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BATCH 2016 -2018



Guided by: ………………………………………………


Project development is not an easy task. It requires corporation and help of various people.
It always happens that word run out when we are really thankful and sincerely want to
inspire my feeling of gratitude towards the one when helped in the completion of the
project. First my grateful thank to ……………………………. (Assistant Professor)
…………………………………. for the golden opportunity. Today after completing my project work,
I am immensely satisfied. There were many times during the span of making the project
when the clock beats you to learn out of energy and you just want to finish at forever.

I …………………. Student of “MASTER OF BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATION” ….. semester of

……………………………………., ……….. hereby declare that the project Report entitled “
Recruitment and selection process with special reference to a team “
…………………………………………………“ undertaken by me . I Also declare that this report
has not been submitted to any university / Institute for the award of any degree or
any professional diploma .

DATE: ………………………. >>>>>>>>

PLACE: ……… 3rd , ( TRAINING AS A



INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….. (1-15)


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………. (16-26)








FINDINGS & CONCLUSION ………………………… (65-67)

SUGGESTIONS……………………………………… (68-69)

RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………… (70-71)

APPENDICES & ANNEXURE……………..…………… (72-77)

BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………. (78-79)



Human resource development is a capacity in associations intended to expand

representative execution in administration of their boss' key destinations. HR is basically
worried about how individuals are overseen inside associations, concentrating on
arrangements and frameworks. HR divisions and units in associations are regularly in charge
of various exercises, including worker enrollment, preparing and advancement, execution
examination, and fulfilling. HR is like wise worried about modern relations, that is, the
adjusting of hierarchical practices with controls emerging from aggregate haggling and
administrative laws.

HR is a result of the human relations development of the mid twentieth century, when
specialists started reporting methods for making business esteem through the vital
administration of the workforce. The capacity was at first overwhelmed by value-based
work, for example, finance and advantages organization, yet because of globalization,
organization combination, mechanical headway, and further research, HR now concentrates

on key activities like mergers and acquisitions, ability administration, progression arranging,
modern and work relations, and decent variety and consideration.

In new businesses, HR's obligations might be performed via prepared experts. In bigger
organizations, a whole useful gathering is ordinarily devoted to the teach, with staff having
some expertise in different HR undertakings and utilitarian initiative taking part in key basic
leadership over the business. To prepare experts for the calling, foundations of advanced
education, proficient affiliations, and organizations themselves have made projects of
concentrate devoted unequivocally to the obligations of the capacity. Scholarly and
specialist associations in like manner look to draw in and advance the field of HR, as confirm
by a few field-particular distributions. HR is likewise a field of research ponder that is
prevalent inside the fields of administration and mechanical/hierarchical brain science, with
look into articles showing up in various scholastic diaries, incorporating those specified later
in this article.

In the current worldwide workplace, most organizations concentrate on bringing down

representative turnover and holding the ability and information held by their workforce.
New contracting involves a high cost as well as expands the danger of the newcomer not
having the capacity to supplant the individual who was working in that position some time
recently. HR offices additionally endeavor to offer advantages that will interest specialists,
therefore diminishing the danger of losing learning.

Concept of Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development is said to be the care of a larger systemknown as human
resource system and HRD is mainly concerned with providinglearning experience for the
people associated with an organization through abehavioral approach adopting various
processes. The individual is provided with learning experiences not in isolation but shares
others learning experiences also.Such learning experiences are provided with the main
objective of developing human beings for their advantage and producing their powerful
physical, mentaland intellectual endowments and abilities for the growth of organization.

In a broader scene, the term HRD means those learning experiences whichare organized
for a specific time and designed to bring about the possibility ofbehavioral change. Human
Resource Development in the organization context refers to the process whereby the
workers are continuously helped in a planned

way to –

a) Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various tasks andfunctions associated
with their present or future expected roles.

b) Develop their general enabling capabilities as individuals so that they areable to discover
and exploit their own inner-potential for their own and/ ororganizational development
purposes and

c) Develop an organizational culture where ‘superior/ subordinate’relationships, ‘team-

work’ and ‘collaboration’ among different sub-units,which are strong and contribute to the
professional well-being, motivationand pride of work.2

In the area of HRD we can continuously develop the people so that, theyare competent
managers and competent workers and committed to theorganizational goals. With growing
importance of HRD movement, there has beensignificant increase in training programme
budgets in the organizations. This trendis very noticeable, as many medium and even
smaller sized organizations havebegun to initiate training programmes. The workers training
through HRDactivities is not only he process of developing skills of workers; but it is
theprocess of changing attitudes of the workers by involving them into improving
theactivities they carryout. This encompasses timely and value added managementacts as
way of life. The focus of HRD through training is essentially on enablingworkers to self
actualize through a systematic process of developing their existingpotentialities and
creating a new ones; unfolding and tapping potentials,capabilities of workers both in the
present and for future.

The changes that have taken place in the past few years all over the worldhave established
very clearly that no Nation can isolate itself completely form therest of the world and
survive for too long a time. The new economic policies havepushed India into the race for
globalization. The new economic environment hassignificance to all, of first as citizens of
India, next as responsible businessmen,leaders, managers, workers as well as providers of
services. If the country has toget the best from the economic policies; we all have to give
our best and also getthe best from each other. Every profession, discipline and function
shouldcontribute to make this happen. Here HRD has a special responsibility as it dealswith
the people. 3

From the above discussion it is clear that, HRD is the total knowledge,skill, creative
abilities, talents and aptitudes of an industrial workforce as well asthe values, attitudes of
an individual involved. It is the sum total of inherentability, acquired knowledge and skill
represented by the talents and aptitudes ofthe employed persons. HRD at organizational
level includes, carrying outmanpower research and planning to anticipate long term labour
market needs,manpower development through training programmes, manpower
distribution through an effective placement service and manpower utilization of assure of

utilization of the nation’s human resources. HRD at the organizational level is aprocess by
which workers of an organization are helped in a systematic andcontinuous way. Thus, HRD
is continuous process and comprehensive system byitself. That is why every management
has to develop its workforce in order todevelop the organization. HRD in its turn, almost
entirely depends upon workerstraining, management, and development.


International HRD places greater emphasis on a number of responsibilities and functions
such as relocation, orientation and translation services to help employees adapt to a new
and different environment outside their own country.

Selection of employees requires careful evaluation of the personal characteristics of the

candidate and his/her spouse.

Training and development extends beyond information and orientation training to include
sensitivity training and field experiences that will enable the manager to understand cultural
differences better. Managers need to be protected from career development risks, re-entry
problems and culture shock.

To balance the pros and cons of home country and host country evaluations, performance
evaluations should combine the two sources of appraisal information.

Compensation systems should support the overall strategic intent of the organization but
should be customized for local conditions.

In many European countries - Germany for one, law establishes representation.

Organizations typically negotiate the agreement with the unions at a national level. In
Europe it is more likely for salaried employees and managers to be unionized.

HR Managers should do the following things to ensure success

Use workforce skills and abilities in order to exploit environmental opportunities and
neutralize threats.

Employ innovative reward plans that recognize employee contributions and grant
enhancements. Indulge in continuous quality improvement through TQM and HR
contributions like training, development, counseling, etc

Utilize people with distinctive capabilities to create unsurpassed competence in an area, e.g.
Xerox in photocopiers, 3M in adhesives, Telco in trucks etc.

Decentralize operations and rely on self-managed teams to deliver goods in difficult times
e.g. Motorola is famous for short product development cycles. It has quickly commercialized
ideas from its research labs.

Lay off workers in a smooth way explaining facts to unions, workers and other affected
groups e.g. IBM , Kodak, Xerox, etc.

HR Managers today are focusing attention on the following

Policies- HR policies based on trust, openness, equity and consensus.

Motivation- Create conditions in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative and
enthusiasm; make people feel like winners.

Relations- Fair treatment of people and prompt redress of grievances would pave the way
for healthy work-place relations.

Change agent- Prepare workers to accept technological changes by clarifying doubts.

Quality Consciousness- Commitment to quality in all aspects of personnel administration

will ensure success.

Due to the new trends in HR, in a nutshell the HR manager should treat people as resources,
reward them equitably, and integrate their aspirations with corporate goals through
suitable HR policies.

Importance of Motivation in Human Resource Development

Motivation is one of the most important concepts in HRD. In most organizations, it is

common to hear the refrain that a particular employee is not motivated and hence his or
her performance has taken a backseat. This is the reason companies spend humungous
amounts of money in arranging for training sessions and recreational events to motivate the
employees. Motivation can be understood as the desire or drive that an individual has to get
the work done. For instance, when faced with a task, it is the motivation to accomplish it
that determines whether a particular individual would complete the task according to the
requirements or not. Further, the absence of motivation leads to underperformance and
loss of competitiveness resulting in loss of productive resources for the organization. It is for
this reason that the HR managers stress on the employees having high levels of motivation
to get the job done.

There are many theories of motivation and the ones being discussed here:

Herzberg’s Hygiene theory states that for employees to be motivated, certain conditions
need to exist and the absence of these conditions or the hygiene factors demotivate the
employees. The point that is being made in this theory is that the presence of hygiene
factors is a precondition for performance and is not a determinant of performance. On the
other hand, the absence of these factors actually demotivates the employee. Hence, the
bottom line is that companies should have the basic conditions under which employees
work fulfilled so that there is no drag on the performance.

