Central Mechanisms in Phantom Limb Perception

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B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s r e v


Central mechanisms in phantom limb perception: The past,

present and future

Melita J. Giummarra a,b,⁎, Stephen J. Gibson b,c ,

Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis a , John L. Bradshaw a
Experimental Neuropsychology Research Unit, School of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, Monash University,
Clayton VIC 3800, Australia
National Ageing Research Institute, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Caulfield Pain Management and Research Centre, Caulfield, VIC, Australia


Article history: Phantom limbs provide valuable insight into the mechanisms underlying bodily awareness
Accepted 28 January 2007 and ownership. This paper reviews the complexity of phantom limb phenomena
Available online 1 February 2007 (proprioception, form, position, posture and telescoping), and the various contributions of
internal constructs of the body, or body schema, and neuromatrix theory in explaining these
Keywords: phenomena. Specific systems and processes that have received little attention in phantom
Phantom sensation limb research are also reviewed and highlighted as important future directions. These
Phantom pain neuromatrix include prosthesis embodiment and extended physiological proprioception (i.e., the
Mirror neuron extension of the body's “area of influence” that thereby extends one's innate sense of
Body schema proprioception), mirror neurons and cross-referencing of the phantom limb with the intact
limb (and the related phenomena of perceiving referred sensations and mirrored
movements in the phantom from the intact limb). The likely involvements of the body
schema and the body–self neuromatrix, mirror neurons, and cross-callosal and ipsilateral
mechanisms in phantom limb phenomena all suggest that the perception of a “normal”
phantom limb (that is, a non-painful phantom that has the sensory qualities of an intact
limb) is more than likely an epiphenomenon of normal functioning, action understanding
and empathy, and potentially may even be evolutionarily adaptive and perhaps necessary.
Phantom pain, however, may be a maladaptive failure of the neuromatrix to maintain global
bodily constructs.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
2. Proprioception of the phantom limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
2.1. Distorted perception of the phantom limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
2.2. Telescoping of the phantom limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

⁎ Corresponding author. Experimental Neuropsychology Research Unit, School of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine,
Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia. Fax: +61 3 9905 3948.
E-mail address: melita.giummarra@med.monash.edu.au (M.J. Giummarra).

0165-0173/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
220 B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

3. Prosthesis use and embodiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

4. The cortical origins of phantom limb phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
4.1. The body schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
4.2. The neuromatrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
4.3. Phantom phenomena problematic for current theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
4.4. Mirror neurons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
4.4.1. Mirror neurons and action understanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
4.4.2. Mirror neurons and empathy for pain in amputees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
4.5. Cross referencing between the intact limb and the phantom limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
4.5.1. Mirrored sensation and movement from the intact limb to the phantom limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
4.5.2. Experimentally induced sensory and motor coupling between the phantom and real limb . . . . . . 227
5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

1. Introduction Brugger et al., 2000), and “pain matrix” mirror system

(Giummarra et al., 2006a) (Section 4.4, below). The pain matrix
Phantom limbs are a seemingly curious phenomenon, never- refers to the pain-related network that primarily includes the
theless perceived by up to 98% of amputees following secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), insular regions, the
amputation (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998), nerve avul- anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and the movement-related
sion (Melzack, 1992), or spinal cord injury (Bors, 1951; Braun et areas such as the cerebellum and supplementary motor area
al., 2001; Le Chapelain et al., 2001; Mikulis et al., 2002; Moore et (Singer et al., 2004). Through the mirror neuron system,
al., 2000), and by about 20% of children with congenital limb amputees with phantom sensations may have a greater
aplasia (Melzack et al., 1997). Phantom pain is experienced by “postural empathy” for others such that they are better able
up to 80% of amputees (Kooijman et al., 2000; Sherman, 1994), to match their own body schema against the observed bodies
with pain usually characterised as either (a) burning, tingling, of others, and are thus potentially more likely to have a bodily
or throbbing; (b) cramping or squeezing; and (c) shocking or experience that resembles that observed in others. The
shooting (Sherman, 1994). Phantom sensations are perceived mechanisms of cross-referencing the phantom limb with the
immediately after limb loss by most amputees (Ramachan- opposite limb are also considered (Section 4.5, below). This
dran and Hirstein, 1998); however for some, they may emerge review proposes that – with the likely involvement of the body
years or even decades after limb loss. The duration of schema, mirror systems, and cross-callosal and ipsilateral
phantom limb perception also varies between individuals, projections in phantom limb phenomena – the perception of a
and phantom sensations may be perceived for anything from “normal”, non-painful phantom limb is very likely to be an
a few days to weeks, months, years or even decades after limb epiphenomenon of normal functioning, action understanding
loss before they fade completely, if at all (Kooijman et al., 2000; and empathy, and potentially even evolutionarily adaptive and
Machin and Williams, 1998). perhaps necessary.
Phantom sensations are reported most commonly follow-
ing the amputation of an arm or leg, or some part thereof
(Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998), although they have also 2. Proprioception of the phantom limb
been reported following removal of the breast (Aglioti et al.,
1994; Bressler et al., 1955; Jamison et al., 1979), penis (Fisher, Phantom limbs are generally perceived to occupy veridical
1999), eye (Sörös et al., 2003), teeth (Marbach, 1993), bladder body space – being of a particular size, shape and posture – and
(Arcadi, 1977; Biley, 2001; Brena and Sammons, 1979) and may be perceived to be completely paralysed, or under the
rectum (Cherng et al., 2001; Farley and Smith, 1968; Ovesen et amputee's volitional control (Roux et al., 2001), or to move
al., 1991). Phantom sensations following removal of visceral spontaneously or reflexively (Ramachandran and Hirstein,
organs may be painful in nature (for example, menstrual pain 1998). The phantom limb is generally described as adopting a
following hysterectomy or phantom pain that resembles pre- “habitual” position and posture (e.g., partially flexed at the
surgical pain) and tend to be characterised by functional elbow with the forearm pronated), resting at the side of the
sensations; for example, sensations of urination or erection body, or in a posture that resembles the posture of the limb
following penis removal (Fisher, 1999; Weinstein, 1998). prior to amputation (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998).
The present paper reviews the literature on the perceived Spontaneous changes in posture of the phantom limb are
“body space” of phantom limbs, their interaction with also common in amputees (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998)
prosthetic devices, and the evidence that the body schema and in (normal) patients who are under anaesthesia (Bromage
(Section 4.1, below) plays an integral role in phantom limb and Melzack, 1974; Melzack and Bromage, 1973). Henderson
perception. Current theories of phantom limb perception are and Smyth (1948) reported that the phantom tends to be
also reviewed, including Melzack’s (1990) neuromatrix theory “correctly aligned to the stump with which it moves” (p. 90).
(Section 4.2, below), and the more recently proposed roles of Often, however, the phantom limb may be perceived to be
the fronto-parietal mirror neuron system (Brugger, 2006; stuck in a fixed position (Devor, 1997) and sometimes to
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2 221

