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CHAPTER 23 REVISION QUESTIONS CORROSION (Answer of question from course notes) Q

01- Is the electrical circuit in a corrosion reaction AC or DC? AnsDirect Current



Q02- Does corrosion occur at the cathode or anode? Ans- Corrosion occurs at Anodes
Q03- Name the three factors needed for corrosion to occur. Ans- The three factors
required for corrosion is Anodes, Cathodes and Electrolyte. Q04- What is meant by
the term electrolyte? Ans- Electrolyte is a substance which will conduct a current
and be broken down by its. Q05- What is corrosion? AnsQ06AnsCorrosion is
degradation of metal by a Chemical or Electrochemical means. In the corrosion
circuit do electrons flow from anode to cathode? Electrons flow from Cathodes to

Q07- Which gas is released at the cathode when the electrolyte is water?
AnsHydrogen gas.

Q08- which is more noble metal, steel or aluminium? AnsSteel.

Q09- Which is more electronegative, steel or aluminium? AnsAluminium.

Q10- If steel and copper were in contact in electrolyte which would corrode?

Q11- Name two common hygroscopic salts. AnsIron Sulphate and Iron Chlorides.

Q12- Name three metals used as sacrificial anode on a steel pipeline. AnsZinc,
Alloy and Magnesium.

Q13- What is the approximate thickness of millscale? Ans25 - 100µm.

Q14- Which of the two metals would corrode if steel and zinc were coupled? AnsZinc
will corrode.

Q15- Which other names relate to the Galvanic list? AnsGalvanic Series,
Electrochemical Series and Electromotive Force Series.
Q16- In which environment are you likely to encounter chloride salt? AnsMarine’s

Q17- Which three compounds together form millscale? AnsWustite, Magnetite and

Q18- If magnesium was coupled with zinc, which would corrode? AnsMagnesium.

Q19- In which environment would sulphate salt be found? AnsIndustrial and


Q20- what is an osmotic blister? AnsDome shape projection causes by Hygroscopic


Q21- What is an ion? AnsPositively or negatively charge atom.

Q22- What is meant by polarization? AnsCurrent either positive or negative ( DC +

or DC - )

Q23- Is an anode positive or negative? AnsPositive Charge.

Q24- Can corrosion occur without an electrolyte? AnsCannot, because three factors
needed for corrosion to occur, anodes, cathodes and electrolyte.

Q25- Name a sub atomic particles. AnsProton, Electron and Neutron.

Q26- What is millscale and when and where does it occur? AnsMillscale is
combination of oxides layers on steel surface, formed together during rolling
process of steel at high temperature with approximate thickness 25 - 100µm. Q27-
Name three factors, which can accelerate corrosion reactions. AnsTemperature,
Hygroscopic Salts, Aerobic Condition, Bacteria, acid and alkalis.

Q28- Why is it considered essential to remove millscale prior to painting?

AnsBecause the nobility between steel and mill scale, mill scale more noble than
steel and mill scale is easily flack off if temperature applied and will lack of
adhesion due to different expansion. Q29- Why does an uncoated steel plate corrode?
AnsBecause of three elements for corrosion was there.

Q30- If corrosion occurs at anodic areas, why does steel corrode evenly all over
the surface? AnsBecause there is no protection at the steel.

(Monday) Sht 2

SURFACE PREPARATION (Answer of question from course note) Q01- Which British
standard would be used in determining the size of copper slag abrasive? AnsBS 410.

Q02- Which British standard would be used in determining the size of metallic
abrasives? AnsBS 410.

Q03- Which regulations prohibit the use of sand for blasting steel? AnsCOSHH

Q04- What is meant by the term ‘key’? AnsCross section of Blasting Profile.

Q05- Why is it important to have good surface preparation? AnsTo remove

contamination for better adhesion between a paint and the substrate.

Q06- What is meant by the term ‘silver’? AnsLamination or crack, appear to be a

longitudinal crack, which one lip curling back.

Q07- what is a hackle? AnsA small surface lamination which stand upright like a
needle after blasting.

Q08- Name two other terms that could be used for ‘anchor pattern’? AnsProfile, Key,
Peak to through height.

Q09- What are the main advantages of using ‘Testex papers” for measuring profiles?
AnsTestex papers can be keeping as a permanent record.

Q10- What is meant by the grade, relating to a blast finish? AnsDegree of


Q11- What are the main factors governing the grade of a blast finish? AnsDependant
on the time spent on the area and velocity of the particles.

Q12- Can the grade of a blast finish be determined by using the surface comparators
to BS7079 Pt C3? AnsCannot, surface comparator used for assess degree of roughness

Q13- What profile range can be measured using X course Testex? Ans40 - 115µm.

Q14- What profile range can be measured using course grade Testex? Ans- 20 - 50µm.
Q15- What are the two theories of adhesion? AnsMolecular Attraction and Molecular

Q16- Briefly describe the mechanisms of the two theories of adhesion.


Molecular Attraction – negatively charge particle attracted to positively areas and

vise versa (analogy magnet ) Molecular Interference – Because the surface is rough
and uneven the paint wets and lock into the profile (analogy Velcro/physical).

Q17- How many microns are in 1 thou? Ans25.4µm.

Q18- Give three different names for the cross section of a blast. AnsBlast profile,
anchor pattern and amplitude.

