A Vision For Hope & Prosperity For The Next Decade and Beyond

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A Vision for Hope & Prosperity

for the next decade and beyond.


A New Era of Leadership
to build a successful future at home patients the care they need, where
in your community. they live and when they need it.
The plan in this booklet lays out a A BC Liberal Government will be
vision for a brighter future that is guided by the principles and values
realistic, affordable and measurable. that are the pillars for prosperity.
We will focus your tax dollars on Fiscal responsibility. Free
the critical services that you want enterprise. Equality of opportunity
and deserve, while getting more and responsibility. Compassion
value for each dollar spent. for those in need. An unflagging
commitment to public health care,
We will act to build your trust and
education and public safety.
We want British Columbians to re-establish BC’s leadership role
excited about their future again. in Canada.We want our province Commitment to Canada’s
We want to create a New Era in to have the leading economy in the Constitution and equality under the
British Columbia. A New Era country, with the highest levels of law. Open and accountable decision-
of vision, imagination, hope private sector investment anywhere. making. Belief in a professional,
and prosperity. non-partisan public service.
We want our schools, universities
If you are a parent, we want you and colleges to be at the leading Those are the pillars for a New Era
to know that your children will have edge of educational achievement of hope and prosperity for all people
the education they need and the and excellence.We want our public who live here, in the best province,
economic opportunity they deserve health care system to guarantee all in the best country in the world.

Our Vision:
1. A top-notch education system for 6. The fastest growing technology industry
students of all ages. in Canada.
2. High-quality public health care services 7. A leading edge forest industry that is
that meet all patients’ needs where they globally recognized for its productivity
live and when they need it. and environmental stewardship.
3. A thriving private sector economy that 8. Greater equity and equality for British
creates high-paying job opportunities. Columbia in Canada.
4. Safer streets and schools in every 9. The most open, accountable and
community. democratic government in Canada.
5. Better services for children, families 10. Responsible, accountable management
& First Nations. of your public resources and tax dollars.

New Prosperity
British Columbians have always taken pride in our great province.We have the richest resources, the best location
and the most talented people anywhere.With all we have going for us in BC, we should be leading the way in
building new growth and prosperity. Our plan will put BC’s economy back on track.
BC Liberals will implement tax, fiscal and regulatory reforms that will fuel new growth, revitalize investment,
stimulate job creation and provide new opportunities for all British Columbians. It will bring prosperity back to BC.

A BC Liberal Government will:

• toPassmake
real Balanced Budget legislation, • Reform the NDP’s job-killing
balanced budgets mandatory Forest Practices Code to create
• Restore consumers’ right to Hydro
rates that are independently set by the
by our third full budget and to hold a results-based Code that eliminates B.C. Utilities Commission, and not
all ministers individually accountable. needless costs while maintaining artificially inflated by government

• Reduce the cost of government environmental standards. interference.

by increasing efficiencies, and
eliminating wasteful spending on
• Provide faster approvals and greater
access to Crown land and resources,
• Encourage job creation from viable,
independent power production
government mismanagement, to protect and create jobs in tourism, projects that will increase benefits
propaganda, and business subsidies. mining, forestry, farming, ranching, to consumers through greater

• burden
Reduce the “red tape” and regulatory and oil and gas production. competition.
on BC business by one-third
within our first three years.
• Work with the technology industry
to capitalize on the tremendous
• Pass a Community Charter to
outlaw provincial government

• Restore open tendering on

government contracts, to reduce
potential for growth and job creation
in exciting new sectors like bio-
“offloading” of costs onto municipal
governments, and to give local
costs and give all British Columbians technology, forestry technology, governments greater autonomy and
a fair chance to compete for work software development, multi-media, better planning tools to reduce
on taxpayer-funded projects. electronics and telecommunications. pressure on property taxes.