dissociate from the stump, particularly when the latter is out the lower limbs, as occupying anatomically unrealistic and
of view (Fraser, 2002; Halligan, 1999; Wright et al., 1997). In one unnatural postures; for example, feeling “like the toes are all
of the few studies to address phantom limb proprioception turned down under the bottom of the foot”, that each digit was
specifically, Fraser (2002) found that 63% of her sample felt somehow twisted so that “each toe pointed in a different way”
that their limb remained in a fixed position when they moved (Conomy, 1973), or that the legs were “twisted”, “crossed”, or
other body parts. The perceived position of a limb in non- “blown up” (Bors, 1951). In normals, the perception of
amputees (Gross and Melzack, 1978), and phantom limbs in anatomically impossible limb positions can be induced
paraplegics (Bors, 1951; Conomy, 1973; Hill, 1999) and (normal) using muscle and tendon vibration; for example, when
patients under anaesthesia (Bromage and Melzack, 1974; Craske (1977) vibrated and passively stretched the biceps
Melzack and Bromage, 1973), may also become dissociated brachii of his subjects, some reported varying degrees of
from the real position of that limb when it is occluded from hyperextension or hyperflexion of the joint, including the
sight. (non-painful) perception that the “the arm is being broken”,
While memories of the limb immediately prior to amputa- “it is being bent backwards”, or that “my hand is going
tion may endure in the phantom (Katz and Melzack, 1990; through my shoulder”. Other studies have described illusory
Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998; Riddoch, 1941), these limb displacement, including the hand being bent back
memories do not determine the constant or continuing towards the dorsal surface of the forearm (Craske, 1977), or
posture of the phantom (Henderson and Smyth, 1948). For protruding down through a solid surface (Romani et al.,
example, while patients are under brachial plexus nerve block 2005); the forearm remaining stationary while the hand
for upper limb surgery (Melzack and Bromage, 1973), or continues to move downwards (Lackner and Taublieb, 1983);
epidural block for lower limb surgery (Bromage and Melzack, or extending the nose with the Pinocchio effect (Lackner, 1988).
1974), they experience phantom limbs that do not remain in Romani et al. (2005) found that the mirror neuron system
the same position as that occupied by the limb at the time of (see 4.4, below) reacts to both biomechanically possible and
anaesthesia. Rather, the limb was more likely to occupy one of impossible movements, and that it is able to detect which
a common repertoire of positions, in slight flexion, that would muscle would be involved in the actual execution of the
have been assumed by the limb outside of anaesthesia, and observed movement. These findings suggest that while
was unlikely to occupy random or unusual positions. Simi- central representations of the body are indeed able to code
larly, Fraser (2002) found that the majority of amputees in her for anatomically impossible limb positions, the actual
study indicated that their phantom limb took the general perception of such limb positions rarely occurs, even in a
shape or form of the limb prior to amputation, and many phantom limb, and is likely to be associated with the
reported that parts of the amputated limb were missing (61%), experience or anticipation of pain (Willoch et al., 2000); for
had shrunken or were shortened (28%), or had become example, see Armel and Ramachandran's (2003) study in
magnified (8%). Some amputees report the experience of a which the movement of a rubber finger (using the rubber
general awareness of the presence of a phantom limb that is limb paradigm1) into “painful” positions, when the subjects
without positional or sensory qualities (André et al., 2001; own hidden finger was moved slightly, induced responses
Fraser, 2002; Hunter et al., 2003). Phantom limb posture in associated with pain. With respect to phantom limbs, Hill
some patients with spinal cord injury also mirrors the position (1999) noted that distorted posture in a phantom limb may
in which the limb was last seen during the spinal cord trauma be more common following traumatic limb loss in which the
(Bors, 1951; Conomy, 1973; Ettlin et al., 1980). Furthermore, limb had been distorted by the accident. Alternatively, André
Ettlin et al. (1980) reported that phantom limb illusions were et al. (2001) suggest that phantom limbs may become
only perceived by patients who retained consciousness during seemingly deformed or dysmorphic as a result of ectopic
the spinal cord injury. activity in the stump (neuromas, ephapses, sprouting), or of
remapping in the somatosensory cortex, the thalamus or the
2.1. Distorted perception of the phantom limb dorsal column nuclei. Empirical research on the mechanisms
underlying distorted or disfigured phantom limbs is, how-
In rare instances, the phantom limb takes on a posture that is ever, lacking.
abnormal, distorted or disfigured. Generally, amputees report
that they can move their phantom limb through normal, but 2.2. Telescoping of the phantom limb
usually limited, ranges; however, a small percentage report
that they can move the phantom limb through anatomically Phantom limbs may be perceived to be continuous and intact
impossible ranges or amplitudes (Price, 1976). Melzack (1992) resembling a normal limb, or telescoped so that the proximal
described two cases of phantom limbs in abnormal postures;
one where the phantom arm was extended from the
shoulder at a 90° angle and the individual felt that he must In the rubber limb paradigm, the subject's arm is hidden from
walk through doorways sideways, and another where the view – either behind a screen or under the table – and a life-sized
phantom arm was stuck behind the individual's back rubber model of the same arm is placed on the table in front of
them. The subject is instructed to fixate on the rubber limb, while
preventing him from sleeping on his back. Henderson and
two small paint brushes are used to simultaneously stroke the
Smyth (1948) also described a patient's anatomically unrea-
rubber hand and the subject's hidden hand. Within minutes,
listic perception of phantom fingers that were “grossly subjects report that they feel the touch on the rubber hand, not
twisted and interwoven”. Patients with spinal cord injury their hidden hand, as if their arm has embodied the fake rubber
may also perceive their phantom sensations, particularly in limb (Botvinick and Cohen, 1998; Ehrsson et al., 2004).
222 B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

