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) session object is accessible in

a. Web garden

b. None of these

c. Both

d. Web farm
2.) Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset
with data

a. The DataBind() method.

b. The Load() method.

c. The Fill() method

d. The DataLoad() method.

3.) Name a property common in every validation control

a. ControlToCompare

b. ValidationExpression

c. InitialValue

d. ControlToValidate
4.) Garbage collector runs

a. Its very random and takes random time from the CPU clock.

b. Every 1/4th Milli Second

c. When Application is running for more than 30 minutes.

d. When application is running low of memory.
5.) If I have to alter a string many times, such as multiple concatenations, what class should I

a. concat (keyword)

b. Operator ( + )

c. StringBuilder

d. None of these
6.) The uniqueId that gets generated at the start of the Session is stored in

a. Client computer as a cookie

b. Server machine

c. Both a and b are correct

d. Passed to and fro on each and every request and response

7.) What does the keyword virtual mean in the method definition

a. The method can be derived

b. The method is static

c. The method can be over-ridden

d. The method is public

8.) If you have an ASP.NET application with cookieless sessions enabled, which statement
among the

a. Cookieless sessions have no relation with URL's

b. You cannot have cookieless sessions with an ASP.NET application

c. You cannot use absolute URL's with cookieless sessions

d. You cannot use relative URL's with cookieless sessions

9.) Which is code allows the modification of the head tag at runtime

< head runat="server">

< script javascript="server">

c. None of these

d. Both
10.) What DataType is return in IsPostback property

a. Boolean

b. bit

c. string

d. int
11.) Automatic paging is possible in

a. Datatabel

b. Dataset

c. Datareader

d. All of these
12.) What is the default value for the Method attribute in a ASP.NET server-
side Form control

b. GET


13.) What ASP.NET object encapsulates the state of the client and the browser

a. Session object.

b. Request object.

c. Response object.

d. Application object.
14.) You want to only get changed data in a dataset which of the below is the best way

a. CproductChanges.Merge(productInfo, TRUE);

b. productChanges.Merge(productInfo, FALSE);

c. productChanges = productInfo.GetChanges();

d. productInfo.GetChanges(DataRowState.Detached);
15.) Which of these Validation Controls does not have Control to Validate property

a. RequiredFieldValidator

b. ValidationSummary

c. CustomValidator

d. RangeValidator
16.) Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset

a. ExecuteQuery()

b. Fill( )

c. None of these

d. Read()
17.) How can you load an XML file directly into a DataSet

a. By using the GetXML() method of the DataSet class

b. By setting the XML property of the DataSet class

c. You cannot load an XML file directly into a DataSet

d. By using the ReadXml() method of the DataSet class

18.) Which of the following denote the web control associated with Table control function of

a. TableRow

b. All of these

c. ListBox
19.) How does the Copy Web tool make sure that all files on the local and remote sites are up
to date

a. By synchronizing the sites

b. By publishing the sites

c. By deploying the sites

d. By copying the new files in place of old files
20.) Where do you set authentication mode in the ASP.NET application

a. You can set authentication mode using Web Service

b. You can set authentication mode using webconfig file

c. You can set authentication mode using cookies

d. You can set authentication mode using global.asax file

21.) Is there any errors in this -> EmployeeMgmt constructor: Public int EmployeeMgmt {
emp_id = 100; }

a. Formal parameters

b. Name

c. No errors

d. Return type
22.) Which control is used to sort the data and allow paging

a. Datalist

b. FormView

c. Repeater Control

d. DataGrid
23.) In a ASP.NET page, which is the best way to find if the contents of a TextBox has
changed after the form containing the TextBox has been posted back to the server

a. By checking the HasChanged property of the TextBox

b. By comparing the old value with the new value

c. By checking the NewValue property of the TextBox control

d. By handling the TextBox control's TextChanged event

24.) You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument and returns a
Boolean value. Which code segment should you use

a. public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool, DateTime);

b. public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

c. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(Object, EventArgs);

d. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

25.) In Which Page Cycle All Controls Are Fully Loaded

a. Page_Init()

b. Page_Unload()

c. Page_Load()

d. Page_Render()
26.) How does ASP.NET store session IDs by Default

a. In Cache

b. In a global variable

c. In URL Strings or In a Database

d. In Cookies
27.) The process in which a web page sends data back to the same page on the server is called
a. Query strings

b. All of these

c. PostBack

d. Session
28.) Which of the following .NET datatype allows the retrieval of data by a unique key

a. Queue

b. Stack

c. ArrayList

d. HashTable
29.) Which of the following is an authentication method for an ASP.Net web application

a. None

b. Custom

c. Authorization

d. Anonymous Authorization
30.) Which is the most appropriate place to install a Strong-Named assembly that is intended
for use among several web applications

a. The solution's /bin directory.

b. The Global Assembly Cache on the Web Server.

c. GAC on the local area network Primary Domain Controller (PDC) server.
d. The Virtual Directory of the ASP.Net Web Application
1.) The uniqueId that gets generated at the start of the Session is stored in

a. Passed to and fro on each and every request and response

b. Both a and b are correct

c. Server machine

d. Client computer as a cookie

2.) ASP.NET themes can be best described by which of the following options

a. An ASP.NET theme is a collection of property settings that enable a developer to define the
look of pages and controls and then apply the look consistently across pages.

b. An ASP.NET theme provides a tracing system that will used to generate the diagnostic
information which can be written to logs, text file or the screen.

c. An ASP.NET theme consists of a set of named properties that is stored for each user.

d. None of these
3.) You need to enable paging for a DataGrid control

a. You can use either the DataReader or DataTable

b. A DataGrid does not support paging

c. You can use a DataTable

d. You can use a DataReader

4.) Which of the following is a .NET Framework object that is converted by ASP.NET to an HTML
element at run time

a. Web Server Control

b. WebPart

c. Web Farm

d. HTML Control
5.) Security is very important on any web site. By default, a .Net web site is configured with
which of the following authentication types

a. Windows

b. Windows Forms

c. IIS Anonymous

d. Windows 2000
6.) int keyword targets to which .Net type

a. System.Int32

b. System.Int8

c. System.Int16

d. System.Int64
7.) If a class is using an interface, it must

a. All of these

b. contain the same methods as the interface

c. create an interface object

d. inherit the properties of the interface

8.) XML stands for
a. Extensible Multi Language

b. Extensible Markup Language

c. Xtra Markup Language

d. Xtensible Multi Language

9.) What ASP.NET object is used to get information about the web servers

a. the Request object

b. The Server object

c. The Response object

d. The Application object

10.) Using the CompareValidator control, you can compare the user input to which type of value

a. Constant value

b. Memory address

c. URL

d. Variable value
11.) If a form is posted to a different page, then you can retrieve the values of the form elements

a. Using the GetElementByID() method

b. The values cannot be retrieved

c. Using the properties of the ASP.Net controls

d. Using Request.Params
12.) Which of the following is not an authentication mechanism provided by ASP.NET

a. Windows authentication

b. Passport authentication

c. Forms authentication

d. Logon authentication
13.) Which of the following prevent unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure of the
data in an enterprise

a. Network security layers

b. Front-end interface design tools

c. Data mart

d. Data warehouse
14.) Which of the following is not TRUE for .NET exception

a. Exceptions can’t be generated programmatically

b. We have system exceptions and application exceptions in .NET

c. None of these

d. All exceptions in .NET are derived from Exception base class*

15.) Which of these events is fired when we click any button inside the GridView

a. RowCommand *
b. ItemCommand

c. ItemDeleting

d. None
16.) What are dependencies in cache and types of dependencies

a. All of these

b. Key dependency

c. Time-based expiration

d. File dependency
17.) You are performing Form validations with Validation controls. You need to group all the
errors at the top of the page and also show error messages besides each element. The
messages besides each element need to be detailed and hence different from the messages at
top of the page.

a. You can use the ValidationSummary Control to summarize the messages set in
the ErrorMessage property of the Validation controls. The messages set in the Text property of
the Validation controls can be displayed besides each element.

b. The Validation controls cannot be used in the given scenario

c. The error messages in the Validation control can only be displayed in a popup

d. The error messages set in the SummaryText property of each Validation control
having isSummary=TRUE will be automatically grouped at the top of the page and the messages
set in the Text property can be displayed besides each element
18.) Which of these state management techniques rely on buffering

a. Application

b. QueryStrings

c. Session
d. Cookies
19.) You require to create an ASP.NET page with the functionality to allow a user to upload a
file to the server

The ASP.Net application automatically loops through all the <input
type="File"> and saves the uploaded files to a virtual folder called

b. You need to use the System.WeUpload namespace

c. You need to use the SaveAs method of the HttpPostedFile class

d. You need to use a COM component to save the file on the server
20.) Which of the following does the actual .NET code execute

a. CLS

b. C#


d. CLR
21.) Which of the following is used for deploying an ActiveX component from a web application

a. Windows Setup Project.

b. Object Project.

c. Cab Project.

d. Web Setup Project.

