise). If Yjj is equal to
though these studies have dealt with HLPs from various view- one, it means that node j is allocated to itself and in fact it is a
points, there have been some motivations for this review paper hub node. Considering this notation, the mathematical formulation
as follows: of single-HLP is as follows:
 Over the past 5 years, many researchers have modeled and min hik ðC ij þ C jk ÞY ij Y kj ð1Þ
i j k
solved numerous variants of hub location problems in their
research. Subject to
 Alumur and Kara (2008) put their emphasis on network hub X
location models and not the HLP from a general aspect. Y jj ¼ 1 ð2Þ
 More particularly, Alumur and Kara (2008) did not consider any j

studies addressing continuous HLPs, in which a network will be

replaced by a plane. Y ij  Y jj 6 0 8 i; j ð3Þ
 Some new recent trends need to be taken into account such as
the implementation of reliability, sustainability, global logistics, Y ij 2 f0; 1g 8 i; j ð4Þ
and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) in HLPs.
Eq. (1) minimizes the total transfer cost via the hub. Eq. (2) stipu-
Therefore, the significance of this review is to not only consider lates that there is only one hub. Eq. (3) stipulates that node i can
previously analyzed papers, but also shed light on some uncovered only be linked to a hub node at j. Eq. (4) defines decision variable
aspects of HLPs that have been published after 2007. type to be binary.
To linearize the objective function, if non-hub node i is allocated
2. Mathematical models and classification of HLPs to a hub at node j, we will have only one hub and all other non-hub
nodes must be allocated to that hub as well. Therefore, Eq. (1) can
In order to classify HLPs, some definitions and classifications be rewritten as follows:
will be given as follows: XXX
hik ðC ij þ C jk ÞY ij Y kj
i j k
 Solution domain: Network (the domain of candidate hub nodes ! !
is all of the network nodes), discrete (the domain of candidate ¼ C ij Y ij hik þ C ji Y ij hki
hub nodes is a series of particular nodes) and continuous (the i j k j i k
domain of hub nodes is a plane or a sphere).
¼ C ij Y ij ðOi þ Di Þ ð5Þ
 Criterion: Mini-Max (the maximum transportation cost from i j
origin nodes to destination nodes is minimized) and Mini-
Sum (the total cost incurred by locating hub nodes and alloca- where Oi is the entire outgoing flow from node i, and Di is the entire
tion of non-hub nodes to hub nodes is minimized). incoming flow to node i. Furthermore, after replacing Eq. (1) with
 Source determining the number of hubs to locate: Exogenous (the Eq. (5), the optimal single-HLP is presented, in which the Mini-
number of hubs to locate is primarily specified) and endogenous Sum criterion should be minimized; meanwhile, the number of
(the number of hubs to locate is not pre-specified but is deter- decision variables is of the order of O(N2).
mined as part of the solution).
 The number of hub nodes: single hub and multiple hubs. 2.2. p-HLP
 Hub capacity: uncapacitated (unlimited) and capacitated
(limited). In this problem, each non-hub node must be allocated to just
 The cost of locating hub nodes: No cost, fixed cost, and variable one hub node and hence is considered as a single allocation p-
cost. hub location problem as, originally proposed by O’Kelly (1987).
 The allocation of a non-hub node to hub nodes: To one hub (single In this model, the criterion is Mini-Sum, the solution domain is net-
allocation) and to more than one hub (multiple allocation). work, the hub nodes are completely linked together, and every
 The cost of connecting non-hub nodes to hub nodes: No cost, fixed non-hub node is linked to a single hub node. The number of hubs
cost, and variable cost. to locate is defined exogenously and denoted by p, and at least
one or at most two hub nodes have to be traversed for traveling be-
By considering this classification, various mathematical models tween two non-hub nodes. Furthermore, there is no cost for estab-
for hub network design can be formulated. The most common for- lishing hubs, the hubs are uncapacitated, and the model outputs are
mulations, which have been widely applied by the literature, are binary.
introduced in this section. In addition to all inputs introduced for the single-HLP, a is the
discount factor denoting economies of scale for transferring be-
2.1. Single-HLP tween hub nodes ð0 6 a < 1Þ. To compute the transfer cost be-
tween hub nodes Cij is multiplied by a. This is due to the fact
O’Kelly (1987) represented this problem in which the criterion that the transportation cost between hub nodes is smaller than
is Mini-Sum, the solution domain is network, the non-hub nodes the transportation cost between hubs and non-hub nodes. More-
are connected to the hub node, the number of hub nodes to locate over, the output of the model is similar to that of the previous
1098 R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

