Unit 3. Animals 1. Write Living' or Non-Living'

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1. Write ‘living’ or ‘non-living’

2. Write.

car elephant boy phone cat house flower bike

Non-living things Living things

3. Add one word to each list in activity 2.

4. Write and say ‘Living things…’.
5. Copy
Living things are born, grow, reproduce and die. Living things have three life processes:
nutrition, interaction and reproduction.


6. Match the living things to the kingdom.

Animal Kingdom

Plant Kingdom

7. Write ‘animals’ or ‘plants’.

___________________ have roots. ___________________ can be oviparous.

___________________ have five senses. ___________________ need soil.

8. Draw plants and animals and classify them.

Animal Kingdom Plant Kingdom

9. Copy.
We classify animals and plants into two kingdoms: The Animal Kingdom and The Plant

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