22.) Which of the following controls features hierarchical data-binding and may be bound to an
XmlDataSource or a SiteMapDataSource
a. DataList Control

b. DropDownList Control

c. GridView Control

d. Menu Control
23.) How does ASP.NET store session IDs by Default

a. In a global variable

b. In URL Strings or In a Database

c. In Cookies

d. In Cache
24.) which cannot be initialized with new key word

a. Datatable

b. Datareader

c. Datacolumn

d. DataSet
25.) What is the name of a program that takes instructions written using mnemonics and
translates them into a language that the computer can understand

a. Translator.

b. Compiler.

c. Assembler.
d. Converter.
26.) Which statement among the following is correct while opening a connection using
the SQLConnection class

a. You need to use a System DSN

b. You need to specify a Provider parameter for the connection string

c. You cannot specify a connection string

d. None of these
27.) Which data control does not exist in

a. ListView

b. GridView

c. TableView

d. DataList
28.) What is the fastest way to concat strings in ASP.NET What should you do

a. Write code that uses the Substring method of the String object.

b. Write code that uses the Concat method of the String object.

c. Write code that uses the plus-sign (+) operator to concatenate the strings.

d. Write code that uses the Append method of the StringBuilder object.
29.) You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument and returns a
Boolean value. Which code segment should you use

a. public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool, DateTime);

b. public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

c. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(Object, EventArgs);

d. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

30.) You have a DataList control containing a LinkButton. What would you do to raise
the DeleteCommand event in the DataList by clicking on the LinkButton.

a. Set CommandName="delete" in the LinkButton

b. A DataList control cannot contain child controls

c. Set the OnDelete property of the DataList to the ID of the LinkButton

d. A DataList control cannot raise an event in response to events raised by its child controls

1.) Which property to be set for avoiding validations for a button

a. CausesValidation=True

b. ControltoValidate=False

c. CausesValidation=False

d. ControltoValidate
2.) You use Reflection to obtain information about a method named MyMethod. You need to
ascertain whether MyMethod is accessible to a derived class. What should you do

a. Call the IsFamily property of the MethodInfo class.

b. Call the IsAssembly property of the MethodInfo class.

c. Call the IsVirtual property of the MethodInfo class.

d. Call the IsStatic property of the MethodInfo class.

3.) You need to customize the display format of the DataList control
a. The display format of the DataList control is predefined and cannot be customized

b. Set the CustomFormat property of the DataList control to TRUE

c. ItemTemplate will allow you to format the appearance of each DataList item

d. Set the DisplayFormat property of the DataList control to Custom

4.) While configuring profile properties in the Web.config file for an application which of the
following tags defines name, type, and allowANonymous attributes





5.) What does it mean that a String is immutable

a. String cannot be access

b. String cannot be altered

c. String can be altered

d. String is in read only mode

6.) In which event, controls are fully loaded

a. None

b. Page_Init
c. Control Events

d. Page_Load
7.) Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the
DataSource, to display data in the combo box

a. DataTextField property.

b. DataValueField Property

c. DataMember

d. None of these
8.) Which of the following files contains the ASP.NET application root settings

a. app.config

b. config.sys

c. weconfig

d. machine.config
9.) How can you load an XML file directly into a DataSet

a. You cannot load an XML file directly into a DataSet

b. By using the ReadXml() method of the DataSet class

c. By using the GetXML() method of the DataSet class

d. By setting the XML property of the DataSet class

10.) Which of the following classes does NOT implement symmetric encryption
a. Rijndael

b. DES

c. RC2

d. DSA
11.) Ajax Control Toolkit provides ________ to ASP.Net

a. Both of these

b. New Controls

c. None of these

d. Extending Controls
12.) Using which of the following can you maintain the state data of your web server control,
even when the ViewState property is disabled for the page

a. Application.Start

b. Session.Start

c. ControlState data

d. StateServer Mode
Which of these classes maps to the tag <input type="checkbox"/>

a. HtmlCheckBox

b. HtmlControl

c. HtlmInputCheckBox

d. None
14.) C# file can be compiled using this command

a. c#

b. compile

c. css

d. csc
15.) Which of the following does ASP.NET use to determine which procedures to call when
objects raise events

a. Non-Default Event Handlers

b. Centralized Event Handlers

c. Event Wire-Ups

d. , Default Event-Handlers
16.) What is the .NET collection class that allows an element to be accessed using a unique

a. SortedList

b. None of these

c. HashTable

d. ArrayList
17.) Which of the following is faster and consume lesser memory

a. SQLDataReader

b. Data Table
c. Non Query

d. Data Set
18.) What ASP.NET object encapsulates the state of the client and the browser

a. Response object.

b. Session object.

c. Application object.

d. Request object.
19.) Features of Read only variables

a. Declaration and initialization is separated

b. It is allocated at compile time

c. All of these

d. It is allocated at runtime
20.) Which of these is/are true

a. None

b. State Management cannot be used in a Web Service

c. DataReader cannot be used in a Web Service

d. DataReader can be used in a Web Service

21.) Garbage collector runs

a. Every 1/4th Milli Second

b. Its very random and takes random time from the CPU clock.

c. When Application is running for more than 30 minutes.

d. When application is running low of memory.

22.) Which of the following objects is not a part of an ASP.NET theme

a. Skin Files

b. XML file

c. Supporting images

d. StyleSheet
23.) What is the name of the Web page property that you can query to determine that a Web
page is being requested without data being submitted

a. IsPostBack *

b. Initialized

c. FirstGet

d. IncludesData
24.) The public methods and properties of a master page can be accessed in a content page by
assigning a class name to the master page. Which directive can be used to assign a class name
to the master page

<%@ Master %>

<%@ MasterType %>

<%@ Control %>
<%@ Page %>
25.) The GridView control in ASP.NET has which of the following features

a. None of these

b. Automatic data binding

c. Both of these

d. WindowsPrincipal
26.) Boxing is the process of ____________

a. Explicit conversion of ValueTypes to Reference Types

b. Implicit conversion of ValueTypes to Reference Types

c. Explicit conversion of Reference Types to ValueTypes

d. Implicit conversion of Reference Types to ValueTypes

27.) To enable users to personalize a page, you must set the Page.Theme property. During or
before which event handler should this be done

a. Page_Load ( )

b. Page_PreInit ( )

c. Page_PreRender ( )

d. Page_Render ( )
28.) Which tool can you use to precompile a Windows application

a. ngen.exe
b. mscorcfg.msc

c. exe.file

d. caspol.exe
29.) Which property allows ASP.NET controls to maintain their values when a page is posted
to itself.

a. SaveValue

b. AutoPostBack

c. EnableViewState

d. MaintainValue
30.) Automatic paging is possible in

a. Datatabel

b. Dataset

c. All of these

d. Datareader
1.) Difference between Convert.ToString() and ToString()

a. ToString() output as per format supplied

b. Convert.ToString() handle null values but ToString() don't

c. Convert.ToString() only handle null values

d. ToString() handle null values but Convert.ToString() don't

2.) Which of the following files contains the ASP.NET application root settings
a. machine.config

b. app.config

c. config.sys

d. weconfig
3.) You are performing Form validations with Validation controls. You need to group all the
errors at the top of the page and also show error messages besides each element. The
messages besides each element need to be detailed and hence different from the messages at
top of the page.

a. You can use the ValidationSummary Control to summarize the messages set in
the ErrorMessage property of the Validation controls. The messages set in the Text property of
the Validation controls can be displayed besides each element.

b. The Validation controls cannot be used in the given scenario

c. The error messages set in the SummaryText property of each Validation control
having isSummary=TRUE will be automatically grouped at the top of the page and the messages
set in the Text property can be displayed besides each element

d. The error messages in the Validation control can only be displayed in a popup
To apply an existing theme to the entire application, which of the following
tags needs to be added in the Web.config file under the <System.Web> section

<profile theme="XXX">

<pages theme="XXX">

<configuration theme="XXX">

<properties theme="XXX">

5.) Which are the two properties of a Datagrid that has to be specified to turn on sorting and
paging respectively
a. AllowSoring=”TRUE” and allowPaging=”TRUE”

b. EnableSorting=”TRUE” and allowPaging=”TRUE”

c. EnableSorting=”TRUE” and EnablePaging=”TRUE”

d. DisableSorting=”FALSE” and DisablePaging=”FALSE”

6.) Which of the following objects is not a part of an ASP.NET theme

a. Supporting images

b. Skin Files

c. StyleSheet

d. XML file
7.) In which event, controls are fully loaded

a. None

b. Page_Init

c. Page_Load

d. Control Events
8.) Which of the following classes does NOT implement symmetric encryption

a. RC2

b. Rijndael

c. DSA

d. DES
9.) What is the role ScriptManager

a. It creates PageRequestManager and Page objects.

b. It creates PageRequestManager and Application objects.

c. It creates ObjectRequestManager and Application objects.

d. It creates ObjectRequestManager and Page objects.