Q19- What is the approximate speed of abrasives leaving a venturi nozzle? Ans450

Q20- What is the most common cause of flash rusting on a blasted substrate?

Q21- What would be considered to be an ideal shot grit mix? Ans20 – 30 % Grit to 70
– 80 % Shot.

Q22- What is the purpose of mixing shot and grit? AnsTo create more uniform profile
which Grit cut a profile and a Shot will control peak to through height. Q23- Which
abrasive would have the effect of work hardening? AnsSteel Shot.

Q24- Name three methods of measuring or assessing a profile. AnsSurface Profile,

Needle Gauge, Dial Micrometer and Replica Tape and Surface Comparator.

Q25- What is the most common cause of rough peak on substrate? AnsBlast to long
time at a same area.

Q26- In what situation would it better to use steel grit in preference to copper
slag abrasives? AnsFactory and confine space.

Q27- If crack or laminations are found on a substrate after blasting what step
should be taken? AnsRefer to the Engineer for His/Her discretion.

Q28- Using comparators to ISO 8503, what are the three main profile assessments?
AnsFine, Medium and Course.

Q29- what are the other two assessments when the above three are not appropriate?
AnsFiner than Fine and Coarser than Coarse.

Q30- What would be size of copper slag needed to give a profile of 50 to 75 ụm

AnsGarnet size 3060. (G16)
SURFACE PREPARATION (Answer of question from course note) Q01- What is the title of
the BS 7079? AnsPreparation of steel substrate before application of paints and
related product.


Q02- What are the four characteristics of an abrasive? AnsSize of particles,

hardness, density and shape of particle.

Q03- Why are blast hoses carbon impregnated? AnsTo remove or reduce electric static

Q04- Name the gauge used for measuring pressure at the blast nozzle? AnsHypodermic
Needle Gauge.

Q05- Name four advantages of centrifugal blasting over open blasting. AnsLong
production run, Can control quality, more safety, efficient use of abrasive.

Q06- According to BS 7079 it is possible to blast clean to an A Sa1? AnsImpossible.

Q07- Is there any difference between an A Sa1 and B Sa1? AnsYes, the appearance.

Q08- Could you tell the difference between rust grades A and B blasted to Sa3?
AnsNo different.

Q09- Could you tell the difference between rust grades C and D blasted to Sa3?
AnsYes, Rust grade D have a heavy pitted.

Q10- What would be a typical speed of abrasives leaving a wheel abrator? Ans220mph.

Q11- What is considered to be the most efficient blasting pressure? Ans100psi per

Q12- What is meant by the term “burnishing”? AnsBurnishing is a result of over

brushing, smooth and shiny areas which does not provide good

adhesion. Q13- What would be the equivalent to St2 in the Sa grade? AnsSA 1

Q14- What is the neutral figure on the pH scale? Ans7pH

Q15- How is pH measured? AnsUsing pH indication strip paper.

Q16- Why are inhibitor sometimes added to water in wet blasting? AnsTo retards the
formation of corrosion product.

Q17- Name two typical areas where needle guns might be used? AnsRust Grade A and D.

Q18- What is the Duplex process of surface preparation? AnsPickling process

followed by passivation process.

Q19- Which pH range covers acids? Ans0 till 7pH. Acid.

Q20- Which pH range covers alkalies? Ans7 till 14pH Alkalines.

Q21- What is the meaning of pH? AnsQ22- Name three disadvantages of wet blasting?
AnsSupply a large amount of water, disposal of slurry and mix of inhibitor.

Q23- Name two areas on a structure where flam cleaning cannot be done? AnsRevert,
screw, bolt and nuts.

Q24- Which three basic operations are performed during flame cleaning?
AnsExpansion, Dehydration and Heat penetration.

Q25- How does BS 7079 define flam cleaning standards? AnsAF1, BF1, CF1 and DF1.

Q26- What is ‘Jason Hammer? AnsType of a needle gun.

Q27- What is meant by St2 and St3? AnsSt 2 means thorough hand and power tool
cleaning St 3 means Very thorough hand and power tool cleaning. Q28- Two alloy are
use to render wire brushes spark free, what are they? AnsPhosphorus Bronze and
Beryllium Bronze.

Q29- Why ‘Burnishing’ be avoided? AnsBurnishing did not provide a good adhesion of

Q30- Name two disadvantages of using needle gun. AnsLeave a very coarse profile
and, work harden need.

Q31- After phosphating, what would be a typical pH requirement prior to coating?

Ans4.5 Till 7pH.
Q32- What is under stood by the term ‘Knock out pot? AnsOil or water

Q33- If an operator was blasting with a nozzle pressure of 80 psi. What would be
his approximate efficiency? Ans70% production.

Q34- Which solvents are commonly used for degreasing? AnsXylene.

Q35- What is the dead mans handle? AnsBlasting Triggers which always under operator

Q36- Why is carbon impregnated in to blast hose? AnsTo remove or reduce the
electric shock.

Q37- how is abrasive cleansed in a wheel abrator system? AnsBy Air Wash Separator

Q38- What is the main disadvantage of high pressure jetting compared to other
systems? AnsBecause of high pressure it’s very hazardous to the operator.

Q39- Name five method of wet blasting. AnsHigh pressure water blasting up to
30000psi, High pressure water plus abrasive injection, and low pressure water plus
abrasive injection and Water Blasting. Q40- What would be typical temperature and
concentration of sulfuric Acid in the pickling process? Ans5 to 10% Concentration
and 60 to 70°C Temperature.

