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“It’s a blessing to give, and when you give, you’ll receive.”



Chapter 1: The Cosmic Offering

• What is Cosmic Offering?

• Living in sync with your Purpose and Calling

Chapter 2: Cosmic Numerology

• The Cosmic Vibrations of Numbers

• Unlock your Cosmic Number

• Reveal your Cosmic Number

• Redefine your Destiny

Chapter 3: Cosmic Astrology

• Manifestation of Cosmic Astrology

• 10 Benefits of Astrology
• Sneak Peek into your Horoscope in 2018

Chapter 4: Cosmic Law of Universe

• Seven Universal Laws Explained

• The Immutable and the Mutable

• The Law of Attraction as Part of the Equation




What is Cosmic Offering?

We all know the definition of Cosmic - relating to the universe or cosmos,

especially as distinct from the earth. Offering - a thing offered, especially as a
gift or contribution. Hence, The Cosmic Offering is to provide you a
perspective in what exactly are we doing in this world and how can we align
ourselves using the gifts we have to the Universe. We first need to identify our
strength through the various Cosmic forms of numbers, astrology and its laws.
Then, we can find unlock our past, redesign our future.

And, what if I told you that your life doesn’t have to be a struggle? Instead,
every moment of every day can be a magical and joyous adventure. Are you
ready to begin living in sync with your purpose and the universe?



Living in sync your Purpose and Calling

1. Live in the Moment

Take a moment right now to breathe in deeply. Listen to the sound your body
makes as it inhales oxygen. Feel the air filling up inside of your lungs.

Now breathe out. Listen again to your body as it effortlessly exhales the air.
Isn’t your body miraculous? It keeps air flowing through your lungs, blood
pumping through your veins and the force of life within you. And, just as
harmoniously as your body works to keep you alive, without asking for much in
return, you can work with the universe to transcend your physical experience
from mundane to extraordinary.

Start by spending a few minutes each day focusing on your breathing. This will
re-direct a wandering mind and bring you into the present moment. Then as
you go throughout your day, pay attention to sensory details about routine
activities. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you hear?

By bringing your awareness back to the present time, you will allow yourself to
truly live in and be in the moment.



2. Take Care of your Body

This is where you need to meet the universe halfway. If your physical body is
not healthy and well-nourished it won’t be able to serve you as well as it could.
This means feed it healthy, organic, nutritious food. Get enough sleep every
night. Take vitamins and be physically active.

Maybe you like to run outside, work out at the gym, do yoga or take long
walks. Be active in a way that feels good to you- it shouldn’t feel like a chore, it
should be something you look forward to doing every day or several times a

Also, limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol in moderation is fine, but too much will
drain you physically, mentally and emotionally and make it hard for your body
to function at its full potential.



3. Practice Gratitude

One of the easiest, quickest and best things you can do is simply say thank
you. By thanking the universe for good things you already have, you will raise
your frequency and begin attracting more situations, experiences and things to
be grateful for.

Perhaps you journal your gratitude or maybe you list off things you are thankful
for each morning as you’re getting ready for work. There is no right or wrong
way to do this, the important thing is just to do it every single day.

If you struggle at first to make a gratitude list that’s okay. It doesn’t need to be
detailed or well thought out, in fact the first things that come to your mind are
probably the best. Don’t force it, just go with it.



4. Embrace your Gifts

Take a moment and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a state of pure bliss
where you are living an inspired life full of purpose. What are you doing?
Where are you? Who are you with?

The first step to embracing your gifts is to find your passion. Figure out what
makes you happy, and what comes easily to you. Then embrace those talents
by setting aside time every single day to further develop, practice and hone
your gifts.

If your passion involves more than yourself, pay attention to the company you
keep. The people you surround yourself with should have a common goal as
you, and be a constant source of inspiration.

By exploring and understanding your gifts you will understand your true self
and be able to flow easily with life as it guides you to your higher self and true



5. Ask for Guidance

The universe is here to guide you throughout the entirety of your physical
journey. When you are ready to ask for guidance, make sure you are asking a
very specific question (or set of questions). If you aren’t clear, your guidance will
be unclear as well.

You can write your questions down or say them out loud, but be direct.
Something along the lines of, “Dear ________, I am asking you to give me
guidance about _________ because _________.”

Once your question has been asked, use your senses to envision what will
happen next. Trust the universe to deliver and it will.