10.) Which of the following classes provides methods for creating, deleting, and updating user
accounts, authenticating users, and managing passwords

a. FormsAuthentication

b. Members Class

c. Membership Class

d. Member Class
11.) Which of the following can be used to configure the way encryption is used to protect
forms authentication cookies and view state information in a Web farm





12.) What control is used to validate that two fields are equal
a. RequiredFieldValidator

b. CompareValidator

c. RegularExpressionValidator

d. The equals() method of the field

13.) What base class do to all Web Forms inherit from

a. None of these

b. Create Object

c. Create Child Class

d. Page Class
14.) What file extension do you use to create a user control

a. .aucx extension

b. .asuc extension

c. .ausr extension

d. .ascx extension *
15.) What tool is used to manage the GAC

a. GacMgr.exe

b. GacSvr3exe

c. RegSvr.exe

d. GacUtil.exe
16.) session object is accessible in
a. Both

b. None of these

c. Web farm

d. Web garden
17.) Which of the following denote the web control associated with Table control function of

a. All of these

b. TableRow

c. ListBox
18.) You need to select a class that is optimized for key-based item retrieval from both small
and large collections. Which class should you choose

a. ListDictionary class

b. OrderedDictionary class

c. HybridDictionary class

d. Hashtable class
19.) How does ASP.NET store session IDs by Default

a. In URL Strings or In a Database

b. In a global variable

c. In Cookies

d. In Cache
20.) When a Web application talks to a database, it is using ________

a. C# / Visual Basic Language

b. ADO.Net

c. Web Service

d. ASP.Net
21.) Which Template is used to advise user that there is No data or No records found

a. ListDataTemplate

b. ListTemplate

c. EmptyDataTemplate

d. EmptyTemplate
22.) Which of the following is a canonical name that locates a specific resource on the Internet

a. URL

b. Web site

c. Web application

23.) Your site has been restructured and the paths of few pages have change Which method
would you use to redirect users requesting for a pages using the old URL

a. Create an ISAPI filter to do the above task

Create an entry in the <badlinks> section of the WeConfig file
c. Use the Application.Config file

d. Handle the Application_BeginRequest event and use the RewritePath() method

24.) Which is/are not the difference between ASP.NET Web Application project and Web Site

a. 1 and 3

b. 2 and 3

c. Both have solution files.

d. Web Application has App_Code folder, Web Site does not.

25.) From a dataview dv who has a column “EmpNo” from employee table, how will u bind a

a. None of these

b. Textbox.databinding.add(EmpNo”);

c. Textbox.databinding.adddv,”EmpNo”);

d. Textbox.databinding.add(“Text”,dv,”EmpNo”);
26.) The ASP.NET pages directives are

a. @ Page,@ Import,@ Register

b. All of these

c. System. Web.UI.WebControls

d. System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
27.) How do you explicitly kill a user’s session
a. Session.Discard()

b. Session.Close()

c. Session.Abandon()

d. Session.End()
28.) What is the default value for the Method attribute in a ASP.NET server-
side Form control




d. GET
29.) Which property to be set for avoiding validations for a button

a. CausesValidation=True

b. CausesValidation=False

c. ControltoValidate

d. ControltoValidate=False
30.) You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument and returns a
Boolean value. Which code segment should you use

a. public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool, DateTime);

b. public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

c. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

d. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(Object, EventArgs);

1.) What is the last stage of web form life cycle

a. Validate

b. Page load

c. Page Init

d. Page Unload
2.) What HTML element is the asp:Label control rendered as when the target is Netscape





3.) How do view states work

a. Using Session variables

b. Using a hidden form field

c. Using Application variables

d. Using Cookies
4.) Mode of storing ASP.NET session
a. All of these

b. InProc

c. SQL Server

d. StateServer
5.) What are the problems if give all permissions to for a virtual directory in IIS

a. user can run his scripts on the server and he upload the files to server **

b. User cannot access the site

c. User can access the site

d. All of these
6.) If a class is using an interface, it must

a. contain the same methods as the interface

b. All of these

c. create an interface object

d. inherit the properties of the interface

7.) An _______ declares a reference type that has abstract members only.

a. Interface

b. Delegates

c. All of these

d. Abstract
8.) If a developer defines styles information in a common location. Then the location is called
a. Master Page

b. Customization

c. None of these

d. Theme
9.) You need to programmatically add a user control without using the Register directive in
your code. How you will do it

a. Use cannot programmatically add a user control

b. Use LoadControl

c. Use AddUserControl

d. Use UserControl.Add
10.) You are developing a web application that is retrieving historical library information from
a database server and displays it to the users of your application. What cache strategy will give
you the best performance

a. Use the client cache

b. Use the output cache.

c. Use the cache object.

d. None of these
11.) Which of the following is a canonical name that locates a specific resource on the Internet

a. Web application

c. Web site

d. URL
12.) currency object is used in

a. Both

b. Forms

c. None of these

d. Controls
13.) Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS


b. LISXML.dll

c. SQLXML.dll

d. SQLIIS.dll
14.) Which of the following does the actual .NET code execute

a. C#


c. CLR

d. CLS
15.) What is advantage of Response.Clear()
a. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to send to the browser what you've
processed up to the point where the Clear() is


c. Allows you to send the user to a new URL

d. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to get rid of everything processed up to
where the Clear() is
16.) Which of the following code samples creates an application domain and launches a
process within it

a. AppDomain d =

b. AppDomain d = AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName("Domain", "Assembly");

c. AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName("Assembly");

d. AppDomain d = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Domain", "Assembly");

17.) Which of the following objects is not a part of an ASP.NET theme

a. Skin Files

b. StyleSheet

c. XML file

d. Supporting images
18.) While configuring profile properties in the Web.config file for an application which of the
following tags defines name, type, and allowANonymous attributes




19.) Which of the following classes can be used to access the metadata of assemblies during

a. Assembly class

b. FieldInfo class

c. MethodInfo class

d. PropertyInfo class
20.) ___________________ allow to encapsulate discrete units of functionality and provide a
graphical representation of that functionality to the user

a. object

b. controls

c. class

d. graphics
21.) The process in which a web page sends data back to the same page on the server is called

a. Session

b. PostBack

c. Query strings

d. All of these
22.) Where is impersonation element is specified in ASP.NET
a. Global.asax

b. None of these

c. Assembly

d. Web.config
23.) Application object is accessible in

a. None of these

b. Both of these

c. Web garden

d. Web farm
24.) You want to enable users of a Web application to modify the Web application's UI and
behavior.These modifications must be maintained at the user level so that when users return
to the Web application, the changes are still in effect. You need to achieve this goal by using
the minimum amount of custom code. What should you do

a. Enable session state on the Web application.

b. Use Web Part controls.

c. Maintain a profile for each user.

d. Persist control data by using view state.