portion of the limb is missing or has shrunken with just the representations in the somatosensory homunculus. While
more distal portion floating near, attached to, or “within” the telescoping was originally thought to be a sign of adaptive
stump (Flor et al., 2006; Solonen, 1962; Weiss and Fishman, plasticity, it tends to be related to increased levels of phantom
1963). While telescoping is commonly reported in the litera- pain (Flor et al., 2006). Telescoping of the phantom appears to
ture, the definition of this phenomenon is lacking and it is be associated with remapping of the distal portion of the
ambiguous whether telescoping refers to the displacement of phantom limb onto nearby regions of the cortex; for example,
relative position of the components of the phantom limb over movement of a completely telescoped phantom arm corre-
time, or whether it refers to active movement of the sponds to activity in the cortical region that represents the
components of the phantom limb in accordance with the shoulder, partially telescoped phantoms to activity in the
concept of actively retracting a telescope. The term appears to region of the arm and non-telescoped phantoms to activity in
have been used more often to refer to the former definition; the hand region (Flor et al., 2006). Flor et al. (2006) proposes
however, some authors have used the term either with the that the continued perception of an extended (i.e., non-
latter meaning or without clarifying the intended meaning; for telescoped) phantom limb might reverse maladaptive cortical
example, see Poeck's (1964) case description of a child whose changes, as the phantom continues to provide sensory
phantoms “gradually withdrew within the stump” when she feedback to the area that previously represented the ampu-
approached the wall with her arms, which were congenitally tated limb. Telescoped phantoms, on the other hand, activate
missing both forearms and hands. Also, comments such as areas remote from the limb representation (Flor et al., 2006),
Melzack's (1990) report that “sometimes the limb is slowly and such cortical reorganisation is strongly correlated with
telescoped into the stump” are ambiguous and could be phantom pain.
interpreted either way. In this paper, discussion about
telescoping of a phantom limb will refer to a phantom limb
that has shortened over time with the distal portion gradually 3. Prosthesis use and embodiment
perceived to be closer to the stump.
When a phantom limb becomes telescoped it usually does Amputees commonly feel that their phantom limb embodies
so in a “diffuse process, affecting most of the limb simulta- and thus becomes one with the prosthesis, and they often
neously, and not progressively, from the stump towards the confound their phantom limb with the prosthesis (André et
periphery” (Henderson and Smyth, 1948, p. 91). Consequently, al., 2001). Such embodiment may be associated with a two-
the remaining parts of the limb appear to become magnified way interaction between prosthesis use and phantom limb
because they maintain their original size. In some amputees perception. Initially, the pre-existing representation of the
telescoping may take place over a number of years, or may amputated limb in the body schema – which also likely
change from moment to moment or day to day. The phantom provides the template for phantom limb perception – may
limb is perceived to be telescoped in between 49 and 63% of come to provide a valuable neural template for prosthesis use.
cases, and this process generally begins within the first few Repeated use of the prosthetic limb may, in turn, reinforce the
weeks post-amputation (Carlen et al., 1978). The distal portion representation of the missing limb and thus reinforce the
of the phantom limb may subsequently disappear (Shukla et perception of phantom limb sensations.
al., 1982), or remain “dangling” from the stump in about 50% of This hypothesis is supported by Lotze et al. (1999) who
cases (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998). Phantom limbs found that upper limb amputees who use myoelectric pros-
apparently do not telescope in patients with spinal cord theses do not show cortical reorganisation, or phantom limb
transection, brachial plexus avulsion or in cases with pre- pain, compared with those who use either a cosmetic
existing peripheral nerve injury (Katz, 1992; Ramachandran prosthesis or no prosthesis. Amputees who use a prosthesis
and Hirstein, 1998), perhaps because there are conflicting extensively retain a different functional representation of the
representations of the deafferented body part according to amputated limb compared to non-prosthesis users, and the
visual and somatosensory afferents. endpoint of the amputated limb is perceived to be more distal
It is widely accepted that phantom limbs become tele- than it actually is (McDonnell et al., 1989). These findings
scoped because the distal portion of any limb is more strongly suggest that prostheses become embodied in the same way
represented in the cortex relative to the more proximal that a habitually employed tool does (Lewis, 2006; Yamamoto
regions of the limb (Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998). The and Kitazawa, 2001), and preserve the biological representa-
upper limbs, compared with the lower limbs, are more tion of the amputated limb; that is, the bimodal neurons in the
diffusely represented throughout the cortex as they are posterior parietal cortex that code peripersonal space appear
integral in fine unimanual and bimanual motor schemata, to be recoded to represent space accessible to a handheld tool –
and this disparity manifests in more rapid telescoping of the e.g., rake or screwdriver – in monkeys (Iriki et al., 1996) and
lower compared with upper limbs (Henderson and Smyth, neurologically intact humans (Maravita et al., 2003; Yamamoto
1948; Jones, 1988; Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1998). Over and Kitazawa, 2001; Yamamoto et al., 2005). Essentially, it
time, the more weakly represented regions of the limb may appears that the prosthesis is incorporated into the body
“fade from consciousness” while the distal portion of the limb schema and becomes part of a coherent internal model of the
becomes attached to the stump, perhaps as a result of body (Murray and Fox, 2002), and this contributes to the
changes in receptive fields, cortical reorganisation or changes relative facility and rapidity with which amputees can learn to
in stump sensitivity (Hill, 1999). Katz (1992) suggested that the control a prosthesis (André et al., 2001; Murray, 2004).
perceived distance between the phantom and the stump may While using a prosthesis, the amputee's bodily experience
be a function of the distance separating their respective is generally one of being whole, such that the prosthesis is felt
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2 223

