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February 2018


1801 East Second Street
Defiance, OH 43512 Church Office Email:
Rev. Timothy Reynolds, Pastor
Visit our website at:
Fax: 419-782-6719

As my annual report pointed out, our Bishop Daniel Beaudoin, the NW Ohio Synod Bish-
op of the ELCA has designated 2018 as the Year of Prayer. He has given us some pray-
er resources and asked that we focus on prayer. He also gave us a memory verse that I
would like for all of us to commit to memory:
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4.6)
This Lent, we will focus on prayer by using a Bible study that the bishop has written for us. It focus-
es on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. We don’t hear from that book very often in the liturgy,
so this is an opportunity to study a book of the Bible that you may never have known about! We will
come together in Evening Prayer on Wednesday nights, as is our custom. During the worship, we
will hear a reading from Nehemiah with a short reflection. After worship, we will engage in small
groups to discuss some questions for the Bible study. Bring your Bibles, paper and pencils!
A book that the Bishop recommended to us is, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard
J. Foster. In the preface to this book, Foster says about prayer, “Prayer ushers us into the Holy of
Holies, where we bow before the deepest mysteries of the faith, and one fears to touch the Ark…” I
wonder how often you have felt that way about prayer. Do you feel like you enter into the majesty
and glory of God when in prayer? Do you feel like you are sitting with someone who is as comforta-
ble as an old friend?
Do you sometimes feel that prayer is a conversation – an ongoing one that God instigated? At other
times do you feel like you are the only one doing the talking, and that God is not even listening? Or,
do you have some other experience with prayer?
I am interested in when we pray, how we pray, why we pray. For example, do you pray before every
meal? Do you have a special prayer that you use then?
Do you pray before bed and/or upon rising? What prayer(s) do you use then? Does daily prayer
strike you as too much, or something you must do? Do you share your prayer time with others, or
do you take that time alone with God – or is it both?
Over this year, I would like for us, as a congregation, to talk about our prayer habits, and to share
prayer with one another. After all, a praying church is one that is alive and seeking to be in tune with
God and one another.
Peace and blessings,
Pr Tim

PAGE 1 Continued on next page

Ash Wednesday Worship
February 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Abbie Joy visited Zion's in August
of 2017. She shared with us about her Surgi-
Lenten Worship Services cal Mission trip to Haiti with Dr. Eric
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Browning of Findlay. Out of this visit and
Offerings designated for the her presentation, the idea of collecting used
Innkeepers’ Pantry prescription bottles for the clinic in Ouana-
minthe, Haiti, was born. We will be accept-
ing donations of your clean used prescription
bottles. All bottles must be clean, have
child-proof caps, and have labels removed.
There will be a basket in the Narthex for do-
nations to be placed in. Dr. Browning is
teaming with us to see that the bottles get to
Collection for the Pantry their destination! If you have any questions,
As part of our Lenten discipline and for please see Laurie Schey or Marion Hanson.
our 2018 Outreach project

Let’s show our Love during the 6 weeks of Lent, by donating items to the Innkeep-
ers’ Pantry and replenishing the shelves.

Designated items are being requested for each week, Wednesday through the fol-
lowing Tuesday.

Please place items in the collection chest in the Narthex. The Pantry Team will
transfer all donations to the pantry!

Feb. 14 – 20 …………… Bath Soap & Dish detergent

Feb. 21 - 27 …………… Deodorants & Disposable Razors (men & women’s)
Feb. 28 – Mar. 6 ……… Shampoo & Conditioner
Mar. 7 – 13 …………… Paper Towel Rolls & Toothpaste
Mar. 14 – 20 …………… Facial Tissues & Toothbrushes
Mar. 21 – 27 …………… Laundry Detergent & Toilet Paper

Donate each week or all at once – you choose what works better for you! Thank
you from the Outreach & Evangelism Ministry Team and the Innkeeper’s Pantry

PAGE 2 Continued on next page

Raise the Roof Campaign
This spring the flat roof portion of the Zion’s church will be replaced. The existing
roof is many years old and has developed numerous leaks during the past few

This project will cost upwards to $35,000.

The Property Ministry Team studied the problems with the existing roof and then acquired several

The Church Council then approved the project at its November meeting, as did the congregation at
the December 3, 2017 annual meeting.

The funds necessary to pay for the project exist in the Building Improvement and Maintenance Fund.
However, it is important to rebuild that fund so that Zion’s can afford future projects such as replacing
the boiler or air conditioner units or one-time maintenance emergencies.