• Eliminate the NDP’s “fixed wage”

policy, to lower the construction costs
• Help BC’s tourism industry with
a plan aimed at improving tourism
• tax
Fight for BC’s fair share of federal
dollars through a fairer
of schools, hospitals, highways and operators’ ability to successfully equalization program and more
other capital projects. compete for visitors from around equitable distribution of federal
the world. government contract expenditures.
• Eliminate government subsidies
to businesses that give some taxpayer- • Aggressively support and champion • Push to eliminate interprovincial
subsidized businesses an unfair British Columbia’s bid to host the trade barriers that are hurting
advantage over their competitors. 2010 Winter Olympics. consumers, job creation and

• Restore workers’ democratic right • Push Ottawa for provincial control BC businesses.
to a secret ballot vote on certification
under the Labour Code and restore all
over BC offshore fisheries, to improve
fisheries management and protect jobs.
• Push to eliminate overlaps in area of
federal and provincial jurisdiction
workers’ right to negotiate contracts
by outlawing sectoral bargaining.
• Negotiate affordable, workable treaties
with First Nations that provide
that have added bureaucratic costs
and frustrated economic development
and sound management.
• Give workers and employers greater certainty, finality and equality.

flexibility in Employment Standards
to negotiate mutually beneficial
• Protect private property rights to
prevent government expropriation
Establish regional transportation
authorities, to give local communities
relationships that help them compete without fair compensation. control over transportation planning.
and prosper.

www.bcliberals.com 3
Higher Paycheques
Providing you with the tax relief that you need is a The reason is simple. Lower taxes leave more money
crucial part of building new prosperity.Tax relief in your pocket.You will spend that money in your
stimulates new investment and job creation.Tax relief community on services and goods.That spending
also helps to attract and retain skilled workers in areas creates jobs. More people working means more revenue
like health care and technology. It gives working to government, more money for health care and
families the resources they need to build a better education, and a higher standard of living for everyone.
quality of life. And it helps increase government
revenues needed to support health care and education.

A BC Liberal Government will:

• Introduce a dramatic cut in personal income taxes, within 90 days.
• Cut the base personal income tax rate to the lowest rate of any province in Canada for the bottom
two tax brackets, on the first $60,000 of income, within our first term.
• Honour this commitment without cutting funding for health or education.

Tax Relief Works

Tax relief has worked wherever it’s been tried. $19 billion 60%
Ontario Personal Income Tax
vs. Tax Rate
It has worked in Canada. Nine provinces have 58% 58%
$18 billion
reduced personal income tax rates between 1996 54%

and 2000. In every case revenues have increased. $17 billion

Since 1996, Ontario has cut its basic personal 48%

income tax rate by 20 points, and personal income $16 billion 48%


tax revenues have soared by over $3.3 billion.


$15 billion
Tax relief has worked in the United States. A 1995

report for the U.S. Congress Joint Economic $14 billion
Committee found that, from 1965 to 1993, 38.5%
$13 billion 36 %
the 25 low-tax states enjoyed growth in real per 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

capita income that was 32% higher than in the Revenue ($ Billion) —— Basic Income Tax Rate
(Sources: Canadian Tax Foundation, Ontario Public Accounts, Third Quarter Update)
25 high-tax states.
Tax relief has even worked in BC. After imposing massive tax hikes over the past decade, the NDP
introduced some miniscule cuts in 1999. Since then, personal income tax revenues increased by over $500 million.

Lower Taxes are a must
The truth is, the real threat to the revenues needed to Over the past decade, British Columbians’ real,
pay for health care and education isn’t tax cuts – it’s annual after-tax income has dropped by over $1,700
NDP tax hikes. As the chief economist for the Toronto per capita – the worst drop in Canada. Unbelievably,
Dominion Bank recently put it: “You cannot afford not to British Columbians’ average real disposable income
cut taxes, because you will not get the income growth you is now $2,216 lower than the average for Albertans.
need unless you have a competitive tax system.Without that This tax burden is undermining jobs, investment and
income growth you're not going to have the revenues to do all economic growth in BC.
the health care and education and all the other nice things That’s why BC Liberals are committed to giving you the
that you want to do.” tax relief you need.Within our first term in government,
BC will cut the personal income tax
rate to the lowest level in Canada for
the bottom two income brackets,

We must do better covering the first $60,000 of income.