to be a “part of them” (Murray, 2004), and they phenomen- monitored by visual input and defined by the boundaries of
ologically have a normal and intact body (André et al., 2001; body parts and their proximity to other body parts and objects.
Giummarra et al., 2006b). The prosthesis may be described as Finally, the body schema, in brief, is the internal, dynamic
being embodied by, or fused with, the phantom limb (Gow et representation of the spatial and biomechanical properties of
al., 2004). The perceived convergence between phantom limb one's body, and is derived from multiple sensory and motor
and prosthesis helps to coordinate movement and maintain inputs that interact with motor systems in the generation of
fluid and natural motor control over the prosthesis (MacLa- actions. It is the body schema that is implicated in providing a
chlan et al., 2004a). For some amputees, when the phantom template for the perception of phantom limbs following
limb is itchy, scratching the corresponding locus on the amputation or deafferentation.
embodied prosthesis can relieve the itch (Giummarra et al., Ongoing bodily experience is brought about by the “body
2006b; Gow et al., 2004), suggesting that the prosthesis is schema”, the plastic and dynamic representation of the body
represented in the contralateral somatosensory cortex in the that is constantly being modified and updated. Head and
same region as the phantom limb, and that the visual Holmes (1911–1912) are often credited for coining the term
feedback that parts of the prosthesis are being stimulated is “body schema”; however, Maravita (2006), and Holmes and
centrally processed and thus perceived as if the phantom limb Spence (2006) highlighted that Münk, in 1890, had previously
is being stimulated. considered the concept of an organised spatial representation
Future research. The relationship between phantom limb of the body with respect to the world, and Bonnier, in 1905, had
sensations, prosthesis use and embodiment is still not well introduced the term schema to this concept. The main
understood. There is limited research to inform us of whether systems that contribute to the properties of the body schema
and how phantom sensations and phantom pain differ include: (a) proprioceptive and somatosensory systems, (b)
according to the use of a prosthesis, or the type of prosthesis vestibular system, (c) visual system, and (d) movement
used. Our understanding of tool embodiment and extended systems and efference copy—that is, the neural copy of a
physiological proprioception – that is, the extension of the movement command that is sent to the parietal cortex to be
body's “area of influence” that also extends one's innate sense mapped onto the body schema to generate expected sensory
of proprioception (Gow et al., 2004) – could benefit greatly outcomes (McGonigle et al., 2002), and to the premotor cortex
from research on prosthesis embodiment. Experimental in preparation for rapid corrective adjustment of movements
research could adopt the rubber limb paradigm (Botvinick when errors between the expected and actual sensory out-
and Cohen, 1998) to explore prosthesis embodiment. Studies comes are detected (Helmholtz, 1995; Lewis, 2006; Rinehart et
should examine prosthesis embodiment within a body al., in press). The body schema is fundamentally generated in
schema framework, and determine whether amputees with the parietal cortex – particularly the multimodal cells in the
phantom sensations (particularly those with complex sensa- superior parietal lobule (Lewis, 2006), parieto-insular region
tions) differ in adaptation to prosthesis use compared with (Ventre-Dominey et al., 2003) and the temporo-parietal junc-
other amputees without phantom sensations. Additionally, it tion (Blanke and Arzy, 2005) – together with inputs and
is unknown whether prosthesis embodiment varies between outputs to various other cortical and subcortical regions.
upper limb and lower limb amputees, whose missing limbs Neurons in the parietal cortex are involved in mapping “real
biologically do (upper limb) and do not (lower limb) habitually space” relative to the body – that is, coding egocentric frames
use tools. These studies could also investigate whether of reference – based on the convergence of retinal, somaes-
amputees' perceptions of prosthesis embodiment vary thetic, proprioceptive, vestibular, and auditory signals relating
according to voluntary versus passive movement of the to the self and space, together with information about
prosthesis. Investigation of the interaction between phantom movements of the eyes, neck, trunk and limbs (Stein, 1992).
sensations and a prosthesis may provide valuable insight into Damage within the various sensory systems that contribute to
the interaction between internal constructs of the body and maintaining, updating or evoking templates of the body
the embodiment of a tool as a functional extension of the schema can result in various perceptual aberrations, including
body. denial of limb ownership in somatoparaphrenia (Aglioti et al.,
1996; Halligan et al., 1995b; Ramachandran, 1996), perceived
absence of body parts in asomatognosia (Arzy et al., 2006;
4. The cortical origins of phantom limb Schiff and Pulver, 1999), supernumerary phantom limbs
phenomena (Brugger, 2003; Mazzoni et al., 1997; Miyazawa et al., 2004;
Sakagami et al., 2002), disembodiment and autoscopic phe-
4.1. The body schema nomena in out-of-body experiences (Blanke, 2004; Blanke and
Arzy, 2005; Brugger et al., 1997), and magnification and
Many authors have highlighted the distinction between the shrinking of various body parts, or Alice in Wonderland
concepts of body image and the body schema (Gallagher, 1986; illusions, in somaesthetic aura (Kew et al., 1998).
Maravita, 2006). Recently, Schwoebel and Coslett (2005) high- The body schema consists of innate representations of the
lighted that there are at least three distinct types of body biological, evolutionary design and function of the human
representations. First, the body image is the lexical–semantic body and a repertoire of motor templates (e.g., hand–mouth
representation of the body including the names and functions coordination) designed to promote survival in infancy (Galla-
of body parts and relations between body parts and external gher et al., 1998). It also provides a neural platform for
objects. Second, the body structural description is a topological understanding and interacting with others throughout life
map of body part locations. These body part locations are (Brugger et al., 2000; Melzack, 1989). Phantom limb perception
224 B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

