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Good Ol' Fucker in Law

Shabana hung up, disheartened, and lay on her bed. The reason was obvious. Her
husband, Azam, once again gave excuses for not being able to visit home. They had
been married for over two years, and Azam had left her at home in their village
near Lahore to resume his job there. Since then, it hadn't been more than three
times that he had come home to meet his wife.

Shabana knew the motives behind Azam's excuses. It was not that Azam didn't like
his wife or she was not pretty. But on their wedding night, Azam had confessed to
Shabana that he was impotent. His father, Nadir Khan, was the Chaudhary (Lord) of
the village and had forced Azam to marry Shabana. Besides, no one in Azam's family
was aware of his impotency. So at the age of just over thirty and married for a
little over two years, Shabana was yet to be satisfied fully like a married woman.
Azam had found a job in Lahore just before marriage and had a good excuse: that he
could not get a leave from work. Azam had two other brothers and both were happily
married and had a number of kids. But it was only in Shabana's fate that she was
still deprived of full marital pleasures. Despite his impotency, Azam had tried his
best to keep Shabana happy by sending lots of money and gifts from Lahore. Perhaps
it was because of the love expressed by Azam that Shabana had never told anyone
about her husband's impotency.

Her thoughts were disrupted from the knock on her door. Shabana opened the door and
found her father-in-law, Nadir Khan, standing in front of her. After saying salaam
(greetings) to him, she stood aside, and Nadir Khan entered the room, bolting the
door behind him. This was strange, as he'd never entered her room when she was
alone and today he'd not only entered but had also bolted the door. Shabana was
prying about him as Nadir Khan sat on the sofa tapping it gently. This was the
indication for Shabana to sit beside him. Reluctantly, she sat on the sofa with her
father-in-law. Her mind was boggled, and she was thinking of a possible reason for
Nadir Khan's arrival and his peculiar set of actions when Nadir Khan uttered,
"Surprised? You must be. But I have a reason for this."

Shabana could only say in reply, "It's not like that, abba jee (father)."

Nadir Khan smiled, then said, "So Azam's again not coming? Hmm, I guess he's timid
about facing you. And I know the reason behind his coyness."

Shabana was astounded. Does he know about Azam's impotency? But how? she was asking
herself. She eyed her father-in-law, who was grinning.

"Don't be troubled by this. I've known this for years." Nadir Khan said.

Shabana couldn't help but wonder why in the world he had got his son married to her
if he was aware of his incapability to have sex. But she could only utter, "Gee."

"We were inducing him for marriage. He was aware of his condition and kept
refusing, but he had to marry. Finding no way out, he came to me one day and owned
up in front of me, pleading not to insist on his marrying. At first, I was shocked.
But then I soothed him. I let him understand how important it was for him to marry,
as we're Chaudhries of this village and people would start speculating if he didn't
get married. I told him I was going to treat him with a very renowned hakeem (a
doctor treating patients with herbal medicines) and that he would be potent in a
few weeks. Finally, he succumbed to pressure and that's how you two got married.
But unfortunately, despite the best efforts put in by the hakeem, Azam's condition
could only improve fractionally." Nadir Khan paused for a moment, then continued,
"I'm still awaiting his first child to be born, but now it seems unlikely to
happen. A few more months, and people of the village and in our family will start
speculating, and the news of his illness will be on everyone's tongue. The esteem
and pride of our family will be hurt badly."

Though embarrassed, Shabana somehow mustered up some courage to look into her
father in law's eyes and murmur, "I thought I was the only one who knew Azam's
secret. Anyway, is there still something I can do about it? "

The words that came out of her father-in-law's tongue in reply jolted Shabana from
head to toe. "I'm not used to playing games. Straightforwardly, I have to breed you
to save the honor of my family and of my son as well." There was conviction in
Nadir Khan's voice. Shabana couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Nadir Khan stood up and started to leave the room. But before unbolting the door,
he said, "I'll be waiting for you tonight in my bedroom. Take your time, but I'll
want you to comply with what I want from you. This will not continue once you're
pregnant." His tone was authoritative. The door was shut. Nadir Khan had gone,
leaving Shabana still trying to believe her ears. At first, the thought of having
sex with her father-in-law was disgusting. It was true that she'd been deprived of
full sexual pleasures since her marriage and there were times when she simply
wanted to cheat on her husband to fulfill her desires, though she had success in
restraining herself from betraying. But she had never thought of having sex with
her father in law.

She kept musing upon the dialogue with Nadir Khan and the command with which he'd
asked her to bow before him. She could not escape. Nadir Khan was the head of the
family, and a very strict and authoritative one. Even if she told someone about his
proposal, no one would dare to believe her or to take any steps against Nadir Khan.
Instead, Nadir Khan would defame her honor and accuse her of adultery. She won't be
able to find a place to hide and could not face even her own family.

But then there was something that was inciting her. So what if Nadir Khan was her
father- in-law? So what if it was infidelity if she had sex with him? After all,
she had her own sexual desires like every woman, although she had tried hard to
keep those desires suppressed so far. If having sex with someone else meant
cheating on her husband, then what did Azam and his family's untruthfulness at the
time of her marriage mean? They too had cheated her. And now she had every right to
settle the score. This sudden and long-held-back thought of being deceived by her
husband and his family was now starting to bring about rebellious feelings. She
wanted to avenge herself, and this was the time. She wanted sexual satisfaction,
and the time had come.

Then she started thinking about how it would feel to sleep with her father-in-law.
She didn't realize it, but there was a desire for taboo sex somewhere deep inside
her heart. And that desire was now overpowering her senses and stimulating her.

Nadir Khan, though in his early seventies, still looked not older than 60. He had
very well maintained his health and fitness and still possessed a solid bearing. He
was tall and weighed around 160lbs. He was still as powerful as he would be around
his forties. And he was a man who knew how to keep secrets. She knew that no one
would ever know about her sexual affair with Nadir Khan. She could enjoy the
intimate pleasure with him without any fear of being caught.

Shabana drifted off shortly but not before making up her mind. She'd decided she
wouldn't let this opportunity of finally having sex slip away.

At just before midnight, dressed in tight blouse with a vivid sexy saree (dress),
Shabana knocked the door of Nadir Khan's bedroom. Everyone was asleep by then.
Nadir Khan's wife (Shabana's mother-in-law) had expired years ago, so he lived and
slept alone. Nadir Khan opened the door and, with a wicked smile on his face,
nodded Shabana to step in.

The room was semidark. Nadir Khan locked the door behind her and, holding Shabana's
arm, he said, "I knew you would come. You've been burning in the flames of your
sexual desire. It's time you got satisfied." Having made up her mind, Shabana had
dispelled the fear, shyness and disgust, and was now fully prepared for what was
going to be the most exciting experience of her life. She replied with a smile, "I
hope you know how to satisfy a woman. I hope you're a complete man in bed, unlike
your son."

"I can assure you won't regret your decision to sleep with me," Nadir Khan pledged
with amusement. Saying that, he pulled Shabana into his arms, caressing her breasts
and running his hand on her back and down to her hips.

Excitement overwhelmed Shabana's senses. She wrapped her arms around Nadir Khan.
Nadir Khan pressed his lips to Shabana's, French-kissing her, moving her tongue in
her mouth and sucking her tongue with his lips. They kissed passionately for
several minutes.

"We shouldn't waste time. Let's get to business." Nadir Khan signaled Shabana to
move onto the bed.

"Yeah, I've already waited for this moment for too long." Shabana's voice was
filled with elation. In no time, they were on bed undressing each other. Nadir Khan
wasted no time in removing Shabana's dress and unhooking her bra. Shabana too was
quick to help him get rid of his clothes. She was amazed to witness her father-in-
law's slender, 8-inch-long dick. It looked slightly limp with layers of older flesh
on it, but as soon as she held it in her hand, it stood almost vertically with full

Nadir Khan was busy playing with her breasts, fondling and licking them. He was
squeezing them with both hands. He took a mouthful of Shabana's right breast, and
then of her left one. He looked like a hungry baby who'd suddenly grown into a 74-
year-old man. Wild suction on Shabana's tits was tantalizing her, driving her
crazier with every passing moment. She held her tits in her hands and fed them to
Nadir Khan's mouth, helping him take the maximum of her breasts in his mouth. Nadir
Khan kept sucking and biting on her nipples. This wild sucking on her nipples for
the first time was sending shockwaves though her spine.

Nadir Khan then held her hand and put it to his wrinkled but well-erected cock.
"It's all yours; suck it." He offered his cock to her as a treat. Shabana, without
wasting a second, held it in her hands and started jerking and playing with his
balls. His pre-cum juice soaked her fingers, which she gladly licked, eyeing him
wickedly. Then she bent to her knees, opened her mouth full, and took his cock deep
into her oral cavity.

"Aaahh!" Nadir Khan exclaimed. "Suck it fast, bitiya (daughter)".

Shabana quickened her movements. Her gestures were revealing her excitement. Of
course, she was loving it. Then suddenly Nadir Khan stopped her. She eyed him
curiously as if she had committed some mistake.

Nadir Khan motioned her to lie down. "I need to eat you," he expressed.

"Oh, sure." Shabana smiled.

She lay on her back, and Nadir Khan moved between her open legs. He began by
caressing her thighs and then touching her clit. He then put his mouth to her clit
and kissed it gently. Shabana couldn't help but let out an ecstatic cry. Nadir Khan
ate her pussy, sucking her clit as though he had been hungry for ages. Shabana's
salty juices were the most delicious drink he had ever had. He continued biting her

Shabana moaned,"Oooohhh God...I want you inside me. Please start fucking me now."

Nadir Khan quit the job. He placed his dick at the opening of her wet pussy and
slowly pushed it in. Shabana had never handled a fully erected cock so deep inside
her. She cried with pain, but Nadir Khan didn't stop. With a forceful thrust, he
slid his cock fully inside her and started moving it in and out. Shabana closed her
eyes in an effort to absorb the pain. Then, in a few seconds, the pain started to
settle down. Now she was fully enjoying Nadir Khan's thrusts. The father-in-law was
deeply and fully inside his daughter-in-law, trying to impregnate her with his
seed. Shabana's wrapped her legs around Nadir Khan's waist as he continued to fuck
her. They locked lips and were busy moving their tongues into each other's mouth.

