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Under Supervision of:

Ms. Ayeena Malik
(Assistant Professor)

Submitted by: ANISH SAHNI


Session 2014 - 2017

Sri Guru TeghBahadur Institute Of Management & Information Technology

Gurdwara Nanak Piao Campus, Delhi-110033

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,

Sector – 16 C, Dwarka ,Delhi - 110078, India)

I hereby declare that this project report entitled “MANAGEMENT

ONLINEMANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, submitted to the Sri Guru TeghBahadur
Institute Of Management & Information Technology, Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University in the partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Computer Application is a authentic record of work done by me
under the guidance of Ms. AYEENA MALIK.The project has not previously
formed the basis for the award of any other degree, Diploma, Associate ship,
Fellowship or other title.




This is to certify that Mr. ANISH SAHNI, University Enrollment Number-

02490202014, has worked under my supervision to prepare this project report of
“SMS PUBLIC SCHOOL”. The work embodied in this report is original and is of
the standard expected of B.C.A student and has not been submitted in part or full to
this or any university for the award of any degree or diploma, he has completed all
requirement of guidelines for research project and the work is fit for evaluation.

Signature of Director: Prof. (Dr.)NAVNEET KAUR

Signature of HOD (IT): Ms. AMANPREET KAUR

Place: Delhi Signature of Guide: Ms. AYEENA MALIK


I am extremely grateful and remain indebted to my guide Ms. AYEENA MALIK

for being a source of inspiration and for her constant support in the Design,
Implementation and Evaluation of the project. I am thankful to her for constant
constructive criticism and invaluable suggestions, which benefited me a lot while
developing the project on “SMS PUBLIC SCHOOL”, she has been a constant
source of inspiration and motivation for hard work, she has been very co-operative
throughout this project work. With candor and pleasure I take opportunity to
express my sincere thanks and obligation to Ms. AMANPREET KAUR (HOD IT).
Through this column, it would be my utmost pleasure to express my warm thanks
to her for the encouragement, co-operation and consent without which I mightn’t
be able to accomplish this project.

Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the support, encouragement & patience of my

family, and as always, nothing in my life would be possible without God, Thank


Arrival of the computers in the last two decades, so every organization

is going under the process of computerization. Schools needs to create
their online esite The project will automate the SMS PUBLIC
SCHOOL, which involved the process of adding activities, registration,
Viewing activities, giving feedbacks , viewing U sers , admissions and
feedbacks etc.It is an online SMS Public School, which is involved in
the process of providing facility to people to take pre admission in the
SMS Public School online. SMS public school is the name of the
School. In this system three persons are involved Admin , User and
Visitor. Earlier times people need to go physically to join Schools, but
with the help of this system people can save time and energy they can
take admission from home also.





6 1.1Introduction About the Topic

1.2Objective Of The Project

8 1.3Scope Of Project

9 1.4 SDLC Approach


11 2.1 Introduction

12 2.2 Software Requirement Specification

2.3 Functional Requirements Of The Project

2.4 Hardware Requirements

2.6 Technologies Used

16 2.7 Use Case Diagram


18 3.1 Introduction

19 3.2 Module Description

20 3.3Data Flow Diagram

21 0-level

22 1-level

23 2-level


25 4.1 Introduction

26 4.2 Database Fields Specification

27 4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram


29 6.1 Introduction

30 6.2 Test Plan

31 CHAPTER 6- Roles and Responsibilities
8.1Future Enhancement
34 Biblography

Icon Name
Use Case





Data Flow





Data Store



Multivalued Attribute

Derived Attribute


1.1 Introduction

Education system forms the backbone of every nation. And hence it is important to
provide a strong educational foundation to the young generation to ensure the
development of open-minded global citizens securing the future for everyone.
Advanced technology available today can play a crucial role in streamlining
education-related processes to promote solidarity among students, teachers, parents
and the school staff.
Education is central to development. It is one of the most powerful instruments for
reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic
growth. With this aim currently our government has given special emphasis to the
educational sector and school improvement activities such as continuous
professional development for teachers, training and upgrading teachers and
capacitating schools with materials are among the major actions which have been
taken in both primary and secondary schools. In order to facilitate and simplify
these actions one of the major tool is to have automated SMS Public School.
SMS Public School (SMS) consists of tasks such as registering students,
attendance record keeping to control absentees, producing report cards, producing
official transcript, preparing timetable and producing different reports for teachers,
parents, officials from education bureaus and other stakeholders.
Automation is the utilization of technology to replace human with a machine
that can perform more quickly and more continuously . By automating SMS
documents that took up many large storage rooms can be stored on few disks.
Transcript images can be annotated. It reduces the time to retrieve old
transcripts from hours to seconds. However, the school system in the
government schools is not automated and the record officers generate
transcripts and reports manually and the school administrators use their
experienced knowledge of miss and hit approaches to prepare timetables.
1.2 Objective of Project