following congenital limb deficiency suggests that the brain further proposes that cramping pain and shooting phantom
may be genetically predisposed to represent a prototypical pain may arise from similar origins from spontaneous activity
human body, regardless of the correspondence or lack thereof associated with intention to move muscles; however, there is
between the ideal model and the actual body (Berlucchi and also evidence that cramping phantom pain is related to
Aglioti, 1997). The innate body schema is then retained and muscle tension in the residual limb (Sherman, 1994). Con-
modified throughout life experience (Melzack et al., 1997; tinued sensory input through stimulation and functional
Weinstein and Sersen, 1961; Weinstein et al., 1964). The range sensitivity of the residual limb and stump, however, may
of triggers that evoke or modify phantom sensations and pain preserve a “normal”, non-painful representation of the
provide evidence for the complex involvement of the various amputated limb in the body schema (Bittar et al., 2005; Lotze
systems likely involved in bodily awareness and perception in et al., 1999); for example, by providing continued sensory input
phantom limb phenomena, including stimulation of the via sensory discrimination training (the discrimination
vestibular system (André et al., 2001; Le Chapelain et al., between the frequency and/or location of sensory inputs,
2001), visual illusions of phantom limb embodiment using the such as electrical impulses (Flor et al., 2001)), myoelectric
mirror box [also see 4.5.2, below] (Ramachandran et al., 1995) prosthesis use, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
and tactile or somatosensory inputs from the stump and/or (TENS), or vibration.
remaining portion of the amputated limb (Melzack et al., 1997; The neuromatrix theory provides a valuable model for the
Saadah and Melzack, 1994; Wilkins et al., 2004). Additionally, perception of phantom phenomena, and particularly phan-
“forgetting” the limb loss and the performance of automatic tom pain, which, unlike sources of pain triggered by injury or
motor schemas with the phantom limb (e.g., attempts to lesion, is often triggered by supraspinal (e.g., affective,
answer the telephone or fend off a blow with the missing limb) emotional, and cognitive factors), peripheral (e.g., from the
can trigger phantom sensations and pain (Giummarra et al., residual limb/stump, or other sites) and environmental (e.g.,
2006a; Hill, 1999; Price, 1976; Ramachandran and Hirstein, changes in barometric pressure) experiences, as well as by
1998). The complex nature of phantom limbs suggests that the spontaneous ectopic activity at central, spinal or peripheral
same systems responsible for maintaining, updating and levels. A major limitation of the neuromatrix theory, however,
evoking internal representations of the body are responsible is that while it can broadly account for the various aspects of
for maintaining templates of the phantom limb. These phantom phenomena, it is possibly too broad and difficult to
sensory systems are further accounted for in Melzack's be tested empirically, particularly with respect to painless
(1989, 1990, 1992, 1996) neuromatrix theory of phantom limb phantom sensations.
4.3. Phantom phenomena problematic for current theory
4.2. The neuromatrix
There are many aspects of phantom limb experience that
Melzack's (1989, 1990, 1992, 1996) neuromatrix theory of current theory of phantom limb phenomena do not explain,
phantom limb perception extends theories of the body or which cannot be tested under current models. First, why
schema, and proposes that conscious awareness and percep- do some amputees with similar circumstances of limb loss
tion of the body and self are primarily generated within the experience no phantom sensations, some only painless
brain via patterns of activity (or neurosignatures) that can be phantom sensations, and some only phantom pain (as
triggered or modulated by various perceptual inputs. These amputees in our studies have reported)? Second, how do
inputs primarily include (a) somatosensory inputs (cutaneous, internal representations of the self (that is, templates of the
visceral and other somatic receptors), (b) visual and other body schema) interact with specific sensory afferents (e.g.,
sensory inputs that influence the cognitive interpretation of visual, proprioceptive, motor, vestibular) in relation to
the situation, (c) phasic and tonic cognitive and emotional phantom limb sensations? Third, how and why do phan-
inputs from other areas of the brain, (d) intrinsic neural tom limbs telescope actively? Fourth, why do phantom
inhibitory modulation inherent in all brain function, and (e) sensations continue to be perceived by some amputees,
the activity of the body's stress regulation systems, including while for others phantom sensations diminish, telescope or
cytokines as well as the endocrine, autonomic, immune and disappear over time? Fifth, why do some congenital and
opioid systems (Melzack, 1999). These inputs thus generate childhood amputees feel phantom sensations as adults,
the body–self neuromatrix primarily through the somatosen- even when they have never experienced a limb (e.g.,
sory, limbic and thalamocortical systems. absence of all four limbs as reported by Brugger et al.,
While multiple sensory inputs are integrated to create the 2000)? Sixth, why do people who desire amputation of a
body–self neuromatrix, amputation and deafferentation are healthy body part (Body Integrity Identity Disorder; BIID
commonly associated with cortical reorganisation, and spon- (Bayne and Levy, 2005; First, 2005)) perceive a conflict in the
taneous bursts of activity that produce output patterns that body–self neuromatrix such that their physical body does
resemble activity associated with pain and thus lead to the not converge with their phenomenological experience?
conscious experience of phantom pain (Melzack, 1999). For Would people with BIID perceive a phantom limb following
example, according to Melzack (1996) high-frequency bursts of amputation and if so, would this differ from other
activity associated with deafferentation may be interpreted as amputees without BIID? Seventh, why do some amputees
hot or burning pain, although there is evidence that burning experience phantom pain when they observe another
pain is associated with vascular mechanisms (i.e., a reduction person in pain (i.e., “empathic pain”), and does this relate
in blood flow in the stump) (Sherman, 1994). Melzack (1996) to how empathic one is? Finally, why do some amputees
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2 225