"Ooooooohhh yeaass, fuck me hard, Abba jee ...I'm your slut," Shabana moaned
loudly. Her moans were acting as a catalyst, bringing more speed and force in Nadir
Khan's movements.

"I'm coming, aaaa yeaaahh!" Groaning, she hit orgasm and came of a man's cock for
the first time in her life.

She closed her eyes, smiling, and lay numb for a few moments, exhaling deep
breaths. Nadir Khan was still not even close to his first orgasm. Neither did he
look tired. Instead, gaining momentum with every thrust, he rammed Shabana's wet
pussy with unbelievable power for a man over seventy years of age. Shabana was now
feeling the heat again, and wanted to come more.

"You're such a good fucker, my janu (darling)!" she exclaimed.

Nadir Khan kept fucking her. Shabana's legs were dangling around his waist as he
mercilessly fucked her.

"Ooohh...I want to come again, honey," she grunted.

Nadir Khan fucked her with the full weight of his buttocks. Shabana felt a burning
hot rod inside her pussy. Nadir Khan was now near to coming and moved frantically.
But before he came, Shabana hit yet another orgasm.

"Yeeaaaaahhhhh...God!"she cried out loud and came once again.

At that very moment, Nadir Khan finally reached orgasm, releasing his hot cum deep
inside Shabana's pussy with a grunt as they both came together. Shabana felt Nadir
Khan's cock buried deep inside her pussy, discharging his sperm into her thirsty

They both lay naked and numb, gasping heavily for air. Then Nadir Khan rolled off,
taking his cum-soaked dick out of Shabana's drenched pussy.

Shabana sat up instantly and took it into her mouth, tasting and lapping the salty
cum off it. "It tastes wonderful." She smiled at Nadir Khan who seemed to be
enjoying the moment.

"I promise to make your every night full of excitement from now on", Nadir Khan
"And I'm gonna kill you if you skip a night," she mocked angrily, and they both
laughed. After a month, Shabana broke the good news to her father-in-law that she
was expecting his baby. Nadir Khan promised her he wouldn't let anyone point a
finger at Shabana asking about the father of the baby. And Shabana knew he would be
true to his word.

They kept fucking after that, almost every night for as long as Nadir Khan lived.
And Shabana gave birth to three more of Nadir Khan's babies.

My Indian Wife, Driver and Watchman

I wanted to show off my wife to other men. I wanted them to catch her boobs from
behind, kiss her navel, smell her armpits, lick her clitoris, sleep with her, and
hug her. I fantasized hiding and watching them secretly while they did all that.

When we travel together by train, due to the wind her saree goes off place and her
navel is exposed. Though I see it I wouldn't tell her. I wanted other guys to look
at her body. She falls off into deep sleep during the journeys and her palloo comes
down slightly which causes her cleavage to be visible. I do not wake her or cover
it myself. I act as if I didn't notice it. I let the guys around, even teenage boys
enjoy that sight.

I bring all my close friends home and make her wear transparent sarees to give a
visual treat to them. Some would openly tell me how sexy my wife is and I don't
mind that.

Harsha, my best friend is a sex maniac. He fantasizes about every girl. He is good
in nature every other aspect but he has a strong sexual drive. I want to watch
while someone does all nasty things to my wife so I fantasize about harsha doing
all that to my wife.

I take nude pics of her, distorting the face and I post them on the internet blogs
and forums. People make lewd comments about her body parts and measurements. That
gives me a kick. I shag reading all those. I share non nude pics of her as well but
ones which give an idea of her assets, shape size, etc. I enjoy it when some
stranger shags, looking at my wife's pics.

I encourage our watchman to help us in some of the house-cleaning activities. This

way I could fantasize him getting glimpses of her assets. I fantasize he would see
her cleavage when she bends and that would get erect and masturbate later thinking
about my wife.

I ask my car driver to teach her driving. I fantasize about the sparks that fly
when he touches my wife knowingly or un-knowingly.

My wife's name is Lavanya.

Here is the narration from Lavanya's point of view:

I want to show off my body to other men. I do it as if I'm showing it without my

knowledge and as if it happens accidentally. I drop my palloo knowingly, that,
other men would get glimpses of my navel and my boobs. I fantasize about my
husbands' friends, every one of them. I imagine being fucked deeply and madly by
every one of them, like group fuckings and orgies. My dreams are filled by them.
Even when my husband is riding me I think of his best friend harsha. Wow, he's got
a hairy chest and I've heard my husband say that he's a sex maniac. I imagine him
fucking me. When our watchman Ramu comes to help me do the household chores, I make
the most out of it.

I climb ladders wearing short skirts. I wear loose tops and I bend a lot showing
him my cleavage full length and I never make it look intentional. When we change
the bed covers I spend a lot of time standing opposite him bending down and giving
him a direct view of my juggling tits. Also, while we sweep the floor in the end,
half my saree and blouse would become wet due to my sweat while cleaning. Even he
drips sweat. We both can smell each other's sweat easily during those sessions as
we will be moving closely, and I love doing that. I give my old clothes to him to
give to his sisters and relatives. I give him my blouses and inner wear as well as
he's poor. Ramu has got a lean and muscular body. He is dark and extremely crude in
his acts. I like that. I want to be mauled by a rough savage like him. I planned
something to make him touch me.

I allow my car driver as well to touch me. I bend forward and let his elbow touch
my boobs and he understood me and started to touch my parts while teaching me but
we both did it as if it was done in course of teaching me and it was unintentional.
Later on I masturbated using brinjals thinking about him.

Here is story from Ramu's point of view:

Poor guy. He's got a lovely wife and he is leaving her to a rogue like me to feast
on. Man, awesome tits she's got on her top. I slurp whenever she bends. Poor thing,
she's very frank and open minded, little did she know about the pervert in me.

I catch good views of her panty clad ass when she climbs the ladder wearing short
skirts. She thinks I'm helping her but indeed she's helping me! I smell the clothes
she gives to me. I can

Hardly control my erection when she's around. Her navel is almost always visible
when she's in sarees or short tops. Whenever she lifts her hands up to grab a
bottle or hang on something, I'd take a look at her navel. It was deep and round,
felt like kissing it many times. Her legs are smooth and clean shaven. I get a good
view of her creamy white thighs when she's in her short skirts as her skirt flies
up and down due to the fan. I need to bang this bitch hard some day.

She has got long hair, it reaches her ass. When she walks her long plait swings
like a pendulum. She has got two big round globes on the behind: perfect ass
cheeks. They stop the movement of her hair plait from one side to the other, it's
like she's playing cricket: both her ass cheeks play with her plait, one ass cheek
hits her hair to the other end, when it reaches the far end, the other cheek holds
it for some time and then releases it. That gives the pendulum motion to her long
hair plait. I badly want to squeeze her ass cheeks hard.

Once I stood behind her intentionally and when she moved back my groin digged
straight into, her ass. I pushed my groin further as well, when she collided me; I
caught her waist and pulled her back further onto my dick. My dick entered half
between her ass cheeks. Later on, she moved forward and apologized. I enjoyed.

I wanted to watch her somehow while she's having a bath. The bathroom didn't have a
key hole. I was desperate. I stood near the door and could hear the sound of the
water hitting the floor. I know that she sits on a stool, a short one, and takes
her bath. I saw the door; it was having some gap in the bottom, about an inch
between the door and the floor. As she is bathing, some water came out from the
bathroom. I bent down to try to get a view from the bottom but couldn't see much.
Then science came into picture and blessed me. I could see her reflection in the
water. Yes, you can try that and see for yourself it works. I put my eye near the
door and viewed at 45 degrees and I could get a view of the inside. As it was
night, she turned on the bulb inside and that made her image clearly visible. I
could see my mam naked, though indirectly. That was enough for me to get hard. This
became a routine from that day onwards. I would watch her applying soap to her body
parts. her boobs, hands, legs. It was clear enough. That left me wanting more.

Even Raghu, my friend, the driver of the house tells me that he's been lucky with
madam. It seems he gets to touch her boobs while teaching her how to drive. Lucky
bastard. He always watches her midriff, area not covered by the saree, which faces
him as he sits towards her left. Even he digs her navel man. We both assess her
shapes all day when we are idling around and tell each other how we fantasize and
masturbate thinking about her.

One day I was lucky. Very lucky actually: That day was the first of the month. She
needs to give me the salary for the previous month. I knocked the door, and she
opened it. She was wearing a gorgeous green colored saree. She applied mehendi to
her hands and they were wet. I asked her for the salary and said that I don't have
money to buy the food items as well. She said her hands are busy and asked if it is
very urgent. I said yes. Then she asked to come in and close the door. I did.

She said "As I applied mehendi, I cannot use my hands. But you can take the money
with your hands" I said ok and asked where the money was. She said she had money at
two places. One was in the cupboard, which is locked now, the keys with her
husband. The other is her own personal money. She said she could now give her
personal money alone as she doesn't have the keys of the cupboard. I said ok.
Question: Where is that money?

She said "It is in my blouse" and she didn't look as if she was joking. I stood
stunned for a second there. I was about to say "I will wait until sir comes..." but
she interrupted and said "you can take that money for now".

She said "It is ok, as, the money is very urgent to you". I nodded, as if she was
right there. She asked me to come closer. I was hesitant but I did go near her. I
could smell her shampooed hair which was left loose.

"Remove my palloo down" she said and lifted her hands up.

I was not sure.

She signaled again.

My hands were shaking; I put them hesitantly over her left shoulder.

"It is pinned", I said.

She said she knew it, and added: "Remove it Ramu".

I put two fingers inside blouse near her shoulder. That made me touch her intimate
skin for the first time. She jerked upon my touch, involuntarily. I used both the
hands and removed the pin without hurting her.

I slowly brought the palloo down as my heart began to beat faster.

Out came her mangoes, hanging before me, waiting to be plucked. Her blouse clad
tits were now in front of me, inches away. I see the sweat near her armpits and
that part of the blouse was drenched. Her blouse was transparent enough to reveal
that she was wearing a white bra inside.
I turned my face away and asked her if it was ok to proceed.