model. Therefore, the criterion and model constraints for p-HPL are Z km
ij 6 X k 8 i; j; k; m ð16Þ
defined as follows:
! !
XX X XX X Z km
ij P 0 8 i; j; k; m ð17Þ
min C ik Y ik hij þ C kj Y ik hji
i k j k i J
XXXX X k 2 f0; 1g 8 k ð18Þ
þa hij C km Y ik Y jm ð6Þ
i j k m
Regarding the objective function, Eq. (12) minimizes the total trans-
portation cost. Eq. (13) ensures that exactly p hubs are selected. Eq.
Subject to (14) stipulates that each origin–destination pair (i, j) is allocated to
X one pair of hub nodes (k, m). Note that the origin–destination pair (i,
Y ij ¼ 1 8 i ð7Þ
j) could be allocated to a single hub facility as indices k and m could
be the same. Eqs. (15) and (16) ensure that demand from origin
X node i to destination node j cannot be allocated to a hub pair (k,
Y jj ¼ P ð8Þ
m) unless both nodes (k, m) are selected as hub facilities. Further-
more, Eqs. (17) and (18) define the decision variable types. Daskin
Y ij  Y jj 6 0 8 i; j ð9Þ (1995) reconsidered this formulation assuming single allocation
non-hub nodes to hub nodes, known as the single allocation p-
yij 2 f0; 1g 8 i; j ð10Þ hub median location problem.
One of the main difficulties with this formulation is that the
Eq. (6) minimizes the total transportation cost between network number of allocation decision variables ðZ km ij Þ can be extremely
nodes. The first term in Eq. (6) is the connection cost of all transpor- large. As a matter of fact, in network hub location problems with
tations from non-hub node i to hub node k when i is allocated to k. every origin and destination node as a candidate hub node, there
Moreover, the second term is the connection cost of all travels pre- are variables of size O(N4). The size of such model grows rapidly
determined for non-hub node i to hub node k when non-hub node i as the number of network nodes is increasing, unless that the set
is allocated to hub node k. In addition, the third phrase is the trans- of candidate hub nodes are reduced beforehand as in discrete loca-
portation cost of inter-hub flows. Furthermore, Eq. (7) stipulates tion models (Hekmatfar & Pishvaee, 2009). The use of the quadratic
that non-hub node i is allocated to precisely one hub node. Eq. (8) formulation decreases the number of decision variables remark-
stipulates that exactly p hub nodes are selected. Eq. (9) enforces ably, however it does not always ensure a fast solution of the prob-
that node i is allocated to a hub node at j only if a hub is located lem. Ernst and Krishnamoorthy (1998) introduced a 3-index
at node j. Finally, Eq. (10) is defines decision variables to be binary. formulation which has been used for developing other advanced
models. Hamacher, Labbé, Nickel, and Sonneborn (2004) repre-
2.3. p-Hub median location problem (multiple allocation p-HLP) sented a tighter formulation for polyhedral multiple allocation p-
HLP to allow larger problems to be solved in most applications of
While the criterion of the p-HLP is quadratic, Campbell (1991) HLP. Marín, Cánovas, and Landete (2006) introduced new formula-
proposed a linear mathematical formulation. The formulation of tions for this problem that generalized the basic models with pro-
this problem is similar to the p-median formulation and is named viding tighter LP bounds. Note that in case of using decomposition
p-hub median location problem. Because every non-hub node techniques (e.g., Lagrangian relaxation and benders’ decomposi-
could be allocated to one hub node or more in p-hub median loca- tion), formulation resulting from Eqs. (12)–(18) would be a better
tion problems, this model is named multiple allocation p-HLP. This choice as it provides tighter linear programming relaxation
model has similar assumptions to those of the p-HLP except that bounds.
the allocation variables, here denoted by Z km
ij , are assumed to be
non-negative ðZ km
ij P 0Þ, and non-hub nodes could be allocated to 2.4. p-HLP with fixed link cost
several hub nodes.
All inputs in p-HLP are also used here. Moreover, C km
ij is defined As non-hub nodes have to be allocated to a hub, a fixed cost can
as the unit transportation cost between start node i, end node j, be considered for all connections of non-hub nodes to hub nodes.
and hub nodes k and m (note that this is in order i ? k ? m ? j). However, to connect a non-hub node to a hub node, a fixed cost
must be considered. Campbell (1994b) suggested that the basic
C km
ij ¼ C ik þ aC km þ C mj ð11Þ
models can be extended with a fixed cost for connecting non-
The outputs of the problem are as follows: X j which is 1 when a hub hub nodes to hub nodes. Problem inputs and outputs are similar
facility is located at node j (and 0, otherwise), and Z km
ij which is the
to those of the p-hub median location problem model. Moreover,
flow from the origin node i to the destination node j via hub facili- gik is the fixed cost of connecting non-hub node i to a hub facility
ties located at nodes k and m. Therefore, the mathematical formula- located at node k. In addition, Wik is binary variable denoting selec-
tion of the multiple allocation p-Hub median location problem is tion of link (i, k) if it is equal to one. The criterion of this problem is
defined as follows: similar to the criterion of the p-hub median location problem as
XXXX km well as the cost term provided below:
min C ij hij Z km
ij ð12Þ XX
i j k m g ik W ik ð19Þ
i k
Subject to
Xk ¼ P ð13Þ 2.5. Minimum-value flow on links model

XX km Instead of imposing that each non-hub node should be allocated

Z ij ¼ 1 8 i; j ð14Þ to a single hub node, it is sometimes more applied to specify that
k m
the flow between any non-hub node and hub node must be greater
than or equal to some minimum flow threshold value. Campbell
Z km
ij 6 X m 8 i; j; k; m ð15Þ (1994b) proposed this problem that is similar to p-HLP. This
R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109 1099

problem can be analogously formulated as p-HLP with a minimum The inputs of the problem are similar to p-HLP, while Ni the vec-
threshold for flow on each non-hub node to hub node link. The in- tor location of non-hub node i. Moreover, the outputs of the model
puts of the problem are similar to those of the p-hub median loca- are similar to p-HLP while decision variable Pk denotes the vector
tion problem. Furthermore, Lik is the minimum threshold value for location of hub node k (k = 1, . . . , p). Considering d(a, b) as the
flow between non-hub node i and hub node k. The outputs of the Euclidian distance between two nodes a and b, the criterion and
problem are similar to those of the p-hub median location problem. model constraints are as follows:
Additionally, the following equations should be added to the crite- XXXX
min hij Y ik Y jm ðdðNi ; Pk Þ þ adðPk ; Pm Þ þ dðNj ; Pm ÞÞ
rion and constraints of the p-hub median location problem:
i j k m

Y ik þ Y jm  2Z km
ij P 0 8 i; j; k; m ð20Þ ð23Þ

XX XX Subject to
hij Z km hpi Z sk 8 i; k X
ij þ pi P Lik Y ik ð21Þ
Y ij ¼ 1 8 i ð24Þ
m j p s