And we want to do more. It’s the
surest way to fuel economic growth
BC is the only province in Canada where real per capita GDP did not
and job creation, to strengthen public
improve over the 1990’s. BC ranks last in private sector investment
services, and to build a New Era of
growth since 1992, and last in private sector employment growth since
hope and opportunity for everyone.
1996. For the first time in our history, BC now has a smaller economy
than Alberta – despite having one million more residents.
130% Average annual

take-home pay

Last in

Investment dropped by $1,738






over the last decade in BC


Private Sector
Investment Growth,

Alta NB Sask Man Nfld Ont NS Que PEI BC
(Source: Statistics Canada)
Average Real Per Capita After-Tax Income in BC
20% (1999 Constant $)

Last in


Employment Growth 15%


Private Sector $20,000 $20,509



Employment Growth,


1996-2000 $19,000



5% $18,000
Alta NS PEI Ont Que Nfld NB Man Sask BC

30% (Source: Statistics Canada)


1990 1999

(Source: Stats Canada, Provincial Economic Accounts)

Last in



It’s time to put our economy back on



top. It’s time to build a New Era of


Growth prosperity that will revitalize public
Real Per-Capita services for everyone. It’s time to give

GDP Growth,
0% 1992-2000 you the tax relief that you deserve, to
Nfld Sask Alta Ont Que NB PEI Man NS BC
(Sources: Stats Can., Provincial Economic Accounts; average private sector forecast, Feb. 2000.) put more money back in your
pocket, where it belongs.

www.bcliberals.com 5
A New Era for Health Care
Timely, effective healthcare – no matter where you live
All British Columbians must be able to receive the public health care they need, where they live and when
they need it. NDP cuts, waste and mismanagement have led to deteriorating patient care.
We will protect health funding, and establish provincial standards to ensure all British Columbians receive the
care they deserve and need.We will work with health care providers to develop a long-term strategic plan to
safeguard and improve patient care. By properly managing resources, we can ensure timely, effective health
care services for everyone.

A BC Liberal Government will:

Work with health care professionals, caregivers, administrators, community leaders, patient groups and
the public to develop a comprehensive 10 -Year Health Strategy for BC.As part of that plan, we will:

• Establish provincial health

standards that ensure all citizens in
• Fully fund and implement
the $125 million mental
• Give ambulance attendants better
access to training and better life-
every part of the province are health initiative. support and communications
entitled to equitable, reliable, high equipment needed to capitalize on
quality health services. • Focus funding on patient care, by
reducing waste in the system and those skills.

• Develop a 10-year human resource

plan, that properly provides for the
eliminating administrative dupli-
cation and costs from provincial
• Ensure that appointees to regional
health boards are representative of
training, recruitment and retention government mismanagement. their communities’ needs and
of physicians, nurses, specialists accountable for their performance
and other health care providers • Expand training programs for care
aides, licensed practical nurses and in meeting provincial health
in every area of the province, and registered nurses, in collaboration standards.
that addresses critical skills
shortages and staffing levels in
with our universities, colleges and
• Work with non-profit societies to
build and operate an additional
under-serviced areas. 5,000 new intermediate and long
• Maintain this year’s overall • Develop a Rural and Remote
Training Program that provides term care beds by 2006.
$9.3 billion budget for health.
(See 2001/02 Budget Reports,
forgivable loans to BC students
attending accredited nursing and
• Provide expanded home care and
palliative care services to assist
pg. 139). medical schools who agree to chronically and terminally ill
• Increase future health care funding
as economic growth increases
practice in a rural or remote
community in BC.
patients with supportive home
environments, as an option to
government revenues. institutional care.
• Increase the number of medical
• Provide health regions and
hospitals with 3-year rolling
school graduates over the next
five years.
• Intensify efforts to promote
wellness and preventative care
funding commitments (updated through better education, dietary
annually), to enable them to plan • Introduce a Rural and Remote
Training Support program that habits and physical activity.
and act with certainty. provides financial and travel
assistance to health care providers
• Establish a Rural and Remote
Health Initiative to ensure all
who want to update or upgrade families get the care they need,
their skills and training. where they live, when they need it.

A New Era for Education
Excellence in education for students of all ages
Children and students of all ages deserve the best public education possible.The NDP’s “one size fits all” approach
to education has forced schools to cut services and has compromised student learning possibilities.
We will protect education funding.We will establish
strong province-wide education standards, provide
multi-year funding envelopes to improve planning,
and give districts the financial flexibility to meet
students’ needs.We will protect parent volunteers,
invest in computers and in technical training for
teachers, to ensure our young people have the skills
and knowledge to compete with the world’s best and
win.We will create new opportunities and better
access to advanced education by investing in skills
training, research and development.