25.) If a form is posted to a different page, then you can retrieve the values of the form elements

a. Using the properties of the ASP.Net controls

b. Using Request.Params
c. Using the GetElementByID() method

d. The values cannot be retrieved

26.) ASP.NET themes can be best described by which of the following options

a. None of these

b. An ASP.NET theme provides a tracing system that will used to generate the diagnostic
information which can be written to logs, text file or the screen.

c. An ASP.NET theme consists of a set of named properties that is stored for each user.

d. An ASP.NET theme is a collection of property settings that enable a developer to define the
look of pages and controls and then apply the look consistently across pages.
27.) Which is not a validation control

a. Required Field Validator

b. Regular Expression Validator

c. Error Validator

d. Compare Validator
28.) If I have to alter a string many times, such as multiple concatenations, what class should I

a. Operator ( + )

b. None of these

c. concat (keyword)

d. StringBuilder
29.) When a Web application talks to a database, it is using ________
a. ASP.Net

b. C# / Visual Basic Language

c. Web Service

d. ADO.Net
30.) When will a session be started in an application

a. After Application Started

b. Before Application Started

c. When the Client first sends a request to browser

d. While closing the application

1.) What are the features of an abstract class

a. All of these

b. It contain instance variables

c. It contain constructors

d. It may extend another class

2.) How many types of authentication does provides

a. Four

b. Two

c. Five

d. Three
3.) Which of the following contains web application settings

a. None of these

b. assembly.config

c. webconfig

d. aap.config
4.) Which control is Not supported by ASP.Net

a. Drop Down List

b. DateTimePicker

c. Label

d. TextBox
5.) What are the levels at which Application Optimization is done

a. Only System and Application

b. Only System Configuration and Hardware

c. System, Software, Peripherals

d. System, Application, micro Architecture

6.) The comments in the XML documentation of C# is _____

a. //

b. ///

c. /*…*/
d. All of these
7.) Security is very important on any web site. By default, a .Net web site is configured with
which of the following authentication types

a. Windows Forms

b. Windows

c. IIS Anonymous

d. Windows 2000
8.) How can you load an XML file directly into a DataSet

a. By setting the XML property of the DataSet class

b. You cannot load an XML file directly into a DataSet

c. By using the ReadXml() method of the DataSet class

d. By using the GetXML() method of the DataSet class

9.) When a Web page uses a master page to help define its layout and functionality, it is known

a. Web Farm

b. Nested Master

c. Content

d. Web Form
10.) A project on which you are working calls for you to store small amount of frequently
changing information about a page on the client. For this project, security is not a worry. Which
is the best method to use
a. A hidden form field

b. A cookie

c. A query string

d. A url
11.) Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset

a. Read()

b. None of these

c. Fill( )

d. ExecuteQuery()
12.) By default DOTNET website is configured with which of the following authentication types

a. Basic

b. Passport Authentication

c. Form Authentication

d. Integrated Windows authentication

13.) Difference between Response.Output.Write() and Response.Write()

a. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

b. Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output

c. Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush output

d. Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer output

14.) Hiding implementation and exposing the interface in OOP's is called as :-
a. What control is used to validate that two fields are equal

b. Encapsulation

c. Static

d. Polymorphism
15.) What important standard is used to connect client browsers with web servers




16.) What C# support instead of multiple-inheritance

a. Interfaces

b. Delegates

c. Procedures

d. Functions
17.) Consider the following code snippet: for (i=0; i<100; i++) { a= a+ i; } for(i=0; i<100; i++) {
b=b+i; } By observing the preceeding code snippet, identify the correct method that would
optimize the preceding code snippet.

a. Reduce work inside loops

b. Combining Loops

c. Use sentinel value

d. Remove unwanted parts of Loops
18.) What is the use of Updatepanel

a. It is used for Non Partial-page rendering

b. It is used to refresh data of a page

c. It is used for Partial-page rendering

d. It is used for posting back the page

19.) Which of the following is a collection of HTML pages and other media files that contains
all the content that is visible to the user on a given web server


b. Web site

c. URL

d. Web application
1.) You write the following code. public delegate void FaxDocs(Object sender, FaxArgs
args);You need to create an event that will invoke FaxDocs. Which code segment should you

a. public ref class FaxArgs : public EventArgs { public : String CoverPageInfo; };

b. public : static event FaxDocs Fax;

c. public : static event Fax FaxDocs;

d. public ref class FaxArgs : public EventArgs { public : String CoverPageInfo; FaxArgs (String
coverInfo) { this.CoverPageInfo = coverInfo; }};
2.) Which is Not used into @Page attributes

a. Can Not Say

b. None of these

c. Async ,CodeFile

d. EnableTheming, MasterPageFile
3.) In C#, by default all variables are passed how

a. By reference.

b. By memory.

c. By value.

d. By address.
4.) Which of the following classes does NOT implement symmetric encryption

a. DES

b. RC2

c. Rijndael

d. DSA
5.) Which are the two things you need to take care of in your ASP.Net application to take
advantage of connection pooling

a. You need to set the Pooling property of the Connection object to TRUE

b. You need to explicitly close the connection with the Close() method

c. You need to use the same exact connection string whenever you open a database connection

d. You need to call the ReleaseToPool() method after the connection is closed
6.) What base class do to all Web Forms inherit from
a. Create Child Class

b. Create Object

c. Page Class

d. None of these
7.) Which of the following is not a type of Web site that can be created using Visual Studio 2005

a. Remote IIS Web sites

b. Dynamic Web sites

c. Local IIS Web sites

d. FTP sites
8.) You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. You need to access
personalization data from one of the pages of the Web application by using the minimum
amount of administrative effort. What should you do

a. Access the personalization data from the Profile property of the HttpContext object

b. Access the personalization data from the Session property of the HttpContext object.

c. Access the personalization data from the Cache property of the HttpContext object.

d. Access the personalization data from the Application property of the HttpContext object.
9.) Session_End fires in which of these SessionState modes

a. StateServer

b. SQLServer

c. Inproc
d. None
10.) Which property allows ASP.NET controls to maintain their values when a page is posted
to itself.

a. SaveValue

b. EnableViewState

c. MaintainValue

d. AutoPostBack
11.) What model does request processing is based on

a. Top-Down

b. Bottom-up

c. Pipeline

d. Waterfall
12.) Which of the following is a collection of HTML pages and other media files that contains
all the content that is visible to the user on a given web server

a. URL

b. Web site


d. Web application
13.) Which of the following prevent unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure of the
data in an enterprise

a. Data mart
b. Front-end interface design tools

c. Data warehouse

d. Network security layers

14.) Which of the following classes can be used to access the metadata of assemblies during

a. PropertyInfo class

b. MethodInfo class

c. FieldInfo class

d. Assembly class
15.) What is accessibility modifier “protected internal”

a. It is available within the class definition

b. It is available to classes that are within the same assembly and derived from the specified
base class.

c. It is the most permissive access level

d. It is the least permissive access level

16.) You need to retrieve only schema information about the columns contained in a database
table without retrieving data. Which of the following is the best way to retrieve it

a. Use the SchemaOnly property of the Command class

b. You cannot retrieve only schema information without retrieving data

c. Use the GetSchemaOnly() method of the DataReader

d. Use the GetSchemaTable() method of the DataReader in conjunction

with CommandBehaviour.SchemaOnly
17.) You create a Web site. The Web site has many predefined roles and associated users that
will be used for security purposes. You need to manage these roles and user accounts. Which
tool should you use

a. the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool

b. the Web Site Administration Tool

c. the Code Access Security Policy tool

d. the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool

18.) Which statement about the Web.Config file is the most accurateÂ

a. The WeConfig file can be placed in the root of the Web Site and the root of a virtual
directory and in any subdirectory of an application. The settings from a file at a particular level
override the settings from the ones above it.

b. The WeConfig file can only be placed in the root of a particular virtual directory

c. The WeConfig file can be only placed in the root of a Web Site to override settings in
the Machine.Config file for all applications in a particular Web Site

d. The WeConfig file can be placed in the root of the Web Site and the root of a virtual
directory. The settings from the file in the virtual directory overrides the settings from the file in the
Web Sit
19.) What the 1st method that is fired during the page load

a. Init()

b. PreRender()

c. Unload()

d. Load()
20.) Which of these files takes the web application in offline mode
a. app_offline.htm

b. appoffline.html

c. none of these

d. app_offline.html
21.) While creating a file-system Web site, where can the files be stored other than a folder in
the local computer's file system

a. They may be stored in a shared folder on the remote web server.

b. They may be stored in a shared local folder.

c. They may be stored in a local folder that is not share

d. They may be stored in a shared network folder

22.) In C# conditional compilation can be done by

a. Preprocessor usage

b. Both A) and B)

c. Neither A) nor B)

d. Conditional attributes
23.) Where would you define application and session level events

a. HttpModulcs

b. Default.aspx

c. Weconfig

d. Global.asax
24.) UnBoxing is the process of ____________

a. Explicit conversion of ValueTypes to Reference Types

b. Implicit conversion of ValueTypes to Reference Types

c. Implicit conversion of Reference Types to ValueTypes

d. Explicit conversion of Reference Types to ValueTypes

25.) Which of the following method must be overridden in a custom control

a. The Paint() method

b. The Control_Build() method

c. The Render() method

d. The default constructor

26.) _________is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and redirecting the
request to a different resource.