In Eq. (20), the demand from the origin node i to the destination
node j could only be routed via hub facilities located at nodes k Pk ¼ ðak ; bk Þ k ¼ 1; . . . ; p ð25Þ
and m if: (1) non-hub node i is allocated to a hub facility located
at node k and (2) non-hub node j is allocated to a hub located at Y ij 2 f0; 1g 8 i; j ð26Þ
node m. On the other hand, Eq. (21) ensures the minimum flow Eq. (23) minimizes the total transportation cost in the hub network.
thresholds on non-hub node to hub node connection links. Its first The first term is the connection cost of all transportations originat-
term computes total flow on a non-hub node to a hub node link. ing from non-hub nodes to their respective hub nodes. Moreover,
The second term calculates total flow from every origin–hub node the second term is the transportation cost between hub nodes,
pair destined for a specific non-hub node through a specific hub while the third term is the transportation cost of all travels between
node. The sum of these two terms should be more than the pre- hub nodes to non-hub node. Eq. (24) stipulates that every non-hub
specified threshold if the link connecting the non-hub node to the node i is allocated to precisely one hub node. Eventually, Eqs. (25)
hub node is established. and (26) define types of decision variables. In this model, the inter-
action between hub nodes are specified by non-hub nodes allocated
2.6. p-HLP with limited capacity to them. Hence, without the second cost term of Eq. (23), the prob-
lem reduces to a location–allocation (LA) problem.
Campbell (1994b) proposed a problem in which capacities of
hub facilities limit the flows in the network. In fact, the incoming 2.8. Multi-objective p-HLP
and outgoing flows for each hub facility must be smaller than or
equal to that hub facility capacity. The problem was formulated Costa, Captivo, and Climaco (2008) proposed a multi-objective
similar to p-hub median location problem with similar inputs HLP in which the first objective minimizes the total transportation
and outputs to those of p-hub median location problem. In addi- cost, while the second one minimizes the maximum time that the
tion, hk denotes the capacity of a hub facility located at node k. hub nodes take to process the flow (i.e., minimizes the maximum
Moreover, the following constraint should be considered along service time of the hub nodes). In this problem, each non-hub node
the original criterion and constraints of the p-hub median location is allocated to only one hub node like as in p-HLP. In this model, the
problem: criteria are Mini-Sum and Mini-Max, the solution domain is net-
XXX XXX work, the hub nodes are completely linked together, and every
hij Z km
ij þ hij Z sk
ij 6 hk X k 8k ð22Þ non-hub node is linked to a single hub facility. The number of hubs
m i j s i j to locate is exogenous, and at least one or at most two hub nodes
have to be traversed for traveling between two non-hub nodes.
In this constraint, the first and second terms denote the incoming
In addition, the fixed costs to initiate service at hub nodes are
and outgoing flows for the considered hub node, respectively.
not considered, the hubs are uncapacitated, and the decision vari-
ables are binary.
2.7. Continuous p-HLP The inputs of the problem are similar to p-HLP in addition to T k ,
which is the time that hub node k takes to process one unit of flow.
HLPs are usually modeled as either a network or a discrete facil- Moreover, the outputs of the model are similar to p-HLP. The crite-
ity location problem. However, there are some studies considering rion and model constraints are as follows:
a continuous solution domain. In continuous HLPS, the domain of XXXX
hub nodes is not a series of particular nodes on a graph, but a plane min hij Y ik Y jm ðC ik þ aC km þ C jm Þ ð27Þ
i j k m
or a sphere (Aykin, 1988, 1995b; Aykin & Brown, 1992; O’Kelly,
1986a, 1986b). In this problem, every non-hub node could be allo- ( )
cated to only one hub as in single allocation p-HLP. Special cases of
min max T k hij Y ik þ hji Y jm Y ik ð28Þ
this problem involving only one or two hub nodes were first con- k
i j i j
sidered by O’Kelly (1986a, 1986b). Afterwards, Aykin and Brown
(1992) extended this model to consider p hub nodes. In this model, Subject to
the criterion is Mini-Sum, the solution domain is a plane and is con-
Y ik ¼ 1 8 i ð29Þ
tinuous, the hub nodes are completely linked together, and every k
non-hub node is linked to only one hub facility. The number of
hubs to locate is exogenous, and at least one or at most two hub Y kk ¼ p ð30Þ
nodes have to be visited for traveling between two non-hub nodes. k
In addition, the fixed cost of opening hub facilities is not consid-
ered, the hubs are uncapacitated, and the decision variables are Y ik  Y kk 6 0 8 i; k ð31Þ
1100 R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

Y ik 2 f0; 1g 8 i; k ð32Þ transportation from start nodes to end nodes through the
selected hub nodes must be greater than or equal to a pre-specified
Eq. (27) considers the total transportation cost in the hub network.
Eq. (28) minimizes the maximum service time that hub node k takes
to process the total incoming and outgoing flow. Eq. (29) stipulates C km
ij 6 cij ð40Þ
that each non-hub node i should be allocated to precisely one hub
node. Eq. (30) enforces that p hub nodes are selected. Eq. (31) en- Originally proposed by Campbell (1994b), this problem could be
sures that no non-hub node can be linked to a hub node until that further developed into two other HLPs, namely hub set covering
hub node is selected. Moreover, Eq. (32) defines the decision vari- location and hub maximal covering location problems, which would
able type to be binary. be discussed next. Kara and Tansel (2003) and Wagner (2008b) pro-
posed new mathematical formulations for the single allocation p-
2.9. p-Hub center location problem hub covering location problem and the p-hub covering location
problem with bounded path lengths, respectively.
One of the most important variations of facility location prob-
lems is the p-center location problem. For example, this problem 2.11. Hub set covering location problem
is useful for emergency facility location problem. For a problem
similar to p-center, one can refer to the p-hub center location prob- Hub set covering location problem is a particular extension of
lem. Assume that there are origin–destination pairs in HLP, which hub covering location problems, which is formulated similar to
could be represented as demand nodes in the p-center problem. A the p-hub median location problem with an exceptions. Before
p-center hub location problem is defined based on the Mini-Max solving the problem, the number of hub nodes to locate is not
criterion in which the maximum cost of origin–destination pairs known. Hence, a fixed cost of establishing hub facilities is consid-
is minimized. Originally proposed by Campbell (1994b), p-Hub ered. The inputs of this problem are Fk, the fixed cost of establish-
center location problem is applicable to situations involving per- ing a hub facility in node k; C km
ij , transfer cost from the origin node i

ishable commodities in transportation networks. Notation of this to the destination node j via hub nodes located at nodes k and m;
problem is similar to p-hub median location problem except that cij , maximum cost for covering links connecting demand nodes i to
the criterion is Mini-Max. Moreover, the criterion and model con- j, and V km
ij that is equal to one if hubs located at nodes k and m
straints are as below: could cover demand pair (i, j). The outputs of the model are similar
n o to those of the p-hub median location problem. Furthermore, the
min max C km km
ij hij Z ij ð33Þ criterion and model constraints of hub set covering location prob-
lem are as below:
Subject to X
X min FK XK ð41Þ
Xk ¼ p ð34Þ k
Subject to
XX km XX km km
Z ij ¼ 1 8 i; j ð35Þ V ij Z ij P 1 8 i; j ð42Þ
k m k m

