TSLB 3073 Topic 1

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TSLB 3073 READING AND WRITING TOPIC 1 Approaches To Teach Reading

TOPIC 1 Approaches To Teach Reading


Language Sight
Experience Words
to teach

Reading Whole
Aloud Language


What is Phonics?

 associating letters or letter groups with the sound they represent.

 involves teaching how to connect the sounds of spoken English with letters or groups
of letters
 (e.g., that the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, ck, or ch spellings) and teaching
them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of
unknown words.
What does it involves?
 Teaching letters (graphemes) Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd…
 Teaching sounds (phonemes) /a/ /b/ /d/ /k/
 Teaching letter-sound (grapheme- phoneme)
 Teaching sound-letter (phoneme- grapheme)
Children are taught how to read by teaching them how to..
 Blend- build words from individual sounds by blending the sounds together in
o Eg: learner blends the sounds /m/ // /m/ to form the word “mom”
 Segment- involves breaking words down into individual sounds or syllables
o Eg: carry out a segmentation cheer activity
TSLB 3073 READING AND WRITING TOPIC 1 Approaches To Teach Reading

Whole Language

What is whole language?

 Predicated on the principle that children could learn to read given

o Proper motivation
o Access to good literature
o Many reading opportunities
o Focus on meaning
o Instruction to help students use meaning clues to determine the pronunciation
of unknown words
 emphasis on identifying words using context and focusing only a little on the sounds

Sight Word

 enable reader to recognize words instantly

Techniques for teaching sight words

 Drill-like activities
 Flash the word in front of the pupils while saying the word aloud
 Give pupils opportunities to use the word they have learnt in labelling pictures
 See the words by labelling objects
 Play games like bingo that require repeated us of the words
 Read simple stories which use the words they are trying to learn
 Ask the pupils to make up these stories
 Ask pupils to use old words and new to make sentences of their own

Reading Aloud

 Means reading aloud, engage students in texts that they might not be able to read
 Expand their imaginations, provide new knowledge, support language acquisition,
build vocabulary, promote reading as a worthwhile, enjoyable activity


 Reading aloud makes complex ideas more accessible to students and exposes
them to vocabulary
 The reader’s pause and emphases allow students to better understand the
phrasing and fluency of the language and to hear new vocabulary and the way the
words are used
TSLB 3073 READING AND WRITING TOPIC 1 Approaches To Teach Reading

Language experience

 It combines all four language skills

 A centred around a learner- generated text

Step 1: A shared Experience

 Something the class does together, a field trip/ experiment/ hands-on activity
 A sequence of pictures can be used

Step 2: Creating the text

 Teacher and students, as a group recreate the shared experience

 Large-group discussion, teacher transcribed the words on board in an organized
way to create the text

Step 3: Read and Revise

 Class reads the story aloud and discusses it

 Make any corrections or additions, marks the changes and makes further

Step 4: Read and Reread

 Final story be read in a choral or echo style

 Read in small groups or pairs, and then individually

Step 5: Extension

 can be used for a variety of literacy activities like illustrations or creating

comprehension questions

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