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory postulates that individuals are motivated according to a
hierarchy of needs which start from satiation of basic needs and then go on to need for
recognition and finally, the need to actualize one’s vision and reach the highest stage of
personality. The point that is being made in the theory is that individuals progress from one
stage to the other depending on how well the needs at each stage are met. So,
organizations have to ensure that employees’ needs are taken care of at each level so that
by the time the employee reaches the top of the ladder, he or she is in a position to
actualize them. Finally, McGregor’s theory of motivation alludes to the carrot and stick
approach that is favored by many managers. This theory states that employees can be
motivated by a dual pronged strategy of rewarding them for good work and punishing them
for bad work. The opposites of these reactions mean that employees have a strong incentive
to do well as opposed to doing badly.




• We take this opportunity to introduce our firm. We offer our services for
Fabrication, Erection, Installation, HVAC, Manpower supply and All type of
Mechanical & Civil Work.

• We are well equipped with tools and we have own Johnson Controls- Hitachi Air
Conditioning India limited service center supported by trained engineers,
technicians, supervisor and skilled manpower having vast experience in their
respective field of operation to carry out the work qualitatively.

• New Age Engineering and Services is a proprietary firm started to meet the growing
need of qualified agencies to carry out Fabrication, Erection, HVAC, Manpower
supply and All type of Mechanical & Civil Work. We have an independent ESI & EPF
Registration no. & TIN No. and are also registered with Service Tax Department. We
are enclosing herewith brief profile of our firm.

• We have executed Civil, Fabrication, Erection and Installation Work at IOCL ASAOTI
Faridabad (Haryana) and constructed training center in KARAM (KTC), Noida, We are
doing the maintenance of installed in Reliance Jio Tower in entire Gujarat and We
have also installed Air-conditioners on sites of Tata Communication Limited, Aircel &
Indus Towers and one of the leading infrastructure services provider to all telecom
operators and other wireless services providers.

• Our team has executed the project of silicon sealing in Reliance jio, fabrication
work in ESSAR steel Oragadam Chennai, and FLS system installation including
civil, fabrication and erection work in IOCL (Banthra, Meerut, Rauxol, Lalkuan)

• We are the Installation Partner of the KARAM Industries, Vendor of Johnson

Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited and also Vendor of IOCL Asaoti
Faridabad (Haryana).


• Our approach focuses on new way of business.

• Our team is committed to provide Services with

• Quality

• Technology, Innovation and Support


Our main emphasis is to deliver best quality in every project we undertake. With our
time tested business methodology, and structured solution building approach, we
ensure to maintain our global business standards.


Technology leadership is the most successful strategy to challenge competitors and

consolidate our position since business and technology work hand in hand. Our firm’s
belief in this synthesis has motivated and enabled us to deliver solutions with a decisive
competitive advantage.
In our each project, we emphasize on innovation. Our structured team works with a
methodology and knowledge to innovate and deliver excellent services.
We provide a wide range of profiles including project managers, project leads,
Technical leads and Civil /mechanical Engineers. On the support side, we provide
Team leads, Senior, and Junior Technical support personnel on a 24 x 7 basis.


Company formation is the term for the process of incorporation of a business in the india. It
is also sometimes referred to as company registration. These terms are both also used
when incorporating a business in the Republic of Ireland. Under INDIA company law and
most international law, a company or corporation is considered an entity that is separate
from the people who own or operate the company.
Today the majority of INDIA companies are formed the same day electronically. Companies
can be created by individuals, specialised agents, solicitors or accountants. Many solicitors
and accountants subcontract incorporation out to specialised company formation agents.
Most agents offer company formation packages for less than RS 8473.20. The cost of
carrying out paper filing directly with Companies House is RS 1694.64. This fee does not
include the cost of witnessing documents or preparation of memorandum & articles of
association for the company, which would usually be carried out by a solicitor or
accountant. Forming a company via the paper filing method can take up to 4 weeks.


 It outlines what the organization wants to be , or how it wants the world in which it
operates to be.

 It is a long term view & concentrates on the future. It can be emotive & is a source of

 For example, a charity working with the poor might have a vision statement which
reads “A World without Poverty”.

 Defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, succinctly

describing why it exists & what it does to achieve its vision.

 For example the charity above might have a mission statement as “providing jobs for
the homeless & unemployed”.


Objectives are the results you hope to achieve and maintain as you run and grow your
business. As an entrepreneur, you are concerned with every aspect of your business and
need to have clear goals in mind for your company. Having a comprehensive list of business
objectives creates the guidelines that become the foundation for your business planning:

 Profitability
Maintaining profitability means making sure that revenue stays ahead of the costs of doing
business, according to James Stephenson, writing for the "Entrepreneur" website. Focus on
controlling costs in both production and operations while maintaining the profit margin on
products sold.

 Productivity
Employee training, equipment maintenance and new equipment purchases all go into
company productivity. Your objective should be to provide all of the resources your
employees need to remain as productive as possible.

 Customer Service
Good customer service helps you retain clients and generate repeat revenue. Keeping your
customers happy should be a primary objective of your organization.

 Employee Retention
Employee turnover costs you money in lost productivity and the costs associated with
recruiting, which include employment advertising and paying placement agencies.
Maintaining a productive and positive employee environment improves retention, according
to the Dun and Bradstreet website.

 Core Values
Your company mission statement is a description of the core values of your company,
according to the Dun and Bradstreet website. It is a summary of the beliefs your company
holds in regard to customer interaction, responsibility to the community and employee
satisfaction. The company's core values become the objectives necessary to create a
positive corporate culture.

 Growth
Growth is planned based on historical data and future projections. Growth requires the
careful use of company resources such as finances and personnel, according to Tim Berry,
writing on the "Entrepreneur" website.

 Maintain Financing
Even a company with good cash flow needs financing contacts in the event that capital is
needed to expand the organization, according to Tim Berry, writing on the "Entrepreneur"
website. Maintaining your ability to finance operations means that you can prepare for long-
term projects and address short-term needs such as payroll and accounts payable.

 Change Management
Change management is the process of preparing your organization for growth and creating
processes that effectively deal with a developing marketplace. The objective of change
management is to create a dynamic organization that is prepared to meet the challenges of
your industry.

 Marketing
Marketing is more than creating advertising and getting customer input on product changes.
It is understanding consumer buying trends, being able to anticipate product distribution
needs and developing business partnerships that help your organization to improve market

 Competitive Analysis
A comprehensive analysis of the activities of the competition should be an ongoing business
objective for your organization. Understanding where your products rank in the
marketplace helps you to better determine how to improve your standing among
consumers and improve your revenue.


A typical business organisation may consist of the following main functions:

 Production.
 Research and Development .
 Purchasing.
 Marketing (including the selling function)
 Human Resource Management.
 Accounting and Finance

Services and Product companies I thought of sharing my thoughts and views about the
major differences between them. Well, how and where do I start? I've divided my views into

various sections which I will be explaining briefly in this blog. My intention is not to conclude
that one industry is better compared to the other. Both are equally good and both are
needed for the growth of Indian economy. I am just putting down the key areas/points
where the difference lies:

 Work culture
 People assets
 Targets
 CMM level
 Ways to measure individual performance:
 Responsibilities
 Interview
 Job switches
 Values
 Money


S.W.O.T. is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

A SWOT analysis is an organized list of your business’s greatest strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company (think: reputation, patents, location).

You can change them over time but not without some work. Opportunities and threats are

external (think: suppliers, competitors, prices)—they are out there in the market, happening
whether you like it or not. You can’t change them.

Existing businesses can use a SWOT analysis, at any time, to assess a changing environment

and respond proactively. In fact, I recommend conducting a strategy review meeting at least
once a year that begins with a SWOT analysis.

New businesses should use a SWOT analysis as a part of their planning process. There is no

“one size fits all” plan for your business, and thinking about your new business in terms of
its unique “SWOTs” will put you on the right track right away, and save you from a lot of
headaches later on.
How to conduct a SWOT analysis

To get the most complete, objective results, a SWOT analysis is best conducted by a group

of people with different perspectives and stakes in your company. Management, sales,

customer service, and even customers can all contribute valid insight. Moreover, the SWOT

analysis process is an opportunity to bring your team together and encourage their
participation in and adherence to your company’s resulting strategy.

A SWOT analysis is typically conducted using a four-square SWOT analysis template, but you

could also just make lists for each category. Use the method that makes it easiest for you to
organize and understand the results.

I recommend holding a brainstorming session to identify the factors in each of the four

categories. Alternatively, you could ask team members to individually complete our free

SWOT analysis template, and then meet to discuss and compile the results. As you work

through each category, don’t be too concerned about elaborating at first; bullet points may

be the best way to begin. Just capture the factors you believe are relevant in each of the
four areas.

Once you are finished brainstorming, create a final, prioritized version of your SWOT

analysis, listing the factors in each category in order of highest priority at the top to lowest
priority at the bottom.




The increasing global competition forced Indian organizations too to give top priority to the issues of
human resource development (HRD). In today’s globalization era, trade, business and entire
industrial sectors are changing rapidly.