Z km
ij 6 X k 8 i; j; k; m ð36Þ Z km
ij 6 X k 8 i; j; k; m ð43Þ

Z km
ij 6 X m 8 i; j; k; m ð37Þ Z km
ij 6 X m 8 i; j; k; m ð44Þ

Z km
ij P 0 8 i; j; k; m ð38Þ Z km
ij P 0 8 i; j; k; m ð45Þ

X k 2 f0; 1g 8 k ð39Þ X k 2 f0; 1g 8 k ð46Þ

In Eq. (33), the maximum transportation cost from origin nodes to The total cost of opening new hub facilities is minimized by Eq. (41).
destination nodes is minimized. In addition, Eqs. (34)–(39) are alike Moreover, Eq. (42) stipulates that each demand pair is covered at
those of the p-hub median location problem. It should be noted that least one time by a hub pair. The other constraints are similar to
a novel improvement of p-hub center location problems was pro- those of the previous problems.
posed by Campbell et al. (2007). Ernst, Hamacher, Jiang, Krishna-
moorthy, and Woeginger (2009) developed new mathematical 2.12. p-Hub maximal covering location problem
formulations for p-hub center location problem and demonstrated
the superiority of this formulation to the one by Kara and Tansel Hub maximal covering location problem is a particular case of
(2000) for single allocation p-hub center location problems. Finally, hub covering location problem. The proposed formulation for this
Yaman and Elloumi (2012) also proposed new formulations for star problem is similar to the one for p-hub median location problem
p-hub center location problem to minimize the length of the longest as the number of hub nodes to locate is determined exogenously.
origin–destination path. In addition, the fixed cost of establishing hub facilities is not re-
garded. The criterion and model constraints of this problem are
2.10. p-Hub covering location problem as follows:
p-Hub covering location problems are extensions of to the clas- max hij V km km
ij Z ij ð47Þ
sical covering location problems. These problems tires to locate i j k m

hub facilities in a way that the origin–destination pair of two

Subject to
non-hub nodes is covered by a pair of hub nodes. In fact, origin– X
destination pairs are covered only if there are hub facilities in Xk ¼ p ð48Þ
pre-specified distances from their links. For this sake, the cost of k
R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109 1101

XX km
Z ij ¼ 1 8 i; j ð49Þ capacitated HLPs by exact solution algorithms have attracted more
k m consideration among researchers recently.

Z km
ij 6 X k 8 i; j; k; m ð50Þ 3.2. Application of heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms in HLPs

Even though integer programming optimization approaches are

Z km
ij 6 X m 8 i; j; k; m ð51Þ
applied to solve small hub problems, larger instances of HLPs need
to be solved by heuristic procedures or meta-heuristic procedures.
Z km
ij P 0 8 i; j; k; m ð52Þ As a matter of fact, while large-size instances can be dealt with
specialized exact methods (e.g., benders decomposition and branch
X k 2 f0; 1g 8 k ð53Þ and price methods), development of meta-heuristics has helped
many real-world applications, in which optimal/near-optimal solu-
Eq. (47) maximizes the amount of transportation demand covered. tions can even be obtained in less computational time. Some of rel-
The other constraints of the problem are alike those of the p-hub evant studies are summarized in Table 3.
median location problem. Based on Table 3, we can see the trend of heuristic and meta-
heuristic algorithms in HLPs similar to the exact solution algo-
2.13. HLP with star network structure rithms. First, the majority of studies have dealt with uncapacitated
cases of HLPs. Second, most of the capacitated HLPs have been
Suppose we have a set of nodes with a central hub node, and we investigated in recent years. Another observation is that hub med-
intend to select p hub nodes such that hub nodes are connected to ian location problems have attracted more attention than hub cov-
the central hub node with direct links. In addition, each non-hub ering location problems and hub center location problems in the
node should be connected to a hub node. The resulting hub net- HLP literature. In fact, most of the studies on hub covering location
work structure will be a star/star network. Yaman (2008) proposed problems and hub center location problems are published in recent
new formulations for star p-hub median location problem in which 3 years. Finally, this table shows that all investigations of continu-
the total cost for selecting capacitated links was minimized. Yaman ous HLPs have assumed uncapacitated hub facilities with single
and Elloumi (2012) also developed formulations for the star p-hub allocation. In addition, these problems have barely attracted atten-
median location problem with bounded path lengths in which the tion in recent years.
total routing cost was minimized subject to some upper bound
constraints on the path lengths. 4. Applications and real-life case studies

3. Solution approaches and algorithms for HLPs In this section, we go through the HLP literature in terms of its
applications as well as the relevant case studies. Table 4 classifies
A large variety of solution algorithms have been proposed to the literature based on applications, in which the industrial context
solve different types of HLPs during the past two decades. In this of a specific area (for which the HLP concept has been applied) will
part, the relevant research is reviewed, and some of represented be pointed out. Meanwhile, the literature will be categorized based
algorithms and solution approaches are introduced. Most of the on case studies, for which some real-world instances of HLPs will
HLPs are modeled as network location problems, but some studies be mentioned along with their related applications.
have been done in discrete and continuous domains. Solution According to Table 4, the most studied application areas in HLP
methods for this kind of problems are also represented in this are airlines and airport industries and transportation systems. The
section. difference between these two areas is that the former has been pri-
To introduce various kinds of HLPs properly, some notations are marily used in the literature, but the latter has attracted more
listed in Table 1. For example, when the hub nodes are capacitated, attention in the recent 5 years (76% of studies on transportation
every non-hub node can be assigned to several hub nodes, and the networks that have been reviewed are published after 2007). An-
problem is set covering, the notation will be C-MA-SC-HLP. If one other observation from Table 4 is that supply chain management
of the categories of Table 1 is not applicable to any case, this part and logistics application area is a novel domain in HLPs that has
will be eliminated from the notation. been considered in recent years. Finally, we can find out from this
table that most of the real-world case studies surveyed in the liter-
ature have been done in the recent 7 years.
3.1. Application of exact algorithms in HLPs

In this section, we represent studies in which exact optimiza- 5. Conclusions and future trends
tion methods have been used for solving the problems. Table 2
shows this category. In this paper, we shed light on basic classifications and impor-
According to Table 2, most of the papers on HLPs have consid- tant mathematical models and formulations for different variants
ered uncapacitated cases, and also all articles with limited capacity of hub location problems. Then, we delivered a categorization of
of hub nodes are published in recent years. It reveals that solving solution approaches and algorithms including exact methods as

Table 1
Notations for different type of HLPs.

