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NOVEMBER 20, 2017

This case study will be focusing on the basic principle and purpose of steam boiler. As you

go through the content, various causes of why steam boilers are over-heating will be discussed and

elaborated also.

The general finding in this case study about the reason behind the phenomena applied is

that the detected temperature go beyond the safe limit of the temperature. It was mainly found out

by the researcher not just by comparing the actual values, but through calculating the safe limit of

temperature and detected pressure using the steam tables of temperature. With that, the researchers

will have a good evidence to support their idea and understanding in Thermodynamics.

Steam Boilers are vessel equipment that is appropriate for heat transfer. While being on

the process of heat transfer, heat is produced by igniting the fuel source like natural gas and will

produce fluid or most commonly called steam. The so-called steam from the heat transfer is

pressurized and then distributed to such applications of heating.

The primary purpose of the steam boiler is to produce power through steam turbines and

steam engines. Another purpose of the steam boiler is for producing heat for the buildings when

in cold weather and producing hot water for hot water supply.

The given case study was about a steam boiler that explodes. Some reasons of boiler

explosions are over-pressure, over-heating and poor work handling resulting in mistreatment or

misuse of the steam boiler. Over-heating boiler can be over-pressurized when the controls for the

pressure fails and when one controller fails, the other control valve fails simultaneously. Another

reason is the fact that the boiler itself is unable to withstand the pressure for which it is not firm

enough, or else the pressure and temperature inside the steam boiler have been allowed to rise

above the safe limit which may cause the boiler to explode.

For us to understand the essence of the study, we should have a background on what would

be the aim of this study. The researcher wants to clarify and identify various reasons and causes

why steam boiler exploded.

The goal of this study is to have the readers or audience an understanding about the

relationship of given temperature and pressure to safe limit temperature and pressure of the steam

boiler. For the given case study, the aim of the researchers is to have a clear understanding of what

caused the boiler to explode and justify the given case study using the applications of different

topics that have been discussed in Thermodynamics.

The given problem to be discussed and justified is as follows:

“Mr. Atkinson is on trial for criminal negligence because his company’s steam boiler

exploded. Mr. Atkinson’s job is to monitor the pressure in the boiler to make sure that it does not

go above the safe limit of 6895 kPa gauge. He testifies that just before the explosion, his control

panel showed that the pressure was 5860 kPa gauge, the temperature was 400°C, and the specific

volume was 0.037𝑚3 per kg. All gauges were tested and found to be functional during the

investigation following the explosion. The prosecution says that Mr. Atkinson fell asleep while on

duty. As a technical witness, what can you say about the case?”

The decision to be acquired will be based on the topics that have been discussed in

Thermodynamics that is connected to the given problem which is mainly the concept of

temperature, pressure and specific volume. Similarly, the relationship of the standard values to the

given values should be considered too.

There are relevant values that should be considered when computing for the unknown.

Given Safe Limit is 6895 kPa, Given Pressure is 5860 kPa and Given Temperature is 400°C. As

you can see, there isn’t a given safe limit for temperature and pressure. So for us to measure

whether the steam boiler’s detected temperature and pressure exceeds the safe limit we computed

for the safe limit of pressure and also the detected pressure; then from there, we can identify the

temperature by referring to the steam tables temperature table – 296 by using interpolation.

Safe Limit of Pressure Given/Detected Pressure

P = 6895 kPa + 101.3 kPa P = 5860 kPa + 101.3 kPa
P = 6996.3 kPa X 0.001 MPa P = 5961.3 kPa X 0.001 MPa
P = 6.9963 MPa P = 5.9613 MPa
T =? T = 400°C

Now that we have computed for the safe limit of pressure and detected pressure, we can

compute for the unknown by using interpolation from the steam tables temperature table – 296.
6.411−6.9963 280−𝑋
Pressure Temperature =
6.411−7.436 280−290
6.411 280
6.9963 X T = 285.7102439°C
7.436 290

Therefore, when compared the computed values to the detected/given values, we obtained:

Safe Limit of Pressure = 6.9963 MPa

Safe Limit of Temperature = 285.7102439°C
Given/Detected Pressure = 5.9613 MPa
Given/Detected Temperature = 400°C
Based on the obtained values that have been computed by the researchers, the researchers

can assess that the given value for temperature exceeds from the given safe limit of temperature.

The computation above is a great information for the readers to identify that according to the

phenomena given, the steam boiler’s temperature exceeds the given safe limit.

Moreover, we used the safe limit of temperature as our basis to determine why the steam

boiler exploded. We focused on the safe limit values and not the detected values because there are

complete values of the detected values unlike the safe limit and it is easier for us to measure

whether the steam boiler really exceeds the safe limit or not. But when you use the given/detected

values as the basis to know if the steam boiler exceeds the safe limit, it showed the same readings

as the safe limit basis that it both exceeded. Likewise, the pressure and temperature are directly

proportional to each other. This means that as the pressure goes up, the temperature goes up as

well. Therefore, Mr. Atkinson should have been awake and aware during the time when the boiler

was operating. He should have been monitoring time by time the control valves so that it doesn’t

go beyond the safe limit.

In the previous sections, the main principle of steam boiler was discussed also the purpose

and the reasons of boiler explosions. It is necessary to always consider the safe limit of the boiler

in order to prevent the machine from over-heating. The primary root of the boiler explosion is

because of the rapid surge in the temperature applied to the boiler which overdoes the safe limit of

temperature. The boiler was able to sustain the applied pressure because it does not go beyond the

safe limit of pressure. To lessen the possibility of the boiler from overheating, the applied pressure

and temperature to the steam boiler must not surpass the safe limit. Therefore, Mr. Atkinson should

have been awake and aware during the time when the boiler was operating. He should have been

occasionally monitoring the control valves so that it doesn’t go beyond the safe limit.

“Boiler.” Boiler | Engaged in Thermodynamics,

(Graph of safe limit pressure – given pressure, Graph of safe limit temperature – given

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