Taking into consideration the industrial sector, the progressive industries have long back realized
that change is inevitable in every aspect of industry; like practices of management, welfare of
workers, human resource development activities and quality of work life etc., which touch upon the
whole gamut of the manufacturing activities. The leading manufacturing organizations in Pune such
as, Cummins India Ltd., Kirloskar Oil Engine Ltd., Bajaj Auto Ltd. etc. are making efforts to adopt
these changes.

New methods of management such as, shared vision, team building, and the concepts like Kaizen,
Total Quality Management, Quality Circles and Six Sigma etc. are being tested on shopfloor level.
This changing industrial scenario gives emphasis on customer satisfaction, broad application of
quality concepts and participation of all employees in production process, which has given rise to
new concepts in workers training programmes under HRD activities.

Today industrial organizations are fast changing and keeping pace with the changes in technology,
production process and quality. Never before has the human aspect received a wide spread look and
the skill development of workmen has become a vital aspect. This necessitates new training
methods under HRD programme for shopfloor level workers in every large scale manufacturing
organizations. The concept of new training systems under HRD programmes could be described as
the total knowledge, skill, creative abilities, talents and attitude of industrial workers, as well as the
values, aptitudes of an individual involved.

Human Resource Development through training programmes for shopfloor workers includes skill
development and best utilization of the developed skills for furtherance of their welfare. HRD
through training is not only the process of developing skills of workers but it is the process of
changing attitudes of workers by involving them into improving the activities they carry out. This
encompasses timely and value-added management acts as way of life.

In the area of HRD, we can continuously develop the people so that, they are competent managers
and competent workers and they are committed to the organizational goals. With growing
importance of HRD movement there has been significant increase in the training programme budget
in the organizations. This trend is very noticeable as many medium and even smaller sized
organizations arrange training programmes.

The focus of HRD through training is essentially on enabling workers to self actualize through a
systematic process of developing their existing potentialities and creating new ones, unfolding and
tapping potential capabilities of workers both in the present and for future. Therefore the proposed
Ph.D. level study, titled “A Study of Hr - Training Activities and Perception of Shopfloor

Workers in Large Scale Industries with Special Reference to Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad Industrial
Area”, is undertaken with the aim of study the HR practices through training for workers of large

scale organizations in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad, and the perceptions of HRD activities among the


To find the relation and effect of Human Resources Management with organization

 To understand the recruitment procedure adopted by the Indian companies

 To understand the HR Practices and policies adopted by Indian companies.

 To identify the training and development program adopted by the Indian companies

 To identify compensation salary increment policy adopted by the Indian companies

 To identify the present performance of an employee being appraised through career


 To identify employee welfare scheme launch by the govt.

 To identify working hours of the Indian companies

 To provide better employee health, safety, welfare facilities as per their standard

 To understand the quality circle is beneficial for solving the problem.

 To understand the reason of employee turnover.

The prime objective of human resource development is to facilitate an organizational

environment in which the people come first. The other objectives of HRD are as follows:

1. Equity:

Recognizing every employee at par irrespective of caste, creed, religion and language, can
create a very good environment in an organization. HRD must ensure that the organization

creates a culture and provides equal opportunities to all employees in matters of career
planning, promotion, quality of work life, training and development.

2. Employability:

Employability means the ability, skills, and competencies of an individual to seek gainful

employment anywhere. So, HRD should aim at improving the skills of employees in order to
motivate them to work with effectiveness.

3. Adaptability:

Continuous training that develops the professional skills of employees plays an important

role in HRD. This can help the employees to adapt themselves to organizational change that
takes place on a continuous basis.

HRD Functions or tools:

HRD functions/tools include the following:

1. Employee training and development,

2. Career planning and development,

3. Succession planning,

4. Performance appraisal,

5. Employee’s participation in management,

6. Quality circles,

7. Organization change and organization development


The present study does not claim to be highly comprehensive and the researcher is aware of

the limitations. It would be therefore, important to define at the outset the scope of the

The present Ph.D. level study has been designed with the aim to understand the HRD

practices through training programmes for shopfloor level workers in selected large scale

manufacturing organizations in Pune. The concept of HRD is very vast, comprehensive and

can be studied from different angles. At Ph.D. level and in short period of time it is difficult

to study different aspects of HRD. So the study is restricted to certain training programmes
regarding Quality Management. Today these concepts are being implemented in every

organization in Pune. But this study will restrict to only three large scale organizations
situated in different parts of Pune city.

Regional Scope of the study

The geographical limit set for the survey population will be the city of Pune and Pimpri

Statement of the Problem

The need and importance of the study has led the researcher to state the undertaken
research title as follows;

“A Study Of HR - Training Activities And Perception of Shopfloor Workers In Large Scale

Industries With Special Reference To Pune And Pimpri Chinchwad Industrial Area.

Human resource being a systematic process for bringing the desired changes in the

behaviour of employees involves the following areas:

1. Recruitment and selection of employees for meeting the present and future
requirements of an organization.

2. Performance appraisal of the employees in order to understand their capabilities and

improving them through additional training.

3. Offering the employees’ performance counselling and performance interviews from the

4. Career planning and development programmes for the employees.

5. Development of employees through succession planning.

6. Workers’ participation and formation of quality circles.

7. Employee learning through group dynamics and empowerment.

8. Learning through job rotation and job enrichment.

9. Learning through social and religious interactions and programmes.

10. Development of employees through managerial and behavioural skills.


 Provides information about the performance ranks, basis on which decision

regarding salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, transfer and demotion are taken.

 Provide feedback information about the level of achievement and behaviour of

subordinate this information helps to review the performance of the subordinate,
rectifying performance deficiencies and to set new standards of work, if necessary.

 Provide information to diagnose deficiency in employee regarding skill, knowledge,
determine training and developmental needs and to prescribe the means for
employee growth provides information for correcting placement.

Limitations of the study

As stated earlier the concept of HRD can be studied from different angles.There are various
aspects of HRD mechanisms such as training, performance appraisals and feedback,
potential appraisals, career planning and development, rewards and workers welfare, work
life, balance etc. This Ph.D. level study will be limited only to the study of training aspects of
HRD practice. The main purpose of the study is to understand the perceptions of the
workers regarding training programme of i) TQM, ii) Kaizen, iii) Best Housekeeping, iv)
Quality Circle and other HRD aided training programmes implemented in the selected large
scale organizations, and also to understand the impact of the training programmes on the
workers’ life.

Delimitations of the study

1) The proposed study will confine to the selected large scale industrial organizations where
workers’ training activities are being implemented continuously.

2) The proposed study will be limited to the shopfloor level workers and HR officers of
selected large scale industries.

3) The study will be limited to Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad industrial area – Maharashtra.

The current research will be aimed at determining the Human Resources Management at
Indian companies. The research will be focused on the following major issues.

a) To study the significance of Human Resources Management.

b) To study the system development at Indian companies

c) To measure the factors related to Human Resources Management.

d) To study the employee relation and executive response for Human Resources
Management in Indian companies.

The following methodology was adopted in project ß Comprises of understanding the
theoretical concepts in general.

 Questionnaire study
 Analysis of the primary data

 Analysis of the secondary data

Research design means a specified framework for controlling the data collection. The
research is of descriptive in nature, which could provide an accurate picture of induction
procedure conducted in the organization. Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-
finding inquiries of different kinds. The research is of Ex post facto nature in which
researcher no control over the variables has. Statistical method lay stress on objectivity
rather than rely on intuition and judgment and average & percentages can easily be

The statically method needs the collection of data in two forms:

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

The primary data has been collected from pre- designed questionnaire and personal
interview of workers and HR officials of selected organizations.

The secondary data is collected through the various documents and reports of the
Companies, books, various journals, newspapers, magazines etc. Information available on
the internet has also been referred and considered for the proposed study..

The study is based on Secondary data which includes:

Secondary Data will be gathered from books and journals on Human Resources
Management, data available in different-2 companies’ websites, and other HRM websites.

The following Human Resources Management is highlighted in this project.

1. The main focus in this project is given on the recruitment and selection process of the
company. If the company is select the right candidate for the right person then the company
has not to spend the money on the recruitment process, if the company can select the right
candidate, the candidate can easily spend latest 5-7 years with the organisation.

2. Second main focus is given in this project report is working hours and working
environment of the company. The company working conditions is suitable for all employees
or not, and environment is good for female employees or not.

3. Whether the employees are satisfied with the health, safety, welfare facility provided by
the company or not.

4. Whether the company increment process and promotion process is liked by the
employees or not.

5. Training policy of the company is good for employee learning or not.

And there are so many other thinks which is not taken in this project due to time shortage
and difficulty in collection of the data.


Sample Size : 100 Employees of different local companies.

Sampling Method: Sampling was done on the basis of Random sampling.


Motivating for work is inseparable to continue productivity. But work when itself serves as
motivation then progress is inevitable. The organization must take great care to motivate its
employees through various methods.

 Promotion may be one of the best motivational factors. Promotional basis could be

o work performance
o qualification
o performance evaluation
o skill enhancements
o Initiative steps taken.

