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11-12-2017 World University of Bangladesh

Utilitarian Education for Economic Emancipation

Semester Final Examination

Subject: Microwave Engineering
B. Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Batch: 56(G); Course Code: EEE1111
: 7th
Time: 02 Hours Full Marks: 40
[Answer any four of the following questions]

1. (A) What do you mean by Microwave? 01

(B) Draw the electromagnetic spectrum and specify microwave region. 02
(C) What are the applications of Microwave frequencies? 02
(D) A plane wave with a frequency of 300MHz is propagating in an unbounded material with r =7 03
and  r  3. Compute the wavelength, phase velocity and wave impedance for this wave.
(E) What are different types of transmission lines? 01
(F) What are the transmission line parameters? 01
2. (A) What do you understand by characteristics impedance of a transmission line? 02
(B) Draw the general equivalent circuit of a transmission line. 02
(C) Define and explain the meaning of the terms SWR. 02
(D) A piece of RG-59B/U coaxial cable has a 95-  characteristics impedance and nominal 03
capacitance of 79 nF/m. What is inductance per meter? If the diameter of the inner conductor is
0.584mm, and the dielectric constant of the insulation is 2.23, what is the outer conductor of
3. (A) Draw the schematic for the lumped-circuit equivalent of a transmission line when a very small 04
length (say ∆z) of the line is considered. Identify clearly on the diagram the following per-unit
length components: resistance R, inductance L, conductance G and capacitance C. Also include
labels for the current and voltage at both ends of the portion of line under consideration.
(B) Show that a lossless line is also a distortionless line but a distortionless line is not necessary 04
(C) What is a smith chart? What are its applications? 02
4. (A) What types of losses that may occur with RF transmission lines?
(B Ten watts of microwave RF power is applied to a lossless transmission line, of which 2.8 W is 04
reflected from the mismatched load. Calculate (a) the power reflection coefficient, (b) Standing
wave ratio (SWR), (c) Return loss and (d) transmission loss coefficient (TLC).
World University of Bangladesh
Utilitarian Education for Economic Emancipation

(C) 05

Figure shows a 50-  transmission line connected to complex load impedance, Z L, of 36 +j40.
The transmission line has a velocity factor ( ) of 0.80, which means that the wave propagates
along the line at 810 the speed of light (c=300,000,000 m/s). The length of the transmission line
is 28 cm. The generator (Vin) is operated at a frequency of 4.5 GHz and produces a power output
of 1.5 W. Find: (a) normalize the load impedance, (b) the length of a wave propagating in the
transmission line, (c) admittance, (d) VSWR and (e) transmission loss coefficient (TLC).

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