At the January meeting the Church Council approved a “Raise the Roof Campaign” that will begin
February 1, 2018 with the goal of raising the $35,000 used for the new roof.

This will be a “soft campaign” and was proposed jointly by the Finance and Stewardship Committees.

During the next few months we will have temple talks, updates in the weekly bulletin, and monthly up-
dates in the Trumpet on our progress.

All members will also receive an initial letter explaining the project and the need to raise the $35,000.

The new roof is projected for completion this spring and the goal is to complete the “Raise The Roof”
campaign by May 1, 2018.

The Council is hoping that contributions to the "Raise The Roof " project will be not be at the expense
of the regular Sunday tithes and offerings made by the congregation to support the church's regular
operating expenses.

It is also important to note that this is the first formal fund raising campaign that Zion's has undertaken
since 1995 when the "Build Up Zion's” campaign took place.

The Council trusts that you will give the “Raise The Roof Campaign” prayerful consideration so that
we may continue to maintain our wonderful building for worthwhile Christian and community activities.
Steve VanDemark,
Stewardship Ministry Team Chair

Please mark “Roof” on your giving envelope if you want your building improvement donations
to go specifically towards the Raise the Roof campaign. Donations for this campaign are
tracked separately, so if you do not mark “Roof” on your envelope, it will be counted towards
general building improvements and not the roof.

PAGE 3 Continued on next page

The second Wednesday of SUNDAY
each month from 5:00 p.m.—
6:00 p.m. is distribution night. SCHOOL NEWS
We are especially in need of bath soap, dish When January snow and cold winds blow it is
detergent, kleenex and laundry detergent for
the February 14th distribution. Thank you all so hard to think about February being much bet-
much for your continuing generosity. A com- ter but I’ll be positive!
plete list is printed below for your convenience. February will take us into the season of Lent
on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018. Our
Innkeepers’ shopping list: lessons will connect with lessons from the Year
B Lectionary.
Laundry Detergent
Paper Towels We will decorate the hall “tree” with “bling” to
Toilet Paper brighten our days through February. Hopeful-
Facial Tissues ly it will dazzle you into a smile and happiness!
Dish Soap
Audrey Eis
All Purpose Cleaner
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes WEATHER
Bar Soap
For any cancellations due to
Shampoo bad weather you may tune
Disposable Razors into: WTOL Channel 11
Shaving Cream (website: or
Feminine Hygiene Products check the church website at:
Disposable Diapers www.zionslutheranchurch.
Baby wipes com or the church Facebook page.
Adult incontinence diapers
If Defiance City Schools are cancelled
We also accept volunteers & monetary on a Wednesday, there will be no Com-
munity Meal or Confirmation Classes.


Please remember to notify the office Contribution Statements for
when you will be heading south for
2017 are available to be picked
the winter. Updated addresses for
long-term moves are greatly appreciated when up in the Narthex. If you find any discrepan-
it comes time to mail out church communica- cies or need to have your statement emailed,
tions, giving statements, envelopes...etc. please notify the church secretary.

PAGE 4 Continued on next page

Church Council Highlights
January 18, 2018
 “Raise the Roof” campaign begins February 1 and will end May 1
 Pantry distribution was 50 bags for January. Donations are needed
 Chili Cook-Off and Junk Food Bingo to be held in March
 Lenten worship focus on prayer using Bible study written by our Bishop

February 2018 Operation Christmas

LESSONS Child Update
February 3 & 4 Epiphany 5 To give you an idea of where the Shoe-
Isaiah 40:21-31 boxes we pack get sent to - - - these
Psalm 147:1-11, 20c are the results that one of our members received by using
1 Corinthians 9:16-23 the "Follow Your Box" option when paying and printing
Mark 1:29 –39 shipping labels on-line.
Thank you for partnering with Operation Christmas Child
February 10 & 11 Transfiguration and for donating online to discover the destination of your
2 Kings 2:1-12 shoebox gift. The gift-filled shoebox you packed will share
Psalm 50:1-6
God’s love in a tangible way and can impact not only the
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
child who receives it, but also their family friends, and com-
Mark 9:2-9
munity. Most importantly, please remember to pray for
February 14 Ash Wednesday the child who will receive your gift. Your shoebox gift(s)
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 shipped to: Swaziland - on Sat. Nov 25, 2017; Uganda - on
Psalm 51:1-17 Fri Nov 24, 2017; The Philippines - on Fri Nov 24, 2017;
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10
Colombia- on Fri Nov 24, 2017; Zambia - on Mon Dec 14,
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
2017; South Africa - on Wed Dec 3, 2017.
February 17 & 18 Lent 1
Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm 25:1-10 Lenten Meal Schedule
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15 Soup and Sandwiches will be served by the fol-
lowing Ministry Teams and Churches on Wednes-
February 24 & 25 Lent 2
days at 5:30 p.m. Please join us.
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:23-31 Date Ministry Team
Romans 4:13-25
Mark 8:31-38 Feb 14 Zion’s Council
Feb 21 Defiance Christian Church
Feb 28 Zion’s Deacons
March 7 King’s Cross Church
March 14 Zion’s Choirs
March 21 Defiance Christian Church
March 28 Zion’s Innkeeper’s