a. None

b. URI rewriting

c. Both

d. URL rewriting
27.) What are all the navigation controls available with

a. Site Maps

b. All of these

c. Tree View
d. Menus
28.) A project on which you are working calls for you to store small amount of frequently
changing information about a page on the client. For this project, security is not a worry. Which
is the best method to use

a. A query string

b. A url

c. A hidden form field

d. A cookie
29.) How do you manage states in application

a. Application Objects

b. All of these

c. Session Objects

d. Viewstate
30.) Security is very important on any web site. By default, a .Net web site is configured with
which of the following authentication types

a. Windows 2000

b. IIS Anonymous

c. Windows

d. Windows Forms
1.) Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the
DataSource, to display data in the combo box

a. DataValueField Property
b. DataMember

c. DataTextField property.

d. None of these
2.) You use Reflection to obtain information about a method named MyMethod. You need to
ascertain whether MyMethod is accessible to a derived class. What should you do

a. Call the IsFamily property of the MethodInfo class.

b. Call the IsStatic property of the MethodInfo class.

c. Call the IsAssembly property of the MethodInfo class.

d. Call the IsVirtual property of the MethodInfo class.

3.) Which of these is/are true

a. DataReader can be used in a Web Service

b. State Management cannot be used in a Web Service

c. None

d. DataReader cannot be used in a Web Service

4.) What is the Web.config file used for

a. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called

b. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application

c. To configure the web browser

d. To configure the web server

5.) Which way to handle exceptions in ASP.NET
a. Using Custom error page

b. Try/catch/finally block:

c. All of these

d. Using Events like Page_Error and Application_Error:

6.) You need to develop a business component myComp.dll in .Net and use it in your ASP.NET

a. You require to register the component using TlbExp.exe

b. You require to register the component using regsvr32.exe

c. You require to copy the component to the /bin directory in your applications root directory

d. You require to copy the component to the /bin directory in your applications root directory and
register the component using regsvr32.exe
7.) An _______ declares a reference type that has abstract members only.

a. All of these

b. Interface

c. Abstract

d. Delegates
8.) Which of the following is a .NET Framework object that is converted by ASP.NET to an HTML
element at run time

a. WebPart

b. HTML Control
c. Web Farm

d. Web Server Control

9.) _________ is a special subfolder within the windows folder that stores the shared .NET

a. GAC

b. None of these

c. Root

d. /bin
10.) Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language

a. C#

b. Java

c. J#

11.) What is the full form of CRUD

a. Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete

b. Create, Return, Update, Drop

c. Create, Return, Update, Delete

d. Create, Remove, Update, Drop

12.) What is MSIL
a. Microsoft Intermediate Language

b. Microsoft Integer Long

c. Microsoft Interface Language

d. Multi Socket Interface Library

13.) Which control is Not supported by ASP.Net

a. Drop Down List

b. TextBox

c. DateTimePicker

d. Label
14.) Which is/are not the difference between ASP.NET Web Application project and Web Site

a. 2 and 3

b. Web Application has App_Code folder, Web Site does not.

c. 1 and 3

d. Both have solution files.

15.) Which of the following statements would you use to properly describe unit testing

a. With carefully planned test data, run a module to see if it integrates well with other modules.

b. Testing performed by users, just before the Web Application is release

c. Test and fix the errors.

d. With carefully planned test data, run the module to see if it works according to its
16.) Which of the following is not supported by IIS

a. Windows XP Home

b. Windows XP Professional

c. Windows 2000 Server

d. Windows 2003 Server

17.) What is Dispose method in .NET

a. we can clean up our resources.

b. We can clear memory

c. None

d. Will call Garbage function

18.) When a Web page uses a master page to help define its layout and functionality, it is known

a. Nested Master

b. Web Form

c. Web Farm

d. Content
19.) How to protect view state from tampering when it's passed over an unencrypted channel

a. In web config set Protectviewstate="TRUE"

b. In Register directive set EnableViewStateMac="TRUE"

c. In IIS set Viewstate protection.

d. In Page directive set EnableViewStateMac="TRUE"
20.) How many web.config files that can be there an ASP.NET application

a. only two

b. upto 10

c. more than one

d. only one
21.) In Which Page Cycle All Controls Are Fully Loaded

a. Page_Unload()

b. Page_Init()

c. Page_Render()

d. Page_Load()
22.) Microsoft Intermediate Language code is in assembly ________

a. Code

b. Script

c. Language

d. DLL (Dynamic Link Library)

23.) You develop a Web application that contains two master pages. You need to dynamically
set the master page when a user views pages in the application. What should you do

a. Set Page.MasterPageFile in the Page's Page_Load event.

b. Set PagMasterPageFile in the Page's Page_PreInit event.

c. Set Page.MasterPageFile in the Page's Page_Init event.

d. Set Page.MasterPageFile in the Page's OnInit event.

24.) Which of the following is a File Status displayed by the Copy Web Site tool

a. Edited

b. Changed

c. Modified

d. Converted
25.) Which of the following is not an authentication mechanism provided by ASP.NET

a. Logon authentication

b. Passport authentication

c. Forms authentication

d. Windows authentication
26.) What are the levels at which Application Optimization is done

a. Only System Configuration and Hardware

b. Only System and Application

c. System, Application, micro Architecture

d. System, Software, Peripherals

27.) What is the name of threading model used for ASP.NET
a. MTA threading model

b. TMA threading model

c. ATM threading model

d. MAT threading model

28.) ___ lets you to specify the block of code that you can expand or collapse when using
outlining feature of the Visual studio code editor in C#

a. #collapse

b. #expand

c. None of these

d. #region
29.) What is advantage of Response.Clear()

a. Allows you to send the user to a new URL

b. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to send to the browser what you've
processed up to the point where the Clear() is


d. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to get rid of everything processed up to
where the Clear() is
30.) You are transferring records from one database to another. You need to decide whether
you can use the SqlBulkCopy class to transfer the records. What should you do

a. Ensure that the bulk copy program (bcp) utility is installed on the destination server.

b. Ensure that the source database is Microsoft SQL Server.

c. Ensure that the destination database is Microsoft SQL Server.

d. Ensure that the column names in the source table match the column names in the destination
1.) Which of the following is not supported by IIS

a. Windows 2003 Server

b. Windows XP Professional

c. Windows 2000 Server

d. Windows XP Home
2.) An _______ declares a reference type that has abstract members only.

a. Delegates

b. Interface

c. All of these

d. Abstract
3.) Which Template is used in List View to display data

a. ListTemplate

b. DataTemplate

c. DisplayItemTemplate

d. ItemTemplate
4.) int keyword targets to which .Net type

a. System.Int16

b. System.Int64
c. System.Int32

d. System.Int8
5.) Which keyword is used to return unique values from a table in sql

a. Unique

b. Distinct

c. Dismiss

d. Remove Duplicate
6.) The public methods and properties of a master page can be accessed in a content page by
assigning a class name to the master page. Which directive can be used to assign a class name
to the master page

<%@ MasterType %>

<%@ Control %>

<%@ Page %>

<%@ Master %>

7.) What’s the difference between Class and structure

a. Structure are value types and classes are reference types.So structures use stack and
classes use heap

b. Structures do not require constructors while classes require.

c. All of these

d. Structures members can not be declared as protected , but class members can be.You can
not do inheritance in structures
8.) Which data control does not exist in

a. ListView

b. TableView

c. DataList

d. GridView
9.) In which event, controls are fully loaded

a. None

b. Page_Init

c. Page_Load

d. Control Events
10.) What property is used on the DataTable to indicate conflicts after update method is called

a. HasError

b. HasCollision

c. HasDataError

d. HasErrorConflict
11.) Which of the following tags should be inserted into the Web.Config file to handle the mobile
devices that do not accept relative URLs

<DeviceSpecific> tag

<httpRuntime> tag
<deviceFilters> tag

<Filter> tag

12.) What is advantage of Response.Clear()

a. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to get rid of everything processed up to
where the Clear() is

b. Allows you to send the user to a new URL

c. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to send to the browser what you've
processed up to the point where the Clear() is