Q41- Describe the ‘Duplex processes’. AnsAfter Pickling Process complete, immerse
the steel substrate into a bath of phosphoric/Chromic acid, 2 % solution at 80°C
for approximately one to two minute with iron filling (0.5%) and after that rinse
in clean water and check for Ph values. Value should be at the range of 4.5 till
7pH. Q42- What would be maximum pressure for high pressure water jetting? Ans30000

Q43- What are the disadvantages of wet blasting over dry blasting? AnsLot of
slurry, use large amount of water and use inhibitor.

Q44- Describe the phosphating process? Ans……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… Q45- What would be
considered to be advantage of wet blasting over dry blasting? AnsSpark free,
environmentally friendly, remove hygroscopic salt, and reduce dust.

Q46- Why is the phosphating or chromating of steel done? AnsTo forms rust
inhibitive layers, which passivate the surface and increase the adhesion properties
and also extremely resistant to cathodic disbondment. Q47- what would be an
acceptable remedy for burnished area? AnsTreated by abrading with emery clothes.

Q48- Would burnishing be expected on areas of St2 preparation? AnsYes

Q49- How many photographs of blast cleaning standards are shown in BS 7079Pt A?
Ans14 photos, 2 for rust grade A and 4 photos for each rust grade B, C and D.

Q50- Do the plates shown in BS 7079 PtA related to grit blasting or shot blasting.
AnsNo it is related to all blasting.
PAINT TECHNOLOGY (1) (Wednesday) Q01- Name a third type of paint other than solvent
free and solvent born. AnsPowder paint.

Q02- An epoxy resin would use which solvent? AnsKetones / Acetone.

Q03- Name four or more advantages of Chlorinated Rubber paint. AnsHigh resistance
to mould growth, Non-flammable, Resistance to chemical attack, Non toxic and easy
maintenance. Q04- What are the three main disadvantages of Chlorinated Rubber
paint? AnsLow resistance to some solvent, low temperature tolerance (65°C maximum)
and spray application resulted in ‘cobwebs’ Q05- Which solvent could be used with a
Phenolic Resin? AnsWhite Spirits.

Q06- Chlorinated Rubber paint would contain which solvent? AnsXylene. Chlorine.

Q07- Would it be good practice to apply Chlorinated Rubber over Alkyd resin? AnsNo,
CR contain with strong solvent and Alkyd contain with weak solvent, if CR applied
over Alkyd its will result a lifting. Q08- Which solvent could be used with an
Alkyd resin? AnsAliphatic Hydrocarbon / White spirits.

Q09- How was the word Alkyd derived? AnsAlkyd derived from words of Alcohol and
Acid reaction.

Q10- What is meant by opaque? AnsInert particles with excellent light scattering
properties in order to give covering power, opacity and colour. Q11- What is meant
by vehicle? AnsBinder is the main constituent of the paint; other terms are
Carrier, Film former, non volatile.

Q12- Would it be acceptable practice to apply an Alkyd over Chlorinated Rubber?


Yes, weak solvent binder over strong solvent binder not creates any paint fault.
I.e. lifting.

Q13- Would it be acceptable practice to apply Chlonirated Rubber over Phenolic?

AnsNot acceptable, strong solvent over weak solvent will spoil the paint system.
I.e. lifting.

Q14- Would it be acceptable practice to apply Phenolic Resin over Chlorinated

Rubber? Ans. Q15- Would it be acceptable practice to apply Epoxy over linseed oil
base? AnsAcceptable, weak solvent binder over strong solvent binder not creates any
paint fault. I.e. lifting. Acceptable, weak solvent binder over strong solvent
binder not creates any paint fault. I.e. lifting.

Q16- Would it be acceptable practice to apply Chlorinated Rubber over Epoxy? AnsNot
acceptable, strong solvent binder over weak solvent binder will spoilt the paint
system. I.e. lifting.

Q17- Would it be acceptable practice to apply Epoxy Resin over Alkyd Resin? AnsNo

Q18- What is other name for an un-pigmented paint? AnsDye and varnish. Lacquer

Q19- What are the natural properties of a Resin. AnsVery brittle, fast dry and can
not mixed with water.

Q20- What are the natural properties of an Oil? AnsSlow drying, flexibility.

Q21- How does paint using the barrier principle work? AnsForms thick impermeable
layer of high electrical resistance, applied over primer coat, to prevent from
water passing into the film and leaching out the inhibitive pigmentation. Q22- How
does paint using the Passivation principle work? AnsCausing a chemical reaction
between the paint constituent and the substrate.

Q23- How does paint using cathodic protection principle work? AnsBy sacrificial

Q24- Give another name for solvent free two packs. AnsMulti Component Liquids
paints and Chemical curing materials.

Q25- Name six properties of a binder. AnsEase application, adhesion to substrate,

abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, cohesive strength and ability to resist
the passage of water. Q26- Name three natural resins used in paints.

Copal, dammar and coumarone.

Q27- Name five natural oils used in paints. AnsLinseed oil, castor oil, olive oil,
tung oil, Soya oil and palm oil.

Q28- What does oleoresinous means? AnsA mixture of oil and resins.

Q29- Name an inorganic high temperature service binder. AnsSilicones, usually

carbon or aluminium pigmented.