PAGE 5 Continued on next page

Area Members in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
Happy Birthday Waunita Badenhop LoAnn Peters
Kingsbury Place # 127 Kingsbury Place
February 245 W. Rosewood Ave.
Defiance, OH 43512
245 W. Rosewood Ave.
Defiance, OH 43512

Linda Chehi Shirley Retcher

Steven VanDemark 2/2 Twin Rivers # 408 The Laurels of Defiance
395 Harding Ave. 1701 S. Jefferson Ave.
Ethan Brown 2/3
Defiance, OH 43512 Defiance, OH 43512
Anita Schnegg 2/3
Don Dunbar Juanita Rosebrock
Campbell Starner 2/4 The Lutheran Home 1724 Ralvan Dr.
Juanita Rosebrock 2/5 1036 S. Perry St. Defiance, OH 43512
Alexander Fields 2/10 Napoleon, OH 43545

Evan Krumnow 2/10 Norma Mansfield

Please send a card or
Twin Rivers stop by to visit.
Michelle Wright 2/12
395 Harding Ave.
Susan McNeely 2/14 Defiance, OH 43512
Oakely Demar 2/21
Shaun Holley 2/23
Gaylon Davis
Payten Hageman
Marion Hanson 2/25
Joyce Keeterle 2/26


Please help keep our records accu- DATE 5:00pm/9:45am FUND $ FUND $
rate! If your birthday is not here or
is incorrect, please call the church Dec. 23 & 24 & eve 21/57/133 $ 4,762.18 $ 49.00
office at 419-782-8781 or email the Dec. 30 & 31 14/46 1,363.75 0.00
church secretary at rcasler@zions Jan. 6 & 7 29/62 4,522.25 196.00 Thanks! Jan. 13 & 14 21/66 2,998.35 35.00
Jan. 20 & 21 30/58 2,879.75 21.00
Jan. 27 & 28 28/68 5,791.50 160.00
CHURCH OFFICES In order to meet our weekly budget guidelines, we need
CLOSED $3,935.00 for the Ministry Fund each week.

February 19
We pray for God’s comfort for the following families
who recently lost a loved one:
The family of Marv Widmer, died on December 25, 2017.
The family of Roberta Schmunk, died on December 29, 2017.
The family of Robert Retcher, died on January 5, 2018.

PAGE 6 Continued on next page

Treasurer’s Report - December 2017
Funds Beginning YTD YTD Ending
Balances Balances
Income Expenses
1/1/17 12/31/17

Ministry Operating Fund $ 3,636.27 $ 190,156.14 $ 193,345.42 $ 446.99

Designated Fund Balances

Audio Visual $ 1,893.38 $ 5.00 $ 1,144.71 $ 753.67
Bells & Music $ 368.22 $ 30.00 $ 0.00 $ 398.22
Rose Fund $ 213.93 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 213.93
Special Designations $ 69.00 $ 740.00 $ 700.00 $ 109.00

Innkeepers’ Funds
Community Meals $ 10,892.47 $ 260.00 $ 1,783.40 $ 9,369.07
Pantry $ 4,972.79 $ 220.00 $ 4,090.47 $ 1,102.32
Angel $ 444.86 $ 0.00 $ 75.00 $ 369.86
Community Garden $ 554.30 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 554.30

Memorial Fund $ 15,329.99 $ 530.00 $ -131.65 $ 15,991.64

Bequest Reserves $ 7,153.14 $ 388.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,541.14
Prayer Garden $ 1,511.75 $ 1,600.00 $ 2,524.90 $ 586.85
Youth Fund $ 1,645.26 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 1,645.26
Zion’s Fund $ 4,909.72 $ 600.00 $ 495.00 $ 5,014.72
Bldg. Improve & Maintenance $ 113,890.72 $ 17,750.48 $ 26,109.95 $ 105,531.25
Designated sub totals $ 22,137.48 $ 38,805.78
CASH BALANCES $ 167,485.80 $ 147,628.22

Respectfully submitted by,

In order to meet our weekly budget guidelines for 2018,
we need $3,935.00 each week for the Ministry Fund. Gwen Anderson
Gwen Anderson, Treasurer

Please see Gwen Anderson if you would like more specific information about the
church’s finances.

