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-High Cost of School Uniforms.

-Uniforms are not cheap and this is a good reason to be

against school uniforms. Because children are constantly
growing, there is a captive market for new school clothes
and manufacturers take advantage.

-However, large volume manufacturers are producing

very cheap clothing for younger pupils at the moment so
this argument against school uniforms may not stand up to
too much scrutiny

-School Uniforms are not safe to wear. -School Uniforms are a back-door form of selection.

-Traditionally almost all school uniforms for boys include -In February 2007 the British government issued new
a tie and this is an inherently dangerous item of clothing. guidelines designed to stop head teachers insisting that
specific suppliers be used by parents buying uniforms.
-As a schoolboy the author of this article was personally
endangered when his tie was trapped in a doorframe -This was not an attempt to stamp out corruption but a
which resulted in his face being squeezed against a glass way of ensuring that equal access to primary education is
window in the door so hard that the glass smashed. For maintained.
this reason alone the author is against school uniforms.
-Middle class parents can more easily afford uniforms and
so were more likely to send their children to such schools
than working class parents.
-School Uniforms do not cut down on bullying. -Hence, the net result was a form of selection by uniform,
where these schools gradually grow richer to the
-No matter what you dress students in, they will always detriment of other local establishments. This goes against
find a way to pass judgment upon their peers. the principles of equal education for all.
-The clothes are not the root cause of bullying and
therefore the bullying will continue, regardless of dress

-No matter what clothing rules apply, students will always

find ways to pass judgment upon each other.

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