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The 13 Chakra Energy Systems

What Is A Chakra?
Chakras are energy centers in our bodies. They are the openings for 'life
energy' to flow in and out of our aura. Their function is to nourish and vitalize
our physical body and aid awareness to the development of our consciousness.
Each one contains data referring to our past, present and future thoughts, feelings
and emotions. Every chakra in our body vibrates at a different speed producing
multiple colors in our aura.
Activating the new 13, Chakra System can bring positive lessons in life
linked to the numerology, vibration and frequency of each color.

James Clark Maxwell studied color, being the first to show that the primary
colors of light are red, green, and blue. From 1856 to 1873, Maxwell developed
the laws of electromagnetism, beginning with Michael Faraday's concept of a field
of lines of force. Maxwell's calculations showed that electromagnetic waves in a
vacuum travel at the same speed as light; he correctly concluded that light is a
form of electromagnetic wave, boldly predicting the rest of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Earth's most important energy source is the Sun. Sunlight consists of
the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Why 13 Chakras:
History is laced with the number 13, it has featured in many cultures and
belief systems throughout the world and its symbolic meaning has also been
considered an omen of bad luck. However many ancient civilizations recognized
the importance and natural cycle of the number 13.
A lunar year is 13 months long, and the moon travels 13 degrees each solar
Early Tibetan Kings reigned from the age of 13 or for a period of 13yrs, the
land was also divided into 13 districts.
The Mayan Sacred Calendar is a combination of 13-day counts, or
trecenas, and 20-day cycles. The 13 Mayan trecena days describe a 13-step
process of growth, a unit of creation, represented by a planting cycle from sowing
seed, through germination and flowering, to the harvesting of fruit.
The Celtic year was ruled by 13 sacred trees.
There are 13 major joints in the human body.
The Witnesses of Jehovah have 13 fundamental doctrines.
Egyptian 13 Geometric Chakra System.
At conception, 12 sperm ‘allow’ the 13th to penetrate the ovum.

Phi Ratio and Sacred Geometry:

It has long been known that the Phi Ratio, or Divine Proportion, appears in certain proportions of living organic life, Leonardo Da Vinci’s
‘canon man’ is famous for depicting the phi ratio in the human body. However the ancient Egyptians had far more knowledge, the ‘Flower of Life’
symbol is at The Temple of Abydas, it contains every mathematical formula, harmonies of sound, law of physics, biological life form and every atom
that is within our ‘waveform universe’. Our universe has a base wavelength of 7.23cm. The measure of 7.23cm can be found on our bodies, it is the
same distance between your eyes, the tip of your chin to the tip of your nose as well as the distance between each of the 13 geometrical chakras. The
ancient Egyptians knew the importance of Phi Ratio and the Waveform for this universe and incorporated it into their lives and buildings.

13 Geometrical Chakras
To locate all of the 13 Chakras, firstly measure the distance between your eyes, you will see this is about 7.23cm. Starting from the perineum is
your Root/Base Chakra, using your tape measure, move upwards to locate the Sacral Chakra, which is on or just past your pubic bone, continue
upwards and you will find your solar plexus inside your navel. Use the same distance to locate the remaining 13 Chakras.
The universe is full of geometric designs creating an endless dance of color, light and sound.

How to Use This Site

The site has been designed to be user-friendly providing free information for each of the 13 chakras. Each one has a section and data relating
to: -
Symbolism Contains allegoric symbols and how they are perceived.
Patterns Reveals the patterns in ourselves and how we relate to them.
Nourish and Balance Positive and helpful tips to revitalize your wellbeing.
Faith Illuminating, beliefs, principles and representations.
Chakra Test Check your chakras! An easy and fun test to do with a partner.
Chakra Video Summary collated together on one video.

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 1
Root Chakra (1st Chakra)
Opening Root/Base/Red Chakra
Channels high energy and inspiration into creativity and service, feels secure with self.
Feels blocked, stuck, frustrated; feels inferior, ill, lethargic, insecure, possibly addicted.
Endorsement of something or someone, need/want approval. 'Seal of approval'.
Your Root Is Out Of Balance When...
You regularly find yourself involved in arguments or conflict.
You have angry outbursts or temper tantrums.
You feel that others are not listening to you or taking account of your needs.
You are quick to point out people's faults or complain about services that you perceive as substandard.
You do not like being wrong.
You use force or verbal aggression to get your way.
Your first response to anyone who upsets you is to retaliate.
You cannot stand losing and could be described as competitive.

Location In The Body

Perineum/Coccyx - The beginning of the Egyptian 13 Chakra System is located between the genitals and anus.
Body Parts/Glands And Organs
Spine - Coccyx, Feet, Legs, Blood, Nervous System, Lymphatic System, Circulatory System, Vagina and Testes,
Large and Small Intestine, Rectum, Skin.

The Use of Color: Red / Black

Color can often have reference attributing to symbolic meanings or significance this can be to objects, events, relationships etc. Red is hot. It's a
strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare.
Symbolic Color
The color of Blood and Fire. Red is strength and power, dazzling stimulating, heat, intensity, activity and passion. Activity red for traffic lights,
red light barring entry to film or broadcasting studios, as well as being the red lamp which used to mark the entry to licensed brothels which is
contradictory since instead of forbidding access, it invites it! American Indians as young people of both sexes painted themselves
with red which would arouse their strength and quicken their desire. Red acquired healing properties and became an
indispensable healing color all used in countless traditions.

Good Red
Red letter day - important or significant occasion
Red carpet treatment - make someone feel special, treat them as if they are a celebrity
Roll out the red carpet - same as above
Red sky in the morning, Sailor's warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight - pay attention to good and bad warning signs
Paint the town red - celebrate, go out partying
Red eye - an overnight flight
Bad Red
Seeing red - to be angry
Red herring - something that deceives or distracts attention from the truth
In the red - being overdrawn at the bank or losing money
Red flag - denotes danger, warning, or an impending battle
Good Black
Black tie - formal (as in formal party attire)
Black belt - expert (especially in martial arts)
Blackwash - bring things out in the open In the black - having money, doing well in business
Men in black - government agents
Black box - equipment or apparatus
Pitch black - dark as night, very black
Bad Black
Black out - Loss of consciousness or the act of erasing something
Blackout - loss of electricity or turning out the lights
Black eye - damage such as damage to one's reputation, slander, unpopular

2 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Black-hearted - evil
Blackguard - a scoundrel
Black sheep - an outcast from a family or from society
Black market - illegal trade (goods or money)
Blackmail - obtaining something by threat
Blacklist - list of people or organizations to boycott, avoid, or punish
Where Is Your Red/Black
Are you wearing Red or Black today?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?
Put some Red in your life when you want:
Increased enthusiasm and interest
More energy
Action and confidence to go after your dreams

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Action
Moving into Life: No, matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, ONLY ACTION BRINGS

Attract, Unify and Purpose.
Positive Aspects of the Root:
Great calmness, able to release past issues, improved self-survival instincts, good circulation, strength and courage.
Negative Aspects of the Root:
Anger, resentment, lust, exploding temper and stuck in the past.
Musical Note:
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note C.
Fire/ Earth in the 7 Chakra System

Aztec's Deities / Mayan Gods

Yum Cimil
The death god was called Yum Cimil. He also could be called Ah Puch, the god of the Underworld. His body is
predominantly skeletal. His adornments are likewise made of bones. Yum Cimil has also been represented with a body covered
with black spots (decomposition). He also wears a collar with eyeless sockets. This adornment was the typical symbol for the

Suggested Sacred Sites / Holy Well's

Orion’s Belt, Thorn borough, Yorkshire, Externsteine Rocks, Germany
Holy Well
Bath Hot Springs

Patterns and Balance

Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies.
Social Conditioning
In personal identity, which reflects in patterns: Anger, Irritability, Strong Sexual Desires, Conqueror, Alchemist, Child, Rebel, and Coward.
Having difficulties in relating to your energy. These can reflect a 'warrior style pattern', Mother /Father in conditioning, Child, Clown, Victim,
Prostitute, Saboteur and the predator in our self.
1 Creativity and Confidence, opening up.
Positives; Self-sufficient, determined, natural leader, innovative
Negatives; Can be on either extreme of being too bossy, shy or impulsive.
Careers; Politics, celebrity or business entrepreneur
Shadow Chakra
Mental lethargy, 'ungrounded', 'spaced out', unfocused mind, difficulty achieving goals, lack of confidence, weak, suicidal, self- destructive,
egotistical, domineering, greedy, addicted to materialism, low sex drive/high sex drive. Fear of abandonment.

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 3
Light Chakra
Centered, grounded, vitality, focused, nourishment, safety, standing up for oneself, loyalty, support and tribal honor code.

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
There is vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated into positive action.
There is only one of you in all this time, your expression is unique.

Crystals And Minerals

Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed at night time,
or add it to your drinking water.
Good to purify the blood, kidneys, bladder, intestines and liver. Neutralizes toxins within the body. Bloodstone has been used in the treatment
of leukemia. Balances the blood flow, especially useful for heavy periods.
Provides purification, cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder. An excellent stone for the spine and spinal fluid, bone and cellular
structure. It has been used to treat and balance sexual energies and to enhance the assimilation of iodine, calcium, magnesium and Vitamins A, D
and E. Can help repair and prevent damage to DNA structures.
Can be used for leg cramps, blood disorders (anemia) nervous disorders and insomnia. Can assist spinal alignment by placing hematite at the
base and top of spine. Accelerates the healing process for breaks and fractures of bones.
Encourages one to follow bliss! It is said that ruby will light the darkness on all levels. The energy can assist in changing ones
world, promoting creativity and expansiveness in awareness and manifestation. It has been used in the treatment of fever, heart
disorders relating to blood flow.
Smoky Quartz;
An excellent stone for 'grounding', enhancing attentiveness in the moment and protection. Suggest that the point faces away when laying quartz
on or around the body.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Essential oils contain many therapeutic properties, you can introduce these in the home in a variety of ways i.e., atomizer, bathing, massages
and steam inhalation.
Nervous Tension and Stress Cedar wood
Depression and Nervous Exhaustion Patchouli
Athletes Foot Clove Bud, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree
Chilblains Lemon, Lime and Black Pepper.
Foods - A good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Red foods contain lycopene, which reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Red Meat, Strawberries, Red Cherries, Tomatoes, Red Lentils, Raspberry’s, Watermelon, Pizza, Ketchup, Bolognese,
Red Peppers, Red Challis, Cranberries, Red Apples, Rhubarb, Beetroot, Radishes.
Instead of taking a statin drug, eat watermelon - it does the job just as well, researchers have discovered. The fruit is the
richest edible source of the amino acid L-citrulline, which regulates healthy blood pressure. Once in the body, L-citrulline is
converted to L-arginine, another amino acid. However, the latter can cause nausea, gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea when
it's taken as a dietary supplement, especially among adults who already suffer from raised blood pressure. In a small study of
nine adults, their blood pressure normalized after they consumed six grams of watermelon extract every day for six weeks.
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Circulation; Poppy
Stimulant; Rose
Depression; St. Johns Wort
Blood Disorders; Panax Ginseng
Skin Disorders; Spirulina
Homeopathic Remedies
Dizziness; Arnica, Theriden, Causticum
Depression; Aurum Met, Causticum, China
Hemorrhoids; Hamamelis, Aesculus.
Erectile Dysfunction; Lycopedium, Agnus Castus,
Confusion; Cannabis Ind
Irritability/Anger; Nux Vomica, Lycopodium
Painful Menstruation with
Depression and Self-Pity; Pulsatilla
With Irritability, Tearfulness
and Indifference; Sepia
Soothed by heat and pressure; Mag Phos.
Flower Essences

4 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Anger, Short Temper,
Hateful and Jealous; Beech, Holly, Chicory and Impatiens (Bach), Mountain Devil (Australian Bush Flower),
Blue Elf Viola (Alaskan)
Ungrounded, Vague And
Scattered Thoughts; Clematis, (Bach), Jacaranda, Red Lily, Sundew(Australian Bush Flower), Northern Turkey
Mayan Magnetic Tone - Tone 1
Magnetic Tone of Purpose
Attract Energy;
Attract, unify, purpose
Mayan Name;
Represented by one dot, visualize the dot on a piece of paper; it attracts you like a magnet, the beginning of a series of 13. Use this to set
a purpose, receive and collect energy.
Initiate new creation in tune with your Higher Self and Divine Purpose.
Do you dare to receive!
Totem Helpers
Every animal has a powerful spirit, personality and characteristics unique to that power animal.
Ancient Power, Solidity, Strength, Royalty.
Becoming Grounded.
Practical Suggestions
Here is a sample list of ideas to assist clearing and activating your root chakra.
1. Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
2. Do not raise your voice in anger.
3. Clear out clutter from the house.
4. Do some gardening or take a walk in nature.
5. Sort out finances, catch up with all paperwork.
6. Practice forgiveness, the quickest way to release anger and resentment.
7. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
8. Laugh out aloud!

Mars - Your Passion for Life. God of War.
Mars orbit lies between Earth and Jupiter. Approx. half the size of the Earth. Orbit of approx. 2 years. Reddish color caused by
iron-rich dust.
Positive Traits
Adventurous and energetic, pioneering and courageous, enthusiastic and confident, dynamic and quick-witted, assertive, willful and initiative.
Negative Traits
Selfish and quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient, foolhardy and dare-devil, aggressive, headstrong, selfish.
Assertively, urgently, forthrightly, selfishly.
Moon Cycle and Season
Bat Moon
26th July to 22nd August.
Astrological Sign
Arians want to stand out from the crowd and have all the will to succeed. They are basically uncomplicated, direct in their approach
and able to cope in a straightforward manner with the day to day problems of life. They strip away everything that is not necessary to the
achievement of their goals, whether these are immediate or long-term for example, the menu for tonight's dinner or the details of a
contract. Their ability to see clearly the essential elements of important decisions is both enviable and convincing.

Astrological Wheel - Known As The First House

The First House is the light you bring on earth for others. It can harden into a persona or mask. But it is also your original self, announcing,
'I'm Here'. The Persona, the face you show the world, your personality, your personal affairs, physical appearance, and physical make-up, how the
world sees you, general conditions of health and susceptibility to illness, the house of the ego and I.

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Worrying about what people think dis-empowers YOUR values. It places control in THEIR opinions and THEIR reaction.
I call to mind a Great Mystery; circular things, without an end; or beginning or middle; in here.
I call to mind the Great Unseen; for who can say where Spirit starts
And where it goes and if it ends In here.
I call to mind its eternal Breath; its wisdom and its strength renewed
Coming back to where it began; in here.

Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements

Any philosophical system that seeks to explain all phenomena in terms of two distinct and irreducible principles. It is opposed to monism and
pluralism. In Plato's philosophy there is an ultimate dualism of being and becoming, of ideas and matter. Aristotle criticized Plato's doctrine of the
transcendence of ideas, but he was unable to escape the dualism of form and matter. In modern metaphysics this dualism has been a persistent
Pagan is derived from the Latin Paganus, meaning 'a civilian', and from Pagus, 'a village'. Pagans are people from a village, or
more commonly, simply country-dwellers. The majority of Pagans today live in towns; this term accurately describes the Pagan
heritage, and the affinity which modern Pagans feel with the natural environment. Most modern pagans believe that everything has a
soul or spirit. People, animals, plants and even some inanimate objects possess a soul, and a specific place in the world, that is, we all
exist for a reason. Some may not take the belief so far, but may still believe that every living thing is just as important as any other.
People, animals, plants, etc. are created equal and must be afforded respect. Which is why sometimes you may see a pagan
requesting permission from a tree before picking an apple? This is called Animism, and all Pagan religions share this belief. Rivers,
animals, rocks, trees, land are all filled with their own unique spirits. Much of our myth and folklore has to do with the changing of seasons and
other natural events. In addition, those cycles that mirror the cycles of Nature which Religious ceremonies co-ordinate with the phases of the moon.
Myth and folklore have a lot to do with the changing of seasons and other natural events, as well as cycles that mirror the cycles of Nature which take
place within the human body. E.g. the monthly menstrual cycle. Modern pagans follow a religion which is as old as humanity itself, but whose
practices have been adapted to suit life in the modern world, people who have made a positive choice to follow a path of individual spiritual growth,
in harmony with the Earth. Modern Pagans come from all walks of life, including police officers, scientists, solicitors, health care professionals,
teachers, farmers, information technology specialists, industrial relation specialists, graphic designers, engineers, the list goes on!

