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Generativity versus stagnation is the During this time, adults strive to

seventh of eight stages of Erik Erikson’s create or nurture things that will
theory of psychosocial development. outlast them; often by parenting
This stage takes place during middle children or contributing to
adulthood between the ages of positive changes that benefit
approximately 40 and 65. other people. Contributing to
society and doing things to
Generativity refers to "making your
benefit future generations are
mark" on the world through caring for
important needs at the
others as well as creating and
generativity versus stagnation
accomplishing things that make the
stage of development.
world a better place.
Stagnation refers to the failure to find a
way to contribute. These individuals
may feel disconnected or uninvolved
with their community and with society
as a whole.
Those who are successful during this
phase will feel that they are contributing
to the world by being active in their
home and community.
Those who fail to attain this skill will
feel unproductive and uninvolved in the
Anatomy and Physiology
The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse
for good bacteria, “rebooting” the digestive system after diarrheal illnesses. Other experts believe
the appendix is just a useless remnant from our evolutionary past

The appendix is a closed-ended, narrow tube up to several inches in length that attaches to the
cecum , the first part of the colon, like a worm. The anatomical name for the appendix is
vermiform appendix which means worm-like appendage. It's pencil-thin and normally about 4
inches (7 cm) long. The appendix is usually located in the right iliac region, just below the
ileocecal valve (designated McBurney's point) and can be found at the midpoint of a straight line
drawn from the umbilicus to the right anterior iliac crest. The inner lining of the appendix
produces a small amount of mucus that flows through the open center of the appendix and into
the cecum.
The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system for making
antibodies. During the first few years of life, the appendix functions as a part of the immune
system, it helps make immunogobulins. But after this time period, the appendix stops
functioning. However, immunoglobulins are made in many parts of the body, thus, removing the
appendix does not seem to result in problems with the immune system.
Like the rest of the colon, the wall of the appendix also contains a layer of muscle, but the
muscle is poorly developed.

Subjective Acute pain After 5hours of  assess the status of  Useful in monitoring  After 5hours of
related to post- nursing intervention pain:the state, effectiveness of medication, nursing
“masakit ang aking
operative the patient will be able location and progression of healing. inntervention the
tahi” as verbalized
wound to: characteristics Changes in characteristics of patient was able to
by the patient pain
secondary to pain may indicate report pain is
scale of 7/10
Report pain is  Provide accurate, developing relieved as
relieved/controlled. honest information to abscess/peritonitis, requiring evidenced pain
Appear relaxed, able prompt medical evaluation scale of 4/10.
to sleep/rest  Administer analgesics and intervention.
Stiches appropriately. as indicated.
 Being informed about
Facial grimace  Provide diversional progress of situation
activities provides emotional support,
helping to decrease anxiety
 Keep NPO/maintain
NG suction initially.  Relief of pain facilitates
cooperation with other
therapeutic interventions,
e.g., ambulation, pulmonary
 Refocuses attention,
promotes relaxation, and
may enhance coping
 Decreases discomfort of
early intestinal peristalsis
and gastric

Objective Impaired within 4 hours of  Monitor site of  Systematic inspection can After 4 hours of immediate
Tissue immediate post- impaired tissue identify impending problems post-operative nursing
Post op wound
Integrity operative nursing integrity for early. intervention the goal was met
Stiches related intervention the color changes,  Individualize plan is necessary as evidenced of no presence of
mechanical patient will redness, according to patient’s skin inflammation, redness, or
Tender to touch interruption of manifest intact purulent discharges
swelling, condition, needs, and
Skin and tissue the skin skin as warmth, pain, or preferences.
color is pale secondary to evidenced by other signs of  Each type of wound is best
appendectomy infection. treated based on its etiology.
Swelling around absence of
Skin wounds may be covered
initial injury inflammation  Monitor status
and, redness, with wet or dry dressings, topical
of skin around
purulent creams or lubricants,
wound. Monitor
hydrocolloid dressings Each type
discharges on patient’s skin
skin or operative of wound is best treated based on
care practices,
site its etiology. Skin wounds may be
noting type of
covered with wet or dry
soap or other
dressings, topical creams or
cleansing agents
lubricants, hydrocolloid
temperature of
 This technique reduces the risk
water, and
for infection.
frequency of
skin cleansing.
 Provide tissue
care as needed.
 Keep a sterile
technique during
wound care.

Objective Risk for Achieve timely wound  Practice and instruct in  Reduces risk of spread The patient achieved
infection healing; free of signs good handwashing and of bacteria. timely wound healing as
Tender to touch
of aseptic wound care.  Provides for early evidenced by free from
Redness infection/inflammation, Encourage and provide detection of signs of inflammation and
purulent drainage, perineal care. developing infectious fever.
Swelling around erythema, and fever process and monitors
initial injury  Inspect incision and
resolution of
dressings. Note
preexisting peritonitis.
characteristics of drainage
 Suggestive of presence
from wound (if inserted),
of infection or
presence of erythema.
developing sepsis,
 Monitor vital signs. Note abscess, peritonitis.
onset of fever, chills,  Antibiotics given
diaphoresis, changes in before appendectomy
mentation, reports of are primarily for
increasing abdominal prophylaxis of wound
pain. infection and are not
 Administer antibiotics as postoperatively.

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