Pay attention to signs that come your way after you ask your question. Open
up your eyes, ears and heart and witness the gorgeous performance it puts on
for you and you alone. Do you keep seeing patterns, such as the same
numbers or a word over and over? These are direct communications from the



The Cosmic Vibrations of Numbers

Numbers hold special significance for many people. Some believe they have a
lucky number, while others notice that significant life events tend to occur in
pairs, threes or other groupings. Some people even feel a simple, inexplicable
affinity for a particular number. These people may have naturally tapped into
something with roots that stretch back through the millennia to ancient Egypt
and Babylon — Numerology, or the study of numbers and their cosmic

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Unlock your Cosmic Number

In Numerology, each number, from one through nine, is believed to have its
own symbolic meaning. When applied to a person, a number — referred to as
a Life Path Number — reveals that person’s personality, challenges and
potential. Life Path Numbers are calculated by adding together the eight
separate digits of a person’s birthdate (the two-digit day and month, and the
four-digit year).

Let’s take, for example, a birthdate of December 1, 1975. This would be written
numerically as 12/01/1975 (or 01/12/1975 — either method will produce the
same Life Path Number). Adding those eight digits together
(1+2+0+1+1+9+7+5) results in a total of 26. As this is a two-digit number, the
two and six are then added together to produce a final Life Path Number of
eight for this particular birthdate.

Try yours now! Start calculating. I am revealing what each number means over
the next few pages.

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Unlock your Cosmic Number

When calculating a Life Path Number, we reduce most birthdates that

add up to two-digit numbers to one digit, ranging from one to nine, as in
the example above. There are, however, three exceptions: 11, 22 and 33,
the three Master Numbers of Numerology. Those whose birthdates add
up to one of these numbers have a very special life path. The Master
Numbers are thought to denote both extra challenges and extra
strengths, and people with these as their Life Path Numbers have the
potential to face significant adversity, yet also make great achievements
in their lifetime.

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Reveal your Cosmic Number

Following are brief descriptions of each of the twelve Life Path Numbers. Once
you have calculated your own Life Path Number, use this information as a
starting point to explore the vast wisdom of Numerology.

• 1 – You possess a strong personality and a positive outlook. You’re likely to

be physically strong as well. Creative, ambitious and filled with original ideas,
you are a natural leader among friends and co-workers. Watch that your
assertive nature doesn’t turn into bossiness or selfishness. Similarly, blocks to
your natural energy can result in laziness, impulsiveness or unrealized goals.

• 2 – Peaceful, artistic and refined, you are a people-person who loves being
surrounded by friends. Your sensitive, honest nature inspires others to confide
in you regularly. Watch that your sincerity does not verge into gullibility,
allowing others to take advantage of you. Also, make sure to attend to your
own needs as well as those of the people around you. Try not to avoid conflict
to the point of giving up too much ground to others.

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Reveal your Cosmic Number

• 3 – Intelligent, creative and witty, you are an excellent communicator,

whether entertaining others with jokes and stories or using your perceptive
nature to explore life’s deepest mysteries. You find it easy to read others’
thoughts and feelings. Do your best to set goals and pursue them; otherwise,
your life could lack direction. Also, avoid jobs, relationships and daily routines
that are overly monotonous, as these will bring out your escapist side.

• 4 – Practical, hardworking and down-to-earth, you are the person your co-
workers, family and friends rely on for stability and support. Your incredible
willpower can sometimes turn into obstinacy. You prefer a life of routine, as
unpredictable people and situations overwhelm you. You can also be
resistant to change. Seek out loyal friends and partners, and use these
relationships as a secure base from which to reach out into the unknown.
• 5 – You stand out in any crowd. People are drawn to your happy, vital
nature. You possess diverse interests, and may regularly spread yourself too
thin. You adore adventure and excitement, but try to avoid being irresponsible
or unreliable. Similarly, watch out for a tendency toward competitiveness. You
shine naturally, so there’s no need to work overly hard for attention.

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Reveal your Cosmic Number

• 6 – Your loving, caring nature makes you a beloved friend and family
member. Honest, conscientious and thoughtful, you regularly look out for
others’ rights and wellbeing. You find it easy to connect and communicate with
just about anyone, including animals. If you find yourself becoming easily
annoyed or feeling jealous or depressed, take it as a sign that you have
overextended yourself. Take time alone to rest and recharge.

