Lesson Plan: Warm Up - 5 Minutes

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Lesson Plan


Date: 20.03.2018
Class: XII A
School: Liceul Teoretic “Alexandru Marghiloman”
Time of lesson: 50 minutes
Textbook:CAE Gold Plus, Longman
Unit/ Topic: Unit 7-Creative talents/Art
Lesson Aims:
 To give practice in listening for specific information
 To give practice in predicting missing information
 To give practice in discussing possibilities, reasons and consequences and in expressing
agreement and disagreement

Skills: listening, speaking

Materials: textbooks, CD, CD player.
Methods: communicative approach

Possible drawbacks: - the topic needs careful handling as students may not know how to
speculate about art and types of art.
Warm Up – 5 minutes

 To prepare Ss for the lesson

Procedure Interaction Timing

Attendance list T-Ss 1 min
Checking HW 1 min
Research Game & Three Things Game T invites everyone in the class to the Ss-T 3 min
centre of the room. T says, "If you are more like a book, go to the right of the
room. If you are more like a movie, go the left of the room." Once the group is
separated, invite everyone to look around to see who has shared interests.

Then T asks each group to choose three things (real or abstract) that they want
in their story e.g. 'Father Christmas', 'me' and 'a huge present'. Then the other
group is asked to instantly tell a short story with these three things in it. The
first group has then to come up with a short story for the second group with the
three things they have chosen.

This game also introduces the topic of the unit as it uses imagination and

Activity 1 (listening, reading,) -20 minutes

 To introduce the topic of the lesson
 To give practice in listening for specific information
 To give practice in predicting missing information

Procedure Interaction Timing

1 This introduces students to the theme of the article which follows.
T asks Ss to predict the content of the listening exercise taking into T-Ss 2 min
consideration the title of the unit, subheading and pictures. What will it be
about? What will the context be like? Who will they hear speaking?
Then Ss are asked to read through the questions and think about the type of Ss-T 4 min.
information that is missing in each one. Is it an object, a place, a person or a
Ss listen to the recording and try to complete the gaps. T allows Ss to compare
answers in pairs before playing it for the second time. T draws their attention Ss-T 5 min
to the fact that each answer is a single word or a very short phrase. PW
Ss listen again to the recording and check their answers.
ANSWERS Ex1. 1 art festival, 2 pattern, 3 window dresser, 4 travel agency, 5
eighty percent, 6 glass, 7 farmers, 8 work-shops. 5 min
Presenter: Welcome to this evening's edition of Insight - your weekly look at what's on locally.
Well, Saturday sees the beginning of this year's arts festival - the city's twentieth in as many
years - and you'll have probably seen preparations for the event going on around the city. You
may even have spotted the odd multi-coloured cow popping up in unexpected places.
No, I'm not going mad, the subject of this art feature really is cows - a whole parade of them to
be precise. This year, our city is helping to host the world's largest public art event, which is ca
lled The Cow Parade. From Saturday, around 100 life-size cows, made out of fibreglass and
decorated in all manner of colours and patterns, wi ll be on show at indoor and outdoor loca
tions across the city, The Cow Parade was the original concept of a man called Walter Knapp
who worked, not as an artist in fact, but as a window dresser in Zurich in Switzerland. The
cows were designed as a way of attracting customers to shops, but also as a way of promoting
the work of local artists whose work was, in effect, exhibited on them . The idea was such a
that the cows have since been used in a number of cities worldwide, including New York,
London and Sydney, both to generate interest in the arts, and also as a way of raising money
for charity. Each cow is sponsored by a different company - in our case, for example, by the
local art gallery, a travel agency and the city's zoo - to name but a few. What this means is that
the company has effectively paid for the materials and the cost of installing the cows which
will appear in places as diverse as shopping centres, the hospital foyer and the football
Then, at the end of the event, it is hoped to se ll as many as 80 percent of the cows at an
auction sale, with 75 percent of the proceeds being given to charity.
In past cow parades, celebrities such as J.K. Rowling, Elton John and Nelson Mandela have
bought cows at auction, and the best price ever reached was 125,000 euros for a cow called
Waga Moo Moo, sold in Dublin in 2003. Now you might imagine that this cow was gold
plated or covered in diamonds, but actually it was decorated with 15,000 tiny bits of glass.
Now, there's a record for our local artists to try and break!
This city's cow parade will benefit two large charities - the first IS one called VET AID which
helps farmers in poor countries to keep their animals in the best of health, which seems very
appropriate really. The other is a local children's charity. In fact, hundreds of kid s are going to
be attending workshops where they' ll be helping to create a mosaic design to display on one of
the cows using thumbnails downloaded from the Internet. Meanwhile, outside the Central
Library, any passers-by will be encouraged to help colour in what's called a 'weird and
wonderful flower design ' stencilled on one of the cows, in return for a small donation. If you'd
like to contribute to either charity, but haven't got space for a whole life-sized cow at home, ...
Post-listening activity
Ss listen again and try to find words with the meanings elicited at ex 3 on p 80 4min
Answers ex3 1 foyer, 2 the proceeds Ss-T
Activity 2 (reading, speaking, writing) – 25 minutes
 To give practice in discussing possibilities, reasons and consequences and in expressing
agreement and disagreement

Procedure Interaction Timing

T goes over the expressions and asks one or two of the Ss to pronounce them. T-Ss 2 min
T goes through the pictures with the class to check that everyone is clear what
kinds of exhibits are shown in each. Then Ss are asked to work in pairs and
report their decision to the T after 5minutes. PW 5min
T monitors the Ss’ speaking so that any basic errors can be corrected at the end.
Class discussions will continue in trying to answer questions related to art such
as What kind of art do you like and why? Can you give examples of CLASS 5 min
T divides the class into groups of 4 and asks them to describe in detail the
pictures handed out. The pictures are copies of famous masterpieces. GW 6 min
Each group shares their description to the rest of the class.

Three Things Game2 T invites the two groups that were established at the PW 5 min
beginning of the lesson to choose three things related to this lesson’s topic.
Then T asks each group to create a poem with those items.
Write an essay on the importance of art in our lives.(180-200words) T ► Ss 2min

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