6 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra)
Opening Sacral/Sexual/Orange Chakra
Has a clear sense of personal boundaries and limits; supports self and others in equal measure.
Feels overwhelmed; resistant and reactive, starts out overly helpful, and then suddenly withdraws.
Personal Identity;
Fear of loss of control/or being controlled. 'View argues that so-called mental events are really physical events occurring to physical objects'.
Your Sacral Is Out Of Balance When...
You need frequent sexual gratification.
You see people as sex objects.
You choose to be celibate to avoid intimacy.
You lack creativity.
You do not relate well to yourself or others.
You find difficulty in conceiving.
You are manipulative, or like to be manipulated by others.
Give or receive sexual abuse.
You are easily shocked.
Refrain from socializing.

Location in the Body

Your pubic bone, measuring 7.23cm from perineum
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Spine - Sacrum, Pelvis/Hips, Mammary Glands, Male and Female Reproductive Organs, Bladder, Prostrate, Appendix, Large and Small
Intestine, Nervous System, Lymphatic System.

The Use of the Color Orange

Color can often have reference attributing to symbolic meanings or significance this can be to objects, events, relationships etc.
Examples of this:
1. 'Halloween'
2. 'Orange Floats'
3. 'Clockwork Orange'
In keeping with its transitional appearance in nature, you might use shades of orange to indicate transition or a bridge between two opposing
factors. Orange is often synonymous with autumn yet the brighter oranges are a summer color. Use shades of orange for seasonal-themed fall or
summer materials. Orange is mentally stimulating as well as sociable. Use it to get people thinking or to get them talking.
Symbolic Color
The point of balance between the spirit and the libido. However this balance tends to be upset in one direction or the other, so that orange
may become the revelation of divine love or the emblem of lust. Fertility. Expression of faithful, constancy, conquering and extinguishing the flames
of passion.

Where Is Your Orange

Are you wearing Orange today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?
Put some orange in your life when you want:
* to spice things up when you feel time is dragging
* to become more involved in something
* to increase creativity
* relief from things becoming too serious

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Expectation;
Expanding our Reality Energy flows through. We move toward, but not beyond. What can imagine what we assume, expect or believe; creates
and color experiences. By expanding our deepest beliefs about expanding our reality it is possible we change our experiences of life.
Possessively, permanently.
Positive Aspects Of The Sacral
Great initiative and creativity, improved relationships, emotional balance, feeling of personal power, strength to change personal relationships.

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Negative Aspects Of The Sacral
On a Power Trip, Shock, Trauma, Dependency, Fear of Change.
Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note C#.
Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Giant Causeway

Shadow Chakra
Shy, Timid, Resentful, Distrustful, Difficulty Conceiving, Frigid or Impotent, Guilt, Emotionally Explosive, Aggressive, Manipulative,
Overindulgent, Overly Ambitious, Addiction to Sex.
Light Chakra
Positive Creative Expression. Healthy relationships with self and others. Honor One Another.

Patterns and Balance

Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. E.g. Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
Where our patterns play power games in the Lover, Addict, Victim, Prostitute. How our pattern shows in co-creation with the Divine.
2 - Cooperation and Balance.
Positives; Loving, cooperative, good communicator
Negatives; Tends to be a loner, doesn't speak up for themselves
Careers; Diplomatic corps, counselor or a partner in a small business

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
The only way someone can be of help to you is in challenging your Ideals.
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed at nighttime
or add it to your drinking water.
Dispels apathy, indolence and passivity. In addition, increases physical energy, personal power, creativity and compassion.
Assists educational and business pursuits and interpersonal relationships. It is one of the two minerals on the planet which does not hold and
accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. Therefore, it never needs
cleansing or clearing.
Absorbs and transmutes negative energy. Emits a sunny and bright soothing energy, which calms the nerves. It has been used as
a symbol for renewal of marriage vows and to assure promises. It has been said to bring good luck to warriors. It cleanses the
environment in which it rests and is an excellent mineral for use in purifying birthing and re-birthing rooms. It also acts to purify ones
body, mind and spirit when worn, carried or used as an elixir.
Orange Calcite;
Amplifies and strengthens the aura. Fantastic for the kidneys and assisting studying.
The Use of Essential Oils
Urinary Tract Infections; Sandalwood
Low Sex Drive; Jasmine and Ylang Ylang
Pre Menstrual Tension Carrot Seed
Heavy Periods Geranium
Sciatica Citronella, Eucalyptus, Sweet Marjoram and Pine
Shock Lemon Balm, Lavender and Orange Blossom
Foods - A Good Way to Feed Your Chakra
Orange food contains carotenoids. Great for fighting cancer and keeping your eyes in good condition.
Carrots, Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, Apricots, Mangoes, Eggs Swede, Papaya, Peaches, Passion Fruit, Squash, Pumpkins, Oranges.

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The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Swollen Prostrate; Juniper Berries and Parsley
Yeast Infection; Wash in diluted cider vinegar, drink one glass of buttermilk before retiring
Menstrual Cramps; Glass of milk with half a teaspoon with cinnamon
Menstrual Pain; Warm Hip Bath
Aphrodisiac; Echinacea The tribal medicine of the North American Indians and by the 19th Century
had become widely used.
Menstrual Pain; Dong Quai, commonly known as the female ginseng.
Menopausal Symptoms; Sage Leaves and Black Cohosh Evening Primrose Oil

Homeopathic Remedies
Heavy Periods; Calc carb, Sepia, China
Menopause; Calc carb, Sepia, Lachesis, Sulphur
PMS; Sepia, Calc carb, Pulsatilla
Absent Periods; Aconite, Ignatia
Sciatica; Ammonium mur, Colocynthis, Rhus tox
Impotence; Conium,
Fibroids; Calc Carb.
Flower Essences
Controlling; Chicory (Bach), Isopogon, Gymea Lil (Australian Bush Flower)
Low Sex Drive; Clematis and Centaury (Bach), Dog Rose, Flannel Flower, Wisteria (Australian Bush

Magnetic Mayan Tone 2 - Lunar Tone

Lunar Tone of Challenge
Stabilize Energy; Stabilize
Keywords; Stabilize, polarize, challenge
Mayan Name; Ca
Power; Balance and stabilize the energy you have received, two contains polarity. Take a close
look at your opposite in the process, what are your obstacles and challenges.
Guidance; Honestly recognize limitations in order to embrace and overcome them.
Query; Do you really see the other side?
Totem Helpers.
Every animal has a powerful spirit, personality and characteristics unique to that power animal
Primal energies of Birth, Motherhood and Initiation.
Fertility and New Life.

Practical Suggestions
1. Take a bath in orange or neroli oil.
2. Give or receive a therapeutic massage.
3. Examine how you honor your masculine and feminine sides.
4. Dance for an hour to connect you to your body, i.e. belly dancing.

Venus - The Act of Love.
Venus orbit lies between mercury and earth.
Almost equal in size to the earth.
Orbit around the sun takes 225 days.
Yellowish color.
Positive Traits;
Patient and reliable, warm hearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security-loving, peace, pleasure,
comfort, security, harmony.
Negative Traits;
Jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexible, self-indulgent lazy and greedy.
Stabilize, Polarize and Challenge.
Moon Cycle and Season
Scorpion Moon 23rd August to 19th September.
Astrological Sign

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Reliability is the essential characteristic of a Taurean - but if he or she is to function satisfactorily, it must be against a stable and
secure background, for emotional and material security is of prime importance. These people have a great deal of common sense but
can lack flexibility and must realize that even well thought out decisions should sometimes be changed. Taureans often surround
themselves with possessions as an outward sign of their achievements to convince them of their progress and position in society.
Astrological Wheel - Known As The Second House
Life Values - Key to Personal Self Worth
2nd House (Earth) has to do with how that energy becomes grounded. It concerns what you value, money, talents, resources, freedom or lack
of it, and how you feel about yourself.

Om An Hum - The Trinity of Power, Creation, Maintenance,
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Any philosophical system that seeks to explain all phenomena in terms of two distinct and irreducible principles. It is opposed to monism and
pluralism. In Plato's philosophy there is an ultimate dualism of being and becoming, of ideas and matter. Aristotle criticized Plato's doctrine of the
transcendence of ideas, but he was unable to escape the dualism of form and matter.
In modern metaphysics this dualism has been a persistent concept.
We have converted our wounds into a type of relationship. "Currency that we use in order to control situations and people"
By C. Myss
The Man who became known as Buddha, preached another alternative to the ritual bound Brahmanism of 6th Century
BCE India. His teachings were generally focused on earthly sufferings and its cure. Many religions offer comforting
supernatural solutions to the difficulties of earthly life. In early forms, Buddhism was quite different. It held that our salvation
from suffering lies only in our own efforts. The Buddha taught that in understanding how we create suffering ourselves we can
become free.
It is said that Shinto has no founder, no orthodox canon of sacred literature and no code of ethical requirements. Shinto is so ancient and
deep seated, that those who practice them have forgot the symbolic meanings of their rituals. It began as the local religion of agricultural
communities and had no name until Buddhism, the former was labeled 'shin' meaning 'Divine Being', 'do' way. At one time it was used by the central
government to inspire nationalism, but due to the separation of the church and State after World War II, Shinto quietly returned to its roots. These
are described as affinity with natural beauty, harmony with the spirits and purification rituals.

10 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra)
Opening Solar/Navel/Yellow Chakra
Trust, Self Esteem - Do You Like Yourself?
Engages in heartfelt, uplifting, expression. Communicates with joy, inspiration, sensitivity.
Feels depressed and disappointed; overly sensitive; complains and criticizes; filled with self-doubt.
Your Solar Is Out Of Balance When
You feel 'nervous' fear in your gut.
Digestion is sluggish or over stimulated.
You feel a lack of self-esteem.
You are a 'people pleaser'.
You are constantly testing your partner/family.

Location in the Body

Inside your navel
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Lumbar Vertebrae L1 to L5, Large and Small Intestine, Bladder, Urethra, Nervous System, Lymphatic System
Positive Aspects of the Solar Plexus
Great mental and emotional control, good nervous and digestive systems, knowledge, intellect, happiness, study/learning, love of animals.
Negative Aspects of the Solar Plexus
Dislike of change, nervous, fearful, stressful, sadness.

The Use of Color Yellow

Color can often have reference attributing to symbolic meanings or significance this can be to objects, events, relationships etc.
Symbolic Color
The hottest, the most expansive and the most burning of all colors in its intensity, vibrant and almost strident
shrillness. Broad and dazzling as a flow of molten metal. Hard to put out and always overflowing the limits within which
one tries to confine it. Manifestation of power. Our skin goes yellow too at the approach of death. Yellow is strongly
related to brightness. There is no such color as dark yellow, this would become gold. It therefore may be stated that there
is a very strong physical kinship between yellow on white. Color of God's divine immortality 2 way channel of
communication, an intermediary between God and Mankind.

Good Yellow
* Yellow ribbon - hope, support, remembrance
* Mellow yellow - laid back, relaxation
* Yellow Pages
Bad Yellow
* Yellow or Yellow streak or Yellow-bellied - cowardice or coward
* Yellow journalism - irresponsible reporting
* Jaundice.
Where is your Yellow?
Are you wearing Yellow today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?
Put some Yellow in your life when you want:
* Clarity for decision-making
* Relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion
* Sharper memory and concentration skills
* Protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather

Metaphysical Law
Law of Cycles- Dancing to Natures Song
The world of nature moves in rhythms, patterns, and cycles-the passing of the seasons, the movement of the stars, the ebb and flow of the
tides. The seasons do not push one another; neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in their own good time-rising and
falling and rising like ocean waves, in the circles of time. By Dan Millman
Musical Note

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Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note D.
Communicatively, adaptably, versatility, restlessly.

Mercury - Your State of Mind
Messenger of the Gods
Mercury's orbit lies between the Earth and Sun.
It is the smallest of the known planets.
Orbit takes approximately 88 days.
Silver in color.
Traits - Adaptable and versatile, communicative and witty, intellectual and eloquent, youthful and lively.
Traits - Nervy and tense, superficial and inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive.

Moon Cycle and Season

Deer Moon - 20th September to 17th October.
Keywords Bond, Activate and Service.

Astrological Sign
Versatility is the hallmark of Gemini's. This is the first dual sign of the zodiac and its subjects find it essential to pursue several
courses of action at once. They also need to communicate on all levels. Their potential can be expressed in many ways, but especially
through the media. This need for communication is so strong that they'll telephone their local radio station with comments on every
conceivable subject and will even chat to someone in a bus queue if no one else is available at the time.


Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods

To be advised

Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells

The megalithic sites of Weris, Belgium.
Bimini, Bahamas.

Astrological Wheel - Known as the Third House
Third House - Communication
Your communication of Will; your personal thought patterns and the way you tend to communicate with others,
brothers/sisters, short journeys, immediate neighborhood, messages and news.

Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe
works on our behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal
Patterns show up in our ability to handle crisis, care of yourself and others, how oneself communicates to self-Child, Communicator,
Counselor, Therapist, Scholar, Prostitute, Victim or victorious. Hero, bully and coward.

3; Expression and Sensitivity, The purpose of 3's entails bringing constructive emotional
expression into world. Uplift rather than tear down.
Outgoing, creative, optimistic, and positive
Easily bored, has trouble staying on task

12 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Press secretary, party planner, sales person

Shadow Chakra
Depressed, insecure, distrustful, jealous, perfectionist, workaholic, overly intellectual, difficult to relax, anxious, stressful.

Light Chakra
Disciplined, flexible, relaxed, outgoing, spontaneous, humorous and fun.

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
And God breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life and Man became a Living Soul - Genesis.

Crystals and Minerals

Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around
your bed at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Tigers Eye;
Contains solar energy promoting intuitive impressions with the solar plexus. It produces soothing vibrations, generating
calmness to unsettled turmoil and allowing one to enjoy the actions of being unfenced and uninhibited. It has been used in
the treatment of disorders of the eye, the throat, the reproductive system and diverticular constrictions and to aid in night
vision. It can also be used to strengthen the alignment of the spinal column and to facilitate the mending of broken bones.
Yellow Jaspe
Was often worn by shaman to provide protection. It holds an aspect of solar energy and a connection to the solar plexus chakra which also
helped shaman in their magical practices. It was considered a sacred stone during the performance of and adherence to, the old ways of the Native
American Indians. The jasper which contains the yellow color was used to assist and protect during times of spiritual and physical travel.
Sunstone - This mineral can be used to both clear and energies the chakras, allowing one to exhibit a floral freshness and a feeling of being 'squeaky
clean'. It assists in gently removing the 'hook-ups' which have infiltrated the energy centers, returning them to the source after surrounding them with
both love and positive energy. It can be used to dissipate fearfulness, to alleviate stress and to increase vitality.
The Use of Essential Oils
Gas; Chamomile
Colic; Constipation, Nausea - Fennel and Lavender
Fear; Frankincense, Lavender and Ylang Ylang
Lack of Confidence; Jasmine
Foods - A Good Way to Feed Your Chakra
Yellow Peppers, Lemons, Grapefruit, Bananas, Pineapples, Sweet corn, Yellow Lentils, Mung Dhal, and Dairy Foods.

