Instruction Manual (METAREFRE-O)

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Attetarefre ①




1. Dilution of Metarefre

Dilute with ordinatt fresh water.Since it is colorless and transparent,it is

とifttcutt to conirrn the Ⅱlixing degree
Thus,stir it suttciently before use.
E)ilutiOn ratio for coHlIIlon use;
Undiluted Metarefre l:Water 2 (D』 ution of 3 imes)

2.Treatment before applicatiOn Of Metarefre

l)WaSh the spOt where Metarefre is tO be applied with fresh waterin case
ofthe adherence Of salt and dust.
2)Rernove the peeled coating or rust layer with wire brushes,d五 pping
hanlェ ner,etc.

3) In the Case of bare surfaces without sO Inuch rust,do not remove rust
completely since the corrosion‐ prooflayer that forms on the surface
ofthe lnetal will be too thn.
4) In the Case of hard rusts such as rust incrustations,Metarefre will no
penetrate deeply enough into the rust,so remove the■ l adequately.
5) Adequate removal of rust incrustatiOns is required but it is not necessary
to remove the rust to the extent that the bare rnetalis exposed.
6)For hard rust,wash down the surface 10 minutes aFter the lSt applicatiOn
Of Metarefre. Then reapply WIetarefre to forln the hard phosphoric acid

3。 〕
Aゃ 二lication

3_)Apply卜 Ietarette under good weather.

2) Anyェ nethodィ )f apphcatiorl sLich as brush,rOller brush,sprayer inay be
3) Since the liquid is transparent,pay attention not to leave any spots
un― coated.

4) In caSe、vhereby the lnetal plate is burning hot,evaporation occurs rapidly,

and the liquid lnay not penetrate to the steel plate surface.
Thus,in such a case,spray water on to the surface befoFe application_
4_Drュ ng time

l)Estimated time for drying is in the range ot in summer,One day and五 gh,
in winter,2days and nights.
2) The cOmpletely reacted sllrface coating is phosphoFiC aCid.A whne powdery
finish may appear on the surface.This whtte powder is orthophosphate and
do not attect painting in any way.

5。 Painting
l) Currently,within the range of paints conllnonly used,there are no paints
wl五 ch are incompatible.
2) ConduCt nOrmal painting.

B.For Treatment of Rust hquid(Rusty color)

1. Dilution ratio
Undiluted Metarefre l:Water 4-7 (Dユ utiOn Of 5 to 8 tirnes)

2. In the case whereby any salt is attached tO the surface where Metarefre to
be applied,wash down the area thoroughly.Salt residue will liHlit the efficacy
of Metarefre.
3. Although it is very rare,sometiェ nes the coating surface will be tttscOlored.
Thus,conduct trial coating at spot where the discO10ring will not be sO
detrimental.(In the case where discO10五 ng does develop_It will do so
immediately after application。 )
4.A white powder anish may appear on dark painted surttces after drying.
If this is the case,reapply Metarefre in a lnore diluted lbrm.
5, In the case`〃here Metarefre is used for cleaning of rusty cttsco10ratiOns on the
deck, it will become shppery until it dries. Thus, conduct the work with
sufflcient ime allowance before arrム嵐ng at the port or nush the spot with
water after the rusty(近 scoloration is remOved.

C.For Complicated Structures Treat■ lent

1.Dilution Ratio:Adiust the rati0 0f dilution in accordance with the degree of

rust.(Dilution of 3 to 8 tiines)
2. If there are removable parts such as gratings,remove thern and dip thern in
the Metareと e solution.This will able complete ser宙 cing.
3.The use of sprayer or spray gun is very effective for the applicatiOn Of
4. A ine membrane is lnade on the steel surface which has an anti corrosive
effect.This surface will be protected for a certain period of tiェ ne(depend On
conditions)and胡 ll nOt require iHHnediate painting.
5. As for painting after the removal of rust by Metarefre,cOnduct normal painting
once drying is complete.

D.DipD■ ng

1_ Dilution Ratio:Adiust the dilution ratio in accordallce with the degree of rust
and五pping time.
2_ In the case of rust incrustations,it will take tilne to dssOlve and to remove
them.Consequently,the part with no rusts will be adversely attected.
Thus,conduct dipping aFter Flrst roughly remO宙 ng nェ sts。
3. After the removal of rust, and once MetarefFe haS dtted apply lubricant or
grease to unpainted areas.

E.Other E」 ective Places of Use

1: Eヨiective lbr treating red rust on the sidewall and tank top in the hold aFter
high‐ pressure water washing.

2. It is also eヨ iective for rem()Ⅵ ng rust on stainless steel,aluminuI11,glass,etc.

* In the case of aluHinum,if it is coated with Metareと e and left in this state
fOr a 10ng period of tiine,the surface ofthe aluHlinum will be damaged.
Thus,wipe with a wet cloth withn 10 to 20 1ninutes after apphcation_
* In the case of stainless steel or glass,the surface win not be damaged,but
wipe the surface with a vet cloth after the rust disappear for better

PFθ♂2yE力堕 カ ご

1, Since it is an acid Lqdd,vear protective devices such as eye protecdon

(glaSSes Or goggles),maSkS,gl()ves,etc.

2.In case比 comes into contact Hith the bO中 ,immedtttely wash it off by
ruェ lmng water.

3. There is no generation ofto述 c gas atthe t担 ne of reaction,but J:比 is used

in a conaned space,ven司 [ate s‖ モ


4_ For da4y SeⅣ lce contalners,use plastic contalners.


5,In case of disposing waste ttquid of Metareと e,neuttalize tt witt hydrated

LIne oェ ,sodium bicarbonate.

6. When ushg Metareとe in the 宙ciI近 ty of exPosed wlres, ropes, and

hawsers,please cover them for thdr protectiOn. .

7, When Metarefre comes into contact with concrete suュ :faces,the surface

私注n take on a whte appearance.To avoid cttscoloration of cOncrete,cover

when using MetareFre.Note that ths discOloratiOn is supericial only,

and tt not erect the strength ofthe cOncrete.


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