Therapeutic Communication Techniques - Nursing

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Therapeutic Technique “I am not familiar with your work, can you describe it further

for me”.
1. Offering Self “I don’t think I understand what you are saying”.
making self-available and showing interest and concern. 15. Verbalizing the implied
“I will walk with you” rephrasing patient’s words to highlight an underlying
2. Active listening message to clarify statements.
paying close attention to what the patient is saying by Patient: I wont be bothering you anymore soon.
observing both verbal and non-verbal cues. Nurse: Are you thinking of killing yourself?
Maintaining eye contact and making verbal remarks to clarify 16. Reflecting
and encourage further communication. throwing back the patient’s statement in a form of question
3. Exploring helps the patient identify feelings.
“Tell me more about your son” Patient: I think I should leave now.
4. Giving broad openings Nurse: Do you think you should leave now?
What do you want to talk about today? 17. Restating
5. Silence repeating the exact words of patients to remind them of what
Planned absence of verbal remarks to allow patient and nurse they said and to let them know they are heard.
to think over what is being discussed and to say more. Patient: I can’t sleep. I stay awake all night.
6. Stating the observed Nurse: You can’t sleep at night?
verbalizing what is observed in the patient to, for validation 18. General leads
and to encourage discussion using neutral expressions to encourage patients to continue
“You sound angry” talking.
7. Encouraging comparisons “Go on…”
· asking to describe similarities and differences among “You were saying…”
feelings, behaviors, and events. 19. Asking question
· “Can you tell me what makes you more comfortable, using open-ended questions to achieve relevance and depth
working by yourself or working as a member of a team?” in discussion.
8. Identifying themes “How did you feel when the doctor told you that you are
asking to identify recurring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. ready for discharge soon?”
“When do you always feel the need to check the locks and 20. Empathy
doors?” recognizing and acknowledging patient’s feelings.
9. Summarizing “It’s hard to begin to live alone when you have been married
reviewing the main points of discussions and making for more than thirty years”.
appropriate conclusions. 21. Focusing
“During this meeting, we discussed about what you will do pursuing a topic until its meaning or importance is clear.
when you feel the urge to hurt your self again and this “Let us talk more about your best friend in college”
include…” “You were saying…”
10. Placing the event in time or sequence 22. Interpreting
asking for relationship among events. providing a view of the meaning or importance of something.
“When do you begin to experience this ticks? Before or after Patient: I always take this towel wherever I go.
you entered grade school?” Nurse: That towel must always be with you.
11. Voicing doubt 23. Encouraging evaluation
voicing uncertainty about the reality of patient’s statements, asking for patients views of the meaning or importance of
perceptions and conclusions. something.
“I find it hard to believe…” “What do you think led the court to commit you here?”
12. Encouraging descriptions of perceptions “Can you tell me the reasons you don’t want to be
asking the patients to describe feelings, perceptions and discharged?
views of their situations. 24. Suggesting collaboration
“What are these voices telling you to do?” offering to help patients solve problems.
13. Presenting reality or confronting “Perhaps you can discuss this with your children so they will
stating what is real and what is not without arguing with the know how you feel and what you want”.
patient. 25. Encouraging goal setting
“I know you hear these voices but I do not hear them”. asking patient to decide on the type of change needed.
“I am Lhynnelli, your nurse, and this is a hospital and not a “What do you think about the things you have to change in
beach resort. your self?”
14. Seeking clarification 26. Encouraging formulation of a plan of action
asking patient to restate, elaborate, or give examples of ideas probing for step by step actions that will be needed.
or feelings to seek clarification of what is unclear. “If you decide to leave home when your husband beat you
again what will you do next?”
27. Encouraging decisions “You shouldn’t do that, its wrong”.
asking patients to make a choice among options. 3. Incongruence
“Given all these choices, what would you prefer to do. sending verbal and non-verbal messages that contradict one
28. Encouraging consideration of options another.
asking patients to consider the pros and cons of possible The nurse tells the patient “I’d like to spend time with you”
options. and then walks away.
“Have you thought of the possible effects of your decision to 4. Underloading
you and your family?” remaining silent and unresponsive, not picking up cues, and
29. Giving information failing to give feedback.
providing information that will help patients make better The patient ask the nurse, simply walks away.
choices. 5. False reassurance/ agreement
“Nobody deserves to be beaten and there are people who Using cliché to reassure client.
can help and places to go when you do not feel safe at home “It’s going to be alright”.
anymore”. 6. Invalidation
30. Limit setting Ignoring or denying another’s presence, thought’s or feelings.
discouraging nonproductive feelings and behaviors, and Client: How are you?
encouraging productive ones. Nurse responds: I can’t talk now. I’m too busy.
“Please stop now. If you don’t, I will ask you to leave the 7. Focusing on self
group and go to your room. responding in a way that focuses attention to the nurse
31. Supportive confrontation instead of the client.
acknowledging the difficulty in changing, but pushing for “This sunshine is good for my roses. I have beautiful rose
action. garden”.
“I understand. You feel rejected when your children sent you 8. Changing the subject
