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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Consolidated Question Papers Unit-wise

(Prepared on sep 2017)
Unit – I

Part – B

Problems on total elongation δl

1. i)Derive an expression for change in length of a circular bar with
uniformly varying diameter and subjected to an axial tensile load ‘P’.
(Nov/Dec 2014,Nov/Dec 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
ii) A member is subjected to point loads as shown in fig. Calculate the
force P, necessary for equilibrium if P1 = 45kN, P3 = 450kN
and P4 = 130kN. Determine total elongation of the member, assuming the
modulus of elasticity to be E = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2. (Nov/Dec2014)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
2. The bar shown in fig. is subjected to a tensile load of 160 KN .if the stress
in middle portion is limited to 150 N/mm 2. Determine the diameter of the
middle portion .find also the length of the middle portion if the total
elongation of the bar is to be 0.2mm .Young’s modulus is 2.1x10 5
N/mm2. (A/M-17)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
3. A steel wire 6 mm diameter is used for lifting a load of 1.5 kN at its
lowest end, the length of the wire hanging vertically being 160 meters.
Taking the unit weight of steel = 78 kN/m3 and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2,
calculate the elongation of the wire. (Nov/Dec 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
4. A steel bar 4 cm x 4 cm in section, 3 meters long is subjected to an axial
pull of 128 kN. Taking E = 20 x 1010 N/m2. Calculate the alteration in the
length of the bar. Calculate also the amount of energy stored in the bar
during extension. (Nov/Dec 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
Problems on Compound bars
5. A compound tube consists of an inner steel tube 170 mm external
diameter and 10 mm thickness and an outer brass tube 190 mm external
diameter and 10 mm thickness. The two tubes are of same length. The
compound tube carries an axial load of 1 MN. Find the stresses and the
load carried by each tube and the amount by which it shortens. Length of
each tube is 200 mm. Es = 200 GN/m2 and Eb = 100 GN/m2. (Nov/Dec 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
6. A compound tube consists of a steel tube 140 mm internal diameter and
160 mm external diameter and an outer brass tube 160 mm internal
diameter and 180 mm external diameter. The two tube are of same length.
The compound tube carries an axial compression load of 900 kN. Find
the stresses and the load carried by each tube and the amount of its
shortens. Length of each tube is 140 mm. Take E for steel as 2x105
N/mm2 and for brass 1 x 105 N/mm2. (N/D-16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
7. A reinforced concrete column 500mm x 500 mm in section is reinforced
with 4 steel bars of 25 mm diameter; one in each corner, the column is
carrying a load of 1000 kN. Find the stresses in the concrete and steel
bars. Take E for steel =210 x 10 3 N/mm2 and E for concrete =14 x103
N/mm2. (May/June 2013)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
8. A steel rod of diameter 32 mm and length 500 mm is placed inside an
aluminium tube of internal diameter 35mm and external diameter 45 mm
which is 1 mm longer than the steel rod. A load of 300 kN is placed on
the assembly through the rigid collar. Find the stress induced in steel rod
and aluminium tube. Take the modulus of elasticity of steel as 200 GPa
and that of aluminium as 80 GPa. (May/June 2015)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
9. Three bars made of copper, zinc and aluminium of equal length are
rigidly connected at their ends as shown in Fig.

They have cross-sectional areas of 250 mm2, 375 mm2 and 500 mm2
respectively. If the compound member is subjected to a longitudinal pull
of 125 kN, estimate the proportion of load carried on each rod and the
induced stresses. Take Ecu = 130 GN/m2, EZN = 100 GN/m2, EAl=80
GN/m2. (Nov/Dec 2013)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
10.Two vertical rods one of steel and other of copper are each rigidly fixed
at the top and 600 mm apart. Diameters and lengths of the rods are 25
mm and 5 m respectively. A cross bar fixed to the rods at the lower end
carries a load of 7 kN such that the cross bar remains horizontal even
after loading. Find the stress in each rod and the position of the load on
the cross bar. Assume the modulus of elasticity for steel and copper as
200kN/mm2 and 100kN/mm2 respectively. (May/June 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
11.Two steel rods and one copper rod, each of 20mm diameter, together
support a load of 20kN as shown in Fig. Find the stresses in the rods.
Take E for steel = 210kN/mm2 and E for copper = 110kN/mm2. (M/J - 16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
12.A steel rod of 3 cm diameter is enclosed centrally in a hollow copper tube
of external diameter 5 cm and internal diameter of 4 cm as shown in fig.
The composite bar is then subjected to axial pull of 45000N. If the length
of each bar is equal to 15 cm, determine; (i) The stresses in the rod and
tube, and (ii) Load carried by each bar. Take E for steel= 2.1 x 105
N/mm2 and for copper=1.1 x 105 N/mm2. (N/D-15)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
Problems on E,G,K relation
13.A bar of 30mm diameter is subjected to a pull of 60 KN. The measured
extension on gauge length of 200 mm is 0.1 mm and change in diameter
is 0.004 mm. Calculate Young’s modulus, Shear modulus, Bulk modulus
and Poisson’s ratio. (May / June 2014, Nov/Dec 2010,M/J-17)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
14.A bar 30 mm in diameter is subjected to a tensile load of 54 kN and the
measured extension on 300 mm gauge length is 0.112 mm and change in
diameter is 0.00366 mm. Calculate Poisson’s ratio and the values of
three modulii. (Nov/Dec 2012)