13.) You need to customize the display format of the DataList control

a. ItemTemplate will allow you to format the appearance of each DataList item

b. The display format of the DataList control is predefined and cannot be customized

c. Set the CustomFormat property of the DataList control to TRUE

d. Set the DisplayFormat property of the DataList control to Custom

14.) What's the top .NET class that everything is derived from

a. System.Data

b. System.Web

c. System.IO

d. System.Object
15.) By default DOTNET website is configured with which of the following authentication types
a. Integrated Windows authentication

b. Form Authentication

c. Basic

d. Passport Authentication
16.) Which of the following levels of optimization will be used to tune application performance
with respect to system level DLLs and APIs

a. Application Level and Computer Architecture Level

b. System Level

c. Computer Architecture Level

d. Application Level
17.) Ajax Control Toolkit provides ________ to ASP.Net

a. None of these

b. Both of these

c. New Controls

d. Extending Controls
18.) What property must you set, and what method must you call in your code, in order to bind
the data from some data source to the Repeater control

a. Call the DataBind method

b. Call the DataBind method and then set the DataSource property

c. Set the DataSource property

d. Set the DataSource property and call the DataBind method
19.) Where would you define application and session level events

a. Weconfig

b. Global.asax

c. HttpModulcs

d. Default.aspx
20.) How do view states work

a. Using Cookies

b. Using Application variables

c. Using a hidden form field

d. Using Session variables

21.) Crushader” company wants to revamp his website. One of the important changes
Crushader” want is to display Ad banners. As a developer you want to initialize the banner
image paths when the first user accesses the application. So what will you do

a. Add code in pagload event handler in the startup page of the application.

b. Add code to session_onstart event of global.asax.

c. Add code in application_begin request event of global.asax file.

d. Add code in application_onstart event of global.asax file.

22.) Which of these events is fired when we click any button inside the GridView

a. None
b. ItemDeleting

c. RowCommand *

d. ItemCommand
23.) You are creating a templated Web control for use in your Web application. You need to add
the Web control to your Web application pages without compiling your control into a .dll file.
What should you do

a. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the WebControl class.

b. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the UserControl class

c. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the Control class.

d. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the CompositeControl class.
24.) Which WebForm Validator control would you use if you needed to make sure the values in
two different WebForm controls matched

a. CompareValidator Control

b. RequiredField Validator

c. RangeValidator Control

d. CustomValidator Control
25.) Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS

a. LISXML.dll


c. SQLXML.dll

d. SQLIIS.dll
26.) How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain

a. Many Class

b. One Class

c. Two Class

d. Five Class
27.) Which of the following is not a type of Web site that can be created using Visual Studio

a. Local IIS Web sites

b. Dynamic Web sites

c. FTP sites

d. Remote IIS Web sites

28.) After capturing the SelectedIndexChanged event for a ListBox control, you find that the
event handler doesn’t execute. What could the problem be

a. The AutoPostBack attribute is set to FALSE

b. The AutoEventWireup attribute is set to FALSE

c. The ListBox must be defined WithEvents

d. The codebehind module is not properly compiled

29.) What is used to validate complex string patterns like an e-mail address

a. Regular expressions

b. Basic expressions
c. Irregular expressions

d. Extended expressions
30.) What statement is TRUE about an abstract class

a. Is a class for which entities may be created

b. A class that cannot be instantiated

c. A class that can be instantiated

d. None of these
1.) Which of these files takes the web application in offline mode

a. app_offline.htm

b. none of these

c. app_offline.html

d. appoffline.html
2.) What C# support instead of multiple-inheritance

a. Functions

b. Interfaces

c. Delegates

d. Procedures
3.) Which property to be set for avoiding validations for a button

a. CausesValidation=True
b. ControltoValidate=False

c. CausesValidation=False

d. ControltoValidate
4.) You have a DataList control containing a LinkButton. What would you do to raise
the DeleteCommand event in the DataList by clicking on the LinkButton.

a. Set CommandName="delete" in the LinkButton

b. A DataList control cannot contain child controls

c. A DataList control cannot raise an event in response to events raised by its child controls

d. Set the OnDelete property of the DataList to the ID of the LinkButton

5.) _________is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and redirecting the
request to a different resource.

a. URI rewriting

b. Both

c. URL rewriting

d. None
6.) Thread is a

a. Instance method

b. Object

c. Event

d. Static method
7.) An alternative way of displaying text on web page using
a. asp:listitem

b. asp:label

c. asp:TextBox

d. asp:span
8.) Which of these events is fired when we click any button inside the GridView

a. ItemDeleting

b. None

c. RowCommand *

d. ItemCommand
9.) What is the full form of ASP

a. Active Server Pages

b. Active Standard Pages

c. All Standard Pages

d. A Server Page
10.) Which of the following .NET datatype allows the retrieval of data by a unique key

a. HashTable

b. ArrayList

c. Stack

d. Queue
11.) The Products table has a column named ProductName and a primary key column
named ProductI When a user selects an item in the DataList, you want to retrieve the value
of the ProductID column associated with it.

a. In the DataList control set PrimaryKeyField="ProductID"

b. In the DataList control set DataKeyField="ProductID"

c. In the DataList control set KeyField="ProductID"

d. In the DataList control set ID="ProductID"

12.) You have created a new ASP.Net web application. You build the solution in Visual Studio
.Net. You notice that there is a /bin directory under the virtual directory. Which type of files
should you place in this location

a. Assemblies that are used by web applications anywhere on the network.

b. Assemblies that are used on web sites on only this web server machine.

c. Assemblies that are used on only this one web application.

d. Assemblies that are XCOPY'd to the location.

13.) How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain

a. Two Class

b. One Class

c. Five Class

d. Many Class
14.) What is the purpose of a delegate

a. To enable an assembly to respond to an event that occurs within a class

b. To spawn an additional thread to provide parallel processing

c. To copy member methods and properties from an existing class

d. To provide identical member methods and properties from multiple related classes
15.) You need to dynamically add a TextBox control to a page and display it at specific location

a. Place a PlaceHolder control at the required location in the page. Use the Add method of the
Controls collection of the PlaceHolder control to dynamically add the required control

b. You cannot add a control to a page dynamically

c. Build the HTML for the entire page in a String and insert the HTML code for required control
in required place

d. Place a Label control at the required location in the page and add the control by manipulating
the Text property of the Label control
16.) Automatic paging is possible in

a. All of these

b. Datareader

c. Dataset

d. Datatabel
17.) Which method do you use to redirect the user to another page without performing a round
trip to the client

a. Server.Transfer

b. Response.Transfer

c. Response.Redirect()

d. Server.Redirect
18.) Difference between Response.Output.Write() and Response.Write()

a. Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer output

b. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

c. Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush output

d. Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output

19.) Which of these is/are true

a. DataReader cannot be used in a Web Service

b. None

c. State Management cannot be used in a Web Service

d. DataReader can be used in a Web Service

20.) Which of the following data-bound controls displays multiple records, typically in a table
and does not provide a predetermined layout for the data

a. GridView Control

b. Menu Control

c. DataList Control

d. DetailsView Control
21.) What type of language is C#

a. Versionable

b. Compatible
c. Object oriented

d. Type safe
22.) A column must have these properties to work efficiently as primary key

a. Int data type and Auto increment set to Yes

b. Int data type and Primary key enabled

c. Int data type, Primary key enabled and Auto increment set to Yes

d. Primary key enabled and Auto increment set to Yes

23.) Which of the following is a canonical name that locates a specific resource on the Internet

a. URL


c. Web site

d. Web application
24.) What’s the difference between Response.Write( ) and Response.Output.Write()

a. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output

b. Response.Write() allows you to write formatted output

c. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write output

d. ResponsWrite() allows you to write output

25.) Two methods with the same name but with different parameters.

a. Duplexing
b. Multiplexing

c. Overloading

d. Loading
26.) You require to create an ASP.NET page with the functionality to allow a user to upload a
file to the server

a. You need to use a COM component to save the file on the server

The ASP.Net application automatically loops through all the <input
type="File"> and saves the uploaded files to a virtual folder called

c. You need to use the SaveAs method of the HttpPostedFile class

d. You need to use the System.WeUpload namespace

27.) Which control is used to sort the data and allow paging

a. DataGrid

b. FormView

c. Datalist

d. Repeater Control
28.) Which of the following is faster and consume lesser memory

a. Data Set

b. SQLDataReader

c. Non Query

d. Data Table
29.) You want to debug a Web-based ASP.NET application. But for some cause debugging
information is not shown.