The Use of Natural Remedies

Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Indigestion; Mix equal measure of baking soda and water and drink, peppermint
Flatulence; Cinnamon Water
Constipation; Drink 8 glasses of water daily, cabbage juice and carrot juice
Diarrhea; Arrowroot, barley and rice water
Gastric Ailments; Slippery Elm, Peppermint, Sage Leaves, Elm Thyme
Homeopathic Remedies
Shock, Fear, Anxiety; Aconite
Cystitis: Cantharis; Nux Vomica, Staphisagria
Frequent Urination; Kali Carb, Causticum.
Constipation; Bryonia, Calc Carb, Nat Mur.
Diarrhea; Argentum Mit, Arsen Alb.
Indigestion/Gas; Carbo Veg, Lycopedium.
Nausea/Vomiting; Arsen Alb, Ipecac, Phosphorus.
Flower Essences
Lacking Trust in Others; Holly (Bach), Bluebell, Pink Mulla Mulla (Australian Bush Flower)
Lacking in Self-esteem; Cerato, Larch, Pine, Crabapple, Elm (Bach), Bluebell, Pink Mulla Mulla (Australian Bush
Nervousness; Aspen (Bach), Dog Rose, Crowea, Jacaranda (Australian Bush Flower)
Sadness; Star of Bethlehem, Pine, Sweet Chest, Mustard, Willow (Bach), Sturt Desert Pea, Sunshine
Wattle, Red Suva Frangipani (Australian Bush Flower)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 3 - Electric Tone
Electric Tone of Service
Bond Energy; Activate

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Keywords; Bond, activate, service
Mayan Word; Ox
Power; Represented by 3 dots. Visualize standing on one of these dots you can travel to both
directions. Linking yourself, your purpose and a third factor, being your external world.
Guidance; Serve - to be open to all possibilities, to be part of the solution.
Query; Do you dare to follow your own heart?

Totem Helpers.
Every animal has a powerful spirit, personality and characteristics unique to that power animal.
Patience, New-beginnings, Knowledge
Joy, playfulness and sharing.

Practical Suggestions
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you like yourself? What don't you like and why?
2. Are you critical of others? Do you blame others as a way of protecting yourself?
3. Do you respect yourself? Can you decide to make changes inyour life and then stick with your commitment?

See the well-being of the city where I have exiled you and pray to God on its behalf for in its well-being you will find your well-being -Jeremiah
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Any philosophical system that seeks to explain all phenomena in terms of two distinct and irreducible principles. It
is opposed to monism and pluralism. In Plato's philosophy there is an ultimate dualism of being and becoming, of ideas
and matter. Aristotle criticized Plato's doctrine of the transcendence of ideas, but he was unable to escape the dualism of
form and matter.
In modern metaphysics this dualism has been a persistent concept. The Universe is split into two who are constantly
at war with each other.

Trust or Fear is the responsibility of the person you become.
Judaism has no single founder, no central leader or any group making theological decisions, it is the diverse tradition
associated with the Jewish people. In religious terms, it is known that they are those who experience their long and often
difficult history as a continuing dialogue with God. The Jewish history began with stories recounted in the Hebrew Bible or
Tanakh. Their history was that of the creation of the world by a supreme deity, or God and through the patriarchs,
matriarchs and Moses, who spoke to God and then led the people according to God's commandments. When the holy
center of Judaism, the temple of Jerusalem, was captured and destroyed by the Romans in 70CE, Jewish history is that of a
dispersed people, finding unity in their evolving teachings and traditional practices, which were eventually codified in the
great compendium of Jewish law and lore, the Talmun. The Jewish people hold the Pentateuch, being the 'five books of
Moses' appear at the beginning of the Tanakh, as the most sacred part of the scriptures. Traditionalists believe that the
books were divinely revealed to Moses and also written by him as a single document. Hebrew Scriptures begin with the account of the creation of
'heaven and earth' by God in six days. After God had created the material universe, God then created Man and Woman in the divine 'image ‘or
'likeness'. In this account God is shown as a transcendent Creator without origins, gender or form.

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Golden Star (4th Chakra)
Opening Gold Star/Gold Chakra
Wherever you go, your home is always your heart - home is where the heart is.
Prepares well and progresses step-by-step: patiently follows through: balances logic and emotion.
Wants it all now: skips steps, ambitious, impatient, confused, lacks stability or follow-through.

Location In The Body

Pancreas, 7.23cm from your navel.
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Thoracic Vertebrae T9 to T12, Ribs, Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach, Pancreas, Duodenum, Intestines, Spleen, Kidneys,
Adrenal Glands, Ureters, Diaphragm, Lymphatic System, Nervous System.
Positive Aspects Of The Golden Star
Wisdom, philosophy, deep bliss and warmth, achieves life purpose with a sense of duty and purpose, enables you to
move out of lethargic states, promotes the God as a doer in all things and a sense of presence (the Father God within).
Negative Aspects Of The Golden Star
Deep fear, confusion of life, depression, a loss of confidence. Hiding behind something - Illusion.
Your Golden Star Is Out Of Balance When
You hold deep fears
You are afraid of being alone
You feel 'stuck' unable to move forward and transform.
Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note D#.

Protectively, sensitively, moodily.

Symbolic Color

Gold – Transmutation
Gold is traditionally regarded as the most precious of all metals. In India it is allegedly called 'Mineral Light'. Its nature
is Fiery Solar and Royal Divine. In the Far East, Gold was especially believed to be the offspring of the Earth. Changing lead
into gold, Angelus Silesius would say is Transforming man into God through God, such were the Mystical objectives of
Spiritual Alchemy. Symbolises. The Tree of Knowledge. Gold neither rusts or becomes soiled. Possessing gold can bring
happiness, otherwise it can cause its owner disastrous results by holding on too tight.

The Use Of The Color Gold

Gold is a shade of the color "yellow" closest to that of gold metal. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the color gold as: "A light olive-
brown to dark yellow, or a moderate, strong to vivid yellow." Of course the visual sensation usually associated with the metal gold is its metallic shine.
This cannot be reproduced by a simple solid color, because the shiny effect is due to the material's reflective brightness varying with the surface's
angle to the light source.
Good Gold
* Gold star - praise, commendation
* Good as gold - valuable, positive
* Solid gold - superior, outstanding, best of the best
* Gold standard - the best, a measure of quality, excellence
* Golden child/boy - favored person
Bad Gold
* Gold brick - trick, cheat, or deceive
* Gold-digger - someone who feigns genuine interest but is only after a person's money
* Fool's Gold - mica, anything mistaken for gold, worthless
Where is your Gold
Are you wearing Gold today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

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Metaphysical Law
Law of Compassion - Awakening our Humanity
The Universe does not judge us; it only provides consequences and lessons and opportunities to balance and learn through the law of cause
and effect. Compassion is the recognition that we are each doing the best we can within the limits of our current beliefs and capacities. By Dan

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
That I feed the hungry, forgive an insult and love my enemy, these are great virtues. By C Jung
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your
bed at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Botswana Agate
Enhances creativity. Aids release of repressed emotions and depression. Encourages a solution to the problem rather than
dwelling on it!
Snakeskin Agate
Provides strength when active, promotes inner peace, self-esteem, self-awareness and a joy for living.
Has often been classed as a 'master healer'. Clears negativity from the chakras, physical, emotional and mental bodies. Excellent for rebuilding
the nervous system, (eg; multiple sclerosis.) digestion, circulation and breathing. Rejuvenates the endocrine system and improves conditions related
to the brain, eg; autism, dyslexia and epilepsy.
Golden Topaz
Transmutes feelings of depression into joy, love and a deep sense of peace. When using as an elixir, amplify its positive healing with
visualisation. Stores information and energy (repository stone), good for recharing your batteries. Can be used to attract friendship and business.
Good for treating conditions associated with the liver, gallbladder and endocrine glands.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Anxiety; Bergamot
Lack of Confidence; Jasmine
Panic Attacks; Frankincense and Lavender
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
All Grains, Papaya, Honey, Olive and Sunflower Oil, Seeds.
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment
Blood Cleanser; Dandelion
Cirrhosis of the Liver; Eclipta Alba, Picrorhiza Kurroa
Gall Bladder; Chicory, Olive and Sunflower Oil
Fears; Kava kava and Valerian

Homeopathic Remedies
Anger: Nux Vomica
Confusion: Cannabis ind
Phobias and Fears: Aconite, Argentum nit., Graphites
Flower Essences
Lack in Wisdom; Chestnut Bud and Cerato
Fantasies; Clematis and Cherry Plum
Fearful; Mimulus (Bach), Dog Rose, Green Spider Orchid(Australian Bush Flower), Bog
Rosemary, Tundra Rose(Alaskan)
Fearless; Oak

Totem Helpers.
Every animal has a powerful spirit, personality and characteristics unique to that power animal.
Rhinoceros – Ancient; Wisdom.
Crab; Adaptability and contentment on land or sea.

Mayan Magnetic Tone 4 - Self-Existing Tone

Self-Existing Tone of Form
Measure Energy; Define
Keywords; Measure, define, form
Mayan Word; Can
Power; The Third Dimension, time is our Fourth Dimension! We need time to experience the

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third dimension
Guidance; Form action plan, define boundaries and create a blueprint for success
Query; Do you respect your limitations, do you want to exceed your capacities
Practical Suggestions
Put some gold in your life when you want:
* increased personal power
* relaxation and enjoyment of life
* good health
* success

Moon - Your Inner Self
The Goddess of Nurture and Fertility.
The moons orbit is between earth and Venus
Size of Moon
Orbit takes approximately 27 days, 7 hours, 43mins and 11 seconds!
The moon is lit by the sun's light.
Positive Traits;
Emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, protective and sympathetic.
Negative Traits;
Changeable and moody, over-emotional and touchy, clinging and unable to let go.
Moon Cycle and Season
Owl Moon 18th October to 14th November.
Keywords Measure, Define and Form.
Astrological Sign
The need to protect the self and family from threat is one of the cheif Cancerian characteristics. Challenge a Cancerian in an
argument and a remarkable self-defence system springs into action. The expression tightens and clouds, a frown quickly appears
between the eyes and there is an instant, rather snappy answer. This is a rather enigmatic zodiac type, but famililarity with a Cancerian
reveals loving kindness and caring beneath an unpromising surface. A high emotional level is married to a very considerable intuition.
Aztec's Deities / Mayan Gods
Mayan god Chac was the god of rain. He was a benevolent god for the Mayans who often sought his help for their crops. Chac
was associated with creation and life. Chac was also considered to be divided into four equal entities. Each division represented the
North, South, East, and West. Chac was also apparently associated with the wind god, Kukulcan. Some debate persists as to whether or
not Kukulcan was just a variotion of Chac.
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Drenthe Holland, Iona Scotland, Mount Taranaki New Zealand

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Fourth House
Fourth House – Home
Your personal power around house/home, and home base. Basic security; how you see yourself subjectively; house of more closely
linked parent; ancestry, origins, foundation, general conditions at the end of life; real estate and inheritance through parental background;
the underlying pattern of operation in your approach to the world, transportation; possibly more the real you than is shown through the
first house.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. E.g. Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
The Mother type is the Life Giver. Gaia is Goddess of Life.
The pattern is the power of compassion and the birthing of anything new. "As you sow, so shall you reap". Alchemist, Mother, Nurturer,
Goddess, Queen, Father, Midas.
4 - Stability and Process
As in building a house or anything else for foundations.
Hard worker, practical, honest
Uptight, cannot seem to slow down, hates to break out of a routine

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Administrator or anything related to working in a team
Shadow Chakra
Anxiety, confusion, feelings of irrational deep fears
Light Chakra
Deep understanding of philosophy, knowledge transcended into wisdom, deep bliss, warmth felt within, forgiveness.
One never can see the thing in itself because the mind does not transcend the phenomena. Being above and independent of the material
universe. Hilaire Belloc

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - I am that I am.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Some of us 'get woken up' by the harsh realities of life. We suffer so much that we wake up. But people keep bumping again and again into
It is when your Spirit goes wandering upon the wind, That you alone and unguarded, committing wrong unto others and therefore unto
yourself. By Kahill Gibran
In the fifteenth century another great teacher emerged in northern India, this was Guru Nanak, his followers were named Sikhs, meaning
disciples, seekers of the truth and students. The understanding of their path is that of not another religion, but a statement of universal truth within,
transcending all religions. Sikhism has its own unique quality and history. Sikhism does not seek converts, it shows the universality of spiritually. The
Sikhism focus is one of loving devotion to one God and it is the Same One who is worshipped in many different names around the world. The One
they know is harmless, beyond space and time, the only truth and the only reality. The concept of this was derived from Guru Nanak's Mool Mantra
('basic sacred chant') and introduces the Guru Granth Sahib and Jap Ji, the first morning prayer of Sikhs. The Sikhs may refer to God as Sat
(meaning 'truth') or as Ik Onkar, the one Supreme Being. God is a pure being without attributes. A true Sikh is to live a disciplined life of surrender
and devotion to God, which consists of daily prayer, continuous inner repetition of the name of God, also detachment from negative worldly mind
states. Also, one's mind and heart are joined with God.

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Lower Heart Chakra (5th Chakra Diaphragm)
Opening Lower Heart/Peach Chakra
Uses multifaceted talents in a focused way; applies discipline to achieve independence
Swings from extreme dependence to independence; scattered; tries to do too much; bluffs and pretends.
Life Purpose - Self Esteem, Forgiveness.
Adventure is not outside! It is within. By Dave Grayson
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Thoracic Vertebrae T6 - T9, Ribs, Lungs, Liver, Esophagus, Diaphragm, Heart, Lymphatic system, Nervous System.
Location In The Body
Diaphragm 7.23cm below the center of your heart.
Your Lower Heart Is Out Of Balance When
You feel emotional confusion
You feel emotionally 'cut off' and isolated
You are unable to distinguish the feelings of others and your own
You feel hopeless, fear and despair of Earths changes and evolvement
You lack empathy for others and the Earth.
Creatively, impressively, powerfully, moodily.