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Fellowship You may watch Zion’s Lutheran Wor-
SCHEDULE meets every Tuesday ship services on Wednesdays @ 6:00
Saturday 5:00 pm at 9:00 a.m. in the p.m. on DCTV 5 Defiance, OH. Sched-
ules are subject to change. Go to
Sunday 9:45 am Narthex for up to date schedule.

Worship and The Book

Sisters in Christ Music Group
 Sisters in Christ will meet Committee meets on
after worship on Feb. 18 Will meet on Feb. 8. Monday, Feb. 12 at 12:00 p.m.
Location to at Applebees.
 The following Sunday, cards
be an- The Reading List is posted on
will be signed in the Nar- nounced. the Narthex Bulletin Board.

Young at Heart Scrapbook Club

meets on WEDNESDAY, Feb 14, Will meet on Feb. 3 at
at 11:30 am, at Lefty’s Pizza 8:00 a.m. in the Hofer
Won’t you join us! Room. Please bring a snack to share.


Bell Choir practices on Wednes-
Long Standing Every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
days at 6:00 p.m.
(unless otherwise noted)
Chancel Choir practices on Meets at 2:00
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. - During
p.m. on the
Lent on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
first Tuesday March
in the Library.
February 15th

Additions to the Zion’s Prayer List: Please remember to call the church office when:
Phone Prayers: Barb Vogel 419-393-2544 1. You will be or have already moved.
E-prayers: 2. You have an addition to your family.
Call the Church office at 419-782-8781. 3. You have an address update and/or correction, or
If you are calling for someone other than yourself, please be sure birthday correction.
that you have permission. 4. New email address and/or phone number.

Continued on next page
February 2018
1 2 3
8:00 a Weight
5:00 p TOPS 8:00 a Scrapbook
5:00 p Worship

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pastor’s Day Off 9:00 a Men’s 7:00 a Women @
9:00 a Sunday School
Fellowship Cabin Fever 12:00 p Worship 8:00 a Weight
9:00 a 1st Year Con-
8:00 p Barber- 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- & Music Watchers
firmation Class
shoppers Watchers nouncements due 5:00 p TOPS
9:45 a Worship
1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal
2:00 LLS 6:00 p 2nd Year Con- 5:00 p Worship
8:30 p AA
firmation Class
6:00 p Bells
7:00 p Chancel Choir

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
9:00 a Men’s 7:00 a Women @
9:00 a Sunday School Pastor’s Day Off Fellowship Cabin Fever 2:00 p NEWSLET- 8:00 a Weight
9:00 a 1st Year Con- 12:00 p Book 9:30 a Weight 9:00 a Bulletin An- TER DEADLINE Watchers
firmation Class Group at Apple- Watchers nouncements due 5:00 p TOPS
9:45 a Worship bees 1:00 p Text Study 11:30 a Young at 7:00 p Council
8:30 p AA
5:00 p Lighten Up Heart at Leftys 5:00 p Worship
8:00 p Barber- 7:00 p NAMI 5:00 p Pantry Distri-
shoppers bution
5:30 p Meal
6:00 p 2nd Year Con-
firmation Class
6:00 p Bells
7:00 p Ash Wed Ser-

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
9:00 a Chancel Choir 9:00 a Men’s 9:00 a Bulletin An-
9:00 a Sunday School Offices Closed Fellowship nouncements due 5:00 p TOPS 8:00 a Weight
9:00 a 1st Year Con- for President’s 9:30 a Weight 7:00 a Women @ Watchers
firmation Class Day Watchers Cabin Fever
9:45 a Worship 1:00 p Text Study 5:30 p Meal 5:00 p Worship
11:00 a Sisters in 5:00 p Lighten Up 6:00 p 2nd Year Con-
Christ firmation Class
8:00 p Barber- 6:00 p Bells
8:30 p AA
shoppers 7:00 p Lenten Service

25 26 27 28
9:00 a Chancel Choir 9:00 a Bulletin An-
9:00 a Sunday School Pastor’s Day Off 9:00 a Men’s nouncements due
9:00 a 1st Year Con- Fellowship 7:00 a Women @
firmation Class 8:00 p Barber- 9:30 a Weight Cabin Fever
9:45 a Worship shoppers Watchers 5:30 p Meal
11:00 a Sign Cards 1:00 p Text Study 6:00 p 2nd Year Con-
8:30 p AA 5:00 p Lighten Up firmation Class
6:00 p Bells
7:00 p Lenten Service

