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Mindanao Academy vs. Yap [G.R. No. L-17681. February 26, 1965.] the latter’s husband Antolin Diaz) as plaintiffs, and Ildefonso D. Yap as
De Nuqui vs. Yap [G.R. No. L-17682. February 26, 1965] lone defendant. The other 4 children of Rosenda did not join, having
En Banc, Makalintal (J): 6 concur, 4 took no part previously ceded and quitclaimed their shares in the litigated
properties in favor of their sister Erlinda D. Diaz. The actions were tried
Facts: By deed entitled “Mutual Agreement,” executed on 10 May jointly and on 31 March 1960 the court rendered judgment, declaring
1964, Rosenda A. de Nuqui (widow of Sotero Dionisio) and her son the Mutual Agreement null and void ab initio and ordering Ildefonso
Sotero Dionisio, Jr. sold 3 parcels of residential land in Oroquieta, Yap to pay the costs of the proceedings in both cases. The Court also
Misamis Occidental, and another parcel in Ozamis City in favor of ordered Yap, in Civil Case 1907, to restore to the plaintiffs in said case
Ildefonso D. Yap. Included in the sale were certain buildings situated all the buildings and grounds described in the Mutual Agreement
on said lands as well as laboratory equipment, books, furniture and together with all the permanent improvements thereon; and to pay to
fixtures used by 2 schools established in the respective properties: the the plaintiffs therein the amount of P300.00 monthly from 31 July 1956
Mindanao Academy in Oroquieta and the Misamis Academy in up to the time he shall have surrendered the properties in question to
Ozamis City. The aggregate price stated in the deed was P100,700.00, the plaintiffs therein, plus P1,000.00 as attorney’s fees to plaintiffs
to be paid according to the terms and conditions specified in the Antolin and Erlinda D. Diaz. The Court ordered Yap, in Civil Case 1774,
contract. Besides Rosenda and her son Sotero, Jr., both of whom to restore to the Mindanao Academy, Inc., all the books, laboratory
signed the instrument, Adelaida Dionisio Nuesa (a daughter of apparatus, furniture and other equipments described in the Mutual
Rosenda, and married to Wilson Nuesa) is also named therein as co- Agreement and specified in the Inventory attached to the Records of
vendor, but actually did not take part either personally or through her this case; or in default thereof, their value in the amount of P23,500.00;
uncle and supposed attorney-in-fact, Restituto Abuton. These three to return all the Records of the Mindanao Academy and Misamis
(mother and children) are referred to in the deed as the owners pro- Academy; and to pay to the plaintiffs stockholders of the Mindanao
indiviso of the properties sold. The truth, however, was that there were Academy, Inc., the amount of P10,000.00 as nominal damages;
other co-owners of the lands, namely, Erlinda D. Diaz (and Antolin P3,000.00 as exemplary damages; and P2,000.00 as attorney’s fees.
Diaz), Ester Aida D. Bas (and Mauricio O. Bas), Rosalinda D. Belleza These damages being apportioned to each of the plaintiff-
(and Apolinario Belleza) and Luz Minda D. Dajao (and Elifio C. Dajao), stockholders in proportion to their respective interests in the
children also of Rosenda by her deceased husband Sotero Dionisio, corporation. Ildefonso D. Yap appealed from the judgment.
Sr., and that as far as the school buildings, equipment, books, furniture
and fixtures were concerned, they were owned by the Mindanao The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment appealed from but
Academy, Inc., a corporation operating both the Mindanao modified it by eliminating there from the award of attorney’s fees of
Academy in Oroquieta and the Misamis Academy in Ozamis City. The P1,000.00 in favor of Erlinda D. Diaz and her husband, and the award
buyer, Ildefonso D. Yap, obtained possession of the properties by of nominal and exemplary damages in Civil Case 1774; and making
virtue of the sale, took over the operation of the two schools and even the award of attorney’s fees in the sum of P2,000.00 payable to
changed their names to Harvardian Colleges. counsel for the account of the Mindanao Academy, Inc. instead of
the plaintiff stockholders; without pronouncement as to costs.
Two actions were commenced in the CFI Misamis Occidental; one for
annulment of the sale and recovery of rents and damages (Civil Case 1. Mutual Agreement entirely void and non-existent; Question on
1774, filed 3 May 1955) with the Mindanao Academy, Inc., the five rescission not categorically ruled on