She said she could have washed her hands and given it but she liked mehendi a lot.
I said "Please retain your mehendi. I will take the money myself".

"Hurry up then".

I didn't turn towards her but stretched my hands forward towards her blouse.
Obviously my positioning was not very right and I happened to grope her tit. "Ouch"
she shrieked. Ah, how soft her mound was. I said "sorry". "Better look and take",
she advised.

I turned towards her. I asked "which side is it?"


I put my hand over her bosom.

There was not much of a gap for my hand to enter in. I looked at her and said I
can't put my hand as there is no gap. she smiled and said casually" remove a button
or two".

I was not sure. "Do it if you want your money". I caught her blouse top with both
hands my palms feeling her tits and released the first hook of the blouse. Out came
her cleavage into view and some fresh air for her tits.

I removed another and I came to know she had a mole on her left tit. I looked up
into the air and inserted my hand inside from the top of her blouse; fingers first,
over her left one. My hand was over her tit now I gently grasped her tit to assess
the size and shape. It was firm and round like a ripe mango. She said the money is
in the bra. I looked at her and she turned away in shyness. I now pulled my hand
out and kept it now inside the bra. I entered heaven. My dick was tearing my
underwear by now. I touched her nipple with my finger tip and it became erect. She
arched her back and thrust her tit further towards me. Her tit was crushed in my
hand now. It felt warm. I could feel the currency notes on one end but I didn't
take them immediately. I delayed my movements there. I was searching on the other
end of her tit and feeling her boob fully. I was tweaking her nipples with my
finger tip movements from side to side. Her nipple now became erect and it stood up

I bet her pussy juices were flowing by now. She said the money is on the other end.
"Oh, I see".

I now moved my hand and felt the notes. While trying to grasp the notes I grabbed
her tit and gave it a squeeze. "aghh" she let out a sound and showed pain and lust
in her eyes.

I said sorry and pulled out my hands with the currency. Her face was red now. I
stood there staring at her tits. She said "Cover me up now and leave before my
husband comes. He may think otherwise".

"What otherwise", I was thinking while I buttoned her blouse and adjusted her tits
back in place and covered her palloo as well. "Thanks mam for giving the money
immediately". She half blushed and looking down said now go and do your shopping. I
left and started my shagging.

Coming back to 'My' thoughts:

Being her husband, I feel I own her. She's mine. I can do whatever I want with her.
I decide to give a practical turn to my fantasies. Enough dreaming let me really
see and shag while someone's does those things to her. I carefully hatch a master

One day I take my wife to a friend's party. It is a wild party with dance and
disco. My wife doesn't drink liquor, so she resorted to soft drinks and was dancing
with girls. I put my plan into action. I drugged her drinks with date-rape drugs
which give an unconscious state but wouldn't make victims totally asleep/passed
out. They just wouldn't remember anything done to them that night.

Then I call my driver Raghu. I tell him that my wife drank a lot and fell asleep
and I can't go now from the party and you need to drop her home. Not just take her
home but take her inside the house and make her lie in the AC bedroom and I asked
him to wait outside the house that night as security and that I would come back in
the morning as the dance party goes all night.

Raghu asks how he should take her inside the house. Then I assure him that she
would wake up when they reach home. I put her in the rear seat and ask him to start
for home. I put her palloo almost on the edge so that it would go off place during
the journey for sure.

Raghu takes her home.

Raghu speaks:

I think this is my day. My dream babe in a transparent saree, all drunk, and me
escorting her home, alone. God, I thank you for this.

During mid way, I take a look into the rear view mirror. I now need to slow down my
car or else I cannot concentrate on my driving. That bitch has lost the palloo from
her top. Her mangoes are hanging in free air. They are half exposed and ripe. Man,
they are erect. Her blouse is so transparent that her bra outline is distinctly
visible even from the rear view mirror.

I take her home, shut down the car and get down. I open the rear door. I just stare
at her for some time. Lovely. She's now lying flat on the rear seat, her cleavage
facing me.

I call out, in a bleak voice, 'madam...', 'madam...'

No response. I call a little louder but not too loud. No use. I gently tap her
shoulder and call her again. She's in dead sleep. No movement at all. I don't know
what to do now.

Sir has given me the house keys as well. I can't take my eyes off her cleavage. I
take courage and bring my hands towards her boobs. I gently rest my hand over one
of her mounds. My hand moves up and down due to her breathing. It feels like a
sponge. I squeeze it. Heavenly. I put both my hands on her tits now and cup them
entirely. I squeeze both of them gently. Ahh. My I can feel pre cum roll deep
insdie my pants. I now press them very hard and start calling her name to see if
she wakes up.

She does, but not fully.

'Madam, please get up'.

'Umm, what'.

'Please get up,' ... "yes, like this"..., I give support to her back and help her
get up.

"Please come out of the car".

She comes out slowly but she could not stand firm, she almost trips and falls to
one side.

I catch her by placing my hands on her tummy. I touch her bare tummy as her palloo
falls down. I lift her up and she now falls over my chest, her chest crushing mine.

Ah, nice smell.

Her head lies on my shoulder and her body weight on mine. I hesitantly lay my hands
around her, almost hugging her, but not yet. I think for a moment, but hormones
take control and I press her hard into me. Ahhh. Bliss. So soft, her curves.

I lay my arms over her shoulders and ask her to walk. She walks like a drunkard,
tripping. I put one arm of her over my shoulder and take her forward. Her one
breast crushed into my chest. My other hand over her waist. I insert one finger
into her navel as well. ahh. Lucky me.

I open the door and lift her off the ground grabbing her just beneath her ass
cheeks. I carry her like how Shahrukh Khan carries Priety Zinta in the movie Veer
Zaara. She's not light by any means. I plant a kiss on her forehead.

I move into the master bedroom and drop her on the bed. Off she goes and rolls to
one side.

Her saree half gone now.

I rush, close the main door and hurry back. I switch on the AC and close all the
windows. Then I turn on the lights to see my darling up-close. I get very confident
now that she wouldn't get up and it doesn't matter now even if she does. I turn her
so that she's lying flat on the bed. I remove her saree palloo to the side and lean
on to her body. I jump on to the bed beside her.

I go down towards her navel and move my face closer towards it, put my lips on her
navel and give her a deep kiss there. I nibble it with my nose. She smells good.

I move up. Two mountains obstruct my movement. I get up and take a look at her
face. She's so fucking cute. I go near her face and put my lips on her hot luscious
lips, her hot breath hits me.

I lock my lips on hers and give her a smooch. Her blouse clad tits touch my chest.
Kissing her, I grab her left tit and start massaging it. She moaned. I stop
smooching and stay still like.

She lays hands over me and turns to the side and drops one leg over me. I put move
my face closer to hers and move towards her neck. I kiss her on the neck and she
moans again.

Is she awake?

Ah, it doesn't matter. I keep kissing her neck all over. I smell the fragrance she
emanates. Lovely bitch. I kiss her cleavage and smell her aroma there. I remove her
blouse hooks. I lift her up slightly and remove her bra hooks which are on her
backside. I lift the bra up on the front and uncover her boobs bringing them to my
view. She has got light pink nipples. I stop my urge to pounce on them and bite
them wildly. I observe them closely, then open my mouth wide and cover her right
aureole and start sucking her right boob while tweaking her left nipple.

She makes a noise and now puts her hand over my head. And pushes me closer, into
her. you slut. I lift her left hand up and put my face in her armpit. Exotic smell.
I kiss her there and lick her armpit and her sweat. I lick her boobs, both, one by
one, without leaving a single inch. I take the nipple between my teeth and bite it

I then move down, pull her saree up and drag her panty down. Her pussy juices are
flowing already. I lick her pussy clean. I spread her legs wide and sit near her
legs. I bend down and get my head between her thighs and take a look at the
marvelous architecture.

Her pussy is clean shaven. I part the pussy lips and flick the tip of her clitoris.
That makes her locks her legs crushing my head between her soft thighs.

I kiss her thighs and stay like that for a couple of seconds.

I part her legs again and kiss her inner thighs.

I move towards her pussy and start kissing her pussy all over. I lick it from down
to up. I spread her lips and start licking the inner walls of her reddish pink
pussy. I tongue fuck for some time and cannot wait any longer, my dick is aching
for a fuck.

I bring her hands over it and she grabs it hard and starts squeezing it. Wow. I
start massaging her boob and kiss her lips again. I get up and lift her head
slightly. I put my legs beside her, near her armpits and sit near her face. I lean
over her, and open her mouth and insert my uncovered dick, by pulling its foreskin
back, into her mouth. I start fucking her mouth. She closes her lips and starts
sucking me. I look at her, her eyes are closed.

It is a great feeling to get your dick sucked by a beauty like her. I mercilessly
fuck her mouth hard. She now opens her eyes and starts to say something but she
cannot so I stop and take out my dick. She's gasping for air. She gets up and sits
now. I hug her and put my arms around her. She rolls over and falls on top of me,
crushing her tits on to my chest. I make her sit on me and start massaging her
tits. I lift her by her waist and carefully insert my erect dick onto her pussy
entrance. I make her sit down now, in goes my dick as she comes down onto me. I
finally entered my mam. I rock her and she takes on the movement and starts
rocking. I grab her tits and start pressing them. She's riding my dick like a horse
and moaning.

She suddenly leans over and starts kissing me. Wow. She doesn't really know it's
me, her driver. She's in a drugged state, but she's wild. I make her lie down and
lift her legs. I now enter her forcing my dick and start ramming her forcefully.
She starts screaming and I continue ramming. The sound is loud now. Ah ah ah ah ah.
um um um. thap thap. My groin hitting hers. I cum inside her without thinking much
and collapse on top of her.

Dream come true, I think, and start licking her nipples and start sucking her boob.
I take my dick out and start wiping the cum off her pussy flapping it on her pussy.
I look at the time. It's early morning. I hurry up. I should dress her up somehow
putting everything in place.

