Flotation of Copper Ore in A Pneumatic Flotation Cell

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Flotation of copper ore

in a pneumatic flotation cell

Li Changgen and A. Bahr
Abstract-The adaptability ofpneumaticflotation cells for Jungmann and Reilard, 1988). The pulp level in the separation
the flotation of sulfde ore and the conditions for- sul$de ore vessel was successfully controlled automatically (Bahr, Ludke
flotation in pneumatic cells were investigated. The advantages and Mehrhoff, 1982; Bahr, Legner, Liidke and Mehrhoff, 1987;
of pneumatic flotation cells over mechanical flotation cells, as Imhof, 1988).
well as flotation columns,for the flotation of sul$de ore were After carrying out development and research on a bench-
demonstrated. Test results indicated that the Cu grade and scale plant at the Steinkohlenbeegbauverein,Essen, and in the
recovery for concentrates obtained when using the pneumatic preparation plant at the Bergwerk Westerholt, the results were
flotation cell were I % to 2% and 4%, respectively, higher than evaluated, and a pilot plant with a capacity of 50 m3/h pulp was
those obtained when using the mechanicalflotation machine. constructed.
Pneumatic flotation cells with maximum throughputs of 550
Introduction m3/h and 800 m3/h pulp were operated with satisfactory results
in 1980 and 1984, respectively (Bahr, Liidke and Mehrhoff,
The flotation process can be divided into three steps: 1982; Bahr, Legner, Ludke and Mehrhoff, 1987).
Summaries of results from some commercial operations
Conditioning of pulp. follow:

Aeration of pulp and adhesion of the solid particles to the During the treatment of gravity and magnetic iron
air bubbles, forming stable aggregates. concentrates at the Bong Mining Co., Liberia, the Fe grade
and Fe recoveries in superconcentrates obtained with single-
Separation of solid particles-air bubble aggregates as stage pneumatic flotation cells were higher than those ob-
froth from the pulp. tained withconventional mechanical flotation cells in double-
stage (Bahr, Imhof and Ludke, 1985; Bahr, Klingbiel and
Conditioning of feed pulp takes place in an individual Priesemann, 1984).
conditioning vessel. Aeration (the dispersion of air to form
microbubbles followed by their attachment to ultra-fine solid In dressing magnesite ore from Spain, magnesite recov-
particles) is most effective under high energy input through ery into concentrate obtained in a pneumatic cell with through-
mechanical agitators for breakdown of hydrophilic hydration put of 10 to 15 m3/h in single-stage increased by 8.6% as
film on mineral surfaces. However, laminar flow conditions compared with recovery in a three-stage conventional flotation
free of turbulence are necessary to increase flotation separation plant (Bahr, Imhof and Liidke, 1985; Imhof and Heep, 1986).
In conventional flotation cells with mechanical agitators, Results for apatite ore flotation in a pneumatic flotation
aeration and separation of froth from pulp occur in the same cell with a throughput of 100 m3/h indicated that a single-stage
vessel. Hence, it is impossible to provide optimum conditions pneumatic cell was capable of replacing one rougher, two
for both steps. Ejector or injector flotation cells, as well as scavengers and a double purification stage (Bahr, Imhof and
flotation columns, also cannot ensure optimum conditions for Ludke, 1985).
flotation(AlizadehandSimonis,1985;Schubert, 1988;Jameson,
1988). Pneumatic flotation cells also have been used to remove
For this reason, Bahr advanced a novel pneumatic flotation carbon particles from fly ash used as raw material for cement
cell design based on detailed investigation of pulp aeration and and mortar (Imhof, 1986). However, to date the cells have
air bubble forming mechanisms (Bahr, Ludke and Mehrhoff, been primarily used to float nonmetallic ores (for example,
1982; Bahr and Ludke, 198 1; Stich and Bahr, 1979). Bahr's cell coal, apatite, magnesite, fluorite and so on).
differs essentially from mechanical and from other pneumatic Pneumatic flotation of lead-zinc ore was also tested, but
flotation cells. The pneumatic flotation cell consists of a only to treat ultra-fine lead and zinc sulfide particles (below
separation vessel and aerators (reactors) isolated from the sepa- 10 ym) in the extra-dilute overflow from a thickener (12
ration vessel. The dispersion of air and formation of aggregates g/L solids). The lead and zinc recoveries were only 30% and
between air bubbles and mineral particles in the feed take place 45%, respectively (Bahr, Imhof and Ludke, 1985).
in a layer of limited extent over a shert flow distance. The The objectives of the work reported here were to demonstrate
aeration of pulp and separation of froth from the pulp proceed in the adaptability of pneumatic flotation cells for flotation of
the aerator and the separation vessel, respectively. Thus, opti- sulfide ore and to define the optimum conditions for pneumatic
mum conditions for both processes can be realized simulta-
..----- J.
The cross-current aerator, pipe aerator, Li Changgen is senior engineer with Beiiing General Flesearch
aerator, Hosch-
Instituteof Mining and Metallurgy, Peoples Republic of China. A. Bahr
Auto-air-aeratOr and A1lflot 'ystem were used in pneumatic is professor Dr.-lng. with lnstitut fiir Aufbereitung und Veredelung, TU
flotation cells (Bahr, Ludke and Mehrhoff, 1982; Bahr, Legner, Clausthal, Germany. SME nonmeeting paper 91-612, Manuscript
Ludke and Mehrhoff, 1987; Bahr and Ludke, 1981; Imhof and March 25. 1991. Discussion of this ,oaoer , must be submitted. in
Bahr, 1985; Imhof and Hoffman, 1984; Imhof and Stahl, 1986; duplicate, prior to June 1,1992.