children of Rosenda Nuqui who did not take part in the deed of sale, The mutual agreement dated 10 May 1954 is entirely void and legally
and several other persons who were stockholders of the said non-existent in that the vendors therein ceded to Yap not only their
corporation (Pedro N. Abuton, Sy Paoco, Josefa Dignum and Perfecto interest, rights, shares and participation in the property sold but also
Velasquez), as plaintiffs, and the parties who signed the deed of sale those that belonged to persons who were not parties thereto. This
as defendants; and another for rescission (Civil Case 1907, filed 17 July conclusion is premised on two grounds: (a) the contract purported to
1956) with Rosenda Nuqui, Sotero Dionisio, Jr. and Erlinda D. Diaz (and sell properties of which the sellers were not the only owners, since of
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the four parcels of land mentioned in the deed their shares consisted sold the properties as theirs alone.
only of 7/12, (6/12: Rosenda Nuqui and 1/12 for Sotero, Jr.), while in the
buildings, laboratory equipment, books, furniture and fixtures they had 4. Erlinda Diaz entitled to recover share of rents in proportion to her
no participation at all, the owner being the Mindanao Academy, Inc.; own interest; Possessor in good faith entitled to fruits as long as
and (b) the prestation involved in the sale was indivisible, and possession is not legally interrupted
therefore incapable of partial annulment, inasmuch as Yap would not Prior to the sale, the Mindanao Academy Inc. was paying P300.00
have entered into the transaction except to acquire all of the monthly for its occupancy of the lands on which the buildings are
properties purchased by him. situated. This is the amount the defendant has been ordered to pay to
the plaintiffs in Civil Case 1907, beginning 31 July 1956, when he filed
2. No bad faith committed by co-owners who did not take part in sale his “first pleading” in the case. There can be no doubt that Erlinda D.
The quitclaim, in the form of an extrajudicial partition, was made on 6 Diaz is entitled to recover a share of the said rents in proportion to her
May 1956, after the action for annulment was filed, wherein, the own interest in the lands and the interest of her four co-owners which
plaintiffs were not only Erlinda but also the other co-owners who took she had acquired. A possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits only
no part in the sale and to whom there has been no imputation of bad so long as his possession is not legally interrupted, and such interruption
faith. Further, the trial courts’ finding of bad faith is an erroneous takes place upon service of judicial summons (Arts. 544 and 1123, Civil
conclusion induced by a manifest oversight of an undisputed fact, Code).
namely, that on 10 June 1954, just a month after the deed of sale in
question, Erlinda D. Diaz did file an action against Ildefonso D. Yap 5. Award of attorney’s fees to Erlinda Diaz erroneous; Erlinda had no
and Rosenda Nuqui, among others, asserting her rights as co-owner of cause of action for rescission in Civil Case 1907 as she was not party to
the properties (Case 1646). Finally, bad faith on the part of Erlinda the agreement
would not militate against the nullity of the sale, considering that it The award of attorney’s fees to Erlinda D. Diaz and her husband is
included not only the lands in common by Rosenda Nuqui and her six erroneous. Civil Case 1907, in which said fees have been adjudged, is
children but also the buildings and school facilities owned by the for rescission (more properly resolution) of the so-called “mutual
Mindanao Academy, Inc., an entity which had nothing to do with the agreement” on the ground that Yap failed to comply with certain
transaction and which could be represented solely by its Board of undertakings specified therein relative to the payment of the
Trustees. purchase price. Erlinda Diaz was not a party to that agreement and
hence had no cause of action for rescission. The trial court did not
3. Vendor and vendee both in bad faith; treated to have acted in decide the matter of rescission because of the decree of annulment it
good faith vis-à-vis each other rendered in the other case (Civil Case 1774), wherein the defendants
Both vendors and vendee in the sale acted in bad faith and therefore are not only Ildefonso D. Yap but also Rosenda Nuqui and her son
must be treated, vis-a-vis each other, as having acted in good faith. Sotero. Erlinda D. Diaz could just as well have refrained from joining as