 Organization may also provide fringe benefits such as

o leave travelling allowance

o medical o free transportation
o ESI (Employee State Insurance)
o Furnishing scheme
o House lease
o Hospitalization


The organization may adopt welfare policies such as

o Transportation facility

o Canteen facility with breakfast, lunch and dinner facility along with refreshments.

o Canteen could be free, subsidized, paid. But the most preferred one is through
subsidized mode.

o The organization must also possess first aid facilities for its staff. A well-versed
rehabilitation of injured staff and an on duty doctor or an ambulance should be
always provided.

o The organization must also possess a grievance handling committee despite a union
to take an action for their problems. It could be a three tier of four-tier grievance



HRD mechanisms with different focus and purpose

Three broad areas in which training may be imparted are technicalbehavioral and
conceptual. It is commonly believed that the rank and file workersneed training in the
technical area only. Training in other two areas is not veryuseful for them. But recent
experiences of many Indian Companies, have shownthat behavioral training to workers
produces several useful results such as

1)improvement in workers behavior with their superior and peers.

2) Developmentof “we” feeling instead of “I”.

3) Decrease in the habit of hiding one’s ownmistakes and highlighting others’ mistakes.

4) Increased interest in suggestionscheme.

5) Increased awareness of family needs and more interest in family affairs.

Significance of HRD activities

The significance of HRD arises from the basic principle that, peopleconstitute the active
resources of every organization, indeed of every nation whoreally determine the efficiency
of utilization of all other sources- physical andfinancial. Given the premises that the
measure of growth of an organizationdepends upon the “thrust drag” ratio, the ratio of the
force of the thrust that theorganization makes in moving forward and the force of the drag
that pulls theorganization backwards-it is easy to establish that with all their capabilities
andpotentials, the human resources have a key role to play in shaping an organizationand
improving its thrust-drag ratio.

The HRD activities are also important because –

i) It helps in the integrated growth of workers.

ii) It helps workers to know their strength and weaknesses and enable them to

improve their performance and that of organizations.

With liberalization of the Indian economy, changes are taking place in thecorporate sector.
There is a pressure on Indian industry to produce qualityproducts and provide quality
services. With increased competition, there is a needto become cost effective and efficient.
There is also a need to improvetechnologies both in manufacturing and services.
Organizations therefore, have to upgrade their work methods, work norms, technical and
managerial skills andworkers motivation to face the challenges of globalization. This can be
achievedby ‘training programme’ under HRD activities.

HRD is basically a human process. Every organization consists of man,material, machines

or infrastructure and many of all these factors human beingsare of special category not only
because they have their own needs, ideas, feelings,hopes, aspirations, but also because they
are the prime movers behind the otherfactors. ‘People are human resource and hence
valuable to the organization’.

Unlike other resource, human resource requires human touch. They are important
contributors to the achievement of organizational goals. People as assetshave unlimited
potential. It is only important to tap this potential and invest forincreasing this resource to
yield rich harvest. The whole process of HRDoriginates in the appreciation of the basic
tenets by the top management and theircommitment to the cause. However the true test of
organization lies in the bottommost layer of the organization or on the shopfloor. The core
concept is concernedwith the development of human beings who are not sitting in the
board room, buttoil down the assembly line contributing to the bottom line of the concern
with the sweat of their brow. At the shopfloor level the focus of the organizations is to
increase the productivity, commitment and consequential motivation level of the worker.

The development of the organization is inexorably intertwined with thedevelopment of the
workers. In other words, HRD is pursuing excellence ofpeople through enhancing
knowledge, skill, attitudes and thereby seekingcommitted and motivated resources for their
intense participation. HRD activities,therefore plays vital role in creating an atmosphere for
sustained high quality.HRD activities are essential and significant for any growth oriented
and dynamicorganization which wants to succeed in a fast changing and
competitiveenvironment. It is the efforts and competency of human resources that make
theorganizations dynamic and grow at a rapid rate.

Personnel policies can keep the morale and motivation of worker in anorganization high;
but the HRD systems enable the worker to continuouslyacquire, sharpen and use their
capabilities to create an organizational climatewhich ultimately steers the organization to

Japanese management emphasizes the importance of human resources notbecause

of a particularly strong humanistic orientation but rather because this hasbeen the only
possible way to make Japanese industries competitive in the worldmarkets. The successful
performance of Japanese management, production andother system depends on the
effectiveness of its human resources and developmentof human resource.7

As stated earlier, HRD is needed to develop competencies. No organizationcan survive,

let alone make a mark, if its workers are not competent in terms ofknowledge, skills and
attitudes. With liberalization of the Indian economy manychanges are taking place in the
corporate world. Many public sector enterprises arebeing sold to private sectors; there is
increase in work load, ban on newrecruitment retrenchment of workers, imposition of
voluntary retirement, schemesand so on. There is a pressure on the Indian industry to
perform - produce qualitygoods and provide quality services. With increased competition;
there is need tobecome cost effective and upgrade work methods, work norms, technical
andmanagerial skills and workers motivation to face up to new challenges.
Therefore,development of human resource is essential for many industrial
organizationwhich wants to grow.

In India many industrial organizations grew up with a set of implicitunstated values;

largely enshrines in the working style of the entrepreneur. Thissituation in some extreme
case made the people feel that they were being treatedas passengers in the progress of the
organization a feeling of resentment grew andindustrial unrest resulted.

Essential Factors for the success of HRD programmes

HRD is needed to develop competencies. No organization can survive, letalone make a
mark, if its workers are not competent in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. With
liberalization of the Indian economy many changes are taking place in the corporate sector.

HRD activities will have to play a very crucial role if the following changes, which are
sweeping through industry, are to prove successful.

Significance of training
Training has become more of a perk and less of a ‘competency- building’instrument. In
recent years with increased emphasis on cost cutting, customerservice and efficient
management of all system, there is a need for more training toachieve these goals, while on
the one hand the deterioration of training functionhas been recognized. On the other hand,
the need for good training for all workersis being recognized in the environment,
particularly the need to train theworkforce and all the workers in addition to the managers
has also beenrecognized. Organizations are likely to get higher return on their investments
intraining if they move in the direction of skill development programmes.

In Indian industry the training inputs have concentrated largely onmanagerial personnel.
The vast and vital backbone of the organization namelyworkforce has been ignored many
times. Training for them only means technicalor trade skill. Attitudinal part of training has
been ignored. Actually, it goes handin hand with; to ensure total employee effectiveness. In
fact, attitudinal part oftraining gives job- satisfaction and it will create a sense of belonging
and workculture. Building of new work culture for today’s globalization era will be themost
urgent, important and long drawn affair. The challenge of HRD would be to create an
environment of resilience; which can accommodate and assimilatesuccessfully, changes in
systems structures, technology methods etc. people’steam and collectivities would have to
describe the right meaning to the changeprocess .

An organization’s success is determined as much by the skill andmotivation of its workers

as by almost any other factor. While this has alwaysbeen true, the pace and volume of
modern change is focusing attention on ways oftraining through HRD activities, can be used
to ensures organizational membershave what it takes to successfully meet their challenges.

Today, every organization is for Total Quality Management (TQM). Thereis a tremendous
race to achieve ISO certification. Terminologies like TQM,productivity improvement, and
kaizen have become watchwords of the businessand industrial organizations. To face the
new challenges of globalization,managers and workers understand the value of training.
Training practices wouldobviously envisage and all round training and development of
personality of theworkers. In the absence of adequate training and development efforts,
there may by frustration, dissatisfaction towards job and apathy among the workforce,
thus,training practices at shopfloor level is very important for the purpose of
workersinvolvement. Training activities at shopfloor level should gear up to bring
aboutchanges in attitudes of workers and not merely try to improve their skills.

Training should be given to all workers in the company. Management mustbe willing to
provide “space” for workers to participate and contribute channels ofcommunication. Free
communication removes the hurdles in the grievancehandling procedure. It will be effective
and quick. To achieve workers’involvement, it is necessary that the management style puts
a strong focus on the“human side”. An open environment provides opportunity to the
workers to contribute and develop a sense of pride. There is a need for a “Nurturing” style
to faster team work and respect for every member.

The role of training activities through HRD programmes in today’s industrial

No organization has a choice of whether to train its employees or not,the only choice is that
of methods. The primary concern of an organization isits viability, and hence its efficiency.
There is continuous environmentalpressure for efficiency, and if the organization does not
respond to thispressure, it may find it self rapidly losing whatever share of market it
has.Training imparts skills and Knowledge to employees in order that theycontribute to the
organization’s efficiency and be able to cape up with thepressures of changing environment.
The Viability of an Organizationdepends to a considerable extent on the skills of different
employees,especially that of management cadre, to relate the organization with its

Bass has identified three factors which necessitate continuous trainingin an organization.
These factors are technological advances, organizationalcomplexity, and human relation. All
these factors are related to each other.

The training can play the following roles in an organization.

1) Increase in efficiency : Training plays active role in increasing efficiency ofemployees in

an organization. Training increases skills for doing a job in betterway. Through an employee
can leam many better if he learns how to do thejob. This becomes more important
especially in the context of changingtechnology because the old method of working may not
be relevant. In such acase, training is required even to maintain minimum level of output.

2) Increase in Morale of Employees: Training increases morale of employees.Morale is a

mental condition of an individual group which determines thewillingness to co-operate.
High morale is evidenced by employee enthusiasm,voluntary conformation with regulations,
and willingness to co-operate withothers to achieve organizational objectives. Training
increases employee moraleby relating their skills with their job requirements. Possession of
skills necessary to perform a job well often tends to meet such human needs as security and

ego satisfaction. Trained employees can see the jobs in more meaningful way because they
are to relate their skills with jobs.