Then, I get an idea. I get my cell phone and start taking pics of her nude, some
pics along with me nude. I smile sheepishly, dress her up and leave. I call Sir and
he says he's on the way home and enquires about his wife. I say she's fast asleep
and didn't trouble me at all. He says good job. I smile.
I come out to see it watchman Ramu saw any of this. Poor fellow, he's sleeping as

Now coming back to me, will continue the story from my point of view:

My driver Raghu thought I was poor chap and gave her to him unknowingly. Little did
he know this was planned and that I was watching him all the while from the three
hidden cameras which I placed in the bedroom. I shagged thoroughly, thrice, while
he was enjoying my wife, Lavanya.

I should offer her to Ramu as well sometime. I go into the room and start fucking
my wife madly. I enter the pussy which was filled with Raghu's cum and I fill her
again. She's on a pill anyway. If she gets up she will think she had sex with me
all night.

I will continue the story in my next post. I need feedback from you, the reader. I
am a single, horny guy. This story is purely a fantasy. Any girls and women who
stay in Chennai may contact me for fun talk or for discreet pleasure seeking. Do
mail me at the address in my profile

The Story of Raj Ch. 01

There are bad days, and there are bloody bad days. Sita was having a bloody bad

She seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Or was it
last night? Her kids were sick. She had been up all night looking after them. Her
husband didn't care. He snored away blissfully as she struggled to keep the linen
dry. Her rage towards her husband steadily rose until the bubble burst and they got
into a huge squabble in the morning.

And this was probably the biggest day of her life. She was about to be promoted to
Group Head, Inter-Company Affairs. Like only women can, she discharged all her
domestic duties and got to office by her usual time.

Everything was in slow motion. Her head hurt. Lack of sleep always did that. She
had popped in a couple of pills. They were starting to work though not nearly as
fast as she would like them to. As if her hands were not full enough, there was
some crisis in one of the companies in Europe that chose to break out today.

By the time she solved the crisis and looked up at the clock, it was almost 5
o'clock. She freshened up quickly for her small promotion ceremony. She did all the
right things -- smile, shake hands, convey gratitude, etc. -- and moved into her
new office. She sat down at her new desk, trying to get used to the place when she
was finally left alone. Sleep overcame her almost instantly.

At 34 Sita was a mother of two, not that you could tell that from the way she
looked. At about 5'6", she was tall for an Indian woman. She was endowed with a
flawless ivory skin, and soft and pink lips that are any man's dream. Her black
hair was cut a little below her shoulders which she usually left open. Post
delivery, she had quickly gotten back into shape but had managed to retain some of
that weight in the right places. Her bust line was now very prominent, and her
derriere had filled out to just the right size.
Raj was on his way out when he saw the light spilling out of Sita's cabin. He
popped in and saw her face down on her desk fast asleep. For the first time, she
appeared vulnerable. She was a far cry from the Sita who could kick a crisis in its
face and move on as if she had simply swatted a fly.

Sita and Raj and become good friends. He was a new hire and she had taken him under
her wings. She was too far up the hierarchy to have any obligation to mentor a
fresh recruit. But she had seen something in this guy. He was unlike the hundreds
who waltzed in through the door of her office. With her guidance, she had a feeling
he could rise to the top very quickly.

Sita maintained a curtain of formality with him. She never invited him home, and
all their discussions took place in her office. She kept her personal life at bay.
Yet, at this moment, watching her sleep like a baby he somehow connected with her
very personally.

He tried to wake her up. She did not respond to his calls. She was quite deep in
her sleep. Not knowing what else to do, he decided to wait in her office until she
woke up.

Around 2 in the morning, she got up with a start. Her usually well-set hair was
dishevelled. Her clothes were wrinkled, eyes groggy.

"Morning Madam!" he greeted her with a smile.

It took her a while to clear the cobwebs in her head, "Raj, what are you doing
here? I thought you were the only sane one among us who left office at 6 every

"Ah well, I was on my way out. I saw your light still on. What's a man to do? Can't
leave a lady alone." he winked.

"Thank you" she was genuinely touched. It was more than anyone had done for her in
a long time. Then she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no! My kids must be hungry!"

He waved his hand, "I took the liberty of calling your nanny, Madam. Your kids have
had dinner and are tucked in bed. They are in much better health today."

She sank back into her chair in relief, "Thank you."

She did not have to say that. He could see the gratitude in her eyes. Slowly she
got up and went to her private restroom. She came back looking fresh and radiant.
He was not fooled. Her eyes told him everything. This woman had a lot on her plate.

"I guess we should go home now." she said, "It's late, and we have the 9 o'clock
meeting tomorrow with the investors."

"No, we don't. They cancelled. Some last minute audit or something that they have
at their office. They want to reschedule it next week."

She looked at him quizzically. She knew he had made that cock and bull story. She
didn't give a damn. It would do her good to take the day off tomorrow. And Raj was
capable enough by now to have the meeting without her.

"Oh well. That means I can sleep in tomorrow." she said, "Let's go!"

He hesitated a bit. He always hesitated a bit when he was about to say something
which he felt would cross the line. She respected him for this. There were not many
people these days who followed protocol. It was nice to have a traditionalist

"Go, on!" she said, "What do you want to say?"

"I am starved. So are you. How about I make us some dinner, Madam?" he asked.

"Okay Raj, I think it is time you stopped calling me 'Madam'. Don't make me feel
older than I already am." she beamed.

"But..." he stammered.

"Consider it a bribe. Then you can make me dinner." she said.

"Okay Sita, let's go!"

They were at his place in about 10 minutes. It was a one bedroom apartment with a
fairly large living area and a kitchen. The apartment was done up tastefully.

Dinner was a quick bite of pasta. It was delicious. Or may be she was famished.
This was the best food ever.

Then suddenly, tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't stop. All her problems --
domestic and otherwise -- finally caught up with her.

Any other time, he would have felt awkward. He wouldn't know how to react. But he
almost knew that this would happen. He reached out to her and she instantly came
into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulders and cried. She cried as if this
was the most natural thing to do. He stroked his fingers through her hair,
comforting her, not saying a word.

Her tears rolled down her cheek and onto his starched white shirt. He let her cry
until she had no more tears left. He made her a stiff drink as they sat on his
couch in silence.

After an eternity she spoke, "You know, things have not been that great with my
husband. We are having problems. I am sure we will work them out but it is all so
frustrating. He has lost all interest in me. He does not even help me around the
house anymore. He is not like this. But he wouldn't tell me what is wrong. I want
to help. He doesn't want to ask for my help. I know he is not having an affair. He
is not unfaithful. May be it is something at his work. But why wouldn't he tell me?
It is eating me inside."

She took a gulp of her drink, "May be it is me. May be I am not attractive anymore.
I am a mother of two kids. And in his line of work, he comes across many 20-
somethings. He has been ignoring me for weeks now. Why? I am his wife. He cannot
shut me out like this!"

Raj didn't say anything. She kept on talking. She just needed someone to listen to
her. She was strung. This was helping her unwind.

"Do all marriages become like this? More so after kids?" she fumed, "Where does all
the love go?"

What did Raj know? He was 26, single. Had never been in a relationship longer than
necessary, which in guy-speak means 'to be in a relationship only as long as the
sex is good'. Tonight, as Sita poured his heart out to him, he wondered if marriage
was all that it was made out to be in fairy tales.
Then something gave. He did not know what came over him, but her vulnerability
stirred him. He moved close to her and planted a soft kiss on her mouth. There was
no resistance. Her lips opened instantly, their tongues engaging in soft caresses.
Her eyes were closed, her breath shallow.

His tongue traced a path down her neck, his fingers unbuttoning her blue blouse.
Reaching behind her, he unclasped her blue lace bra. She let out a moan as he moved
lower down to her belly button. Soon her khaki skirt and matching lace underwear
were off.

Raj had been with his share of women. But Sita would be the closest that came to a
Goddess. Her velvety thighs and supple breasts would inspire the great sculptors of
yore. He carried her to the bedroom. She held him close, not wishing to let go for
even a moment.

Their naked bodies fused as one. It was the mating of souls. It was as if they had
always done this. And that they had never done this but should have done it a long
time ago. Spent, they slept in each other's arms.

Sita woke up with a start the following morning. The bedside clock told her it was
noon. When she had her bearings, she looked around. Raj was nowhere to be seen. Had
last night been a dream? It couldn't be. She was in his bed, and the other side had
been slept in. As memory of last night returned, strangely it did not fill her with
guilt or remorse. It was the most beautiful moment that she had ever shared with

Her eyes fell on the note under the clock.

She read it, "Hey, sleepy head... I am at work. Guess what, those investors called.
It appears they want to have the meeting as scheduled. These pesky finance geeks!
Anyway, there is breakfast in the microwave, and juice in the fridge. In your
purse, there is a receipt of The Palace Hotel for a room booked in your name
charged on your credit card for last night..."

"How did he pull that off?" she wondered. Getting The Palace to book a room
retrospectively? She had to hand it to him. He had thought of everything. All she
now had to do was tell her husband that she checked into a hotel because she wanted
to get some peace and quiet.

With a silent thank you she continued reading the letter, "... What we shared was
wonderful. And, since this letter won't self-destruct, may I suggest you flush it
down the toilet :)? PS: Madam, the boss wants to discuss the expansion plans in
Brazil. I have set a meeting for 4pm. If you could get to office by 3:30 then I
could brief you on the investor meeting before we meet the boss."

She couldn't help let out a chuckle. Very professionally, towards the end of his
letter, he had re-established the formal status quo between them.

The Story of Raj Ch. 02

Sita walked into her office around 3. Many moons had passed since she felt this
good on a Friday. Actually, many moons had passed since she felt this good. Period.

She had put on white trousers that accentuated her curvaceous 38 inches behind.
They fit her like a second skin, hugging the contours of her round ass with no hint
of a panty line. Her white cotton top was barely long enough to cover her mid-riff.
An extra button left undone showed a little more cleavage than she normally would.
The blouse barely managed to restrain her ample breasts. Her shoulder-length hair
was open. She had a song on her lips and a spring in her step. The world appeared
absolutely wonderful this afternoon.

Sita knew there would be tons of emails awaiting her attention. Any other day she
would have logged in the moment she sat at her desk. Heck, any other day she would
not have come to work at 3 either. Today, the emails could wait. She wanted to
relive last night over and over again.

