Strength 01 PDF

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G23 broad .. SW ength Moaterts - Mechanres Moatereals © EXapla D Solid oe Conca x SYresses Shresses sorte Net @ Normal Stress Beanm Shes Felons: : | ee ? ? daw N ee eae we, SE a Sigma we b wt 3M) dhany gf canyh | wt sca Ng | is \MP= too KP= 16 Pe Spent | os gineers Sib yk (cs) yd Aste 3 CSSD on ee ED) ont, eng-hs. et Gaby De Ae ai 94444260 cit tsa (Scom_. QO Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown. Determine the magnitude of the force P for which the tensile stress in rod AB has the same magnitude as the compressive stress in rod BC. enti “e ASA Bc - DUpG lo < fe a eee) Hf (25x j8)" ‘ at (sesu) Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown, Knowing that the average normal stress must not exceed 175 MPa in rod AB and 150 MPa in rod BC, determine the smallest allowable values of d, and dy, oe agae 2» HANG eu : ee Be re = Oe Sa be aes Bo ale® Bo? (epee v4 (Scom_ Cy) AY A 40-KN axial load is applied to a short wooden post that is supported by a conerete footing resting on undisturbed soil. Determine (a) the maximum bearing stress on the concrete foot- ing, (b) the size of the footing for which the average bearing stress in the soil is 145 kPa. al 3 O#Id G= an” loor\2e4 eo = x Yolo” 8 ee 2 \ysxlo w a 25 me HS Er PSS ye (Las) 8d, Casal Bon ©) CO The al fore in the column supporting the timber beam show i P= T5AN, Determine the smalest allowable length Z ofthe bearing plate if the bearing stres inthe tinber i not to exceed 3.0 MPa gue te ’ es I5 eas An axial load P is supported by a short W200 X 59 column of cross-sectional area A = 7650 mm? and is distributed to a concrete foundation by a square plate as shown. Knowing that the average normal stress in the column must not exceed 200 MPa and that the bearing stress on the concrete foundation must not exceed 90 MPa, determine the side a of the plate that will provide the most economical and safe design. Normal stress in the short column: _ P(N) o (Pa) = Fay P = (200 * 10°) * (7,650 * 10-®) = 153*10° N Bearing stress between the steel and concrete: P(N, i ay (Pa) = a ¢ D axial (m’) provide nds 1.53 «10° economical Luci} 20 «106 = pees $ ¢ support aay ou a? =0.0765 m? distributed ese stress ys! a=0.277 m bearing =277 mm (Ses escnpiion Doe ee ee), Cray Lips & Aste aah 94444260 chat tan - Box @ UB When the force P reached 8 KN, the wooden specimen shown filed in shear dong the suace incited by the dashed ln, Determine the average shearing stress long that uae atthe time of flue 15mm ¥ E Ei oa | Wood 90 mm 7 . gelo” a Qoaie alo “A load P is applied to a steel rod supported as shown by an alu- minum plate into which a 12-mm-diameter hole has been drilled. Knowing that the shearing stress must not exceed 180 MPa in the steel rod and 70 MPa in the aluminum plate, determine the largest load P that can be applied to the rod. om fice eee Steel Failure: as iC cen eed cole seselnvAl (2a) Pp P 180+ 10° = : 2m (6 *10-7)(10* 10) P =67.9kN Aluminum Failure: 7 ahaa (2a) P apply 4 Ge 70 * 106 = ———________ + 2m (20*10-*)(8* 10-3) support desis poy exceed cf Le P =704 kN Choose the least load > P= 67.9 KN HS Engineers -S28 J (>) wd Asie (erste onl ioet Ets Descrpbon A ils sien sie) et ge ga i, Omkyal Lipa 5 Asia tot 94444260 ce in G24. Two wooden planks, each 12 mm thick and 225 mm wide, are joined by the dry mortise joint shown. Knowing that the wood used shears off along its grain when the average shearing stress reaches 8 MPa, determine the magnitude P of the axial load that will cause the joint to fail 16m an shear force Qisiy pstii gill tt) Glau claliae gl BAM Algal gh Legato Ge GABA lS Gaal Ga ie Ls ES ase ly ge gl Aish, Lug! OLS oly (16mm * 12mm) | SB" off oad Mei ghety —| on ee grains ae mortise | hosed F thay 2 Bee oa a A(m?) reach Pe cmapeemacannee leery. EE ~ 6 = (16 * 10-3) « (12 = 10-3) P=9,216 N =9,216 kN HS Engineers oo (a) wid 5 ct (SEE beset Seoee eae) ‘, cd yaly Ups 5 fie cit i) 94444260 dips titan - ‘Two wooden members shown, which support a 16-KN load, are joined by plywood splices fully glued on the surfaces in contact. The ultimate shearing stress in the glue is 2.5 MPa and the clearance between the members is 6 mm, Determine the required length L of each splice if a factor of safety of 2.75 is to be achieved. 1GkN 125 mm Rm ess | -@ mm) gi cs < we 091 MP. 16kN aul = Dara = a “ - +A 2 P=16kN Aresisting = 2* G - 3) #125 —S—- shear = (L—6)*125 mm? (Linmm) ain Tau = 16 « 103 0.91 « 10° = ——_________. a (2-6) 125* 10 (L—6) = 140.7 mm L=146.7 mm ‘, dng Ua gt ig So NSnRGON sesceaen ete ’

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