The Use Of The Color Peach

Peach is color that combines pink and orange colors. This color is named for the pale color of the peach fruit. It resembles
average Caucasian skin tone. Crayola created a crayon in this color in 1949 named Flesh, subsequently renamed peach in 1962.
Symbolic Color
Warm nurturing, aids digestion. Good for children to help sleep and provide comfort. Secure, glowing, creative, stimulating,
fun, enlivening, uplifting, bringing laughter, joy and humor. Action oriented and impatient. Independent, an organizer and self-
motivated. Orange is the color of practicality and creativity. Energy levels high, sometimes restless. Forceful will and tend to be active and
Peach is much warmer and subtler than orange, less direct with energy, in a more caring way. Good to use for nervous exhaustion. Excitable
and seek domination over others.
Where is your Peach
Are you wearing Peach today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
The only way to change the past, is the way it is perceived
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed
at night time or add it to your drinking water.
Can be used for the treatment of disorders of the stomach and oesophagus, in addition relieving stiffness and rigidity. Connect
and attune with the magic of the animal kingdom.
Red Coral;
Is an excellent stone for the use of disorders of the diaphragm, e.g. hiccups. Relaxes the body, and can also be used for disorders relating to
the cellular structure of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid.
Has been called the 'stone of love and balance'. rhodochrosite, is an 'Earth Stone' for healing the earth. Assisting the Earth during its time of
need, allowing us to recognize that the responsibility is actually a joy.
Herkimer Diamond;
Provides a delicate harmony, enhancing awareness and spontaneity. It helps to provide an alliance of strength and recognition of the essential
being within the self. Known as an 'attunement stone', to attune to another person, activity or environment.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Bronchitis; Elemi

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Liver Complaints; Jasmine
Asthma, Bronchitis
Coughs and Tuberculosis; Myrtle
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Kombu, Seaweed, Molasses, Yeast extract, Olives Raisins, Dates, Nuts, Oils, Brown mushrooms, Vinegar, Pumpkin Seeds,
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Asthma; Bitter Gourd Roots and Drumstick Leaves,
Cough; Aniseed
Emotional Confusion; Lemon Balm, Rose and Vitamin B
Indigestion and/or Hiccups; Cinnamon
Gastritis; Calendula
Colic; Saffron
Homeopathic Remedies
Hiccups: Ignatia, Nux Vomica
Bronchitis: Aconite, Phosphorus, Bryonia
Influenza: Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Ferrum Phos Gelsemium, Rhus tox,
Indigestion: Carbo veg, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla
Heartburn: Phosphorus, Sulphur
Flower Essences
Lack of Confidence; Larch (Bach), Five Corners (Australian Bush Flower)
Lack of Judgment; Cerato
Guilt for not doing or being 'enough; Pine (Bach), Sturt Desert Rose(Australian Bush Flower)
Temporary Loss of Confidence; Elm (Five Corners, Dog Rose(Australian Bush Flower)
Resentment and/or Self Pity; Willow (Bach), Southern Cross, Dagger Hakkea(Australian Bush Flower)
Jealousy; Holly (Bach), Mountain Devil, Dagger Hakkea(Australian Bush Flower)
Relaxation when unable to 'switch off; Vervain (Bach), Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Crowea(Australian Bush Flower)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 5 - Overtone Tone
Overtone of Radiance
Command Energy; Confirm
Keywords; Command, empower, radiance
Mayan Name; Ho
Power; Tone 5 reverts you back to the direction of the wind where you started in the cycle of 4,
(red, white, blue and yellow) which is why this is known as the overtone. When added to
tone 4 direct intensity of energy is abound. Use this to strengthen yourself.
Guidance’ Gather internal and external resourses to empower yourself and others.
Query; Do you ensure you get what you need?
Totem Helpers.
Every animal has a powerful spirit, personality and characteristics unique to that power animal.
Praying Mantis;
The Power of Stillness
Practical suggestions
Put some Peach in your life when you want:
* a solid wholesome feeling
* to blend with the background
* a connection with natural earth and the stability this brings
* orderliness and convention

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Presence
The idea of time is a convention of language and thought.
Positive Aspects Of The Lower Heart
Independence, attract money and financial success, balance. Grounding, Intuition, Study, Earth Elements, Animal Kingdom -Fairies, Elves,
Negative Aspects Of The Lower Heart
'Never have enough', aloneness, loss of passion, selfish, fear of earth changes.
After this I will return.

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note E.

20 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Sun - Your Vital Force;
God of Creation.
The Sun contains 99.9% of all matter in the solar system.
The size of the sun is so large that 109 earth's could be placed side by side inside it.
The color of the Sun is white.
The Sun is at the Center of our Solar System.

Positive Traits;
Generous and warm-hearted, creative and enthusiastic, broad-minded and expansive, faithful and loving.
Negative Traits;
Pompous and patronizing, bossy and interfering, dogmatic and intolerant.
Moon Cycle and Season
Peacock Moon;
15th November to 12 December
Command, Empower and Radiance.
Astrological Sign
Organization is essential for leo's who need control in their lives. With the slightest encouragement, their organizational
ability will spill over into the disordered lives of others. The risk lies in their taking over, because they hate to see ability wasted.
Their worst fault is in assuming they always knows best. Leo's may also be extremely dogmatic and so must cultivate flexible minds
and respect for others' opinions. The characteristic Leonine warmth, generosity and desire to understand others can be fully
Aztect's Deities / Mayan God's
Kinich Ahau
Kinich Ahau was the Sun god. He was the patron god of the city Itzamal. Supposedly, he visited the city at noon everday. He
would descend as a macaw and consume prepared offerings. Kinich Ahau is usually shown with jaguar-like features (ex. filed teeth).
Kinich Ahau also wears the symbol of Kin, a Mayan day. Kinich Ahau was also know by the name Ah Xoc Kin, who was associated
with poetry and music.

Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells

Lourdes and the Vatican

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Fifth House
Fifth House - Eros/Creativity
Personal Power around creativity, sexuality, occupation. The house of romantic love; children either of your flesh or of your
mind since it rules self-expression - speculation, gambling, hobbies and recreation; what you do for fun.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. E.g. Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
The patterns will show with benevolence and compassion. Can be doctorial and oppresses others, with the same power. Also of great worldly
power. Midas, Hero, Father, Leader, King/Queen, God/Goddess, Politician.
5 - Freedom and Discipline
Seek freedom through a wide range of direct or vicarious experiences. Here to achieve depth of experience through discipline and focus.
Tend to swing from extremes of dependence to independence until they find inner freedom.
Bold, daring, and persuasive
Materialistic, restless, and easily distracted
Celebrity, business developer
Shadow Chakra
Emotional blockages held within the energetic body, releasing pain, emotional confusion, not able to view with objectivity.
Light Chakra
Respectful of the Earth, sea, land and nature, emotional independence, feeling light and open hearted, expanding feelings of unconditional
love to all living beings.

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Hebrew - New Testament;
Never will I leave you
Never will I forsake you
So we say with confidence
The Lord is my helper
I will not be afraid
What can man do to me.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Knowing your power/Looking for you power.
A faith based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was born a Jew, 2000 years ago in Roman occupied Palestine. The
Christian bible consists of the Hebrew Bible ('The Old Testament') and also 27 books of the 'New Testament', these were written after Jesus' earthly
mission. The information with regard to Jesus' life was taken from the first four books of the 'New Testament', which are called the gospels ('good
news'). In the gospels they show the names of Jesus' followers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These scriptures are known as the Word of God,
divinely inspired. Jesus taught his followers that they should concentrate on laying up spiritual treasures in heaven, rather than their material ones on
earth. As God is a generous parent, those who love God, wish to follow the path of righteousness, they should pray for help in private. 'Ask, and it
will be given you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you'. Jesus was also known for turning water into wine, healing the sick,
walking on water, casting devils out of the possessed, turning a few small loaves and fish into enough food to feed thousands, they were also leftovers.
Jesus performed these miracles with compassion and quietly. The Gospels interrupted these miracles as signs of the coming kingdom of God.

22 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Middle Heart Chakra (6th Chakra)
Opening Heart/Love/Green Chakra
Sees the bigger picture: forgiving and patient, does excellent work without falling into perfectionism, accepts self and others.
Hypercritical: judges self and others against perfectionistic standard, lost in petty details.
Love, wisdom and forgiveness, ability to heal yourself and others.

Location In The Body

Centre of Sternum
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Thoracic Vertebrae T3 to T6, Ribs, Heart, Lungs, Immune System, Oesophagus, Breasts, Nervous System, Lymphatic System.

Symbolic Color
Green is combination of blue and yellow. Green mediates between heat and cold, high and low. It's a comforting
refreshing human color.
Green brings hope in spring, it's the nurse of the human race. It is the color of plant life rising afresh from the regenerating
and cleansing waters to which baptism owes all its symbolic meaning.
Green is the color of awakening of life. The color of hope, strength and of longevity.
To balance the one against the other is the secret of balance between mankind and nature.
Environmentalist green parties. Abundance.
These marvelous virtues of green suggest that this color hides a secret and that it symbolizes deep and hidden knowledge of nature and of fate.
The Use Of The Color Green
Green is combination of blue and yellow mediates between heat and cold, high and low. It's a comforting refreshing human
color. Green brings hope in spring, it's the nurse of the human race. It is the colour of plant life rising afresh from the regenerating
and cleansing waters to which baptism owes all its symbolic meaning.
Green is the color of awakening of life. The colour of hope, strength and of longevity. To balance the one against the other is the
secret of balance between mankind and nature. Environmentalist green parties. Abundance. These marvellous virtues of green suggest
that this color hides a secret and that it symbolizes deep and hidden knowledge of nature and of fate.
Good Green
* Green light - go, permission to proceed (with a task)
* The green room - in theater or televisions it is the room where performers and guests go to relax
* Green thumb - good with plants
* Greenback - US dollar bill, money
* Greener pastures - something newer or better (or perceived to be better), such as a new job
Bad Green
* Green-eyed monster - jealousy
* Green with envy - jealous or envious
* Green - inexperienced, untested, untrained
* Greenhorn - novice, trainee, beginner
* Green around the gills - pale, sickly
Where is your Green
Are you wearing Green today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
And a poet said "Speak to us of beauty and he answered, where shall you seek beauty and how shall you find her unless she herself be your
way and your guide".
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed at
night time or add it to your drinking water!
A good protector of the heart. Release emotionally suppressed trauma. Provides balance between the male and female energies.
Known as a 'stone of successful love', providing harmony in the home and instills sensitivity within the self and others. It can be used to
stimulate and activate the heart chakra. It has been used in the treatment of disorders associated with the heart and lungs.

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This stone has parallel striations running through the length, this indicates a rapid energy moves through it. When placed on the heart chakra,
kunzite has the ability to penetrate emotional blockages, especially good for letting go of fears and sorrows.
Rose Quartz
A loving compassionate stone, brings comfort, understanding and nourishment to the heart. Carry around you when feeling vulnerable and
emotionally unstable, allow the soft loving energies gently penetrate and heal.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Heartburn; Cardomon and Black Pepper
Respiratory System; Frankincense and Eucalyptus
Panic Attacks; Lavender
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Apples, limes, grapes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, leeks, peas, celery, artichoke.
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Cardiovascular; Hawthorn
Sore Breasts; Black Cohosh, St. John's Wort oil, Vitamin B Complex, Calcium and Magnesium
Coughs and Colds; Echinacea
Respiratory Infections; Slippery Elm

Homeopathic Remedies
Grief: Arnica, Ignatio, Lachesis, Nat Mur
Palpitations: Staphisagria.
Heartburn: Sulphur, Phosphorus.
Shock: Aconite
Sensitivity: Lac can
Flower Essences
Anxiety to serve others
to the exclusion of ignoring the self; Centaury (Bach), Philotheca, Alpine Mint Bush(Australian Bush Flower)
Repeating mistakes; Chestnut Bud (Bach), Isopogon(Australian Bush Flower)
Loneliness; Heather (Bach), Illawara Flame Tree, Tall Yellow Top(Australian Bush Flower)
Easily influenced; Walnut
Mayan Magnetic Tone 6 - Rhythmic Tone
Rhythmic Tone of Equality
Balance Energy; Flow
Keywords; Balance, organize, equality
Mayan Name; Uac
Power; Immerse and let yourself flow with the natural rhythm of life, cycles of nature, all that
ascends and descends, death and rebirth, the continual movement of the cosmic balance.
Guidance; Organize resources and life with efficiency and effectiveness.
Query; Do you go with the flow, are you 'holding on' to something or someone?
Totem Helper
Hummingbird; Tireless Joy and the Nectar of Life

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Integrity
Positive Aspects Of The Heart
Inner peace and harmony with great compassion and expression of love, (including love of self) balance, fertility of the mind, craftsmen,
working with hands, new beginnings in life, nature lovers.
Negative Aspects Of The Heart
Represents changes that you do not like, nervous, fear, stress and sadness.

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the muscial note F.

Your state of health, Christ said, "We would need to enter the kingdom of heaven through the eye of a needle".
Positive Traits;
Modest and shy, meticulous and reliable, practical and diligent, intelligent and analytical.
Negative Traits;
Fussy and a worrier, over-critical and harsh, perfectionist and conservative.

24 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Critically, analytically, carpingly.
Moon Cycle and Season
Lizard Moon;
13th December to 9th January.
Balance, Organize and Equality.

Astrological Sign
Virgoans are in constant motion due to their abundant nervous energy. It is vital that this energy finds a positive outlet; otherwise it will be
frittered away in restless twitchiness. Virgoans should also learn to center themselves and achieve inner calm. If they don't, tension can be a severe
problem and mixed with the almost inevitable Virgoan worry, will lead to nervous upsets. Worry is the root of most personal problems for these
individuals and is best countered by their analytical, critical and practical qualities.
Aztec's Deities / Mayan God's
Yemil Kaxob
The Maize god is representative of the ripe grain which was the base of the Mayan agriculture. In certain areas of Mesoamerica,
like Yucatan, the Maize god is combined with the god of flora, Yumil Kaxob. The Maize god is principally shown with a headdress of
maize and a curved streak on his cheek. He is also noticeable from other gods throug his youth. Despite this youth, the Maize god was
powerless by himself. His fortunes and misfortunes were decided by the control of rain and drought. The Rain god would protect him.
However, he suffered when the Death god exercised drought and famine.
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Acropolis and Hierpolis

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Sixth House
6th House - Regulates how we exist on a day-to-day basis, daily rituals and routines and habits. It has to do with the body-mind
relationship, with the connection of our animal self to the earth. It's a house of craft and technique, above all of usefulness - what you
do (work, occupation). It's the journey of discovery of what you have to work on in yourself. It's not just occupation; on the soul level
it's what you have to do to work on yourself.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
The pattern of this type is that we all serve someone or something. Essentially which enchanting to our life, these archetypes can fall within
Mother, Poet, Child, Fool and Indentured Servant.

6 Vision and Acceptance
Acceptance is recognizing that whatever happens and however we respond, it is precisely what we need for our highest good and learning.
Positives; Family oriented, responsible, romantic, and nurturing.
Negatives; Very opinionated and easily taken advantage of.
Careers; Teacher, personal assistant, caterer.

Shadow Chakra
Inability to give/receive unconditional love. Not able to breathe in the new until grief/pain released. Withholding the capacity to forgive
yourself and others. Envy and hatred.

Light Chakra
Empathic abilities, sensing other people’s emotions/feelings. Love and beauty seen in all living beings. Compassion being your heart’s desire.