<%@ Page Debug="true" %>

<%@ Application Debug="true" %>

<%@ Application Trace="true" %>

<%@ Page Trace="true" %>

30.) How do we create a FileSystemObject

a. Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

b. Server.CreateObject("FileSystemObject")

c. Create Object:"Scripting.FileSystemObject"

d. Create("FileSystemObject")

1.) When a Web application talks to a database, it is using ________

a. Web Service

b. ADO.Net

c. C# / Visual Basic Language

d. ASP.Net
2.) Which of the following is not supported by IIS
a. Windows XP Professional

b. Windows 2003 Server

c. Windows XP Home

d. Windows 2000 Server

3.) ApplicationBase, ApplicationName, and ConfigurationFile are the properties of which class

a. Assembly class

b. AppDomain class

c. AppDomainSetup class

d. ApplicationDomain class
4.) Which is code allows the modification of the head tag at runtime

< head runat="server">

< script javascript="server">

c. None of these

d. Both
5.) Which Template is used to advise user that there is No data or No records found

a. ListDataTemplate

b. EmptyTemplate

c. EmptyDataTemplate

d. ListTemplate
6.) What does it mean that a String is immutable

a. String is in read only mode

b. String can be altered

c. String cannot be access

d. String cannot be altered

7.) You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. You need to access
personalization data from one of the pages of the Web application by using the minimum
amount of administrative effort. What should you do

a. Access the personalization data from the Application property of the HttpContext object.

b. Access the personalization data from the Cache property of the HttpContext object.

c. Access the personalization data from the Session property of the HttpContext object.

d. Access the personalization data from the Profile property of the HttpContext object
8.) You have a DataList control containing a LinkButton. What would you do to raise
the DeleteCommand event in the DataList by clicking on the LinkButton.

a. Set the OnDelete property of the DataList to the ID of the LinkButton

b. Set CommandName="delete" in the LinkButton

c. A DataList control cannot raise an event in response to events raised by its child controls

d. A DataList control cannot contain child controls

9.) You have been asked to debug a Web-based ASP.NET application. For some reason, the
debugging information is not presented. What could be missing

<%@ Page Debug="TRUE” %>
<% Application Trace="TRUE” %>

<%@ Page Trace="TRUE” %>

<@ Application Page="TRUE” %>

10.) What is default time of expire session

a. 40 minutes

b. 100 minutes

c. unlimited

d. 20 minutes
11.) Which of the following classes does NOT implement symmetric encryption

a. DES

b. Rijndael

c. DSA

d. RC2
12.) In “System Console. Writer” system is ___

a. Object

b. command prompt

c. namespace

d. Class
13.) Which of the following tags should be inserted into the Web.Config file to handle the mobile
devices that do not accept relative URLs

<deviceFilters> tag

<DeviceSpecific> tag

<Filter> tag

<httpRuntime> tag

14.) What is used to validate complex string patterns like an e-mail address

a. Regular expressions

b. Extended expressions

c. Irregular expressions

d. Basic expressions
15.) _________is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and redirecting the
request to a different resource.

a. Both

b. None

c. URL rewriting

d. URI rewriting
16.) How do view states work

a. Using Cookies
b. Using Application variables

c. Using Session variables

d. Using a hidden form field

17.) Which of these files takes the web application in offline mode

a. appoffline.html

b. app_offline.html

c. none of these

d. app_offline.htm
18.) Using the CompareValidator control, you can compare the user input to which type of value

a. Memory address

b. URL

c. Constant value

d. Variable value
19.) currency managers of a binding context are bound to

a. Form

b. None of these

c. Both

d. Controls
20.) If a developer defines styles information in a common location. Then the location is called
a. Master Page

b. Theme

c. Customization

d. None of these
21.) You write the following code. public delegate void FaxDocs(Object sender, FaxArgs
args);You need to create an event that will invoke FaxDocs. Which code segment should you

a. public : static event Fax FaxDocs;

b. public : static event FaxDocs Fax;

c. public ref class FaxArgs : public EventArgs { public : String CoverPageInfo; FaxArgs (String
coverInfo) { this.CoverPageInfo = coverInfo; }};

d. public ref class FaxArgs : public EventArgs { public : String CoverPageInfo; };

22.) You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument and returns a
Boolean value. Which code segment should you use

a. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

b. public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(Object, EventArgs);

c. public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool, DateTime);

d. public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime);

23.) What file extension do you use to create a user control

a. .aucx extension

b. .ausr extension

c. .asuc extension
d. .ascx extension *
24.) Crushader” company wants to revamp his website. One of the important changes
Crushader” want is to display Ad banners. As a developer you want to initialize the banner
image paths when the first user accesses the application. So what will you do

a. Add code in application_onstart event of global.asax file.

b. Add code to session_onstart event of global.asax.

c. Add code in application_begin request event of global.asax file.

d. Add code in pagload event handler in the startup page of the application.
25.) How is a ASP.NET presentation page associated with its code-behind

a. The presentation page inherits from the code-behind

The presentation page includes the code-behind file using <@ Page
include="codebehind file name">

c. The ASP.NET presentation page and the code-behind page have the same name and hence
are automatically associated with each other

d. The presentation page includes the code-behind file using #include

26.) What is MSIL

a. Multi Socket Interface Library

b. Microsoft Intermediate Language

c. Microsoft Interface Language

d. Microsoft Integer Long

27.) You need to obtain performance information about your Web Application. You should use
which of the following
a. Data Readers.

b. Data Performance Counters.

c. Web Performance Counters.

d. Performance Counters
28.) You are developing a web application that is retrieving historical library information from
a database server and displays it to the users of your application. What cache strategy will give
you the best performance

a. None of these

b. Use the client cache

c. Use the cache object.

d. Use the output cache.

29.) int keyword targets to which .Net type

a. System.Int32

b. System.Int8

c. System.Int64

d. System.Int16
30.) Which method do you use to redirect the user to another page without performing a round
trip to the client

a. Server.Redirect

b. Server.Transfer
c. Response.Transfer

d. Response.Redirect()

1.) Select the control which does not have any visible interface

a. DataGrid

b. Repeater

c. DropDownList

d. DataList
2.) The GridView control in ASP.NET has which of the following features

a. WindowsPrincipal

b. None of these

c. Automatic data binding

d. Both of these
3.) Using the CompareValidator control, you can compare the user input to which type of value

a. URL

b. Constant value

c. Memory address

d. Variable value
4.) The RangeValidator control supports the following data types

a. only string
b. Date and Integer

c. Integer only

d. Date, Integer and String

5.) To invoke Fill() method of a DataAdapter object

a. None of these

b. The DataAdapter object should have SelectCommand

c. The connection should be opened

d. The DataAdapter object should have InsertCommand

6.) Which namespace would you use if you need to create an ASP.NET application with Oracle
as the database.Â

a. System.DatSQLServer

b. System.Data.OleDb

c. System.Data.SQLClient

d. System.Data.NonMS
7.) Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the
DataSource, to display data in the combo box

a. DataTextField property.

b. DataValueField Property

c. DataMember

d. None of these
8.) Which in the following is optional to create a .net project..
a. .Net framework

b. Language

c. Visual Studio 2010 IDE

d. None of these
9.) Which of the following is referred to as a stateless protocol and supports only one request
per connection

a. Web site

b. URL

c. Web application

10.) You create a master page named Article.master. Article.master serves as the template for
articles on your Web site. The master page uses the following page directives.

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>

<%@ Page Language="C#" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%>

<%@ Page Language="C#" Theme="article"%>

<%@Page Language="C#" all:MasterPageFile="~/articlmaster"%>

11.) Which of the following classes does NOT implement symmetric encryption

a. DSA
b. Rijndael

c. DES

d. RC2
12.) The Products table has a column named ProductName and a primary key column named
ProductID. When a user selects an item in the DataList, you want to retrieve the value of the
ProductID column associated with it.

a. In the DataList control set KeyField="ProductID"

b. In the DataList control set PrimaryKeyField="ProductID"

c. In the DataList control set DataKeyField="ProductID"

d. In the DataList control set ID="ProductID"

13.) Which of the following is not JIT compiler type

a. Abnormal-JIT

b. Pre-JIT


d. Normal-JIT
14.) An _______ declares a reference type that has abstract members only.

a. Delegates

b. All of these

c. Abstract

d. Interface
15.) Crushader” company wants to revamp his website. One of the important changes
Crushader” want is to display Ad banners. As a developer you want to initialize the banner
image paths when the first user accesses the application. So what will you do

a. Add code in pagload event handler in the startup page of the application.

b. Add code to session_onstart event of global.asax.

c. Add code in application_onstart event of global.asax file.

d. Add code in application_begin request event of global.asax file.