15.A steel bar 20mm in diameter, 2m long is subjected to an axial pull of 50

kN. If E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and m = 3. Calculate the change in the length,
diameter and volume. (M/J - 16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
16.A bar of section 8 mm x 8 mm is subjected to an axial pull of 7000 N.
The lateral dimension of the bar is found to be changed to 7.9985 mm x
7.9985 mm. If the modulus of rigidity of the materials is 0.8x10 5 N/mm2.
Determine the Poisson’s ratio and modulus of elasticity. (May/June 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
17.The following data relate to a bar subjected to a tensile test:
Diameter of the bar = 30 mm
Tensile load P = 54 mm
Gauge length = 300 mm
Extension of the bar δl = 0.112 mm
Change in diameter δd = 0.00366 mm
(i) Possion’s ratio
(ii) The values of three moduli (Nov/Dec 2013)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
18.A metallic bar 300 mm (X) x 100 mm (Y) x 40 mm (Z) is subjected to a
force of 5kN (tensile), 6kN (tensile) and 4kN (tensile) along x, y and z
directions respectively. Determine the change in the volume of the block.
Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and Poisson’s ratio = 0.25 (Nov/Dec

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
19.A solid circular bar of diameter 20 mm when subjected to an axial tensile
load of 40 kN, the reduction in diameter of the rod was observed as 6.4 x
10-3 mm. The bulk modulus of the material of the bar is 67 GPa.
Determine the following:
(i) Young’s modulus.
(ii) Poisson’s ratio,
(iii) Modulus of rigidity.
(iv) Change in length per metre and
(v) Change in volume of the bar per metre length.

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
(May/June 2013)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
20.A cast iron flat 300 mm long and 30 mm (thickness) × 60 mm (width)
uniform cross section, is acted upon by the following forces:
30 kN tensile in the direction of the length
360 kN compression in the direction of the width
240 kN tensile in the direction of the thickness.
Calculate the direct strain, net strain in each direction and change in
volume of the flat. Assume the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio for
cast iron as 140 kN/mm2 and 0.25 respectively.

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
(May/June 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
21.A rectangular block 350 mm long, 100 mm wide and 80 mm thick is
subjected to axial load as follows. 50 kN tensile in the direction of length,
100 kN compression in the direction of thickness and 60 kN tensile in the
direction of breadth. Determine the change in volume, bulk modulus, modulus
of rigidity. Take E = 2 x 10 5 and Poisson’s ratio = 0.25.

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
Problems on Thermal Stress

23.A steel tube of 30 mm external diameter and 20mm internal diameter

encloses a copper rod of 15 mm diameter to which it is rigidity joined at each
end. If, at a temperature of 10 c there is no longitudinal stresses,
calculate the stresses in the rod and tube when the temperature is raised to
2000C. Take E for steel and copper as 2.1 x 105 N/mm2 and 1 x 105
N/mm2 respectively. The value of co-efficient of linear expansion for steel
and copper is given as 11x10-6 per oC and 18x10-6 per oC .

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
(May/June 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
24.A steel rod 15 m long is at a temperature if 15oC . Find the free
expansion of the length when the temperature is raised to 65o C.
Find the temperature stress produced when the expansion of the rod is
-6 5 2
prevented. Take αs = 12x10 per ᵒC, Es = 2.1 x 10 N/mm . (Nov/Dec 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
25.A steel rod of 20 mm diameter passes centrally through a copper tube of
50 mm external diameter and 40 mm internal diameter. The tube is closed
at the end by rigid plates of negligible thickness. The nuts are tightened
lightly on the projecting parts of the rod. If the temperature of the
assembly is raised by 500c, calculate the stresses developed in copper and
steel. Take E for steel as 2 x 105 N/mm2 and copper as 1 x 105 N/mm2 and
α for steel and copper as 12 x 10-6 per 0C and 18 x 10-6 per 0C. (N/D-16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
26.A mild steel bar 20mm in diameter and 40 cm long is encased in a brass
tube whose external diameter is 30mm and internal diameter is 25mm.
The composite bar is heated through 80 0C. Calculate the stresses induced
in each metal. Coefficient of thermal expansion for steel = 11.2 x 10-6 per
C; Coefficient of thermal expansion for brass =16.5 x 10 -6 per 0C. E for
steel = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and E for brass = 1 x 105 N/mm2. (M/J - 16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
27.A steel rod of 30mm diameter and 5m long is connected to two grips and
the rod is maintained at a temperature of 95 oC. Determine the stress
and pull exerted when the temperature falls to 30 oC, if

i. The ends do not yield.