Capacity of hub node Assignment of non-hub node to hub nodes Type of the HLP Number of hub nodes
Capacitated (C) Single allocation (SA) Median (M) Single (1)
Uncapacitated (U) Multiple allocation (MA) Center (T) More than one (P)
Covering (V)
Set covering (SV)
Maximum covering (MV)
1102 R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

Table 2
Exact solution algorithms in HLPs.

Problem Article Solution algorithm Efficiency # of hubs

(# of nodes)
C-MA-p-HLP Marín (2005) Integer Linear Programming 40 –
Gelareh and Pisinger (2011) Mixed Integer Programming 15 –
C-SA-p-HLP Costa et al. (2008) Bi-criteria Integer Linear Programming 40 –
Correia, Nickel, and Saldanha-da-Gama (2010a) Mixed Integer Programming 50 –
Correia, Nickel, and Saldanha-da-Gama (2010b) Linear Programming – –
Kratica, Milanovic, Stanimirovic, and Tosic (2011) Mixed Integer Programming – –
de Camargo and Miranda (2012) Generalized Benders decomposition method 100 20
Taghipourian et al. (2012) Fuzzy Integer Linear Programming 20 4–7
U-MA-p-HLP Skorin-Kapov, Skorin-Kapov, and O’Kelly (1996) Linear Programming Relaxation – –
Gelareh and Nickel (2007) Bender decomposition method – –
de Camargo, Miranda, and Luna (2008) Benders decomposition 200 –
de Camargo, Miranda, and Luna (2009) Benders decomposition 50 –
de Camargo, Miranda, Ferreira, and Luna (2009) Nonlinear MIP- Generalized Benders decomposition algorithm 81 4
Contreras, Cordeau, and Laporte (2011c) Enhanced Bender decomposition method 500 –
Gelareh and Nickel (2011) Bender decomposition method 50 20
Vasconcelos, Nassi, and Lopes (2011) Integer Programming 12 –
Vidovic et al. (2011) Mixed Integer Programming – –
Alumur, Nickel, et al. (2012) Stochastic programming approach 25 4
U-SA-p-HLP Alumur, Kara, and Karasan (2009) Integer Programming – –
O’Kelly (2009) Linear Programming 550 –
Contreras, Fernandez, and Marín (2010) (Mixed Integer Programming) MIP 25 8
Lin (2010) Integer Linear Programming – –
Alumur, Nickel, et al. (2012) Stochastic programming approach 25 5
U-SA-1-HLP Yang (2009) Mixed Integer Programming 10 1
U-MA-M-p-HLP Campbell (1991) Integer Programming – –
Campbell (1994a, 1994b) Integer Programming – –
Campbell (2009) Mixed Integer Programming 40 16
García, Landete, and Marín (2012) Integer Programming-Branch and Cut 200 190
U-SA-M-p-HLP Ebery (2001) Mixed integer Linear Programming – –
He, Chen, Chaovalitwongse, and Liu (2009) Quadratic Programming 25 4
Yaman (2009) Mixed Integer Programming 81 12
Puerto, Ramos, and Rodriguez-Chia (2011) Mixed Integer Programming 20 10
Yaman and Elloumi (2012) Mixed Integer Programming 70 20
U-MA-T-p-HLP Kara and Tansel (2000) Mixed Integer Programming 25 -
Ernst et al. (2009) Mixed Integer Programming 100 10
U-SA-T-p-HLP Ernst et al. (2009) Mixed Integer Programming 100 10
Yaman and Elloumi (2012) Mixed Integer Programming 50 10

well as heuristics and meta-heuristics. Afterwards, some applica- scattered widely), the existing facilities are supposed to be
tions and case studies of HLPs were reviewed. This section intends cover a comparatively wide service zone. Hence, network and
to open new insights for further research considering gaps and discrete assumptions of solution domain are not applicable any-
trends of hub location problems. more. Therefore, formulating the problem on the plane is an
important assumption to make these cases more realistic. To
5.1. Gaps in HLP the best of our knowledge, there is no research on continuous
HLP in recent years.
 When a hub is installed, it may have some influences in the traf-  Hub location with MCDM (e.g., Costa et al., 2008) has not been
fic that is generated, known as hubbing effect. Without consid- considered extensively in the previous studies. Most of the cur-
ering effect of hubs on the generated traffic, there is no reason rent literature has focused on maximizing profit or minimizing
to take advantages of economies of scale. For instance, in airline cost (or time and travel distance) criteria as traditional objective
networks, the effect of hubbing on passenger welfare is a critical functions. However, in some applications like airline industries,
issue for decision makers. As there is no research in this subject we are dealing with other objective functions such as like max-
in the previous articles, this could be an important issue for imization of market share. By considering more conflicting
future works. objectives, more real-world problems can be analyzed more
 In the hub location area, criterion of proposed models usually efficiently.
deals with costs. However, in most of them a discount factor  In addition to finding optimal location and allocation
is considered just for the flow traversing between the hub nodes schemes, there are other decisions that can be potentially con-
(e.g., Bryan, 1998; Cunha & Silva, 2007; O’Kelly & Bryan, 1998; sidered in the hub network design phase to model a more real-
Racunicam & Wynter, 2005). In fact, there is no investigation istic problem. Some examples include but not limited to the
on factors affecting flow between non-hub nodes and hub following:
nodes. This is important as there is no guarantee that one – When liner shipping companies try to locate their favorite
non-hub/hub connection will not have more traffic than some hub ports, at the same time, they need to consider competi-
hub links. tion between alternative hub ports in the region. Competi-
 In some HLP applications such as international airlines, rapid tive HLP with application in maritime industries can be an
delivery packing systems and other global distribution and example of considering other decision levels. An example
communication systems (e.g. communication satellites sending of considering HLP in a competitive environment can be seen
signals to a large number of ground receivers that have been in Wagner (2008a).
Table 3
Heuristic and meta-heuristic solution algorithms in HLPs.