• 7 – Deeply analytical, you possess innate spiritual wisdom. You meet life on
your own terms, which can make you appear a bit aloof. Adding to this is your
natural perfectionism; you hold yourself and others to high standards. You need
autonomy in your work and relationships, but you’re capable of great loyalty
when involved with a person or organization that you believe in.

• 8 – Creativity, willpower and good luck combine to make you a powerhouse

of a personality. A forward-thinker who can readily assemble a strong team, you
carry your plans through to the finish. Watch that you don’t become overly
competitive or dictatorial as you pursue your goals. In relationships, you are
attracted to people who let you take the lead. Try not to take advantage of this

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Reveal your Cosmic Number

• 9 – You are honest, trustworthy and compassionate. In relationships, you are

attracted to people who possess the qualities you value most highly, such as
generosity and kindness. Your idealistic, sensitive nature lends itself to
humanitarian causes. Just try to avoid overextending yourself; if your energies
are drained or taken advantage of, you could swing toward selfish or
inconsiderate behavior.

• 11 – The first of the three Master Numbers, 11 can be thought of as a more

powerful expression of the number two (as 1+1=2). Your artistic, creative
nature makes you a true visionary. Filled with fascinating knowledge and
theories, you are a favorite companion among your friends. Your work in this
lifetime is to influence others’ thoughts, ideas and values. Your life path
should involve creative expression. Change the world through art, science,
writing or teaching.

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Reveal your Cosmic Number

• 22 – The second of the three Master Numbers, 22 can be thought of as a

more powerful expression of the number four (as 2+2=4). Filled with willpower
and a deep sense of purpose, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Be sure to use this power with care; focus your efforts toward worthwhile
pursuits, and avoid unhealthy, destructive relationships and behavior. Find
friends who allow you to be yourself, and who can stand up to your strong
personality when needed.

• 33 – The third of the three Master Numbers, 33 can be thought of as a

more powerful expression of the number six (as 3+3=6). Highly sensitive,
emotional and dependable, you are widely adored for your kind, caring nature.
Naturally empathetic, you feel others’ emotions as if they are your own; for this
reason, take care to protect yourself emotionally when necessary. You have a
strong need to know you are loved, so seek out close, loving and harmonious
relationships. Don’t avoid conflict as a rule, however; remember that you must
set firm boundaries from time to time.

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Redefine your Destiny

Each number has a unique energy and by finding out the numbers that
correspond with your life (often linked to your name or birthdate, both of which
are incredibly personal and important to you), you can predict its future course.

Having identified your Life Path and Destiny Numbers, you’re ready for the
next step. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll show you how to use your date of birth
to get more detailed insights into what lies ahead for you in 2018.

In the meantime, you might want to reflect on the characteristics associated

with those Life Path and Destiny Numbers that are not in your numerology

For example, if your chart doesn’t include a nine, you could still imagine
yourself adopting its positive qualities. Perhaps you need to be more
compassionate and less judgmental of others?
Maybe you need to be a little more accepting and forgiving of the misfortunes
in your life.
Reflecting and visualising in this way can help you integrate the positive
personality traits of each number into your own behaviour — yet another
example of how numerology can change your life for the better.

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Manifestation of Cosmic Astrology

Astrology is an ancient tradition which says that the character and destiny of
human depend on the position of the stars at the moment of birth. However,
we also believe that astrology allows meaningful and practical changes of
every individual in order to improve the quality of life. Astrology supports the
existence of free will and rejects superstition and fatalism. It also allows us a
more objective understanding of our character, recognition of our talents and
potentials, and an opportunity for emotional and spiritual maturation.

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Manifestation of Cosmic Astrology

The position of the planets at the time of our birth helps us in identifying the
weak or strong areas of our life. Astrology can help us to understand better the
events of our past. Besides helping in avoiding strains in marital relationships,
business and professional matters, astrology also helps in enjoying good
health, prosperity and spiritual advancement. With the help of astrology we can
discover what qualities we seek in a partner and how to overcome any
disagreement, because we will have a better understanding for different

Many believe that astrology is a blessing for the humanity, because it has a lot
of benefits. Find out which are the greatest 10 benefits of astrology.

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10 Benefits of Astrology

1. Better understanding of different personalities

Even a very basic astrology reading will tell you what your Sun and Moon signs
are, and what this means in your life. Through looking at the planets, their
positions in the sky at your birth, and how they relate to each other, you will
find clues as to why you are drawn to the people and situations that you are,
and what you are to learn from them.