Q30- Name two pigments likely to be used for high temperature service. AnsCarbon
and aluminium.
PAINT TECHNOLOGY (2) Q01- By what name would you call the basic unit of a polymer?


Poly means many and Mers means single units, can be single atom or molecule.

Q02- What is polymerisation? AnsJoining together of a string structure of repeated


Q03- Name three types of polymers. AnsLinear polymer, branched polymer and cross
linked polymer.

Q04- What would be the characteristics of a short oil paint? AnsLess than 45% oil
to resin, fast drying, brittle

Q05- What would be the characteristics of a long oil paint? AnsMore than 60% oil to
resin, slow drying properties, elastic,

Q06- What is meant by the term “opaque pigment”? AnsInert particle with excellent
scattering properties in order to give covering power, opacity and colour,
( Coloring pigment) Q07- What is the typical size of a pigment partical? Ans1/10th
micron. 0.1 Micron.

Q08- Briefly describe the difference between “saturated” and “unsaturated” when
referring to oils or polymers. AnsSaturated oil will not solidify by polymerisation
to form a film and unsaturated oil will combine with oxygen. Q09- Name two drying
oils, which are unsaturated. AnsLinseed oil, tung oil. Semi drying oil and Non
drying oil.

Q10- What is the main difference between a dye and a pigment? AnsDye can easily
dissolve but pigment cannot.

Q11- What are the sources of pigments? AnsAnimal, vegetable, mineral and
synthetically produce.

Q12- If Titanium Dioxide was used in paint, what would be the colour? AnsWhite
Q13- Name three rust inhibitive pigment considered to be toxic. AnsRed Lead,
calcium plumbate, Coal tar and zinc chromate.

Q14- Name four commonly occurring minerals used as extender pigments.


Kaolin, china clay, calcium plumbhate, magnesium silicate and aluminium silicate.

Q15- Name three laminar pigments. AnsMicacous iron oxide, Glass flake, Graphite and
Aluminium flake.

Q16- If pigment was added way below the CPVC, how would it affect the film? AnsA
film have a good gloss properties but poor covering power and have tendency to
blister or low cohesive strength. Q17- The abbreviation CPVC means what?
AnsCritical Pigment Volume Concentration.

Q18- why are thixotropes added to a paint formulation? AnsTo give more shelf life
and higher film thickness.

Q19- If carbon was used as a pigment what would be the paint colour? AnsQ20 AnsA
black colour. Name four properties that a binder contributes to a paint film? Ease
of application, adhesion to substrate, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance and
cohesive strength. Q21- Describe how a basic inhibiter works? AnsAdded into primer
to protect the steel substrate by passivation.

Q22- which of the common extenders could not be used in white and pestle? AnsSlate

Q23- How could the film be affected if pigment was added above the CPVC? AnsAll
particle are not wetted, the paint film would be porous, low in cohesive strength
and adhesion.

Q24- Which of the rust inhibitive pigment is the most common? AnsZinc phosphate.

Q25- Why are the extenders used in paint formulation AnsProvide adhesion, cohesion,
films strength and durability.

Q26- If chromium was used as a pigment, what colour would the paint be? AnsGreen,
yellow and oranges.

Q27- Why are plasticisers added to paint? AnsTo give paint flexibility and reduce

Q28- Two metals are commonly used as galvanic pigmentation, name them. AnsZinc and
Q29- Why are driers added to oil based paint? AnsFor oxidizing oil and resin which
are added during paint manufacturing.

Q30- What is meant by the term ‘thixotropic’? AnsIt is a thickener which also allow
a higher film thickness.

Q31- What is meant by the term ‘aggregate’ when referring paint? AnsProcess of
milling or grinding a paint ingredient to a suitable size.

Q32- If an antioxidant was added to paint, what would it do? AnsIts will retard the
formation of skin on the paint surface.

Q33- Give the names of two plasticisers. AnsCastor oil and coconut oil. Alkyd
resins and non drying oil.

Q34- What is meant by the term solution? AnsThe resulting liquids I.e. salts mix
with water will result salty water. Water and sugar are solution.

Q35- Give two example of a solution. AnsBinder and solvent, water and salt, water
and sugar.

Q36- What is meant by the term dispersion? AnsNo solubility between two materials
e.g. Paint.

Q37- There are two types of dispersion, what are they? AnsSuspension and Emulsion.

Q38- If paint cures by chemical reaction is it reversible or convertible?

AnsConvertible/Non Reversible.

Q39- what types of polymerization occurs in chemically curing paint? AnsQ40AnsCross

linked Polymer. Name a paint which dries solely by solvent evaporation. Chlorinated
Rubber, Vinyl, Acrylic, cellulous material and lacquer.

Q41- What is meant by ‘non convertible’? AnsAllowing the polymer in a paint

structure back into solution.

Q42- What is meant by ‘non reversible’? AnsNot allowing the polymer in a paint
structure back into solution.

Q43- Name four drying mechanisms. AnsSolvent Evaporation, Oxidation, Chemical

Curing and Coalescence.

Q44- In a coating, which dries by solvent evaporation, what type of polymerization

occurs. AnsChlorinated Rubber, Vinyl’s, Acrylic and fall into Linear Polymer

Q45- What is another term for Fineness off Grind? AnsThe Hegman Grind Gauge which
used to measure degree of dispersion of paint.

