Eee-III-Analog Electronic Circuits (15ee34) - Question Paper

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Analog Electronic Circuits 15EE34

Question bank

1. Explain reverse recovery time of a semiconductor diode(july 14)

2. Explain avalence and zener breakdown(july15)
3. Define the following i) Dynamic resistance ii) diffusion capacitance(jan15,july14,
4. Discuss the approximate and piece wise model of a diode (jan14)
5. Explain the working of half wave rectifier, also determine ripple factor, efficiency and
peak inverse voltage (jan14, jan 15)
6. Explain the working of bridge rectifier. ( jan 14, jan16)
7. When a silicon diode is conducting at a temperature of 25°C, a 0.7 V drop exists across
its terminals. What is the voltage, VON, across the diode at 100°C? ( jan15)
8. Explain the following: i) practical diode model ii) ideal diode model iii) piecewise
model ( jan 15)
9. What is biasing of a transistor? Explain the factor that affect selection of Q point
anywhere in the active region for the transistor to operate as an amplifier(july14, july15)
10. In a voltage divider bias circuit of BJT Rc=14K, Re= 1.5K, R1=39K, Vcc=18V. Find Icq
and Vce (jan15)
11. Derive the expression for Ib, Ic and Vce for voltage divider bias using exact analysis (
12. With neat circuit diagram explain the emitter biasing circuit, write necessary equation
( july14)
13. Explain the fixed biasing circuits of BJT and derive stability factor (july14, jan14,jan15 )
14. For the circuit given below, find IC and VCE. ( jan14)
Given the values of R1, R2, RC, RE and β = 140 and VCC = 18V.
For the purpose of DC analysis, all the capacitors in the amplifier circuit are opened.

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Analog Electronic Circuits 15EE34

15. Derive an expression for Ib, Ic, and Vce for voltage bias using exact analysis(jan14)


1. Define h-parameters and hence derive h-parameters model of a CE BJT (july14, jan15)
2. For the CE(fixed bias) amplifier circuit derive the expression for Ai, Zi, Av and Yo in
terms op of transistor h-parameters.( july14,jan15 )
3. For the circuit find Ai, Ri, Av, Zo.The transistor h- parameters are hie=1K ( jan14)
4. What are the advantages of h-parameters (july14)
5. State and prove millers theorem ( july14, jan15)
6. Explain the bandwidth of amplifier (jan14, july15)
7. Derive the expression for miller effect capacitance ( july14)
8. Derive the expression for overall lower and higher cut off frequencies of multistage
amplifier (july14, jan14)
9. Explain the effect of coupling capacitor and bypass capacitor on low frequency respond
of a BJT (july14)
10. What are the h-parameters (jan15)
11. Explain CE amplifier with emitter resistance (july15)
12. Explain the general frequency response(low and high) of amplifier. (jan14, july 14)

1. What is emitter follower circuit? Explain Darlington amplifier ( july14)
2. Derive expression for Zi, and Ai for Darlington emitter follower. ( jan15, jan14, jan16)

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Analog Electronic Circuits 15EE34

3. Mention types of feedbacks connections , For any one type derive the gain with feedback
and compare it with without feedback ( jan14)
4. List he general characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers (jan16, july14)
5. What is the need of cascading the amplifier, draw and explain the block diagram of two
stage cascade amplifier. (july14, july15, jan15)
6. For a voltage series amplifier topology, obtain expression for Av and Rfe . Also explain
the principle of voltage amplifier used in FB amplifiers( Jan15)


1. Explain the operation of transformer coupled class A power amplifier (july14)

2. A complimentary symmetry push pull amplifier is operated using +_10v deliver power to
load of 5ohm, calculate maximum power o/p, rating of transistor, DC input at maximum
power output. (jan14)
3. A class B amplifier using supply of Vcc=30V and driving a load of 16ohm. Determine
the max input power, output power and transistor dissipation. (jan14)
4. Explain the causes of distortion in an amplifier, also define THD. (jan15)
5. With a neat diagram explain the working of complimentary symmetry push pull amplifier
6. What is harmonic distortion using 3 point method, explain the method to detect the
distortion. (july 14, jan15)
7. With neat diagram explain the operation of tuned oscillator ( jan14)
8. Obtain the brakhausen criteria for operation of the oscillator using basic feedback circuit
and hence explain the operation of the oscillator (dec14)
9. It is desired to design a phase shift oscillator using an FET having g = 5000S rd= 40
k , and a feedback circuit value of R = 10 k. Select the value of C for oscillator
operation at 5 kHz and RD for A > 29 to ensure oscillator action. ( June14)
10. Explain the effect of positive feedback used in oscillator (jan15)
11. With the circuit diagram explain RC phase shift oscillator using BJT(july14, jan14)

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Analog Electronic Circuits 15EE34


1. What are the advantages of FET over BJT (july14)

2. Explain the small signal model of FET (july 14)

3. Derive the expression for Zi, Zo, Av for FET self biased configuration (jan15, june14)

4. Explain thee depletion and enhancement type MOSFET, their characteristics and
frequency response (july14)

5. Compare FET over BJT. (july14, jan15)

6. Determine g m for a JFET where IDSS = 7 mA, VP = -3.5 V and VDD = 15V. Choose a
reasonable location for the Q-point. (july14)

7. Derive the expression for Zi, Zo, Av for FET voltage divider configuration (jan16,

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