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Grade: 10 - MAPEH Quarter: 4th Time Frame: 8 days /2 weeks

Designer: Candelaria E. Alavata Topic: 20th and 21st Century Multimedia Date: ____January Love A. Desamero_____
Forms Signature Over Printed Name (SAC)/Date
Stage 1
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to: sings contemporary song.
1. demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of 20th and 21st century 1. Performs selections from musical plays, ballet, opera in a satisfactory level of performance.
opera musical play, ballet and other multimedia forms. 2. Creates a musical work using media & technology.
2. demonstrates understanding of the relationship among music, technology, and

Learning Competency/ies: The learners should be able to:

1. describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented in a live performance or video;
2. explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical play are combined with music and media to achieve certain effects;
3. sings selections from musical plays and opera expressively;
4. creates / improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and costume using media and technology for a selected part of a musical play;
5. present an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century Philippine musical and highlight its similarities and differences to other western musical play.

Enduring Understanding/s: Students will understand that: Essential Question/s:

20th and 21st century music are identified based on their characteristics feature. How 20th and 21st century music are identified?

Transfer Goal: Students on their own be able to: create a musical presentation

Stage 2
Product or Performance Task: (GRASPS Form) Assessment Standard: (Rubric for Scoring Performance Task):
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Poor Score
Goal: the student will create a musical presentation (50 pts.) (30 pts.) (10 pts)
Role: singers and performers. Creativity/Music Extremely The music/song did
Audience: Their classmates and teachers. outstanding choice Good choice of not accurately
of music for the music in relation to express the moves
Situation: There will be a feast on celebrating and promoting 21st century music song presented. song presented. The presented.
through a musical performance Theme match the routine was
music. synchronized.
Product or Performance: a song performance.
Enthusiasm Great expressions Average No use of facial, or
Standards: song presentation will be based on the following: creativity, music. and use of expressions, and lacked enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm, rhythm, and tempo. enthusiasm. had enthusiasm for
most of the routine
Rhythm/Tempo The group is The group shows a The group gets
accurate in beat, good understanding offbeat and speeds
tempo, rhythms and of tempo and beat, up or falls behind.
dance sequences. but rarely gets off Doesn't follow the
beat or makes an rhythm or tempo.
error in rhythm.

Stage 3
Teaching/Learning Sequence:
(EFDT – Explore, Firm-up, Deepen and Transfer)
Day 1 (1st week)
 Activity 1

 Activity 2: “Watch Me”

Watch example videos of 20th and 21st century music.

Process Questions
1. Did you like the music?
2. Are the lyrics of the song connected to the video presentation?
3. What have you observe with the video?
4. How 20th and 21st century music are identified?
Day 2-4 (1st week)

 Activity 3: “Read to know”

A. Traditional Music B. New Music C. Song Composer

Process Question/s:
1. What is the history of Philippine Contemporary Music?
2. Who are the artist of Philippine Contemporary Music? (Traditional music, New music, and Song Composer
3. Site the biography of each artist and identify their famous musical works.
4. How contemporary music is identified?

Activity 4: “Listen well”

Instruction: The students will identify the different musical works of Philippine Contemporary composers that will be played by the teacher.

Process Questions:
1. Whose composition was played?
2. What is the difference between traditional and new music?
3. Do you love Philippine Music?
4. Whom among the Artist is your favourite and why?
5. How contemporary music is identified?

Day 5-6 (2nd week)

 Activity 5: “Reflection”
Instruction/s: Ask the students the following questions.
1. What is patriotism? Nationalism?
2. How much do you love your country?
3. What is your reflection about our topic in Philippine Contemporary music?
4. How contemporary music are identified?
Day 7-8 (2nd week)
Activity 6: “What’s your interpretation?”
Goal: the student will compose a Christmas song and sing examples of Contemporary music.
Role: singers and composers
Audience: Their classmates and teachers.
Situation: There will be a feast on celebrating and promoting Philippine Contemporary music through composition of Christmas songs.
Product or Performance: a song performance.
Standards: song presentation will be based on the following: creativity, music. Enthusiasm, rhythm, and tempo.

 Activity 9: POST TEST

Resources (Books, Web Sites, Software. Etc.) : MAPEH 10 by Depiedra et. al.

Materials and Equipment Needed: Laptop, projector, manila paper, permanent marker, cell phone,

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