Q46- Which generic type of paint dry by solvent evaporation followed by oxidation.

Alkyd, Phenolic and neutral oil and resin.

Q47- What types of polymer forms during oxidation? AnsCross linking Polymer.

Q48- What term applies to paint drying at ambient temperature? AnsAir Drying.
Reversible or non convertible and linear polymer.

Q49- What is meant by the term ‘coalescence’? AnsPhysically joint together.

Q50- What is meant by the term’ Pot-life’ AnsThe periods of time after mixing which
the paint must be used.

Q51- Name three curing agents used in epoxies? AnsAmides, Amines and Isocycnate.

Q52- Is paint a solution or dispersion, qualify? AnsDispersion.

Q53- What is exothermic reaction? AnsGiving off heat, the container will warm up.

Q54- What is meant by the term ’Induction period’? AnsThe length of time after
mixing which the paint should stand before used to allow polymerization/ wetting of
paint. Q55- What is the difference between ‘thermoplastic’ and thermosetting’?
AnsThermosetting means the material will cure with the application of heat. And
Thermoplastic means materials soften with the application of heat.

Q56- With a chemically curing paint, what type of polymerisation occurs? AnsCross
Linking Polymer.

Q57- Two other terms relate to induction period, what are they? AnsStand Time and
Lead Time.

Q58- Does a Phenolic resin have an induction period? AnsYes, the time depends on
Paint Manufacturer recommendation.

Q59- Which of the following binders are reversible? Ansa)Epoxy Alkyd b) Phenolic f)
Cellulose c) Vinyl g) Urethane d) Chlorinated Rubber, h) Silicon e)

Q60- Is an epoxy powder paint thermoplastic or thermosetting? AnsThermosetting, the

powder will cure with the application of heat.
Q61- If a coating is permeable, what does it mean? AnsIt’s a Barrier coat.

Q62- What is meant by cross-linking, give two binders as an example? Ans????????

Q63- What is opposite to exothermic? AnsEndothermic reaction, taking in heat, the

paint container will cold and forming condensation.

Q64- What is the term used for paints needing temperatures in excess of 65°c to
cure? AnsStoving, using oven or infra red.

Q65- What would be a typical induction period for Chlorinated rubber paint?
AnsDepends on Technical Data Sheet recommendation from paint manufacture.

Q66- Name a material used as a dryer in paint formulation. AnsHeavy metal salts,
Octoates or naphtanes of cobalt, manganese and zirconium.

Q67- Why would bentonite or wax be used in paint formulation? AnsThese are
“Thixotropes” added to paint keep solid particulate constituents in depression
within the paints. Q68- Name two materials used as plasticisers. AnsCoconut oil And
Caster oil / Alkyd and Non drying oil.

Q69- What generic type of paints would use anti-oxidant? AnsQ70- How does a single
pack? Epoxy Easter paint dry. AnsBy oxidizing.

Q71- How is Dew-point defined? AnsThe temperature at which water vapor in the air
will condense.

Q72- How is relative humidity defined? AnsThe amount of water vapor in the air
expressed as a percentage of the amount of water vapor which could be in the air at
that same temperature. Q73- When using a whirling hygrometer which bulb should be
read first and why? AnsAlways wet bulb first and immediately, when rotation stops
wet bulb start rise in temperature.

Q74- At what speed should be thermometer bulb pass through the air? AnsAt a speed
of 4meter/second.

Q75- What should be used when wetting the wick on whirling hygrometer? AnsDistilled

Q76- By what other name can we refer to a whirling hygrometer? AnsAspirated

Hygrometer and Psychrometer.
Q77- When the air temperature rises does the air’s capacity to hold water increase
or decrease? AnsDecrease.

Q78- What is the stated criterion for accept, prior to calculation, on a whirling
hygrometer? AnsMust be according to BS 2482.

Q79- Name two pieces of equipment used for taking steel temperature? AnsLimpet
Gauge, Digital Thermometer, Thermocouple and Touch Pyrometer.

Q80- Is it possible for wet bulb temperature to be higher than the dry bulb? AnsNo,
its impossible.
PAINT TESTING (Thursday) Q01- Define viscosity. AnsFluids resistance to flow, where
the liquids with a high viscosity is one which a high resistance to flow and it
would not run easily, a low viscosity is fluids runs very easily. Q02- What is
meant by high viscosity? Ans- Liquids with a high resistance to flow. And would not
run easily. Q03- Approximately, what is the viscosity of water? AnsOne centi poise.

Q04- Name the CGS and SI units of dynamic viscisity? AnsCGS-Poise and SI-Newton per
square meter.

Q05- Name three different flow cups. AnsFord Flow Cup, Zhan and Frikmar, and DIN.

Q06- When using a flow cup which unit of viscosity would be used? AnsSI unit, Time
in second at the measure temperature (second/20°C±0.5)

Q07- In ‘Ford flow cup No.4’ what does ‘4’ relate to? AnsDiameter of nozzle opening
at the bottom of cup.

Q08- Give the name of three different rotational viscometers. AnsRotothinner-

Dynamic Viscosity and Kreb stormer Viiscometer-Kinematics Viscosity.

Q09- Give a reason for performing a viscosity test on site. AnsTo find out the
addition of thinner. Comparing the sample taken from the operator at the point of
application and the sample from the paint manufacture technical data sheet.