Your Middle Heart Is Out Of Balance When

You are melodramatic.
You have no respect for nature, creatures and animals.
Your attitude is martydom, "Ive made so many sacrifices for you...."
You love with conditions, "I'll love you if....." or "You would'nt do that if you loved me"
You are afraid to 'let go'

Practical suggestions
Put some green in your life when you want:

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 25
* a new state of balance
* feel a need for change or growth
* freedom to pursue new ideas
* protection from fears and anxieties connected with the demands of others

Ya-Salaam - God The Source of Peace.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
I am bound to win but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what light I have. By Abraham Lincoln.
It is impossible to help another without helping yourself or to harm another without harming yourself.
About 570CE there was a new prophet born, who was called Muhammad. Muhammad was considered by the
Muslims to be last of the chain of prophets, who had come to restore the true religion. This was regarded as the final
stage in the evolution of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic monotheistic Tradition. "There is no God but God, and
Muhammad is his Messenger. The sacred book of Islam, known as the Holy Qur'an, received a series of revelations to
Muhammad and this tells of Abraham and Ishamel built together the holiest Sanctuary in Islam, the Ka'bah. This is
thought to be the site of Adams's original place of worship. In the Qur'an, Abraham was told by God that the Ka'bah
should be a place of Pilgrimage and it was regarded as a holy place by the Arabian Tribes. Muhammad life story was
important to the Muslims, as his character is said to be a model of the teachings in the Qur'an. Allah (God) is the focus and sole authority, not
Muhammad's to recite the Qur'an is thought to have a healing and soothing effect. This also brings about protection, guidance knowledge according
to Muslim tradition. When reciting the Qur'an it is said that you have to be in a purified state, this is because the words are so powerful that the one
who recites this takes on a great responsibility. It is said that the Qur'an should be learnt as a child, (when the memorisation of this is the easiest) and
when the power of the words will help to shape one's life. Also another part of the Islamic religion was Sunni-Shi'te split. After Muhammad's death,
the Muslim community began to divide, due to an issue who would succeed Muhammad. Sunni - who follow the elected caliphs are 'the people of
the Sunnah'. They are traditionalists who emphasize the authority over the Qur'an. The Sunnis believe that Muhammad without electing a successor
to the ummah, being the Muslim community. The Caliphs are not a replacement for the Prophet, he is the leader of worship and administrator of
the Shari'ah, Sacred law of Islam. Shi'ites are devoted to the memory of Muhammad's close relatives, these being Ali, Famita (Prophets daughter)
and their sons Hasan and Husayn. The Shi'ites do not recognise the Sunni caliphs, they pay their respects to the seven or Twelve Immans (leaders,
guides). Ali, Hasan and Husayn were the first three. The Shi'ites believed that there were twelve Immans, who were legitimate successors to
Sufism is the mystical path of Islam, which is said to date back to the time of the prophet. As well as studying the Qur'an, Sufis study their own
hearts and the world around them. Life is a book filled with signs, divine symbols, and elements of beauty, which speak to people who understand.
Sufi teachings come from the heart of mystical experiences, defying ordinary logic. Paradox, metaphor, world of creative imagination, an expanded
sense of reality. Sufi thought is expressed through poetry is the way of the Sufi expressing their connection with the Divine. Rumi was the thirteenth
century member of the Mevlevi Dervish Order in Turkey (famous for Whirling Dervishes). Their dances lead to transcendental rapture, who was
also a master of mystical poetry.
The aim of Sufism is to become purified of self, that one perfect mirror for the divine attributes. Its practice is called Dhikr. It is about stirring
the heart and piercing the solar plexus The seat of the ego, this is done by movements of the head and Continually repeating La Ilaha Illa Alla
(There is nothing except God)
Sufism carries the inner practice of Islam, the outer practice is forth in the shari'ah, the straight path to the Divine Law.
The Five Pillars of Islam.
1. Shahadah - There is no God but God.
2. Daily Prayers.
3. Fasting.
4. Zakat - Spiritual tithing in Islam
5. Hajj - Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca.

26 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Higher Heart Chakra (7th Chakra)
Congruency - Engaging both the heart and mind.
Harmoniously, sympathetically, resentfully.

Opening Upper/Higher Heart/Jade Chakra
Trusts innermost feelings: trusts others enough to open heart, takes emotional risks and shares feelings.
Feels bitter, betrayed, and paranoid: uses mind as a shield: doesn’t trust self or others.

Location In The Body

Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Thoracic Vertebrae T1 to T3, Ribs, Oesophagus, Trachea, Lungs, Thymus, Lymphatic System, Nervous System.

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Balance
The universe will mirror back to us our outer world, a perfect photocopy of our inner world. This allows us to make changes inside by seeing
what we manifest in our external world.

Symbolic Color
The worn jade derives from the Latin, ili, (guts).
Thymus (thymos in Latin) refers to the Soul, comfort, warmth and precious!
It was seen that jade and the Philosopher's stone are identical and that Jade is a symbol of immortality. Jade was used for preserving the body
from decomposition. Pearl would assure the dead of re-birth.

The Use of the Color Jade

Color can often have reference attributing to symbolic meanings or significance this can be to objects, events, relationships
Opens us up to the world of opportunity. Healing and soothing to the mind body and spirit. Known as a 'dream stone' and
'stone of fidelity'. To the Mayans this stone was the 'Sovereign of Harmony' facilitating peace in all areas, transmuting negativity and
instilling resourcefulness. One of the stones used on the breastplate of the high priest.
Positive Aspects Of The Higher Heart
Health, Enjoyment of keeping fit, artistic, good communication from the heart, a congruent person with jade empowers others.
Negative Aspects Of The Higher Heart
Head and heart don't agree, low immune system, under nourished.
Where Is Your Jade
Are you wearing Jade today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note F#.


Patterns and Balance

Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed at night time
or add it to your drinking water!
Provides a protective field around the environment it is placed. A great stone to stimulate the thymus treat infectious diseases and renew and
repair cells.

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Boji Stones
Aligns all of the subtle bodies. These stones come in a pair, masculine and feminine, can be used to balance the meridians and chakras.
Detox and cleanse your physical, emotional and spiritual self, malachite acts as a purge and mirror to the subconscious, bringing awareness to
purification. This stone is excellent to place of areas of dis-ease or pain as it 'draws out' negative energy.
This mineral can be used in the treatment of food allergies, disorders of the lungs and alleviate pain providing relief from infections and
inflammation. Also promotes tranquility.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Sluggish Immune System; Lemon, Cypress and Rosemary
Lethargy; Juniper and Rosemary
Flu; Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Ginger
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Avocado, Kiwi, Cucumber, Courgette, Marrow, Kale
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Low Energy Spirulina
Fatigue Fibralgia, Ginseng and Valerian Root
Boost Immune System Echinacea
Sluggish Immune System Echinacea Cumin, Poppy Seeds
Flower Essences
Apathy; Olive (Bach), Kapok Bush, Old Man Banksia(Australian Bush Flower)
Lack of faith in oneself; Cerato
Lack of energy due to convalescence; Hornbeam (Bach), Macrocarpa, Banksia Robur(Australian Bush Flower)
Homeopathic Remedies
Hay Fever; Allium Cepa, Euphrasia.
Allergic Rhinitis; Arsen Iod.
Asthma; Sulphur

Venus - Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.
Venus orbits between the moon and mercury.
The size of Venus
The orbit takes approximately 225 days.
Venus is usually visible at night.
Moon Cycle and Season
Monkey Moon 10th January to 6th February.
Inspire Channel and Attunement.
Positive Traits
Diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, easy-going and sociable, idealistic and peaceable.
Negative Traits
Indecisive and changeable, gullible and easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent.
Your Higher Heart Is Out Of Balance When
You are unable to communicate act or express what’s really in your heart.
You compromise your own truth.
You have a disregard to others and your own health.
You feel 'defense-less'.
You have allergies.
You frequently catch viruses.
Empowering Affirmations
The Supreme Happiness of Life is the Conviction that we are loved. - Victor Hugo
Tone 7 splits right down the middle of 13, it represents the center of your body, your spine without polarities. This is about the here and now,
be in spirit and receive inspiration.
Align and attune with the Source, inspire yourself and others in creative projects.
Are you living in the present, the here and now?
Totem Helper
Chickadee - Cheerful and Truthful Expression

28 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Practical Suggestions

Astrological Sign
The scales, the symbol of this sign, have deeply symbolic meaning for Librans, since the need for balance and harmony in
their lives is paramount.
They need a harmonious background, free of undue pressure and argument, in order to be happy.
They will sometimes even make sacrifices for the sake fo peace and quiet, giving in too easily to pressure from others and
when confronted with a problem they will sit on the fence until the problem goes away, rather than commit themselves to one
side or the other.
Astrological Wheel - Known As The Seventh House
'Relationships' - How you relate to others - harmonious relationships/disharmony, transcending for growth.

7 - Trust and Openness, our ability to relax into life.
Mysterious, organized, analytical, spiritual.
Tends to be a loner; lacks confidence.
Self-employed or working in any type of an analytical field.
Shadow Chakra
Communication difficulties, fear of expressing your heartfelt desires.
Light Chakra
Freedom of expression, integrating the heart and wisdom with pure integrity.
Mayan Magnetic Tone 7 - Resonant Tone
Resonant Tone of Attunement
Inspire Energy; Become One
Keywords Inspire, channel, attunement
Mayan Name
Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods
To be advised
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
Pattern of this type: Judge, Mediator, Guide, Gossip Judging without compassion or with a hidden agenda, (conscious or not) Lover, Prostitute,
Patterns of sabotaging yourself and others.
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
'Vierbergelauf' 4 Holy Mountains,
Niagara Falls,
Mandalay Maha-muni Temple, Giza

"The great path has no gates' - Thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through the gateless gate, he walks freely between 'heaven and
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
The Paradox which is your living mirror - your relationship with everyone and everything'.
Shanti Shanti - Peace Peace Peace - So Ham - That I Am

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 29
In the Indian subcontinent there has developed a complex variety of religious paths. All those that honor the ancient
scriptures call the Vedas are commonly grouped under the term 'Hinduism' the indigenous term for the Veda-based traditions for
the entire Indian region is Sanatana Dharma ('eternal religion'). The meaning of Sanatana, is 'eternal or ageless' reflecting the belief
that this religion has always existed. Dharma comes from the word meaning 'support', (it is often translated as religion) but its
meaning is that it encompasses matter of duty, natural law social welfare, ethics and direction of all activities in life toward
transcendental realisation. Spiritual expressions of Sanatana Dharma cover extreme simplicity to extreme sensuality. Ranging from
personal devotion to a deity to the heights of abstract philosophy, metaphysical proclamations of the oneness behind the material
world, also including worship of multiplicity of deities. It is said that the Divine has countless faces, and all are divine.

30 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Throat Chakra(8th Chakra)
Opening Throat/Expression/Truth/Turquoise Chakra
Enjoys abundance and influence without concern or abuse: shares blessings generously and wisely.
Afraid of, yet preoccupied with, issues of money, power, control, and recognition: sabotages the self.

Location In The Body

Centre of Throat

Symbolic color
Is a balance combination of pink over blue it is the acknowledgement of what may happen when the pink energy finds its way through to the
communication of the heart. Turquoise is associated with the sea, through the sea it connects us with the deep collective unconscious of mankind.
Carl Jung found as his patients used turquoise it moved them towards greater wholeness, mandala like images began to appear in their dreams,
symbols from collective unconscious emerging and becoming integrated at a conscious level. Ability to trust intuition and to adjust to change with
ease. Dolphin telepathy based on feeling.
The Use Of The Color Turquoise/Cyan
Turquoise is a slightly greenish shade of cyan. The color is based on the gem turquoise. The term comes from the French for "Turkish". In
holistic medicine, the color turquoise purportedly has a calming effect on patients, and is particularly used to treat patients prone to panic attacks or
mania. To a lesser degree, mainstream psychiatric hospitals also use turquoise and other light shades of blue and green to calm patients by painting
the walls in these colors. In slang form, the phrase "The Turquoise" refers to the waters of the Caribbean, which are shallow and therefore take on
the color in sunlight. A truth stone, it symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself. Much will be gained when you become still, and see yourself as
your truly are. This color is a reminder to share your vision and WALK your TALK! The truth is very motivating to those ready to hear it. By doing
so, you make it okay for them to believe and follow.

Power/Transformation - lack of intensity
Reveals where you most covertly resist change. Where a willingness to change will have the biggest impact on your life and will result in a
realization of fearlessness.

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Choices
You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. ~Steven
D. Woodhull
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Cervical Vertebrae C1 to C7, Throat, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Trachea, Larynx, Oesophagus, Tonsils, Nervous System, Lymphatic System
Positive Aspects Of The Throat Chakra
Promotes heart/mind balance to better achieve the Soul's purpose of 'right expression'. Helps lift depression or negativity, and through deeper
harmony helps better utilise the forces of nature. Peace, Confidence, Art Music and Writing.
Negative Aspects Of The Throat Chakra
Depression reject own healing, lack of will/peace, communication difficulties.

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note G.

Pluto - The Key to Total Self Mastery
Pluto Kingdom was underground.
Its orbit takes 248 years.
One complete revolution on its axis takes 6 days and 9 hours.
Diameter is 3,700 miles.
Pluto is 4 billion miles from the sun and receives very little heat which indicates a different type of air or, no air at all.
Positive Traits;
Determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, powerful and passionate, exciting and magnetic.
Negative Traits;
Jealous and resentful, compulsive and obsessive, secretive and obstinate.
Intensely, passionately, jealously.
Moon Cycle and Season
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Hawk Moon 7th February to 6th March
Model, Harmonize and Integrity.
Astrological Sign
The chief characteristic of a Scorpio is a remarkable reserve of energy.
It is often said that this is the 'worst' of the Sun signs. Of course, this isn't true: the sign's energies are so strong they can
seem over-powering, even inhibiting; the Scorpio can feel driven by them. But if they are fully and positively expressed, both
physically and emotionally, the individual will be a big achiever. However, if the energy flow is inhibited or uncontrolled it can
be disastrous, with typical resentfulness, jealousy and broodiness.

Aztec's Deities / Mayan Gods
TLALOC- "He who makes things grow"
Tlaloc is easily identified by his characteristic mask giving the impression of eyeglasses and a mustache. Blue is his
dominant color and of his mask. His body and face are often painted black, and water is often depicted dripping from his
hands. The name Tlaloc derives from the term "tlalli", meaning earth, with the suffix "oc", meaning something that is on the
surface. Townsend alludes to the fight of clouds welling up in canyons and hovering around mountaintop in the rainy season
to explain this metaphor
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Tlemecen, Fes, Hammer fest (Northern Lights), Homs.
Where Is Your Turquoise
Are you wearing Turquoise today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Eighth House
8th House - Legal/Financial
Other people’s money and possessions, sometimes called the house of death, rules money acquired from partnerships,
inheritance and insurance benefits, important changes in life and your reaction to them, sexual expression, regeneration.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The
Universe works on our behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter
Pan, the eternal child!
The patterns of this archetype would be of Empowerment, Rebirth, perceptiveness, Religious conversion. We all have
the pattern of Judas in all of us and atomic energy. Manipulator, Destroyer, Mystic, Saboteur, Bully, Addict, Mystic,
Magician, Gambler.
8 - Abundance and Power
Authoritative, insightful, powerful, good with money, decisive
Can sometimes walk over people who get in the way of his/her goals without realizing it.
Professional field or business entrepreneur
Shadow Chakra
Dogmatic, Ruthless, Arrogant, Excessive Talker, Judgmental critical of the self and others, timid and reserved, weak, afraid to speak their truth,
self-destructive tendencies, Recognize how much stress is generated in your body through the need to control others
Light Chakra
Making choices that empower enrich and nourish the soul. Transformation. Being at one with your life's sole purpose fearlessly following your
own destiny, regeneration, recognizing when to release, let go.
Your Throat Is Out Of Balance When
You are unable to make choices.
You do not express emotion 'lump in the throat'
You suffer frequent throat infections/inflammation due to unexpressed anger.
You are arrogant, dogmatic and self-righteous.
You are scared and timid.

32 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Nourish and Balance this Chakra
Empowering Affirmations
Whenever you become empowered - you will be tested.
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your
bed at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Blue Lace Agate;
Allows true expression, gives the ability to verbalize, truth through the spoken word. Aids removal of blockages from the
nervous system. Especially good for skeletal problems i.e. arthritis, bone deformities and promoting healthy nails.
Provides clarification of the intellect and emotions. Can be used to balance the thyroid, activate the thymus and increase visual abilities.
Stimulates the throat, heart and solar plexus facilitating communication from the emotions and heart chakra. It also provides cleansing and
protection to the wearer.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Lavender Sore Throat, dry/burning cough Throat Infections
Tea Tree, Thyme; Loss of Voice
Sandalwood with Lavender;
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Blueberries, Blue Seaweed
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Boost the Immune System; Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Liquorice, Cats Claw and Kombucha Tea
Sore Throat; Echinacea and Agrimony
Goiter; Nettles
Laryngitis; Benzoin, Firewood or Liquorice
Tonsillitis; Lobelia or Sage
Homeopathic Remedies
Sore Throat: Aconite, Dulcamara, Gelsemium
Laryngitis: Allum Cepa, Crotalus
Tonsillitis: Silica
Flower Essences
Unconditional love; Holly (Bach), Bluebell (Australian Bush Flower)
Balance; Scleranthus (Bach), Crowea(Australian Bush Flower)
Justice; Vervain (Bach), Yellow Cowslip Orchid(Australian Bush Flower)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 8 - Galatic Tone
Galactic Tone of Integrity
Model Energy; Harmonize
Keywords; Model, harmonize, integrity
Mayan Name; Vaxac
Power; Model and harmonize what you have received as inspiration with integrity
Guidance; Ensure integrity and integrate on all levels with harmony.
Query; Do you ignore your own truth for an easier life?
Totem Helper
Finding your own Sacred Song (sole purpose) and recognition of your innate abilities.
Practical suggestions
Some signs that the Turquoise out of balance
* Difficulty expressing oneself
* Poor learning ability
* Habitual lying
* Fear, doubt, uncertainty
Man makes religion: Religion does not make man. The religious world is but the reflex of the real world. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed
creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Hope - The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me and what can be the use of him is more than I can see. By Robert Lewis Stephenson.