perceive sensations in the phantom limb that mirrors those in following congenital limb absence (Brugger, 2006; Brugger
the intact limb? While the neuromatrix theory may be a very et al., 2000; Price, 2006), we propose that they are also likely
adequate model for the complexity of phantom limb pain, to be central to the perception of phantom limbs following
non-painful phantom sensations are likely to also be related acquired limb loss.
to other complex central processes involved in bodily percep- Future research. The role of mirror neurons in phantom limb
tion, beyond the body schema. The latter include mirror perception is only just beginning to receive attention, and
neuron systems – particularly those involving movement much work is required to clarify its role in congenital and
(fronto-parietal mirror system), pain (anterior cingulate cortex acquired limb loss. In particular, research should examine the
and anterior insula), and touch (somatosensory and posterior relationship between action understanding and phantom
parietal cortices) – and mechanisms of cross-referencing limb perception and movement. For example, do amputees
between the phantom limb and intact limb (Giummarra et al., differ with respect to action perception and embodiment of
2006a). another's motor system (i.e., mirror system activity) according
to (a) whether they perceive phantom pain, phantom sensa-
4.4. Mirror neurons tions, or neither phantom pain or sensations; (b) whether they
perceive a “moveable” phantom limb compared with those
4.4.1. Mirror neurons and action understanding who perceive a phantom limb that is “paralysed”; and (c)
Mirror neurons have an integral role in the observation and whether they use a prosthesis, the type of prosthesis used and
understanding of goal-directed actions between an agent and the perceived embodiment of the prosthesis.
an object (Gallese, 2001; Rizzolatti et al., 1988). Mirror neurons
were initially identified by Rizzolatti et al. (1988) in the ventral 4.4.2. Mirror neurons and empathy for pain in amputees
premotor cortex in the macaque monkey. These neurons fired In addition to action understanding, mirror neurons are
not only while the monkey executed a goal-directed action, involved in other domains of perception and perceptual under-
but also when it observed another monkey, or the human standing, including emotion (Ruby and Decety, 2004), disgust
experimenter, perform the same goal-directed motor action. (Wicker et al., 2003), touch (Keysers et al., 2004), and pain
Essentially, in order to understand the actions of others one (Jackson et al., 2005; Morrison et al., 2004; Singer et al., 2004).
must match the action against one's own motor system, For example, mirror neurons are likely to be responsible for
simulating cortical activity in the same neurons that are the instinct to cringe or shudder when observing another
responsible for performing that action (Buccino et al., 2004; person in pain (Miller, 2005). We propose that the mirror
Fadiga et al., 2005; Rizzolatti et al., 2002). Following the neuron systems for touch and pain may be involved in
discovery of mirror neurons in monkeys, similar mirror maintaining the representation of a phantom limb, and in
neuron systems were identified in humans and were found some cases triggering phantom pain.
to result not only in action simulation in the motor cortex, but Mirror systems for touch, in the secondary somatosensory
also sub-threshold activity in muscles engaged in the cortex, were identified by Keysers et al. (2004) in people who
observed action (Fadiga et al., 2005). Essentially, activity in were touched or observed another person or non-biological
mirror neuron systems enables the observer to embody the object being touched. Synaesthesia for touch has also been
other's motivational system. described in a single case study (Blakemore et al., 2005): using
Amputees with phantom sensations may provide evidence functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Blakemore et
that efficient action understanding requires a mirror neuron al. (2005) investigated the neural networks involved in the
system that retains a representation of an intact and perception of touch in their synaesthete subject (C), and a
functioning body. Amputees may experience “somatic” or group of control subjects. Activations in the somatosensory
“postural” empathy during mirror neuron activity when cortex were significantly higher in C, compared with controls,
observing others using their limbs (Price, 2006). This process when she observed touch. An area in the left premotor cortex
may evoke phantom limb perception, or even the perceived was activated in C to a greater extent than in the non-
embodiment of another's movements without apparent synaesthetic group and the anterior insula cortex (AIC) was
phantom limb perception (Frank, 1986). Mirror neuron activity bilaterally activated in C, but there was no evidence of such
may thus both require and reinforce the representation of the activation in the non-synaesthetic group. The evidence
body and its functions within the body schema—even if a limb suggests that in C the mirror system for touch is disinhibited
has been amputated, in which case activation of mirror and involves activity that exceeds the threshold for conscious
neurons may reinforce the representation of the phantom tactile perception.
limb. Phantom limb perception in cases of congenital limb loss When observing another person in pain, we not only
supports the possible role of mirror neurons in the retention of consciously comprehend that the other is in pain, but we also
a representation of the missing limb within the body schema automatically interpret the experience throughout the same
(Brugger, 2006; Brugger et al., 2000; Funk et al., 2006; Price, cortical networks that mediate personal experience of pain.
2006). For example, the case of a 44-year-old amputee who was There is strong evidence that the AIC and the ACC are involved
born missing all four limbs, but who perceived vivid phantom in both the personal experience of pain and its empathic
limbs (Brugger et al., 2000), suggests that phantom limb experience (Jackson et al., 2005; Morrison et al., 2004; Singer et
perception may have evolved, at least in part, from the al., 2004). These same areas, associated with processing
habitual observation of other people moving their limbs, and physical pain, also process feelings of “emotional pain”, such
the continued activation of the innate body schema. While as social rejection (Eisenberger et al., 2003) or frustration (Abler
these mechanisms may explain phantom limb perception et al., 2005). The level of activity in the ACC is strongly
226 B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

