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EPJ manuscript No.

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Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape

moments in e+e− annihilation
C. Pahl1,2 , S. Bethke1 , O. Biebel3 , S. Kluth1 , and J. Schieck1
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Föhringer Ring 6, D-80805 Munich, Germany
Excellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstr. 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany
LMU München, Fakultät für Physik, Am Coulombwall 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
arXiv:0904.0786v2 [hep-ex] 17 Apr 2009

Received: date / Revised version: date

Abstract. Predictions of analytical models for hadronisation, namely the dispersive model, the shape
function and the single dressed gluon approximation, are compared with moments of hadronic event shape
distributions measured in e+ e− annihilation at centre-of-mass energies between 14 and 209 GeV. In contrast
to Monte Carlo models for hadronisation, analytical models require to adjust only two universal parameters,
the strong coupling and a second quantity parametrising nonperturbative corrections. The extracted values
of αS are consistent with the world average and competitive with previous measurements. The variance of
event shape distributions is compared with predictions given by some of these models. Limitations of the
models, probably due to unknown higher order corrections, are demonstrated and discussed.

PACS. 12.38.Lg Other nonperturbative calculations – 12.38.Qk Experimental tests

1 Introduction The outline of the paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we

present the observables used in the analysis. In Sect. 3
In previous studies, moments of event shape distributions we describe the perturbative QCD predictions and intro-
have been compared to perturbative predictions of quan- duce the analytical models which describe the hadronisa-
tum chromodynamics (QCD, [1–4]) in next-to-leading or- tion process. In Sect. 4 we discuss predictions for event
der, simulating the hadronisation process by Monte Carlo shape moments at hadron level and compare them with
models [5, 6]. Alternatively there exist models describing the measurements. The predictions for the event shape
hadronisation analytically. This paper aims to study these distribution variance following from the dispersive model
models qualitatively and quantitatively by measurements and the shape function are tested as well. In Sect. 5 we
of the strong coupling and the model parameters. summarize and give our conclusions.
The dispersive model [7] is based on the assumption of
a nonpertubatively continued strong coupling. The shape
function [8] additionally describes a modification of the 2 Event shape moments
shape of the perturbatively calculated distribution. The
single dressed gluon approximation [9, 10] estimates the Event shape variables are a convenient way to characterise
perturbative part more completely with reduced pertur- properties of hadronic final states. They are calculated
bative uncertainties of the prediction. The models test the from particle momenta and energies. For definitions of the
predicted energy evolution of the strong coupling. Their variables we refer to [6].
parameters can be determined—one of them the value of In a hadronic event in e+ e− annihilation the virtual
αS at some reference energy—and the assumption of uni- vector boson Z0 /γ ∗ generated by annihilation of electron
versality of these parameters can be probed. To date, pri- and positron decays into a quark pair qq̄. The quarks may
marily the distributions themselves and the mean values radiate gluons which radiate further gluons or decay into
(first moments) have been studied [11–14]. another quark pair. The final state of this parton shower
This analysis uses data measured by JADE [5] in the is called parton level. By the process of hadronisation par-
years 1979...1986 at six centre-of-mass (cms) energies in tons are transferred into hadrons. The predictions used in
the energy range of Q = 14...44 GeV, and data measured this work describe the hadron level. The variables mea-
by OPAL at 12 energy points over the whole LEP en- sured in the experiments have to be corrected for the
ergy range of 91...209 GeV and combined into 4 energy effects of limited detector acceptance and resolution to
ranges [6]. The large energy range covered by the mea- probe the hadron level.
surements allows to test the employed assumptions selec- The event shapes considered here are thrust T , C-
tively. parameter C, heavy jet mass MH , jet broadening vari-
2 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

ables BT and BW , and the transition value y23 between The coefficients An and Bn are obtained by numerical
2- and 3-jet final states defined using the Durham jet integration of the QCD matrix elements using the program
reconstruction scheme. The αS determination in [5] is EVENT2 [20]. These predictions were also used in [5, 6].
based on moments of these variables, in [6] on distribu- The coupling ᾱS , and therefore the QCD prediction
tions and moments of these variables. Their theoretical depends on the renormalisation scale µR , see e.g. [21].
description by perturbation theory is currently the most The prediction is changed by this dependence as shown
advanced [15–17]. in [5]. For clearer notation the renormalisation scale fac-
A generic event shape variable is denoted by the sym- tor is defined as xµ ≡ µR /Q; a truncated fixed order QCD
bol y. Regions dominated by multiple jets give large val- calculation such as (2) will then depend on xµ .
ues of y, while two narrow jets give y ≃ 0. Thrust T is Infrared and collinear stability are essential for a per-
an exception to this rule. By using y = 1 − T instead, turbative description of the parton level. These proper-
the condition is fulfilled for all event shapes. BW , y23 and ties, however, do not suffice for a perturbative description
MH are sensitive to only one suitably chosen hemisphere of the hadron level as hadronisation takes place at low
of the event (one-hemisphere variables), 1 − T , C and BT energy scales, where the perturbative description breaks
are sensitive to the whole hadronic event (two-hemisphere down. The evolution of partons to hadrons can be approx-
variables). imated by analytical calculations. These analytical calcu-
The nth, n = 1, 2, . . . moment of the distribution of an lations are generally motivated from the transition from
event shape variable y is defined by perturbative to non-perturbative regime. A perturbation
Z ymax series in quantum field theory is a divergent series, see
1 dσ e.g. [22]. To obtain finite results, regularisations have to
hy i = dy y n , (1)
0 σtot. dy be applied. From suitable prescriptions non-perturbative
terms are found, which typically scale with inverse powers
where ymax is the kinematically allowed upper limit of the of the cms energy [7–9].
variable and σtot. denotes the total hadronic cross section.
Predictions have been made available for the moments
of event shapes. Their evolution with cms energy allows
3.1 Dispersive model
direct tests of the predicted energy evolution of the strong
coupling αS . Furthermore it enables the determination of a
single value of αS at a definite energy scale—for example This model [7,23,24] is based on the assumption of a non-
αS (MZ0 ) at the rest energy of the Z0 boson. The theo- perturbatively defined strong coupling αS (Q2 ) which re-
retical calculations always involve a full integration over mains finite at and below the Landau pole ΛQCD . The Lan-
phase space, which implies that comparison with data al- dau pole is the scale where the usual perturbative coupling
ways probes all of the available phase space. This is in diverges. The matching scale Q = µI , marking the border
contrast to QCD predictions for distributions; these are between perturbative and non-perturbative region, is not
commonly only compared with data—e.g. in order to mea- uniquely defined. Usually it is taken as µI ≃ 2 GeV .
sure αS —in restricted regions, where the theory is able to As the non-perturbative coupling cannot be calcu-
describe the data well, see e.g. [18]. Comparisons of QCD lated, it is parametrised universally in a simple way by
predictions for moments of event shape distributions with the zeroth moment of the extended coupling over the non-
data are thus complementary to tests of the theory using perturbative region,
distributions. Z µI
α0 (µI ) = dQ αS (Q2 ) . (3)
µI 0
3 Theory
In first approximation, non-perturbative corrections
n 1 generate a simple shift of the perturbative differential dis-
The QCD prediction for hy i in next-to-leading-order
tribution dσNLO /dy of the event shape variables 1 − T , C,
(NLO) of the strong coupling ᾱS ≡ αS /(2π) has the form2
BT , BW and3 MH2 when relating parton to hadron level,
hy n iNLO = An ᾱS + (Bn − 2An ) ᾱ2S . (2)
dσhad. dσ
= NLO (y − ay · P) (4)
Very recently, perturbative NNLO predictions for event dy dy
shape moments became available [19]. The nonperturbative
models discussed in the following sections need to be adapted This prediction is valid only if the value of the event shape
to these new NNLO predictions before a meaningful study variable y is not too large (y ≪ 1), and the cms energy Q
based on NNLO can be done. Therefore, here we restrict our- not too small (Q ≫ ΛQCD /y). Only the numerical factor
selves to consistently using NLO together with the currently ay depends on the event shape variable y, see Table 1.
available models. However P depends on the hard scale Q but is universal
The ᾱ2S coefficient is written as Bn − 2An because the QCD
calculations are normalized to the Born cross section σ0 , while The theoretical calculations are based on the variable MH2
the data are normalized to the total hadronic cross section because of the problems with the NLO description of MH as
σtot = σ0 (1 + 2ᾱS ) in LO. discussed in [5, 6, 25].
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 3

