Introductin To Political Science-I Pol Sci

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Department Of Economics Govt: Post Graduate College Bannu

Final BS Exam January 2018

Ist Semester, Session 2017-21
Introduction to political Science-1
Course code-
Time Allowed: 02 Hour Total Marks 50
Attempt all the questions. Each Short question has 4 marks, while long question has
10 marks each.
Q1- Short questions.
a. Define federation
b. What is Bicameral legislature
c. What is Sovereignty
d. What is state also mention its four essential elements.
e. Define Political Science.
Q2- Define democracy? Explain types of Democracy (10)
Q3- Briefly explain the force theory about the origin of state. (10)
Q4. What are the power and functions of Legislature. (10)

Department Of Economics Govt: Post Graduate College Bannu

Final BS Exam January 2018
Ist Semester, Session 2017-21
Introduction to political Science-1
Course code-
Time Allowed: 02 Hour Total Marks 50
Attempt all the questions. Each Short question has 4 marks, while long question has
10 marks each.
Q1- Short questions.
a. Define federation
b. What is Bicameral legislature
c. What is Sovereignty
d. What is state also mention its four essential elements.
e. Define Political Science.
Q2- Define democracy? Explain types of Democracy (10)
Q3- Briefly explain the force theory about the origin of state. (10)
Q4. What are the power and functions of Legislature. (10)

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