flotation cells, as well as comparison of the pneumatic flotation There are two aerators in a pneumatic flotation cell, a pipe
cells with mechanical flotation machines and flotation columns. aerator and a ring aerator:

Experimental materials, equipment and method The pipe aerator consists of an inner porous tube made
01.esun~plos of polyethylene and an outer tube made of metal. The pulp
passes through the porous tube, while the air flows into the outer
Samples of copper ore were taken from a copper porphyry tube and then through the porous tube wall inwards to form
mine in China. The chemical and the mineral phase analyses of microbubbles. The mineral particles and air bubbles react with
the ore samples are given in Table I and Table 2. respectively. eachother in the pipeaerator,thus forming themineralized froth.
The ore contains pyrite. chalcopyrite, molybdenite, quartz.
sericite and chlorite. The ring aerator is made of a porous ring pipe. Air
flow is added into the ring pipe to form air bubbles. The
Table 1-Chemical analysis of crude ore mineral particles and air bubbles contact each other in the
pulp in the separation vessel. The mechanism of the miner-
Element 7'0 Element 7'0 alized froth formation with the ring aerator is similar to that
in a flotation column.
Cu 0.52 Zn 0.01
Mo 0.009 Fe 4.5
Ti0 MgO 1.35
The pulp level can be adjusted by means of a pulp level
CaO 1.OO K20 4.10 adjustor.
Si02 65.60 Alpo, 15.40
Table 2-Mineral phase analysis of crude ore The ore samples and tap water in a given mass were intro-
duced into a laboratory rod mill and ground to a given fineness.
Copper mineral phase Cu content, % Cu distribution, % The ground pulp was poured into the mechanical flotation cell
or the agitator and then agitated for I min. The collectors (butyl
Oxide 0.01 1.83 and ethyl xanthate mixture, 1 to 1 ) were added and agitated for
Secondary sulfide 0.065 11.93 3 min. Ore flotation was startedafterfrother(pineoil) was added
Primary sulfide 0.47 86.24 and agitated for 2 min.
Total 0.545 100.00
Experimental results