for the event shape variables 1 − T , C, BT , BW and MH2 , the distribution peak, i.e. a narrowing in the two jet re-
and has the form [23, 24] gion [24, 30]. The non-perturbative factor P in the case of
1 1
hBT i and hBW i is replaced by [31]
4 CF  
P= 2
· M · α0 − αS (µ2R ) (5)
π    π
µR K µI PhB 1 i = P · p
+2 β0 α2S (µ2R ) ln +1+ + O(α3S ) × T 2 CF α
bs (1 + K α
bs /(2π))
µI 4πβ0 Q 
3 2πβ0
+ − + η0 , (12)
In the MS renormalisation scheme the constant K has the 4 3CF
value   rsp.
67 π 2 5
K = CA − − nf (6)
18 6 9 π
PhB 1 i = P · p
with nf = 5 at the studied energies, and the beta func- W 2 2CF α
bs (1 + K α
bs /(2π))
tion coefficient is β0 = 23/(12π). The color factors have 
3 πβ0
the values CF = 4/3, CA = 3 [26], the Milan factor M is + − + η0 , (13)
known in two loops, M = 1.49 ± 20% (for flavour number 4 3CF
nf = 3 at the relevant low scales). The cited uncertainty with a rescaled coupling α bs (Q2 ) ≡ αS (e−3/2 Q2 ) and a
results [24] from the estimation of the next order contri- constant η0 ≃ −0.6137 .
bution, MNNLO = MNLO · (1 + O(αS /π)). No power correction coefficient has been calculated in
the dispersive model for the variable y23 . The purely per-
Table 1. Coefficients ay of power correction ∝ 1/Q of event
turbative prediction describes the first moments of y23
shape variables in the dispersive model [27, 28] well [14,31]—therefore we also compare it with the higher
The dispersive model gives predictions for several ob-
event shape D servables and contains only universal free parameters
1−T C BT BW y23 MH2
variable y αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ).
ay 2 3π 1 1/2 0 1

3.2 Shape function

Applying the dispersive model calculation (4) of the Korchemsky and Tafat [8] describe properties of the event
normalized event shape distribution in definition (1) of the shape variables 1 − T , C and MH2 not included in NLO
moment of order n and naively neglecting the integration perturbation theory by a so called shape function, which
over the unphysical range of negative variable values, gives does not depend on the variable nor the cms energy. This
is more general than the dispersive model, as not only a
Z1 Z1 shift of the perturbative prediction is predicted but also a
n n dσ dσNLO compression of the distribution peak.
hy i = dy y · (y) ≈ dy (y + ay P)n · (y) .
dy dy The prediction is deduced from studying the two jet
0 0
region (i.e. y ≪ 1) in the distribution of the event shape
variable y. The prediction for the differential distribution
The predictions for the moments on hadron level become: is
Z Q·y
hy 1 i = hy 1 iNLO + ay P (7) 1 dσ(Q) dσ
2 2 1 2
= dεfy (ε) NLO (y − ε/Q) , (14)
hy i = hy iNLO + 2hy iNLO · ay P + (ay P) (8) σ dy 0 dy
hy 3 i = hy 3 iNLO + 3hy 2 iNLO · ay P + 3hy 1 iNLO · (ay P)2 with a non-perturbative function fy (ε), dependent on one
+(ay P)3 (9) scale parameter ǫ. This function is derived from the shape
function f (εL , εR ) [8], which depends on two scale param-
hy 4 i = hy 4 iNLO + 4hy 3 iNLO · ay P + 6hy 2 iNLO · (ay P)2 eters εL , εR for the two hemispheres of the event. By the
+4hy 1 iNLO · (ay P)3 + (ay P)4 (10) compression of the distribution the validity of the pre-
hy i = hy iNLO + 5hy iNLO · ay P + 10hy iNLO · (ay P)2
5 5 4 3 diction is extended compared to the dispersive model to
y ≃ ΛQCD /Q.
+10hy 2iNLO · (ay P)3 + 5hy 1 iNLO · (ay P)4 The shape function can be parametrised [8] by its “first
+(ay P)5 . (11) moment”,
Previous studies [29] indicate that the parameters λ1 = dεR dεL (εR +εL )f (εR , εL ) ≡ hεR + εL i , (15)
αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) when fitted to BT and BW distribu-
tions via (4) are not compatible with values derived from its “second moment”,
1 − T and C. Therefore improved predictions for these dis-
tributions were given. They also describe a compression of λ2 = h(εR + εL )2 i , (16)
4 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

and a Q dependent function δλ2 (Q). Predictions for the Analogously this follows from (19) and (22) for Var(MH2 ).
moments of event shape variables can be derived, and λ1 Var(C) follows from (18), (21) and the perturbative LO
and λ2 can be fitted to the data. coefficient [20]; up to O(1/Q2 )
From prediction (14) for the distribution of the vari-
ables 1 − T , C and MH2 , predictions for the mean values 2 λ1
Var(C) = hC 2 iNLO − hCiNLO − 3.23 αs (Q2 ) , (24)
follow [8] by integration, Q