3) Reduced Supervision: Trained employees require has supervision. They requiremore

autonomy and freedom. Such autonomy and freedom can be given if theemployees are
trained properly to handle their jobs with out the help ofsupervision. With reduced
supervision, a manager can increase his span of management. This may result in to lesser
number of intermediate levels in the organization which can save much cost to the

4) Increased Organizational Viability and Flexibility: Viability relates to survival ofthe

organization during bad days, and flexibility relates to sustain its effectivenessdespite the
loss of its key personnel and making short-term adjustment with theexisting personnel. Such
adjustment is possible if the organization has traineepeople who can occupy the positions
vacated by key personnel. The organizationwhich does not prepare a second line of
personnel who can ultimately take thecharge of key personnel may not be quite successful
in the absence of such keypersonnel for whatever the reason. In fact, there is no greater
organizational assetthan trained and motivated personnel, because these people can turn
the otherassets in to productive whole.

Training is a continuous process and comprehensive system by itself. Asstated earlier, of all
the factors of production, man has the highest priority and isthe most significant factor of
production and plays a pivotal role in areas ofproductivity and quality. If we think deeply
over the meaning of term,“manpower” or “human resources,” it is obvious that man is an
individual humanbeing distinguishable physiologically. He possesses a highly developed
mind, akeen and perceptive intellect and exalted soul. The word ‘manpower’ combinesthe
words ‘man’ and ‘power’, which refers to the power-physical, mental,intellectual and
spiritual inherent in him.Progressive organizations know that change due to globalization
isinevitable and must be managed effectively and creatively. Thus, manyorganizations are
making efforts to remain flexible in order to accommodatechange. New principles of
personnel management/ development are therefore,turning towards shared vision, building
teams, internal customer orientation etc.Industrial sector is changing with the dramatic
changes in technology, productionprocess and quality of products. This is turn calls for
simultaneous changes in theskills, responsibilities, and attitudes of the workers. This
necessitates training toworkers through HRD programmes.

Survival and success of any industrial organization depends on its people.HRD through
training deals with human aspect. Human resource is important inimproving the
productivity and productivity depends upon the quality theworkforce and quality of
workforce depends upon the achievement, orientation,motivation, participatory abilities
professional skills, organizational commitment,responsiveness to change etc. following
factors play an important role in upgrading the quality of human resource and bringing
about desired productive behavior in the workforce i.e.

1) knowledge

2) skills

3) work attitude and behavior

4) opportunities. Here training activities through HRD programmes assumes


Improvement in man power productivity depends upon the managementand management

should look to these above stated factors. Thus, empoweringpeople is the key to success of
business, through systematic and planned trainingactivities at shopfloor level. Many
industrial organizations are spending substantialamount of money and time and efforts on
training activities to upgrade the qualityof workforce of shopfloor.15 Training activities are
playing pivotal role andfunctions in creating healthy receptive and motivated climate for
work. For this purpose on integrated approach is needed at organizational level to improve
quality of people and product. This necessitates planning through involvement of people at
all levels and strengthening every link chain from board level to shopfloor level of
organization for its survival and success. HRD is introducing different concepts, tools to
achieve its objectives as training and development, counseling, quality circles, Kaizen, Total
Quality Management etc.

As we know, in changing scenario of liberalization of Indian economy training activities

through HRD programmes has to play very significant role. On one hand interdependence
among countries is increasing and on the other hand many countries all over the world have
to face the competition because of globalization. Rapidly growing global industrialization
demanded newer skills, trained employees and it is the knowledge, and training that made
it possible for men to acquire the skills in various trades appropriate to the industry. HRD is
therefore a field of knowledge that deals with all those aspects of human beings as are
concerned with his creative ability. In simple terms the fundamental concern of any HRD
effort is to get the best out of the people in any given situation, in any given organization, be
it the state, the defense, the public sector organizations, the private sector organizations or
any other form of organization.

In the past, people and personnel were seen as expenses that must beminimized and
controlled. In the context of emerging human resource modelsworkers have to be viewed as
assets that require investment.Here, it is necessary to know about the new environment
created by HRD;

which calls for –

1) workers participation in progress.

2) Job boundaries to go,

3)Holistic approach inwork.

4) skill boundaries to go

5) Exposure to potentials

6)Flexibility in management operations

7) Better knowledge levels

8) team work and better adoptability.

The role of ‘training’ through HRD programmes in meeting the above stated factors are
examined below

1) Workers Participation in progress:

This concept calls for not only attitudinal changes of workers, but also ofmanagement and
unions. Since last four-five decades much has been talkedabout workers participation in
management but very little has happened. Infact, this will become the emphasis of business
particularly because there couldbe no difference causing strife, if industries were to survive
strict competition.

In fact, it will be to our advantage if this concept is encourage, so that, in casethe foreign
partners chose to leave at any time, the industrial organizationscould survive. In fact, the
emphasis on workers contribution to organizationswithout restriction of roles and
departments is encouraged trough the training of Total Quality Management (TQM)

2) Job Boundaries to go:

Need of flexible manufacturing system is realized now by Indian industries.Because, then
the process could be modified to match the environmental needsand market pressure.
Hence, many Indian industrial organizations have startedto redefine the job boundaries,
newer organizations talk of skilled workers, and skilled position with reference to machine.
There is need to train the workers about it. Such method could be to identify new areas of
operation, Secondly to develop the vision of the workers for genuine growth of the
organization and of him.

3) Holistic approach in work:

Here, the realization of each individual worker about his contribution to the organizations
success is important. It has been proved that, this is one of the best motivational tools.
Here, through training, efforts will be to make workers aware of total organization, its goals

the prospects and problems periodically and to ensure a great degree of openness and
transparency of operations.17

4) Skill boundaries to go:

It is here that, maximum resistance will be faced. The skill boundary practiced for ages by us
can not go over night, while one can integrate related trades and provide special training to
the workers to accept the job in related areas; at least in case of new workers proper job
name could be given. If the fight between specialization versus integration of skills, it is now
being realized that a person of greater advantages, same organizations have prescribed for
promotions to higher grades a need of the worker to have expose of more than one or two
skill areas.

5) Exposure of Potentials:
This is the most fundamental principle of the ‘training’. Here, the efforts of the HR manager
will be to – unshackle the minds of the workers and make them to know the total processes
and problems and also make them realize and come out with their full potential as over a
long period of limited working, they could be thinking of their ability to be limited. Many
organizations today are utilizing these tools to coping with globalization.

6) Flexibility in management operations;

This is essential in order to survive in competition. To achieve this, one rout is to encourage
workers through training to come out with suitable suggestions for changes. Again by
bringing a lot more transparency and clarifying the intention of the changes, organizations
could be flexible.

7) Better knowledge level:

Most organizations today understand that better knowledge level of workers is an assets
and not liability contrary to the belief of the past. A number of Organization base embarked
on specifically designed in-house programmes for training of workers not only about the
organization, but also to make them more knowledgeable.

8) Team work and adaptability:
An effective tool to achieve this is a well planned job rotation and training activities in the
organization, as compared to older organizations where people continue on some job
machines for life time.

Training and Development

“Man always learn, he must always be a student”. This particular advice opens deep spheres
of thinking in the minds of people who are really keen to learn. Perhaps what is hidden in
the advice is the incompleteness in each one of us. If man wants to be complete one, the
gap has to be filled in between ‘what he is’ and ‘what he wants to be’, this is achieved
through Training.

Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees’learning of job-
related competencies. These competencies include knowledge,skills, or behavior that are
critical for successful performance. The goal of trainingis for employees to master the
knowledge, skills, and behaviors emphasized intraining programs and to apply them to their
day-to- day activities.

A training need is the gap between the knowledge, skill and attitude thatthe job demands,
and the knowledge, skills and attitudes already possessed by thetrainee. It exists at all levels
of the organizations. It is only an employee on one orthe other aspect which changes
whether one is growing a new chairman or asinstructing an operator, given knowledge skill
and attitudes or the chosen criteriaaround which all jobs based in the assessment of training
needs. It is possible toover stress the need for overall view if the company s aims, objectives
and man power needs, given the exercise that determines the priorities for implementing

training which can off course be critical.

There are three major area in which the staff displays such gaps asknowledge skills and
attitude that the job demands and the knowledge, skills and attitudes already possessed.

1) To match the employee specifications with the job requirements and organizational
needs: when their performance in their present position does not match up with the
required standards this could not be a fault of their own E.g.:-new job.

2) Organizational viability and the transformation process when the requirement of job
changes due to changing circumstances

3) When the present job Indus job holder to the change the job created which can be filled
up only through training.

4) Technological advancement: even organization in order to survive and to be effective

should adopt the latest technology like mechanization, computerization, and automation

5) Organizational complexity: with the emergency of increased mechanization, and

automation, manufacturing of multiple product or dealing in services diversified lines,
extension of operation to various reason of the country or in overseas countries
organization of the most companies have become complex. This leads to growth in number
& kinds of employees and layer in organization hierarchy. This creates the complex problem
of coordination and integration of activities adaptable for and adaptable to the expanding
and diversifying situations.

6) Human relations: - the trends in approach towards personnel management has changed
from the commodity approach to partnership approach crossing the relation approach. So,
today’s management of most of the organization has maintained human relations and
sound industrial relation all though. So training in human relation is necessary to maintain
the industrial peace and deal with human problems.

