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The best way to teach to praise positive action and ignore negative oneshere is the statement says that

the teaching qualities include to accloud or acclaim the positive side of the method and just don’t
discuss the negative image to cons of any thing.

I would like to go with the praise of the positive side of the teaching method ; there are seems that for
any new stategy teacher should look for the benefits of the idea or topic of the matter what actually
pact as we know thatthey want to teach. Rather giving stress to the negative impact. As we know that it
will basically reduce the initiall development iof the understanding of the method.

Teacher have to acknowledge the main idea of teaching with its positive side e.g if topic of teacghing is
physics that it should be state or proclaim like there are enourmous activity in the galaxy that we don’t
know how the things created and how the universe formed so student will have some interest to keen
to know the fact behind all this things, there wont be apathetic in any matter at time of learning.
Teacher should give many new idea to student for making them understand about the things which
gonnna include in the passage or in any topic. So that people will have interest in the topic .

rather giving negative side of the thing like if take of example of chemistry it would seems initially boring
if you tell them there are enourmous reaction and a lot things to understand so initially they wont take
much interest in the subject because of pshycology of human mind that it attract towards mysterious
and positive things so for teaching any new topic and any technology there should be some positive side
and apathetic things which gonna affect over all performance of the student so that it will gonna affect
the things of development of the phase.

There are things and numerous example for this technique to make people easily understand and
memorise the things.

Now the point is very much clear that the teaching methodology should include the positive sside of the
teaching topic that will enhance the learning capability of the students.

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