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Secular Agnostic/Atheism
Agnosticism is not the denial of the divine, but the belief that if it does exist, it is impossible for humans to know it. Ultimate reality may on the
other hand be conceived in the nontheistic terms. There may be no sense of a personal Creator/God in such understandings. An atheist does not
believe in God, but in himself only. Nature exists and is considered natural phenomena. There are no supernatural forces, entities, deities, etc.,
Human life has occurred by chance and the soul does not exist. There is no belief in karma, the afterlife, or re-acquainting with loved ones on the
earth or astral dimensions. There is no influence by God or non-physical entities. So full acceptance and responsibility is taken for your own
thoughts and actions.

34 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Mouth Chakra (9th Chakra)
Opening Mouth/Silver Chakra
Lives in alignment with higher principles, leads by example, and manifests depth, charisma, and wisdom.
Has lost sight of higher purpose: feels lonely and cutoff, locked in the mind, out of touch with heart and intuitive guidance.
Personal Belief System - Knowing of Abundance
Your Mouth Is Out Of Balance When
You use words to wound others.
You gossip.
You stammer/stutter through fear of what others may say.
You bite off more than you can chew.
You lie.

Location in the Body

Body Parts Glands and Organs
Skull, Chin, Jaw, Mouth, Teeth, Gums, Tongue, Nervous System, Lymphatic System.

The Use of the Color Silver

Silver is the metallic shade of the color gray closest to that of polished silver. In heraldry, there is no distinction between silver and white,
represented as "argent".
The visual sensation usually associated with the metal silver is its metallic shine. This cannot be reproduced by a simple solid color, because the
shiny effect is due to the material's brightness varying with the surface angle to the light source. Consequently, in art one would normally use a
metallic paint that glitters like real silver.
Good Silver
Silver screen - movies, especially classic movies
Silver-tongued - witty, eloquent speaker
Pieces of silver - money, especially coins
Bad Silver
Silver-tongued devil - articulate speaker perceived to be insincere, possibly a liar
Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth - usually used as a put down against someone born into a wealthy family who never had to
work for a living
Symbolic Color
The color of silver is white the Latin word for silver. Argentum derives from the Sanskrit word meaning 'white' and shining
small wonder. The metallic color can be associated with dignity of kinship. Silver is also the symbol of purity in all its forms. It is
pure light. It passes, unsullied and transparent through crystal clear water, the reflection of a mirror or the flashing of a diamond. It
is like a clear conscious pure intent. Open heartedness, fair dealing. It summons faithfulness to follow in its footsteps. Clear can be
applied anywhere. It brings light into all chakras and all parts of the body. Clear is frozen light containing all colors. Transparency.
Positive Aspects of Silver
The passive intuitive, 'Yin' principle in creation and your innermost link with the Creator - your Divine essence, with opening of this chakra
you become more aware of your Divine purpose; with the realization that all things will be achieved according to Divine Plan, Spiritual Protection,
can remove 'negative powers' - Victory Communication comes with dedication to God/Goddess - astral teachers
Negative Aspects of Silver
Fear of Spiritual Contact, lack of ambition, lacking understanding of metaphysics.
Where is your Silver/Grey
Are you wearing Silver/Grey today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?
Put some Silver in your life when you want:
to emphasize your willingness to comply
a neutral, non-invasive feeling
to reduce the intense energy of another color
to feel detached or isolated

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Faith/Trusting in Spirit.
We all know more than we believe.

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 35
Realize, Pulse, Intention. Philosophically, freely, explanatively, offhandedly
Positive Traits
Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and good-humored, honest and straightforward, intellectual and philosophical.
Negative Traits
Blindly optimistic and careless, irresponsible and superficial, tactless and restless.
Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note G#.
Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods
To be advised
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Ayrs Rock, Budapest, Barcelona, Sedona.

Patterns and Balance

Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
The archetypal pattern which you would find for this is a Messenger, - find a pattern of risk taking, trust, truth and discovery. Religion is a faith you
have in yourself or other's. Benevolent Father, Philosopher, Politician, Judge, Priest, Healer, Prostitute, Mystic.
9 - Life Purpose
My life is my teaching - By Mahatma Gandhi.
Perfectionist, compassionate, intuitive and creative
Fixated on details, addictive personality
Community leader or business entrepreneur
Shadow Chakra
Expression with malevolence towards self and others
Missing of meaning of creation, lack of faith, misuse of spiritual power.
Light Chakra
Fearless communication with the spiritual realms. Expression with calmness and ease, understanding of abundance, trust in your own

Moon Cycle and Season

Jaguar Moon 7th March to 3rd April.

Jupiter - The Meaning of Life
The largest planet in the solar system.
Orbits once every 11.86 years.
It has a magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than that of Earth and sends out radio waves.
Jupiter lies between Mars and Saturn.
These stripe ranges of color include a bright yellow, grey, brown and blue.
Astrological Sign
Challenge is important in a fulfilling Sagittarian life. When an achievement is accomplished, Sagittarius soon begins work on the next one. The
compulsion to set new targets and meet them is so strong that it can become all-engrossing, with present activities being skimped because their eye is
always on future plans.
Sagittarian enthusiasm, optimism and zest for life are second to none but must be controlled. The worst fault, restlessness, can be a severe problem,
for Sagittarians don't always see projects through to the end.
Astrological Wheel - Known As the Ninth House
9th House is the house of God
Whatever you value most highly, including your ethics, morals, philosophy, religion, spirituality. It's your way to understanding why you're
doing what you do, including your arguments with God. The archetype in this house will lead you to a true understanding of what leads you to the
Divine or Truth, anything that opens your horizons, the super conscious mind, hope, optimism and success.
Empowering Affirmations

36 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness and knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream. By Kihill-
Totem Helper
Badger Bold Self-Expression and Reliance - Keeper of Stories

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Crystals and Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed
at nighttime or add it to your drinking water!
Assist in verbal communication and enhancing listening abilities and supports the stability and structure of the gums and teeth.
Lapis Lazuli
Promotes the connection between the physical and celestial planes representing wisdom and the mystical realms. Good for
problems related to hearing loss and the eustachian tube.
It can help to relieve the symptoms of insomnia, vertigo and dizziness.
Promotes thinking with love before speaking with intellect. Excellent to treat gum dis-ease and provide stability of the teeth. Encourages a
gentle attitude towards the self and others.
Improve calcium deficiencies, and dispel insomnia. Can also be used to enhance truthfulness verbalizing emotions.
The Use of Essential Oils
Halitosis Bergamot, Cardomon, Sweet Fennel and Mint
Cold Sores Eucalyptus, Lemon and Tea Tree
Excessive Talking Cypress
Foods - A Good Way to Feed Your Chakra
Sesame Seeds, Fish, Mushrooms, Lychee, Oats
The Use of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Cold Sores St. Johns Wort.
Toothache Prickly Ash
Mouth Ulcers Borax
Gum Disease Aloe Vera
Toothache Clove
Cold sore Hypericum Tincture
Homeopathic Remedies
Mouth Ulcers: Arsen alb.
Gingivitis: Merc sol, Nat mur.
Inflammation: Apis
Flower Essences
Lack of Ambition Wild Rose and Gorse
Protection Walnut (Bach), Fringed Violet (Australian Bush Flower), Guardian (Alaskan)
Lack of Trust in Oneself Cerato (Bach), Bush Fuchsia, Hibbertia (Australian Bush Flower)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 9 - Solar Tone
Solar Tone of Intention
Realize Energy Mobilise
Keywords Realize, pulse, intention
Mayan Name Bolon
Power At the 9th Tone, you are very close to realizing your purpose. Feel it pulsating within to
materialize it on this planet. Intention is 100% as it emanates outwards towards the sun.
Guidance Move into action with passion, enthusiasm and urgency.
Query Do you exhaust yourself with distractions?

Hu-La the word is the mirror where in the Divine reverberates outwardly. Through sound, the
world will be reabsorbed. In word is both sound and light, for light is the meaning of the
word - Sufi mantra.
Two Basic Opposing Elements
Men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their opinions of the things that happen. Epictetus (55-135)
Finance your faith, not your fear. By Caroline Myss

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Chinese Traditions - Taoism and Confucianism
Developed in China and then later spread to Japan and Korea. Taoism and Confucianism may seem opposite to each other but
they complement the value systems in East Asian Societies, plus a person's thoughts and actions can encompass both streams. Taoism
is adored by Westerners who seek a carefree, natural way of life as an escape from the industrial rat race. Underneath the look for a
simple life, Taoism lives in harmony with nature, which is a tradition of great mental and physical discipline. Taoism also includes
both efforts of aligning oneself with the unnamable original force, and ceremonial worship of deities from the Jade Emperor to the
Kitchen God. In China, custom attributes the publicizing of the ways to the Yellow Emperor, supposedly ruled from 2967 to 2597
BC. The Yellow Emperor was supposed to have been taught by an ancient sage, he studied meditation, health, and military practices
based on what he learned. After he had ruled for hundreds of years, he then ascended to heaven on a dragon's back and become one of the
immortals. The austere practice of the Taoist is to use the energy available to the body in order to intuitively perceive the order of the universe. We
have within our bodies, the spiritual micro universe of the 'three treasures'. These consist of the Generative for (Ching), Vitality (Ch'I) and spirit
2000 years, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism has co-existed in China. The Chinese honored Kung-Fu-Tzu ('Master K'ung') (551-479BC)
and they called his teachings Juchiao ('the teachings of the scholars'). This philosophy became highly influential in China and it still permeates the
society even though they have been great political changes. Confucianism concentrates on the way that people can live together in harmony and to
develop a just and orderly society.
The virtues of Confucius included that he felt he could save society was jen. The translation of this meaning for this is; love, benevolence, perfect,
virtue, innate goodness, humaneness and human-heartedness. It was said that one who is devoted to jen is one who is not motivated by personal
profit, but of that which is moral. Jen is the combination of 'two' and 'person'. Confucius emphasized relationships which are the interactions
between father and son, older and younger siblings, husband and wife, older and younger friend. Ruler and subject. Within these relationships, it is
thought the first is considered superior to the second. The Rulers model themselves on Heaven, serving as a parent to the people, and in turn
linking then to the larger cosmic order through ritual ceremonies. Confucius said that this was the source of the greatness of Yeo (a sage king of
c.2357 BC) 'It is Heaven that is great and Yao who modeled himself upon it'.

38 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Senses Chakra (10th Chakra)
Opening Nose/Ears/Senses/Royal Blue Chakra
Uses gifts of sensitivity, strength, expressiveness and intuition in service of others, for higher purpose.
Hypersensitive and nervous; stubborn; sarcastic, caustic expression; confused by internal feelings or intuitions.

Power of Will
Ways of the Teacher, Wisdom, Leadership
Your Senses Are Out Of Balance When
You do not smell the sweetness of life and the nectar of nature.
Your hearing and smell are impaired.
You are uncompromising and unwilling to listen to others thoughts and ideas.
You do not listen to other peoples point of view.
You believe that your own are always superior.
You are opinionated.
You have selective hearing.

Location In The Body

Tip of the Nose
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Skull, Nose, Brain, Sinus, Ears, Nervous System, Lymphatic System
The Use Of The Color Royal Blue
Blue conveys importance and confidence without being somber or sinister, hence the blue power suit of the corporate
world and the blue uniforms of police officers. Long considered a corporate color, blue, especially darker blue, is associated with
intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism.
Good Blue
* True blue - someone loyal and faithful
* Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)
* Blue ribbon - first rate, top prize
* Blueblood - person of noble birth, royalty
* Bluestocking - well-read or scholarly woman
* Bluebook - register of socially prominent people
* The Blues (capitalized) - popular style of music sometimes characterized by melancholy melodies and words
* Baby blues - Blue eyes (also see Bad blue words)
Bad Blue;
* Feeling blue - feeling sad or depressed
* Blue devils - feelings of depression
* The blues (not capitalized) - depression, state of sadness
* Blue Monday - feeling sad
* Baby blues - post-partum depression
* Singing the blues - bemoaning one's circumstances
* Blue laws - laws originally intended to enforce certain moral standards
* Blue language - profanity
* Bluenose - puritanical individual
* Into the blue - entering the unknown or escape to parts unknown
* Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)
Where is your Royal Blue
Are you wearing Blue today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Process

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 39
Symbolic Color
Blue is the most insubstantial of colors blue occurs in the natural world and accumulation of emptiness the void of the
heavens of the depth of the sea of crystal. Blue is the coldest of color and in its absolute quality. From these fundamental
qualities blues symbolic application derive insubstantial in self. Blue disembodies whatever becomes caught in it. It is the road to
infinity on which the real is changed to the imaginary (escape from reality world ) it invokes the idea of eternity, calm, lofty,
superhuman, inhuman even. To know why one is here mysticism is to see through the situations.
Positive Aspects of The Senses Chakra
Deep Peace, Good Listener, Truth, Inspiration, Occult, Power, Protection, Good Health, Fertility.
Negative Aspects Of The Senses Chakra
Lack of Harmony in the Home, Problems in Relationships, Envy, Guilt, Argumentative, Judgmental or being the Judge.

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note A.

Saturn - God of Harvest
Saturn’s orbit lies between Jupiter and Uranus. It is the second largest planet and has 5 rings circling around it and also
has 25 moons, titan is the largest. Saturns orbit around the sun takes 29 years.
Practical and prudent, ambitious and disciplined, patient and careful, humorous and reserved.
Pessimistic and fatalistic, miserly and grudging, over-conventional and rigid.
Prudently, aspiringly, calculatedly, grumblingly.
Moon Cycle and Season
Dog Moon 4th April to 1st May.
Keywords; Produce, Perfect and Manifestation.
Astrological Sign
This is a sign of contrasts. There is a great potential for success in every Capricorn, though sometimes they refuse to
recognize it and their outlook can be pessimistic, so the potential may remain undeveloped. On the other hand, some
members of this sign are ambitious and aspiring, with the energy and will to succeed in whatever they set themselves to do; on
the other, there are those who may have the desire to do well, but are hindered by inhibition and lack of self-confidence
(sometimes disguised by a feigned laziness).
Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Mazar I Sharif, Sveshtari, Dwarka, Siauliai, Palenque

Astrological Wheel - Known As the Tenth House
10th House - is your highest potential, corresponding to when the sun is highest in the sky and light is at the max.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
This type of pattern will have structure and ambition with all things. Teacher, Money Maker, Hermit, Shaman, Sage, Coward, Slave, Father,

10 - Creativity and Confidence expressed with sensitivity
Shadow Chakra
Coldness towards self and others, narrow-minded, lack of structure and lack of boundaries, self-repressed, materialistic and skepticism.
Light Chakra
Clairsentience and Clairaudience - sensing the non-physical
Realms through the nose and ears.
Seeing the grace and beauty in everything.
The 'nose knows'!