Problem Article Solution algorithm Efficiency # of hubs

(# of nodes)
C-MA-p-HLP Ebery, Krishnamoorty, Ernst, and Boland (2000) Nearest distance heuristic – branch and bound 200 –
Rodriguez, Alvarez, and Barcos (2007) Simulated annealing 52 –
Rodriguez-Martin and Salazar-Gonzalez (2008) Mixed integer linear programming with branch and cut based on decomposition method 25 10
C-SA-p-HLP Ernst and Krishnamoorthy (1999) Simulated annealing – –
Yaman, Kara, and Tansel (2007) Tabu search (with greedy algorithm) – branch and cut 49 –
Chen (2008) Heuristic method 200 –
Randall (2008) Ant colony optimization (ACO) 50 –
Contreras, Diaz, and Fernandez (2009) Lagrangian relaxation – a heuristic algorithm 200 –
Randall, Hendtlass, and Lewis (2009) Extremal optimization (a meta-heuristic algorithm) – –
Lin and Lee (2010) Lagrangian relaxation – –
de Camargo, Miranda, and Ferreira (2011) Outer-approximation/benders decomposition method 200 –
Contreras, Diaz, and Fernandez (2011) Branch and price – Lagrangian relaxation 200 –

R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

C-MA-M-p-HLP Lin, Lin, and Chen (2012) Genetic algorithm – –
C-MA-MV-p-HLP Bollapragada, Camm, Rao, and Wu (2005) Greedy algorithm – –
C-SA-V-p-HLP Mohammadi, Jolai, and Rostami (2011) Imperialist competitive algorithm and genetic algorithm 70 –
U-MA-p-HLP O’Kelly (1987) Nearest distance heuristic-quadratic integer – –
Klincewicz (1991) Clustering heuristic – –
Klincewicz (1992) Tabu search and greedy random algorithm – –
Klincewicz (1996) Dual ascent and dual adjustment techniques within a branch and bound scheme – –
Pamuk and Sepil (2001) Tabu search (with greedy local algorithm) 25 5
Mayer and Wagner (2002) Dual ascent approach – –
Marianov and Serra (2003) Tabu search 50 4–5
Rodriguez-Martin and Salazar-Gonzalez (2006) A heuristic approach based on linear programming relaxation 50 –
Canovas, García, and Marín (2007) Dual ascent technique – branch and bound 120 –
Thomadsen and Larsen (2007) Branch and price (combination of column generation and branch and bound) 25 –
Wagner (2007) Clustering (genetic algorithm and Tabu search) – –
Gelareh, Nickel, and Pisinger (2010) MILP – Lagrangian decomposition method 20 7
Contreras et al. (2011a) Monte Carlo simulation based algorithm/benders decomposition method 50 –
U-SA-p-HLP Aykin (1988) Nearest distance heuristic Plane –
Aykin and Brown (1992) Location–allocation heuristics Plane-Sphere –
O’Kelly (1992) Heuristic algorithm – –
Aykin (1995a) Simulated annealing (greedy interchange)/branch and bound
Aykin (1995b) Location-routing heuristic algorithms Plane 20
O’Kelly et al. (1995) Heuristic algorithm 25 –
Abdinnour-Helm (1998) Genetic algorithm and Tabu search (GATS) – –
Abdinnour-Helm and Venkatavamanan (1998) Genetic algorithm – –
Pirkul and Schilling (1998) Lagrangian relaxation 25 –
Labbe, Yaman, and Gourdin (2005) Branch and cut – –
Topcuoglu, Corut, Ermis, and Yilmaz (2005) Genetic algorithm 200 5
Chen (2007) Tabu search and simulated annealing 200 –
Cunha and Silva (2007) Genetic algorithm 25 –
Contreras, Fernandez, and Marín (2009) Lagrangian relaxation 100 8
Filipovic, Kratica, Tosic, and Dugosija (2009) Genetic algorithm inspired heuristic 200 –
Iwasa, Saito, and Matsui (2009) Randomized approximation algorithms based on LP relaxation (nearest neighbor algorithms) – –
Silva and Cunha (2009) Multi start Tabu search heuristic 200 –
Han (2010) Integer programming – Tabu search 50 11
Catanzaro, Gourdin, Labbe, and Ozsoy (2011) Branch and cut 20 –
U-SA-2-HLP Ostresh (1975) Location–allocation (shortest route) – –
O’Kelly (1986a, 1986b) Nearest distance heuristic Plane 2
U-MA-M-p-HLP Campbell (1996) Greedy-interchange heuristic – –
Ernst and Krishnamoorthy (1998) Heuristic methods – –
Sohn and Park (1998) Nearest distance heuristic 25 3–4

(continued on next page)
Table 3 (continued)

Problem Article Solution algorithm Efficiency # of hubs

(# of nodes)
Sasaki, Suzuki, and Drezner (1999) Branch and bound algorithm and greedy algorithm 50 2–4
Sung and Jin (2001) Clustering (dual-based approach) – –
Klincewicz (2002) Tabu search – Greedy Random Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) 25 5
Wagner (2008a) LP relaxation – heuristic 50 5
Eiselt and Marianov (2009) Heuristic concentration procedure 50 5
Cetiner, Sepil, and Sural (2010) Iterative heuristic 81 6
Ishfaq and Sox (2011) Tabu search 100 6
Ishfaq and Sox (2012) Tabu search 25 5
U-SA-M-p-HLP Aykin (1994) Branch and bound (Lagrangian relaxation) – –
Skorin-Kapov and Skorin-Kapov (1994) Tabu search – –
Branch and bound (Lagrangian relaxation) – –
Smith, Krishnamoorthy, and Palaniswami (1996) Simulated annealing 20 4
Kratica, Stanimirovic, Tosic, and Filipovic (2007) Genetic algorithm 200 20