She couldn't remember how it started. She could recall her talking on and on about
her problems. Raj was a brilliant listener. She had poured her heart out to him
when suddenly she was in his arms and they were kissing. Oh, it was wrong. She was
married. She had two kids. He was 10 years younger. He was her subordinate at work.
But oh, it felt so right!

His lips were soft, his tongue passionate. He ran his fingers through her hair as
he kissed her. He held her face in his arms as he kissed her. He caressed her
buttocks as he kissed her. He cupped her breasts as he kissed her. God, he could do
so many things while he kissed her!

Sita felt her nipples harden as recollections of last night flashed through her
mind. She leaned back in her chair, her legs slightly parted, her eyes closed.

Raj had taken her top and bra off. She was in his lap. They were kissing topless.
She loved every movement of his hands on her smooth back. He was slowly working up
the intensity, kissing her neck and shoulders with a feverish desire. His mouth
closed on her left nipple. His fingers moved in slow circles over her right nipple.

She had not been made love to this way in a very long time. Her breath was shallow.
Her heart beat faster. His dual play on her breasts was bringing her close to an
orgasm. This was new territory to her. She never thought an orgasm was possible by
breast play alone. She stopped thinking. She let go. His tongue expertly switched
from one breast to another. His hands cupped those soft luscious globules
heightening her pleasure. He built it up to a crescendo when finally the dam burst
and she collapsed on him. Motionless she lay for a few minutes, recovering from the
intensity of the orgasm that had ripped through her body.

"Mam, are you okay?"

She was jolted back into reality. Her secretary had suddenly appeared in her cabin.
Sita's face was flushed.

"Yes, I am fine! What made you think something was wrong?" she asked.

"Umm, I heard a muffled scream from your cabin. So I came in to check" the hapless
secretary answered.

"Obviously, you are mistaken. I have been here all this while and I heard nothing."

Sita was not exactly sure if her secretary was convinced. But she shrugged and left
her cabin.

Phew, did she actually orgasm just thinking about last night? This was an absolute
first. There were beads of perspiration in the valley between her succulent
breasts. She put her hand inside her pants. God, her pussy was soaked! A fine day
to wear white pants, she thought.

Thankfully, it was almost 3:30 which meant Raj would be in shortly to brief her on
the goings on of the day before the meeting with the big boss. She went into her
private restroom and splashed cold water on her face. She toyed with the idea of
putting on a darker pair of trousers. Not today. She felt like a teenager, feeling
that youthful sexy naughtiness which had deserted her for years.

Like clockwork, Raj walked in. He was always on time. There was a standing joke in
the office that the 9 o'clock news could be delayed but Raj wouldn't be.

They exchanged pleasantries and got down to business. As usual, he was to the point
- neither saying too little nor saying too much. But Sita was not into it. She
could not shake last night off. Sitting across Raj she was a little annoyed that he
could be so business-like with her. Did last night mean nothing to him? He could
have at least mentioned something. May be a remark about how she looked. All he
spoke about was business. It was frustrating.

"Mam, it is almost 4. We should head to his office." Raj said.

Mechanically, she obeyed.

The meeting started off well. Raj was good. She hardly had to speak, which was just
as well. She was in no frame of mind to do this meeting. Her mind kept wandering
back to last night.

Raj was carrying her into the bedroom. Her pants were off, her white creamy thighs
reflecting the moonlight. Raj sucked on her big toe while he pulled her panties
down. Her pussy was not as well trimmed as she would have wanted it to be. If Raj
was disappointed, he did not let it show.

His tongue traced a path from her feet up toward her thighs and finally settled in
her love nest. His tongue flicked over her clitoris. The foreplay had warmed her
well. Going down on her pushed her over the edge. She had already been over the
edge a couple of times tonight. This one almost blanked her out.

He snuggled in naked next to her, his hardness pressing against the crack of her
ass. She wiggled, pushing her ass further into him. Taking that as a signal to go
further, he slipped a condom on and slid into her easily. She was dripping wet.

Sita let out a moan as her insides stretched to accommodate Raj. She hadn't had a
man in her for an eternity. Raj began moving in and out of her. They were on their
sides, Raj making love to her from behind. This way he could feel her breasts or
rub her clitoris while he fucked her brains out.

He was an expert lover. Either he had been with many women or he had been with one
woman who had taught him well. At this point, Sita did not care. Raj's hard manhood
was engulfed inside her, giving her the pleasures she had all but forgotten. For a
26 year old, he had tremendous staying power. Heck, no! For a man, he had
tremendous staying power.

Sita had never strayed. Sure she had had her fair share of men before marriage. But
since then she was a one-man woman. Her husband was a good lover. He gave her
orgasms most times they had sex. Strangely, though, Raj and her making love did not
feel weird.

Raj was on top of her, her hips moving in rhythm with his thrusts. She had wrapped
her long legs around him, pulling him in deeper. She could feel him hit the walls
of her womb every now and then. Her orgasm was building. Raj sensed it. His tongue
darted into her mouth as they locked in a passionate kiss. He increased the pace.
She was close. He was close.

He felt her body spasm. At the exact moment, he withdrew. The sudden withdrawal
sent another orgasmic shudder through her. In a flash, he took the condom off and
ejaculated all over her flat stomach. Some of the drops landed as far as her

She closed her eyes, drifting peacefully into post-orgasmic sleep. Sita was in

"Ahem!" the big boss gave her a quizzical look.

Sita had gone down memory lane again. Her legs were open as her breath came in
shallow spurts. One look at her and Raj knew she was having an orgasm. For once,
Raj was clueless. He could not think of a way to salvage this situation. The
meeting had gone off well. Until now.

They waited for Sita to come to. Sita realised almost instantly that a repeat of
the earlier incident had occurred. She did not know what to say. There was an
awkward silence for a long time. Eventually, the big boss spoke.

"Looks like you have had a tough week, Sita. Why don't we stop here and take this
up on Monday?"

Sita could have kissed the man. No other boss would give this much latitude.

The big boss asked Raj to stay back for a word. When they were alone, he spoke.

"Raj, don't bullshit me because I already know. There is a reason I am where I am.
Information gets to me before it gets to anyone else. I know Sita went home with
you last night. I know she left your place after noon. What's going on? Should I be

Raj cleared his throat and kept his voice level, "Sir, what happened last night was
a one-off occurrence. It was a result of the circumstances. As far as her husband
is concerned, all bases are covered. He does not know. If you look the other way,
there is no reason to worry about a scandal breaking."

"Okay. But let me not catch you balling my best people next time. I don't want
working relationships to get screwed over one-night stands."

Raj nodded and left.

Sita was waiting for him when he entered her office. She opened her mouth to speak.
He cut her off.

"Mam, I know what's going through your mind. But do you really think there is any
more to what happenned last night? It will destroy our careers. More than that, it
will destroy your family. We were two people brought together by circumstances.
Let's leave it there and cherish the moment for the rest of our lives."

He was gone before she could respond. Sita was furious at him. She lit a cigarette
and started pacing up and down her office. In a few minutes when she had regained
her faculties of logic, she realised he was right.

When Sita got home she was pleasantly surprised by the change in her husband. One
night away from her had made him see that all was not well in their marriage. He
was making a genuine effort to work things out between them. Sita decided she had
to work with him to save their marriage.

The Story of Raj Ch. 03

It was past 7 when Raj wrapped up for the weekend. He was almost a leg out of the
office building when he remembered something which should be brought to the notice
of Mr. Kumar, the big boss. Cursing under his breath, he ran up the four flights of
stairs to Mr. Kumar's cabin.

He always took the stairs. He figured that it was a good way to stay in shape since
he was not a gym person. It seemed to work too. Though not muscularly built, there
was not an extra ounce of fat on his lithe body. He especially prided his tight
derriere. A fine specimen that was. Many a woman, and more than his fair shaire of
men as well, had been unable to resist copping a feel of those perfect buns. He
quite liked the attention.

This late in the day the office was a ghost town. As he made his way through the
empty hallways, Raj could not help but look forward to an evening of rest and much
needed relaxation. The last 48 hours had been a whiz. He found his thoughts
drifting towards that night with Sita, her fragrance intoxicating him as their
bodies intertwined in a passionate frenzy. He could taste the sweat on her pink
nipples, feel her hot breath on his face. Her wrapped around his waist held him in
a vice-like grip, her sex milking him dry. She was all woman.

He shook the thoughts off. He had a couple of minutes of business to attend to. Mr.
Kumar's secretary greeted him in his outer office. She was a nice woman, Cheryl.
Big, buxom. Her blouses always filled out the right way.

"Is the boss in?" Raj enquired.

"Yes. Go right in. I was just about to leave. So you won't see me on your way out.
Have a great weekend!" and with that she picked up her handbag and jaunted out,
shaking her butt in ample measure for his viewing pleasure.

This was odd, he thought. In all his time at the company, he had never seen Mr.
Kumar's door closed. He was one of those new breed of managers who believed in
open-door policies. Perhaps it was closed my mistake by a rookie who did not know
better. He thought no further of it and walked in. He should have knocked.

Mr. Kumar was your typical average Indian male on the wrong side of 50. He had a
beer belly, courtesy of fine whiskey. He was less than 5 and a half feet tall, and
about half as much round. He had very fair skin, the kind one gets by not having to
get out in the sun for 20 years or more.

For some reason which Raj could never put his finger on, everyone in the
organisation revered him. They latched on to his every word as if he was Moses
himself. He cracked silly jokes, which everyone found supremely funny. And he was
obsessed with penis size. Every second joke or remark or quip from him had phallic
references. Being as high up the ladder that he was, he could get away with
utterances that would otherwise have been most inappropriate.

He was usually quite badly dressed. For a man whose trousers probably cost more
than Raj's salary, this was bizzare. His clothes never fit him well. On occasions,
Raj had almost advised him to change his tailor. Raj would have done anything to
get the man to drop those trousers!

And dropped them today he had. Raj never imagined his wish would literally come
true. A sight it was! Mr. Kumar leant against the window ledge, his trousers down
to his ankles, his penis in his hands, eyes closed. He was most certainly
fantasising of Sita while he masturbated. His hands moved up and down furiously.
Had he been uncut, surely such rapid movement would have scraped his penis.