ii. The ends yield by 0.12cm

Take E = 2x105 MN/m2 and α =12x10-6 /oC. (Nov/Dec 2010)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
Problems on Principal Plane and Stress

28.An element in a stressed material has tensile stress of 500 MPa and a
compressive stress of 350 MPa acting on two mutually perpendicular
planes and equal shear stresses of 100 MPa acting on these planes.
Find principal stresses and position of the principal planes. Find also the
maximum shearing stress. (Nov/Dec 2013)

29.The normal stress at a point on two mutually perpendicular planes are 140
MPa (Tensile) and 100 MPa (compressive). Determine the shear stress on
these planes if the maximum principal stress is limited to 150 MPa
(Tensile). Determine the following: (May/June 2013)
i. Minimum principal stress,
ii. Maximum shear stress and its plane and,
iii. Normal, shear and resultant stresses on a plane which is
inclined at 30˚ anticlockwise to X plane.

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
30.At a certain point in a strained material, the intensities of stresses on two
planes at right angles to each other are 20N/mm2 and 10N/mm2 both
tensile. They are accompanied by a shear stress of magnitude 10N/mm 2.
Find graphically or otherwise the orientation of principal planes and
evaluate the principal stress. (May/June 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
31.A short metallic column of 500 mm cross sectional carries an axial load
100 kN. For a plane inclined at 60 o with the direction of load, calculate
normal stress, tangential stress, resultant stress, maximum shear stress and
obliquity of the resultant stress. (Nov/Dec 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
32.The state of stress (in N/mm2) acting at a certain point of the strained
material is shown in Fig. Compute

i. The magnitude and nature of principal stresses and

ii. The orientation of principal planes. (May/June 2011)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
33.An elemental cube is subjected to tensile stresses of 30 N/mm and 10
N/mm2 acting on two mutually perpendicular planes and a shear stress of
10 N/mm2 on these planes. Draw the Mohr’s circle of stresses and
determine the magnitudes and direction of principle stresses and also the
greatest shear stress. (Nov/Dec 2012)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
34.The principal stresses at a point in a bar are 160 N/mm 2 (tensile) and 80
N/mm2 (compressive). Determine the resultant stress in magnitude and
direction on a plane at 60o to the axis of major principal stress. Also
determine the maximum intensity of shear stress in the material at the
point. (Nov/Dec 2010)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
35.Direct stresses of 140N/mm2 tensile and 100N/mm2 compression exist on
two perpendicular planes at a certain point in a body. They are also
accompanied by shear stress on the planes. The greatest principal stress at
the point due to these is 160N/mm2. (M/J - 16)
(1) What must be the magnitude of the shear stresses on the two planes?
(2) What will be the maximum shear stress at the point?

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
36.A point in a strained material is subjected to the stress as shown in fig.
Locate the principle plane and find the principle stresses. (N/D-16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
37.At a point in a strained material the resultant intensity of stress across a
vertical plane is 100 MPa tensile inclined at 35 o clockwise to its normal.
The normal component of intensity of stress across the horizontal plane is
50 MPa compressive. Determine graphically using Mohr’s circle method:

i. The normal and tangential stress across a plane which is 60 o

ii. The position of principal planes and stresses across them and
clockwise to the vertical plane. (May/June 2015)
37. Two members are connected to carry a tensile force of 80 kN by
a lap joint with two number of 20 mm diameter bolt. Find the shear
stress induced in the bolt. (N/D-16)
38.A resultant tensile stress of 70 MPa is acting over as shown in the figure.
Another direct tensile stress of 40 MPa is acting over a plane,
which is at right angle to the previous one. Find the resultant stresses in
the second plane, the principal planes and stresses. (May / June 2014)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
39.The intensity of resultant stress on a plane AB as shown in Fig. at a point
in a materials under stress is 8 N/mm2 and it is inclined at 300 to the
normal to that plane. The normal component of stress on another plane
BC at right angles to plane AB is 6 N/mm2. Determine the following:
(i) The resultant stress on the plane BC
(ii) The principal stresses and their directions
(iii) The maximum shear stresses. (N/D-16)

CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech
CE 6306 Strength of Materials (R2013) Mr.G.Manoj Kumar AP/Mech

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