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Institutes of Preaching

Sr. Teresa Ha Nguyen, OP

Based on the "Instruction on Prayer for Healing"

The people, from every age, desire living in peace: peace in spirit, heart and mind; peace in
physical body meant without sickness. It can be said that "People are called to joy" understood deeply
from liberating sickness coming from every aspects. So, a person who has received that happiness
inside and outside his or her life is blessed by God.
However, in the specifically and currently reality of life in everyday, sickness and suffering can
not separate from human lives. It has own its phenomenon. People who increasingly look for the best
ways, the best therapies, the well-known therapists or professional doctors for curing seem to be
hopeless always, even though they have to spend a lot of money and inheritance for running healing.
Finding out the rightly meaning, therefore, understanding for human sickness' suffering which
carries hope, peace and salvation in faith, in communion with crucified Jesus Christ are considered as
a means of union with Jesus Christ clothed a special values and virtues in the Christian life.
With the above reasons that we need to follow the guidelines of the Church, based on the"
Instruction on Prayer for Healing" published by Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, in accordance
with canon 34 of the Code of Canon Law . With the confession in faith in Jesus Christ, God, and her
wisdom, we, the Catholic faithful certainly are led in God's will under the authority of Church through
the aid of this Instruction.
Because this Instruction has brought a very useful and essential aid for the local Ordinaries
while pastoral taking after the life of Catholic faithful in opportunely. What do I remark and learn from
it as an own opinion following:
1. This "Instruction on Prayer for Healing" is a response to the problems and questions related
to healing according to the viewpoint of the Church, under the Doctrinal aspects, such as: Where
does it take place? Which context should it celebrate? What is wrong or right when we do it? Where
are the meaning and value of sickness which we need to know? What is the thing we need to avoid in
2. In the economy of salvation of God, even though in the Old Statement or new Statement,
sickness and healing clothed the meaning of salvation which it comes from Jesus Christ. It is He who
comes to the earth to deliver evil and all forms of suffering. The sinner or the just also can have

sickness in our lives. All of us are called to joy: joy in spirit and body. That true joy only comes from
God, Jesus Christ.
3. If we consider sickness as a punishment of God and we forget its deeply meaning, value in
the the price of salvation in Christ are a very big mistake for our life. We have to, instead, confirm that
sickness and suffering are opportunities to be united to God in sacrifice and communion with Jesus
Christ manifested the victory of the Kingdom of God over every kind of evil. At the same time it also
manifests the power of God over the illnesses through the restoration and healing.
4. In the belief in Jesus Christ who was sent by God to the earth not only to heal or cure the sick
or the suffering, but restore the dignity of being children of God, concretely the sinners. The more we
read the Gospel, the more we recognize that Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom of God is at hand
while he restores the sick, the suffering, the sinner by healing, curing and delivering evil, demon
everywhere he passed by. It is he who experienced suffering in his passion without sin because of us.
Through him we were saved and turned back to God in state of God's children without slave. It is
bloody price of Jesus Christ shed because of sickness of spirit. It means there is unique path to heal
sickness inside and outside for the faithful is to unite with God in faith, truth parallel with looking for
the therapy as natural means for healing physical body.
5. To be united with God in healing sickness and suffering, however, it demands us an attitude
of prayer in perseverance and trust. The Catholic Church teaches the means as the best ways to help
us to be one in God guided in Liturgy of the Church. It is the channels of blessing gifted to us.
6. If Jesus Christ did his ministry of healing on the earth completely it means he also invited the
Apostles by transmitting his power to their mission. Nevertheless, when we mention the "Charism of
healing", we need to put it in each of concretely context and understand special importance. Charism
conveys a meaning rather large. It is generous gift in plural and its graces are attributed to individual
more than distributive sense. It will be confusion if understood to grant to a person the graces of
healing others. So, the power of healing should be put within a missionary context given by Jesus
Christ to the Apostles as an order from him. Therefore, we have more reasons to think about God's
mercy. Jesus came to the earth to manifest God's mercy by healing the sick, the suffering and set us
free from the rule and bound of evil, demon.
7. Praying for oneself and others being healthy considered a good things need to be practiced
always. It is a call from the Fathers and the Church's tradition until now. So, prayers for healing need
to be respected, because it is him, Jesus Christ taught us how to pray through "Prayer Father". It must,
however, follow the guideline of the Church. It is sure that the Church always follows the footsteps of

Jesus Christ on the way of proclaiming the Gospel for all creatures and let them to convert to God.
This is the main emphasis firstly before healing or curing ministry.
8. In addition, whatever charism of healing is? That charism must obey the tradition of the
Church through the rites, liturgy and the Sacrament of Anoint. At the same time, it needs to follow
the leading of the local Ordinary. However, do not stamp out the fire of the Holy Spirit enkindled in
the hearts of the faithful.
9. Through the current of time, there are many saints did many miracles of healing. It was done
in the Apostles' time. Nevertheless, we refer to the"Charism of healing" nowadays. It seems to be
sensitive needed putting in the rule or authority of the Church, such as: How to celebrate it
appropriately? Or which rite is permitted? And is it right with the doctrine of the Church? Is it clear
purpose when we gather together for prayer of healing at some places? Where the authority of the
Church is? Moreover, the Catholic faithful need to learn and understand the limitation and allowance
in charism of healing. At last, we have to follow the Holy Spirit. Do not stop the Spirit of Jesus Christ in
10. Whoever receives the gifts or graces of healing as a charism of healing must follow the
norms under the authority of the Church. It is sure that the Church will confirm that charism of
healing with her authority under various forms. It is guided by the local Ordinaries that the Church
granted to these leaders.

Walking in the way and her teaching every parts of God's people will surely be peaceful because
our mother, the Church, lead us to the green grass field and fresh stream.

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