40 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Nourish and Balance this Chakra
Empowering Affirmations
Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit, and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a
destiny - Charles Read
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed
at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Use for disorders relating to speech, hearing, sight, smell and touch. Promotes 'flowering' of the physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual self.
Blue Topaz;
Allows you to see all opinions are equally important, reducing arrogance in ones life. Assists bringing balance and union to the body, mind and
Use for disorders relating to sinus, digestion, and improve the immune system. Promotes harmony in uncomfortable situations, strengthens
abilities in the psychic, clairvoyance and clairsentience realms.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Nosebleed; Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender and Juniper
Earache; French Basil, Chamomile and Lavender
Nasal Congestion; Dwarf Pine.
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Bilberries, Blue Plums, Blue Seaweed.
The Use of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Ear Infection; Blend 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 clove garlic, apply 3 drops to each ear 3 times daily.
Sinusitis; Anise, Cats Claw, Elderberry, Wasabi and Thyme
Ear Infection; Echinacea, Garlic Oil, Goldenseal, Mullein Oil, Olive Leaf and St. Johns Wort Oil.
Tinnitus; Ginkgo
Homeopathic Remedies
Nosebleeds: Ferrum Phos, Ipecac
Sinusitis: Kali Bich, Hepar Sulph
Earache: Belladonna, Hepar Sulph
Tinnitus: Salicylicac, Carbon Sulph
Inflammation: Apis
Flower Essences
Stubbornness; Beech (Bach), Bauhinia, Isopogon, Freshwater Mangrove(Australian Bush Flower), Glacier
River (Alaskan)
Narrow Minded; Rock Water (Bach), Bauhinia, Freshwater Mangrove, Slender Rice Flower(Australian Bush
Depression/Introspective; Willow (Bach), Sunshine Wattle(Australian Bush Flower)
Forgetfulness; White Chestnut, Agrimony (Bach), Sundew, Isopogon(Australian Bush Flower)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 10 - Planetary Tone
Planetary Tone of Manifestation
Produce Energy; Manifest
Keywords; Produce, perfect, manifestation
Mayan Name; Lahun
Power; Time has come to realise your purpose and manifest here on Earth. Touch it, feel it, make
it become a reality on this planet.
Guidance; Complete and manifest in excellence with gratitude and truth.
Query; Do you honour your ideas by expressing them?
Totem Helper
Owl - Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom and Night Vision.
Practical suggestions
Put some blue in your life when you want:
* calm and relaxation to counteract chaos or agitation
* to open the flow of communication
* to broaden your perspective in learning new information
* solitude and peace

Treasures found of ancient wisdom, perspective in the life giving sun. Wisdom still to be recovered. Pure freedom is discovered.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements

Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 41
Click to enlarge Any philosophical system that seeks to explain all phenomena in terms of two distinct and irreducible principles. It is opposed
to monism and pluralism. In Plato's philosophy there is an ultimate dualism of being and becoming, of ideas and matter. Aristotle criticized Plato's
doctrine of the transcendence of ideas, but he was unable to escape the dualism of form and matter. In modern metaphysics this dualism has been a
persistent concept.
A person in pain is being spoken to by that part of himself That know only how to communicate this way.

We are never being punished, only being taught. Everything is a teaching.

Indigenous Sacred Ways
People from around the globe still follow local sacred ways which have been handed down to them from their
remote ancestors and adapted to contemporary circumstances. These are traditional indigenous people - descendants
of the original inhabitants of lands that are now controlled by political systems in which they have little influence.
Some of the indigenous people who follow the ancient spiritual traditions still live close to the earth in non-industrial
small-scale cultures. They also maintain a sacred way of life that is distinctively different from all other religions.
Indigenous people, everything in the cosmos is intimately interrelated. A symbol of unity among the parts of this
sacred unity is a circle. Indigenous people hold the circle as sacred because it is infinite - it has no beginning and no end, (not all indigenous people
regard this, some say it is restricting and stifling). Life evolves around the generational cycles of birth, youth, maturity, physical death, the return of
the seasons, the cyclical movements of the moon, sun, stars and planets. Awareness of one's relationship to the Greater Power is thought to be
essential, but the Power itself remains unseen and mysterious.

42 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Third Eye Chakra (11th Chakra)
Opening Third Eye/Indigo Chakra
Addiction to change/Fear of change "Life is either a wonderful adventure or nothing". By Helen Keller
Ability to 'see' what is hidden and hears the inner guidance that is truth.
Lack of objectivity creating judgments and criticism towards self and others.
Your Third Eye Is Out Of Balance When
You are stuck in unconscious negative thought patterns.
You do not see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Your behavior could be described as neurotic.

Location In The Body

Between the eyebrows
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Pineal Gland (its function is linked to the body clock, sixth sense, and ability to see 3rd dimensional pictures), Skull, Brain, Eyes, Sinus,
Hypothalamus, Nervous System, Lymphatic System.

The Use Of The Color Indigo

The color of mourning for widows in Thailand, Indigo was the favorite color of Egypt's Cleopatra. It has been traditionally
associated with royalty in many cultures. Indigo can mean a have deep knowledge of spiritual truths and insights, with many
authors having written books about Indigo Children and Indigo Consciousness.
Symbolic Color
Indigo is a very powerful vibration, although it is a color in its own right, it looks nearly black and it touches our deep inner emotions and
thoughts. Indigo is the color of the sky as the day moves towards the night, the color associated with 'Nuit' the Egyptian Goddess of the night who
symbolizes deep wisdom, taking us into 'deep seeing, deep feeling, a new level of understanding'. Indigo is associated with meditation and with
mysticism in its most profound form making connections with the various sub-personalities which appear at different times in stages of ourselves.
The night time clear seeing aspect of indigo also brings clarity to the sense organs through which we relate.
Where Is Your Indigo
Are you wearing Indigo today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Unity;
Remembering our connection which is to enter the boundless land of compassion.
Positive Aspects Of The Third Eye
Development of psychic abilities, intuitive attunement, spiritual growth, deeper understanding, good health, fidelity, clairvoyance, meditation,
magic, to balance out karma.
Negative Aspects Of The Third Eye
Superstitious, negative thinking, disorderly, unable to follow guidance.

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note A#.
Empowering Affirmations
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; Your mind
transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever
dreamed yourself to be. By Patanjali (C. first to third century B.C.)

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Nourish and Balance this Chakra
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed
at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Known as the 'protector' of psychic attacks. Provides a soothing, calming tranquil affect. Encourages mental stimulation,
common sense, intellectual reasoning, clarity and insight.
An excellent healing stone in the treatment of eye disorders and balancing mental dysfunctions. Can eliminate toxins and increases cellular
Excellent for treating headaches and disorder, restores relaxation and peace. Facilitates deep memories from the subconscious to surface.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Lack of Clarity; Clary Sage and Jasmine
Migraine; Angelica, Citronellla, Valerian and Yarrow
Increase Intuition; Sandalwood
Poor Memory; Rosemary and Lemongrass
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Currants, Plums, Aubergines, Blueberries, Blackcurrants, Beetroot.
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Migraine; Lavender
Eye Inflammation; Eyebright
Hair Loss Birch, Burdock, Catmint, Horsetail, Licorice and Stinging Nettle
Depression (Mild); St. John's Wort and Valerian
Memory Loss; Ginkgo biloba
Migraine Headache; Feverfew
Stress/Tension; Valerian, Passion Flower, Kava Kava, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng)
Homeopathic Remedies
Sty's; Staphisagria
Conjunctivitis; Euphrasis
Sinusitis; Pulsatilla
Migraine; Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Nat mur.
Flower Essences
Distrust of own intuition; Cerato (Bach), Bush Fuchsia, Bush Iris(Australian Bush Flower)
Balance; Scleranthus (Bach), Bush Iris(Australian Bush Flower)
Cleansing; Crab Apple (Bach), Angelsword(Australian Bush Flower), Purification(Alaskan)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 11 - The Spectral Tone
The Spectral Tone of Liberation
Release Energy; Integrate
Keywords; Release, dissolve. Liberation
Mayan Name; Hun Lahun
Power; It is now time to let go of what you have created and put into your world. Integrate with its
environment. Spectral energy is focused outwardly.
Guidance; Release, let go, surrender and honor with acceptance and humility.
Query; Have you surrender, let go and forgiven?
Practical suggestions
Put some Indigo in your life when you want:
* To use your imagination to its fullest
* To re-balance your life
* To remove obstacles
* To calm over activity or to energize from depression

Uranus - God of the Heavens
The orbit of Uranus lies between Saturn and Neptune.
It is 29,000 miles in diameter, (Saturn is twice the size).
The orbit of Uranus is 84 years.
Color is greenish and symbolizes the need to balance.
One complete revolution on its axis takes 10 hours and 45 minutes.
Friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual.

44 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Intractable and contrary, perverse and unpredictable, unemotional and detached.
Independently, humanely, distantly.
Moon Cycle and Season
Serpent Moon 2nd May to 29th May.
Release, Dissolve and Liberation.
Astrological Sign
The Aquarian need for independence cannot be underestimated and it is essential that Aquarians develop and sustain the right
lifestyle. Although they have the reputation of being particularly friendly, in many ways they are very private and dislike having their
privacy invaded. Their natural friendliness is linked to a genuine desire to be helpful, so anyone in trouble will always find them ready
to help, approaching others problems as they approach their own - logically, detached and without undue emotion.
Totem Helper
Sea Lions and Seals
Active Imagination, Creativity and Lucid Dreaming.
Clairvoyance and Auric Sensitivity.
non original animals, mythological creatures.
Aztec Deities/Mayan Gods
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Lichen, Archipelago, Altai Siberia, Great Zimbabwe Enclosure.

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Eleventh House
11th House Relationship to the World
The house of hopes and wishes, the kind of friends you have, the ideals towards which you strive, group associations, the income
from your career, your attitude toward sociability.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
These Pattern would be shown in this way Environmentalist, Mother/Father, Wizard, Inventor, Mystic, Visionary, Martyr, Saboteur,
Prostitute, Victim, Alchemist, Rebel, Exorcist, Scientist, Engineer, Conformist, Sage, Networker.

11 - Master Number - Illuminates the circumstances in which intuitive perception of life can be received. Independence and Freedom.
Shadow Chakra
Schizophrenia/Psychic Attacks, Confusion. Interfering ideas.
Light Chakra
Witty, Speedy, Intellect, Clear Positive Thinker, Psychic and Clairvoyance Skills, Awareness and responsibility of subconscious thoughts.
Rising above and beyond other people’s ideas. Rise above confusion, Urge to shock.

God's answer is some form of Peace. All pain is healed, all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened and all sin is understood as
merely a mistake.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
“Always perform with detachment
any action you must do;
performing action with detachment,
one achieves the highest good.”
Conventional knowledge tells us that we are separate - Higher Wisdom informs us that we are one.
New Age
World Wide Movements 14 million and growing.

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Crown Chakra (12 Chakra)
Opening Head/Crown/Violet Chakra
Embraces life's colors and experiences, integrating balance with harmony.
Dreamer, rarely attains goals and looks for direction in others.

Surrendering means accepting this moment
Positive Aspects Of The Crown Chakra
Development of psychic abilities, intuitive attunement, spiritual growth and deeper understanding, clairvoyance, meditation, magic, gossiping,
balance out karma, healing, devotion and dedication, psychic wisdom.
Negative Aspects Of The Crown Chakra
Superstitious, negative thinking, disorderly, not following guidance, worrier, snobbery, low self-esteem, abuse of spiritual power, misuse of
Your Crown Is Out Of Balance When
You feel a constant sense of frustration.
You could be described as psychotic, depressed or manic-depressive.
You are absent minded.
You are catatonic.
You have no spark of joy.

Location In The Body

Crown of your head
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Pituitary Gland (which produces hormones to aid the function of the endocrine glands), Skull, Brain, Nervous System,
Lymphatic System, Muscular System, Skeletal System.

Metaphysical Law
The Law of Cause and Effect.
A life without cause is a life without effect.

Symbolic Color
Violet represents the 'flame of transmutation' that burns negativity.
Bringing healing energy to the Earth.
Violet is the color of temperance, clarity of mind, deliberate action of balance between heaven and earth, senses and spirit, passion and reason,
love and wisdom.
The Use of Violet/Purple
Violet / Purple
Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical and spiritual qualities of purple, Blue Iris satisfies the need
for reassurance in a complex world, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement."
Purple has a special, almost sacred place in nature: lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are often delicate and considered precious.
Because purple is derived from the mixing of a strong warm and strong cool color it has both warm and cool properties. A purple room can boost a
child's imagination or an artist's creativity. Too much purple, like blue, could result in moodiness.
Good Purple;
* Purple cow - something remarkable, eye-catching, unusual
* Purple prose - exaggeration, highly imaginative writing (also has negative connotations)
Bad Purple;
* Purple speech - profanity, raunchy language
* Purple prose - exaggeration, colorful lies
* Purple haze - state of confusion or euphoria, possibly drug-induced, specific type of potent cannabis (marijuana), specific type of LSD
Where is your Violet/Purple
Are you wearing Violet/Purple today?
Do you have this color in your wardrobe?
Does this color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this color?

Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note B.

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Neptune- God of Navigation
Neptune’s orbit takes 165 years.
One complete revolution on its axis takes 15 hours and 48 minutes.
The size of Neptune is similar to Uranus 27,700 miles in diameter.
It is a beautiful bluish green sphere.
Scientists believe Neptune contains a rocky core of approximately 12,000 miles, with an ice layer of 6,000 miles and 2,000
Positive; Imaginative and sensitive, compassionate and kind, selfless and unworldly, intuitive and
Negative; Escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and easily led.
Keywords; Nebulously, impressionably, deceitfully.
Moon Cycle and Season
Rabbit Moon 30th May to 26th June.
Keywords; Universalize, Dedicate and Co-operation.
Astrological Sign
The symbol of Pisces, two fishes swimming in opposite directions, suggests the main tension in the Piscean character: a
natural perversity. Kindness joins with keen intuition to make Pisceans the best sort of friends. They are friendly, charitable and
self-sacrificing, but their willingness to help others has a drawback in that they too often make it an excuse for failing to exploit their
own high potential; they are so busy using their energy on behalf of their family and friends they they have little left for their own
Aztecs Deities / Mayan Gods
TLALOC- "He who makes things grow"
Tlaloc is easily identified by his characteristic mask giving the impression of eyeglasses and a mustache. Blue is his
dominant color and of his mask. His body and face are often painted black, and water is often depicted dripping from his hands.
The name Tlaloc, derives from the term "tlalli", meaning earth, with the suffix "oc", meaning something that is on the surface.
Townsend alludes to the fight of clouds welling up in canyons and hovering around mountaintop in the rainy season to explain
this metaphor
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Cromelech of Almendras, Rapa Nui and Mt Kilimanjaro

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Twelfth House
12th House - Collective Soul
Our connection to the collective unconscious, karma, sometimes called the house of self undoing, because it rules secrets we
keep hidden from ourselves, hidden in our subconscious which can be harmful to us, we judge ourselves, capacity for inner awareness,
spirituality and growth, secret enemies, where we are most subservient.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
The archetypal pattern for this would follow Self defeating and confusing patterns. Victimization, Escapism. Mysticism, Visions, Mysteries,
Addict, (addictions) Healer, Mystic, Visionary, Addict, Victim, Prostitute, Saboteur, Slave, Martyr, Actor, Rescuer, Prophet, God/Goddess.

Shadow Chakra
Intellectual Worrier, Catatonic, Ignoring Physical Needs, Rigid Thinking, Escapism and refusal to see, lack of imagination, disconnection with
Light Chakra
Connection with the Universe, Enlightenment, Awareness of the world and oneself. Seeing the bigger picture, openness, empathy and
inspiration, seeing the potential in everything.