λ1 showing an additional term ∝ αS /Q with coefficient λ1 as

h(1 − T )1 i = h(1 − T )1 iNLO + (17) in Subsect. 3.2.
3π λ1 αs (Q2 )
hC 1 i = hC 1 iNLO + 1 − 5.73 (18)
2 Q 2π 3.4 Single dressed gluon approximation
i = hMH 2
iNLO + (19) Gardi et al. [9, 10] assume the existence of a reordering
2Q of the perturbative series, the so called skeleton expan-
sion [33]—its existence is proven only for abelian field the-
Analogously for the second moments one finds [8],
ory like QED. The first contribution to this expansion is a
λ1 λ2 single dressed gluon (SDG) which resums running coupling
h(1 − T )2 i = h(1 − T )2 iNLO + 2 h1 − T iNLO + 2 (20) effects of any order in αS . These are renormalons in the
Q Q dominant contributions ∝ β0n . The single dressed gluon
2 2 3π λ1 αS (Q2 ) graphs can be calculated completely. In this way the per-
hC i = hC iNLO + 2 hCiNLO − 4.30
2 Q 2π turbative prediction h(1 − T )n ipt. for a moment of thrust
  can be approximated. This approximated series already di-
9π 2 λ2 αS (Q2 )
+ 1 − 11.46 (21) verges and various regularisations differ by definite powers
4 Q2 2π of the cms energy Q. These predictions follow:
λ1 λ2 + δλ2 (Q)
hMH4 i = hMH4 iNLO + hMH 2
iNLO + (22) ν1
Q 4Q2 h(1 − T )1 i = h1 − T ipt. +
In this model the more strongly suppressed power correc- ν2 κ2
h(1 − T )2 i = h(1 − T )2 ipt. + + 3
tions have an independent coefficient. The coefficient λ1 is Q2 Q
interpreted as the first “moment” of the shape function, ν3 κ3
h(1 − T )3 i = h(1 − T )3 ipt. + 2+ 3
λ2 the second, and δλ2 as a contribution accounting for Q Q
the one-hemisphere character of MH2 . Therefore these are ν4 κ4
h(1 − T )4 i = h(1 − T )4 ipt. + 2+ 5
universal scales. Q Q
In general, the non-perturbative correction is predicted
3.3 Variance of event shape distributions as a sum of two terms with different powers in Q and
coefficients νn , κn .
In [32] the variance of event shape distributions on hadron The thrust is used in the massless limit,
level was found to be described in the dispersive model P P
|pi · nT |
iP |pi · nT |
perturbatively without significant power corrections. This T = = i . (25)
would open the possibility of an accurate αS (MZ0 ) deter- i Ei Q
mination. Here the denominator isPchanged with
A theory predicting first and second moments of an P respect to the stan-
dard definition [6] by i |pi | 7→ i Ei , which does not
event shape variable y also gives a prediction for the vari- change the thrust value as long as massless partons are
ance Var(y) = hy 2 i − hyi , and so a simple prediction for considered. Under this change of definition the thrust
the variance of event shape variables on hadron level is value calculated with a “massive” virtual gluon is cor-
deduced [32] by employing the predictions (7) and (8), rect, as long as all (massless) partons generated in the
hadronisation end up in the same event hemisphere w.r.t.
to the thrust axis. This so called “inclusive”calculation is
Var(y) = hy 2 iNLO − hyi2NLO . (23) valid only if fragmentation of the gluon is approximately
collinear. The perturbative SDG predictions for the mo-
In the dispersive model one obtains a purely perturba- ments of thrust are given as perturbation series in the
tive expression for the variance, up to strongly suppressed coupling ā [10], which relates to αS (µ2R ) in the MS scheme
corrections O(αS /Q2 ). by a simple shift of the Landau Pole4,
Predictions for the event shape variance can also be
derived from the shape function. The first and second mo- αS (µ2R )/π
ment predictions (17) and (20) give the identical predic- ā(µ2R ) ≡ . (26)
1 − 35 β0 αS (µ2R )
tion in case of thrust,
In particular the beta function coefficients βi have the same
2 2
Var(1 − T ) = h(1 − T ) iNLO − h1 − T iNLO . values as in the MS scheme.
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 5

The perturbative coefficients are given in so called log

moments di of the characteristic thrust function. The first
six log moments for h(1 − T )1 i...h(1 − T )4 i were calculated h(1 − T )n iSDG
by numerical integration [10]. The perturbative prediction
= An · ā + Bn · ā2 + Cn · ā3 + Dn · ā4 + En · ā5 + Fn · ā6
of O(ᾱ6S ) in the (obviously incomplete) SDG approxima-
tion has the form [34] = d0 · ā + β0 d1 π · ā2
+ (− d0 π 2 + d2 )β02 + β1 d1 π 2 · ā3
+ (−π 2 d1 + d3 )β03 + β1 β0 d2 + β2 d1 π 3 · ā4

1 13
+ (d4 + d0 π 4 − 2 π 2 d2 )β04 + ( β1 d3 − β1 π 2 d1 )β02
5 3

+3 β2 d2 β0 + β12 d2 + β3 d1 π 4 · ā5

10 77 9
+ (− π 2 d3 + π 4 d1 + d5 )β05 + ( d4 − π 2 d2 )β1 β03
3 12 2
35 7
+(6 d3 − π 2 d1 )β2 β02 + ( β12 d3 + β3 d2 )β0
 6 2
7 5 6
+β4 d1 + β1 β2 d2 π · ā ; (27)

where the n-dependent di are taken from [10]. Higher or-

der contributions from the running of the coupling are
accounted for up to sixth order. Reference [10] gives the
prediction explicitly in O(ā3 ) without the term β1 d1 π 2 ·ā3 .
This term with marked effect on the ā3 -coefficient re-
sults from considering the usual QCD beta function [34].
The symbols β0 ...β3 denote the usual beta function coef-
ficients [35, 36], β4 is unknown. We set β4 to 0.
The SDG approximation (27) is complete in leading
order O(ā) by construction [10]. In higher orders this ap-
proximation only gives the terms ∝ β0 . Therefore we use
the numerically calculated [20] NLO coefficients. For the
third and higher orders we employ the SDG approxima-

h(1 − T )n ipt. = h(1 − T )n iNLO + (28)

3 4 5 6
Cn · ā + Dn · ā + En · ā + Fn · ā .