Q10- Which viscometer would not be used on thixotropic paint? AnsFord Flow Cup.

Q11- Why is temperature very important when doing viscosity test? AnsTemperature
would affect the drying and curing of paint under test.

Q12- What is the main difference between the rotathinner and Krebs Stomer?
AnsRotothinner giving dynamic viscosity and Krebs Stomer giving kinematics

Q13- Describe how to use a Ford Flow Cup.

Ans- Clean and dry the cup, put on the triangular stand and make it parallel using
spirit bubble leveling on the lid of cup, open a cup, place a finger at a nozzle
under a cup, fill a cup with a paint under test and clean out any accesses if paint
by ruler, standby with stop watch, at the time we remove our finger from nozzle
immediately at the same time press start button at stop watch and look at the first
brake of paint which drop from nozzle under cup and stop the stop watch. The
reading should be Second/20°C±0.5. Q14- Give another name for a Fineness of grind
gauge. AnsThe Hegman Grind Gauge.

Q15- Is low flash point safer than a high flash point? AnsNO, the higher Flash
point is better and safer.

Q16- How and for what a Hegman grind gauge used? AnsIts used to measure the degree
of dispersion of paint, Paint is added to the deepest point of the scale and drawn
to totally fill the groove by a special scraper bar, then check the 3mm band where
aggregates through the surface of paint. Q17- Briefly describe how to do the
volatile, non volatile test to BS3900 Pt B2 Ans10.1 page

Q18- Name the equipment used to determine the flash point of a solvent? AnsAble

Q19- What colour should the flame be at the flash point? AnsBlue flame flash.

Q20- What formula is used to calculate the density? AnsDensity=Wt ÷ Volume

Q21- What formula is used to calculate the specific gravity? AnsSD or SG=Density of
X ÷ Density of water.

Q22- What is the relative density? AnsDensity of Water. Specific gravity

Q23- What are the other names for a density cup? AnsRelative Density Cup, Specific
Gravity Cup, Weight per liter Cup, Weight per gallon Cup and Pyknometer. Q24- What
is the stoke, the unit for?

Kinematics Viscosity.

Q25- Which test is used to determine Abrasion Resistance? AnsTaber Rotary Abraser.

Q26- Which equipment would be used to determine flexibility? AnsConical Mandrels.

Q27- Which equipment would be used to measure impact resistance? AnsTubular Impact

Q28- For what reason would the Koenig Albert Apparatus be used? AnsTest the
hardness of paint after fully cured.

Q29- For which two reasons could a density cup be used on site? AnsDetermine
correct mixing ratio and correct percentage of thinner added into a paint.

To calculate density if 2 pack material has been used.

Q30- Name four accelerated test boxes. AnsHumidity Cabinet, Salt Spray Cabinet,
Water Soak Test, Temperature Cycling and prohesion test.

Q31- Why a tropical box would be used? AnsTesting a pain in a situation of tropical

Q32- would a paint be higher or lower density than water? AnsHigher than density of
water. ( Yes)

Q33- How would the density be affected if solvent was added to paint? AnsSolvent
would dilute the paint.

Q34- What is the capacity of a density cup? Ans100cc.

Q35- What is the difference between SG and Density? AnsSG= Density of paint ÷
Density of water Density = weight ÷ Volume Q36- What information could be obtained
from a water soak test? AnsWater absorption.

Q37- What information could be obtained from a temperature cycling test? AnsSubject
to constant cycle temperature from hot to cold and hot again.

Q38- What information could be obtained from a cold check test? AnsConstant
expansion and contraction which can result in a crack.

Q39- Name four drying and curing test?


Ballotini Test and BK Drying Time Recorder.

Q40- What stage of the BK test would be recorded as the drying time? AnsWhen there
are no any scratches visible on a paint surface.

Q41- Name three methods of determining opacity? AnsBlack and white fused plate,
Through Type and Hiding Power Chart and film applicator. Q42- What affects the
opacity of a paint film. AnsCapability of paint to giving hiding power to the
underlying surface. micrometer adjustable

Q43- Why would Pfund crypto meter be used. AnsTo checked opacity of paint.

Q44- Give one reason why an inspector is would use a PIG gauge? AnsTo determine the
individual thickness of paint film.

Q45- Why are wet paint film thicknesses needed? AnsTo control thickness during
application which give a confidence that after paint dry the thickness still in the
range of dry film thickness a per spec requirement and control a paint consumption.
Q46- Name two method of measuring WFTs. AnsEccentrics Rims and Wet Combs.

Q47- What is the reason for taking WFT immediately after application? AnsTo
determine accurate thickness reading.

Q48- Where could an inspector find information to determine if a 2 pack paint was
mixed in the correct proportions, using a density cup? AnsComparing with paint
manufacturer technical data sheet.

Q49- Can a banana gauge be used on non-ferromagnetic substrate? AnsNo, it can be

used on ferrous metal substrate only.

Q50- Could an eddy-current gauge be used on ferromagnetic substrate? AnsNo, It can

be used on non ferrous metal substrate only.

Q51- Can a horseshoe gauge be used on non-ferromagnetic substrate? AnsNo, it can be

used on ferrous metal substrate only.

Q52- A part of which test would a bar applicator be used? AnsHiding power chart in
opacity test.

Q53- Which instruments would be used to measure reflectivity? AnsGlossmeter.