A BC Liberal Government will:

• Restore education as an essential
service under the Labour Code to
• Work with educators and employers • Work with employers, post-
to expand job training and skills secondary institutes and the
ensure that no child’s right to an development opportunities. Industry Training and
education is denied during school Apprenticeship Commission
strikes and lockouts. • Put more computers in schools
and increase resources to improve to increase training and
apprenticeships in trades
• outcomes
Establish specific goals and
to measure the success
computer literacy for students of
all ages. and technical sectors.
of educators in public schooling.
• Double the annual number of • Support the current 5% tuition cut
and tuition freeze and fully fund it
• Devote more of each education
dollar to improving the quality of
graduates in computer science,
and electrical and computer in the current fiscal year to offset
education, and less to bureaucracy. engineering, within five years. costs to post-secondary institutes.

• Give local school boards more • Establish a “Leading Edge • Strengthen our network of
colleges, institutes and on-line
autonomy and control over the Endowment Fund,” based on
delivery of education services, a cost-sharing partnership with learning throughout the province.
subject to provincial curriculum
and testing standards.
the private sector, to establish
20 permanent BC Leadership
• Increase research funding for
colleges, universities and institutes.
Chairs across the province in the
• Give school boards multi-year
funding envelopes, to improve fields of medical, social, environ- • Train more social workers to meet
the critical skills shortage that has
long-term education planning mental and technological research. developed under the NDP.
and budgeting. • Ensure that music, arts and
physical education curriculums
are fully funded in BC’s public

www.bcliberals.com 7
A New Era of Hope
From law and order, to the environment and resources, to
children in need, the services that government provides are
crucial to British Columbians’ quality of life.Those services
must be effective and accessible for all who rely upon them.
Through proper management and sound planning, we can
revitalize public services, restore hope, and build a better quality
of life for everyone.

A BC Liberal Government will:

• Adopt a scientifically-based,
balanced and principled approach
• Pass a Domestic Violence
Prevention Act that will afford
• Ensure auxiliary police officers
are properly trained and properly
to environmental management greater protection to women and armed.
that ensures sustainability, families and reduce domestic
accountability and responsibility. violence. • Scrap photo radar, to put police
officers back on the street,
• Protect and preserve Burns Bog. • Fight
child prostitution and youth
with specific legislation
enforcing the law.

• Pass a comprehensive Living Rivers

Act to protect and improve BC’s aimed at providing greater • Hold the line on court fees and
probate fees, to ensure that no
river systems with scientifically- protection to children at risk of British Columbian is denied their
based standards for watershed exploitation, and greater parental right of access to our justice system
management, measures to enhance responsibility for children who because of onerous costs.
fish habitat and a 10-year program commit crimes.
all laws are equally applied • Technology to help bridge the
Establish a Premier’s Council on
to correct past damage. • Ensure
and enforced for all British
• Create a BC Trust for Public
Lands to encourage and facilitate Columbians, consistent with the
“digital divide.”

the expansion of public lands rights guaranteed to all Canadians • Work with communications
under the Constitution. companies, Internet Service
through private land donations. Providers and local communities
• Enhance resources and training • Return 75% of all revenue from
traffic fines to the municipalities
to rapidly bring high-speed
for “front-line” social workers, to Internet access to all communities
improve the quality of services and that collect that money, to support in BC, using public assets like
decisions affecting children and community-based policing, crime roads, railways and power lines to
families. prevention and community youth leverage rapid growth in communi-
programs. cations infrastructure and
• Repeal the NDP’s attack on
pensioners that allows some • Stop the endless bureaucratic broadband Internet capabilities.
restructuring that has drained
pension plans to suspend the
pension benefits of early retirees resources from children and • Invite all Members of the BC
Legislature and all BC Members
who choose to supplement their family services. of Parliament to hold annual joint
income by continuing to work in
the same field of employment.
• Target child care funding to help
parents who need it most.
conferences aimed at publicly
identifying and overcoming issues
of regional alienation within
Canada and BC.