As the perturbative expansion is an asymptotic (diver-

gent) series [22], the terms are expected to become smaller
up to a certain order, and then become larger again. It is
of interest
– at which expansion order this happens,
– how the measured coupling depends on the maximum
expansion order,
– how the leading power correction νn /Qln depends on
the maximum expansion order,
– how the minimum perturbative term relates to the
power correction.
The best approximation of the theory by an asymptotic
series is expected when truncating it near the minimal
term—including additional terms does not necessarily re-
sult in a better approximation. Therefore we study the
analysis as a function of the truncation order.
6 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

4 Tests of non-perturbative models drop off again—this unphysical behaviour (not always vis-
ible in the figures) substantially contributes to the high
Our tests use event shape moments with statistical and χ2 /d.o.f. values.5 The moments of the one-hemisphere
experimental uncertainties measured by JADE and pub- variables BW and in particular MH are described better
lished in [5] and analogous OPAL data published in [6], than in the respective comparison with hadronisation cor-
covering in total the energy range of 14 to 209 GeV. In the rection by Monte Carlo models [5].
JADE data e+ e− → bb̄ events have been subtracted on To estimate the experimental systematic uncertainties,
a statistical basis. Table 2 gives an overview of the data the fits are repeated based on the minimum overlap as-
used. sumption [5] for combining the OPAL and JADE system-
atic errors.6
We study uncertainties of theory parameters by the
Table 2. Year of data taking, energy range, integrated lumi- following variations
nosity, average cms energy and the numbers of selected data
events for each JADE [5] or OPAL [6] data sample. The hori- – The renormalisation scale uncertainty (i.e. the effect
zontal lines in the OPAL ranges separate the data into the four of higher perturbative orders) is estimated by setting
energy ranges used for fit and presentation purposes xµ = 0.5 and xµ = 2.0. Our default is always xµ = 1.
– The hadronisation uncertainty is estimated by setting
year range of mean Q luminosity selected – M = 1.49 ± 20%,
Q in GeV in GeV (pb− 1) events – µI = 1 GeV and µI = 3 GeV. The resulting devi-
1981 13.0 ... 15.0 14.0 1.46 1783 ations are included into the αS (MZ0 ) uncertainty
1981 21.0 ... 23.0 22.0 2.41 1403 only, as α0 (µI ) depends on µI directly by its defi-
1981, 1982 33.8 ... 36.0 34.6 61.7 14313 nition (3).
1986 34.0 ... 36.0 35.0 92.3 20876
1985 37.3 ... 39.3 38.3 8.28 1585
Tables 3 and 4 and Fig. 3 contain the αS (MZ0 ) and
1984, 1985 43.4 ... 46.4 43.8 28.8 4376 α0 (µI ) results from the standard measurement of the mo-
ments of the six event shape variables7 , and from the
1996, 2000 91.0 ... 91.5 91.3 14.7 395695
xµ , µI and M variations. The values of αS (MZ0 ) and
1995, 1997 129.9 ... 136.3 133.1 11.26 630
1996 161.2 ... 161.6 161.3 10.06 281
α0 (µI ) measured from h(1 − T )1 i, hC 1 i, hBT 1 D 1
i, h(y23 ) i,
1996 170.2 ... 172.5 172.1 10.38 218 hMH i are in agreement within errors with previous analy-
1997 180.8 ... 184.2 182.7 57.72 1077 ses, see [31,39] and references therein. The αS (MZ0 ) value
1998 188.3 ... 189.1 188.6 185.2 3086 from hBW i is lower and the α0 (µI ) value higher than in
1999 191.4 ... 192.1 191.6 29.53 514 previous analyses because of the incomplete description of
1999 195.4 ... 196.1 195.5 76.67 1137 hBW i in NLO discussed below. This incompleteness affects
1999, 2000 199.1 ... 200.2 199.5 79.27 1090 the predictions at low centre-of-mass energies, leading to
1999, 2000 201.3 ... 202.1 201.6 37.75 519 high α0 (µI ) values and low αS values. Low energy data
2000 202.5 ... 205.5 204.9 82.01 1130 have not yet been analysed with a statistics comparable
2000 205.5 ... 208.9 206.6 138.8 1717 to ours.
The αS (MZ0 ) results are similar to those in the analysis
employing Monte Carlo models for hadronisiation correc-
JADE and OPAL are similar in construction and tion [5, 6]. In particular the αS (MZ0 ) values steeply rising
many parameters [37]. Consistent measurements can be with moment order for the variables 1 − T , C and BT
expected from the simultaneous use. The analysis pro- show the incomplete description of the multi jet region in
cedures for both data sets were constructed to be simi- NLO as already seen and discussed in [5, 6]. This is also
lar. Systematic variations of the JADE and OPAL analy- seen in the large renormalisation scale uncertainties. The
ses concern detector event reconstruction, selection cuts, α0 (µI ) and αS (MZ0 ) values from the moments hBW i are
Monte Carlo generators and background. not universal but decrease with moment order n. We can
validate only the explicitely calculated hBW i prediction.
Based on the statistical errors, the values of α0 (µI )
4.1 Dispersive model from the hBW i, hMH2 i and hMH4 i fits are significantly
5 D
The case of y23 where we compared with the purely per-
Our test uses the first five moments of 1 − T , BT , BW , turbative NLO prediction is different. The energy evolution of
C and y23 , and the second and fourth moment of MH . We the data appears consistent with the prediction but the mea-
compare the prediction with the hadron level data, varying sured higher moments at 14 GeV are too low. A suitable power
two parameters αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ). Figs. 1, 2 show the correction would scale with a higher power of cms energy, and
comparison of data and predictions (7...11) in the case of indeed power terms ln Q/Q2 and 1/Q2 are expected [7] and
1 − T and BW . The χ2 /d.o.f. values—calculated from the D
describe y23 distributions better [38].
statistical errors only—vary between 2 and 10, but should 6 2
The χ /d.o.f. values from these fits are substantially lower
be regarded as being indicative only. Experimental differ- than those from the fits employing the statistical errors.
ences between JADE and OPAL contribute significantly 7
We list only results from moments that do not show prob-
to the χ2 /d.o.f. values. At low cms energies the predictions lems in the multi jet region dicussed below.
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 7


〈(1-T) 〉 〈BW 〉
1 1
NLO + dispersive model NLO + dispersive model
power correction 0.05 power correction
0 0 x 10

〈(1-T) 〉 〈(1-T) 〉 〈BW 〉 〈BW 〉

2 3 0.015 2 3
0.02 0.004
0.01 0.15

0.01 0.002

0 0 0 0
-2 -3 -3
〈(1-T) 〉 〈(1-T) 〉 〈BW 〉 〈BW 〉
4 x 10 5 x 10 4 -4 5
x 10 x 10
0.1 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.05 0.2
0.1 0.1

0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Q[GeV] Q[GeV] Q[GeV] Q[GeV]