R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

Yaman (2008) Lagrangian relaxation and local search 81 25
Limbourg and Jourquin (2009) Flow based approach 20 10
Takano and Arai (2009) Genetic algorithm 25 4
Ilić, Urošević, Brimberg, and Mladenovic (2010) General variable neighborhood search 1000 20
U-MA-MV-p-HLP Qu and Weng (2009) Evolutionary approach based on path relinking 82 4
U-MA-V-p-HLP Karimi and Bashiri (2011) Heuristic algorithms 37 6
U-SA-V-p-HLP Calik, Alumur, Kara, and Karasan (2009) Tabu search – –
Karimi and Bashiri (2011) Heuristic algorithms 37 6
U-MA-T-p-HLP Ernst, Hamacher, Jiang, Krishnamoorthy, and Woeginger (2002) Innovative heuristic methods – –
U-SA-T-p-HLP Ernst et al. (2002) Innovative heuristic methods – –
Calik et al. (2009) Tabu-search based heuristic – –
Gavriliouk (2009) Heuristic based on aggregation 1000 20
Meyer, Ernst, and Krishnamoorthy (2009) Branch and bound algorithm and heuristic algorithm based on ant colony optimization (ACO) 1000 20
Sim et al. (2009) Heuristic methods 40 5
R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109 1105

Table 4
Applications for HLP.

Application area Real-life case study Place Article (Year)

Airlines and airport industries – – Toh and Higgins (1985)
– – Shaw (1993)
– – Aykin (1995a)
– – Jaillet, Song, and Yu (1996)
– – Bania, Bauer, and Zlatoper (1998)
– – Sasaki et al. (1999)
Cargo delivery systems – Kara and Tansel (2000)
– – Martin and Roman (2003)
Airlines 21 Middle East airports Alder and Hashai (2005)
Air passenger traffic United States Campbell, Ernst, and Krishnamoorthy
Flight routes planning Taiwan and China Yang (2009)
Location of aerial freight flows China Qu and Weng (2009)
Airport hubs – tourism Brazil Costa, Lohmann, and Oliveira (2010)
Dual express services (air and Taiwan Lin (2010)
Centralize multimodal cargo A Moroccan airport hub Menou, Benallou, Lahdelma, and
Salminen (2010)
Airport hubs – tourism and 37 cities in Iran Karimi and Bashiri (2011)
Air cargo network China Lin et al. (2012)
Emergency services – – Hakimi (1964)
– – Berman, Drezner, and Wesolowsky
Post delivery services and rapid delivery – – Kuby and Gra (1993)
packing systems
– – Krishnamoorthy, Mills, and Sier (1994)
– – Ernst and Krishnamoorthy (1996)
– – Smith et al. (1996)
– – Ebery et al. (2000)
Postal services Turkey Cetiner et al. (2010)
Supply chain management – logistics – – Campbell et al. (2002)
Freight transport Hong Kong Wang and Cheng (2010)
Freight flows United States Ishfaq and Sox (2010)
Road-rail transport system A 25-city in United States Ishfaq and Sox (2012)
Telecommunication services and message – – Lee, Lim, and Park (1996)
delivery networks
– – Klincewicz (1998)
– – Carello et al. (2004)
– – Bollapragada, Li, and Rao (2006)
– – Rodriguez-Martin and Salazar-Gonzalez
– – Kim and O’Kelly (2009)
Transportation systems – – Don, Harit, English, and Whicker (1995)
– – Lumsden, Dallari, and Ruggeri (1999)
Transportation hub port East coast of South America Aversa, Botter, Haralambides, and
Yoshizaki (2005)
– – Baird (2006)
Trucking companies Brazil Cunha and Silva (2007)
Public transport – Gelareh and Nickel (2007)
– – Yaman et al. (2007)
Siting of landfills Brunswick, Canada Eiselt (2007)
– – Lin and Chen (2008)
Containerized cargo transport Asian hub ports with Los Angeles and Takano and Arai (2009)
Truck transportation North America Campbell (2009)
Intermodal transport (truck European transfer terminals Limbourg and Jourquin (2009)
and rail)
Container transshipment hub Southeastern Asia Chou (2010)
Truckload freight industry Taiwan Lin and Lee (2010)
Freight transport (truck and Serbia Vidovic et al. (2011)
Fleet deployment North America and Europe network Gelareh and Pisinger (2011)
Intermodal general cargo Brazil Vasconcelos et al. (2011)

– Considering dynamic aspect of lower level decisions (tactical pricing and revenue management) can be another potential
and operational planning levels) in addition to HLP in airline research area.
industries in postal companies (for example, dynamic
1106 R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109

