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Sinha, Subhadra Arun, et al.

“Efficacy of Sciatic Nerve Block for Pain Management in below

Knee Orthopaedic Surgery.” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR, JCDR

Research and Publications (P) Limited, 4 Sept. 2016

I will use this article in order to show the relevance of the sciatic nerve in many back L4

and L5 pain treatments in the lower back. Such implementation can cure chronic back pain for

war victims. This idea adds to the fundamental research that thrusts this idea of utilizing the

sciatic nerve through a study conducted in india about the feasibility of blocking this nerve

during orthopedic surgeries in order to hinder the effects of pain during surgery and the after

effects which affects a multitude of people.This source was very helpful in order of showing a

different perspective the sciatic nerve can take place in, highlighting the importance of such a

nerve. This technique of numbing the sciatica nerve is an outlook I plan to look into, when

placed into other categorizes as well. My goal is to see how effective this technique will be in

helping chronic back pain in all humans, especially those in surgery.

I can make use of this source in my implementation section of my presentation/paper

due the direct correlation with pain management and the numbing of the region have in

common. This can actually make a difference in medicine in general A quick summary/notes of

the paper is a experiment that makes use of qualitative data in an experiment with 40 patients

which is well over 30 allowing the Central Limit Theorem to make the research legible. The

researchers extrapolate their findings, but cannot make clear conclusions about the results of

numbing to all patients since this experiment was not repeated.The patient’s phantom pain

subsided by 50% reduction in the amount of pain stimulated. The experiment took place in India

with multiple doctors from India Poona’s Research center and Hospital ward. Their experiment

was peer reviewed allowing more than enough credibility.

This source added to the vast knowledge of the implementation of sciatica nerve as a

way to reduce pain during surgery. It fits directly into my research since it is related to the

sciatica nerve. I will explore this branch when researching my prototype to significantly reduce

pain that occurs due to the sciatica nerve.

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