Q54- How does a glass meter work?


By a reflectance of light at specified angle.

Q55- Which factors in paint govern the degree of gloss? AnsDegree of dispersion,
particle size, resin type, solvent type and pigment volume concentration.

Q56- In a primer / mid coat what would be the expected degree of grind? Ans40µm.

Q57- In gloss paint what would be a typical degree of grind? Ans10 - 20µm.

Q58- What percent reading would be expected when measuring gloss on a glass panel?
Ans Almost 100%.

Q59- Using a gloss meter a reading of 25% would signify what? AnsDegree of gloss
for primer and mid coat paint.

Q60- If an aggregate size of 35µm was present in a paint of 30 µm DFT what would be
likely result when using a gloss meter? AnsLight would be deflected and the gloss
percentage reading would be lower.

Q61- Name common tests for determining adhesion of paint film? AnsV-Cut test, Cross
Hatch Cut and Dolly test.

Q62- Which adhesion tests are quantitative? AnsDolly Test units in


Q63- Inter coat adhesion and primer to substrate adhesion are two adhesion fault
name the third? AnsCohesive failure within a paint film.

Q64- What chemical solution is used to conduct a Cathodic disbondment test?

AnsSodium Chlorides.

Q65- Which gas involved at the cathode causes disbondment? AnsHydrogen and Chlorine

Q66- What criterion is used when assessing a Cathodic Disbondment test panel?
AnsAfter V-Cut the paint must not exposed the substrate. I.e. F.B.E 5mm only after
28 day.

Q67- Name the two methods of applying Cathodic protection? AnsSacrificial Anodes
and Impress Current.

Q68- What is used to determine the potential of a pipeline? Ans??????????

Q69- Would it be advisable to refill a pipe trench with carbonaceous backfill?


Q70- Does a Cathodic protection system eliminate corrosion? AnsNo, these systems
only control the corrosion formation.
Q71- Can the external surface of a tank be protected? AnsYes, by primary defence

Q73- What voltage would be used on a 250 um thick paint using a sponge type pinhole
detector? AnsSetting at 9volts.

Q74- What voltage would be used on a 450 um thick coating wiyh a sponge type
pinhole detector? AnsSetting at 67.5volts or 90volts.

Q75- When using wet sponge, what other liquid is added to the water? AnsDetergent
or washing liquids.

Q76- In wet sponge holiday testing what function does the additive perform? AnsTo
allow immediate penetration of the water and providing a very low resistance
circuit back to the control box. Q77- Would it be advisable to do wet sponge
detection on galvanizing? AnsNo, On galvanized surface holiday detection can’t be

Q78- why work upwards on a vertical surface with a wet sponge? AnsTo wet out the
entire surface.

Q79- Does a sponge detector work on AC or DC current? AnsIts work on DC current.

Q80- Other than the wet sponge, which other equipment could be used to determine
the presence of pinholes / holidays? AnsThe high voltage Holiday Detector.
Revision Question General (Friday) Q01- Name two categories of paint mill. AnsQ02-
What is the main reason to processing paint in a mill. AnsQ03- Briefly describe how
ball mill works? AnsQ04- Briefly describe how attritor mill works? AnsQ05- When
would steel balls not be used in ball mill? AnsQ06- A bead mill is some times
called by which other name? AnsQ07- How does a colloid mill work? AnsQ08- Name
eight items of information listed on a material data sheet? AnsQ09- What do you
understand from the term “Halogenated hydrocarbon”? AnsQ10- How can we determine
the viscosity of high viscosity paint? AnsQ11- Briefly describe the principle of
CP? AnsQ12- What function does a primer have in paint system? AnsQ13- In a mordant
primer what is the main working constituent? AnsQ14- What advantages does
electrostatic application method provide? AnsQ15- Which is the most expensive type
of brush filling? AnsQ16- What is cohesive failure in paint, give the main cause?
Q17- Why does a zinc rich paint need a strong binder? AnsQ18- Why are etch primers
not spray applied? AnsQ19- What do you under stand by the term over spray? AnsQ20-
Name four method of determining DFTs? AnsQ21- What is a psychrometer used for?
AnsQ22- What colour should a galvanized surface be after application of “T” wash?
AnsQ23- How soon can a “T” washed substrate should be coated? AnsQ24- Other than
pigment, base and curing agent name two other constituent of FBE powder paints?
AnsQ25- Give the main difference between airless and conventional spray? AnsQ26-
Brush application has advantages over spray application, what are they? AnsQ27-
What is the main consideration when selecting a metallic pigment for sacrificial
paint? AnsQ28- What is meant by Shererdizing? AnsQ29- Name three types of paint
feed for conventional spray? AnsQ30- What is the Colorizing process? AnsQ31- Why
would a sealer be applied to aluminum metal spray? AnsQ32- What is the BS 2015 term
for skipped or missed area? AnsQ33- A colour has three properties, what are they?
AnsQ34- Why would paint be applied by hot spray?
AnsQ35- On an airless spray tip how blockage cleared? AnsQ36- How atomization is
achieved using conventional spray? AnsQ37- How atomization is achieved using
airless spray? AnsQ38- What is dip coating? AnsQ39- What do you under from the term
Roppiness? AnsQ40- What is efflorescence and how does it occur? AnsQ41- Name two of
melting aluminum to enable it to spray? AnsQ42- What is flocculation? AnsQ43- What
could be the cause of bittines in a paint film? AnsQ44- What is a Tie coat? AnsQ45-
How many depressions of the bellows are needed for the drager test? AnsQ46- What
are the hazard signs are Toxic, Very Toxic, Harmful, and corrosive? AnsQ47- What is
saponification? AnsQ48- What unit is used for measuring toxicity? AnsQ49- Which
material would have to used on a perpetually damp surface? AnsQ50- What is pudding?
AnsQ51- What air inlet pressure is needed to give 2500 psi delivery with 35:1 pump?
Q52- What cause lifting of a paint film? AnsQ53- What is cissing and how is it
caused? AnsQ54- What is mean by abbreviations: OES, OEL, MEL, UEL, LEL and RAQ?
AnsQ55- Why would a painting inspector use potassium hexacyonoferrate? AnsQ56- What
would be an average thickness for galvanizing? AnsQ57- How can you tell the
difference between blooming and chalking? AnsQ58- What could be the reason for
inter coat adhesive failure? AnsQ59- How could you determine quality of added
thinner in thixotropic paint? AnsQ60- Why are manufacturers developing solvent
free, water born and powder? AnsQ61- What would be the cause of grinning on a paint
film? AnsQ62- How can “Bleeding “ be avoided? AnsQ63In less than 30 words, Explain
the duties of painting inspector.
Q64- Name five documents, which a painting inspector might need on a contract?

