What Is Aquaculture

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COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE l Maryland Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources 6

Maryland Sea Grant Extension FINFISH AQUACULTURE


What is Aquaculture?
Reginal M. Harrell, Maryland Sea Grant Extension

Why Aquaculture?
Requirements for Getting
Involved in Aquaculture
Water Requirements
For Further Information

the Indopacific region at least 2000
Aquaculture is the farming and years B.C. Aquaculture is the fastest
husbandry of aquatic organisms growing segment of agriculture in
under controlled or semi-controlled the United States today. With con-
conditions. These organisms may be sumer demand for seafood increas-
plants, fish or shellfish — oysters, ing and interest in aquaculture as a
mussels, clams, shrimp, crabs, craw- means for satisfying that demand,
fish. Aquaculture is employed for a the prospects for commercial aqua-
variety of ends: fish may be raised to culture are promising.
stock public waters for sportfishing fresh or brackish or salty. Although While aquatic farming has his-
and for commercial fishing; it may aquaculture is a generic term, it gen- torically required waterfront property
be to save an endangered species; or erally refers to the culture of plants — a pond, river, lake or ocean —
it may be to harvest a commercially and animals in freshwater, while cul- today’s culturists may use tanks or
viable crop in ponds or coastal wa- ture in saltwater is commonly known raceways (long narrow tanks) where
ters. as mariculture. well water or surface water is
In simple terms, aquaculture is The practice of culturing plants, pumped through the system. Some
agriculture: the farmer farms the fish and shellfish under controlled of the newest technology involves
water instead of the land; depending conditions goes back over 3000 culturing the organisms in a closed
on the species, the water may be years; it was practiced in China and loop system where most of the water

is filtered (cleaned) and recycled in- systems cannot support adequate re- agencies. Results indicate that con-
stead of passed through the system. production to meet the demand of servation efforts are having a positive
While tanks and raceways have sportfishermen. Through aquacul- impact.
proved to be successful economi- ture, the angler could be provided
cally, closed loop systems are still in with a recreational outlet that may Requirements for Getting Involved
a developmental stage. not have been available otherwise. in Aquaculture
Aquaculture efforts can also be
Why Aquaculture? Other workbooks in this series
used to save or restore an endan-
on Finfish Aquaculture and others on
gered or threatened species. These
The world’s oceans and rivers oyster aquaculture and crawfish cul-
are special situations where, for vari-
are fast approaching the limits of fish ture provide details on how to get
ous reasons, fish cannot reproduce
and shellfish production that can be started; however, general startup re-
in sufficient numbers, or the progeny
harvested on a continual basis. The quirements apply to all species.
do not survive well enough to main-
Chesapeake Bay, historically one of
tain themselves as a population. In Water Requirements
the nation’s most productive bodies
cases such as these, brood stock of
of water, is an all too familiar exam-
the endangered species are spawned Because aquaculture by defini-
ple where commercial harvests are
in hatcheries, the fry (baby fish) are tion means farming the water, water
in decline. While federal and state
reared under controlled conditions sources are crucial — depending on
programs across the country are
until they are big enough to fend for the species and form of culture you
working to restore stocks in coastal
themselves, and are then released engage in, your water requirements
waters, commercial production may
into the natural environment, with will vary. Pond culture, for example,
still not be able to meet the increas-
the goal that they will soon be able will require more water than tank
ing consumer demand. How can
to sustain themselves naturally. One culture, in which the water is recy-
that demand be met? The most plau-
such case important to Maryland is cled. Likewise, ocean ranching —
sible explanation is from farming the
the striped bass: not only did a state- the releasing of fish as juveniles for
wide moratorium protect natural harvesting when they return as adults
In addition to the demand for
stocks, a major restoration effort — requires open waters.
seafood, there is a growing interest
through hatchery introduction was
in sportfishing. Many public fisheries
implemented by state and federal
for recreational angling have had to
reduce creel limits (number of fish
legally allowed to be caught per day)
or have imposed seasons for catch-
ing specific species of fish. Some
states have had to close fisheries
completely. More people are inter-
ested in fishing than nature can sup-
port. Consequently, numerous
government, state and federal agen-
cies produce fish in hatcheries to
stock public waters for sportfishing,
thereby developing what is known as
a put-grow-and-take fishery where
small fish are stocked and allowed to
grow, and then are harvested by
hook and line. The lakes or rivers
where fish are stocked either do not
have the individual species, or the