Fig. 1. Fits of the dispersive prediction to JADE and OPAL Fig. 2. Fits of the dispersive prediction to JADE and OPAL
measurements of 1 − T moments. The solid line shows the pre- measurements of BW moments. The solid line shows the pre-
diction with fitted values of αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ), the dashed diction with fitted values of αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ), the dashed
line shows the pure NLO contribution. The inner error bars line shows the pure NLO contribution. The inner error bars
show the statistical uncertainties used in the fit, and the outer show the statistical uncertainties used in the fit, and the outer
error bars show the combined statistical and experimental sys- error bars show the combined statistical and experimental sys-
tematic errors tematic errors

or |KαS /2π| < 0.5), with K = Bn /An . The K values are

higher than those from h(1 − T )1 i, hC 1 i and hBT 1
i. The shown in Refs. [5, 6].
NLO description of BW and MH in the two jet region
The higher moments of the jet broadenings are ex-
is rather incomplete compared to 1 − T , C and BT —
cluded because of the incomplete [29] description of their
especially at low energy where the value of the coupling
D distributions in general. As in [5] the first moment of BW
is high. At low Q the NLO predictions of the BW , y23
is excluded because the universality of the fit parameters
and MH distributions are (unphysically) negative in a
could not be confirmed.
large range of the two jet region [25, 38]. This incom-
Thus we combine the results of αS (MZ0 ) and
pleteness of the NLO prediction for the moments—in the
1 α0 (µI ) from the moments h(1 − T )1 i, hC 1 i, hBT 1
case of hBW i the α2S coefficient is even negative—is com- D 1 D 5 2 4
h(y23 ) i...h(y23 ) i, and hMH i, hMH i. The parameters are
pensated by a larger power correction. The perturbative
consistent within total errors, and the combination proce-
description then contributes less as is seen by the low
1 dure follows that used in [5, 6].8 The correlations between
αS (MZ0 ) values. Fits to JADE data of hBW i alone give
αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) have rather constant values from -
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1029 ± 0.0016, α0 (µI ) = 0.728 ± 0.017; to
0.80 to -0.93 and thus the combination is done individually
OPAL alone they return αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1242 ± 0.0025,
for αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ). The averages are
α0 (µI ) = 0.234 ± 0.103 (statistical errors). So at low en-
ergies where the coupling is large, the compensation is
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1183 ± 0.0007(stat.) ± 0.0016(exp.)
stronger, and the power correction is not universal (JADE
and OPAL agree better on every other moment). ±0.0011(had.)+0.0052
−0.0042 (xµ )
For averaging αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) over many variables = 0.1183 ± 0.0056(tot.),
and moment orders, we exclude moments that suffer from α0 (µI ) = 0.493 ± 0.006(stat.) ± 0.008(exp.)
the problems discussed in the preceding two paragraphs:
The deficiencies in the description of the multi jet region 8
The covariances of the statistical errors are estimated
for the two-hemisphere variables have already been seen by PYTHIA at hadron level at 91.2 GeV, the covariances
in [5,6]. To select observables with an apparently converg- of the experimental systematic uncertainties are taken as
ing perturbative prediction, we consider as in [5, 6] only 2
Eij = Min{σexp., 2
i , σexp., j }, and hadronisation and renormal-
those results for which the NLO term in equation (2) is isation scale uncertainties are found by repeating the analysis
less than half the corresponding LO term (i.e. |K| < 25 with varied parameters.
8 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

−0.014 (xµ )
0.15 JADE
= 0.493 ± 0.058(tot.). 〈(1-T) 〉
NLO + power correction
from shape function
D n
〈(1-T) 〉 〈C 〉 〈BTn 〉 〈BW 〉 〈(y23) 〉 〈MHn 〉
n n n NLO

0.16 and
OPAL 0.4 0.1

0.2 0.05

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Q[GeV] Q[GeV]

〈(1-T) 〉
0.6 OPAL

NLO + power correction
0.01 from shape function
0.2 NLO

〈C 〉 〈MH4〉
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 2
Fig. 3. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) from moments 0.2
of six event shape variables at PETRA and LEP energies. The
inner error bars—where visible—show the statistical errors, the 0.1 0.005

outer bars show the total errors. The dashed lines indicate the
weighted averages, the shaded bands show their errors. Only 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
the measurements indicated by solid symbols are used for the
Q[GeV] Q[GeV]
Fig. 4. Fits of the shape function prediction with λ2 = 0 to
JADE and OPAL measurements of first and second moments
of 1 − T and C and second and fourth moments of MH . The
4.2 Shape function solid line shows the fitted prediction and the dashed line shows
the pure NLO contribution. The inner error bars show the sta-
In [8] values for the shape function parameters were de- tistical uncertainties used in the fit and the outer error bars
termined by comparing a distribution of MH 2
at 91 GeV show the combined statistical and experimental systematic er-
with the NLO+NLLA prediction combined with power rors. Most of the error bars are smaller than the data points
terms from the shape function to be λ1 = 1.22 GeV,
λ2 = 1.70 GeV2 and δλ2 from δλ2 (10 GeV) = 1.4 (GeV)2
to δλ2 (100 GeV) = 1.2 (GeV)2 . Table 5 and Fig. 5 contain the results for αS (MZ0 ) and λ1
We perform fits to the moments h(1 − T )1 i, hC 1 i and from the standard measurement and the systematic vari-
hMH2 i with two free parameters αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 . Fits to ations.
the higher moments h(1 − T )2 i, hC 2 i and hMH4 i are done
The values of αS (MZ0 ) show the typical increase for
with an additional parameter. Because of the weak energy
the higher moments of 1 − T and C. The values of λ1
dependence of δλ2 in (22) we substitute the numerator
are consistent for the first two moments of every event
λ2 + δλ2 (Q) by the fit parameter λ2 . The fits to hC 2 i and shape variable. Furthermore they are consistent for the
hMH4 i are not sensitive to the parameter λ2 while the fit two-hemisphere variables 1−T and C. However, the values
to h(1 − T )2 i gives λ2 = (1.2 ± 1.3) (GeV)2 . For further from MH are not compatible. As the respective predictions
analysis we therefore set λ2 = 0. are similar, we refer to the high values of α0 (µI ) from
Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the data with the pre- the moments hMH2 i and hMH4 i in the dispersive model, see
diction. The data are fitted well with χ2 /d.o.f.—based Subsect. 4.1. The large power corrections compensate for
on the statistical errors—in the order of one. As before, the incomplete perturbative NLO description. Since the
the experimental systematic uncertainties are estimated values are not consistent and no systematic evaluation of
by the minimum overlap assumption, and the renormali- the theory uncertainty is available, we do not combine any
sation scale uncertainty by setting xµ = 0.5 and xµ = 2.0 . of the fit parameters.
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 9