The return of the properties by the vendee is a necessary plaintiff in the action for rescission, not being a part to the contract
consequence of the decree of annulment. No part of the purchase sought to be rescinded and being already one of the plaintiffs in the
price having been paid, as far as the record shows, the trial court other action. In other words, it cannot be said with justification that she
correctly made no corresponding order for the restitution thereof. was constrained to litigate, in Civil Case 1907, because of some cause
Rosenda Nuqui and her son Sotero, it is true, acted in bad faith when attributable to the appellant.
they sold the properties as theirs alone; but so did the defendant Yap 6. Builder in bad faith not entitled to reimbursement (New building)
when he purchased them with knowledge of the fact that there were Yap claims reimbursement for the value of the improvements he
other co-owners. Although the bad faith of one party neutralizes that allegedly introduced in the schools, consisting of new building worth
of the other and hence as between themselves their rights would be P8,000.00 and a toilet costing P800.00, besides laboratory equipment,
as if both of them had acted in good faith at the time of the furniture, fixtures and books for the libraries. It should be noted that the
transaction, this legal fiction of Yap’s good faith ceased when they judgment of the trial court specifies, for delivery to the plaintiffs (in Civil
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Case 1907), only “the buildings and grounds described in the mutual against the properties or any right, share or interest which are in the
agreement together with all the permanent improvements thereon.” If possession of the party of the vendors which had been hereby
Yap constructed a new building, he cannot recover its value because transferred, ceded and conveyed unto the vendee the vendor
the construction was done after the filing of the action for annulment, assumes as it hereby holds itself answerable. It is unnecessary to pass
thus rendering him a builder in bad faith who is denied by law any upon the question in view of the total annulment of the sale on
right of reimbursement. grounds concerning which both parties thereto were at fault. The
nullity of the contract precludes enforcement of any of its stipulations.
7. Equipment, books, furniture and fixture brought in by him may be
retained by him as they are outside the scope of the judgment
In connection with the equipment, books, furniture and fixtures
brought in by him, he is not entitled to reimbursement either, because
the judgment does not award them to any of the plaintiffs in the two
actions. What is adjudged (in Civil Case 1774) is for Yap to restore to
the Mindanao Academy, Inc. all the books, laboratory apparatus,
furniture and other equipment “described in the Mutual Agreement
and specified in the Inventory attached to the records of this case; or
in default thereof, their value in the amount of P23,500.00.” In other
words, whatever has been brought in by the defendant is outside the
scope of the judgment and may be retained by him.

8. Stockholders not entitled to nominal and exemplary damages

According to the second amended complaint the stockholders were
joined merely pro forma, and “for the sole purpose of the moral
damage which has been all the time alleged in the original
complaint.” Indeed the interests of the said stockholders, if any, were
already represented by the corporation itself, which was the proper
party plaintiff; and no cause of action accruing to them separately
from the corporation is alleged in the complaint, other than that for
moral damages due to “extreme mental anguish, serious anxiety and
wounded feelings.” The trial court, however, ruled out the claim for
moral damages and no appeal from such ruling has taken. The award
for nominal and exemplary damages should be eliminated in toto.

9. Award for attorney’s fees upheld for the corporation but not to
The award for attorney’s fees in the amount of P2,000.00 was upheld,
although the same should be for the account of the corporation and
not of the plaintiff stockholders of the Mindanao Academy, Inc.; and
payable to their common counsel as prayed for in the complaint.

10. Nullity of contract precludes enforcement of its stipulation

A warranty clause in the deeds provides that if any claim shall be filed
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