PAGE 9 Continued on next page

Faith Active in Love February 2018

ALTAR FLOWERS +++ see below OFFERING COLLECTORS for Sunday 9:45 am
4 AVAILABLE 1st Sunday Angela Mack & Randy Groll
11 Stephanie Demar 2nd Sunday Cindy Wendell & Randy Groll
18 Lent 1
25 Lent 2 3rd Sunday Angela Mack & Sue McKibben
4th Sunday Marsha Leaders & Sue McKib-
BULLETINS +++ see below ben
4 AVAILABLE 5th Sunday Randy Groll & Sue McKibben
18 AVAILABLE USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am
25 AVAILABLE 1st Sunday John Diehl
ALTAR DUTY 2nd Sunday Dwaine & Laurie Schey
4 Cindy Wendell 3rd Sunday Bill & Cindy Wendell
11 Lois Dodt 4th Sunday Sue McKibben
14 Kate Frank (also Wed. Lenten) 5th Sunday Youth
18 Kate Frank
25 Karen Graf
Gene Vogel, Larry Wagner, Steve Graf.
FELLOWSHIP HOUR for Sunday 9:45 am Subs: Tom Boals, Bill Wendell, Sue McKibben,
4 Barb & Gene Vogel
11 Audrey Eis AUDIO-VISUAL
18 Judy & Duane Engel Doug Eis, Eric Engel, Stormy Gutman, Angela
25 Elaine & Gaylon Davis Mack, Luke Reynolds.
LECTOR & DEACON for Sunday 9:45 am
4 * Patty VanDemark & John Diehl MITMENT, PLEASE ARRANGE FOR A SUBSTI-
14 * Dick Anderson SOON AS POSSIBLE.
18 * Audrey Eis & Tom Boals
25 Angela Mack
MENTS to be printed in the bulletin should be
3 * Dawn McKibben sent to the church office AT LEAST one week
10 Helena Morris BEFORE the assigned date; and NO LATER
17 * Eric Engel than the Monday before. PLEASE !!! Earlier is
24 AVAILABLE always better.


Suggested donation for are due before 9:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings,
bulletins is $20.00. unless otherwise noted on the calendar.

PAGE 10 Continued on next page

“Driven by God’s spirit we will grow in faith and make Christ’s love known”

DEACONS Prayer List

Dick Anderson Church Council has en-
Tom Boals acted a policy regarding
Find us and “Like” us – we need more
John Diehl the names placed on
followers to spread the word! Are you
Audrey Eis the church prayer list in
“friends” with a former member? – invite
Doug Eis them too – we love staying in contact!
the bulletin. If you
Eric Engel Have a question about an upcoming would like prayers on
Dawn McKibben event? – you may find your answer. the list for longer than
And, you can add your comments, too! 3 weeks, please make
Patty VanDemark
(If you have trouble searching – type in another request. Re-
Cindy Wendell ”Zions Lutheran Defiance” and that quests can be sent to
should find it for you). If you would like the church office via
COUNCIL MEMBERS to post an event you may email it to
phone 419-782-8781 or
2018 by email at: rcasler@
Laurie Schey, President zionslutheranchurch.
Angela Mack, V-President com
Gwen Anderson, Treasurer
Cindy Wendell, Secretary OFFICE HOURS
Bill Clark
John Diehl
Monday - Thursday
Lenore Doctor
Audrey Eis 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Marion Hanson
Steve VanDemark
Sharon Washington
Office Secretary -
the third Thursday of each month
(except July) at 7:00 p.m. Website -

Get your copy in the church narthex!

Devotional Books : The Upper Room

Christ in Our Home and Word in Season

PAGE 11 Continued on next page

Zion’s Lutheran Church
1801 E. Second St.
Defiance, OH 43512

2018 Endowment Grants

Applications Due April 1, 2018
The Endowment committee is accepting grant requests from organizations and groups to ac-
complish any of the following goals:
1. For outreach into the community or synod as grants to seminaries, colleges or students
attending such schools.
2. For Missions of the ELCA or to programs for persons in our parish area who are in spiritual
or economic need.
3. For capital improvements, debt reduction, or a building program of Zion’s Lutheran
Church, Defiance, Ohio.
4. Please submit a written request to the Zion’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund Commit-
tee before April 1, 2017. Please provide some detail on the project and organization, as
well as a brief explanation of what you plan to do with the grant, if approved.

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