16.) What is MSIL

a. Microsoft Integer Long

b. Multi Socket Interface Library

c. Microsoft Interface Language

d. Microsoft Intermediate Language

17.) What is the purpose of a delegate

a. To copy member methods and properties from an existing class

b. To spawn an additional thread to provide parallel processing

c. To enable an assembly to respond to an event that occurs within a class

d. To provide identical member methods and properties from multiple related classes
18.) Which of the following objects is not a part of an ASP.NET theme

a. XML file

b. Skin Files
c. Supporting images

d. StyleSheet
19.) Name a property common in every validation control

a. InitialValue

b. ValidationExpression

c. ControlToCompare

d. ControlToValidate
20.) Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset

a. Fill( )

b. ExecuteQuery()

c. Read()

d. None of these
21.) What is the name of a program that takes instructions written using mnemonics and
translates them into a language that the computer can understand

a. Compiler.

b. Translator.

c. Converter.

d. Assembler.
22.) Which is code allows the modification of the head tag at runtime
a. Both

< script javascript="server">

< head runat="server">

d. None of these
23.) Which data control does not exist in

a. TableView

b. GridView

c. ListView

d. DataList
24.) What is the advantage of Response.WriteFile()

a. Writes the specified file directly to an ASP.NET page

b. Use this when the buffer is set to true and you want to get rid of everything processed up to
where the Clear() is.


d. Allows you to send the user to a new URL.

Which of these classes maps to the tag <input type="checkbox"/>

a. HtmlControl

b. HtlmInputCheckBox

c. HtmlCheckBox
d. None
26.) Which of the following does the actual .NET code execute

a. C#

b. CLR

c. CLS

27.) If a class is using an interface, it must

a. All of these

b. inherit the properties of the interface

c. create an interface object

d. contain the same methods as the interface

28.) To compile a C# source code file named MyFile.cs, what would you type at the command

a. csc.exe MyFile

b. csc.exe MyFile.exe

c. csc MyFile

d. csc MyFile.cs
29.) Which control is used to sort the data and allow paging

a. Repeater Control
b. FormView

c. DataGrid

d. Datalist
30.) What does WSDL stand for

a. Web Services Data Language

b. Web Services Development Language

c. Web Services Description Language

d. Web Services Dynamic Language

1.) What statement is TRUE about an abstract class

a. None of these

b. A class that cannot be instantiated

c. Is a class for which entities may be created

d. A class that can be instantiated

2.) The ASP.NET pages directives are

a. System.Web.UI.HtmlControls

b. System. Web.UI.WebControls

c. @ Page,@ Import,@ Register

d. All of these
3.) You have a DataList control containing a LinkButton. What would you do to raise
the DeleteCommand event in the DataList by clicking on the LinkButton.
a. Set CommandName="delete" in the LinkButton

b. A DataList control cannot raise an event in response to events raised by its child controls

c. Set the OnDelete property of the DataList to the ID of the LinkButton

d. A DataList control cannot contain child controls

4.) From a dataview dv who has a column “EmpNo” from employee table, how will u bind a

a. Textbox.databinding.add(EmpNo”);

b. None of these

c. Textbox.databinding.adddv,”EmpNo”);

d. Textbox.databinding.add(“Text”,dv,”EmpNo”);
5.) How to comment out ASP.NET Tags

a. //

b. /*

<%-- --%>

d. /* */
6.) What is the role ScriptManager

a. It creates ObjectRequestManager and Application objects.

b. It creates ObjectRequestManager and Page objects.

c. It creates PageRequestManager and Page objects.

d. It creates PageRequestManager and Application objects.

7.) The ________ allows the .NET Framework to communicate with the COM component by
providing a middle layer between your .NET Framework code and the COM component.

a. Interop assembly

b. Private assembly 1

c. Multifile assembly

d. Shared assembly
8.) You need to select a class that is optimized for key-based item retrieval from both small and
large collections. Which class should you choose

a. Hashtable class

b. ListDictionary class

c. HybridDictionary class

d. OrderedDictionary class
9.) What does virtual keyword mean

a. Virtual Key is an imaginary function available in memory

b. That method and property can be overridden

c. That method and property can not be Inherited

d. All of these
10.) Connection pool for______________ Reasons

a. When only Dispose() connection is called.

b. When Connection lifetime is expired.

c. When any one of the given choices are TRUE

d. When only Close() connection is called.

11.) Two methods with the same name but with different parameters.

a. Overloading

b. Multiplexing

c. Duplexing

d. Loading
12.) XML stands for

a. Extensible Markup Language

b. Xtensible Multi Language

c. Xtra Markup Language

d. Extensible Multi Language

13.) Which of the following is incorrect about System.Text.StringBuilder and System.String

a. Strings are immutable, so each time a string is changed, a new instance in memory is

b. StringBuilder is more efficient when there is a large amount of string manipulation

c. Strings are mutable in .Net

d. StringBuilder is mutable; when you modify an instance of the StringBuilder class, you modify
the actual string, not a copy
14.) If a class is using an interface, it must
a. inherit the properties of the interface

b. contain the same methods as the interface

c. create an interface object

d. All of these
15.) Which is Incorrect

a. Application Object is global

b. Caching can be global or Private

c. Session object is Private to user

d. Application object values are accessed across the application

16.) .NET obfuscation solution

a. Decompiles DLL back into actual source code *

b. Prevent a .NET DLL to be decompiled

c. None of these

d. It determines if or not a piece of code is allowed to run

17.) You are transferring records from one database to another. You need to decide whether
you can use the SqlBulkCopy class to transfer the records. What should you do

a. Ensure that the column names in the source table match the column names in the destination

b. Ensure that the destination database is Microsoft SQL Server.

c. Ensure that the source database is Microsoft SQL Server.

d. Ensure that the bulk copy program (bcp) utility is installed on the destination server.
18.) Different ways a method can be overloaded in C#.NET

a. All of these

b. Different parameter data types

c. Different order of parameters

d. Different number of parameters

19.) Why would you use a SqlConnection object instead of an OleDbConnection object

a. A SqlConnection object is optimized for use with SQL Server.

b. A SqlConnection object can be used with DataSets while an OleDbConnection cannot.

c. A SqlConnection object can be used with DataView objects and an OleDbConnection object,

d. A SqlConnection object can be used for any type of database.

20.) What is accessibility modifier “protected internal”

a. It is the least permissive access level

b. It is available within the class definition

c. It is available to classes that are within the same assembly and derived from the specified
base class.

d. It is the most permissive access level

21.) You require to create an ASP.NET page with the functionality to allow a user to upload a
file to the server

a. You need to use the System.WeUpload namespace

b. You need to use a COM component to save the file on the server
The ASP.Net application automatically loops through all the <input
type="File"> and saves the uploaded files to a virtual folder called

d. You need to use the SaveAs method of the HttpPostedFile class

22.) What does it mean that a String is immutable

a. String is in read only mode

b. String cannot be altered

c. String can be altered

d. String cannot be access

23.) How is a ASP.NET presentation page associated with its code-behind

a. The presentation page includes the code-behind file using #include

b. The ASP.NET presentation page and the code-behind page have the same name and hence
are automatically associated with each other

The presentation page includes the code-behind file using <@ Page
include="codebehind file name">

d. The presentation page inherits from the code-behind

24.) ApplicationBase, ApplicationName, and ConfigurationFile are the properties of which

a. Assembly class

b. AppDomainSetup class

c. AppDomain class

d. ApplicationDomain class
25.) You need to enable paging for a DataGrid control

a. A DataGrid does Not support paging

b. You can use a DataReader

c. You can use a DataTable

d. You can use either the DataReader or DataTable

26.) Which of the following is not a .NET compatible language

a. Java


c. J#

d. C#
27.) In data reader, what can be used before read method

a. GetNumber

b. None of these

c. Getvalue

d. Getstring
28.) How do you manage states in application

a. All of these

b. Session Objects

c. Viewstate
d. Application Objects
29.) What is the use of Updatepanel

a. It is used for Non Partial-page rendering

b. It is used for posting back the page

c. It is used for Partial-page rendering

d. It is used to refresh data of a page

30.) Which property allows ASP.NET controls to maintain their values when a page is posted
to itself.

a. SaveValue

b. EnableViewState

c. AutoPostBack

d. MaintainValue

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