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Lecture 5 Notes – Determination of Rate of Settlement

Based on Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation theory

Terzaghi derived a governing differential equation for describing the rate change of
excess pore water pressure along the sample depth

Cv(∂2u/∂z2 ) = ∂ u/∂ t , where u = excess pore water pressure, z = depth, t = time

Cv = ,
where k = permeability, av = coefficient of compressibility, unit : L2 T -1 or in2 / sec
The boundary condition for our test sample is:

[ Solution ] : , f1(Z) : geometry factor, f2(T) : time factor

where Z = z / Hdr, T = Cv , Hdr2 : longest drained path

Graphic Solution:

Ref. 2
Uz is different for every point at time factor T. (double drained layers)
U = Average Consolidation Ratio

Figure 2: Average consolidation ratio: linear initial excess pore pressure. (Ref 1)
(a) Graphical interpretation of average consolidation (b) U versus T

We know that σ2' & σ1' relate directly to u2 & u1 (decreases in u ⇔ increase in σ')

therefore, Eq(2) becomes ,


ui = σ2' -σ1'
Uz = 1 100% Consolidation ⇔ u = 0
Uz = 0 0% Consolidation ⇔ u = ∆σ

Graphic Solution of Uz (Fig. 27-2)

Uz is a function of sample thickness and time factor.
Define a new variable U = Avg. consolidation ratio
(for entire layer, not for a single point), (see Fig.27.3)
Physically U = S(t) / Sc, S(t) is settlement at time t, Sc is total settlement.
U=f(T), (only T)
Example: Given: Cv = 2 x 10-4 in2/sec, Sc = 20 in. (was found by Eq1 Cc &Cs)

Find: Time for S(t) = 10 in.

U = S(t) / Sc = 10 / 20 = 50%
from Fig. 27.3 ⇒ Τ = 0.2
we know T = Cv (t / Hdr2) ⇒ t = T Hdr2 /Cv ⇒
t = 0.2(30/2×12)2 / (2×10-4) sec = 375 days

In consolidation test, we can obtain Cv value based on one of the following two methods:
(1) Taylor's square root of time fitting method
(2) Casagrande's logarithm of time fitting method
For (1) Cv = T90 Hdr2 / t90 (t90 → U = 90%) see Fig 9.9
(2) Cv = T50 Hdr2 / t50 (t50 → U = 50%) see Fig 9.7
Ref. 4.

In general, the purposes of consolidation test are:

(1) Find Cc & Cs by plotting e vs. log σvc'
(2) Find σpc' from e vs. σvc' plot by using Casagrande's graphical method, and
(3) Find Cv at each stage of σvc' by plotting square root of time vs. e or log time
vs. e and plot Cv vs. σvc' curve

1. Soil Mechanics, T. W. Lambe and R. V. Whitman, Wiley Book Company,1969.

2. An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Robert D. Holtz and William D.

Kovacs, Prentice-Hall Book Company,1984.

3. Geotechnical Engineering - Soil Mechanics, John N. Cernica, Wiley Book

Company, 1995.

4. Engineering Properties of Soils and Their Measurement, Joseph E. Bowles, 4th

Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,1992.

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