Despite himself, Raj let out a silent laugh. He was quick on his feet. Took out his
cellphone and clicked a few pictures. They would surely come in handy someday. Then
his eyes fixed on his penis. He was quite small. Large enough to please a woman if
he knew what he had to do but small for all other reasons. Raj finally understood
the man's fixation with penis size. It was his inferiority masquerading as
superiority. Raj's smile broadened into a grin.

It was less than two minutes when Raj heard him let out a gutteral moan. His cock
spluttered and shot out a few drops of semen, some of it almost landing as far as
Raj's shoes.

Finally, Mr. Kumar opened his eyes. To his credit, he did not flinch. It was as if
this was not the first time he was caught with his pants down. He zipped up non-

"Yes, what brings you here?" he asked.

Raj played along. If Mr. Kumar wanted to pretend nothing happened, then Raj could
too. For now at least.

"The Brazillian contracts. We hear the government might go with the other fellows.
I thought you shoud get a heads up." Raj said.

Mr. Kumar's burrows furrowed. This was an important contract. He had bid big. It
was either going to make or break the company.

"Why don't you sit down and tell me everything you know?"

Raj started at the beginning. Mr. Kumar listened intently. He even asked him to
share his views on the matter. Mr. Kumar was not known to do that with rookies. It
was his way of welcoming someone into the big league. Raj did not know what gave
him that privilege. He was too young. Was it a bribe to keep things quite? Or did
Mr. Kumar reward him for his ability? He did not know. And frankly, did not care.

"Tell you what" Mr. Kumar said when they finished the discussion "why don't you
come over to my place around midnight? I have a small party. We could discuss this

Raj knew Mr. Kumar well enough to spot a bribe when he saw one. Small parties at
his place only meant the top brass was invited. For a newbie, this was the chance
of a lifetime. Of course he said yes.

It was almost 8 when he got home. Four hours to the party. He took his clothes off
and hit the sack. He wanted to be fresh and at his intellectual best.

He dressed in casual black slacks and a dark blue button-down. Like clock-work, he
joined the party at midnight.

He was overwhelmed. This was his first high class party. It was a small gathering.
About 10 people, all of them people who matter. He could not take his eyes off the
women. They were all class � dames in evening wear that clung to their bodies like
a second skin. Good thing he left his shirt tails hanging out.

"Welcome, Raj" Mr. Kumar greeted. He went on to introduce him to his guests. No one
had ever seen Mr. Kumar do that. For this moment on, Raj was his prodigy. He was
making everyone else knew that.

He met the chairman and his wife, the MD and his wife, the VP and his wife and
another couple he had never seen before. All the wives were ravishing. He almost
drooled over on particular wife.
She had caught his eye the moment he walked in. Sitting atop the bar stool, her
perfect ass called out to him. Her evening gown was backless, the back so low that
it showed the top of her butt-crack. She was a dark-skinned Indian woman, about 30
with long black thick hair. Her body seemed the work of the finest sculptor, her
cleavage deep and inviting, her breasts full and supple. And what a smile! When she
smiled, she became the only person in the room. Her radiance reflected off the
walls. Her even straight white teeth drawing you. He never got her name. She was
the other half of that couple he had never seen before.

As the evening wore off, Raj started becoming his normal self. His composure
started to return. He was no longer over-awed by the occasion. He started noticing
things. And one thing he did notice was the MD's wife checking him out. She was a
woman in her 40s, plump with large tits and a big ass. She dressed like a woman in
her 20s which meant most of her tits and ass were out on display. She still
retained traces of her youthful beauty. Raj knew that bedding her was easy. He did
not wish to bed her, though. His thoughts were still on that woman at the bar.

He tried to think of ways to get her. He drew a blank. After he had spent what was
a reasonable span of time for a rookie to spend at such parties, he had no choice
but to bid goodbyes.

"Hold on!" someone called after him as he opened the door to his car "I was
wondering if you could give me a ride? My husband is still in there but I am bored
to bits."

Holy smoke! It was the woman he was lusting after. There was a God, and She was
being very good to him lately.

"Sure, hop in!" he managed to say.

When they hit the road, she asked "Do you even know where I live?"

"No." he said "Does it matter?

"I like you, Raj. You dispense with the pretences and go straight after what you
want. I knew it the moment you set your eyes on my ass."

"I knew you knew. But tell me something. What does a woman like you want to do with
a man like me?" Raj questioned.

"You said it yourself, Raj. And self-fulfilling though it was, you got it spot on.
A woman needs a man. Not some excuse in man's clothing. Once in a while, we just
want to let our hair down and get on with it."

Raj understood. She was in love with her husband. There was no doubt over it. But
she was a woman. And hell, there was no doubt over that! In the bright beam of the
on-coming car he heard her hard breathing, her breasts moving with every intake and
outtake of the air she breathed. Her legs had parted. The slit of her gown ran all
the way up to her crotch. In the darkness he could still make out the moistness
between her legs. She wasn't wearing any panties tonight.

Raj did not ask her her name. There was no point in such petty contrivances. If she
wanted him to know who she was then she would have told him. The rest of the car
ride was spent in silence.

He pulled into his driveway. They were like teenagers on their first night
together, literally running up the stairs to his first floor apartment. He had just
about managed to lock the door when she melted into his arms, her head resting
against his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel the heat of her
loins flowing into his. Her breathing was erratic. Beads of perspiration appeared
on the valley between her breasts. Those magnificent globules!

He held her head in his hands and drew her mouth to his. Her breath was fresh,
despite the late hour in the day. Their tongues fought each other vying for the
right to explore the deepest caverns of the other's mouth. She closed her arms
around him tighter, squeezing him hard enough to make it an effort for him to

He unzipped her dress. She let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. They did
not stop kissing for one second. She pressed her naked body against him, her smooth
dark skin rubbing against the fine cotton fabric of his shirt. He put his hands
under her bottoms and lifted her straight off he floor. She wrapped her legs around
his waist, and her arms around her neck as they went to the bedroom.

Her buns were smooth, and they were hard. She worked out. Every muscle in her body
was toned. He threw her on the bed. He never undressed faster. He was hard, hard
has rock. His heightened state of arousal pleased her. She opened her legs,
welcoming him. He lay himself on top of her.

Further foreplay was irrelevant. He touched her pubes. She was dripping wet. She
was also freshly shaven. Raj had respect for women who did that. It showed they
cared for the man.

Without further ado he mounted her, shoving all of himself into her in one thrust.
She let out a yelp, pain or pleasure he could not tell. Her insides engulfed him
like a sheath engulfs a sword. He waited a while to get used to her tightness. He
had to take it slow. He was too far gone.

Their union began slow. With every movement of his hips her moans grew louder. He
placed soft kisses on her neck and shoulders. His hands cupped her beautiful
breasts, her dark nipples standing erect like little black phalluses. Her nails dug
into his back, scratching him, almost branding him with her marks of passion. It
was almost as if she owned him tonight, and she was writing a message for any other
woman he would be with in the near future.

The pain of her nails mixed with the pleasure of his impending orgasm. He went at
her like a runaway train, ramming into her like a man possessed. She met every
thrust of his by moving her hips further into him. Suddenly he saw her eyeballs
roll to he back of her sockets. Her toes curled as a blood-curling scream escaped
her throat. She almost yanked his penis clean off as her nether lips tightened
further, her orgasm ripping across her body, lighting his fire in the process. He
came bucketfuls. She came like the flood. They collapsed, their naked bodies in a
sweaty heap.

The first rays of the sun woke him. Her side of the bed was empty. He smiled. He
was not used to having women leave him before day-break. Providence was finally
catching up with him. Or so he thought. He heard a clank in the kitchen.

He noticed her dress still lying in the living room in the same spot where he had
slipped it off her. She was in the kitchen, fixing up sausages and eggs for
breakfast. She ought to be the hottest cook ever. He had never come across a woman
who cooked without a shred of clothing on her. In the daylight he could finally
appreciate the wonder that was her body.

He went behind her, strategically placing his semi-hard member in the the crack of
her luscious behind. She wriggled closer to him. Cupping her handful breasts he
pulled and kissed her on her nape.
"Good morning!" she smiled her radiant smile, flashing her pearly whites. He loved
a woman who took care of her teeth. She gave him 32 reasons to love her even more.

"Morning!" he greeted back "I am famished!"

She set the table and they ate in silence, naked. This woman could eat. Another
quality he admired. He was never a fan of those anorexic wannabes. He liked meat on
the bones.

After they had cleared the table and washed the dishes she spoke, "I have called
for my car. Thank you."

Nothing more had to be said. In that 'thank you' she had summed up how much the
night had meaning for them both. He nodded. She got into her dress, and closed the
door behind her. Raj hit the sack for some much needed sleep. The night had all but
drained him.

I Watched My Wife Being Fucked

I watched my wife being fucked very roughly by a friend of mine. We had been
drinking and I decided to prepare something to eat as my wife was slightly buzzed.
My friend was in the Army and was on his way home but decided to stay a night at
our house. My wife always had a crush on him and so did he. They would casually
flirt but never took it very far. I called out and said that I would have to go out
to the store to get some burgers. My wife was sitting in on the sofa while he was
on the floor watching a movie and I saw that there was some kind of a sexual
tension in the air. I went to the garage and found that I did not have to go to the
store at all as the burgers were right there in the Refrigerator but when I entered
the room, I saw that he had his hand on her foot and was massaging it.