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2. Knowing the skill and abilities that you brought with

you into this lifetime.

Your Sun sign shows the skills and abilities that you brought with you into this
lifetime. This is what drives you, where your power comes from in this lifetime.
Each Sun sign will express themselves, and use their skills and abilities, in
different ways. This is also karmic in origin, in that these skills and abilities were
developed in previous lifetimes.

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3. Determining your Life Path.

How do you know if you are following the Life Path that is right for you? Are
you happy in your life? Do your work, and your relationships, support you in all
ways? Are both your opportunities and your challenges moving you forward?
Astrology can help you access your creative nature, and express yourself in the
highest and best way possible. You will be able to pinpoint the energy that was
in your past, the energy that you are currently working with, and what will be
coming up for you in the future. Understanding why something is in your life (or
coming into your life) allows you to look at possible solutions, and choose the
best one for you.

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4. Understanding the cycles of your life.

There are many different cycles in the world of astrology. Sun cycles would be
one such cycle, with the Sun staying in each of the twelve signs for one month
out of each year. The Moon goes through four cycles every 29 days, starting
with the New Moon, then moving on to the Waxing Moon, the Full Moon, and
the Waning Moon. There are 13 Moon cycles every twelve months. Each year
around your birthday the Sun returns to its natal position. The Solar Return is
when the Sun reaches the exact degree that it was at your birth. Studying your
chart as the planets appear on your Solar Return shows you the energies for the
upcoming year.

The planet Saturn moves through its cycle every 29 years, which means that
you have a Saturn return every 29 years. What you are dealing with here is
taking responsibility, and what form that responsibility might take.

The planet Mercury goes through three retrograde periods every year, when it
appears to be moving backwards in the sky (but is really not … tis is an illusion
created by the orbital rotation of the earth, related to the position of other
planets in our solar system). This is an important cycle because retrogrades
tend to create havoc in our lives, and Mercury the Messenger creates snafu’s in
all type of communications, and then decides to start messing with our travel

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5. Relationship compatibility.

Studying our astrological chart will tell us which signs we are compatible with,
and which we will have to work a little harder on. Comparing astrological charts
gives us a heads up in familial, romantic and business relationships, as well as
friendships. When we can put ourselves in the other persons shoes, we can
create win/win situations for everyone.

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6. Determining the best career.

An astrological reading can tell you (through your Sun sign) what skills and
abilities you bring with you into this lifetime, and what you need from your
career. You can see whether you are going to be better at multitasking, or
attention to the details and hard work over the long run. Where Mercury is
positioned in your chart determines your communication skills, and where your
challenges and opportunities will be found. The planets in your sixth house
describe the mundane, day to day details of your career. The planets in your
tenth house represent the type of career you will do best in, your professional
goals, and how you are perceived by others.

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7. Determining when to begin a project or new


Where do we look for the timing of new projects, beginning a new business, or
even a new relationship? The Moon has great influence here: new projects are
traditionally begun at the new Moon, and projects that are being wrapped up
are finalized at the Full Moon. Look to Mercury here also … you do not want to
begin a new project when Mercury is in retrograde. If you must do so, be very
careful that you understand what other people are telling you, and that they
understand what you are saying. Make a special effort to make sure that all
communications have been received, because Mercury likes to play havoc with
the Internet also!

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8. Looking at the pros and cons of relocation.

Much of the stress can be taken out of the decision making process dealing
with relocation by looking to the stars for advice. You can use this tool when
looking at where to vacation, or where to live … a move across town, across
state, or across the country. You will get a clear look at what your options are,
what they have to offer you, and what the opportunities, and the challenges,
will be in each location. Some of the things to take into consideration are
career opportunities, romance, creative opportunities, community and spiritual

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9. Find out what your karmic influences are.

Karma has to do with lessons from past lives, and energy that has been carried
over into this lifetime. Studying our karma shows us the path that we need to
follow in this lifetime for spiritual growth. Also covered here are karmic
relationships in our current lifetime.

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10. Look at the year ahead.

Whether you are looking at the calendar year, or your personal year (from one
birthday to your next birthday), astrology can show what energies lie ahead,
where your opportunities and challenges will be found, when the best times to
take action are and the skills and abilities that are yours to draw on to
accomplish your goals.