correlated with an observer's ratings of the intensity of sensitised, by trauma, to pain. While the possible mirror
another's pain (Jackson et al., 2005). The ACC receives system activity for the lower limbs is not well understood,
projections from the superior temporal areas, which play a there is nevertheless some limited evidence for mirror-
role in semantic visual processing, and is probably involved in neuron-like activity in the lower limbs (Buccino et al., 2005;
the affective components of the “pain matrix” during empathy Bach and Tipper, 2007), despite the fact that they do not have a
for pain. The ACC has extensive outputs to the premotor and repertoire of meaningful or operant activities that could be
motor areas (Morrison et al., 2004), and there are similar motor involved in communicating, or understanding another's
action responses to a painful stimulus when it is either intentions, which seems to be a major role for mirror neurons.
personally experienced, or observed to be experienced by Future research. An important area of research includes
another person (Avenanti et al., 2005). These findings suggest investigating the role of mirror systems for pain in amputees
that there is empathic inference of the sensory qualities of who empathically feel phantom pain when observing another
another's pain, automatic embodiment of the observer's person in pain. Experimental research should examine the
motor system, and empathic activity in the autonomic factors that predispose amputees towards experiencing
nervous system's “flight” mechanism during empathy for empathically triggered pain; for example (a) aspects of
pain. traumatic experience; (b) whether sensitisation to pain is
Bradshaw and Mattingley (2001) reported the first clinical generalised or specific to the amputated limb; or (c) whether
case of feeling mirrored pain when observing another person the other's pain is generalised or specific to the amputee's past
in pain. This hyperalgesic man reported that he felt pain that pain experiences. It is not clear whether amputees who have
was immediate and intense, and appeared to be qualitatively observed injuries incurred by another person are more likely
similar to his own hypersensitivity to touch, when he saw his to experience phantom pain in general. Empathically triggered
wife hurt. Giummarra et al. (2006a) have described eight cases pain is likely to be present in other populations who have
who reported that their phantom pain is triggered by experienced recent trauma, such as childbirth or third-degree
observing, thinking about, or inferring that another person is burn victims. For example, consider the case of a woman who
in pain. The neuromatrix theory may suggest that this is due experienced a long painful childbirth, resulting in emergency
to triggering pain memories, or heightened activity in the caesarean section delivery, who experiences shooting pain
limbic system due to emotional distress. However, we propose from the groin that radiates down the legs when she is told of
that it is also probable that empathically perceived pain in the another person's traumatic experience (unpublished case).
phantom limb involves mirror system activity within the “pain
matrix”, which maps the observed pain onto the body schema 4.5. Cross referencing between the intact limb and the
(Giummarra et al., 2006a). This is a novel hypothesis and phantom limb
requires further research; for example, using the methodology
of past studies that have examined mirror system activity for 4.5.1. Mirrored sensation and movement from the intact limb
observed and perceived pain (Singer et al., 2004). Through to the phantom limb
mirror system activity, the sensory and affective qualities of While remapping and cortical reorganisation have received
the other's pain would be embodied and mapped onto the considerable attention in the phantom pain literature (for
observer's body schema (Schwoebel et al., 2002), leading to an example, see reviews by Flor, 2002; Flor et al., 2006), the role of
empathic motivational state of readiness for action (Avenanti transcallosal cross-referencing between the phantom limb
et al., 2005). It is of significance that only lower limb amputees and the intact limb has received somewhat less attention. The
have reported “mirror pain” (Giummarra et al., 2006a). The present review will focus on the perception of mirrored
experience of mirror pain only in the lower limb suggests sensation and movement from the intact to the phantom
heightened activity of the autonomic nervous system, as a limb. Giummarra et al. (2006a) reported that 13% of their
result of embodiment of the other's fight or flight dilemma, patients experienced phantom sensations that mirrored
which is more likely to involve (a) the lower limbs in readiness sensations from the intact limb, including: ache, pain or
for flight from danger, and (b) the urogenital system through injury; neuropathy or disability; posture/form; temperature;
the increased reflex urge to empty the bladder or bowels for touch and exteroception; itching and the ability to ease itch,
more efficient evasion of danger. Cortical reorganisation of the discomfort or pain in the phantom by scratching or rubbing
lower limb onto the homuncular-adjacent genitals is also the contralateral limb; and mirror movements. Mirror move-
associated with heightened phantom pain (Flor, 2002; Flor and ments have been described in an upper limb amputee during
Birbaumer, 2000). The genitals are highly involved in emo- passive and active movement of the intact hand (Halligan et
tional perceptual processes (Both et al., 2003; van der Velde and al., 1995a), and in one patient with a supernumerary “alien”
Everaerd, 2001), while the face – which is localised close to the limb subsequent to callosal lesion during active movement
upper limbs in the somatosensory homunculus – plays an only (Hari et al., 1998; McGonigle et al., 2002). Haigh et al. (2003)
emotionally expressive role. In summary, while there may be examined the phantom sensations in amputees who had been
mirror neuron activity in the pain matrix of non-amputees diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) prior to amputation.
and other healthy people without actual perception of pain, it These patients described sensations in the phantom that
appears that the mirror neuron system in some people, mirrored the RA symptoms perceived in the intact leg,
particularly lower limb amputees, may be disinhibited, lead- including stiffness and limited ability to move the joints
ing to empathically perceived pain when another is in pain. In freely, clawing of the toes, swelling in the ankle and/or knee,
amputees, mirrored pain may be perceived to be localised in and a desire to exercise the limb. Franz and Ramachandran
the stump and/or phantom limb, which has been pre- (1998) provide evidence that the phantom hand remains
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spatially coupled with the intact hand following amputation, reflection of his normal limb moving in the mirror in order to
as long as the amputee can conduct voluntary movements in induce the visual illusion that he has two intact limbs and that
the phantom. the intact limb is superimposed onto the felt position of his
Animal studies have shown that deafferentation is fol- phantom limb (Ramachandran, 1996). Ramachandran et al.
lowed by rapid cortical reorganisation contralateral to the (1995) reported that upper limb amputees who used this
deafferented limb (Donoghue et al., 1990; Sanes et al., 1988). technique feel their phantom arm move when they observe
These findings have been replicated in human studies (Brasil- their own arm, or the arm of the experimenter, move in the
Neto et al., 1993; Ziemann et al., 1998), together with evidence mirror. Four out of five of the amputees tested who had
that the motor cortex ipsilateral to the deafferented limb “clenching” spasms in their phantom limbs found instant
undergoes cortical reorganisation (Schwenkreis et al., 2003). relief upon looking into the mirror and opening “both” hands
Cortical reorganisation following deafferentation is thought to simultaneously. Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran
be based on various mechanisms, including unmasking of pre- (1996) examined intermanual referral in 10 upper limb
existing synapses by removal of local inhibition, strengthen- amputees using the mirror box paradigm, and found that (a)
ing of existing synapses in processes such as long-term three amputees perceived referred sensation that was topo-
potentiation, changes in neuronal membrane excitability, graphically organised such that touching the intact thumb
and axonal sprouting with the formation of new synapses elicited referred touch in the phantom thumb; (b) the referral
(Schwenkreis et al., 2003). Amputees who use a functional of touch, but not temperature or pain; (c) enhanced effects
prosthesis (Cruz et al., 2003; Hamzei et al., 2001), particularly a when mirror feedback was used to give the illusion of touching
myoelectric prosthesis (Lotze et al., 2001), exhibit less cortical the phantom hand; (d) movements of the real hand – either
reorganisation, highlighting that cortical reorganisation may passively or actively – were referred to the phantom hand in
be use-dependent. six amputees; and (e) referral was reported from the intact
Cross-referencing mechanisms, either at the spinal or hand and forearm up to a level corresponding to the
supraspinal level, clearly continue to function even after amputation of the other arm. Sathian (2000) also reported
deafferentation, particularly in amputees who can execute the intermanual referral of sensation to a hand rendered
voluntary phantom limb movements. The peripheral path- anaesthetic by stroke or surgery using the mirror box
ways involved in bimanual motor coupling endure in ampu- paradigm; however, these patients perceived “referred” sen-
tees, such that movement of a phantom limb corresponds to sation as pressure in the hidden, anaesthetic hand, regardless
the activation of motor neurons that once served the missing of the type of stimulation of the good hand, which included
hand, which reinnervate the stump muscles (Mercier et al., pain, cold, vibration or joint movement. Sathian (2000)
2006). Centrally, cross-referencing of the phantom limb to the proposed that following decreased somatosensory input
intact, contralateral limb may be related to the disinhibition from the anaesthetic hand, the neurons that correspond to
and strengthening of pre-existing commissural connections the anaesthetic hand may become disinhibited and respon-
between the cortical representation of the two limbs. Ordina- sive to input from the ipsilateral hand, input which, during
rily, these neural pathways are recruited to enhance perfor- moderately intense tactile stimulation, exceeds perceptual
mance of bimanual movements, and recruit local inhibitory threshold resulting in the perception of referred sensation.
interneurons during unimanual or antiphase movements Mirror box therapy has now been successfully used in both
(Carson, 2005). Unilateral movements – particularly move- upper (Oakley et al., 2002; Ramachandran, 1996) and lower limb
ments that are rapid and repetitive or involve force and effort – (Brodie et al., 2003; MacLachlan et al., 2004b) amputees to assist
are associated with an increase in the regional cerebral blood in voluntary movement of the phantom limb and alleviation of
flow in the ipsilateral motor cortex (Carson, 2005; Kew et al., phantom pain, and in some cases apparently causing the
1994), and enhanced interhemispheric interaction of the non- phantom limb to telescope (Ramachandran et al., 1995).
dominant hemisphere onto the dominant hemisphere Perceived illusions in the phantom limb are reported to be so
(Kobayashi et al., 2003). Following amputation or deafferenta- realistic that amputees claim they can see and feel their
tion, the perception of “referred” or mirrored sensation from phantom limb moving as if it was under their volitional control
the intact to the phantom limb may be related to altered (Ramachandran, 1996). Mirror box therapy has also been used
inhibitory mechanisms in these ipsilateral pathways, parti- by patients in the early and intermediate stages of Complex
cularly during high-threshold somatosensory or motor Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS, type 1) to reduce pain
afferents. associated with movement of the affected limb (McCabe et
al., 2003). Conversely, Acerra and Moseley (2005) found that
4.5.2. Experimentally induced sensory and motor coupling pain and paraesthesia could be induced in the affected limb of
between the phantom and real limb patients with CPRS (type 1) when corresponding areas of the
Illusions of touch and movement can be evoked in a phantom unaffected limb were passively stimulated and observed in the
limb, inducing somatosensory and/or motor coupling between mirror as if superimposed onto the affected limb. These
the phantom and real limb, using the additional sense of findings suggest that pain – at least pain associated with
vision with mirror feedback (Ramachandran, 1996; Ramachan- amputation and CRPS (type 1) – may be related to (a) mapping
dran et al., 1995). In the mirror box paradigm, a mirror is observed stimulation onto the body schema, already modified
positioned vertically in the centre of a box, the amputated by disease or pain, and (b) a mismatch or reafference (efference
limb and “phantom” are placed on one side out of view, and copy) between intention to move the phantom limb and the
the intact limb is placed so that the amputee can see its lack of proprioceptive feedback from the deafferented limb.
reflection. During mirror therapy, the amputee observes the Creating the illusion of convergence between sensory systems
228 B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 54 ( 20 0 7 ) 2 1 9–2 3 2