The major objectives of this project are as follows: -

 The main purpose using computerized system is to avoid manual problems and
also documentation storage problem I can’t maintain long period data that’s
why I used computerized system to overcome all problem related to school’s
data storing and other arias.
 This Website handles online student admission procedure.
 SMS Public School is a Ib based project that maintains all the activity related to
school. This project works on dynamic Website handling.
Project show time to time event information related to school. It also provides
the facility for sending mail to parent regarding student activity.
 The proposed Website controls student information and faculty details.
 This is site based project it’s provide privilege facility for security purpose and
provide login facility according to designation and restrict unauthorized used, if
user is not admin then it can’t access everything, this project provide four type
of designation facility and access permission.
 I can generate report according to date & show all report also; Because of
manual system I faced many problems. The maintenance cost of manual system
was very high. And they didn’t store historical information and not possible to
view all at a time.
 This site reduces the time & cost and provides the facility to retrieve student all
information according to requirement.
 School event and all activity related information display on this site, the school
related latest news display on this site.
1.3Scope of Project
This site based project that is maintain all the activity related to School, it store all
the information of student, SMS public school Project provide sending mail to
parent regarding student activity detail.
SMS public school project show time to time event information related to school,
SMS public school project provide the facility for suggestion regarding school
rules and regulation and student complaint.

2. To provide student detailed information and faculty details.

3. To make admission procedure fast and easy.
4. To inform student with time to time event information and notices.
5. To inform parents about student activities through email.
6. To generate separate student and faculty login Id and password.


School administrator wants to build the system that technically and economically
strong and helpful to company progress. He wants to reduce large man-poIr
involved in company to perform the task that high company cost and slow
company work. For future use all documents are kept in written or in a file in
secure manner. If a file gets lost it cannot be retrieved in any way. A large storing
area is required to store the data manually.

The purpose of software requirements specifications is to provide a framework that

enables the manager to take reasonable estimates of resources, cost and schedule.
These estimates are made with a limited time frame at the beginning of a software
project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. In addition
estimates should attempt to define best case and worst case scenarios so that
project outcomes can be bounded.To gather the requirement of client’s need, I take
the idea about the data flow from other school Websites and also refer documents
of school.
2.1 Introduction

Requirement is determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered

product. Requirement analysis is critical to the success of a systems or software
project. The requirements should be documented, actionable, measurable, testable,
traceable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a
level of detail sufficient for system design.

2.2 Software Requirement Specification

School administrator wants to build the system that technically and economically
strong and helpful to company progress. He wants to reduce large man-poIr
involved in company to perform the task that high company cost and slow
company work. For future use all documents are kept in written or in a file in
secure manner. If a file gets lost it cannot be retrieved in any way. A large storing
area is required to store the data manually.

The purpose of software requirements specifications is to provide a framework that

enables the manager to take reasonable estimates of resources, cost and schedule.
These estimates are made with a limited time frame at the beginning of a software
project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. In addition
estimates should attempt to define best case and worst case scenarios so that
project outcomes can be bounded.

To gather the requirement of client’s need, I take the idea about the data flow from
other school Websites and also refer documents of school.
2.3. Hardware Requirements

Component Recommended

Processor Intel®Core (TM)i5-2520M with 2.50GHz

Secondary Storage 500GB HDD

Memory 4 GB

Network Adaptor WIFI

Table 1 –Hardware requirement

2.4. Software Requirements

Component Recommended

OS Windows 7

Software Visual Studio

Table 2- Software requirement

2.5. Technologies Used

Component Recommended

Operating System Windows 7

Technologies Net Beans, C#

Front-end Tool ,HTML, CSS,

Back-end Tool SQL Server

Scripting Tool Java Script

Table 3- Technologies Used

2.6. Use Case

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction

with the system. A use case diagram can portray the different types of users of
a system and the various ways that they interact with the system. The purposes
of use case diagrams is as follows:

 Used to gather requirements of a system.

 Used to get an outside view of a system.
 Identify external and internal factors influencing the system.
 Show the interacting among the requirements are actors.


3.1. Introduction

Software design is an engineering process by which I are representing of

something that is to be built. It is a blueprint for constructing the software... After
making Software Requirement Specification of the project, now I are in position to
design the software.

The system design shows how Software will be structured to satisfy the
requirements identified during the analysis phase. The design process is a
translation of requirements into a description of the software structure, software
components, interfaces and data necessary for the implementation phase. The
design phase provides a complete blueprint for the implementation activity.

3.2. Module Description

 User
 Admin
 visitor

3.3 Data Flow Diagram

. A data flow diagram is a graphical representation that depicts information

flow and the transforms that are applied as data move from input to output.

The data flow diagram may be used to represent a system or software at any
level of abstraction. In fact, DFDs may be partitioned into levels that represent
increasing information flow and functional detail. Therefore, the DFD provides
a mechanism for functional modeling as Ill as information flow mode.
0 levels DFD:

Figure: 0 Level DFD

1st level DFD:

Figure: 1st level DFD

2nd Level DFD:

1. Teacher/ Student Account Management

2. Login
3. Student Information Management
4. Attendance Entry
3.4System Flow Chart


4.1 Introduction

Data design is the backbone of any RDBMS related software. So first I are creating
the database. Database design is a process by which I transform the information
gathered enduring the analysis into the data structures.