Figures 2 and 3 show the effects of air flow rate and pulp flow
Butyl and ethyl xanthates and pine oil were kindly provided rate on flotation results with a pneumatic flotation cell.
by Hoechst AK. As seen from Fig. 2, for a given pulp flow rate, as the air
The following reagents. all of analytical grade, were used in flow rate increased, the Cu recovery first increased, then
the tests: NaOH, HCl and CuS04. reached a maximum, and finally decreased. On the other
hand, for a given air flow rate, as the pulp flow rate changed.
Flotation equipme111 the Cu recovery only changed slightly.
For a given pulp flow rate, as air tlow rate increased, the Cu
All flotation tests were carried out in a laboratory me- grade in the concentrate decreased. When the air tlow rate was
chanical air-blowing flotation cell (volume 0.5 L) and a given, as pulp flow rate increased, the Cu grade in the concen-
laboratory pneumatic flotation cell (volume 3.0 L and D x H trate increased slightly.
= 100 x 400 mm) which were made in the lnstitut fiir As shown in Figs. 4 and 5. fineness of grind had little
Aufbereitung und Veredelung, TU Clausthal. The equip- influence on recovery when using mechanical and pneumatic
ment flowsheet is shown on Fig. 1. flotation cells. As the percentage of -200 mesh material in-
creased in flotation feed, the Cu grade in the concentrate
obtained with a mechanical cell decreased, whereas the Cu
grade in the concentrate'obtained with a pneumatic cell in-
creased slightly.
It can be observed that the pulp density had little influence
on the Cu grade and recovery in the concentrate obtained with
a mechanical cell or on the Cu grade in the concentrate obtained
with the pneumatic cell. As the pulp density increased in the
pneumatic cell, the Cu recovery increased (Fig. 6).
Fig. 7 shows that when the pulp density increased to 300
g/L solids, the desired collector dosage with a pneumatic cell
decreased to the same level as with a mechanical cell.
Ring aerator The effect of aeration method on flotation results with a
pneumatic cell is given in Fig. 8. When the air flow rate of the
pipe aerator is set at 0.4 L/min, the Cu recovery only changes
slightly. Whereas, when the air flow rate of the ring aerator
Feed pulp increases, the Cu grade in concentrate decreases. Using a ring
aerator alone, the Cu recovery decreases by 6.95% as compared
Fig. 1-The equipment flowsheet for the pneumatic flotation tests. with pipe aerator alone.


Fig. 2-Effect of air flow rate and pulp flow rate on Cu recovery.
(Flotationconditions:pulpdensity,100glLsolids;grindfineness, 65% Fig. 3-Effect of air flow rate and pulp flow rate on Cu grade in
-200 mesh; frother, 70 g/t; collector, 80 glt; pH of flotation, 8.15). concentrate. (Flotation conditions were the same as those of Fig. 2).

Cu Recovery Cu grade, % Cu Recovery Cu grade, %

85 I 8
90 I 8

-200 mesh: 65% 87% 95% -200 mesh: 65% 87% 95%
Recovery, mechanical cell 0 82 69 81 72 82.96 Recovery. mechanical cell 0 81.78 83.39 83.21
Recovery, pneumatic cell 83.03 83.30 83.10 Recovery. pneumatic cell 87.35 86.88 87.34
Grade, mechanical cell 6.08 5.29 5.07 Grade, mechanical cell 6.29 4.95 4.13
Grade, pneumatic cell 1 6.24 6.80 6.88 Grade, pneumatic cell 1 7.04 7.10 7.32

Grinding fineness Grinding fineness

Fig. 4--Effect of grind size on pneumatic cell flotation results at pulp Fig. %Effect of grind fineness on pneumatic cell flotation results at
density of 100 g/L solids. (Flotation conditions: pulp flow rate, 2.63 pulpdensity of 300 glLsolids. (Flotation conditions: pulp flow rate, 2.63
Umin; air flow rate, 1.54 Umin). Urnin; air flow rate, 1.54 Umin).

