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EDU 04.2: Theoretical Base of English Education

EDU 05.2: Pedagogic Content Knowledge

1. NLP stands for what?

(a) Normal Language planning (b) Neuro Linguistic programming
(c) Normal Linguistic Performance (d) None of these
2. Who proposed LAD?
(a) Skinner (b) Pavlov
(c) Chomsky (d) Piaget
3. The branch of linguistics which deals with the study of the relationship
between words and meaning is called
(a) Syntax (b) Semantics
(c) Morphology (d) Phonology
4. The oldest method of teaching English in India
(a) Grammar Translation Method (b) Substitution Method
(c) Structural Method (d) Direct Method
5. Who proposed Zone of Proximal Development?
(a) Bruner (b) Vygotsky
(c) Piaget (d) Thorndike
6. Theory of Multiple Intelligence was put forward by
(a) Thorndike (b) James Asher
(c) Howard Gardner (d) None of the above
7. Microteaching is for:-
(a) Developing skills for learning (b) Developing teaching skills
(c) Developing proficiency in subjects (d) All of these
8. Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives was proposed by
(a) Pearson (b) Anderson
(c) Krathwhol (d) Dr. Benjamin S Bloom
9. What does Bilingualism mean?
(a) Knowing one language (b) Knowing two languages
(c) Knowing more than two languages (d) None of these
10. Grammar Translation Method is based on
(a) Communicative Approach (b) Natural Approach
(c) Classical Approach (d) Structural Approach
EDU 09.2: Curriculum and Resources in Digital Era
EDU 10.2: Techno Pedagogic Content knowledge Analysis
1. Expand NCF?
(a) National Common Framework (b) National Curriculum Framework
(c)National Class Framework (d) None of these
2. Teacher as per NCF 2005 is a
(a) Boss (b) Leader
(c) Facilitator (d) Mediator
3. Critical pedagogy facilitates collective decision making through
(a) Open discussion (b) Closed discussion
(c) No discussion (d) None of these
4. Who proposed NCF as a means of evolving a national system of education?
(a) NPE 1992 (b) NPE 1986
(c) POA 1992 (d) All the above
5. NCF proposes the evaluation system should be based on
(a) Marks (b) Grades
(c) Both marks and grades (d) None of these
6. The curriculum that provides learning experiences unintentionally to learners
during the presentation of intended curriculum is called
(a) Implemented curriculum (b) Null curriculum
(c) Phantom curriculum (d) Hidden curriculum
7. David Ausubel formulated which model of teaching?
(a) Concept Attainment Model (b) Inductive Thinking Model
(c) Synetics Model (d) Advance Organiser
8. Drill and practice, tutorial, simulation activities , problem solving are examples
(a) Computer Based Instruction (b) Computer Managed Instruction
(c) Computer Assisted Instruction (d) Web Based Instruction
9. Expand CAI?
(a) Characteristics of Assistant Instructor
(b) Computer Assisted Instruction
(c) Community Assisted Instruction
(d) None of these
10. Objective of Pedagogical Analysis
(a) to identify the needs of the learner
(b) to analyse the curriculum
(c) to provide proper feedback
(d) All the above

EDU 13.2: Emergency Trends and Practices in English Language
1. Name one of the collaborators of Connectivism theory?
(a) Steven Hawkins (b) Bill Gates
(c)George Siemens (d) None of these
2. In Connectivism, the capacity to know is
(a) Really rather important
(b) More critical than what is already known
(c) Is limited
(d) None of these
3. NMEICT stands for
(a) National Mission on Education through ICT
(b) National Mission on E-governance through ICT
(c) National Mission on E-governance through ICT
(d) National Mission on E- learning through ICT
4. The word MOOC was coined by
(a) Findley (b) John Stephens
(c)George Siemens (d) Dave Cornier
5. Cooperative learning is based on the theory of
(a) Jerome Bruner (b) Eric Berne
(c) Lev Vygotsky (d) Jean Piaget
6. The type of learning that connects online digital media and traditional
classroom methods
(a) E-learning (b) M-learning
(c) Distance learning (d) Blended learning
7. …………… is a free web-based distance learning programme
(a) IGNOU (b) Cloud learning
(c) MOOC (d) None of these
8. Which among the following is not a characteristics of summative assessment?
(a) Authenticity (b) Reliability
(c) Validity (d) Fluid
9. A test which measures a student’s performance according to a particular
standard is called
(a) Achievement test (b) Criterion- reference test
(c) Norm- referential test (d) Diagnostic test
10. An evaluation tool or set of guidelines used to promote the consistent
application of learning expectations, learning objectives or learning standards in
the classroom is called
(a) Rubrics (b) Portfolios
(c) Journals (d) Assignments
EDU 15.2: Advaced Studies: Curriculum and Pedagogic Courses in
English Education
1. A flexible education via the internet or network using personal mobile
devices allowing student access to education anywhere, anytime
(a) Distance learning (b) M-learning
(c)Blended learning (d) None of these
2. Example of an e-learning site
(a) Inflibnet (b) Shodhganga
(c) Course era (d) None of these
3. Which among the following is not a characteristics of formative evaluation?
(a) It is flexible
(b) It can be made locally relevant
(c) It gives descriptive analysis
(d) It is changed from time to time
4.Which is the long term planning of instructional process?
(a) Unit plan (b) Year plan
(c)Lesson plan (d) Classroom plan
5. Who is the main exponent of microteaching?
(a) Howard Gardner (b) Dwight W. Allen
(c) Noam Chomsky (d) Frederick Winslow Taylor
6. Which evaluation emphasized the curricular and co-curricular aspect of learner?
(a) Self evaluation (b) Peer evaluation
(c) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
(d) Terminal examination
7. ‘Practical English Language Teaching’ is a book written by
(a) Richard Bandler (b) David Nunan
(c) Antonio Gramsi (d) None of these
8. The full form of IELTS is
(a) International English Language Testing System
(b) Indian English Language Teaching System
(c) International English Language Teaching System
(d) Institute for English Language Teaching
9. An initial teacher training qualification for teaching English as a second or
foreign language is
(a) IELTS (b) TKT
(c) CELTA (d) None of these
10. The process by which you stop and think about your practice is called
(a) Self assessment (b) Introspection
(c) Reflective practice (d) Self analysis

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