here but if you look at this way…” introducing new topic
32. Role playing inappropriately, a pattern that may indicate anxiety.
practicing behaviors for specific situations, both the nurse The client is crying, when the nurse asks “How many children
and patient play particular role. do you have?”
“I’ll play your mother, tell me exactly what would you say 9. Giving advice
when we meet on Sunday”. telling the client what to do, giving opinions or making
33. Rehearsing decisions for the client, implies client cannot handle his or her
asking the patient for a verbal description of what will be said own life decisions and that the nurse is accepting
or done in a particular situation. responsibility.
“Supposing you meet these people again, how would you “If I were you… Or it would be better if you do it this way…”
respond to them when they ask you to join them for a 10. Internal validation
drink?”. making an assumption about the meaning of someone else’s
34. Feedback behavior that is not validated by the other person (jumping
pointing out specific behaviors and giving impressions of into conclusion).
reactions. The nurse sees a suicidal clients smiling and tells another
“I see you combed your hair today”. nurse the patient is in good mood.
35. Encouraging evaluation
asking patients to evaluate their actions and their outcomes. Counseling Skills
“What did you feel after participating in the group therapy?”. As a student, your counseling education is about developing
36. Reinforcement and expanding upon the counseling skills that will best help
giving feedback on positive behaviors. your clients. These are some of the most important
“Everyone was able to give their options when we talked one counseling techniques you are likely to use in your counseling
by one and each of waited patiently for our turn to speak”. sessions.
Listening/Observing: Listening is one of the most valuable
Non-therapeutic Technique counseling skills in the therapeutic relationship. It can be used
in three ways:
1. Overloading Attending: Attending is the ability to be physically present for
talking rapidly, changing subjects too often, and asking for the client. It means giving them your undivided attention and
more information than can be absorbed at one time. making appropriate eye contact, mirroring body language,
“What’s your name? I see you like sports. Where do you and nodding. These attending behaviors show your client that
live?” you care. In fact, according to Kevin J. Drab External link ,
2. Value Judgments approximately 80% of communication takes place non-
giving one’s own opinion, evaluating, moralizing or implying verbally.
one’s values by using words such as “nice”, “bad”, “right”, Active listening: Active listening occurs when you are
“wrong”, “should” and “ought”. listening with all of your senses. According to the Perinatal
Mental Health Project External link , active listening involves might also be used to help the counselor relate better with
listening with your body, heart, ears, eyes, and mouth. their client.
Verbal listening: This is a form of showing you are listening
through the words that you use. These verbal cues are used
to show attention and to encourage more exploration from
the client. This can be as simple as ‘yes’, or ‘go on’. It can also
be in the form of paraphrasing or repeating a word of
emotion that the client has just said.
Asking Questions: Questions are helpful in the therapeutic
environment because they allow you to learn more about
your client. The type of questions that you ask will set the
tone of the session and the entire counseling process.
Questions occur in two forms.
Closed: A closed question is the practice of asking a question
that can be answered as a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Closed questions
should generally be avoided in the counseling relationship, as
they do not encourage deeper exploration.
Open: An open question is necessary to gather information.
An open question is one that cannot be answered with a
simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and it requires reflection or exploration on
the client’s end. Every open question should be intentional
and therapeutic. According to Susan Mills of the Nielsen
Norman Group External link , the best open ended questions
begin with ‘how’ and ‘what’.
Reflection: Reflections are used in the counseling process to
accurately describe the client’s state External link from their
verbal or nonverbal cues.
Feelings reflections: Reflections allow clients to hear the
feelings they have just expressed. Sometimes you have to
look for the descriptive feeling in a client’s statement. It can
also be helpful to look at a client’s nonverbal feeling cues.
Restating/Rephrasing: Restating and rephrasing can build a
stronger client therapist relationship. Rephrasing a client’s
statement allows you to better understand what a client has
just said and to gain further clarity, if you have gotten it
Affirmation: Affirmation is a form of encouragement that is
used to affirm behaviors or life choices. Affirmation is
important for empowering clients External link . A few
common affirmations include affirming progress that a client
has made toward a goal or encouraging a client to do what is
important to them.
Empathy: Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone
else’s shoes. It is much more than sympathy in that you are
able to show your understanding of your clients feeling
surrounding an experience.
Genuineness: Begin genuine is creating congruence between
yourself and your words. Every therapist is different and will
provide a different therapeutic process. It is important to
remain genuine in all counseling techniques and verbal and
nonverbal cues.
Unconditional Positive Regard: Demonstrating unconditional
positive regard is the idea of accepting your client for who
they are. It is a means of expressing warmth External link and
Counselor Self-Disclosure: This is a tricky counseling skill to
maneuver. A general rule to follow is to only share personal
information that is beneficial to the therapeutic process. It

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