Evidencia 13: Resumen Ejecutivo Marketing Plan

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Evidencia 13: Resumen ejecutivo Marketing plan

Una vez terminado el Plan de acción de mercadeo, Escribir un resumen

ejecutivo en inglés, donde explique en qué consiste dicho material.

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If we want to implement an approach suitable to establish strategic plans we

have to study the ways in which companies are organized. The models used

are establish by: divisional, areas geographic and divisions world by product.

The companies tend to create mechanisms of coordination and control that

depends on of them needs organizational that go developing it company. Is

focused from the structure of the Organization, the planning of control by results

to the socialization of them objectives of results. Any company by the simple

fact of existing outside risk. There are factors that are violated and can affect

their production. You should create contingency models that allow way more

suitable to any emergency.

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