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Name : Vivi Anggreni

Class : XII-IPS-1

The film is about a cinema employee that want to make a illegal copy of a film the is not been
release to the public for the money but the film became real. Because one of the cast is died during
the process of making in the end people who watch the film will be dead soon.

I think this film is good because the story line is not easily understand so people that watch the film
will be curious.
Name : Linda Clarissa
Class : XII-IPS-1

At the theater, the employee was watching a new horror mobie that will be release. That movie is
about a girl who was kidnapped by old woman that already kidnapped a lot of children. The old
woman kidnapped them to take the child’s eye and a few moments later alot of people comes in to
arrest and punish the old woman by hung her to death. After the movie end, a lot of strange event
happening to few employees. Which is when 2 people recording the film, one of them is missing and
it turns out the missing person is inside the movie.

I think this movie is hard to understand because the storyline is too complicated. And also because
of language are not too familiar. Image and editing in the movie is good and the sound in the movie
is make me scared.
Name : Reynaldi alfyansyah
Class : XII-IPS-1

The film is talk about an cinema employee that want to copy the film to sell it illegal way for a money
because the employee brother had a debt with drug dealer. So the brother and the employee had to
record the film because stealing the film is hard. The employee play the film and his brother
recording it, but while the brother recording it, the employee fell asleep. The next morning the
employee found out that his brother is missing. So the next day the employee start to investigate by
watching it again alone. At first the employee did not feel anything strange but a minute later he felt
like someone is calling his name, the employee recognize the voice that is was his brother and he try
to call him and suddenly the movie is play by itself and he saw his brother is inside the movie. After
that he runs away scared and from that event, he felt like something or someone is following him.

The film was great, for those people who easily scared, please dont watch this film.
Name : Dwi Yusvita
Class : XII-IPS-1

This film is about a cinema employee want to take the film that is not release yet, however the film that he
want to take is based on real story. Because one of the actor died during the film process, so everyone that
watch the movie will be hunt by the spirit until they died. So when the employee recording the film, he’s gone
and found that he’s inside the film.

I think the scene is horrifiying and scarying and very interesting, full of mistery and the ghost is scary too.
Name : Alya Aisyah
Class : XII-IPS-1

This film is about a guy named chain. He’s a worker at a cinema. He has an addiction to drugs. He
used to have a girlfriend name som, but she left him because his drug addiction. He has a brother
name yod and he lived with him. Yod has a debt with drug dealer. They want to pay the debt by
pirating a new film. The ghost that in this film is an old lady. She died because the villagers hung her
in her house. She got caught because kidnapping children and take their eye balls out. The strange
things happened when they were pirating the movie in the middle of the night. Yod is the one that
missing during the pirating process. Chain trying to reach him by contacting his number but the
movie is playing by itself and he saw her brother inside the movie already dead. After this event, he
got home and since then he feels something strange happening. When he’s investigating the movie,
he found out that the actress that play as the old lady is dead because of the acting (hung up) then
she want her revenge to the crew.

Personally, i dont like this movie because of the genre and the story itself. To me, its really confusing
because the story is present then past and continues like that. Maybe you’ll like the movie if love
horror genre.
Name : Sitti Rohma Fadhilla
Class : XII-IPS-1


In a hut there were several children kidnapped and their eyes were out because of an old lady took
them. There was one child that still have her eyes and she try to run away but it didn’t work. In the
end that child eyes was taken.

All the villager looking for the kidnapper house, and finally they found it and they get inside the
house. A guy found a strange trace and he follow it until he find a room behind cupboard. He found
the missing children. The old lady was beaten up by the villagers and they hung her up but that’s
only a film that will be release soon. But this film is cursed. A guy name yod watch this film and
record it but at the time the camera fell and yod falling down and try to run from something behind
the camera. Then yod gone missing and pop up in the film as a victim. One of the cinema employee
watch that film, after he watch it he got terrorize by that old lady ghost who was in the film.

I think this film is great because it was very intense, scary. Eventhough the ghost in the film is not
that scary but the storyline is good and is not predictable. For those people who dont like this type
of film, i dont recommend to atch this film because the scary feeling with hunt you.
Nadine Kusuma Dewi


This movie is about a movie operator in a theater name Chain. He and his friend, Yod have to check
the quality of the movie that will be release in the theater. One day, they have to check a movie
called “Hantu Gentayangan”. Yod ask Chain to rip off the movie before the movie send back to the
production house tomorrow.

Finally, Chain let Yod to rip off the movie, alone. So that night, Yod watch the movie alone and
recording it. The next day, Chain can’t find Yod everywhere and then the real story begins. That
movie have some mysteries behind. Chain realize it when he find Yod missing and see Yod inside the
movie as a victim. Chain also find some strange figure in Yod’s handycam that Yod use to record the
movie. In that night, Chain decide to watch the movie.

I think, this movie is quiet interesting because of the story line. But, there is one thing that
disappoint me. It has less characters. Overall, i like this movie but i don’t recommend it for those
who don’t really like horror movies because it’s too scary.

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