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Cell Transport Questions

 What is the term that describes when there is no high or low concentration?

 When does passive transport stop?

 When you place the egg in distilled water, where was the higher concentration of water?
What type of solution is this?

 When you place the egg in corn syrup, where was the higher concentration of water?
What type of solution is this?

 If a freshwater fish contains 96% water in its body and the water concentration of its
environment is 80%, what problem does it have?

 A guard cell typically has 7% sugar and potassium inside it. What will happen in a guard
cell with 12% sugar and potassium inside it?

 What process creates a vesicle?

o Endocytosis
o Exocytosis
o Facilitated Diffusion
o Osmosis

 What are the 2 transport proteins found a cell membrane?

o Carrier and facilitator proteins
o Facilitator and channel proteins
o Carrier and channel proteins
o Channel and osmotic proteins

 Which of the following is not associated with active transport?

o Channel proteins
o Endocytosis
o Exocytosis
o Low concentration moving to high concentration

 A cell membrane fuses with a vesicle during

o Endocytosis
o Exocytosis
o Both Endocytosis and Exocytosis
o None of the above
 Diffusion will occur faster in
o 100ml of water at 10OCelsius
o 100ml of water at 20OCelsius
o 100ml of water at 30OCelsius
o 100ml of water at 40OCelsius

 Which of the following will reach equilibrium the fastest

o A drop of food coloring in 100ml of water at 50OCelsius
o A drop of food coloring in 100ml of water at 25OCelsius
o A drop of food coloring in 200ml of water at 50OCelsius
o A drop of food coloring in 200ml of water at 25OCelsius

Use the diagram to the right to answer the next 2 questions

 The potato to the right is an example of
o Hypotonic solution
o Active Transport
o Plasmolysis
o Turgor Pressure
 The potato on the left was placed in a solution where
o The higher concentration of water was outside the cell
o The higher concentration of salt was outside the cell.
o The higher concentration of water was inside the cell.
o The plant cell used active transport to resist osmosis.

I. This molecule is permeable to a cell A. Crenation
membrane B. Plasmolysis
C. Cytolysis
II. This molecules is not permeable to a cell D. Osmosis
membrane E. Passive transport
F. Water
III. This is the term used to describe a cell G. Active transport
membrane H. Protein
I. Semipermeable
IV. A gas sprayed in the room will move J. Diffusion
toward you if you are in an area with a…. K. Higher Concentration
L. Lower Concentration
V. When ATP is required to move

VI. When a gas moves from an area of high concentration to a low concentration.
VII. When a dissolved substance in a liquid moves from an area of high concentration to a low

VIII. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution

IX. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution

X. When a plant cell starts to wilt.

Is the following diagram an example of Diffusion, Osmosis, or

Active Transport?
1. The student next to you has bad breath and/or halitosis.

2. A paramecium ejects water from

its contractile vacuole

3. A guard cell loses water and closes shut, shutting off the diffusion of carbon dioxide
into the leaf.
Follow up questions to #3.
1. Why would a plant cell need carbon dioxide from the outside air?
2. Why would a plant cell close the stomata and prevent the plant from obtaining more
carbon dioxide?

This is tricky because two questions (1 &

2) seem to share the same answer (i). However, there is another possible answer (j) which is
specific to a plant cell.

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