Q65- What information should be given on daily report sheet?

Q66- Curtains, sags, Runs and Tears are a result of what. Ans-

Q67- Some binders can be modified to use water as solvent, name four.

Q68- What is meant by term “Strip coat”? Ans-

Q69- How many cm³ are there in 4.5 Liters? Ans-

Q70- A paint data sheet provides a wealth of information, name eight.

Revision Question PA 10 Specific

Q01- what is the specified course of action for grit inclusion? AnsQ02- The term
‘Long term’ refer to what? AnsQ03- What is the difference between new and weathered
galvanizing? Ans-

Q04- what criterion determines which paint system should be used? Ans-

Q05- What is the total DFT of the compliant epoxy system? AnsQ06- What is the total
DFT of the water born system? AnsQ07- when can ladder and other means of access be
removed? AnsQ08- Two materials are specified to use on damp surface, what are they?
AnsQ09- After removal of a non- drying paint, which type of primer is recommended?
AnsQ10- Some none ferrous substrates are painted for aesthetics only, name four.

Q11- which three non-ferrous substrates are painted for anti corrosion purposes?
AnsQ12- According to PA 10 in which situations would ‘T’ wash be used? Ans-

Q13- How many coats of primer are specified on surface at 100 – 149 °C.? AnsQ14-
Give preferential order of coating system for surfaces 150 – 340 °C. Ans-
Q15- Is it mandatory for a contractor to produce a test area? Ans-

Q16- List four items needing masking off prior to blasting and painting. Ans-

Q17- Which Aluminium substrate would not be sweep blasted? AnsQ18- Which three
paint systems are specified for use on Aluminium? Ans-

Q19- What differences are there in new and maintenance painting specifications for
substrates bolw 100 °C.? Ans-

Q20- Toxic coatings need special considerations for removal from substrates, name
two methods which comply. Ans-

Q21- In which situations is a permit to work required? AnsQ22- Which primers are
specified for non-weathered galvanizing? AnsQ23- Which primers are specified for
weathered galvanizing? AnsQ24- According to PA 10, is flame cleaning allowed?
AnsQ25- According to PA 10, is thinning of paint allowed? AnsQ26- What temperature
range is covered by ‘hot duty service? AnsQ27- Does PA 10 cover internal coating on
pipes? AnsQ28- What is the specified overlap on repair areas? Ans-
Q29- What would be the specified surface preparation and coating system for
Aluminium cladding? AnsQ30- What would be the procedure for removal of algae and
mould? AnsQ31- What would be the procedure for degreasing prior to surface
preparation? Ans-

Q32- What would be the procedure for degreasing after to surface preparation? Ans-

Q33- When blast cleaning on an AGI what precautions are taken? Ans-

Q34- Is it permissible to prepare paint by stirring? AnsQ35- What would be surface

preparation method for new galvanizing? Ans-

Q36- When would it be necessary to apply a sealer to inorganic zinc silicate? Ans-

Q37- How could areas of a paint breakdown be prepared for repainting? Ans-

Q38- What information should be on a paint can label for BG? Ans-

Q39- When measuring DFTs over galvanizing what allowance are made? Ans-

Q40- What id the first firsts coat applied to galvanized substrates and why? Ans
Q41- Properties and Performances of paint are covered in which BG specification?
AnsQ42- What are the considerations when selecting a paint system? Ans-

Q43- According to PA 10 which two coats are applied ‘at works’? AnsQ44- Give the
criterion for when and when not, painting can take place? Ans-

Q45- What would be substrate reaction when ‘T’ wash is applied to a newly
galvanized substrate? Ans-

Q46- Which two materials are specified for use on damp surfaces? Ans-

Q47- What is the maximum times lapse from surface preparation to coating? Ans-

Q48- Which is the most common pigment used in high temperature service? AnsQ49-
What would be the result of over thick application of zinc silicate? AnsQ50-
According to PA 10, is roller application permissible? Ans-

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