I quietly crept back and went into the garage and started the car and drove off -
but I turned the corner and parked the car there and went to the house by the side
door. I was standing inside the high fence and nobody out side could see me but I
had a clear view of the sitting room. I realized that Rahul was kissing my wife
passionately - his tongue was deep inside her mouth and she was kissing him
feverishly back. His hand reached over and he cupped her rounded breast and she
moaned loudly. The window was open as it was summer time and the breeze was cool. I
could hear everything crisply. She pushed him away and said - I don't think this is
right. What if he finds out or comes back - Rahul said I know sweetheart but I have
been fantasizing about you ever since I met you last year. I have been jacking off
thinking of you all year. Please - I want you so bad. But I will stop if do not
want me. She stood up to go up to her room and I felt a mixture of relief and

I was upset but I was incredibly aroused - my cock had never been so hard before.
My heart was beating so hard and for a second I thought I could be heard inside. I
also thought I would go inside and throw him out of the house and smack her. Then
something happened that made me watch - she was crossing over to the other side of
the room to reach the staircase to go up when she came close to him and he grabbed
her playfully. She tried to avoid him but her loose shirt got caught in his hand
the button tore open and the shirt was wide open and she had no bra - he rounded
breasts tumbled out. Her breasts are round and firm and her nipples are large and
get easily hard. Her nipples grew instantly hard and they became the size of a
plug. To balance her, he caught her and grabbed her naked waist and she pushed him
away but he kissed her on the lips. There was a little struggle and a squeal but
she gave in as he was a great kisser and his hands were cupping and uncapping her
aroused and swollen breast.

They were kissing like they would devour each other. She was totally in his hands
as he kissed her deeply - his hands on her round naked breasts and pinching and
fondling her round firm breasts. Her face was towards me but I was outside in the
dark and she could not see me but I watched in awe as her eyes were glazed and
arousal was so clear on her face. Her hair was a mess and her breasts were being
fondled roughly while he was kissing and licking her face and soon he started to
suck one breast and then the other. He pushed her long skirt down and she was nude
under the long skirt -she had no panties on. Her black patch of pubic hair was
visible and the creamy skin was driving Rahul crazy with lust. I looked down and
realized that he was hard and his cock was straining hard to get out of his shorts.

He somehow managed to get his t-shirt of and had a fine muscular but lean body. He
dropped his short and his cock - uncut and thick and 8 inch long was standing up,
mushroom head purple and round like a cricket ball. His balls were hanging low but
his nuts were thick and round. He licked her hairless stomach, navel and pushed her
on the sofa and grabbed her ankles and spread her shapely rounded fleshy legs and
teased her pussy - she was moaning loudly and pushing her hips up - mashing against
his face � as he came up to get some breathe and his face was covered in her
wetness. She was whimpering and begging him to fuck her - fuck her hard with his
thick lund (cock) She had such a wanton look on her face, I was almost ready to
shoot my cum. I let my shorts drop and was scared that if I touched my cock - I
would blow my wad...

I was shaking in excitement as both Bindu and Rahul were fucking like animals.

He grabbed his cock that was leaking pre cum and he put it on her red swollen lips
and she devoured his cock and gave it a few good licks and deep throated him. Then
he rubbed his wet pre cuming cock on her firm round milky breasts. He spread her
legs wide and put his cock on her cunt lips and teased her a bit. He had her pinned
down on the sofa and she was not struggling any more - her hips were thrust up
anticipating his thrust. He pushed hard and went in all the way - his pubic bone
hitting hard against her pubic bone and she screamed - gasped and felt his
thickness invade her tight pussy walls - well lubricated by her wetness and his
precum. He settled for a while and then started to stroke short strokes and then
vigorously started to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. Her head was on the sofa
and as he stroked her hard - her head would bang hard into the sofa cushion. She
was being fucked and used like a rag doll but she was enjoying every bit of this
rough hard fucking.

Then I heard her gasp hard and a loud moan escaped her lips as she orgasmed and I
could see the white coat of cum on his cock as he was withdrew all the way out and
then thrust hard - he started to rumble and his eyes were beginning to role and he
groaned like his life was leaving his body. He was shooting hard and deep inside
her and their bodies was wet with sweat and trembling and convulsing like they had
been taken over by a seizure. He withdrew his thick purple head with a coating of
white cum and as she gained her composure she swung around and her legs were
trembling and I saw the wide opened pussy coated with white cum. He caught her and
brought her face to him and kissed her deep and long. I had shot cum so hard that
it went and hit the glass pane and my legs were trembling � my cock was as hard as
if it had not discharged any cum.

I had to stroke hard and I was stunned to shoot another load into fence. I saw that
Bindu had gone upstairs to change and Rahul was cleaning up. I tiptoed and went
back to the car and drove around the block trying to clear my head and trying to
suppress the extreme arousal and the embarrassment that I was so aroused watching
my wife who had just being fucked by a friend. I came into the house and saw that
Rahul was sitting on the floor exactly where I had seen him before I had gone out.
Bindu came down the stairs - face glowing with the fucking she had just received -
in a nice loose shirt and skirt. I was so aroused that I wanted to take her up into
the bedroom and fuck the living daylight out of her.

I watched as they acted normal but I was imagining every act of their - the way
their bodies were meshed and how they had trembled and cum and kissed. Everything
was going through my head like a movie in fast forward. We finished dinner and
Rahul said that he would clear up and sleep on the sofa. I went up and Bindu was
naked in the bed with the lights off. I kissed her and she was in an extreme
aroused state. She went down on me and sucked my cock like her life depended on it.
I shot my load in seconds and she swallowed every drop of it. This was the first
time she had done this. I was stunned. I kissed her well licked breasts and then I
went between her legs - she was sensitive as she whispered - slow - gentle. I
wondered gentle now - but half and hour back this pussy was fucking like a pussy

I gently licked and tongued her swollen pussy and she came hard - I thought she
would pull my head off my neck - the orgasm was so strong. Then I entered her hard
and fast and we both came trembling and convulsing. She moaned loudly as I groaned
hard and came for the fourth time in less than an hour. Wow - I still get hard
imagining the scenes of that night.

I later got a chance to fuck Sonia - Rahul's wife when she came to stay with me -
Bindu had to go take care of her mom and Rahul insisted that Sonia should come over
and take care of the house in Bindu's absence. Tit for tat. Only thing was that I
fucked Sonia for the complete two weeks whereas Rahul only fucked Bindu once.

The Gardener and My Wife

* * * * *

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely


* * * * *


I've been meaning to write you for a little while now. I really owe you one, my
friend and don't know how to thank both of you enough. I'm glad our wives, Sonali
and Madhu, are good enough friends to be so candid with each other!
It all worked out perfectly, better than either of us had expected and we're glad
we didn't follow the original idea Sonali had of 'borrowing' one of the bulls that
you've had service Madhu. This way, finding our own way with our own bull, was much
more exciting and rewarding. Once Sonali accepted the idea it all went smoothly. Of
course she isn't opposed to the idea of sex outside marriage itself -- you of all
people know we had plenty of experience of that! but the concept of doing something
so totally prohibited and which would have caused such a god almighty scandal in
all our families and friend circles made her hesitate initially but then itself
became an added attraction. I mean, let's accept it -- we know there are women who
sleep with their servants but it's never one of 'us' is it? I think ultimately
Sonali got really turned on by that idea.

Remember the first time we did a swap/swing, you and Madhu, Sonali and I and the
other two couples you'd brought along to dinner? That was the first time I'd done
it and definitely Sonali's first experience (by no means her last!) I know she got
a wild kick out of that whole car-keys-in-a-bowl thing and having to pick one
except mine at random to go home with. Don't get me wrong, but that night I was
really glad that it wasn't your key she picked and that she didn't go with you. I
know she felt the same way because she said so later when she told me that if it
had been you, it would have been more difficult because of how close we all are and
everything would have got emotional. This way, going with someone she didn't know
at all before made it easier because she wasn't worrying about getting caught in
some emotional knot. She says she really let herself go with your friend who turned
out to be quite satisfyingly good for her. It seems he took her again and again and
it felt good being free to act like a total slut with him. Both of us thought your
second condition that no one should spend the whole night, but that we must all get
together in exactly two hours was just brilliant. It made sure that the whole thing
was totally casual and it was such an incredible turn-on seeing that drugged and
sated sensual look on her face.

We've done it again a couple of times since. Somehow it feels safer to be able to
do it in another city, more anonymous but maybe that's just my imagination. Anyway,
we found two or three like-minded couples and we did it with them a few times but
then it began to get boring. At least we thought so. We tried to make it really
happen by tweaking the setup a bit -- instead of keys we played a card game or
rolled dice or something and another time instead of everyone going off we used a
hotel where we took four rooms. Another time, we decided that nobody should go
anyplace and each couple should use one of the two bedrooms, one more into the den
and the last pair could use the living room. That got Sonali going and the next
time she came up with another idea of not everyone doing it all, but just one lady
and one guy (not her hubby) picking straws and then getting it together right there
in front of everyone. That was really exciting (watching them live, I mean) and we
went on to make that two guys and a lady or two ladies and a guy and stuff like

But Sonali was really very excited by your suggestion of a full-blown cuckold thing
and that too with a servant. I wasn't totally sure myself but she was damned keen
on it (not very flattering, is it?) and kept insisting. We got down to it for the
first time a couple of weeks ago. We have this young guy who comes and works our
little garden a couple of times a week and we decided to go with him. He's good
looking enough and since he often works bare-chested and only in his trousers
Sonali's had lots of opportunities to see that he isn't a fat oily type. Also, by
the way, she said it had to be a guy who was very dark and muscular. Actually, the
way she put it was that she wasn't going to go from one wimp to another. Me, a
wimp? Go figure. Ok, I may not be as big as some of the guys who've been plugging
her holes but I don't think I'm _that_ bad! Anyway she said it and it really hit me
like a blow that she really wanted this and maybe she really didn't get it good
enough for her from me! That made me sit up and I decided we just had to make it

Anyhow, so this guy, the gardener. I had to get him medically checked of course. I
pretended we were getting all our staff checked for insurance (true enough) and now
in any case they do all the sex-disease tests pretty routinely, definitely the HIV
thing. He came through clean and we let another month or two go and did it again
and that was clean again so we decided to go with it. By now Sonali was just
wetting herself just looking at him and dreaming about it.

We didn't let him know about it at all. We planned it so that I went out of the
house and a while later Sonali called him in -- we'd given all the other staff the
day off so they were alone. Of course I wasn't anywhere far away because the moment
he went into the house I let myself in and started spying on them.