7) Change in job assignment: - training is also necessary when the existing employee is
promoted to the higher level in the organization and when there is some new job or
Occupations due to transfer. Training is also necessary to equip the old employee with the
advance disciplines, techniques or technology.

Need Of The Training

Training is the most important activity or plays an important role in the development of
human resources. To put the right man at the right place with the trained personnel has
now become essential in today’s globalize market. No organization has a choice on whether
or not to develop employees. Therefore training has nowadays become an important and
required factor for maintaining and improving interpersonal and intergroup collaboration.

Human resources are the life blood of any organization. Only through well trained
personnel, can an organization achieve its goals. At a glance, we find that training gives the
following results:

1.Growth, Expansion, Modernization cannot take place without trained person.

2.Its increase productivity and profitability, reduces cost and finally enhances

skill and knowledge of the employee.

3. Prevents obsolescence.

4. Helps in developing problem solving attitude.

5. Give people Awareness of rules and procedures.

6. Training makes people more people competent.

7. Personnel become committed to their job resulting in proactiveness.

8. People trust each other more.

Finally, our approach to training must be to increase productivity and profitability and
secondly to initiate personal growth and development.

The training should be proved more effective if it is need base and it will give the positive
impact on both industrial development and human resource development:

A Needs Assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they
should be. These "things" are usually associated with organizational and/or individual

Why design and conduct a Needs Assessment? We need to consider the benefits of any
Human Resource Development (HRD) intervention before we just go and do it:

What learning will be accomplished?

What changes in behavior and performance are expected?

Will we get them?

What are the expected economic costs and benefits of?


Organizational objectives and


Assessment of Training need

Establishment of Training Goal’s

Devising Training Program

Implementation of Training Program

Evaluation of Result

Principles Of Training

A successful training programme presumes that sufficient care has been takento discover
areas in which it is needed most and to create the necessary environmentfor its conduct.
The selected trainer should be one who clearly understands his jo band has professional
expertise, has an aptitude and ability for teaching, possesses apleasing personality and a
capacity for leadership, as well-versed in the principlesand methods of training, and is able
to appreciate the value of training in relation to an enterprise.

No one can dispute the role and importance of training in imparting knowledge and
information. It is often said the experience is best method of learning. Training can never
substitute experience but certainly shorten the period required for experiencing. Training
causes learning, there fore, to make it more effective, the fooling essentials or principles of
a good training programme must be noted.

1) Motivation: Trainee must be motivated to improve his skill or knowledge by increased

remuneration, promotions, recognition, etc. His desire to improve his job performance
will enable him to grasp more quickly new skill & Knowledge. Regardless of the quality of
instruction, an in different student will learn little, because human behavior is goal-
oriented, a student must be motivated in order to learn. Relating results to pay
promotability and responsibility can motivate the employees to learn.

2) Progress Report: Research has demonstrated that people learn faster when they are
informed of their progress by means of examinations or through the instruction’s
comments providing the trainee with progress reports facilitates the learning process.

3) Active Involvement: Learning is most efficient when the learner is involved in the
process rather than just listening is more complete if he actually performs the task to be
learned in the subject matter presented to him in form of theories and concepts through
case studies, laboratory, experiments, classroom discussion and role playing.

4) Instructions in part: Rather than presenting the whole training program at one time,
it is better to break instructions down in to parts, thus crating a series of sub goals for
the learner.

5) Reinforcement: Training of employee’s results must be supported by means of

rewards and punishments. Successful employees must automatically obtain pay
increases, Promotions or recognition, etc., on completion of training employee should
be increase in pay or status otherwise, he will lose faith in training programs.
6) Individual Differences: Training of employees is usually given in groups, but it must
provide for differences in individual intelligence, abilities and aptitude. It should be
noted that there are individual differences, some take more time to understand
concepts and principles, where as others leam faster. Again, some are equipped with
more knowledge and information as compared to others. Therefore, groups or batches
should be made taking in to consideration their level of understanding and skills.

7) Highly qualified, Experienced and matured persons must provide training with a
balanced personality. Expert trainers command lot of respect and attention from the

8) Ideal Place: There must be an ideal place of training however; the place of training
depends up on a number of factors. If it is on the job training then it is to within the
factory premises. Off the job training should be preferably be provided outside the
company premises.

9) Training Period: It should be neither too long nor too short period; trainee does not
get a chance to learn much.

10)Training system: Training need and objective must be clearly defined.

 There should be a proper balance between theory & practical.
 Training Material should be simple and meaningful.
 Use of films, audio-visuals, makes training more interesting.


In order to achieve the company objectives, Human Resource Development undertakes the
following activities:

1. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel.

2. Training and development of employees.

3. Appraisal of performance of employees.

4. Remuneration of employees.

5. Social security and welfare of employees.


Mode of Appointment:
The appointment to various points shall be made in the following manner:

By Direct Recruitment:

a. The qualifications for direct recruitment shall be such as specified in the staffing pattern.

b. The appointment shall be made according to the merit list drawn at the time of selection.

c. All appointments except to class-IV services shall be made on the recommendations of

the selection Committee consisting of the following:

By Promotion
a. Appointment by promotion to the next higher post in the respective discipline in any
category shall be made on the basis of ‘Seniority-cum-Merit’ from amongst the employees
working in the lower category having at least five years service on the said post in the steel

By Transfer:
a. By permanent transfer of services of surplus staff of company the terms & conditions as
Prescribed by company and adopted by the Board from time to time subject to the approval
of Register.

b. By permanent transfer of an employee on his own request and upon the terms &
conditions as prescribed by the compnay and adopted by the board from time to time
subject to the approval of Registrar.

Services shall be deemed to have commenced from the working day on which the employee
reports for duty. If he reports for the duty in the afternoon’ the services shall be deemed to
have commenced from the following day.

No employee shall enter or leave the premises of the Establishment accept by the gate or
gates meant for this purpose.

An employee who is off his duty or has resigned or has been discharged or declared by the
competent Medical Authority to be suffering from any contagious or infectious disease,
shall immediately leave the premises of the Established and shall not enter any part of it,
except with the express permission of the competent authority.

All employees shall be liable to be searched both at the time of entry and exit at the main
entrance of the Establishment by an authorized person of the same sex with due dignity.

If more than one shift is working, the employee shall be liable to be transferred from one
shift to another.

The seniority of an employee under these rules shall be determined in a particular category
of post on the basis of the length of service on that post provided that in the case of
employees appointment by the direct recruitment which join within the period specified in
the order of appointment or within such period specified by direct recruitment who join
with in the period specified in the order of appointment or within such period as may from
time to time be extended by the appointing authority, subject to a maximum of one month
from the data of order of appointment, the order of merit determined, shall not be
disturbed. Provided further that in the case a candidate is permitted to join the service after
the expiry of the said period of one month, his seniority shall be determined from the data
he joins the service.


Managing Director shall be competent to post/ transfer any employee within the
establishment. He shall also be competent to transfer an employee against any equivalent
post or along with post.


"Employee Development" was seen as too evocative of the master-slave relationship

between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees as "partners"
or "associates" to be comfortable with. "Human Resource Development" was rejected
by academics, who objected to the idea that people were "resources" — an idea that
they felt to be demeaning to the individual. Eventually, the CIPD settled upon "Learning
and Development", although that was itself not free from problems, "learning" being an
over general and ambiguous name. Moreover, the field is still widely known by the other

Training and development (T&D) encompasses three main activities: training, education,
and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of Training and
Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However,
to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities:

Training: This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an
individual currently holds.

Education: This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in
the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

Development: This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization
employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and
is almost impossible to evaluate.

The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes. The
sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and
development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coaching,
resources, and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the
processes. The facilitators are Human Resource Management staff. And the providers
are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations,
which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others.

The conflicts are the best part of career consequences are those that take place
between employees and their bosses. The number one reason people leave their jobs is
conflict with their bosses. And yet, as author, workplace relationship authority, and
executive coach, Dr. John Hooverpoints out, "Tempting as it is, nobody ever enhanced
his or her career by making the boss look stupid." Training an employee to get along well
with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is one of the best
guarantees of long-term success. Talent, knowledge, and skill alone won't compensate
for a sour relationship with a superior, peer, or customer.


An employee performance appraisal is a process—often combining both written and oral

elements—whereby management evaluates and provides feedback on employee job

performance, including steps to improve or redirect activities as needed. Documenting
performance provides a basis for pay increases and promotions. Appraisals are also
important to help staff members improve their performance and as an avenue by which
they can be rewarded or recognized for a job well done. In addition, they can serve a host of
other functions, providing a launching point from which companies can clarify and shape
responsibilities in accordance with business trends, clear lines of management-employee
communication, and spur reexaminations of potentially hoary business practices. Yet Joel
Myers notes inMemphis Business Journal that "in many organizations, performance
appraisals only occur when management is building a case to terminate someone. It's no
wonder that the result is a mutual dread of the performance evaluation session—something
to be avoided, if at all possible. This is no way to manage and motivate people. Performance
appraisal is supposed to be a developmental experience for the employee and a 'teaching
moment' for the manager."