Cu Recovery Cu grade, %
Cu recovery Cu grade, %
90 10

Solid: 100 glL 200 glL 300 g/L

Recovery, mechanical cell 0 82.78 82.03 83.06 . -
40 (Mech. cell) 27 (Pneu. cell) 40 (Pneu. cell) 80 (Pneu. cell)
Recovery, pneumatic cell 83.17 85.86 87.03
87.02 87.17
Grade, mechanical cell 6.47 6.24 6.58 7.35 7.21 7.25
Grade, pneumatic cell 1 7.21 7.12 7.09

Pulp dens$y Collector dosage, g/t

Fig. 6-Effect of pulp density on pneumatic cell flotation results. Fig. 7-Effect of collector dosage on flotation results. (Flotation
(Flotation conditions: pulp flow rate, 2.63 Umin; air flow rate, 0.44 conditions: grind, 65% -200 mesh; pulp density, 300 glL solids.
Llmin). Pneumatic cell: pulp flow rate, 2.63 Umin; air flow rate, 0.44 Umin).


Cu recovery, % Cu grade, %

Recovery, 100 g1L

Recovery, 300 g1L
Grade, 100 glL
Grade, 300 glL

2.63 Umin; air flow rate, 0.44 Llmin).

Pipe 0.4, ring 0 Pipe 0.4, ring 0.1 Pipe 0.4, ring 0.2 Pipe 0, ring 0.4
Air rates of different aerators, Llmin

Fig. &Effect of aeration method on pneumatic cell flotation results. (Flotation cond~t~ons:

grind fineness, 65% -200 mesh; pulp flow rate.

Results for Cu grade and Cu recovery in different size optimum air:pulp ratio for the flotation of sulfide ore with a
fractions of concentrate are given in Fig. 9. pneumatic cell was much lower (0.15:0.48) (Figs. 2 and 3).
The Cu grade and recovery in the coarse size fractions in the The test results of the aeration method indicated advantages
concentrate obtained with mechanical cell and pneumatic cell of the aerator developed by Bahr over conventional aerators. In
are close. The Cu grade and recovery in the fine fractions in reality, this aerator is a reactor for mineral particles and air
concentrate with the pneumatic cell increaseincomparisonwith bubbles. In the aerator, mineral particles obtain a great energy
the mechanical cell. input to promote breakdown of hydrated film on mineral surface
Grade distribution along the pulp level is given in Fig. 10. and an increasing probability of collision between mineral
As can be seen, the Cu grade at the level of the feed point is particles and bubbles because of a great energy input.
lower than the feed grade (0.5% Cu). Only at the level of 100 The aerator is proved to be suitable for flotation of fine
mm will the Cu grade be the same as the Cu grade of the feed. mineral particles. For example, as compared to the mechanical
Then, the Cu grade increases as the pulp level increases, with flotation machine, the Cu recovery from the 32 to 20 pm size
the Cu grade of the froth product increasing rapidly to fraction with the pneumatic cell increased by 4.44% and from
7.02%. the -20 pm size fraction by 6.07 % (Fig. 9).
The adhesion of air bubbles to mineral particles with the ring
Results and discussions aerator used in the aeration method tests is similar to adhesion
in a flotation column. That is, while mineral particles are falling
The investigation results indicated that not only the air down and air bubbles are floating up in the pulp, they contact
flow rate but also the pulp flow rate influenced flotation each other. Though the collision probability between mineral
results in a pneumatic cell. For a given pulp flow rate, the particles and bubbles may be great,the Cu recovery into the new
lower the air flow rate, the smaller and more evenly formed size fraction in concentrate with the ring aerator will be lower
were the bubbles. However, if air flow rate was too low, though than with the pipe aerator (reactor).For example, as compared
the air bubbles were smaller and more even, the Cu recovery of with ring aerator alone, the Cu recovery in concentrate with the
concentrate was still not high enough because of the decreasing pipe aerator alone increased by 5.60% to 6.95% (Fig. 8),
total surface area of the froth. For example, the Cu recovery whereas the Cu grade of concentrate basically did not change.
was about 74 % at the air flow rate of 0.19 L/min. Using a conventional aerator, for example a ring aerator, the
If air flow rate was too high, the formed bubbles had a bubble forming frequency and bubble size were determined to
larger size and lower specific surface area, as well as a be a function of air flow rate, air pressure drop and orifice size
turbulent pulp surface, so both the Cu recovery and grade of aerator. On the other hand, using the pipe aerator, besides
decreased. For the same reason, for a given air flow rate, above-mentionedparameters, the pulp flow rate passing through
the greater the pulp flow rate, the smaller and more even the aerator can control the bubble size. Therefore, the bubble
were the air bubbles formed, to a certain extent. size and bubble number could be changed readily by means of
If pulp flow rate was too low, the formed bubbles had modification of both air flow rate and pulp flow rate to form
great size and small specific surface. As a result the Cu more even microbubbles.
recovery was lower, for example, 69.26% to 78.56% at the In the 1960s, a great number of large-volume flotation
pulp flow rate of 2.07 Llmin. columns were used in Chinese concentrators to treat copper,
A satisfactory flotation result must correspond with the molybdenum, lead, zinc and iron ores. Some failures of the
optimum ratio between air flow rate and pulp flow rate. Bahr flotation columns occurred due to the plugging of aerators by
confirmed that the optimum air and pulp ratio ranged from mineral particles and scale formed on aerator surfaces, espe-
1.3 to 1.5 during coal flotation with a pneumatic cell. The cially when using lime as a flotation reagent. There was also a
quantity of sulfide minerals floated into the froth product problem in restarting after occasional breakdowns because of
from sulfide ore was much less than from coal. So that the the great quantity of mineral particles deposited on the aerators.