4.3 Variance of event shape variables

〈(1-T) 〉 〈C 〉 〈MHn 〉
n n

From the first and second moments of event shape vari-

JADE ables y the variance Var(y) = hy 2 i − hyi2 has been cal-
0.16 and
culated [40]. The experimental uncertainties have been
OPAL determined by systematic variations analogously to the
0.14 moments at hadron level [5, 6]. The variance of C, BT ,
BW , MH and MH2 becomes larger with rising Q while the
0.12 variance of 1 − T becomes smaller, see9 Fig. 6 and [40].
Studying other observables defined in [6] we find that the
variance of Tmaj. and O becomes larger with rising Q while

the variance of Tmin. , S, ML and BN becomes smaller,

1 see [40]. This behaviour is determined by the multi jet re-
gion of the distribution [41]. The evolution is reproduced
0.75 by Monte Carlo models qualitatively well; however data
and models differ by typically up to five standard devia-
0.5 tions.
Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the prediction (23)
0.25 using the dispersive model and data of 1 − T , C, BT ,
1 2 1 2 2 4
BW , y23 and MH2 . The fits of the free parameter αS (MZ0 )
n use central values of the measurements and the statisti-
Fig. 5. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 from moments of cal errors. The energy evolution of prediction and data for
three event shape variables at PETRA and LEP energies. The Var(BW ), Var(1 − T ), and Var(y23 ) coincides qualitatively
inner error bars—where visible—show the statistical errors, the (in case of Var(y23 ) except for the lowest energy points
outer bars show the total errors of 14 and 22 GeV), but not for Var(C), Var(BT ) and
Var(MH2 ). The χ2 /d.o.f. values are large and the αS (MZ0 )
values are not compatible with each other or with estab-
The λ1 values from 1 − T , C and, less pronounced, lished QCD analyses.
from MH are smaller than the results in [8]. A substantial The predictions using the shape function differ only
difference of [8] with our work is the inclusion of the NLLA for Var(C) from the dispersive model. Fig. 7 shows the
approximation in the distribution prediction, which is not comparison of this prediction (24) and data. The fit
available for the moments. gives χ2 /d.o.f. = 50/8, αS (MZ0 ) = 0.0963 ± 0.0004 and
λ1 = (0.824 ± 0.025) GeV (statistical errors). The corre-
lation of αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 is 0.80 . In the shape function
description the Q evolution of the perturbative descrip-
tion deviating from the data is corrected at low energies
by the term ∝ λ1 . Thus the steep energy evolution at low
Q is reproduced successfully. However, the fitted values
αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 are not compatible with the correspond-
ing values from hC 1 i or hC 2 i.

4.4 Single dressed gluon approximation

The hadron level data are compared with the five different
predictions which result from truncating (28) after order
O(ā2 )...O(ā6 ). The data are described by the predictions
well. Fig. 8 shows the comparison10 of data and predic-
tion for truncating after ā5 . The fit results for αS and νi
are given in Table 6. The coefficients κ2 ...κ4 of the more
strongly suppressed power correction in all instances turn
out to be compatible with zero.
For every moment order we study specific properties to
find the series describing the data best. The χ2 /d.o.f. val-
ues from the various expansion orders do not differ signifi-
In case of 1 − T this is not seen very clearly in the plot,
but significantly in a straight line fit.
Comparisons for second to sixth expansion order, and more
discussion, can be found in [41].
10 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

x 10

0.005 JADE 0.3

Var (1-T) OPAL Var (BW)

0.004 0.2

0.15 JADE
0.045 -2
x 10 D
Var (C) Var (y23 )
0.04 0.2


0.005 -2
x 10
Var (BT) 0.3 Var (MH2 )


0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Q [GeV] Q [GeV]

Fig. 6. Comparison of the NLO prediction with JADE and OPAL measurements of the variance of 1 − T , C, BT , BW , y23
and MH2 . The inner error bars show the statistical uncertainties used in the fit and the outer error bars show the combined
statistical and experimental systematic errors. The line shows the NLO prediction with fitted value of αS (MZ0 )

cantly for any moment order and thus do not discriminate 4.5 Measuring αS (MZ0 ) in the SDG approximation
between different expansion orders.
h(1 − T )1 i: For the first thrust moment at the order The αS (MZ0 ) values steeply rise with moment order in this
mmax = 5 the power correction is compatible with model as observed before in Sect. 4.1, 4.2. The problem
zero, then it becomes negative.11 The values of of describing the higher thrust moments consistently—
αS (MZ0 ) and the power correction reach their mini- i.e. with compatible fit parameters—is not solved in this
mum at mmax = 5, so the convergence appears best at model. We measure the strong coupling in this model only
mmax = 5. from h(1 − T )1 i.
h(1 − T )2 i: Including higher perturbative orders the The central value of the measurement and its statisti-
αS (MZ0 ) and ν2 values from the second thrust mo- cal error are shown in table 6 as case mmax = 5. To de-
ment decrease. The purely perturbative description ap- termine the experimental systematic uncertainty, the fit
pears continually more accurate, we therefore choose is repeated employing the minimum overlap assumption
mmax = 6 . for the experimental uncertainties of the data. To esti-
h(1 − T )3 i, h(1 − T )4 i: Fitting the third or fourth thrust mate the theoretical uncertainty we study the following
moment, to compensate the negative perturbative contributions:
terms the power correction increases when increasing – In order O(ā6 ) of the perturbative prediction (27) the
the truncation order. Thus the NLO description ap- unknown coefficient β4 appears. We set it to the simple
pears more accurate than the SDG approximation, and Pade estimate12 β4 = β32 /β2 instead of β4 = 0. This
we choose mmax = 2. does not change any of the four cited digits of the
Fig. 9 compares the perturbative terms and the power αS (MZ0 ) fit result.
correction terms. In case of the first moment the power – Instead of three loops we use the four known loops for
correction is compatible with zero; the purely perturbative calculating the Q evolution of αS . This changes the fit
prediction from the SDG approximation already describes result by less than 0.0001.
the data well. The power correction is larger for the third – The O(ā2 ) coefficient B1 is approximated by SDG
and fourth moments, but is still small compared to the within 34% [10], and the approximation is expected to
LO and NLO perturbative terms down to Q = 10 GeV. In be complete in high order [9]. Thus we vary the coeffi-
case of the second moment the higher SDG terms up to cient C1 by +34% or −34%. This results in changes of
O(ā6 ) are comparable with the power correction. αS (MZ0 ) by −0.0027 or +0.0031. This variation is con-
sistent with truncating after expansion order mmax = 3
There is no distinct sign of the power term. It can be pos-
itive or negative, or change its sign when using different regu- In this approximation the coefficients βi follow a simple
larisations [34]. geometric series.
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 11

SDG in Ο(a )
〈(1-T) 〉 〈(1-T) 〉
1 2
0.14 0.025
0.12 SDG+ν1/Q SDG+ν2/Q2
Var (C) OPAL 0.1 NLO NLO
0.08 LO 0.015 LO

0.06 0.01
JADE 0.005
0.02 OPAL
0 0-2
x 10
〈(1-T) 〉 〈(1-T) 〉
0.035 3 4
0.005 0.12
SDG+ν3/Q2 SDG+ν4/Q2
0.004 SDG 0.1 SDG
0.03 0.003 LO LO
NLO + power correction 0.06
from shape function 0.002
0.025 0.001