While the term performance appraisal has meaning for most small business owners, it might
be helpful to consider the goals of an appraisal system. They are as follows:

1. To improve the company's productivity

2. To make informed personnel decisions regarding promotion, job changes, and


3. To identify what is required to perform a job (goals and responsibilities of the job)

4. To assess an employee's performance against these goals

5. To work to improve the employee's performance by naming specific areas for

improvement, developing a plan aimed at improving these areas, supporting the employee's
efforts at improvement via feedback and assistance, and ensuring the employee's
involvement and commitment to improving his or her performance.

All of these goals can be more easily realized if the employer makes an effort to establish
the performance appraisal process as a dialogue in which the ultimate purpose is the
betterment of all parties. To create and maintain this framework, employers need to inform
workers of their value, praise them for their accomplishments, establish a track record of
fair and honest feedback, be consistent in their treatment of all employees, and canvass
workers for their own insights into the company's processes and operations.

A small business with few employees or one that is just starting to appraise its staff may
choose to use a prepackaged appraisal system, consisting of either printed forms or
software. Software packages can be customized either by using a firm's existing appraisal

methods or by selecting elements from a list of attributes that describe a successful
employee's work habits such as effective communication, timeliness, and ability to perform
work requested. Eventually, however, many companies choose to develop their own
appraisal form and system in order to accurately reflect an employee's performance in light
of the business's own unique goals and culture. In developing an appraisal system for a
small business, an entrepreneur needs to consider the following:

1. Size of staff

2. Employees on an alternative work schedule

3. Goals of company and desired employee behaviours to help achieve goals

4. Measuring performance/work

5. Pay increases and promotions

6. Communication of appraisal system and individual performance


Employee Remuneration refers to the reward or compensation given to the employees for
their work performances. Remuneration provides basic attraction to a employee to perform

job efficiently and effectively. Remuneration leads to employee motivation. Salaries
constitute an important source of income for employees and determine their standard of
living. Salaries affect the employee’s productivity and work performance. Thus the amount
and method of remuneration are very important for both management and employees.

There are mainly two types of Employee Remuneration

1. Time Rate Method

2. Piece Rate Method

These methods of employee remuneration are explained below in detail:

Methods of Employee Remuneration

1. Time Rate Method: Under time rate system, remuneration is directly linked with the time
spent or devoted by an employee on the job. The employees are paid a fixed predecided
amount hourly, daily, weekly or monthly irrespective of their output. It is a very simple
method of remuneration. It leads to minimum wastage of resources and lesser chances of
accidents. Time Rate method leads to quality output and this method is very beneficial to
new employees as they can learn their work without any reduction in theirsalaries. This
method encourages employee’s unity as employees of a particular group/cadre get equal

There are some drawbacks of Time Rate Method, such as, it leads to tight supervision,
indefinite employee cost, lesser efficiency of employees as there is no distinction made
between efficient and inefficient employees, and lesser morale of employees.

Time rate system is more suitable where the work is non-repetitive in nature and emphasis
is more on quality output rather than quantity output.

2. Piece Rate Method: It is a method of compensation in which remuneration is paid on the

basis of units or pieces produced by an employee. In this system emphasis is more on
quantity output rather than quality output. Under this system the determination of
employee cost per unit is not difficult because salaries differ with output. There is less
supervision required under this method and hence the per unit cost of production is low.
This system improves the morale of the employees as the salaries are directly related with
their work efforts. There is greater work-efficiency in this method.

There are some drawbacks of this method, such as; it is not easily computable, leads to
deterioration in work quality, wastage of resources, lesser unity of employees, higher cost of
production and insecurity among the employees.

Piece rate system is more suitable where the nature of work is repetitive and quantity is
emphasized more than quality.


Employees shall be entitled to the membership of the Employees Provident Fund and other
schemes under the employees Provident Fund and Misc. Provisions Act’ 1952 irrespective of
the pay drawn b him re-employed persons shall be governed by the terms of their

Employees shall b entitled to payment of the Bonus under the payment of Bonus Act, 1965
as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

An employee, as and when covered under the PSI Act/Scheme, shall get medical benefits as
provided there in. An employee not covered under the PSI Act/Scheme shall be entitled to
medical benefits as may be decided by the board from time to time with the concurrence of
the compnay

Dearness Allowance, Additional Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, City
Compensatory Allowance, Rural Allowance and Other Compensatory Allowance Shall be
Admissible to the Employees of the Life Insurance as per the Decision of the Board with the
concurrence of the company.



In case of death of an employee while in the service of company his family members shall be
entitled to the following benefits/ facilities at the rates/scales and on the teams &
conditions as approved by the board.

Ex-gratia grant. a. House Rent Allowance. b. Encashment of P. leaves. c. Priority for

employment of window/dependent of deceased employee. d. Special Ex-gratia grant to the
family members of an employee of the compnay Killed by terrorist action.



Data Analysis and interpretation is conducted on 100 employees of Local

1. How long you are working in the organization?


0-2 YEARS 6 6%

2-5 YEARS 16 16%

5-10 YEARS 30 30%


TOTAL 100 100%

working in the organisation


16% 0-2 years

48% 2-5 years

5-10 years
>10 years

From the chart that 48 employees are working for more than 10 years. Even no. of
employees working between 5-10 years are 30. This shows that most of the employees are

satisfied with their job. The attrition rate of the company is very low. This indicates that
employee are satisfied and their respondent were interviewed and it was found that
employee to know while they are continuing in their company for more than 10 year and
followed that they are overall satisfied.

2. Are you comfortable with the working environment?


GOOD 50 50%


BAD 10 10%

TOTAL 100 100%

no of respondent



no of respondent



good satisfied bad

50% of employee express as a good environment remain. From the remaining 50% about
40% says a satisfactory job environment only about 10% feels bad working environment is

there. There are not satisfied with the way they are given the work. They feel there is the
bias is there.

3. What are the various sources of recruitment in your organization?




BOTH 58 58%

TOTAL 100 100%



About 58% of recruitment through both internal and external source and 26% of
recruitment through internal source and 16% of recruitment through external source.

4.Whether the employees are satisfied with the health, safety, welfare
facilities provided by the Company?




TOTAL 100 100%

no of respondent




no of respondent



satisfied dissatisfied

It shows that 76% are satisfied and 24% give a negative reply. After further interviewing the
respondent that there has to be the further health check-up like cancer and other test
health policy.

5. Are you satisfied with recruitment process of your company?


YES 65 65%

NO 35 35%

TOTAL 100 100%

No of respondent


65% no

About 65% of employee are satisfied with recruitment process in the company because as
per their vacancy in the organization the manager check the C.V. of that candidate whatever
they want from the candidate is to be there or not and then personal and technical
interview and 35% are satisfied recruitment process as the candidate may have competence
but it is not mention in the CV and may not have preferred well were rejected.

6. Are you satisfied with your organization salary increment policy?

H0: The organization salary increment policy is not effective.

H1: The organization salary increment policy is effective.


YES 47 47%

NO 23 23%

CAN’T SAY 30 30%

TOTAL 100 100%

no of respondent


47% yes

23% no
can't say

About 47% of employee are satisfied the organization salary increment policy because most
of the employee in the organization consider that the salary increment policy is good, 23%
of employee are not satisfied the organization salary increment policy because most of the
employee is not agree what increment they had given is not up to the mark as per their
profession and 30% of employee can’t say anything because they want to do the work what
salary organization provide to the employee they are happy. So alternative hypothesis is

7. Are you satisfied training procedure given in the organization?




YES 68 68%

NO 32 32%

TOTAL 100 100%

no of respondent

40% no of respondent
yes no

About 68% of employee are satisfied training procedure given in the organization because
the trainee should understand each and every thing what trainer should teach in the
organization is about the internal training as well as external training and 32% of employee
are not satisfied training procedure given in the organization because the training provided
to the trainees which is not as per the aptitude and attitude, proficiency level of an
employee. So alternative hypothesis is accepted.

8. Are you getting regular training in your company?




YES 62 62%

NO 38 38%

TOTAL 100 100%

no. of respondent


About 62% of employee says ‘yes’ should get the regular training in the organization
because on these training trainee should understand each and every thing what trainer
should teach in the organization and 38% of employee says ‘no’ shouldn’t get the regular
training in the organization because training is provided once in the career and if they don’t
perform they are terminated from a job. So alternative hypothesis is accepted.

9. Does the present performance appraisal meet your career advancement?

H0: The present performance of an employee is not being appraised through career

H1: The present performance of an employee is being appraised through career



YES 67 67%

NO 6 6%

CAN’T SAY 27 27%

TOTAL 100 100%

no. of respondent


67% yes
cant' say

About 67% of employee says ‘yes’, 6% of employee says ‘no’ and 27% of employee says
can’t say. So that present performance appraisal is used in the organization for charting
their career planning and so alternative hypothesis is accepted.

10. Are you satisfied with promotion activities in the organization?

H0: The promotion activities are not satisfied in the organization.

H1: The promotion activities are satisfied in the organization.


YES 76.64 76.34%

NO 23.36 23.36%

TOTAL 100 100%

no. of respondent




About 76.64% of employees are satisfied with the promotion activities in the organization
because the ranking method is used in the organization for the promotion activities and
23.36% of employees are not satisfied with the promotion activities in the organization.
According to that ranking method is used for appraising the performance and there is no
individual initiated which can focus on development. So alternative hypothesis is accepted.




The findings during the work carried out by me can be categorized into two:

A) Positive findings:

1. A majority of employees feel that recruitment process carried out in their companies are
satisfactory. Management is also satisfied with the process of recruitment to some extent.