Cu recovery, % Cu grade, %
100 12

-20 20-32 32-40 40-60 50-63 63-80 80-100 100-125 125-160 160+
Recovery,mechanicalI 79.9 91.49 88.99 90.08 83.74 84.2 82.45 77.48 77.08 7376
Recovery, pneumatic 85.97 95.93 91.97 93 52 91.61 89.1 83.49 80 68 80.11 74.19
Grade, mechan~cal 3.78 8.08 7.56 7.13 6.9 6.13 6.03 5.88 5.02 4.34
Grade, pneumatic 6.82 10.61 9.8 8.62 7.44 6.9 5.29 5.16 4.67 4.09

Size class, prn

Fig. 9--Cu grade and Cu recovery into different size fractions of concentrate with a mechanical and pneumatic cell. (Flotation conditions: grind
fineness, 65% -200 mesh; pulp density, 300 g/L solids; pulp flow rate, 2.63Umin; air flow rate, 0.44 Umin).

Pulp level, mm

A Pulp level of
feed plant, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cu grade, %
Fig. 10-Distribution of Cu grade along pulp level. (Flotation conditions: pulp flow rate, 2.63 Umin; air flow rate, 0.44 Umin; pulp density,
300 g/L solids).


The installation of aerators outside the separation vessel of Conclusions
pneumatic cells might overcome the second difficulty. The feed
pulp passing through the tube of an aerator in pneumatic As with mechanical flotation machines, pneumatic flotation
flotation cells rubs against the surface of porous material of the cells can treat successfully both nonmetallic and metallic ores.
aerator and prevents formation of scale on the porous material. During the flotation of Chinese copper ore. the Cu grade and
This contributes to the solution of the problem of aerator recovery of the concentrate obtained with pneumatic cell in-
plugging. crease by 1% to 2% and 4%, respectively. as compared with the
With flotation columns, to increase the grade of concentrate, mechanical flotation machine because of more effective recov-
the required froth depth was usually about 900 mm. Therefore, ery of fine valuable mineral particles and reduction of mechani-
the height of a flotation column was 5 to 15 m (Jameson, 1988; cal entrainment of fine gangue particles by froth in the pneu-
Schubert. 1988). Several disadvantages resulted, including an matic cell.
increased requirement for floor space, increased cost for pump- Substitution of pneumatic flotation cells for flotation columns
ing the feed up to the required injection level and increased air canovercomethe difficultiesofboththe pluggingof porousmaterial
pressure drop. For coal, a froth height of 300 to 400 mm was in aerators by mineral particles and scale, as well as troubles in
enough with a pneumatic cell (Bahr, Liidke and Mehrhoff, shutdown and restarting. Furthennore, early indications are that
1982). The separation vessel of a pneumatic cell with height of more effective flotation of fine mineral particles is obtained in a
4 m obtained satisfactory results in coal flotation. Thus, it can pneumatic cell than in a flotation column.
be seen that the substitution of pneumatic flotation cells for The flotation reagent dosage and flotation pulp density with
flotation columns has broad prospects. pneumatic cells rarely differ from those with mechanical flota-
The result5 prove that pneumatic flotation cells can treat both tion machines. The airpulp ratio during pneumatic flotation of
dilute and denserpulps. The Cu recovery of concentrate obtained in sulfide ore is found to be lower (0.15 to 0.48: 1 ).
the pulp density of 300 g/L solids was 3.86% higher than that with Pneumatic flotation cells are applicable to the flotation of