 While most of the literature has focused mostly on network- on developing stochastic programming and robust optimization
type problems, there are other applications of HLP in plane models and solution methods for HLPs is an important trend for
and discrete space. Maritime industries, political districting, future research.
and military systems can be examples of such applications.  Even though we discussed the necessity of heuristics and meta-
heuristics when it came into solution methods, they might not
5.2. Future trends in HLP be able to completely deal with large-size problem. In other
words, there is a lack of solution approaches for solving large
 Considering facility location problem with reliability in order to problems; therefore, researchers can use hybrid methods, espe-
resist against unforeseen disasters (manmade or natural disas- cially hybrid meta-heuristics, to solve HLPs with large number
ters) is a new trend. This can also be applied on HLP considering of hubs. Moreover, exact methods like Benders’ decomposition,
possible disasters and disruptions on hubs or on spokes. For column generation, branch and cut, etc. are still important. Fur-
modeling reliability in HLPs, one can refer to Kim and O’Kelly thermore, HLP has applications in very large-scale systems that
(2009) in which flows transmit between origins and destina- require large amount of investments. Hence, ignoring gaps of
tions without failing for a particular time period. In addition, even 1% by using imprecise methods is not really acceptable.
one can refer to Carello, Della Croce, Ghirardi, and Tadel  Even if exact or heuristic optimization methods cannot solve
(2004) and An, Zhang, and Zeng (2011) because of considering large-size instances properly, some bounding techniques can
backup hub nodes. be implemented to better analyze these methods. Therefore,
 Modeling sustainability and paying special consideration to development of some relaxation methods in integer program-
social and environmental impacts in addition to classic eco- ming (e.g. Lagrangian relaxation) in HLPs can still attract more
nomic aspect of HLP can be an applicable research area. Appli- interest.
cation of such problems in hazardous material handling and
contamination of logistics systems (air, ground, marine and
urban logistics) is evident. However, a major challenge in this References
area is quantifying social and environmental impacts in models.
 Concerning reviewing the literature, it should be noted that Abdinnour-Helm, S. (1998). A hybrid heuristic for the uncapacitated hub location
problem. European Journal of operational Research, 106, 489–499.
studies have done on a wide range of hub location modeling Abdinnour-Helm, S., & Venkatavamanan, M. A. (1998). Solution approaches to hub
and solution methods. However, some of the novel formulations location problems. Annals of Operational Research, 78, 31–50.
and their solution techniques are not pertinent to real-world Alder, N., & Hashai, N. (2005). Effect of open skies in the Middle East region.
Transportation Research, 39, 878–894.
problems and are not really applicable formulations. For Alumur, S., & Kara, B. Y. (2008). Network hub location problems: The state of the art.
instance, dynamic hub location is a more realistic potential area European Journal of Operational Research, 190(1), 1–21.
as various studies show that after several years, the located Alumur, S. A., Kara, B. Y., & Karasan, O. E. (2009). The design of single allocation
incomplete hub networks. Transportation Research Part B, 43, 936–951.
hubs are no longer optimal locations due to various changes Alumur, S. A., Kara, B. Y., & Karasan, O. E. (2012). Multimodal hub location and hub
in initial data over time (Alder & Hashai, 2005). In dynamic network design. Omega, 40(6), 927–939.
hub location area, we can refer to two recent articles: Contreras, Alumur, S. A., Nickel, S., & Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (2012). Hub location under
uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B, 46(4), 529–543.
Cordeau, and Laporte (2011b) and Taghipourian, Mahdavi,
An, Y., Zhang, Y., & Zeng, B. (2011). The reliable hub-and-spoke design problem:
Mahdavi-Amiri, and Makui (2012). Models and algorithms. <
 Considering aspect of global logistics and supply chain (like tar- 05/3043.pdf> Accessed 25.09.11.
Aversa, R., Botter, R. C., Haralambides, H. E., & Yoshizaki, H. T. Y. (2005). A mixed
iff, exchange rate, etc.) in global hub logistic network design is
integer programming model on the location of a hub port in the East Coast of
another application that can be an appropriate area for more South America. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 7, 1–18.
investigation in the near future. For instance, we can refer the Aykin, T. (1988). On the location of hub facilities. Transportation Science, 22(2),
readers to Wang and Cheng (2010) and Ishfaq and Sox (2012). 155–157.
Aykin, T. (1994). Lagrangian relaxation based approaches to capacitated hub-and-
 Another new subject in the hub location area is the multimodal spoke network design problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 79,
HLPs in which the HLP is considered from a network design per- 501–523.
spective. In these types of networks not only the usual location– Aykin, T. (1995a). Networking policies for hub-and-spoke systems with application
to the air transportation system. Transportation Science, 29(3), 201–221.
allocation decisions are considered, but also the decision on Aykin, T. (1995b). The hub location and routing problem. European Journal of
how the hub networks must be designed is analyzed. For exam- Operational Research, 83, 200–219.
ple, Alumur, Kara, and Karasan (2012) considered transporta- Aykin, T., & Brown, G. F. (1992). Interacting new facilities and location–allocation
problem. Transportation Science, 26(3), 212–222.
tion costs and travel times in a multimodal HLP and proposed Baird, A. J. (2006). Optimizing the container transshipment hub location in northern
adding the pricing issues and market competition in future Europe. Journal of Transport Geography, 14(3), 195–214.
works. Bania, N., Bauer, P., & Zlatoper, T. U. (1998). Air passenger service: A taxonomy of
route network, hub location, and competition. Logistics and Transportation
 In accordance with literature, there is a new trend towards fur-
Review, 34, 53–74.
ther research on combination of HLP with other location prob- Berman, O., Drezner, Z., & Wesolowsky, G. O. (2007). The transfer point location
lems such as hierarchical location problem and obnoxious problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 179(3), 978–989.
Bollapragada, R., Camm, J., Rao, U. S., & Wu, J. (2005). A two-phase greedy algorithm
facility location problem. To our best knowledge, the only two
to locate and allocate hubs for fixed-wireless broad bound access. Operations
papers dealing with hierarchical hub networks are Yaman Research Letters, 33, 134–142.
(2009) and Lin (2010). Bollapragada, R., Li, Y., & Rao, U. S. (2006). Budget-constrained, capacitated hub
 Most of the models applied in HLPs literature are considering location to maximize expected demand coverage in fixed-wireless
telecommunication networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 18(4), 422–432.
deterministic parameters, while stochastic and uncertain cases Bryan, D. (1998). Extensions to the hub location problem: Formulations and
are more realistic. In fact, many attributes of HLPs such as numerical examples. Geographical Analysis, 30(4), 315–330.
demand and setup costs for the hubs have inherent uncertainty Bryan, D. L., & O’Kelly, M. E. (1999). Hub and spoke networks in air transportation:
An analytical review. Journal of Regional Sciences, 39(2), 275–295.
in real-world applications. The work of Alumur, Nickel, and Calik, H., Alumur, S. A., Kara, B. Y., & Karasan, O. E. (2009). A Tabu-search based
Saldanha-da-Gama (2012) is a good instance for this category. heuristic for the hub covering problem over incomplete hub networks.
Another papers dealing with uncertainty in HLP are Marianov Computers and Operations Research, 36, 3088–3096.
Campbell, J. F. (1991). Hub location problems and the p-hub median problem.
and Serra (2003), Yang (2009), Sim, Lowe, and Thomas (2009), Center for Business and Industrial Studies, University of Missouri – St. Louis, St.
and Contreras, Cordeau, and Laporte (2011a). Thus, focusing Louis, MO.
R.Z. Farahani et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2013) 1096–1109 1107

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