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Sneak Peek into your Horoscope in 2018


Look forward to success, praise, and pleasure, Aries! Settle down and work
relentlessly toward career and self-improvement goals. The year 2018 starts
with your planet Mars conjoined with regal Jupiter in no-nonsense Scorpio.
Prepare to rule!

Mercury is retrograde in Aries from late March to mid-April. Look in the mirror
and see what changes can improve your appearance, self-image, or self-
projection. Everyone can benefit from some improvement. Emerge as a better,
brighter, stronger you.

Your planet Mars is retrograde from late June through late August. Life won't
slow down. Mars retro in Aquarius and Capricorn encourages you to pace
yourself and make more solid strategies for your social life and work.

When the sun enters Aries, Mercury conjoins Venus in Aries. If you develop a
heightened champagne taste in life, you'll have the energy and smarts to
satisfy it. With Uranus in the closing degrees of Aries, chances are that you still
have some sharp, startling ideas or plans to fulfill those desires.

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Rock your world in 2018! Your ruling planet Venus is one of the best connected
and most powerful forces in the sky this year.

Venus is supercharged on New Year's Day, and so are you. Having just
conjoined pragmatic Saturn in Capricorn, Venus now conjoins the sun. Your
goals and aspirations will not be denied. Make them big and noble.

Venus is also approaching Pluto in Capricorn. Don't be reluctant to make a big

change or upset the status quo if needed.

When the sun enters Taurus, Venus is already there. Surround yourself with
beautiful thoughts in beautiful settings, don't compromise, and don't be
rushed. Mother Nature is definitely on your side this year.

In October, Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio and direct in Libra in November.

Relationships get serious and benefit from extra attention.

Have success in the material world as well. Take a good, hard look at the world
you've built around you. Keep what works well and what pleases best. Be more
constructive and comfortable.

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Welcome to bustling, beautiful 2018, Gemini! You'll have the chance to

connect with more people and engage in more new situations as never before.

It's also a year for you to start many new projects and begin exploring new
avenues in life. On the day before the sun enters Gemini, Venus enters
charming, popular Cancer. Mars has just entered big-thinking, clear-headed
Aquarius, and Uranus has just entered methodical, materialistic Taurus. Expect
2018 to bring you improvements and some changes of direction in your social
life and career. You could step into a new world.

All three Mercury retrogrades this year occur in fire signs. Life should barely
slow down at all. Promote yourself a bit less in the spring, and refine your
presentation. Take fewer risks in the summer, and have more fun. In late
autumn, ponder some recent big lessons and apply them more wisely.

Just after Venus turns direct in November, your planet Mercury conjoins
generous Jupiter. Your love life need not slow down or lose focus. What a
sizzling year!

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The year 2018 is an open book for you, Cancer. You have access to all that the
stars have to offer. If it's work, family, finances, love, or anything else, there will
be a planet ready to give you a hand.

On New Year's Day, the moon leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. The moon also
opposes responsible Saturn. You'll always have the skills and instincts to keep
everything in balance and working smoothly.

A lunar eclipse in January with the moon in Leo could thrust you further into
the spotlight than you'd like. No matter. It's a growing experience that shows
you how to better take charge and act with authority.

Another lunar eclipse in late July has the moon in Aquarius. Have a clearer view
of the world and think in bigger terms about bigger problems.

Jupiter retrograde in emotional Scorpio from March through early July makes
you even more psychic. Afterward, see through obstacles to happier, more
successful conclusions.

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The year 2018 blazes with energy, challenges, and opportunities of the most
practical and far-reaching kind. You're looking at a golden year, Leo!

When the sun enters Leo, there is a grand earth trine, with Uranus in well-
anchored Taurus, Venus in methodical Virgo, and Saturn and Pluto in pragmatic
Capricorn. What you achieve in 2018 can be made to last. Plan and proceed

The lunar North Node is in Leo now. Events in your life may feel more karmic
and have more far-reaching consequences, too.

The lunar eclipse in January has the moon in Leo, which could touch off
emotional issues from the past. The lunar eclipse in July has the sun in Leo.
Feel more emotionally grounded now. A partial solar eclipse in August could
affect your social or professional status. Make it good!

Mercury is retrograde in Leo during July and August. Mars will be retrograde,
too, in Aquarius. Push slightly less hard now, give more thought before taking
action, and come out far ahead of the game.

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Virgo, 2018 is your year to get intense! Intensity has its ups and downs, and
you can make the most of the ups while coping skillfully with any downs.