4.2Database Fields Specification

Table 1: Academic Year

Table 2: Class Name

Table3:Class Time Table

Table4:Class Day Period

Table 5: Exam Title

Table 6: Reg. Fee

Table 7: School Notice

4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram

The Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) is the graphical notation of relationship

data object and attributes... The primary purpose of the ERD is to represent data
objects and their relationship.

Relational Database RDBMS -A relational database management

system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on
the relational model as invented by E. F. Codd. RDBMSs are a common choice
for the storage of information in new databases used for financial records,
manufacturing and logistical information, personnel data, and other applications.
Relational databases have often replaced legacy hierarchical
databases and network databases because they are easier to understand and use.
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. RDBMS is the
basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems like MS SQL Server, IBM
DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access. A Relational database management
system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on the
relational model.
ER Diagram


5.1. Introduction

Executing a program with the intent of finding errors is called testing. Testing is
vital to the success of any system. Testing is done at different stages within the
development phase. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts of
the system are correct, the goals will be achieved successfully. Inadequate testing
or no testing at all leads to errors that may come up after a long time when
correction would be extremely implementation. The testing of the system was done
on both artificial and live data. In order to test data test cases are developed.
Following are the various methods that are employed for testing:

Unit Testing

In unit testing the module is tested independently. It is done to test that the module
does satisfy the functional specification. This is done to check syntax and logical
errors in programs. At the time of preparation of technical specifications, unit test
data was also prepared. The coding for that program was considered after verifying
its output against this test data.

Integration Testing

In Integration testing whole system was checked when all the individual modules
Ire integrated together in order to test whether the system is performing as
according to the requirements specified. Interface errors if any Ire corrected

Functional Testing
This is done for each module/sub module of the system. Functional testing serve as
a means of validating whether the functionality of the system confers the original
user requirement i.e. does the module do what it was supposed to do?

System Testing

System testing is done when the entire system has been fully integrated. The
purpose of the system testing is to test how the different modules interact with each
other and whether the entire system provides the functionality that was expected.

5.2. Test-Plan -The test-plan is basically a list of test cases that need to be run on
the system.

No. Title Description Expected Outcome Result


1 Successful Admin should be log Login should Login is Passed

admin in with the correct be successful successful
verification login ID and

2 Unsuccessful The login to the Login should Login fails Passed

admin system with a wrong fail with an
verification password. error ‘invalid
due to wrong ID and
password password’.

3 Unsuccessful The login to the Login should Login fails passed

user system with a wrong fail
verification UserID
due to wrong

3 Successful Visitor can register Registration Registration Passed

by successfully Successful. Successful.


4 User can User can view /print successful successful Passed

view /print admission slip by
admission entering valid
slip admissionID

5 Successful Databases have entry Data of Data is Passed

admission of new should be stored
and payment stored in
Admissions payment successfully

6. Successful User should be Login should Login passed

user logged in with correct be successful should be
verification UserID successful

1. Admin Module
2. Student
3. Teacher
4. Class Routine
5. Exams
6. Subjects
1. Admin Template

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2. Student

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School Management - Admin - Subject info

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3. Teacher

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School Management - Admin - Teacher info


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<p:outputLabel value="#{item.teacherJoinDate}"/>

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<p:outputLabel value="#{item.teacherGrade}"/>

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<p:outputLabel value="#{item.teacherEmail}"/>

<p:outputLabel value="Departure Date"/>

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<p:outputLabel value="User Name"/>

<p:outputLabel value="#{item.userName}"/>












While doing my project on SMS PUBLIC SCHOOL, my responsibilities towards

my project are:

 I was involved in collection of information related to my project.

 I am responsible for designing, coding, implementation and testing of all the

modules in the project.
 I have used very easy and user-friendly designing tools so that the users can
interact with the system easily.
 I am responsible for approving the designing tool and database selection.
 Planning and Execution of the project Ire done by me.


The conclusion of “SMS PUBLIC SCHOOL” is to construct such dynamic

Websitewhich will provide information about school activities such as admission
system, event schedule, school time-table, important notices and dignitary

Towards the end of the SMS Public School, I would like to say that the target,
which was initially set up, was achieved to a good extent. The project made me
realise the significance of developing software for client, where the sole aim is to

During the SMS Public School, the real importance for following all principle of
system analysis and design dawned on me. I felt the necessity of going through the
several stages.

As I done the initial investigation, now I can say that this application possible to
create. But as project will progress there may some change in functionality of the

8.1 Future Enhancement

 Presently the Websiteis used for primary school students but in future it can be
utilized for middle school, high school and colleges by some minor
 Database may be available in future for long times and information may be use
 SMS facility in future

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