100 g/L solids (Fig 61, which was attributed to the easier adhesion ores with fine dissemination size because of effective recovery
of mineral particles to bubbles and acceleration ofmineralized froth of valuable fine mineral particles. The grade of the concentrate
floating up in denser pulp. It's really a pity that the flotation tests at obtained with pneumatic cells has proven to be usually much
the pulp density of more than 300g/L solids could not be carriedout higher than with mechanical flotation machines. Therefore,
because of deficiency of sufficient sample. pneumatic cells are preferred in the cleaning operation.
In the flotationof sulfideore with the pneumatic cell, as solids
content in the feed pulp increased, the dosage of flotation References
reagents decreased rapidly. As seen from Fig 7, the reagent
dosage in the flotation with apneumatic cell was the same as that Allzadeh, A,, and Simonls. W.. 1985. "Flotation of finest and ultra-Lnest size coal parlicles,"
Aufbreitung Technik, No. 6. pp. 363-366.
with a mechanical flotation machine at the same pulp density
Bahr, A,, and Ludke. H.. 1987. "Devlce for exposing a liquid or a liquld-solidmlxture to gas,"
(for example, 300 g/L solids). South Amer~canPatent, No. ZA 8105977 (CA - 98 : 128210).
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cell." XV lnlernational Mineral Processing Congress, pp. 315-325.
Table 3 - C o n c e n t r a t e s obtained with pneumatic cell and
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mechanical f l o t a t i o n machine I
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Stage Solid Weight Cu Coll. Bahr. A.. Ludke. H., and Mehrhoff.F.-W., 1982, "The development and introduct~on of a new
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pneumatlc flotatlon,"Aufbreftungs Technrk, No 6, pp 375-381
Mechanical machine
Single 300 6.60-8.62 4.13-6.88 82.10-83.39 Imhof. R.. and Bahr. A.. 1985. "Devlce for gassing of a liquid-solldsuspension treated with
llotation reagents." F.R. Germany Patent. No. 3325969, 14 pp. (CA - 102.1871.65).
Double 300 12.13-12.21 3.82-3.87 90.15-90.37 9-65
Imhof. R.. 1986, "Flotation cell for removing carbon parlicles from fly ash," F.R. Germany
Patent, No. 3641940, 4 p. (CA - 109:115570).
Pneumatic cell
Imhof. R.. 1988, "Pneumaticflotation - a modern alternative."AufbreitungsTechnfk. No. 8. pp.
Single 100 5.79-6.73 6.24-7.67 83.41-83.03 80 451-457
Double 300 6.20-6.34 7.04-7.21 86.84-87.35 40
Imhof, R.. and Hoffman.H.. 1984. "Flotation cell." South American Patent No. ZA 8402448.
16 p. (CA - 103.90902).
As seen from Table 3, as compared with the mechanical Imhof. R.. and Heep. R.S.. 1986. GDMB. Vol. 48. pp 111- 1 18, CA - 107:9923)
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trate obtained with the pneumatic cell at the pulp density of 300
Jameson. G.J., 1988. "New concept in flotation column des~gn."Mfnerals & Melallurgical
g/L solid increased by 1% to 2% and 4%, respectively. That is Processrng. Vol. 5. No. 1, pp. 45-47.
the reason why the Cu recovery into the fine size fractions of Jungmann, A,. and Reilard, U.A.. 1988. "lnvestigat~on Into pneumatic flotation of various raw
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canied out.

12 FEBRUARY 1992

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