When the sun enters Virgo, the moon conjoins go-for-broke Pluto in the most
pragmatic of signs, Capricorn. This intensity colors your whole year.

Your planet Mercury has three retrogrades this year, all of them in fire signs
(Aries in April, Leo in August, Sagittarius in November). After each retrograde,
feel impassioned about yourself and your life, and watch everything fall into
place for you.

Earth signs empower you, too. Uranus enters Taurus to keep finances and
sensual pleasures reliable, as well as electrifying.

Mars is retrograde from late June to late August, concluding in the final
degrees of work-oriented Capricorn. Take your time and make no mistakes in
your career and social lives.

And yes, it's a socially busy year. Enjoy it all!

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The focus is on you for 2018, Libra. Be prepared for people to look to you for
advice and leadership. It will be easy and it will come naturally, so relax and
enjoy the attention.

On New Year's Day, your planet Venus is empowered through a conjunction

with the noble sun and with an applying conjunction with powerful Pluto.
Exercise your authority with grace and generosity. This gives people more
reasons to respect and love you.

The three Mercury retrogrades are all in fire signs. This may slow down a hectic
daily life and then conclude with a great burst of energy, and more. In August,
get creative and more elegant. In November and December, pace yourself and
prepare for a sizzling holiday season.

The Mars retrograde from late June through late August could delay or redirect
career plans, but it will end with a more stable career trajectory.

The Venus retrograde from October through the first half of November, ending
in Libra, impacts you more. Love will reign supreme!

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You're a powerful person and a force of nature in 2018, Scorpio! The year
begins with your planet Mars conjoined with influential Jupiter in Scorpio.
Once you decide on a plan of action, nothing and no one will be able to slow
you down.

On New Year's Day, the sun conjoins your modern ruling planet, Pluto. Your
intensity could scare people away.

To ease this, pleasant Venus also conjoins the sun, all in earth sign Capricorn.
Big success and popularity are readily available this year.

This year's Mercury retrogrades are all in fire signs. The third retrograde, in
November and early December, is mostly in Sagittarius but ends in the late
degrees of Scorpio. This might affect you more, probably in your social or
educational life.

Mars is retrograde from late June through late August, all in Capricorn. Be
more thoughtful in your career efforts, and emerge in September ready to set
the world back on fire!

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Enter 2018 moving in high speed, Sagittarius, and accelerate from there. Your
planet Jupiter is powerful and ambitious and will keep you going full blast in
the direction that moves you forward.

On New Year's Day, Jupiter is in an applying conjunction with single-minded

Mars in “no fooling around” Scorpio. There is no time to waste in 2018. You
have big things to do, people to see, and places to go.

The sun, Venus, and Pluto are all together in Capricorn as 2018 starts, with
Jupiter and Pluto in a cooperative sextile. You want to see results, results that
will last.

Jupiter is retrograde in Scorpio from March until early July. This buys you time
to make careful observations and calculations that advance your professional
and social goals.

On November 8, Jupiter leaves Scorpio and enters its home sign of Sagittarius.
From that point until the end of the year, you may feel that nothing can stop or
slow you down.

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Life makes more and better sense in 2018, Capricorn. A clearer perspective will
make it much easier to achieve your goals and dreams.

On New Year's Day, idealistic Neptune is in a cooperative if loose sextile with

the sun and Venus. This isn't superficial charm. It's grace that draws allies and
good fortune to you.

Also, Mars and Jupiter are still in a productive sextile with the sun and Pluto.
You can play for keeps and do it in the most constructive way.

Your planet Saturn is now at home in Capricorn, and this greatly empowers
you. In the summer, Mars is retrograde in early Aquarius and then Capricorn.
Refocus and redirect great energy now.

Saturn is retrograde from the middle of April until early September. You may be
the most impatient and perhaps anxious then. Don't dwell on difficulties or
obstacles. Methodically work your way through them and emerge better
organized and more respected than ever.

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The year 2018 is full of changes, Aquarius, and they all make you more
influential and important. You may not always take yourself seriously, but please
take what you do seriously, and see great progress and success this year.

Your planet Uranus is making a slow transition back and forth from Aries into
Taurus in May, then moving retrograde back into Aries in November. The most
fundamental changes to your daily life could begin to happen this year.

Saturn, your other planet, is now securely in its home sign of Capricorn. Saturn
can provide grounding and stability when Uranus is voting for the experimental
and risky option.

