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How do I explicitly turn on connection pooling for an OLE DB data source?

- By setting the OLE DB Services connection string keyword to 0
- By setting the OLE DB Services connection string keyword to -4
- By setting the OLE DB Services connection string keyword to -1
- By setting the OLE DB Services connection string keyword to -7
Which type is best suited for public internet web application?

- Windows authentication
- Passport authentication
- Anonymous
In which event are the controls fully loaded?

- Page_Init
- Page_Load
- Control events
- Page_Unload events
Default authentication mode in is
A Form
B Cookie
C Passport
D Window
How do you Create Constructors in VB.NET?
A Create a method and which is named as New
B Create a method and which is named as Initialize
C Create a method and name it with the same name as class name
D None of the above
Which of the following statements is correct about namespaces in C#.NET?
A A namespace cannot be nested.
B Namespaces can be nested only up to level 5.
C There is no limit on the number of levels while nesting namespaces.
D If namespaces are nested, then it is necessary to use using statement while using
the elements of the inner namespace.
What important standard is used to connect client browsers with web servers
Which of the following controls features hierarchical data-binding and may be
bound to an XmlDataSource or a SiteMapDataSource
Menu Control
DropDownList Control
DataList Control
GridView Control
Which keyword is used to return unique values from a table in sql
Remove Duplicate
Why would you use a SqlConnection object instead of an OleDbConnection object

A SqlConnection object can be used with DataSets while an OleDbConnection


A SqlConnection object is optimized for use with SQL Server.

A SqlConnection object can be used with DataView objects and an

OleDbConnection object, cannot.

A SqlConnection object can be used for any type of database.

By default DOTNET website is configured with which of the following
authentication types

Form Authentication


Passport Authentication

Integrated Windows authentication

You need to display the sales data for your division for the past 5 years in a
DataGrid on a Web Form. Performance is very important. What would be the best
strategy to use in retrieving the data
Use a DataReader object to retrieve the data for the DataGrid

Use a cached XML file as the data source and retrieve the data with a DataSet.

Use a DataSet object to retrieve the data for the DataGrid

Use a simple select statement as the data source for the DataGrid
Which of the following methods would probably be the easiest way to find
bottlenecks in a program if you had no idea where to look?
A. Use an automatic profiler.
B. Instrument the code by hand.
C. Use performance counters.
D. Set breakpoints throughout the code and step through execution.


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