and efference copy may restore sensory and motor schemas are also involved in phantom limb perception, and require
of the body (Harris, 1999; McCabe et al., 2003; Ramachandran further research. First, the activation and disinhibition of
and Rogers-Ramachandran, 1996). various mirror neuron systems – including systems involved
Viewing a mirror reflection of one's hand conducting in action understanding, and empathy for touch and empathy
unilateral finger–thumb opposition movements, in normals, for pain – may both reinforce and require the representation of
facilitates activity in the ipsilateral motor cortex (Garry et al., the phantom limb in the body schema. Second, the potential
2005) and may indicate that commissural pathways are mechanisms underlying the interaction between the phantom
involved in evoking visual “capture” through mirror reflection, limb and the intact limb require clarification; in particular, the
probably via reduced intracortical inhibition. Illusory “phan- relative roles of the global body schema, transcallosal and
tom” movements in the paretic arm of right-brain stroke ipsilateral projections. With the likely involvement of the body
patients have been reported during mirror feedback of the schema and neuromatrix, mirror neuron systems, and trans-
normal right limb (Zampini et al., 2004), again suggesting that callosal and ipsilateral cross-referencing in phantom limb
the visual capture phenomenon is related to the dominance of phenomena, the perception of a “normal” (non-painful)
vision over somatic senses such as proprioception. This phantom limb is in the very least an epiphenomenon of
technique has important treatment implications not only for normal functioning, action understanding and empathy, and
reducing levels of phantom pain in amputees, and movement- potentially even evolutionarily adaptive and perhaps necessary.
related pain in CRPS (type 1), but also for restoring motor Phantom pain, on the other hand, may be a maladaptive
function following stroke. When stroke patients view the failure of the neuromatrix to maintain global bodily
mirror reflection of the good limb superimposed onto the constructs.
paretic limb, they would not only perceive the illusion of
enhanced movement of the impaired limb, but could also
trigger and restore neural activity in the deafferented motor Acknowledgments
Future research. The investigation of cross-referencing the We would like to acknowledge the two anonymous reviewers
phantom limb with other parts of the body is an area of who provided invaluable feedback on an earlier draft of the
research that has received little attention to date, but could be manuscript.
both theoretically and clinically invaluable. Future research
should investigate the relative role of internal global con-
structs of the body (the body schema), cross-callosal and
ipsilateral pathways on the perception of mirrored sensations
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