Venus is retrograde from October until the middle of November. This can cool
an overheated love life and give you and your loved ones time to make
practical improvements in your relationships.

Fixed sign Aquarius resonates well with the applying Mars-Jupiter conjunction
that opens the year. “Passion,” “power,” and “popularity” are keywords for you
this year.

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The year 2018 is one for hard work, Pisces, and the stars are working hard for
you. On New Year's Day, the moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in water
signs. You have keen sensitivities and sharp insights and intuition all year long.

Earth signs keep things real with the sun, Venus, Saturn, and Pluto all in
Capricorn on New Year's Day. In May, Uranus makes its long-awaited entry into
Taurus. Practical, material concerns are highlighted all year, but with Uranus in
the mix, nothing should be boring or taken for granted.

Your planet Neptune remains in the heart of Pisces. No matter how the material
world tries to push its agenda, you won't lose sight of your dreams.

Your other planet, Jupiter, spends most the year in Scorpio, being retrograde
from March until early September. Fundamental daily life issues will be handled
promptly and easily.

In November, Jupiter leaves Scorpio and enters its home sign of Sagittarius. Let
the parties begin!

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Seven Cosmic Universal Laws Explained

There are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everything in the

Universe is governed. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these
Laws. Ancient mystical, esoteric and secret teachings dating back over 5,000
years from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece and to the Vedic tradition of
Ancient India, all have as their common thread these seven Spiritual Laws of
the Universe. Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these
Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life
beyond that which you have ever dared to imagine.

The Immutable and the Mutable: Of the seven Universal Laws, the first three
are immutable, eternal Laws, meaning they are Absolute and can never be
changed or transcended. They have always existed and will always exist. The
other four laws are transitory, mutable Laws meaning that they can be
transcended or at least "better used" to create your ideal reality. This is not to
say that you should ignore these four Laws or attempt to defy them for even if
you do they will still govern your existence. Your aim is to master each of the
seven Universal Laws and only then learn to transcend the mutable ones.

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1. The Law of Mentalism (Immutable):

The first of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "The All is Mind - The
Universe is Mental". That everything we see and experience in our physical
world has its origin in the invisible, mental realm. It tells us that there is a single
Universal Consciousness - the Universal Mind - from which all things manifest.
All energy and matter at all levels is created by and is subordinate to the
Omnipresent Universal Mind. Your mind is part of the Universal Mind - the
same in kind with the only difference being one of degree. Your reality is a
manifestation of your mind. This is true Mind Power.

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2. The Law of Correspondence (Immutable):

The second of the seven Universal Laws tells us "As above, so below; as below,
so above". This means that there is "harmony, agreement and
correspondence" between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is
no separation since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from
the One Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from
the smallest electron to the largest star and vice versa. All is One. The Ancient
Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great Law of
Correspondence in the inscription "Know thyself and thou shalt know all the
mysteries of the gods and the Universe".

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3. The Law of Vibration (Immutable):

The third of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Nothing rests; everything
moves; everything vibrates". The third and last of the immutable Universal
Laws, tells us that "the whole universe is but a vibration". Science has
confirmed that everything in the Universe, including you, is pure energy
vibrating at different frequencies.

The axiom that "like energy attracts like energy", upon which the Law of
Attraction is based, has it's foundation in this Law. Everything that we
experience with our five physical senses is conveyed through vibrations. The
same applies to the mental realm. Your thoughts are vibrations. All your
emotions are vibrations where "unconditional love" (in the sense of love for
another) is the highest and most subtle of the emotional vibrations and "hate"
is the densest and most base. You can learn to control your mental vibrations at
will. This is true thought power.

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4. The Law of Polarity (Mutable):

The fourth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Everything is dual,
everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are
identical in nature, but different in degree". It is also the first of the mutable or
transcendable Universal Laws. It means that there are two sides to everything.
Things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same
thing. For instance, heat and cold may appear to be opposites at first glance,
but in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing. The same
applies to love and hate, peace and war, positive and negative, good and evil,
yes and no, light and darkness, energy and matter. You can transform your
thoughts from hate to love, from fear to courage by consciously raising your
vibrations. This is what in the ancient Hermetic Teachings is called the Art of

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5. The Law of Rhythm (Mutable):

The fifth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Everything flows, out and in;
everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in
everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to
the left; rhythm compensates." It is the second of the mutable or transcendable
Universal Laws and means that the pendulum swings in everything. This
principle can be seen in operation in the waves of the ocean, in the rise and fall
of the greatest empires, in business cycles, in the swaying of your thoughts
from being positive to negative and in your personal successes and failures. In
accordance with this Law, when anything reaches a point of culmination then
the backward swing begins almost unnoticeably until such time that any
forward movement has been totally reversed, then the forward movement
begins again and the process is repeated.