Location of your operation is

crucial from the perspective of the
availability of water, terrain, temper-
ature, soils, protection from the envi-
ronment, such as storms in coastal
areas, and other factors. If public
waters are being leased, you need
access to both the bottom and the
water column, that region between
the surface and bottom. This is espe-
cially important with open water cul-
ture such as shellfish or netpen fish
culture. Ideally, location should also
be close to processors and markets.


Adequate operations require room tion permits, exotic species permits, 4. To whom will you sell?
for expansion, if the economics discharge permits, navigation hazard
allow. In openwater areas, you want permits in open water areas, nonti- If you can answer these ques-
to be sure there is enough space be- dal wetlands permits, and processing tions, you should begin to develop a
tween your operation and adjacent permits, just to name a few. Be sure business plan. Unless your proposed
facilities to eliminate confusion dur- you contact the state natural re- operation looks economically viable,
ing harvest, or to act as a buffer zone sources or agriculture departments you should seriously reconsider get-
for maximization of water quality. for help in procuring these permits ting started.
before you ever get started.
Commitment Summary
Remember that aquaculture is an in- This publication is not designed
vestment in time and money to farm Capital is one of the most important to be comprehensive. It provides you
live organisms. Unless you are will- considerations: aquaculture opera- with the basics of what aquaculture
ing to spend many hours a day, tions are not inexpensive, either to is so that you can begin taking the
seven days a week, consider some construct or operate. Never consider next steps for a more informed deci-
other investment. This is especially involvement unless you have done a sion. You should, for example, read
true when culturing fish. thorough investigation and answered Fish Culture in Maryland: Weighing
the following questions sufficiently the Pros and Cons, #1 in the Finfish
Permits so that you can develop a sound Aquaculture Workbook series and
business plan: Figuring Production Costs in Finfish
Permits are a major concern. Many
Aquaculture, #4 in the same series. If
state and federal agencies require 1. What are you producing? you are interested in obtaining more
procurement of a diverse range of
information, contact the Maryland
permits. Bear in mind that in most 2. Where will your production Department of Natural Resources,
states, although you may own the facilities be? the Maryland Department of Agricul-
land, the state or federal government
ture, or the Sea Grant Extension
owns the water, and to use that 3. How will you produce your offices listed below.
water, you must obtain all the proper product?
permits. These may include propaga-


This fact sheet was funded in part by

the University of Maryland Coopera-
tive Extension Service, the Center for
Environmental and Estuarine Studies,
and through grant NA86AA-D-SG-
006 awarded by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-
tration to the University of Maryland
Sea Grant College Program.

Publication Number

For Further Information Maryland Sea Grant Extension

University of Maryland
Maryland Sea Grant Extension Horn Point Environmental
University of Maryland Laboratory
Wye Research and Education Center Box 775
P.O. Box 169 Cambridge, MD 21613
Queenstown, MD 21658 Telephone: (410) 221-8475
Telephone: (410) 827-8056
Maryland Sea Grant
Maryland Sea Grant Extension University of Maryland
University of Maryland 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 300
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory College Park, MD 20740
P.O. Box 38 Telephone: (301) 405-7500
Solomons, MD 20688
Telephone: (410) 326-7356

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and june 30, 1914, in cooperation
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, University of Maryland and local governments. Craig S.
Oliver, Director of Cooperative Extension Service, University of Maryland System.

The University of Maryland System is an equal opportunity system. The system's policies, programs and
activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimina-
tion regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex and handicap. Inquiries regarding compli-
ance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments;
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or related legal requirements should be directed to the
Director of Personnel/Human Relations, Office of the President, Maryland Institute for Agriculture and
Natural Resources, Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742.

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