Man, what a cock-tease she was that day! First she called him into the kitchen and
gave him some fresh coffee and a snack. And she was dressed like he had never seen
her before in this really short denim skirt and on top she had a sleeveless shirt
with all the buttons open except one between her tits and the ends of the shirt
pulled up and knotted right under her tits. The guy could see one hell of a lot of
flesh and from my spy place I saw that he was having trouble keeping his pecker
down and his eyes off her body. She didn't make it easier for him either by
deliberately dropping some napkins and then bending from the waist to pick them up
so that he could see her breasts hanging before his eyes. And she did it again this
time with her back to him and when she bent over her entire naked butt and pussy
crack showed because of course she'd taken off her panties. I thought the guy was
going to burst or something.

Anyway she put him out of his misery soon enough telling him she wanted help
getting a suitcase or some such out of the overhead storage cabinet in our bedroom.
Up they went and she got on the bed and stood on her toes to open the cabinet which
is pretty high up and that made her skirt go right up so he could see her pussy.
That did it. He grabbed her and she grabbed him right back and pulled him to her
and began kissing him hard. He was a little thrown by that but recovered soon
enough and she had him relaxed quite quickly.

I was peeping through the door which we had agreed she wouldn't lock but leave open
just a crack. Also, there's her dressing mirror right behind so I could in any case
see everything in the reflection. I could tell she was really hot and turned on. He
had her blouse open in no time and was pawing and sucking on her big tits and she
started moaning loudly. She pulled off the shirt he'd put on just before he came
into the house and it was clear that she found his body a big turn on. She sucked
his nipples and made him suck on hers and then she told him quite lewdly that she
wanted to suck his cock. That made him get really excited and she dropped her skirt
and got down on her knees in front of him and opened up his pants and pulled off
his undershorts. We'd got real lucky with the guy because he was really nicely hung
-- I'd guess he was a good eight inches and I could see that seeing it only made
her even hotter. She began blowing him hard, sucking his cock like her life
depended on it. He starting groaning and I thought he'd blow before long but he
soon got into a kind of rhythm and began enjoying it. He started calling her names
('whore' and 'slut' and bitch and stuff) but she didn't seem to mind. He kept
fucking her face for what felt like an eternity and I could see how much she was
enjoying doing it.

A bit later he pushed her head back and she smiled at him and got on her back and
spread her legs and invited him to do what he wanted with her and to fuck her any
way he liked so long as he fucked her _hard_. He asked her what the matter was with
me and she came right back sneering saying that I was a wimp and that I couldn't
satisfy her with my silly little cock (untrue! untrue! smaller than his maybe but
other women haven't complained! Or have they just been nice?)
So the guy gets on the bed with her and I see them kissing again and she asks him
to eat her pussy but to do it real slow and easy. He starts doing it, going right
down on her and I could see again that she was in seventh heaven with his tongue in
her crack. I think she may even have cum -- you know how much she thoroughly enjoys
being pussy-licked. Then they went into a long sixty-nine with her on top and then
they rolled over again and he started fucking her on her back.

The first time he went into her he did it hard, just rammed his cock right up her
cunt and I thought the neighbours would come running with that cry of hers. But the
guy just laughed and did it again and said, "You wanted to be fucked _hard_ right?
Let's see how hard you can take it, bitch!"

He hit a rhythm with her, hard and fast, banging his cock deep into her cunt and
her shrieks and moans were like nothing I'd heard before. Her breasts bounced with
his thrusting and she pulled her legs tight around under his butt till he yanked
them wide open and up so he could fuck her harder kneeling on the bed. He just went
on and on, fucking her really hard.

Then he stopped and grabbed her and just swung her over so that she was on top of
him and bent over him and starting pumping his hips like a demon under her. I could
hear his thighs whacking her buttocks with a loud slap-slap-slap sound and her
cries. Her breasts were bouncing over his face and he started sucking them hard and
fingering her asshole. He slowed down for a bit then started right up again and I
could see everything, her cunt going up and down on his pole, the look of lust on
her face, the way she was kissing him and pushing her tongue into his mouth.

Again he stopped and now he got her off him and on all fours and quickly got behind
her and began fucking her doggie style, holding her hips and slamming his hips back
and forth at her buttocks with the same squelching slapping sound. She was moaning
thickly and softly now and her tits were jiggling and bouncing but she wasn't
asking him to stop. All she kept saying was stuff like _fuck me, yes, give it to
me, god that feels so good, come on, shove your big cock right up into my cunt,
fuck me_! His replies were equally explicit and obscene gutter-talk.

When he moved his legs across her hips, I figured that was a good cue so I slammed
open the door and walked in and came to a halt as if I had taken them by surprise.
The guy froze and I pretended to freeze too and then she went into her little act
which we'd rehearsed: telling him not to stop, to ignore me, that I was a wimp and
couldn't satisfy her, to show me how a real man fucks a woman and assuring him that
I was incapable of doing anything to either of them.

For a second I thought the guy wasn't going to bite but then he did and I felt such
a huge swell of pride and excitement because he began taunting me, calling me names
and asking me to watch how my wife was acting like a whore and to see how much she
wanted to be fucked by a real man. Sonali looked at me and ordered me to drop my
pants and to go sit in the chair and to watch. I did it and that got rid of any
doubts the guy might have had. My presence seemed to goad him and he started taking
her brutally and I thought he was hurting her but he obviously knew what he was
doing and what she wanted because there was no mistaking her look or her voice or
her words.

That's when she begged him to fuck her in the ass. Now that's something I've never
done with her (always wanted to but she never let me) so I really jumped out of my
skin. I couldn't believe this! The guy was beside himself with glee and she pointed
him to a jar of Vaseline with which he anointed his dick and then for the first
time I saw a guy buggering my wife right in front of my eyes. It was the most
incredible sight to see that big beautiful dark cock just going slowly into her
tight ass and to see that incredible look of excitement on her face. He went in
nice and slow and easy and I could see he was getting pretty near the end -- her
ass must have been one tight fit for him! He went in all the way, fucked her
heavily and slowly (not hard) in the ass for several minutes and I could see she
was thoroughly enjoying it. She began to cum, too, and begged him to let her take
his cum in her mouth and he did that getting out of her ass and getting on his feet
on the bed (our bed, damn it, _my_ bed) and pushing his cock into her face again
and fucking her face till he came. It was a wildly heavy load and she drank his
cum, took it in her mouth and smiled happily as it poured down over her body.

Now she looked at me and called me forward.

"Now you," she said, "do your job and clean me up. Lick up your servant's cum from
my body."

I obeyed at once and the gardener sat up in bed and I could see him grinning and
laughing and massaging his cock. Somehow I got the feeling he'd be fucking her
again real soon. The taste of his cum wasn't unpleasant at all as I had thought it
might be. In fact, coming off her body it tasted erotic and sexy.

When I was done, Sonali ordered me to go down and brew up some fresh coffee and
toast because they were hungry and bring it up on a tray but not to dress. When I
came back they were cuddling in bed, giggling and she was showing him her small
collection of dildoes and vibrators and fondling his cock. They finished their
coffee and food and ordered me to clear up and come back and wait on them while
they took a nap in each other's arms.

About an hour later they began to wake up. He came awake first and grinned and
winked at me and told me my wife was a helluva fuck. She woke up too and giggled
and they began kissing and fondling each other and I could see his cock was getting
hard again. I thought she would blow him again. What I didn't expect is that he'd
order _me_ to come around and give _him_ head. When he said that Sonali moaned in
excitement and said, "Oh god yes! I want to see the wimp do that!"

So there I was, kneeling next to my servant and taking his cock -- fresh from my
beloved wife's mouth, cunt and ass -- in my mouth and sucking it. He got stiff
again in a bit though it took a while and he didn't let me go till he was ready and
meanwhile ordered Sonali to play with herself to show him she really wanted him.
She went one better and got a vibrator and began using it. That got him excited
quickly, watching her thrashing on the bed with her legs apart and her hands
between her legs and the thing humming away happily.

When he was ready he ordered me to stop and pulled the vibrator away from her and
they went into the shower together, leaving the curtain open and made me sit on the
john and watch them again. First they showered, lathering each other, then got it
on again. She sucked him for a bit and then he began fucking her from behind, bent
over and holding the shower rod, taking her hard again just like she wanted. They
stopped and stumbled out and did it on the bedroom floor, dripping wet, and then
carried on downstairs. He made her get on her back on the dining table and made me
sit right next to her, so close I could smell her body and his smell on her skin
and he fucked her like that, standing between her spread legs, laughing at me and
thrusting his big cock in and out of her cunt. I could see she was really enjoying
it, her body jerking and writhing and she was crying out in pleasure, begging him
to fuck her like a slut. I could see everything, most of all the look of sheer
bliss on her face and the way his cock shone as it went deep into her cunt. Just to
rub it in he fondled her breasts and face and made me watch her sucking his finger
tips. Then he bent over her and kissed her hard and I could see her responding like
a lover, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She begged him to fuck her from behind
again ("like a bitch," she said) so he got on top of the table and began doing it
just like she wanted, holding her hips and slapping his thighs loudly at her
buttocks. She begged for it, her tits bouncing and her face shining with pleasure.
Their bodies were just inches from my hands. This time he came in her pussy and
again she and he made me clean her up.

Well, I've gone on and on haven't I? It's taken me a while to write all this, but
it's all true and all thanks to you. The guy's been fucking Sonali regularly now
and she says she just can't get enough of the excitement of this cuckold business.
They decide when I can get some action from her -- it's not often, only twice in
the last three or four weeks -- and he decides what I can and can't do, whether I
can fuck her or only have her blow me or what.

I really enjoy the sessions more than I thought I would. Even at work I am thinking
of them because I know they'll be doing it as much behind my back as they do with
me around. Strange thing is that I've come to enjoy it. I really like being
dominated and sucking his cock is actually quite a turn on. I almost always jerk
off and cum watching them. Just knowing that her pussy is full of the dark
servant's creamy cum makes me hard. It's the sexiest thing.

Outside of the sex, Sonali and I are actually feeling better about each other and
ourselves. We're more relaxed with each other now, there seems to be less tension
on any issue. Somehow this seems to have ironed out a lot of kinks. As I said, I
owe you a big one.

Thanks, bud. Love to Madhu. Missing the old times with her.


~~~~~ E N D ~~~~~

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