A New Era of
Public Service
Governments around the world are embracing important reforms to put the public interest first, and give people a
real voice in decision-making.With our talented people, skills and resources, British Columbia should be a leader in
providing public services that are accountable, accessible and efficient.
BC Liberals are committed to dramatically reforming government decision-making so that you have a real say in
how our province is run. Our goal is the most open, transparent and accountable government in Canada.

A BC Liberal Government will:

• Pass real Truth in Budgeting
legislation to ensure all provincial
• Hold open Cabinet Meetings at
least once a month to ensure
• Make BC a leader in electronic
government, to facilitate public
finances are fully and accurately Cabinet decisions on land use participation throughout the
reported under Generally issues like those involving the legislative process, improve
Accepted Accounting Principles. Agricultural Land Reserve, new efficiency, and improve access to
parks, land claims, and major services over the Internet.
• Pass Merit Employment
legislation, to restore a capital decisions are decided in
• Expand the preparation of
professional, non-partisan public public. government data and information
service, appointed strictly on
merit and not on patronage.
• Amend the recall and initiative
legislation to make it more
in digital formats, to increase
freedom of information and help
workable and easier for British reduce the cost of paper flow and
• Establish performance standards
and targets for all government Columbians to hold MLAs bureaucratic bottlenecks.
accountable, and to initiate
programs. Progress will be
measured, audited and published referendums on issues of province- • Ban all non-essential government
advertising in the four-month
in annual reports and on the wide concern. period prior to the fixed election
Internet, for all taxpayers to see. • Appoint a Citizens’ Assembly on
Electoral Reform, similar to how a
date, to prevent any opportunity
for partisan abuse of taxpayer-
• Introduce free votes in the
Legislature, to allow all MLAs to jury is selected, that will be funded advertising.
responsible for assessing all
vote freely on behalf of their
constituents on all matters not possible models for electing • Amend BC’s Constitution Act
within 90 days of our first
specifically identified as issues of MLAs, including proportional legislative session to establish fixed
confidence. representation, preferential ballots election dates, based on a four-
and “first past the post”. year term, to eliminate the
• tabling
Establish a fixed date for the
of the provincial budget, • The Assembly will hold public Premier’s ability to manipulate
and a set legislative calendar. hearings throughout BC, and if it the timing of elections for personal
recommends changes to the or partisan purposes.
• Eliminate the use of Special
Warrants, to prevent the ability of
current electoral system, that
option will be put to a province- • Amend the Election Act to
the government to increase budget eliminate the loopholes on
wide referendum. disclosures of financial contri-
expenditures without prior
legislative approval. • Give all-party Legislative
committees a vital role in policy-
butions to political parties and to
include donations of labour, as
• Give all British Columbians a
direct say, by way of referendum,
making.The committees will
travel to every region of the
required in municipal elections.

on the principles that will guide

the Province’s approach to
province and conduct hearings • for
Establish a “Waste Buster” Website
taxpayers to help identify, report
that are open to the public and and stamp out government waste.
treaty negotiations. media, with all recommendations
submitted to government and
posted on the Internet.
• Outlaw donations from charities
to political parties.

www.bcliberals.com 9
George Abbott
Farmer / College Instructor
Val Anderson
(Vancouver – Langara)
The BC Liberal
Tony Bhullar Harry Bloy Shirley Bond Jeff Bray Elayne Brenzinger Susan Brice Graham Bruce
(Surrey – Newton) (Burquitlam) (Prince George – (Victoria – Beacon Hill) (Surrey – Whalley) (Saanich South) (Cowichan – Ladysmith)
RCMP Lawyer Telecommunications Mount Robson) Provincial Government Executive Director Better Business Bureau Small Business Owner
Business Owner School Trustee Policy Analyst Charitable Organization Executive Director

Rich Coleman Michael de Jong Kevin Falcon Gary Farrell-Collins Stan Hagen Greg Halsey-Brandt
(Fort Langley – Aldergrove) (Abbotsford-Mt. Lehman) (Surrey – Cloverdale) (Vancouver – Fairview) (Comox Valley) (Richmond Centre)
Business Lawyer Business Owner Pilot / Flight Instructor Construction Company Manager Mayor / Town Planner