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6. The Law of Cause and Effect (Mutable):

The sixth of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Every cause has its effect;
every effect has its cause." In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in
your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in
your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Every one of
your thoughts, words or actions sets a specific effect in motion which will come
to materialize over time. To become the master of your destiny, you must
master your mind for everything in your reality is a mental creation. Know that
there is nothing like chance or luck. They are simply terms used by humanity in
ignorance of this Law.

Your Intentions are Instantly Created: The Law of Cause and Effect applies on
all three planes of existence - the spiritual, the mental and the physical. The
difference is that on the spiritual plane cause and effect are instantaneous such
that they appear inseparable, whereas on the other planes our concept of time
and space creates a time lag between the cause and the eventual effect. Know
that when you focus on your chosen goals with intention using creative
visualization, that which you want to create in the physical world is
automatically manifested in the spiritual world, and with perseverance, practice
and continued concentrated thought, it will also come to materialize in the
physical world.

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7. The Law of Gender:

The last of the seven Universal Laws tells us that "Gender is in everything;
everything has its masculine and feminine principles". This mutable Universal
Law is evident throughout creation in the so-called opposite sexes found not
only in human beings but also in plants, minerals, electrons and magnetic poles
to name but a few. Everything and everyone contains both masculine and
feminine elements. Among the outward expressions of feminine qualities are
love, patience, intuition and gentleness and of masculine qualities are energy,
self reliance, logic and intellect. Know that within every woman lie all the latent
qualities of a man, and within every man those of a woman. When you know
this you will know what it means to be complete.

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The Law of Attraction as Part of the Equation:

You will notice that the Law of Attraction is not specifically mentioned as one of
the seven Universal Laws. This is not to diminish its importance but rather to
highlight it because the Law of Attraction is the basic Law of the Universe which
runs through all the seven Universal Laws discussed here. It holds everything
together. It is through the knowledge of the Law of Attraction that one can rise
above the mutable Laws of Polarity and Rhythm and gain a better
understanding of each of the seven Universal Laws.

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Ultimately, you can’t control everything that happens in your life but you can
control how you react to life’s events. The moment you surrender yourself to
the universe and allow things to be as they are is the moment you will
simultaneously open yourself up to unbridled happiness and co-creation with
the universe.

So open yourself up to your limitless potential and a lifelong partnership with

the universe. Allow it to be your teacher, and you its student always guiding
along your true path.

Along this book, I’ve prepared really good resources to help you with your
journey. You can also view some of them in the following page. Stay subscribed
to me as we journey along together to align ourselves to The Universe.

To Cosmic Offering,
Davian King
Your Cosmic Partner

@ 2017 TH ECOSMI C O FFER I N G 52



Find out more in-depth on what is your

TRUE number. You are going to receive
so much more Power, Truth,
Transformational moments to your

(Click Here For Access!)

Full report on your date of birth and how

the number affects the way you think,
you act, you work. And HOW TO FULLY
utilise it to your advantage today! Unlock
your past and start redefining your future.

(Click Here For Access!)

@ 2017 TH ECOSMI C O FFER I N G 53


Cosmic Ordering Secrets

Learn the 3 simple steps that will enable

you to harness a secret that will have the
Universe granting you your every desire
in life! Wealth, health, happiness...

(Click Here For Access!)

Full report on your date of birth and how

the number affects the way you think,
you act, you work. And HOW TO FULLY
utilise it to your advantage today! Unlock
your past and start redefining your future.

(Click Here For Access!)

@ 2017 TH ECOSMI C O FFER I N G 54


The Amazing You

How do the world’s wealthiest,

happiest and most privileged people
manage to get an “unfair advantage”
over everyone else on every deal,
every competition… and everything
else they set their minds to?

(Click Here For Access!)

This course has taught me to "bend

reality" towards what I want and not

what I don't want. Thank you for

inspiring me to write this testimonial

and continue to spread the good


(Click Here For Access!)

@ 2017 TH ECOSMI C O FFER I N G 55

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