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Nourish and Balance this Chakra
Empowering Affirmations
You talk when you cease to be at Peace with your thoughts. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of word's may indeed unfold it's wings,
but cannot fly.
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your
bed at night time or add it to your drinking water!
Flourite, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Apophytlite,
The Use Of Essential Oils
Stress; Clary Sage, Neroli and Sandalwood.
Worry; Lavender and Chamomile
Recurrent Nightmares; Frankincense
Baldness and Hair Care; White Birch, Cedarwood, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Purple Broccoli, grapes, adzuki beans, kidney beans
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Hair Loss; Saw palmetto and zinc
Dandruff; Apple Cider Vinegar
Seasonal Affective Disorder; St Johns Wort
Bi Polar Disorder; Avena Sativa, St Johns Wort, Ginseng, Kava Kava, Nutmeg, Valerian and Saffron
Homeopathic Remedies
Insomnia’ Coffea, Nux Vomica, Ignatia
Headache; Aconite, Nux Vomica
Dandruff; Arsen alb, Sulphur
Hair Loss; Lycopodium, Sepia
Flower Essences
Dedication; Rock Water
Worry; White Chestnut (Bach), Crowea(Australian Bush Flower
Intuition; Cerato (Bach), Bush Fuchsia, Bush Iris(Australian Bush Flower)
Day Dreaming; Clematis (Bach), Sundew, Red Lily(Australian Bush Flower)
Thoughts: of Future; Clematis (Bach), Sundew(Australian Bush flower)
Thoughts of Past; Honeysuckle (Bach), Bottlebrush, Fringed Violet, Sundew(Australian Bush Flower)
Thoughts of Revenge; Holly and Willow (Bach), Bluebell, DaggerHakkea, Mountain Devil(Australian Bush
Unrealistic/Irrational Dread; Cherry Plum and Aspen (Bach), Grey Spider Flower(Australian Bush Flower)
Miserable; Willow and Gorse (Bach), Waratah, Sunshine Wattle (Australian Bush Flower)
Frustrated; Agrimony, Walnut, Vervain (Bach), Banksia robur, Wild Potato Bush(Australian Bush
Mayan Magnetic Tone 12 - The Crystal Tone
Crystal Tone of Co-operation
Universalize Energy; Understand
Keywords; Universalize, dedicate, co-operation
Mayan Name; Ca Lahun
Power; After 'letting go' of your product, it is time to get together and evaluate the process. How
did it go? Can it be improved? What is the strongest feature? Observe from an aerial
point of view like an eagle in the sky, see the whole to enable you to make this process
universal. Allow all insights to come together and everything will become crystal clear.
Guidance; Discover, share and express wisdom and learning with an open heart.
Query; Can you still see the wood for the trees?
Totem Helper
Far sightedness, Illumination of Spirit, Healing and Creation.
Practical suggestions
Put some Violet in your life when you want:
* To focus on personal issues
* To develop intuition
* To step outside of everyday life for a new and interesting way of viewing a problem
* Solitude and inner communication

48 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing make you afraid,
All things are passing.
God alone never changes.
Patience gains all things.
If you have God you will want for nothing.
God alone suffices.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
Everyday life is the path Joshu asked Nansen: "What is the path?" Joshu asked: "Can it be studied?" Nansen said: "If you try to
study, you will be far away from it" Joshu asked: "If I do not study, how can I know it is the path?" Nansen said: "The path does not
belong to the perception world, neither does it belong to the nonperception world. Cognition is a delusion and no cognition is senseless.
If you want to reach the true path beyond doubt, place yourself in the same freedom as sky. You name it neither good nor not-good" At
these words Joshu was enlightened.

"We're trapped in linguistic constructs... all that is is metaphor."

Although the majority of Indians who are religious continue to follow the Hindu path, there are also several other religions that are not based
on the Vedas. One of this is Janism. Its gentle ascetic teachings offer valuable clues to our global survival. It has no personal savior and no Creator
God as First Cause.
Janism is reviving, for it is becoming recognized as a complete and fruitful path with the potential for uplifting human awareness with high
standards of personal ethics. Janism has never condones war, the aste system, or the killing of animals. The Jainism's major teacher is Mahavira
('The Great Hero'). Jain teachings recognized that we as humans are imperfect, but hold out the promise that through strict control of our senses and
thoughts we can attain perfection, freedom and happiness. The individual's higher conscious or soul, known as Jiva, can save itself by discovering its
own earthly life (this may take many incarnations). Like the Hindus and Buddhists, believe we are reborn again and again until we are finally free
from 'samsara', wheel of birth and death and life's up's and down's.
Jains have a belief of karma, which is that karma is actually subtle matter - minute particles that we accumulate as we act and think. Mahavira
said that karma was like a cast of clay that weighed down the soul. Jainism is practiced mostly by monks and nuns.
The principles of the Jains are:
1. Ahimsa - non-violence/to cause no harm to any living being
2. Paragraph - non-possessiveness/non attachment to things, people and places.
3. Satya – Truthfulness
4. Brahmacharya - Chastity/not to indulge in sexual activity.
5. Asteya - non-stealing

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Astral Chakra (13 Chakra)
Opening Soul Star/Astral/Magenta Chakra
Selfless acts of kindness and compassion to humankind, nature and the earth.
Thoughts and feelings relate to feeling 'out of the loop', despair and dis-association with others.
Recognition of the power of the Gods/Goddess in all of creation.
The symbolic meaning of number thirteen receives a shady interpretation in Norse myth, when an honorary banquet was held in Valhalla for
Baldur (god of nobility, redemption and admirable strength) among other twelve Norse gods. Loki (the trickster) came to the banquet as the
uninvited thirteenth guest. Afterwards, we learn Baldur was slain by Höðr who, to execute the god, was given a magic spear by Loki.
Your Astral Is Out Of Balance When
You do not bridge the gap; by 'bringing heaven to earth'.
You engage more in mythological, conspiracy, UFO and cosmic realities than experiencing what is in the here and now.
You are away with the 'fairy’s', head is in the clouds.

Location In The Body

Hand Length above Crown.
The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile. ~Plato
Body Parts/Glands and Organs
Within the Chinese model, the Meridians act as the transporters of energy through the body. In Chinese medical theory,
these channels are unseen but thought to embody a kind of informational and energetic network.
The Meridians connect the interior of the body with the exterior.

Symbolic Color
Magenta is important in Goethe's Color theory and in the printing trade. Stimulates the flow of energy. This Color is heaven
on earth and the need for it. Because magenta has the hidden Colors of red (which is the earth Color) and violet (which is the
heavenly Color) within, it can convey the same healing qualities of those Colors. Magenta uplifts a person emotionally, mentally and
spiritually. Inspires creativity to serve another without requiring acceptance of others. Acting for the cause.
The Use of The Color Magenta/White
Magenta is important in Goethe's Color theory and in the printing trade. Magenta completes the chakric circuit, by
joining the crown and base chakras together. it's a highly energizing Color with a lot of uses. Magenta was one of the first
aniline dyes, discovered shortly after the Battle of Magenta (1859), which occurred near the town of Magenta in northern
Italy. The Color is named after the battle, and hence indirectly after the town.
If the visible spectrum is wrapped to form a Color wheel magenta, appears between red and blue.
Good Pink/Magenta
* In the pink – healthy
* Tickled pink - happy, content
* Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner)
Bad or Neutral Pink
* Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner to imply low person on the office totem pole)
* Pink - cut, notch
White is often associated with hospitals, especially doctors, nurses, and dentists. Some cultures viewed white as the Color of royalty or of
deities. Angels are typically depicted as wearing white. In early Westerns the good guy wore white while the bad guy wore black.
Good White
* White as the driven snow - pure, clean, innocent
* White elephant - rare, valuable but perhaps unwanted
* White knight - someone who comes to another person's rescue, someone perceived as being good, noble
* White list - list of good or acceptable items
* White sale - sale of sheets, towels, other linens
* Pearly white - teeth, especially very white teeth
Bad White
* Whitewash - cover up, conceal
* Whiteout - zero visibility
* White flag – surrender
* White lightning - moonshine, illegal whiskey
* White elephant - rare, valuable but perhaps unwanted
* White knuckle - something that is fast, exciting, or frightening

50 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Put some Magenta in your life when you want:
* Calm feelings
* To neutralize disorder
* Relaxation
* Acceptance, contentment
Put some white in your life when you want:
* To clear clutter and obstacles away
* To start a fresh beginning
* To bring about mental clarity
* Purification of thoughts or actions
Where is your Magenta/Pink
Are you wearing Magenta/Pink today?
Do you have this Color in your wardrobe?
Does this Color feature regularly in your life?
How do you feel about this Color?

Metaphysical Law
The Cosmic Law;
Within the universe, we meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your Freedom.
Expand consciousness, biology and healing potential on all levels. Known to the ancient cultures as the 'Planet of the Crossing' and to modern
scientists as Planet X, Nibiru escaped from another solar system and was pulled into orbit by the gravitation and affinity for our sun.
Great Change, Awakening, Links Heaven and Earth, Transcend, Presence, Connection with the source, Celebrate life
Fears, Chaos, Catastrophe, Darkness, Global Climate Change
Positive Aspects Of The Astral Chakra
Life Stream Purpose and function within reality, dissolving of personal barriers and expansion of self-identity, assists greater attunement to
divine love, awakening to cosmic links beyond earth and helps open to channeling, surrender and create greater willingness to expanded
Negative Aspects Of The Astral Chakra
Collision of two worlds, two minds. Closed mind. Paranoia, Schizophrenia, Fear of Death.
Musical Note
Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency. When in balance, the chakra will resonate with the musical note high octave C.
Ether, Universe, Space.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Aztec's Deities /Mayan God's
There were 13 mayan gods of the heavens who helped create human beings because they believed they needed subjects to
worship them.
Tezcatlipoca- "the mirror that smokes" "one death"
The creator god - the god of the hunt - patron of princes - god of providence. The lord of the here and now - the enemy on both
sides. The true invisible god who walked over the heavens and surface of the earth and hell. Where ever this god went wars, anxiety,
and trouble were sure to follow. Tezcatlipoca was thought to incite wars against one another and was called necocyautl, which means "sower of
discord on both sides".
Suggested Sacred Sites/Holy Wells
Ground Zero

Patterns and Balance

Astrological Wheel - Known As The Return
13th - Eternal life of Spirit/Cycle
Power of rebirth and knowing of Galaxy's beyond Galaxy's.
Archetypal Patterns
What are the Archetypes?
They are patterns of the psyche that make up an energetic realm that you were assigned to before you were born. The Universe works on our
behalf through archetypal patterns. We each have personal mythologies. Eg Michael Jackson - Peter Pan, the eternal child!
Archetypal pattern for this would follow the types of Intuitive, Explorer, Emperor/ess, Healer, Angel, Preacher, Wise Woman, God/Goddess,
Spiritual Mother, Messenger, Saints, Pagan, and Mystic.

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13 - Death and Rebirth
In tarot, 13 is the number of the death card. The death of an old and rebirth new way. Transition and change are on the way
here is the theme of 13.
In Egypt, there are thirteen steps upon the ladder that leads to eternity. Upon the thirteenth step it is said the soul reaches the
source of itself and attains spiritual completion.
Shadow Chakra
Dreamer, Rejection, Manipulation.
Light Chakra
Divine Unconditional Love on all levels, creative beauty, perfectly balanced within.

Nourish and Balance this Chakra

Empowering Affirmations
The enlightened know that to make the world a painless place, you need to change your heart - not the world.
Crystals And Minerals
Crystals can be used in many ways, we suggest you intuitively place on your body or carry in your pocket, place around your bed at night time
or add it to your drinking water!
Clear Quartz;
Stimulates the finer more subtle realms of our being to integrate into your life, a good conductor, amplifies healing, clarity.
Assists finding purpose on planet Earth. Aligns all chakra's and brings harmony to balance on higher levels.
Inspires creativity, imagination and ingenuity. Assists in the removal of 'fog' from the mind.
The Use Of Essential Oils
Daydreaming; Rosewood
Protection; Juniper, Rosemary and Sandalwood
Insomnia; Petitgrain, Rose, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang
Foods - A Good Way To Feed Your Chakra
Rhubarb, Water Melon, Pomegranates, Radish, Salmon, Tuna, Dragon Fruit.
The Use Of Natural Remedies
Create your own herbal infusion, tincture, cream or ointment.
Insomnia; Valerian
Rituals and Healing; Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Jasmine and Pepper
Homeopathic Remedies
Anxiety; Arsen alb, Phosphorus,
Allergies; Allium Cepa, Arsen iod. Euphrasia.
Depression; Arsen Alb, Calc Carb, Graphites, Lycopodium
Flower Essences
Lack of Energy; Olive, Clematis (Bach), Banksia Robur, Old Man Banksia(Australian Bush Flower)
Daydreaming; Rock Water (Bach), Sundew, Red Lily (Australian Bush Flower)
Karma, Submission to; Clematis
Karma, Unquestioned acceptance of; Wild Rose
Karma Afraid of consequences of; Mimulus, Aspen, Rock Rose
Over influenced by/feels controlled; Walnut, Crab Apple, Centaury (Bach), Angelsword, Fringed Violet(Australian Bush
Flower), Guardian(Alaskan)
Mayan Magnetic Tone 13 - The Cosmic Tone
The Cosmic Tone of Prescence
Magical Flight; Live
Keywords; Transcend, Endure, Presence
Mayan name; Ox Lahun
Power; Time to rest. Enjoy what you have created and recharge for your next project, allow
yourself to 'just be'. Allow the peace, stillness and harmony to prevail after having been at
the highest point of the wave.
Guidance; Celebrate your connection with the 'source', celebrate your life, celebrate success!
Query; Are you too busy to 'just be'?

52 Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018
Totem Helper
Birds; Messenger of the Gods and Goddess,
Mythological Creatures, Gods/Goddess, Angel, Saints.
Practical suggestions

Nibiru or Planet X-Also known as Dark Star, Erin and Destroyer.
Orbits our solar system every 3,600 years.
Transcend, Endure, and Presence.
Moon Cycle and Season
Turtle Moon 27th June to 24th July.
Astrological Sign
Galactic Calendar, the Goddess of Nourishment and Fertility.
Ascension, Resurrection, Enlightenment, Totality, Completion, Power, Realization, Attainment.
In ancient Greece Zeus was counted as the thirteenth, and most powerful god. Here the associations of Zeus give the number thirteen
symbolic meanings.

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown.
Instead you relax, and float. Alan Watts
God be in my head and in my understanding
God be in my eyes and in my looking
God be in my mouth and in my speaking
God be in my tongue and in my tasting
God be in my lips and in my greeting
God be in my nose and in my smelling/inhaling
God be in my ears and in my hearing
God be in my neck and in my humbling
God be in my shoulders and in my bearing
God be in my back and in my standing
God be in my arms and in my receiving/reaching
God be in my hands and in my working
God be in my legs and my walking
God be in my feet and in my grounding
God be in my joints and in my relating
God be in my guts and in my feeling
God be in my bowels and in my forgiving
God be in my loins and in my surviving
God be in my lungs and in my breathing
God be in my heart and in my loving
God be in my skin and in my touching
God be in my flesh and in my paining/pining
God be in my blood and in my living
God be in my bones and in my day
God be in my end and at my reviving.
Dualism - Two Basic Opposing Elements
They pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them.
Globe Oneness – Dowie
A subtle dimension of existence usually following death and known as the next life. It also contains the memory bank.

Some of the information came from:
To list a few, plus what we have developed and combined to one system
Dr. Randall J. FrankNatural Healing System 1998 Sunday, February 04, 2018 53

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