Gordon Hogg Mike Hunter Daniel Jarvis Ken Johnston Brian Kerr Kevin Krueger Daniel Lee
(Surrey – White Rock) (Nanaimo) (North Vancouver – Seymour) (Vancouver – Fraserview) (Malahat – Juan de Fuca) (Kamloops – North Thompson) (Vancouver – Hastings)
Former Mayor Business Consultant Realtor Business Person Business Manager / Insurance Manager Councillor
Chartered Accountant

We need your help

Gordon Campbell
(Vancouver – Point Grey)
Former Mayor / Educator / Business
a BC Ted Nebbeling
(West Vancouver – Garibaldi)
Former Mayor / Small Business
Paul Nettleton
(Prince George – Omineca)

Richard Neufeld Rob Nijjar John Nuraney Sheila Orr Barry Penner Geoff Plant Judith Reid
(Peace River North) (Vancouver – Kingsway) (Burnaby – Willingdon) (Victoria – Hillside) (Chilliwack – Kent) (Richmond – Steveston) (Nanaimo – Parksville)
Small Business / Oil and Gas Public Relations Consultant Small Business Owner Small Business Owner / Park Ranger / Lawyer Lawyer Shellfish Farmer

Lynn Stephens Ken Stewart Richard Stewart Blair Suffredine Ralph Sultan Rick Thorpe
(Langley) (Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows) (Coquitlam – Maillardville) (Nelson – Creston) (West Vancouver – Capilano) (Okanagan – Westside)
Small Business / Realtor Farm Manager Government Relations Lawyer / Small Business Person Economist Small Business / CMA
Team Bill Barisoff
( Penticton – Okanagan Valley)
Pat Bell
(Prince George North)
Small Business / Agriculture Small Business Owner / Logger
Bill Belsey
(North Coast)
Metallurgical Technologist
Bill Bennett
(East Kootenay)

Gulzar Cheema Ida Chong Tom Christensen Dave Chutter Christy Clark Walt Cobb Murray Coell
(Surrey – Panorama Ridge) (Oak Bay – Gordon Head) (Okanagan – Vernon) (Yale – Lillooet) (Port Moody – Westwood) (Cariboo South) (Saanich North & the Islands)
Physician / CGA / Former Councillor Lawyer Farmer Public Service Small Business Owner / Former Mayor / Social Worker
Former Manitoban MLA Former Mayor

Arnie Hamilton Colin Hansen Roger Harris Randy Hawes Sindi Hawkins Dave Hayer
(Esquimalt – Metchosin) (Vancouver – Quilchena) (Skeena) (Maple Ridge – Mission) (Kelowna – Mission) (Surrey – Tynehead)
Small Business Owner / Small Business Small Business Owner Mayor Former Nurse / Lawyer Assistant Publisher
Retired Police Sergeant

Richard Lee Blair Lekstrom John Les Brenda Locke Harold Long Dennis MacKay Karn Manhas
(Burnaby North) (Peace River South) (Chilliwack – Sumas) (Surrey – Green Timbers) (Powell River – Sunshine Coast) (Bulkley Valley – Stikine) (Port Coquitlam –
Applied Mathematician Mayor Business Person / Small Business Transportation Business Owner Commercial Private Burke Mountain)
Former Mayor Executive Director Investigator Small Business Manager

to elect Reni Masi

(Delta North)
Teacher / Administrator
Lorne Mayencourt
(Vancouver – Burrard)
Small Business Owner
Wendy McMahon
(Columbia River – Revelstoke)
Education Administration
Joyce Murray
(New Westminster)
Reforestation Business Owner

Liberal Government!
Linda Reid Claude Richmond Val Roddick Patty Sahota Rod Sanderson Visser Sandy Santori Gail Sparrow
(Richmond East) (Kamloops) (Delta South) (Burnaby – Edmonds) (North Island) (West Kootenay – Boundary) (Vancouver – Mount Pleasant)
Teacher / Administrator Independent Consultant Small Business Forestry Consultant Small Business Owner / Operator Mayor / Insurance Agent Small Business Owner /
Former Band Chief

Gillian Trumper John van Dongen John Weisbeck Katherine Whittred John Wilson Patrick Wong
(Alberni – Qualicum) (Abbotsford – Clayburn) (Kelowna – Lake Country) (North Vancouver – Lonsdale) (Cariboo North) (Vancouver – Kensington)
Mayor Farmer/Business Dentist Teacher Veterinarian/Rancher Chartered Accountant
for ERA




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