2. Most of the employees feel that the HR department is good. About 58% of the managers
say that they prefer both internal as well as external source for recruitment and selection.

3. Almost all the employees are satisfied with the training activities conducted in the
organisation. 68% of the employees have achieved their training objectives.

4. Superiors are very supportive and helps their sub-ordinates in achieving their objectives

5. The management has understood the importance of systematic appraisal system & they
are taking every effort to implement it properly.

6. The training programme arranged for performance appraisal is good. The trainer is also
very effective to make the employees understand the concept.

7. The performance appraisal training programme is appreciated by the employees & they
are really benefited by it.

B) Negative findings:

1. Some employees were moderately or not much satisfied with the process of recruitment.

2. Since rules and regulations are very dynamic, so most of the employees face difficulty to
adjust with them.

3. Most of the candidates do not turn up when they are called up for the interview.

4. Regional behaviour and language influence is higher during training and even after
delivering their language; the desired effects are not seen.

6. Most of the employees slowly understand the importance of performance appraisal.


At last I want to say that while recruitment and selection identify acceptable candidate, the
process still continue with induction program for the new employee, we can further fine
tune the fit between the candidate’s qualities and the organization’s desire. Then to make
the employees more skilled behavioral training may be provided.

It makes the positive impact of any organization, but it needs a lot of money, time, attention
and guidance. It is just like only taking, not giving or taking the starting benefits and when
the time comes for returning back you just quit the job. So it is not always fruitful.

The employee motivation is needed to be built up through constant attempts of the

organization. The organization may adopt various methods for motivating the employees. It
may be by providing recreational activities such as tours, picnics, family outings, annual
days, sport days, functions, and parties. The organization must consider its employees as its
family members and must provide some profit sharing policy such as ESOPs , bonus, and
shares. the organization may provide fringe benefits.

Welfare activities to be undertaken by the organization may include various facilities such as
uniform for the employees for whom HR department is responsible for its maintenance and
providing it.

Last but not the least rewards are the main motivational activity, which may be monetary
and non-monetary rewards.

At last to conclude, I would like to say that with enthusiasm that it was a great experience
working with many experienced people working at senior positions. Interacting and
spending time with the people rich in learning experience. The people were very
cooperative and helpful and encouraging. It is an experience to be cherished for a long time.

It was great of learning so much about HR practices and implementing them. I’m really
thankful for all the senior members who explain me the working strategies and
methodologies of organizations.


As in the competitive world where the need for every organization to prove itself the best
and make an outstanding and remarkable progress is the need, no fact could be left ignored.
Every organization must know the shortcomings and must try to go for building up the
shortcomings. An ethical practice in any organization could only be achieved if the
organization works for the well being of its employees. Every organization must possess a
basic structure and the organization must be capable enough to reward its outstanding
performers and must appreciate the initiative works.

According to the survey been conducted with various HR heads of various organizations
here are few suggestions from their side:


Induction is must in every organization for all level of employees to make them well known
of the industry they are working in.

 The best ways to perform induction may be through

o Lectures
o Power point presentations prepared explaining company’s policies.
o Through SOPs (Standard operating procedures)
o Manuals
o But the most adopted one is through personal induction.

 The induction program must follow a proper feedback from employees been put into
the program which is again an ethical practice and is achieved by

o Induction scheduling

o Opinions from supervisors

o Feedback forms.

 Employee’s family’s involvement in motivating employee is the key element. It creates a
special pressure point.

o Drawing competitions of children could be organized.

o Special training for wives could be arranged to teach them what are the dos and


o Special scholarships could be announced for the children of employees securing good


 Management by objective should be adopted. The practice should be objective to avoid


 Kaizen award could be given to the implementer of best suggestion.


 For all the programs the organization must follow feedback method to understand the
effectiveness of any practice in a better way.

 Holistic views of induction should out show both positive and negative aspects of the
organization. This ultimately let the employee know about both the phases of the
policies adopted by the organization.

 Practice of providing a brief presentation of the company and a booklet for rules and
regulations of company must be maintained so that the employee could go through it
whenever required.

 Individual should concentrate more while training. When an organization invests on

training of an employee, the purpose of training serves the mutual benefit of both
organization and the employee. Thus, the employee should be more oriented towards
drawing as much benefits as he can. Employees are supposed to understand their role
for particular training program.

 Company must maintain training manuals or training charts and training report
submitted by the trainee. This, practice not only keeps a maintained record of the
programs been conducted but also keep the employee known of the knowledge gained
by him which could later be utilized.

 A pre- evaluation and post evaluation practice should be followed to understand the
success of training and the training could be then effectively used to fill gaps later.

 Continuous training module should be conducted, personality development training

should be provided.

 To motivate the employees

 Performance awards could be given every year.

 Incentives could be paid.

 Salary saving schemes could be provided.

 Extra activities such as games and sports, community meetings, recreational activities,
picnics, tours and outings should be planned to improve the interpersonal relationships.

 External welfare activities could also be taken up by the organization such as o Blood
donation camps o Safety week o Free eye camps o Free books for children o Poster and
quotes competition could be organized.

 Devotion, belongingness and good team member spirit should be rewarded. Employees
should be encouraged for group efforts and team work.

 To avoid worker union for better employee welfare and give suitable welfare activities
from time to time to the employees in house work committee should be developed to
handle the grievance.

 Employee’s participation is key issue. Thus, suggestions should always be invited and
maximum efforts should be put up to implement the suggestions.


This questionnaire is to study the “TRAINING AS A HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT

TOOLS”. You are requested to please give few minutes to fill the questionnaire and provide
us with valuable information. All the information provided by you will be treated as
confidential. We will be glad to share the summary of the survey with you ….


You may mark more than one option if relevant.

You are free to put your remarks in every blank provided.

1) Name of the company_______________________________________

2) Complete address__________________________________________

3) Name of HR head__________________________________________

4) E-mail address_____________________________________________

5) Telephone no.______________________________________________

6) Work force of the company____________________________________

7) Turnover rate_______________________________________________

8) does your organization have other manufacturing units in India (Yes / No)

9) if Yes, how many permanent employees do u have in each

(1)_________________ (2)_________________(3)_____________

1) Does the company provide induction for new employees (yes/no)

2) What are ways of induction

o Diaries o Manuals

o Brochures o Company cd’s

o Any other,

please specify________________________________

3) Who participates in delivering the function?

o HR department

o Related department

o All departments

o Any, other please specify_______________________________

4) Does induction is o Same for all o Different for different levels

5) Induction related to which areas are provided____________________

6) What is the duration of induction program `____________________

7) How does the company evaluates the effectiveness of induction program being

o Feedback method

o 0pinion from supervisor

o Employee satisfaction surveys

o Performance evaluation

o Any other, please specify__________________

8) Do the organization follow any induction scheduling______________?

9) Any other best induction practices you would like to share __________

1) How does the company recognize the need for training?
o Through questionnaires
o Performance monitoring
o Reference from supervisor
o Absence in pride
o Defective quality product
o Unsatisfactory promotions

o Any others, please specify_______________________________

2) What type of training is conducted?

o On the job training
o Class room sessions
o Online training
o Apprentice Training
o Outdoor training
o Any other please specify ______________________________
3) Who gives the training?
o Internal trainer
o External trainer
o Any other, please specify_______________________________

4) what is the percentage of employee involved in training_________

5) what is the annual budget for training______________________

6) what is the module duration of training_________________________

7) How do you take feedback of training program__________________

8) Please provide us any other information to help us understand the measurement of

training effectiveness_____________________________

9) Any best practice in training you would like to


1) Does the company provide any recreational activities( you can mark more than one
option in case applicable)

o Picnics

o Tours

o Family outings

o None

o Any other, please specify _____________________

2) Does the company provide any profit sharing policy


o Bonus

o Shares

o None

o If any other, please specify___________________________

3) Does the company take up initiative for improving interpersonal relationship

o Parties

o Functions

o Get together

o Community meetings

o Any other, please specify

4) does the company provide any retirement benefits

o Gratuity

o VRS( voluntary retirement scheme)

o PF (Provident fund)

o Pension

o Old age security

o Any other, please specify_______________

4) What are the promotional bases adopted by the organization


6) What are the fringe benefits provided by an organization____________


7) Any other motivational initiative you would like to share with


1) Does the company provide any transportation facilities (yes/no)

2) If yes, what type of facilities have been provided___________


3) Does the company provide uniform for its employees(yes/no)

4) If yes,
o Who is responsible for providing these uniforms
o Who take care of their maintenance

5) Does the company has well establish cafeteria/canteen(yes/no) If yes,

6) What facilities are provided?

o Lunch

o Breakfast

o Dinner

o Snacks

7) Payment Mode
o Free
o Subsidized
o Paid

8) Does the company has any special aid facility( you can mark more than

one option if applicable)

o On duty doctors
o Any collaboration with hospitals
o Ambulance for emergency
o First aid kit
o None
o Any other please specify_________________________________

9) Does the company adopt any on job safety measures

o Fire safety
o Electric/ shock safety
o Radiation safety (if any)
o Any harm while handling the machinery
o None
o If any other please specify_______________________________

10) What policy do the company has for rehabilitation of injured


11) What are the grievance handling procedures of the organization ______


12) Any other welfare related initiative you would like to share______________



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