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 0 0

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Q [GeV]
Q[GeV] Q[GeV]

Fig. 8. Fits of the SDG prediction including power correction

Fig. 7. Comparison of the shape function prediction with
to JADE and OPAL measurements of first to fourth moment of
JADE and OPAL measurements of the variance of C. The
inner error bars show the statistical uncertainties used in the 1 − T . The perturbative part of the prediction has been calcu-
lated in O(ā5 ). Superimposed are the perturbative prediction
fit and the outer error bars show the combined statistical and
in leading, next-to-leading, and maximum order as indicated
experimental systematic errors. The solid line shows the pre-
in the figure. The inner error bars show the statistical uncer-
diction with fitted values of αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 , the dashed line
tainties used in the fit, the outer error bars show the combined
shows the pure NLO contribution
statistical and experimental systematic errors

or mmax = 6. A renormalisation scale variation is not 5 Summary

studied and is expected to cause a small effect in a
prediction of fifth order. As an alternative to the description of hadronisation
– As ν1 is one of the two fit parameters, the hadronisa- by Monte Carlo models we studied analytical models
tion error is part of the fit error. of hadronisation. These descriptions require no laborious
tuning of a Monte Carlo model but fitting of αS and an
The result is additional parameter. In this way, their consistency can
be quantified.
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1172 ± 0.0007(stat.) ± 0.0016(exp.) We studied the dispersive model, the shape function
+0.0031 and the single dressed gluon approximation, including
−0.0027 (theo.)
the NLO predictions. All models describe the mean val-
= 0.1172 ± 0.0036(tot.) . ues of all studied event shape variables at cms ener-
gies Q = 14...209 GeV well. The dispersive model and
It is our most precise value. The variation of the NNLO the shape function also describe the higher moments of
coefficient C1 by ±34% is better motivated than the some- the one-hemisphere variables well. The measurements of
what arbitrary variation of the renormalisation scale fac- αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) in the dispersive model from the
tor xµ = 0.5, 2.0 . It leads to a smaller perturbative un- mean values of 1 − T , C, BT , all studied moments of y23 D
certainty than in the NLO analyses discussed above or 2 4
and hMH i, hMH i confirm the universality of these param-
in [5]. eters within total errors.
In [9] the SDG prediction was fitted to h1 − T i Higher moments of the two-hemisphere variables 1−T ,
data, notably of the PETRA experiments TASSO und BT and C can only be described by higher values of
MARK J at cms energies down to 12 GeV. The results αS (MZ0 ), moments of BW and MH only by higher values
were αS (MZ0 ) = 0.110 und λ1 = 0.62 GeV. In the old of the power correction coefficient. Both deviations appar-
PETRA measurements e+ e− → bb̄ events have not been ently compensate for the deficiencies of the perturbative
subtracted. They enlarge h1 − T i in an effect decreasing predictions.
with energy faster than 1/Q. This results in an increase Averaging the parameters from h(1 − T )1 i, hC 1 i, hBT
D 1 D 5 2 4
of λ1 and a decrease of αS (MZ0 ). h(y23 ) i...h(y23 ) i, and hMH i, hMH i in the dispersive
12 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

10 Carlo model has only been used for correcting the data
for bb̄ background, taking into account its uncertainty in
A1⋅ a 10
_1 the experimental systematic error.
A2⋅ a_
B2⋅ a
2 Moments are an interesting alternative to distribu-
ν2/Q tions: Specific parts of phase space are tested selectively
-3 2
B1⋅ a 10 _3
_3 C2⋅ a_ and the energy evolution shows up clearly. This evolution
C1⋅ a D2⋅ a_

_4 -4 E2⋅ a_
5 can be studied thoroughly by the combination of the ex-
D1⋅ a 10
F2⋅ a
periments JADE and OPAL. As in [5] the most interesting
〈(1-T) 〉 E1⋅ a 〈(1-T) 〉
1 2
energy range is provided by the JADE experiment, as the
1 10 10
1 10
perturbative and non-perturbative effects both scale in-
Q [GeV] Q [GeV] versely with the energy.

-2 -3
10 10

-3 _1 -4 A4⋅ a
_1 Acknowledgements
10 A3⋅ a_ 10 _2
B4⋅ a
B3⋅ a
10 -5 We would like to thank E. Gardi and G. Korchemsky for ex-
-5 planations of their work and useful discussions. This research
-6 was supported by the DFG cluster of excellence ‘Origin and
-6 10
10 Structure of the Universe’.
〈(1-T) 〉 〈(1-T) 〉
3 4
-7 10
2 3 2 3
1 10 10 10 1 10 10 10
Q [GeV] Q [GeV]

Fig. 9. Q evolution of the employed perturbative terms

from (28) and of the leading power correction in powers of the
cms energy Q for the case of first to fourth moment of thrust.
An ...Fn are the coefficients of the terms in 1st...6th order of
the coupling ā as defined in (26). The parameters αS (MZ0 ) and
νi are fitted to the data

model results in
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1183 ± 0.0056(tot.) ,
α0 (µI ) = 0.493 ± 0.058(tot.) .
Event shape moments are barely sensitive to more strongly
suppressed power corrections resulting from the shape
function. In general, a detailed understanding of non-
perturbative effects cannot reach any further than the reli-
ability of the underlying perturbative structure which was
studied in [5, 6].
For some variables the variance shows an unexpected
energy evolution. Of the variables analysed here only the
1 − T distributions are broader at low cms energy; the
MH2 , C, BT and BW distributions are narrower at low
energy. The energy evolution of the variances is not given
correctly by the pure NLO prediction. The description by
an additional power correction from the shape function is
not quantitatively correct.
The single dressed gluon approximation shows the
same problems describing the higher thrust moments as
the other models. Fitting the prediction for h(1 − T )1 i in-
cluding terms up to fifth order gives power corrections
compatible with zero and
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1172 ± 0.0036(tot.) .
With a competitive total error of 3% this is our most pre-
cise αS measurement. It agrees with the world average of
αS (MZ0 ) = 0.1189 ± 0.0010 [42]. For this result a Monte
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 13

Table 3. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) in the dispersive model from first moments of six event shape variables over
the full analysed range of c.m. energy, 14...209 GeV. The χ2 /d.o.f. values are based on the statistical errors only, see text for
further discussion

h(1 − T )1 i hC 1 i 1
hBT i 1
hBW i D 1
h(y23 ) i

αS (MZ0 ) 0.1234 0.1228 0.1200 0.1142 0.1181

Statistical error 0.0006 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0004
Experimental syst. 0.0015 0.0012 0.0011 0.0015 0.0016
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.0073 +0.0073 +0.0047 +0.0004 +0.0050
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.0062 −0.0063 −0.0041 +0.0009 −0.0038
µI variation: µI = 1 GeV +0.0025 +0.0030 +0.0017 +0.0008 —
µI variation: µI = 3 GeV −0.0019 −0.0022 −0.0013 −0.0007 —
M variation: M − 20% +0.0011 +0.0014 +0.0008 +0.0004 —
M variation: M + 20% −0.0011 −0.0013 −0.0007 −0.0004 —
Theoretical syst. 0.0078 0.0080 0.0051 0.0012 0.0050

