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Weeks 1-2

DAY ONE Write weights down

A. Deadlift 3x10 Abs:
A. Lunge Walks 3xdown  Planks 3-way 30s
and back (wt)  Hanging leg raises
B. Bench Press 3x12 or knees to elbow
B. DB Shrugs 3x12 3x20
(hold 2 sec)
C. Bicep Curls 3x12
C. Abs hip thrust 3x12
4 way neck exercise 3x10 (up, down, left, right)

Rest max: 1min 30s


 Jogging-5min
 Sprints- 5x50 yards (rest 30 sec)
 Jogging- 5min

DAY TWO Write weights down

A. Squat 3x12 Abs:
A. Farmers Walk 3x down  Toe touchers
and back (weighted hex (with plates) 3x25
bar or plates)  Crunchs 3x25
B. Bent over Barbell row  Twists 3x25
B. Push Press 3x12
C. Pull-ups 3x12
C. Wrist curls 3x12
4 way neck exercise 3x10 (up, down, left, right)

Rest max: 1min 30s


• Jogging-5min

• Ladder- 1 ft each sq, 2 ft each, sideways, ickey shuffle, in in out out, scissor, side jump two back one, 4 step in, hands 1 each sq, hands
2 each sq, hands sidway, hands 4 in.

• Cones- Zig zag using wrestling stance going forward. Square cones 5 yards apart sprint forward, shuffle stance, sprint back, shuffle

 Sprint shuffle- 5 times.

DAY THREE Write weights down

A. Incline Bench 3x12 Abs:
A. Bent over flys 3x12  Planks 3-way 30s
B. Bench Press 3x12  Hanging leg raises
B. Weighted Squat or knees to elbow
Jumps 3x10 3x20
C. Inverted Rows 3x20
C. Pinch Plates 3x30 sec
4 way neck exercise 3x10 (up, down, left, right)

Rest max: 1min 30s


 Jogging- 5 min
 Stairs- 3 laps sprint on track across to other side.
 Jogging- 5 min

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