α0 (µI ) 0.490 0.433 0.514 0.604 —

Statistical error 0.007 0.003 0.009 0.015 —
Experimental syst. 0.010 0.005 0.009 0.014 —
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 −0.022 −0.024 +0.013 −0.049 —
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 +0.031 +0.033 +0.011 +0.147 —
M variation: M − 20% +0.047 +0.034 +0.053 +0.086 —
M variation: M + 20% −0.033 −0.025 −0.037 −0.057 —
Theoretical syst. 0.056 0.048 0.055 0.170 —

Correlation αS (MZ0 ), α0 (µI ) -0.86 -0.80 -0.93 -0.90 —

χ2 /d.o.f. 47.8/10 66.3/10 106/10 75.3/10 37.7/10
14 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

Table 4. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and α0 (µI ) in the dispersive model from second to fifth moments of six event shape
variables over the full analysed range of c.m. energy, 14...209 GeV. The χ2 /d.o.f. values are based on the statistical errors only,
see text for further discussion

D 2
h(y23 ) i hMH2 i D 3
h(y23 ) i D 4
h(y23 ) i hMH4 i D 5
h(y23 ) i

αS (MZ0 ) 0.1182 0.1158 0.1173 0.1160 0.1154 0.1144

Statistical error 0.0009 0.0007 0.0013 0.0017 0.0010 0.0020
Experimental syst. 0.0021 0.0024 0.0020 0.0025 0.0034 0.0033
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.0054 +0.0042 +0.0053 +0.0050 +0.0051 +0.0047
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.0042 −0.0033 −0.0041 −0.0038 −0.0042 −0.0036
µI variation: µI = 1 GeV — +0.0013 — — +0.0011 —
µI variation: µI = 3 GeV — −0.0010 — — −0.0009 —
M variation: M − 20% — +0.0006 — — +0.0005 —
M variation: M + 20% — −0.0006 — — −0.0005 —
Theoretical syst. 0.0054 0.0045 0.0053 0.0050 0.0053 0.0047

α0 (µI ) — 0.601 — — 0.579 —

Statistical error — 0.011 — — 0.015 —
Experimental syst. — 0.012 — — 0.022 —
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 — −0.022 — — −0.022 —
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 — +0.037 — — +0.034 —
M variation: M − 20% — +0.083 — — +0.079 —
M variation: M + 20% — −0.056 — — −0.054 —
Theoretical syst. — 0.091 — — 0.086 —

Correlation αS (MZ0 ), α0 (µI ) — -0.88 — — -0.82 —

χ2 /d.o.f. 18.3/10 25.2/10 21.0/10 18.7/10 26.4/10 15.2/10
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 15

Table 5. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and λ1 in the shape func-

tion model from the first and second moments of three event
shape variables (second and fourth moment in case of MH ) over
the full analysed range of c.m. energy, 14...209 GeV

h(1 − T )1 i hC 1 i hMH2 i

αS (MZ0 ) 0.1304 0.1305 0.1193

Statistical error 0.0008 0.0006 0.0008
Experimental syst. 0.0018 0.0015 0.0027
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.0069 +0.0064 +0.0038
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.0054 −0.0050 −0.0025

λ1 [ GeV] 0.499 0.393 1.010

Statistical error 0.034 0.024 0.047
Experimental syst. 0.065 0.045 0.075
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.053 +0.063 +0.044
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.067 −0.075 −0.045

Correlation αS (MZ0 ), λ1 −0.96 −0.96 −0.94

χ /d.o.f. 23.3/8 22.6/8 19.6/8

h(1 − T )2 i hC 2 i hMH4 i

αS (MZ0 ) 0.1426 0.1456 0.1184

Statistical error 0.0014 0.0008 0.0012
Experimental syst. 0.0028 0.0023 0.0041
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.0111 +0.0117 +0.0049
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.0091 −0.0097 −0.0037

λ1 [ GeV] 0.516 0.364 0.964

Statistical error 0.056 0.023 0.079
Experimental syst. 0.096 0.052 0.133
xµ variation: xµ = 2.0 +0.044 +0.063 +0.031
xµ variation: xµ = 0.5 −0.052 −0.054 −0.030

Correlation αS (MZ0 ), λ1 −0.95 −0.91 −0.92

χ /d.o.f. 20.9/8 18.3/8 20.2/8
16 C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation

Table 6. Measurements of αS (MZ0 ) and νn from first to fourth moment of 1 − T over the full analysed range of cms energy,
14...209 GeV. The single dressed gluon approximation is used in maximum order mmax . The errors are statistical. Units of νn
are GeV for n = 1 and (GeV)2 for n = 2, 3, 4

mmax αS (MZ0 ) νn χ2 /d.o.f.
αS (MZ0 ), νn
h(1 − T )1 i 2 0.1314±0.0008 0.430±0.036 -0.96 29.1/10
3 0.1209±0.0007 0.352±0.039 -0.97 30.0/10
4 0.1178±0.0007 0.223±0.045 -0.97 29.3/10
5 0.1172±0.0007 0.035±0.058 -0.98 26.4/10
6 0.1182±0.0001 -0.293±0.010 0.88 24.0/10
h(1 − T )2 i 2 0.1463±0.0009 1.855±0.455 0.73 23.8/10
3 0.1426±0.0009 1.762±0.454 0.74 24.0/10
4 0.1416±0.0008 1.644±0.458 0.73 24.2/10
5 0.1412±0.0008 1.546±0.460 0.73 24.3/10
6 0.1410±0.0008 1.465±0.470 0.73 24.4/10
h(1 − T )3 i 2 0.1523±0.0015 0.273±0.136 0.73 20.7/10
3 0.1525±0.0015 0.274±0.137 0.73 20.7/10
4 0.1531±0.0015 0.286±0.137 0.73 20.7/10
5 0.1533±0.0015 0.298±0.136 0.73 20.6/10
6 0.1534±0.0015 0.307±0.135 0.74 20.6/10
h(1 − T )4 i 2 0.1581±0.0017 0.059±0.024 0.55 17.6/10
3 0.1625±0.0018 0.063±0.024 0.55 17.5/10
4 0.1645±0.0019 0.075±0.023 0.56 17.4/10
5 0.1652±0.0019 0.085±0.022 0.58 17.3/10
6 0.1655±0.0019 0.095±0.021 0.60 17.3/10
C. Pahl et al.: Tests of analytical hadronisation models using event shape moments in e+ e− annihilation 17

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